Serpentine how it affects girls. Coil care. Correct use and storage

Serpentine is a rock, the name of which comes from the Latin word for "snake". The stone is also called moss, Korean jade, serpentine, antigorite, toligor. Crystals are completely opaque, but have a silky glassy luster. The color is greenish with shades ranging from dark emerald to yellow. The mineral can be recognized by its characteristic pattern, reminiscent of the footprints of a snake left on the sand. The main deposits of gems are located in the USA, Russia, India, New Zealand, and Cuba. Serpentine is also found in Afghanistan, Mongolia and Italy.

Serpentine has been known to people for a long time. It was used both for medicinal purposes and in magical rites and rituals. It was believed that the mineral is capable of enhancing the effect of drugs. Therefore, many medicinal drugs, before giving to the patient, were placed in a mortar from a coil. If this is a herb, then it was ground, the powder was poured, the liquid was poured and insisted in such

The properties of the serpentine stone are aimed at strengthening the immune system. If you wear a ring or a bracelet made of mineral, then bones will heal faster, which is especially effective for fractures. Serpentine earrings can help relieve migraines and severe headaches. Do not forget about the magical power of this mineral. In ancient times, it was believed that ordinary people should not wear a serpentine stone. The photos of the crystal are very beautiful, therefore they attract many, but it is not suitable for everyone.

Previously, serpentine was worn only by sorcerers, sorcerers, shamans and magicians, because only a knowledgeable person can cope with a stone and subjugate it. The serpentine does not always bring happiness, it is insidious and dangerous, therefore it received the name "tempter". He easily lures the owner and makes him plunge into the abyss of entertainment and debauchery. The properties of the serpentine stone can attract adversity and problems to a person, but if the owner of the mineral copes with everything, then he receives full power over the obstinate crystal.

Serpentine completely obeys the brave master and helps him in everything, prompts the solution of the most difficult life problems, shows the right way to get out of difficult situations. It was believed that the coil can also increase physical capabilities. The stone, the price of which is not so high, allows the owner to run, swim, walk faster, work tirelessly for a long time, and lift a lot of weight. Serpentine has an effect not only on physical performance, but also on mental performance. It increases the level of intelligence, develops intuition, allows you to learn something new, learn faster.

The properties of the serpentine stone are ideal for people born under the sign of Virgo. They are naturally inquisitive, and the mineral will only enhance this quality and help them grasp new information on the fly. Patronizes serpentine and Capricorns, it is especially effective in athletic performance. Who cannot wear this stone is Pisces and Cancers, because they risk getting caught up in temptations, getting used to a vicious lifestyle and losing their true path. The rest of the zodiac signs can wear jewelry with a gem, but no more than two days a week, so that he cannot harm them.

The serpentine mineral is not a gem, but it has long been known as an ornamental gem. This mineral is a green or yellow-green rock with characteristic veins and dark spots, which makes its color and pattern similar to the skin of a snake. That is why people call it serpentine, and in mineralogy it is called serpentinite, which translated from Latin means "Serpentine stone"... In terms of chemical composition, serpentinite is magnesium silicate.

History and legends

Historians and archaeologists claim that the serpentine has been known to people for about 5 thousand years. Indeed, in China, items were found from noble serpentinite, which are dated to the 3rd century BC. More than 1000 years ago, the Indians of Central and South America used the processed serpentine for decoration and ritual purposes.

But in Europe, they began to process the coil relatively recently - only in the 16th century. Among the alchemists and pharmacists of medieval Europe, there was a belief that the serpentine enhances the healing qualities of many medicinal powders and liquids. Therefore, pharmaceutical vessels, mortars, and bottles were made from this mineral. Because of this, 500 years ago in European countries, the serpentine had another name - "apothecary stone".

Since ancient times, magical properties have been attributed to the serpentine, and the origin of the stone has been shrouded in many legends.

The oldest legend is connected with the biblical story of the Serpent-tempter and the apple of knowledge. Allegedly, Adam, having bitten off an apple, choked, and a small piece of fruit that flew out of his throat, falling to the ground, turned into serpentinite.

Ancient Ural legends associate the appearance of the serpentine and its name with the Great Snake - the serpent that guarded the gold and gems of the Ural Mountains. Periodically, Poloz shed his skin, which over time became hard and turned into emerald-colored stone deposits.

Varieties of serpentinite and its deposits

Depending on the density, color and structure of the pattern, there are several types of serpentinite in nature.

So, one of the varieties of the coil is bowenite- has a pale green tint; williamsit differs in a bluish-green tint; ricolitis, as a rule, bright green with pronounced characteristic stripes; dark green vernantite contains in its structure shiny veins of calcite. There is also a noble serpentine - ophite... It has an even, pale green color. It is often confused with jade, and these minerals are distinguished by their hardness: serpentinite is twice as soft as jade.

In nature, the coil is widespread. That is why this mineral is relatively cheap. Large deposits of serpentinite are found in New Zealand, China, India, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Great Britain, Italy. In Russia, the largest serpentine deposits are found in the Urals (Bazhenovskoye and Shabrovskoye fields), in Altai, in the Orenburg region and in Yakutia.

Scope: products, decorations, stone decoration

For a long time, the serpentine was an ornamental stone. Jewelry and interior items were made from it and are now being produced; it is used for wall cladding and interior decoration elements. These uses for this mineral are related to its properties. The coil is a relatively soft or, as professionals say, a viscous stone.According to the mineralogical scale of hardness (Mohs scale), the coil has a hardness factor of 2.5 to 4 (at the level of natural gypsum, for example), which makes it easy to process.

Serpentinite can withstand heating up to 600 degrees. Recently, the refractory properties of stone have been used to create a special heat-resistant material - chrysotile asbestos. The fact is that the soft structure of the mineral allows it to be divided into thin fibers, from which a flexible material is then formed. By the way, the Ural stone-cutters have long known about this property of the coil, and for this they called it very poetically - "stone tow".

The magical and healing properties of the mineral

Like all other gems, magical properties have long been attributed to the coil. Therefore, earlier only sorcerers could wear serpentinite jewelry. It is believed that the coil has the ability to relieve headaches, lowers blood pressure, with its help bones heal faster in fractures, and colds are treated.

Esotericists believe that it is necessary to wear a serpentine, because it takes away the negative energy of a person. This is the stone of those people who want to move forward, learn something new, strive for research. For such people, the serpentine can become a true talisman associated with the secrets of the Universe, as well as a talisman that protects the owner and his home. That is why it is recommended to keep the coil at home in the form of some kind of decoration or interior item (casket, vase, fireplace lining).

Serpentine stone and signs of the zodiac

Astrologers believe that serpentinite is ideal for those born during the period of the sign. The stone contributes to the development of human creativity, helps in understanding the world, sharpens intuitive perception and sensitivity. For the mascot-serpentine is a reliable assistant in their physical development, increases endurance and agility. Recommended for athletes.

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Serpentine and astrology

Since ancient times, the serpentine (in Latin - serpentinite) is shrouded in secrets. It got its name because of its unusual color, and the origin is associated with legends. One originated in the Urals: the Great Serpent, guarding the mountain wealth, periodically sheds its skin, from which this stone is born. The second is rooted in the biblical story: the serpentine is a piece of apple that Adam choked on. Thanks to this myth in Europe, the stone is associated with knowledge, but they consider it dangerous.

Scientific research proves that the mineral was known to people 5 thousand years ago, the Chinese used this mineral for ritual purposes.

Brief table Compatibility
Aries Suitable (health stone)
Taurus Suitable (strengthens tenacity)
Twins Suitable (reveals talents)
Cancer Doesn't fit
a lion Suitable (amulet)
Virgo Suitable (amulet)
scales Suitable (health stone)
Scorpion Suitable (fortune stone)
Sagittarius Suitable (amulet)
Capricorn Suitable (health stone)
Aquarius Suitable (amulet)
Fishes Doesn't fit
See below for full details

Serpentine does not belong to rare stones, its deposits have been discovered in different parts of the world. Therefore, the price for it is low. This opaque mineral ranges in color from yellow-green to dark green.

Astrologers consider serpentinite to be an insidious stone, like a snake, it can hide and wait in the wings to strike. Therefore, it is recommended as a talisman only to strong-willed individuals with a strong character. Weak people can break down if they fail the test. But in general, it will suit everyone except Pisces and Cancer, who are better off avoiding it.

The mineral is also called the apothecary stone; many medicinal properties are attributed to it. A number of them are even recognized by traditional medicine.

Serpentine stone for Aries

The coil is especially favorable for Aries born in the first decade. Such people never remain in the shadows, they are used to being leaders, attracting everyone's attention, not always positive. They are often envied and hated. Plus, Aries are used to not being on ceremony and telling the truth in person. And they quickly expose someone else's lies.

Serpentine also loves only honesty, so it will help its owner:

  • Uncover the machinations of ill-wishers;
  • Protect yourself from negativity;
  • Maintain health and vitality;
  • Deal with deceivers and scammers;
  • If necessary, calm down the surging emotions.

Serpentine stone for Taurus

With all the advantages of this sign, the Taurus man is capricious and stubborn, and the woman is sometimes frivolous and jealous. But both are similar in that they have a pliable character. Therefore, the coil has a special effect on Taurus. He makes them bold and determined, open to new acquaintances and communication. Distrustful Taurus begin to understand people well, trust worthy ones and avoid deceitful ones. The mineral protects them from undue risk, and the choice of the next step becomes easier. In difficult and unpredictable situations, Taurus needs to take this stone with him so that everything goes without problems.

Gemini serpentine stone

Serpentine prefers people who are seeking, creative, constantly improving in self-knowledge. Therefore, for the intelligent, curious, with versatile interests of the Gemini, this is exactly the amulet that he needs:

  • It will help to achieve the set goal without changing its principles;
  • Facilitate the course of illnesses with colds, which Gemini is susceptible to;
  • Will have a positive effect on the unstable nervous system.

The energy of the stone will have a positive effect even on a child, will contribute to his proper growth and development.

Serpentine stone for Cancer

Serpentine is an incredibly powerful stone. It is believed that he is completely unsuitable for Cancers. On the one hand, the mineral will help you understand your true purpose in life. But this will come at a high cost. The stone can send Cancer various trials, lead him astray, push him into vicious pursuits, which ultimately lead to spiritual emptiness. But if Cancer withstands the test of "strength", the serpentine will serve him with all his might. Is it worth the risk, it is up to the person to decide. However, there are many other stones that will suit Cancer without any conditions.

Serpentine stone for Leo

They say that the serpentine as a talisman is preferable to be worn by Leos of the following professions:

  • Lawyers;
  • Entrepreneurs;
  • Managers;
  • Politicians;
  • Diplomats.

The mineral will in every possible way contribute to the development of professional skills in Lviv. It will help managers make wise decisions, save them from stress and conflicts. Subordinates will respect their boss and will try not to let down, there will always be discipline in the team.

Such a talisman Leo should be protected, not lost or redirected, otherwise it will negatively affect both owners.

Serpentine stone for Virgo

The serpentine is the best amulet for Virgos, it can be worn all the time. The mineral will open up a lot of opportunities for its owner of this sign:

  • Will reveal the secrets of the unknown world, will not let the interest in knowledge go out;
  • Will not allow their love of order to develop into a mania;
  • Over the course of the shy representatives of the sign, it will help to stop suffering about this;
  • It will destroy apathy and cold detachment from the outside world, which is pronounced in many Virgos.

To protect its owner, the talisman will take on a lot of negative energy. Therefore, it must be kept in water once a week.

Scales serpentine stone

Libra has a very low alcohol resistance and a weak nervous system. Already these circumstances will push them to purchase an amulet with a coil. It will relieve migraines, normalize blood pressure, prevent spasms of blood vessels, and restore an unstable emotional background.

In addition, representatives of this sign, both male and female, have many novels, sometimes at the same time. Surely around them there are offended. The stone will protect against negative influences, envy, evil eye and damage. Possessing the ability to predict trouble, he will make it clear where to expect trouble.

Serpentine stone for Scorpio

For Scorpios, the serpentine is an excellent helper, as it gives it all its mystery and power:

  • Keeps you in excellent physical shape;
  • In difficult situations, it helps to maintain composure;
  • Teaches you to predict the development of events in order to foresee options for actions in advance;
  • It will protect not only Scorpio himself, but also his home, good relations between households.

But Scorpio should know that the stone can push him to take risky steps. However, he will come out of any situation with wise experience, and with dignity will turn the circumstances in his favor.

Serpentine stone for Sagittarius

Sagittarius are the brightest representatives of the fire element. They are distinguished by a rare love of life and optimism. But this does not mean that the coil cannot be useful to them. Often, representatives of this sign are involved in emergencies, receiving injuries and fractures. The serpentine works with the bones, promoting their rapid splicing. It also enhances the effect of any drugs that are recommended to be stored in containers of this mineral.

By nature, Sagittarius are real hunters. Serpentinite will make them more successful, create a favorable environment for development, and allow them to take their rightful place in society.

Serpentine stone for Capricorn

All astrologers are unanimous in the opinion that Capricorn and the serpentine have complete harmony with each other. In terms of health, Capricorns have problems with an excess of calcium, fraught with stones in the organs, the growth of bumps and bulges on the limbs. The mineral has a beneficial effect on the organs, preventing the appearance of these diseases. For the same purpose, the stone pushes Capricorns, workaholics by nature, to rest, but not on the couch, but to go in for sports, an active lifestyle, and travel.

In the worldview aspect, the stone somewhat shifts the conservatism and pedantry of Capricorn, forcing him to open up to the world and others.

Serpentine stone for Aquarius

There are no stones in nature that could greatly harm Aquarius, because this is a special amazing sign. Their character is contradictory: on the one hand, dreaminess, on the other - energy, daring, activity. The coil will be useful for both:

  • Those Aquarians who are often exposed to melancholy, despondency and apathy will receive from serpentinite the energy and strength they need to fight circumstances.
  • Those who hate routine and monotony, under the influence of the stone, will be able to exercise patience, will be protected from unnecessary acquaintances and unpleasant accidents in life.

For all Aquarius, the stone will help in the treatment of many mental and physical ailments.

Serpentine stone for Fish

Pisces is the second sign of the zodiac that should not wear a serpentine as a talisman. They are a symbol of humanity and self-sacrifice. More than others, they are subject to temptations, very vulnerable and lacking the ability to withstand the power of this stone. But at the same time, Pisces are endowed with great wisdom, which leaves a chance to tune in to him, to make friends. Using it only in the most difficult periods, it will be possible to receive help and healing from it:

  • Remove severe pain;
  • Protect yourself from snake bites and harmful insects;
  • It will remove toxic substances from the body in case of poisoning.

The serpentine will obey only a strong and brave master, for whom it will become a powerful talisman.

The modern name of the stone is serpentinite, although most people still know it as a serpentine. "Serpent" translated from Latin means "snake": the color of the stone resembles snake skin, hence the name "serpentine". And its history is shrouded in legends.

According to one of them, it is believed that the serpentine is the petrified skin of a fiery serpent - the Great Snake, which guarded the entrance to the cave with gold. Anyone who finds a serpentine in the mountains will certainly find the treasure.

Another legend says that Adam, tempted by the persuasion of the Tempter Serpent and having tasted an apple from the Tree of Knowledge, choked and spat out a piece on the ground. He turned into a stone, which turned out to be serpentine. It is because of this that someone considers the serpentine to be a stone of knowledge, while others speak of it as a dangerous mineral that can bring trouble.

The stone has one incredible property: with special processing, it splits into elastic fibers, like threads. It is known that fire-retardant fabric was woven from such threads back in the time of Peter I. Nikita Demidov (1656-1725), a famous gunsmith, demonstrated the refractory fiber made of stone in action, throwing it into the fireplace and taking it out unharmed, which greatly surprised the Russian Tsar.

Physicochemical properties of the coil

The serpentine is a fairly dense rock with the finest fibrous structure. The color ranges from yellowish green to almost black. The spots on the stone can be large or small, banded or round, depending on the composition.

Usually serpentines are opaque, but there is a variety called "noble serpentine" and is radically different in appearance from the bulk of the stones. The latter have a beautiful yellowish-green color, are perfectly polished and translucent at the edges. "Noble serpentine" is very similar.

The hardness on the Mohs scale is in the range from 2 to 4, and the density does not exceed 2.6 g / cm 3.

Coil deposits (serpentine)

Serpentine refers to ornamental stones and is not uncommon. It is mined on an industrial scale in India, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, New Zealand, Great Britain and Italy.

In Russia, serpentine is mined in the Urals, Altai, Orenburg and Yakutsk regions.

The healing and magical properties of the coil

The serpentine has long been endowed with special properties. No wonder that only shamans and sorcerers used to wear it. It is believed that with the help of serpentine it was possible to bring damage or evil eye, to bewitch a lover and even take a husband away from the family.

Recently, esotericists have begun to talk more and more about the protective properties of the stone. The serpentine should definitely be worn by those who have serious enemies. In addition, the mineral is an absorber of negative energy.

Lithotherapists advise storing medicinal solutions in vials from a coil; they argue that the stone has universal antiseptic properties. Serpentine bracelets help normalize blood pressure. Jewelry can relieve severe headaches.

It has been noticed that coil owners recover faster after surgery and injuries.

Who is serpentine coil suitable for?

If we talk about astrology, then the serpentine is very suitable for Virgo and Capricorn. It promotes the development of intuition and memory.

Serpentine charms help women become more sensual and seductive. However, it is recommended to wear the stone no more than 1 time in 4 days. After removal, it is necessary to rinse it in running water in order to remove the negative energy charge accumulated during the day.

The coil is not at all suitable for Pisces and Cancer due to the different energies.

Serpentine is a unique talisman that is not suitable for everyone. It is not a precious stone and its cost is relatively low, but it is widely used in the manufacture of jewelry and amulets. The mineral is able to cleanse the owner of unfavorable energy by absorbing it into itself.

History and origins

Archaeologists and historians agree that the serpentine has been known to people for more than 5 thousand years. In China, products from this stone were found, dating back to the 3rd century BC. more than 1000 years ago, the Indians of Central and South America used the processed serpentine for ritual purposes and as decorations.

In Europe, the processing of the coil began relatively recently - in the 16th century. Among alchemists and pharmacists of those times, there was a belief that this stone was able to enhance the effect of drugs. For this reason, the coil was widely used in the manufacture of pharmaceutical bottles, vessels and mortars. Because of this, 500 years ago in European countries, it received another name - the pharmaceutical stone.

For a long time magical properties were attributed to the coil and legends were made about it.

The oldest legend is connected with the biblical story of the Serpent-tempter and the apple of knowledge. Adam, biting off a piece from the apple imposed by Eve, choked on it, and the piece that flew out of his throat turned to stone, turning into serpentine - from the Latin word serpens - a snake.

Ural legends associate the appearance of the serpentine with the Great Snake - snakes that guarded the gold and gems of the Ural Mountains. Following these legends, Poloz shed his skin, which eventually became hard and turned into placers of emerald color.

- “The hall of the cave was higher and more magnificent than the Faceted Chamber. The ceiling resembled an endless spiral of a snail shell. No architect from the Fryazh land could so wonderfully decorate the ceiling and cover the walls with the finest stone laces. Marya asked who created this miracle. Babinov answered uncertainly that they spoke differently. It was as if the Great Snake had dug caves, which can exchange guise with a man, but the essence of the serpent is green and from its fiery breath an ordinary stone turns into a precious serpentine. "

Lithotherapists believe that only sorcerers can use the magical properties of the stone. He will bring trials and temptations to an ordinary person, which can lead to trouble.

Mongolian legends about the serpentine tell of a snake-like creature named Olgoi-Horhoi, which is sometimes called a huge worm. The elusiveness of the formidable reptile, the Mongols explain partly by the deadly essence of the creature, partly by its unparalleled ability to disguise. Sensing danger, the creature freezes, turning into a coil. But when people leave (either the cold weather will pass or the drought will end) Olga-Khorkhoy comes to life again.

And due to the similarity of the serpentine to the skin of a snake, people believed that it was able to enhance the effect of antidotes. In some peoples, it was used on its own against the poison of snakes.

Place of Birth

Most often the coil is mined in England, Hungary, Germany, India, Italy, New Zealand, USA and Sweden.

In Russia, serpentine is mined in the Urals. In different fields, the coils are significantly different in appearance. For example, Malyshevsky or Uchalinsky coil has mica inclusions, which make the mineral more alive, and make souvenirs from it.

And at the Shabrovskoye and Yuzhno-Shabrovskoye deposits, located in the Chkalovsky region, 20-25 km south of the city of Yekaterinburg, the Shabrovsky coil is mined. It has a deep green with white stripes, which is most often used as a cladding material.

Physical properties

The mineral possesses high refractoriness, withstanding temperatures up to 600 ° C, therefore it is often used in new technological developments.

The coil is involved in the creation of asbestos chrysolite - a material resistant to high temperatures. It has long been known about the soft structure of the coil. It was also called a tow. From it, threads and fibers are isolated, which are used to make jewelry.

Serpentine is a fairly cheap mineral due to its high abundance. The cost of an untreated stone varies from 10 to 60 rubles.

For making jewelry, craftsmen choose noble samples. They should be shiny, silky, luminous and patterned.

Healing properties

This mineral has healing properties. It is believed that the coil is able to relieve headaches, heal fractures faster, and help lower blood pressure.

Reference. It is believed that charms with this mineral are useful for children. The stone activates logical thinking and promotes the development of memory.

But the real properties of the coil differ from the generally accepted ones. It cannot serve as an independent antidote, but it can enhance the effects of drugs. This allows the dosage to be reduced without sacrificing effectiveness.

The magical properties of the stone

Unusual legends about the serpentine made it popular in magic circles. Modern sorcerers love caskets made of this mineral, because if you put talismans in it, they are in a kind of energy safe, which will not let them lose their properties. They will not be influenced by external influences, because the coil absorbs everything negative.

Important! The serpentine is able to absorb all the surrounding negativity, so it needs to be cleaned regularly. To do this, just place it under running water for a while, and then blot it with a soft cloth.

It is believed that any person striving for self-knowledge needs to wear jewelry made of this stone or have some kind of interior item. The serpentine increases the desire to move forward, enhances the creative possibilities and research aspirations of a person.

It has a coil and dangerous properties. He is called the tempter according to the first legend of the Serpent. He can distract from true goals, luring you on the path of vice. If a person decides to conduct rituals with this mineral, he may find himself in the center of new tests. But having coped with them, a person will receive a very strong mineral for his use. Serpentine will become his slave, giving the powers of a shaman.

The stone should be constantly monitored. He has the character of a snake, hides and waits, but when a person is distracted, he strikes.

Mineral jewelry

The coil is widely used in the manufacture of jewelry and interior items. The wisdom of the snake is sealed in these products, which will always be with the owner.

Jewelry alloy with silvering is often used as a frame for earrings, bracelets and rings, therefore such products are budgetary in their cost.


"Lel" - the most inexpensive earrings that could be found, have a length of 22 mm. In their manufacture, a silver earring from a jewelry alloy was used - 109 rubles.

Beautiful earrings, similar to a bunch of grapes "Grapes-2". 65 mm long, along the entire length, a scattering of small beads made of a coil of dark green color. Shvenza with an English lock. Price - 493 rubles.

Earrings with a serpentine "New York" in a frame with silver plating, earrings with an English lock. Length - 30 mm, diameter - 15 mm, stone diameter - 8 mm. Price - 589 rubles.

"Nancy" - silver-framed earrings with an English lock. Length - 23 mm, width - 18 mm. Price - 749 rubles.

"Eiffel" - earrings that look very massive, with an oval serpentine cabochon. Silver-plated frames, earrings with English lock. Length - 20 mm, width - 15 mm. Price - 789 rubles.


"Classic" - a bracelet, which is a thread made of serpentine beads, dark color. Length - 18 cm + 5 cm extension chain. The diameter of the beads is 10 mm. Price - 299 rubles.

"Lady" - the decoration is made of large diameter 12 mm coil beads strung on a stretching fishing line. Price - 349 rubles.

"Lady" - dark-colored serpentine beads strung on a stretching fishing line. The diameter of the beads is 8 mm. Price - 217 rubles.

Another bracelet with the name "Lady" is different in appearance. In its manufacture, a light green stone with dark inclusions was used. The diameter of the beads is 14 mm. Price - 378 rubles.

"Lilu" - a bracelet made of a dark serpentine, rectangular shape. Price - 637 rubles.


"Sparkle" is a delicate and refined ring with a spherical coil 6 mm in diameter. The frame is made of silver jewelry alloy. Price - 401 rubles.

"Eiffel" - a massive ring with a large serpentine cabochon of dark color. The dimensions of the stone are 17x13 mm. Price - 589 rubles.

"Amaretto" - a ring with an oval cabochon made of a serpentine of dark emerald color. The frame is made of silver-plated jewelry alloy. The dimensions of the stone are 16x12 mm. Price - 739 rubles.

"Astra" is a ring with a silver setting that looks like a star. The dark-colored stone is relatively small - 10x8 mm. Price - 499 rubles.

"Divo" - a ring with a serpentine of dark color in a massive silver frame, with a carved plant ornament. The size of the stone is 10x12 mm. Price - 589 rubles.


“Book” is a book-shaped box made of a dark serpentine with light veins. Dimensions - 205x150x50 mm. Price - 3200 rubles.

Box with a lizard on the lid - these boxes come in different sizes and from different colors of the coil. Their prices range from 265 rubles to 400 and more.

Mineral varieties

There are several types of serpentinite in nature. Their names depend on color, pattern structure and density.

How to distinguish a natural stone from a fake?

Serpentine is a fairly common and inexpensive stone, but nevertheless, there is always the possibility of acquiring a plastic fake.

You need to know how to distinguish a real stone from a fake in order to avoid disappointment.

ATTENTION! Do not scratch the coil to verify its authenticity. The mineral is quite soft and can be easily damaged with a sharp object.

  1. The weight of the product should be analyzed. Natural stone will always be heavier than a plastic copy.
  2. It is necessary to carefully consider the mineral for the presence of a characteristic color - stripes, blotches and spots.
  3. You can experiment with heating. The natural stone applied to the skin will heat up slowly, while the plastic very quickly takes on the temperature of the human body. Coil lovers claim that if you hold a stone in your hand, you can feel a slight tingling sensation.

Care of stone products

In order for jewelry or amulets from a coil to please, as long as possible, you should take care of them.

It is not recommended to wear stone products every day. To care for products with this stone, you do not need to purchase special products, it is enough to periodically rinse it under running water for 15–20 minutes. The serpentine has the ability to absorb everything negative around it. Running water, flowing away, takes away all the bad things that the stone has collected on itself. A simple immersion in water will not help.

After rinsing, you just need to put the product on a clean surface until it dries or blot it with a clean cloth.

Protect the stone from scratches and abrasions.

Compatible with names and zodiac signs

Serpentine is a unique stone of the Earth and it does not suit everyone. With many signs of the zodiac, he behaves completely neutral, with others he clearly manifests himself.

It can be worn as a zodiac amulet by everyone who is ready to overcome all the trials and difficulties in life prepared for him.

Most of all it suits Virgos. Serpentine will help them discover new talents, sharpen their intuition and give creative inspiration. It goes well with the sign of Capricorn. He will endow people born under this constellation with agility and endurance.

  • Cancer and Pisces, on the contrary, are not advised by astrologers to wear serpentine amulets. This stone will confront them with temptations that can lead to moral degradation;
  • will help to avoid people who are distinguished by their deceit. Aries have high energy from birth, and the stone will not suppress it. The person becomes calmer, nervousness and rudeness appear less;
  • the stone will help to become more open, but it will give an understanding with whom it is worth communicating with and with whom not. In addition, the stone does not allow unnecessary risks, improves health and makes a person more attractive;
  • Gemini who periodically wear a serpentine stone will become more confident in themselves. They will finally take a chance on new acquaintances, business, discoveries. Perhaps they will decide to reconsider their established views and change their way of life;
  • The serpentine lions are able to make them more resistant and solid. They will also have more confidence. Lions will be able to do many things in parallel, they will become more organized and purposeful;
  • Libra's ever-changing mind will become more stable;
  • For Scorpios, the stone will create a good atmosphere in order to start new large projects that a person did not dare to undertake before;
  • Sagittarius will bring success and good luck;
  • For Aquarius, the Serpentine Stone will help them discover new talents.

You should not wear it every day, so as not to harm yourself if it is an amulet that is adjacent to the skin. Enough two days a week. If this is a pocket amulet, it is possible more often, but it is still worth taking breaks.

Important! It is strictly contraindicated to use a coil as an amulet for inactive people!

Since the snake stone has long been called the pharmaceutical stone, as a talisman it is suitable for people of medical specialties: paramedics, nurses, doctors and pharmacists.

The stone gives special protection to people with names:

  • Vladimir;
  • Alexey;
  • Hope;
  • Love;
  • Alevtina.

Important note

The coil cannot be gifted. The stone has the ability to bind to the owner and, if he gives it to someone, he can regard this as a betrayal. The energy of this stone is very high, and the serpentine is able to take revenge at a distance, already being loyal to another owner. The only exception is the transfer of the stone by inheritance to a blood relative.

While serpentine has tremendous potency, it values ​​care. His return will depend on what kind of care he will take. The serpentine is able to cleanse all things around him from negativity, so a box made of this stone is ideal for storing jewelry, where they will be under reliable energy protection.

Summing up, it is worth noting that the coil is an absolutely unique mineral that is suitable for active people striving for self-development, improving the world and gaining new knowledge. It helps to achieve peace of mind, discover new talents in oneself, gives protection and peace of mind.

Few are familiar with the serpentine as a talisman. Its essence boils down to the fact that he must help the owner. It will promote the development of logic and intuition, as well as composure and important skills to withstand the competition. In return, you just need to give the stone care, that is, proper care for it, and then it will faithfully serve and delight the eye with its beauty for a long time.

Serpentine - the value of a mineral for humans

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