October 23rd on this day. October – birthdays of famous people can be celebrated

International Mother-in-Law Day. Every fourth Sunday in October, the world celebrates an unusual, but undoubtedly the favorite holiday of any son-in-law - International Mother-in-Law Day. Although it does not yet have official status, it is already very popular in many countries. Originating in the 1930s in the USA as a joke (according to one version, as an alternative to Mother’s Day), subsequently, every year, it gained more and more fans, including in other countries.

At first, Mother-in-Law Day was celebrated in the spring, but then its date moved to the fourth Sunday in October. And traditionally it is celebrated, of course, in the family circle. In Ukraine, this holiday became known not so long ago and has not yet become widespread, which is a pity...

After all, this is a very useful holiday - first of all, it is intended to improve relations between two important family members, mother-in-law and son-in-law, whose dislike for each other and enmity have long become a reason for jokes (at best, and at worst, leads to the breakup of families). Therefore, if you, men, want to get a friend and assistant, including in raising your children (her grandchildren), then treat this woman with respect and due respect.

According to psychologists, son-in-law conflicts are a normal phenomenon, because these two people are completely strangers to each other, and in addition there is a big difference between them in age, upbringing, interests... But still there is something that unites them - a woman is a wife for one , for the second - a daughter who is forced or pleased to act as a mediator between these two sides of the dialogue / conflict.

A number of men are of the opinion that the happiest man on earth is the biblical Adam - he never had a mother-in-law...

By the way, linguists explain the origin of the Russian word “mother-in-law” as a derivative of the word “father-in-law” or “parent”, that is, she is a “parent”. And some language researchers believe that the Russian word “mother-in-law” comes from the verb “to console.” Therefore, when celebrating today's holiday, men, do not skimp on compliments and gifts to your mother-in-law, be attentive and friendly towards her. And most importantly, remember that before you is a real woman who raised a precious treasure for you - your wife, who taught her to be an excellent housewife, a faithful wife and a caring mother.

1545 The sea voyage of the Ukrainian Cossacks on 32 seagull ships ends with the assault and capture of the Turkish fortress Achi-Kale (Ochakov).

1689 The English Parliament adopted the Bill of Rights - one of the first documents in which fundamental human rights were enshrined at the legal level.

1715 Russian Emperor Peter II was born (died at an early age).

1859 In Ukraine, the first Sunday school was opened in Kyiv, the main goal was to educate children in Christian traditions.

1904 Colonel General, Hero of the Soviet Union Vladimir Aleksandrovich Sudets was born, commanded the 17th Air Army of the 3rd Ukrainian Front, which liberated the Nikolaev region.

1908 Soviet physicist Ilya Frank, winner of the 1958 Nobel Prize “for the discovery and interpretation of the Cherenkov effect,” was born.

1914 A “forge” of film and theater personnel was opened in Moscow - the Shchukin Theater School.

1920 The famous Italian children's writer and journalist Gianni Rodari was born.

1923 An attempt by communists and social democrats to carry out a revolution in Germany - the Hamburg uprising begins.

1940 Born Brazilian footballer, “King of Football”, recognized as the Athlete of the Century by FIFA and IFFHS, Minister of Youth and Sports of Brazil, Pele.

1942 American science fiction writer, author of Jurassic Park and The Andromeda Strain, Michael Crichton, is born.

1946 The UN General Assembly opened its first meeting.

1954 The North Atlantic Alliance (NATO) is replenished with a new member - Germany.

1989 The Hungarian Republic throws off the “shackles of communism” and declares independence.

2001 Apple presents the first generation of the iPod music player.

2002 “Terrorist attack on Dubrovka” in Moscow: during the performance of the musical “Nord-Ost”, terrorists took about 800 hostages.

Name days: Andrey, Vasily, Innokenty

On this page you will learn about the memorable dates of the autumn day of October 23, what famous people were born on this October day, what events took place, we will also talk about folk signs and Orthodox holidays of this day, public holidays of different countries from all over the world.

Today, as on any day, as you will see, events have taken place over the centuries, each of them was remembered for something, October 23 was no exception, which was also remembered for its own dates and birthdays of famous people, as well as holidays and folk signs. You and I should always remember and know about those who left their indelible mark on culture, science, sports, politics, medicine and all other areas of human and social development.

The twenty-third day of October left its indelible mark on history; events and memorable dates, like those who were born on this autumn day, once again confirm this. Find out what happened on the twenty-third October day, October 23, what events and dates it was marked by, what you remember, who was born, folk signs characterizing the day and much more that you should know about, it’s just interesting to know.

Who was born on October 23 (twenty-third)

Elena Vladimirovna Metelkina. Born on October 23, 1953 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian film actress, fashion model.

Gianni Rodari (Italian Gianni Rodari, full name Giovanni Francesco Rodari, Italian Giovanni Francesco Rodari; October 23, 1920, Omegna, Italy - April 14, 1980, Rome, Italy) is a famous Italian children's writer and journalist.

Ryan Rodney Reynolds I was born on October 23, 1976. Canadian film and television actor.

Edson Arantes do Nascimento (port. Edson Arantes do Nascimento). Born October 21 or October 23, 1940 in Tres Coracoes, Minas Gerais. Better known as Pelé. Brazilian footballer, striker (attacking midfielder). He played for the Santos and New York Cosmos clubs. Played 92 matches and scored 77 goals for the Brazilian national team. The only football player to become world champion three times.

Ignatius de Loyola, Ignacio (Spanish Ignacio (Íñigo) López de Loyola, Basque Ignazio Loiolakoa; ca. October 23, 1491, Azpeitia - July 31, 1556, Rome) - Catholic saint, founder of the Society of Jesus (Jesuit order).

Urreta Andoni Zubizarreta (10/23/1961 [Vitoria]) - Spanish football player of Basque origin, goalkeeper;

Vyacheslav Chanov (10/23/1951 [Moscow]) - Soviet football player, goalkeeper, CSKA goalkeeper coach;

Vasily Belov (10/23/1932 [Timonikha] - 12/04/2012 [Vologda]) - Russian writer, one of the largest representatives of “village prose”;

Yuri Saulsky (10/23/1928 [Moscow]) - Soviet and Russian composer;

Dmitry Pavlov (10/23/1897 - 10/16/1941) - Soviet military leader, army general (1941);

Alexander Krymov (23.10.1871 - 31.08.1917 [St. Petersburg]) - Russian general, participant in the conspiracy of A. I. Guchkov for the purpose of a palace coup;

Dmitry Karakozov (23.10.1840 [s. Zhmakino] - 03.09.1866 [St. Petersburg]) - Russian revolutionary terrorist who committed one of the unsuccessful attempts on the life of Russian Emperor Alexander II on April 4, 1866;

Peter II (October 23, 1715 [St. Petersburg] - January 30, 1730 [Moscow]) - third All-Russian Emperor, grandson of Peter I.

Dates October 23

Libya celebrates Liberation Day

In Thailand - King Rama Day 5

In Hungary - Republic Day

Macedonia celebrates - Revolutionary Struggle Day

Cambodia commemorates the anniversary of the 1991 Paris Peace Accords

According to the folk calendar, this is Evlampius Winter-Indicator

On this day:

in 1545, the fortified Ochakov was taken by Russian Cossacks in an unexpected raid

in 1689 the second stone was laid in the foundation of English freedoms - the Bill of Rights was adopted

in 1769, a steam carriage accelerated to a speed of 4.5 kilometers per hour, setting the first speed record

in 1814 in England they again learned to perform plastic surgery, the secret of which was lost in Ancient Egypt

Théophile Gautier, French poet and romanticist, died in 1872

in 1914, the famous Shchukin Theater School was opened in Moscow

in 1946 the first meeting of the UN Assembly took place - this can be considered another birthday of this international organization

Ernest Seton-Thompson, an English writer and author of popular books about animals, died in 1946.

in 1955, South Vietnam becomes a republic with its capital in Saigon

in 1956, the anti-Soviet uprising begins in Hungary

In 1958, the writer and poet Boris Pasternak won the Nobel Prize in Literature for his novel Doctor Zhivago.

in 1984, the last decision was made to transfer the direction of flow of Siberian rivers to Kazakhstan, fortunately not implemented

in 1990, the city of Gorky again became Nizhny Novgorod, retaining its Soviet name only for the region

In 2001, Apple introduced the first generation of the iPod gadget to users.

In 2002, a tragic hostage crisis occurred at the premiere of the musical "Nord-Ost" at the Dubrovka Theater in Moscow.

Events of October 23

Plastic surgery originated in ancient India. Several centuries BC, Indian healers performed rhinoplasty operations. European doctors, armed with their methods, began to develop this area and in the 19th century received stunning results, surpassing their teachers.

On October 23, in London, surgeon Joseph Carpue performed a unique rhinoplasty operation, which was a great success. Since then, plastic surgery has begun to develop at a tremendous pace.

In the fall of 1937, the icebreaking transport vessel Georgy Sedov began the famous Arctic drift, the purpose of which was to carry out the most important work to study the territory.

With the onset of spring, people were taken from the ship by plane, since the rudder was damaged during ice compression. The Georgy Sedov itself turned into a floating polar station.

October 23, 2000 - Chinese archaeologists discovered a museum of ancient musical instruments

The Museum of Musical Instruments was created during the Han Dynasty (about 2 thousand years ago). To the surprise of the archaeologists who made the important discovery, all the exhibits were in almost perfect condition.

During the excavations, the most ancient instruments dating back to that time were discovered: xun - spherical ocarinas, qing - lithophones, zhong - musical bells and many other exhibits of Chinese musical culture.

Signs October 23 - the day of Evlampia and Evlampia of the Winter Indicators

On October 23, the peasants went about their usual business. On October 23, they honored brother and sister - Evlampia and Evlampia Winter Pointers. They lived during the reign of Emperor Maximilan, who was known for his intolerance towards followers of the Christian faith.

It is interesting that Evlampius and Eulampia came from a noble family and, if they wanted, could have lived comfortably, but one day they decided to convert to Christianity in their hometown of Nicodemus. When they learned about Maximilian’s order to rid the city of all Christians, they did not run away, and Eulampius himself, moreover, laughed in the face of the emperor’s guards, for which he was captured and subjected to a lot of torture.

Evlampius endured all the torment steadfastly and did not renounce his faith. Evlampia, having learned how Evlampius was suffering, also went to trial and declared herself a Christian, saying that she was ready to endure the same suffering along with her brother.

The pagans tried to burn the brother and sister in the oven and boil them in boiling water, but they could not do them any harm. Then the emperor ordered that Eulampius' head be cut off, after which his sister gave up the ghost from grief.

On October 23, it was customary to split logs into splinters. Then the torches were installed at an angle of 10-15 degrees in special lamps called light fixtures.

It was in their light that the peasants usually did some kind of household chores: handicrafts, cooking, making something, repairing tools. Since the torch burned out quite quickly (in just a few minutes), the children were instructed to ensure that the torches were changed on time.

Among the people, fire emanating from a splinter was the main element that ruled the world. They perceived it as a flame that destroyed everything in its path, from which it was impossible to escape. However, if you learn to control the fire of a splinter, you can get the necessary warmth, the ability to cook food and survive the cold season more easily. Moreover, the light of the splinter was associated with the sun, which was becoming less and less - the days, for the most part, were cloudy.

Folk signs on October 23

On October 23, the last cumulus clouds floated across the sky, and the water in reservoirs was already freezing. Therefore, the peasants were preparing for winter, and this time was filled with a variety of worries

The moon with its horns on October 23 indicates from which direction strong winds will come in the near future. If the horns point to the North, then it will also snow, and if to the South - according to signs, there will be rain, and inclement weather will last until November 4

We hope you were interested in reading the material on this page and were satisfied with what you read? Agree, it is useful to know the history of events and dates, as well as which famous people were born today, on the twenty-third October day of the autumn October 23, what mark this person left with his actions and deeds in the history of mankind, our world.

We are also confident that the folk signs of this day helped you understand some of the subtleties and nuances. By the way, with their help, you can check in practice the reliability and truthfulness of folk signs.

Good luck to all of you in life, love and business, read more of what is necessary, important, useful, interesting and educational - reading broadens your horizons and develops your imagination, learn about everything, develop diversified!

Why is October 23rd interesting and significant in world history, science, sports, culture, politics?

October 23, what events in world history, science and culture make this day famous and interesting?

What holidays can be celebrated and celebrated on October 23?

What national, international and professional holidays are celebrated annually on October 23? What religious holidays are celebrated on October 23? What is celebrated on this day according to the Orthodox calendar?

What national day is October 23rd according to the calendar?

What folk signs and beliefs are associated with the day of October 23? What is celebrated on this day according to the Orthodox calendar?

What significant events and memorable dates are celebrated on October 23?

What significant historical events on October 23 and memorable dates in world history are celebrated on this summer day? The day of remembrance of which famous and great people is October 23?

Which great, famous and famous died on October 23?

October 23, Remembrance Day of which famous, great and famous people of the world, historical figures, actors, artists, musicians, politicians, artists, athletes is celebrated on this day?

Events of the day October 23, 2017 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of October 23, 2017, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the twenty-third October day of the month of the seventeenth year.

Events of the day October 23, 2018 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of October 23, 2018, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the twenty-third October day of the month of the eighteenth year.

Events of the day October 23, 2019 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of October 23, 2019, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the twenty-third October day of the month of the nineteenth year.

Events of the day October 23, 2020 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of October 23, 2020, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the twenty-third October day of the twentieth year.

Events of the day October 23, 2021 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of October 23, 2021, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the twenty-third October day of the month of the twenty-first year.

Events of the day October 23, 2022 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of October 23, 2022, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the twenty-third October day of the month of the twenty-second year.

Events of the day October 23, 2023 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of October 23, 2023, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the twenty-third October day of the month of the twenty-third year.

Events of the day October 23, 2024 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of October 23, 2024, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the twenty-third October day of the month of the twenty-fourth year.

Events of the day October 23, 2025 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of October 23, 2025, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the twenty-third October day of the month of the twenty-fifth year.

Events of the day October 23, 2026 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of October 23, 2026, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the twenty-third October day of the month of the twenty-sixth year.

Events of the day October 23, 2027 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of October 23, 2027, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the twenty-third October day of the month of the twenty-seventh year.

Events of the day October 23, 2028 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of October 23, 2028, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the twenty-third October day of the month of the twenty-eighth year.

Events of the day October 23, 2029 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of October 23, 2029, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the twenty-third October day of the month of the twenty-ninth year.

Events of the day October 23, 2030 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of October 23, 2030, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the twenty-third October day of the month of the thirtieth year.

Advertising Workers Day

The Russian professional holiday annually brings together thousands of workers, those who are in any way connected with advertising activities: creators, marketers, creatives, PR people, customers and the like. The holiday began to be celebrated relatively recently - in 1994. It was from the mid-nineties that advertising as a business area began to gain momentum. We all know what role advertising plays and what goals customers pursue. In Russia, the holiday is accompanied by various entertainment events. Organizers develop various games, competitions, and in the evening corporate events in the advertising industry visit restaurants or other entertainment venues.

Chongyang Festival

Chongyang is a traditional Chinese holiday celebrated on the ninth day of the ninth month (lunar calendar). In 2012, the event falls on October 23. According to legend, there lived one spirit that swept away everything in its path. No one and nothing could destroy him. One day, a village boy named Han, deciding to avenge his parents, challenged the spirit. He gathered people and took them to the mountains, where, armed with dogwood and chrysanthemum wine, he was able to kill the insatiable evil spirits. That is why on this day it is customary to go for a walk in the mountains, collect chrysanthemums, and also congratulate the elderly.

National Liberation Day (Egypt)

In 1956, France, Israel and England developed a plan to conquer Egypt. Their goal was to weaken the position of the state and force it to come to terms with Israeli policies. On October 29, troops invaded Egyptian soil, and 2 days later there was a massive bombardment, but despite this, the valiant Egyptians were not going to give up. All neighboring countries, including the USSR, demanded an end to the aggression and directed the UN Security Council to take urgent measures to stop the lawlessness, but the enemies, using their veto power, froze the Council. Then the USSR and a number of other countries made a decision and warned the aggressors of their intention to stand up for Egypt if they did not withdraw their troops from the territory, and in 1957 the invaders were forced to stop hostilities.

Celebration of the Akathist Icon of the Mother of God

The event is celebrated by the Orthodox Church. The icon became famous in the 13th century in the Zograf Bulgarian monastery during attempts to impose a union on the Eastern Church. However, the inhabitants of the church rejected the union and were attacked by its supporters. According to legend, one elder, reading an akathist in front of the icon, heard her words, which ordered him to warn everyone about upcoming events. The elder did just that. Many of the brethren hid in the mountains; those who remained hid the icons in the tower and locked themselves there before the invasion of enemies. Supporters of the union, after long negotiations, set fire to the tower with the servants of God, and they died in the fire. All the icons burned down except the one that warned the elder about the danger.

October 23 according to the folk calendar (according to the old style - October 10):

Evlampius Winter Pointer

On this day, two saints are remembered - Evlampios and Eulampia. They were brother and sister and lived during the reign of Maximilian. The emperor hated Christians, but this fact did not stop his relatives - they proudly accepted Christianity, for which they were condemned to death. Before death, they had a choice: die or renounce God. The brother and sister chose the first option and died as martyrs.

In Rus', people used this day to judge the upcoming weather. According to legend, people paid attention to the month: where its horns are directed, strong winds will blow from there. There is another interpretation of the sign: if the horns pointed to the north, severe winter will soon come, but if to the south, the weather in the next two weeks will be dirty and slushy.

Significant historical events on October 23:

Plastic surgery originated in ancient India. Several centuries BC, Indian healers performed rhinoplasty operations. European doctors, armed with their methods, began to develop this area and in the 19th century received stunning results, surpassing their teachers. On October 23, in London, surgeon Joseph Carpue performed a unique rhinoplasty operation, which was a great success. Since then, plastic surgery has begun to develop at a tremendous pace.

In the fall of 1937, the icebreaking transport vessel Georgy Sedov began the famous Arctic drift, the purpose of which was to carry out the most important work to study the territory. With the onset of spring, people were taken from the ship by plane, since the rudder was damaged during ice compression. The Georgy Sedov itself turned into a floating polar station.

October 23, 2000– Chinese archaeologists discovered a museum of ancient musical instruments

The Museum of Musical Instruments was created during the Han Dynasty (about 2 thousand years ago). To the surprise of the archaeologists who made the important discovery, all the exhibits were in almost perfect condition. During the excavations, the most ancient instruments dating back to that time were discovered: xun - spherical ocarinas, qing - lithophones, zhong - musical bells and many other exhibits of Chinese musical culture.

On this evening, armed people burst into the building of the Theater Center, where more than 700 people were located, declared all those present hostages and began to mine the cultural center. The terrorists turned out to be Chechen militants. Many of them, including women, hung themselves with explosives. The demands of the suicide bombers were the withdrawal of Russian troops from Chechnya. All negotiations conducted with the terrorists did not produce a positive result: the hostages received neither water nor food. Relatives of the people in the building demanded that all the conditions of the Chechens be fulfilled, but the authorities put forward their own conditions to the invaders: the lives of the terrorists would be spared if they freed the hostages. On October 26, at about six o'clock in the morning, special forces stormed the building, using nerve gas to neutralize it, which destroyed not only the terrorists, but also many hostages. October 28 was declared a day of mourning in the Russian Federation for the victims of the terrorist attack.

Born on October 23:

Gianni Rodari(1920-1980) - Italian children's writer. From the age of 17 he worked as a primary school teacher in rural schools. In 1948 he got a job at a local newspaper, and in 1950 he published his own children's magazine. 1951 - Rodari publishes the first collection of children's poems, among them the famous fairy tale “The Adventure of Chipolino,” which made the author famous throughout the world.

Roman Yakobson(1896-1982) – founder of structuralism, philologist. In 1941, Roman left for the United States, where he became a professor of literature and Russian language at Harvard University. Jacobson studied the structure of languages, what they are “made of,” where they came from, etc. The novel created a new branch of the science of language and called it phonology.

Pele(1940) - famous Brazilian football player, three-time champion. He started playing football when he was still a toddler. From the age of seven he was already excellent at maneuvering the ball and playing for the local team. At the age of fifteen, the coach recommended the boy to a prestigious football club, and Pele was accepted into it. During his 18 years at the Santos club, the footballer became champion eleven times, was awarded the Brazilian Cup several times, and also received the Intercontinental Cup.

Felix Bloch(1905-1983) - an outstanding physicist, Nobel Prize laureate. Bloch was born in Zurich, graduated from the Technical High School in 1927 and entered the University of Leipzig. After several years of study, Felix received his doctorate. He worked in the USA in the field of nuclear physics, making a major contribution to the development of the industry. In 1952, F. Bloch received a Nobel for his numerous achievements.

Michael Crichton(1942-2008) - American film director, screenwriter, science fiction writer. Michael gained worldwide success from his novels entitled “The Andromeda Strain” and “Jurassic Park,” which were filmed shortly after publication. In the late nineties, Crichton founded a company to develop computer games based on his science fiction works and films.

Ilya Frank(1908-1990) – physicist, Nobel laureate. He studied at Moscow University and as a student worked in Vavilov’s laboratory, where he studied the atomic nucleus. After graduating from university, he continued his work, expanding his range of activities: Frank took up optics, low-energy nuclear and neutron physics, and in 1958 he was awarded a Nobel for his services.

Vera Matveeva(1945-1976) – poetess, author of more than fifty songs, bard. Since childhood, the girl had a craving for music - she already knew who she would be in adulthood. At the age of 20 she entered MISS, and 5 years later she successfully graduated. In her last year of study, Vera was diagnosed with brain cancer. A very complex operation was performed, after which Matveeva was able to return to creativity.

Gilbert Lewis(1875-1946) - American physicist and chemist. The main scientific works concerned the fields of thermodynamics, isotopy, nuclear physics and photochemistry. Lewis made a number of important discoveries in the professional field.

Vasily Rochev(1980) – skier, Olympic bronze medalist, multiple Russian champion, 2005 world champion.

Name day October 23:

Name days on this day are celebrated by those with rare names: Ambrose, Anton, Andrey, Evlampia, Evlampy, Severin, John, Feodor.

Individuals born on October 23 find it difficult to achieve consistency in almost all aspects of life. They quickly get bored with monotony and blandness, so such people often seek thrills and entertainment. Among their friends they are very active, positive, but very contradictory - they have seven Fridays a week. Men born on this day are fickle in relation to the female sex, they remain single for a long time, preferring to first “work up” properly, but they never deceive their partners, dotting all the “i’s” at once.


Albert Lortzing- German composer, actor, singer and conductor, founder of German comic opera.
Dates of life: October 23, 1801 – January 21, 1851.

Apollinaris of Comtes– Polish Russian violinist and composer.
Dates of life: October 23, 1825 – June 29, 1879.

Alexander Arkhangelsky- Russian choral conductor and composer.
Dates of life: October 23, 1846 – November 16, 1924.

Charles Draper- British clarinetist and teacher.
Dates of life: October 23, 1869 – October 21, 1952.

Alexander Melik-Pashaev- Soviet conductor.
Dates of life: October 23, 1905 – June 18, 1964.

Denise Duval(Denise Duval) – French opera singer (soprano).
Dates of life: October 23, 1921 – January 25, 2016.

Manos Hadzidakis- Greek composer.
Dates of life: October 23, 1925 – June 15, 1994.

- Soviet and Russian composer and conductor.
Dates of life: October 23, 1928 – August 28, 2003.

Sandor Kallos- Russian composer, Hungarian by birth.
Date of birth: October 23, 1935.

Charlie Fox(Charlie Foxx) - American singer, brother of Inez Foxx.
Dates of life: October 23, 1939 – September 18, 1998.

Ellie Greenwich- American singer, songwriter.
Dates of life: October 23, 1940 – August 26, 2009.

Vera Matveeva- Russian poet, bard, author of more than 50 songs based on his own poems, as well as poems by Novella Matveeva, David Samoilov, Rudyard Kipling, Konstantin Bibl.
Dates of life: October 23, 1945 – August 11, 1976.

Kim Larsen(Kim Melius Flyvholm Larsen) is a Danish rock musician and songwriter.
Dates of life: October 23, 1945 – September 30, 2018.

Greg Ridley- English bassist, founder of the band Humble Pie.
Dates of life: October 23, 1947 – November 19, 2003.

Preston Shannon(Preston Shannon) is an American guitarist, singer and songwriter.
Dates of life: October 23, 1947 – January 22, 2018.

Wörzel(Michael Burston) is a British guitarist, known for his participation in the rock band Motörhead.
Dates of life: October 23, 1949 – July 9, 2011.

"Weird Al" Yankovic(Alfred Matthew Yankovic) is an American musician and singer-parodist, known for his parodies of modern English-language radio hits.
Date of birth: October 23, 1959.

Robert Trujillo(Roberto Agustin Miguel Santiago Samuel Trujillo Veracruz) is an American musician and bass guitarist.
Date of birth: October 23, 1964.

Dale Crover is an American musician best known for his participation in the bands The Melvins and The Men of Porn.
Date of birth: October 23, 1967.

Richard McNamara- Guitarist of the English band Embrace.
Date of birth: October 23, 1972.

Faye Hamlin- Swedish singer, member of the group Play.
Date of birth: October 23, 1987.

Eduard Romanyuta- Ukrainian singer, songwriter, musician, actor, TV presenter. Representative of Moldova on .
Date of birth: October 23, 1992.


Vladimir Stasov– Russian music and art critic, art historian, archivist, public figure.
Dates of life: January 14, 1824 – October 23, 1906.

Al Jolson(Al Jolson, nee Asa Yoelson, Asa Yoelson) is an American minstrel artist.
Dates of life: May 26, 1886 – October 23, 1950.

James Petrillo- President of the American Musicians Union.
Dates of life: March 16, 1892 – October 23, 1984.

Ralph Ranger- American composer.
Dates of life: October 7, 1901 – October 23, 1942.

Adolph Green- American composer.
Dates of life: December 2, 1914 – October 23, 2002.

Robert Merrill(Moishe (Morris) Miller) - American singer (baritone).
Dates of life: June 4, 1917 – October 23, 2004.

Edward T. Cone- American composer, musicologist, pianist and philanthropist.
Dates of life: May 4, 1917 – October 23, 2004.

Sergey Agababov- Dagestan Russian Soviet composer.
Dates of life: October 25, 1926 – October 23, 1959.

Stepan Turchak- Ukrainian conductor.
Dates of life: February 28, 1938 – October 23, 1988.

Anatoly Evdokimenko- Ukrainian musician, leader of the Chervona Ruta ensemble, husband of the singer.
Dates of life: January 20, 1942 – October 23, 2002.

Alvin Stardust(Alvin Stardust; Bernard William Jewry) is an English rock singer and musician. He was also known under the pseudonym Shane Fenton(Shane Fenton).
Dates of life: September 27, 1942 – October 23, 2014.

Pete Burns(Peter Jozzeppi Burns) - British singer and composer. He was a member of the band Dead or Alive.
Dates of life: August 5, 1959 – October 23, 2016.


1961 – singer Dion took 1st place on the US singles chart for two weeks with the song “Runaround Sue”.

1962 – The 12-year-old recorded his first single, “Thank You For Loving Me All The Way,” for Motown Records.

1963 – Bob Dylan recorded the song “The Times They Are A-Changin” at Columbia Studios in New York.

1966 – The Jimi Hendrix Experience recorded their first single “Hey Joe” in London at De Lane Lea Studios.

1976 – the group Chicago took 1st place in the US for two weeks with the song “If You Leave Me Now”.

1976 – Led Zeppelin first appeared on American television in the program “Don Kirshner’s Rock Concert”.

1980 – Mark David Chapman quit his job and signed the documents for the last time. Instead of the usual "Chappie", he wrote "John Lennon", and on December 8 of the same year he was killed near his home in New York.

1982 – Culture Club reached number 1 in the UK with the single “Do You Really Want To Hurt Me”.

1982 – The Damned released the album “Strawberries”. The booklet with the lyrics included was strawberry-scented.

1987 – the premiere of the film with “Who’s That Girl?” took place in London.

1989 – Nirvana gave a concert in Europe for the first time. The show took place in the English city of Newcastle.

1993 – Meat Loaf earned his first UK #1 with “I’d Do Anything For Love.” She stayed at the top for 7 weeks.

1993 – Everything Changes gave Take That their first UK #1.

2000 – Chinese archaeologists discovered a museum of musical instruments that was created 2 thousand years ago, during the Han Dynasty.

2001 – the first generation of the iPod player was presented.

2005 – the debut single of the British group Arctic Monkeys “I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor” took 1st place in their homeland.

2008 – Beyoncé reached No. 1 in the UK with “If I Were A Boy.”

more information about these musicians and events –.

“He never tried to put himself forward, but worked in silence, in accordance with his genius, trying to find himself in harmony with his surroundings, be it the snowy peaks of the Himalayas, or the red earth of Malabar, or other places in India. He came into contact with the surrounding nature and at the same time seemed to rush forward in all directions: into the future, past and present, trying to connect them into one whole.” – /Jawaharlal Nehru/

«< >I think it is precisely in these days of world fires and turmoil that one should turn to eternal values. Towards the values ​​of man’s highest creative aspirations, which are not subject to temporary destruction and strife.< >

Only by striving for something better and sublime can we elevate ourselves; and in this light, how paramount becomes the necessity of protecting and preserving all the innumerable manifestations of human genius entrusted to us by previous generations!

Let us jealously and lovingly protect the creations of all great people that have come down to us! These lofty souls, who left us their eternal testimonies, will always radiate their light for those who can tune themselves in tune. Let's strive and find a worthy goal in life not only to improve our material existence! Let's look wider and beyond this and see life in a new light, full of meaning and meaning!

/S.N.Roerich. Creative thought. "The light of art. M.: MCR, 1994/


“..Our common cause will grow and expand”

— Svyatoslav Nikolaevich, you are a purposeful person (this, apparently, is also hereditary), which means that some serious matter brought you to Moscow. I think I can guess what...

- Exactly. Creation here of the Roerich Foundation and the Nicholas Konstantinovich Center-Museum. This fund will be a life-giving source, called upon to actively participate in the popularization of the thoughts and works of Nikolai Konstantinovich, Elena Ivanovna, my brother and mine. Undoubtedly, he will be able to give a new direction, new ideas to our everyday life. We all must, one way or another, strive to create a more perfect, more beautiful life, and therefore conditions that could help us find new approaches to this life.

— Your proposal was made in July, and already in October the Foundation was formed, and work began on creating the Center. Are you satisfied with this pace and with the work of the people directly implementing your concept?

- I'm completely satisfied. Judging by the beginning, there is reason to think that our common cause will grow and expand. We see this in other countries, for example, in India, where the Roerich organizations have now received great support, and people are trying to come to us in every possible way. I am glad that this provides new opportunities to reveal to everyone the broad and multifaceted activities of our family, whose soul and thoughts have always been inseparable from their native country. In his “Testament” Nikolai Konstantinovich said: “But this is what I bequeath to everyone, everyone... In peaceful work the peace of the whole world is learned. The world is building towards a bright future. And where construction is going on, everything is going on... Love your Motherland with all your might - and it will love you. We are rich in the love of the Motherland"

Amazing, prophetic words, especially considering that they were spoken more than thirty years ago. But here’s what I’m thinking about... Perhaps we should learn to love our Motherland again, so that it loves us? After all, it’s difficult for her now because we have forgotten how to work and be responsible for our actions, and have enveloped her in thousands of painful and intractable problems. Nikolai Konstantinovich called the Russian people builders, and we, it seems, are only now beginning to truly understand that rebuilding is more difficult than building. Even if the foundation is solid...

Difficulties are inevitable. Any creative work costs a lot of effort. And we must be ready for this. Only through our striving for something more perfect can we move forward, further expand our horizons, and therefore not only anticipate difficulties, but also overcome them. After all, without comprehending what surrounds him, a person is blind. And when Nikolai Konstantinovich urged us to strive for the beautiful, he was convinced that the beautiful would open up for us new opportunities for knowledge and self-knowledge, the pursuit of a high goal.

But just wishing, just striving is not enough. “Faith without works is dead” - this truth is eternal, and it must be put into practice. Everyone is capable, but certainly everyone, because we are all together a family of people building a common house. And striving for perfection, we come into contact with the forces that surround us, and this opens up new opportunities for us. We must always remember the main thing - the desire and ability to change ourselves for the better is in our hands. It does not depend on anyone or anything except ourselves. The only important thing is to really decide to change yourself. And to do this, gather courage and see yourself from the outside. It's difficult. But it's still possible.

— Svyatoslav Nikolaevich, I want to continue the conversation about love for the Motherland. Is it reasonable to think that you personally love her more than everyone else, and this gives you the right to look down on them, to judge them? Is love for the Motherland compatible with hatred of other peoples?

- Never. Our feeling of love must be universal. We must consider everyone our loved ones, our brothers, and build this great bridge of friendliness that unites everyone and leads to a new life. After all, in essence, the planet is so small that we all depend on each other, like members of one family.

And we must always remember that we came out of Infinity and Eternity, and before these two great moments everyone is equal! And although we still cannot understand them for ourselves, we must perceive them as reality, as an integral part of our existence.

- And this, and the other, and the third - everything fits within the framework of good. In my opinion, if you sincerely want to do it, you don’t have to be afraid to look naive and even funny, and then a miracle can really happen. All good ways and beginnings are good. And can any good beginning be bad? All this is, in general, very simple. What, after all, is prayer? This is a spiritual desire for a more beautiful reality, which in many ways a person is able to create himself.

— Do you have any other vivid impressions from your current stay in Moscow?

- Yes, sure. This is a meeting with Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev and Raisa Maksimovna Gorbacheva, whom we were happy to see again. We also met many friends and like-minded people, with whom we discussed our common plans and ways to implement them.

I myself chose the former mansion of Princess Lopukhina near the Pushkin Museum on Volkhonka for the future Nikolai Konstantinovich Center-Museum. This is a beautiful corner of old Moscow, where the atmosphere is imbued with spirituality and beauty.

— What would you, Svyatoslav Nikolaevich, want to wish our people in this difficult time?

— Believe in your own strengths and, as best and conscientiously as possible, carry out, together and each individually, those difficult tasks that urgently require solving today. I am confident, I know that our people will be able to cope with them and will become a worthy example to all those who will come later and admire their courage and heroism. And so that this future begins today...


The material was prepared and provided by T.N. Gorevoy