What prayers, spells and whispers relieve headaches, migraines, blood pressure. Spells and prayers for headaches Spell for headaches on water

Each of us has experienced headaches. The treatment of this minor ailment is an individual matter, so each person uses his own methods to eliminate the problem that has arisen. One type of people immediately picks up pills or herbs for tea, another goes to the doctor. But there are also people who use more unconventional methods to overcome headaches. One of these unusual methods is a spell for headaches or prayers to get rid of headaches.

What prayers can help?

Perhaps everyone knows that prayers have their own unique power. It is for this reason that you can use the power of prayer words to get rid of annoying headaches. But a logical question arises: what kind of prayer words should you read in order to help yourself save yourself from painful sensations?

Prayer to Saint Panteleimon

This is the most commonly used prayer for headaches. Address the saint with all the sincerity you have. You must read the following text when asking for help:

Elder Panteleimon, God-pleasing saint!

In the name of our God, heavenly father

you asked for universal human health.

Hear my humble prayer,

I ask for the mercy of the Lord.

How the merciful God delivered us from the machinations of the evil one,

so you heal my headaches.

May my prayer be heard.

Reading the prayer can be repeated as many times as necessary; however, it is important to understand that only those people who have sincere faith in their hearts should use this method of getting rid of pain in the head. Atheists may feel a little strange reading a prayer and addressing someone in whose existence they do not believe.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel

Each of the people living on Earth has his own intercessor spirit, who is usually called the Guardian Angel. You can also turn to him to ask for help at a time when you are suffering from a headache. Prayers to the Angel should be read only when a person is in a calm mood. The prayer sounds like this:

My angel, Divine guardian,

how you save me from troubles,

how you suggest the right paths,

So save me from headaches,

servant of God (name).

The magic of this prayer will only work if the words spoken by a person come from the depths of his heart along with sincere faith that he will be heard and the Intercessor will help solve the problem. Therefore, you can make adjustments to the text, guided by your heart’s desires.

Using spells

Carrying out special folk rituals, which our ancestors once practiced, can alleviate the headache experienced from a hangover. Their magic is quite effective, and it is quite simple to perform them, which makes them accessible to everyone.

Before reading the conspiracy against severe headaches, it is important to take into account several basic rules that will help increase the effectiveness of the rituals. These rules are as follows:

  • the result will be better when the plot is read by the wrong person who suffers from a headache;
  • for the ritual it is better to choose darkened and quiet rooms;
  • when you read the plot, open a window or window.

Many people may be concerned about when to read a spell to help get rid of pain. In this aspect, the opinions of different practitioners differ. Some advise performing rituals at night, while others believe that conspiracies and prayers for headaches should be read during the awakening of the world, that is, in the morning.

How to escape from squeezing pain

If you feel like your head is being squeezed in a vice, you can perform the following ritual to help get rid of the pain. Place a glass in the center of the table, pour spring water into it, light church candles on four sides of the glass. Then you need to read the text of the conspiracy:

The pain is strong, it burns like fire

my poor little head.

Help me, water,

cool the oppressive heat.

Take my pain for yourself:

let it sprout as grass,

flowers, trees.

Let it be so! Amen!

When the plot is read, extinguish the lit candles using the water on which the text was read. When the room is plunged into darkness, say the following magic words:

The darkness came and the headache went away.

What to do if the pain comes suddenly

Sometimes it happens that a headache overtakes us at the most inopportune moments, coming sharply and suddenly. If you don’t know what can help, if you don’t have any means at hand to help get rid of unpleasant sensations, then there is a simple and effective remedy left by our ancestors, who did not know what “Analgin” or other medications were. Set aside a short period of time, be alone and make sure that no one will disturb you. Rub your palms together to warm them up. When your palms are warm, cover your eyes with them and read the spell for severe pain in the head:

My headache is leaving me.

It makes its way through the marshy swamps,

runs through green meadows,

wanders through the fields of corn,

wanders across the snowy plains,

swims across deep rivers,

bypasses endless seas.

Then walking,

then on a horse racing

saw my headache.

The tormentor has left,

that's where she belongs.

It is very important to clearly imagine everything that happens while the plot is being read. You need to feel how the pain against which the conspiracy was read goes away. The effectiveness of the result of a simple folk ritual directly depends on how clearly a person can visualize everything that he is doing using the magic of the conspiracy.

What conspiracies will save you from headaches in the morning?

You can also talk about a headache if it appears immediately after a person wakes up. It is recommended to pronounce magic words while looking out the window, which is in every apartment or house. A spell that can relieve pain sounds like this:

The sun has risen

the earth was illuminated.

The pain melted and went away.

Nothing disturbs my sleep anymore,

and my head doesn't hurt in the morning.

Let it be so!

Will conspiracies help against migraines?

People who may suffer from migraines, which bring painful sensations, may doubt that folk magic or spells can help get rid of unpleasant sensations. However, our ancestors left a huge legacy of simple and effective magical rituals that can help even when a migraine becomes a tormentor. In order to use a strong spell for headaches and migraines, a person will need privacy and one burning candle. Taking the candle in your right hand, read the following text:

The fire burns and burns merrily,

burns my headaches.

The migraine goes away neither through the door nor out the window:

it burns so much that it becomes light

in my mind.

And from now on I will never suffer

from undeserved pain.

Everything burned in the fire!

In order for the magic of miraculous words to come into effect, blow out the candle and spend a few minutes in a lying position, closing your eyes..

Are there universal remedies for headaches?

It just so happens that a person subconsciously looks for the easiest way to solve his problems. It is for this reason that many may wonder if there is a universal magic remedy that is equally effective against all types of pain that arise in the head. Our ancestors left their heirs to answer the question of how to quickly talk about a headache, without defining its clear specifics. True, in order to carry out this ritual and read the spell for headaches, a person will need help; you cannot read it on yourself.

In order to carry out the ritual and get rid of the disease associated with headaches, the assistant will need a small knife. Take the knife by the edge, and use the handle to cross the sick person’s head, saying the magic words:

I baptize you, (name),

for headaches.

Like the sun rises every day,

So the pain is now going away.

As the moon appears in the sky,

so the pain is no longer there.

Be clear and bright in your head,

no longer suffer from pain.

In order for the conspiracy to finally take effect, a person suffering from painful sensations must drink exactly three sips of holy water, which is a powerful means of magical cleansing and healing from various diseases and types of influence.

Will conspiracies help?

Human skepticism sometimes knows no bounds. It so happens that everything unknown and incomprehensible causes us distrust and disbelief. This is especially true when illnesses are cured using non-traditional and non-standard means, including magic. So will a water spell help with headaches or other spells left by our ancestors? Many practitioners say that there is no 100% guarantee of results. The secret is in our faith. Spells and other word magic will be effective only if a person sincerely believes in what he is doing.

Religious reading: a strong prayer for head diseases to help our readers.


Prayers and conspiracies that help quickly get rid of headaches are read to adults and children. Proven spells and prayers help relieve headaches from a distance.

Some people read water spells to immediately relieve a headache in an adult or child who is nearby. We have selected the best and instantly effective prayers and conspiracies to read against headaches, from which you can independently choose and read the conspiracy you like, which will quickly relieve your headache. Hug your head with your hands so that your fingers intersect at the back of your head and say :

words of a white spell to relieve headaches

The morning has come, the dawn has risen, the dew is as clear as a tear -

my head doesn't hurt! The pains went into the field and did not return,

went beyond the distant forest, beyond the blue sea, and there they disappeared,

my bright little head has been left forever.

Light and joy, purity and lightness - in my little head

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, I command by Your power,

I conjure with the word of God: go away all pains, ailments,

illnesses, from the head of the servant of God (name) across the blue sea,

in an open field, in a distant forest, where people don’t go,

animals don't run, birds don't fly,

go away and don't come back!

Forever and ever, amen.

After this plot, your head will stop hurting very quickly. This spell for headaches can be read at a distance from the person who has a headache; it is allowed to read a plot against headaches in a child:

There is a beautiful maiden in the room, the owner of all pains.

Come, beautiful maiden, pain from the slave's head

Take God's (name), pacify, put him on a chain, so that more

it didn’t hurt, it didn’t itch, it didn’t burn.

And my head will not endure unbearable torment,

For Your power will help me and bring me deliverance

From oppressive bodily pain it will give divine lightness.

The pain in my head will no longer return. I won't lie anymore

With a sore head, afraid to move. There is no oblivion from pain,

And only God’s help will save me and give me future healing.

I will thank the Lord day and night for his help.

I will always do this, and my pain will go away. Remove your hand from your head and place it on the heart area. .

The headache will stop immediately

Go, flow into the land

Take the headache

There is no pain in the head bones, there is no illness in the brain.

Do not beat the sick blood, do not break the temples, do not suffer for the slave (name).

As Bright Sunday is, was and will be,

So the health of the violent head of the slave (name) will be forever and ever.

Adam transfers pain to Eve

Is there a way to treat sinusitis without a puncture - yes, this is a conspiracy for sinusitis. An effective plot against sinusitis told to me in the village by a kind grandmother will help you quickly get rid of sinusitis and cure it at home. This ancient healing spell for the treatment of sinusitis acts very quickly and the result in the form of improvement is visible already on the very first day after the ritual was performed independently. The conspiracies will tell you how to cure sinusitis for yourself or your child using water and salt. You can speak water against sinusitis very quickly. Pour 100 mm of clean water and add a quarter teaspoon of table salt into the water, which should be completely

How to quickly get rid of stye on the eye using magic and what conspiracies can be read to permanently remove stye from the eye, they ask us in letters. These most effective conspiracies for the quick and complete removal of barley cope very well with this problem in both an adult and a small child to whom parents can read - speak barley and thereby quickly and permanently remove the inflammation for themselves or their baby. If you don’t know how to quickly remove stye from your eye, do this, wet the index finger of your right hand by spitting on it with your saliva and say the spell for stye three times, rubbing your finger counterclockwise over the stye.

The water spell for health must be read before 2 am, since all spells for health are white healing magic. Water enchanted for healing is the fastest means capable of delivering a magical effect to every diseased cell of a person whose body is basically composed of water. Both the patient himself and his relatives can cast a spell on water for healing: a husband, wife and even children can read the text of a spell on the health of their father or mother for drinking water. Pour drinking water into a transparent container and, upon leaving the threshold of the house, if the house is an apartment building, go out of the entrance and read the spell on the water three times in a whisper.

A ritual to enhance female beauty and attractiveness requires reading a spell on beauty and attractiveness before leaving the house, looking at your reflection in the mirror. The ritual to enhance female attractiveness and this ancient conspiracy to attract men is read by women in order to become very beautiful and desirable to everyone, because the ritual to enhance female attractiveness is an ancient and time-tested safe ritual of witches that brings beauty for 1 day and is safe and does not bring any side effects. To make yourself beautiful, cast a spell while looking in the mirror before leaving the house. Say the spell for beauty 3 times and

Today we will tell you the most powerful and effective folk conspiracies and prayers for pregnancy that Vanga advised everyone who could not get pregnant and told people during her lifetime. A simple white pregnancy conspiracy has already helped many women and girls conceive a child, even in those cases when doctors threw up their hands without finding the cause of infertility in either husband or wife. If you can’t get pregnant and doctors shrug their shoulders, you can try to perform an old white ritual for pregnancy with reading a prayer or conspiracy that is given below. This magical ritual helped many people and they were able to get pregnant the first time immediately after reading the plot! Read strong

Look for a good working way to get rid of warts - a spell against warts will help you quickly remove any wart using magic. You can talk about warts yourself only on certain days. For women, treatment of warts with spells occurs strictly on women's days: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. To get rid of warts, a man should read the plot on men's dates: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. The best time to remove warts by reading a spell is during the waning moon, but this is just a recommendation that it is advisable to follow so that the spell for warts will quickly and surely work as it should and you will be able to remove a wart on an apple with a thread

Treatment of varicose veins with spells is a very common folk method. This is a very good and proven method that allows you to quickly and independently cure varicose veins right at home. Treatment of varicose veins occurs with the help of white magic, and all you need to do is read a strong conspiracy prayer against varicose veins. Many people who tried to treat varicose veins with the help of a spell prayer experienced improvement and relief the very next day, about which you can read many positive reviews, but there are also those for whom the spell for varicose veins could not be removed, but they are a minority. Treatment of varicose veins with a conspiracy should be carried out after sunset. As soon as the sun goes down,

The opening of the swimming season every year on July 6th is precisely on this day and the day of Agrofena Swimsuit is celebrated. There is a good old ritual - a tradition according to which you need to take a bath in any natural body of water on this day and read a prayer for health. According to ancient belief, if you perform this ritual, a person will not get sick all year. A spell on Agrofena to gain health

An old and proven conspiracy against night sweats will help get rid of excessive sweating during sleep. Spells have already talked about a very effective spell for stinking sweat and received a lot of feedback from people who really helped this spell get rid of hyperhidrosis. People also asked to tell us about a conspiracy to treat night sweats and we are fulfilling the request. The spell for night sweats is read in the morning on bed linen wet from sweat. When you get out of bed, read the bed spell. The ritual to get rid of night sweats is carried out three times in a row. Prayer spell words for treating excessive nighttime sleepiness

A good and strong time-tested spell for the head that will help to talk about migraines and noise in the head. The spell will help you quickly get rid of headaches. To independently treat headaches using magic, you need a knife and the words of an old spell that you need to memorize. Take the knife by the blade in your right hand and slowly cross your head with the handle of the knife, repeat the proven prayer prayer for the head three times

Today we will tell you how to spell sciatica yourself using a spell and how quickly this spell will help and teach you a simple ritual for treating back pain due to sciatica. If you are tormented by radiculitis and back pain haunts you, this simple magical ritual with independent reading of the words of the spell prayer for radiculitis relieves lower back pain for many people the first time. If you get sciatica in windy weather, go outside and read the words of the conspiracy against back pain (lower back) 4 times to the north, south, east and west

A conspiracy to conceive a child helps to get pregnant even if a man or woman is diagnosed with infertility. You need to read the infertility plot a few minutes before conceiving a child, once by the husband and once by the wife. The text of the conspiracy is as follows:

Treatment of a sore throat and sore throat with the help of a spell can be done independently with the help of water. Invoking water for a sore throat and rinsing a sore throat with water can quickly relieve pain and cure a sore throat in 1 day. Depending on the age of the person, an adult or a child, fill a container with water so that there is enough water for 3 gargles: morning, lunch and evening, and always half an hour before meals. Taking a jar of water by the bottom with your left hand and covering it with your right hand, say the words of the spell for treatment

Four powerful conspiracies for obsessive headaches

Magic can be useful in different situations - when you want to attract the attention of a guy, improve your personal life, or even when you want to get rid of a slight ailment and health problems. Therefore, various conspiracies that promote healing are so relevant in everyday life. And the most popular spells for headaches remain to this day, some of which are given in our article.

Traditional medicine, including herbal treatment and reading various conspiracies, is an excellent alternative way to get rid of diseases. In particular, the spells that came from our ancient ancestors can be very useful for treating minor ailments and eliminating health problems that a person may encounter on a daily basis.

Features of rituals

Headache can be considered the most annoying ailment, which makes a person irritated, weak and vulnerable. Very often, this phenomenon is caused by changes in weather, overwork, or other similar factors that are not recognized by medicine. And if the reason does not lie in magic, then spells for headaches are sometimes the only effective remedy.

However, such spells will be ineffective if the cause of pain in the head is induced damage or the evil eye. In such situations, traditional and conservative treatment methods do not help. Therefore, before using this or that spell and prayer, you should first find out the true reason for the appearance of malaise and discomfort.

For constant headaches

If such a phenomenon as pain in the head is almost constant, then the following ritual will help get rid of such an obsessive state. To carry it out you will need to prepare in advance:
  • three kopecks of the same denomination and small value;
  • three wax candles purchased from the church;
  • a glass glass filled with holy water (you can take spring or well water);
  • two icons - Jesus Christ, as well as Panteleimon.

Healing a person from constant headaches in the head is carried out during the waning moon, on one of the evenings. When you retire late in the evening, you should open the curtains and lay out the prepared coins in the shape of a triangle on the windowsill. Behind each of them you should place a candle purchased in the church. Leave a free space in the center and, without lighting candles, go to bed. When you get up in the morning, place a vessel filled with holy water between the coins. Light the candles and first say the prayers “Our Father” (3 times) and “Panteleimon” (1 time).

“Just as the head of the servant of God (name of the patient) hurts, itches and bursts, so let the earthworm’s head hurt and burst. Let the pain go from the head of the servant of God (name again) to an earthworm. From now on he will be sick, but the servant of God (name again) will not know grief and pain, neither day nor night. Amen".

After the words of the spell, you should spray your head with the spelled liquid three times. Then you need to take three sips from the glass, and be sure to pour the remaining water onto the ground. If everything is done correctly, the ritual will be successful, and the result of its implementation will be noticeable in the near future.

If the pain is constant

If the unpleasant state and sensations in the head are more permanent, another plot will help get rid of them. In this case, the following words will help with headaches:

“In the damp earth, in a dark grave, the dead man lies - he does not get sick, does not suffer, does not groan. He doesn’t have a headache, he’s resting peacefully. Let the servant of God (name of the patient) also rest peacefully, so that his head does not hurt, so that he does not moan and complain. Just as a dead person will forever be in the earth and not walk among the living, so the servant of God (name again) should not suffer from headaches.”

After such words, you need to spit three times and then say “Amen.” You can read this text as soon as pain appears.

A powerful spell against sudden pain

Another prayer will help in the fight against unpleasant pain. It is read if normal health suddenly gives way to malaise.

Placing your hand on your head (in the place where it hurts), you should say the text of the prayer for headaches:

“Lord Almighty, with Your power and the Holy Spirit the body and head of God’s servant (name) will be saturated. From now on you will not endure unbearable torment, for with Your Power will come deliverance from the bodily pain that oppresses your head. No more lying in agony and suffering from headaches. Deliverance and healing will come with God's help. Both day and night I will now thank the Lord so that the torment of my head will leave me.”

After removing your hand from the sore spot, place it on your heart and end the ritual with a three-fold “Amen.” The condition should improve in the near future.

If the cause of the illness is the evil eye

Very often people can harm your health without even meaning to. In this case, the evil eye can cause not only a headache, but also mild ailments, dizziness, etc. If you want to remove such an effect, read this plot.

Before reading it, tie a scarf or scarf on your head. Walk like this for a while (you can even go to bed), and then, after taking off your clothes, go outside. Take the scarf by the edges so that it flutters in the wind and say:

“The winds are strong, the winds are road, underpass and sub-dam! Why you stuck to my head is why you will turn! They call you beyond the blue sea, beyond the clear field, beyond the fast river! Free winds are blowing there, waiting for you, drinking honey! Go there, behind the steep slopes, into the swamps, and take away my torment, my headaches! Amen".

After the ritual, it is advisable to take a bath with salt added to the water. After a bath, you should rinse off in the shower. The evil eye and its consequences must disappear.

Prayers for headaches

John the Baptist with the singing of the troparion and the Gospel reading for the beheading of his head

The memory of the righteous is with praise, but the testimony of the Lord, Forerunner, is sufficient for you: for you have shown that you are truly the most honorable of the prophets, as in the streams of baptism you were worthy of the Preached One: having suffered the same for the truth, rejoicing, you preached the gospel to those in hell of God revealed in the flesh, taking away the sin of the world and giving us great mercy.

Honest Forerunner to the Baptist of Christ, ultimate prophet, first martyr, mentor of fasters and hermits, teacher of purity and neighbor of Christ! I pray to you, and when you come running, do not reject me from your intercession, do not forsake me, who have fallen through many sins; renew my soul with repentance, like a second baptism; Cleanse me, the sins of the defiled, and compel me to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, even if nothing bad enters. Amen.

Baptist of Christ, preacher of repentance, do not despise me who repents, but copulating with the heavenly ones, pray to the Lady for me, unworthy, sad, weak and sad, fallen into many troubles, burdened by the stormy thoughts of my mind. Because I am a den of evil deeds, with no end to sinful customs, my mind is nailed down by earthly things. What will I do? We don't know. And to whom shall I resort, that my soul may be saved? Only to you, Saint John, give the same name of grace, for you are before the Lord through the Mother of God greater than all those born, for you have been honored to touch the top of the King Christ, who takes away the sins of the world, the Lamb of God. Pray for my sinful soul, so that from now on, in the first ten hours, I will bear a good burden and accept recompense with the last. To her, the Baptist of Christ, an honest Forerunner, an extreme Prophet, the first martyr in grace, a teacher of fasters and hermits, a teacher of purity and a close friend of Christ! I pray to you, I come running to you: do not reject me from your intercession, but raise me up, cast down by many sins. Renew my soul with repentance, as with the second baptism, since you are the ruler of both: with baptism wash away the original sin, and with repentance cleanse every bad deed. Cleanse me, defiled by my sins, and force me to enter, even if nothing bad enters, into the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen.

Saint Gury of Kazan

Relieves headaches.

The first teacher to the previously dark, now bright and newly enlightened city of Kazan, the first proclaimer of the path of salvation, the true guardian of the apostolic traditions, pillars of steadfastness, teachers of piety and Orthodoxy, Guria and Barsanuphius, pray to the Lord of all to grant greater peace to the universe and great mercy to our souls.

O great servant of Christ and glorious healer, Great Martyr Panteleimon! With your soul in Heaven stand before the Throne of God and enjoy His Trinitarian glory, the body and face of the saint rested on earth in Divine churches and with the grace given to you from above, various miracles exuded, look with your merciful eye on the people ahead, more honorable than your icon, tenderly praying and asking from healing help and intercession for you: extend your warm prayers to the Lord our God and ask for forgiveness of sins for our souls. Behold, we, for our iniquity, do not dare to raise our hair to the heights of heaven, lower to raise the voice of prayer to His unapproachable glory in the Divine, with a contrite heart and a humble spirit for you, a merciful intercessor to the Lady and a prayer book for us sinners, we call upon you, as you have received Thou art the grace from Him to drive away illnesses and heal passions. We therefore ask you: do not despise us, unworthy, who pray to you and demand your help. Be a comforter to us in our sorrows, a physician to those who suffer in the worst of times, a quick protector to those who are suffering, a giver of insight to those who are ill, a ready intercessor and healer for those who are sick and infants in sorrows: intercede for everyone everything that is useful for salvation, as through your prayers to the Lord God you have received grace and mercy, let us glorify all the good Source and Giver of God, the One in the Trinity of Holy Ones, the glorified Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O glorious martyr and good warrior of the Heavenly King, the all-blessed Panteleimon, the merciful imitator of God, who boldly confessed Christ on earth, and endured manifold torments for Him, unfadingly received a crown in Heaven, where you enjoyed eternal bliss, and with boldness to the Throne of the Trisolar Divinity are coming ! All of us sinners resort to your Christ-like compassion for God, and we all diligently pray to you, our warm intercessor and representative: do not cease to look upon us who are in need and sorrowful circumstances, and with your prayerful help and healing power, always deliver us from cruel evils and all-destructiveness and all sorts of other troubles and illnesses. For you, holy one, have received the boundless grace of healing from our Savior Jesus Christ for your firm faith in Him, with a pure and immaculate life, sealed by martyrdom and your many-victorious death, in which, by the grace given by you, you were named by Christ Panteleimon, the same-named of mercy, having mercy on all those who come to you in sorrow and illness. For this reason, since you are a merciful helper and healer in everything, we call on you with faith: hear us and through your God-pleasing intercession give us everything useful in this life and necessary for eternal salvation. With your martyrdom, beg the merciful God to have mercy on us, sinners and unworthy, according to His great mercy, and deliver us from cowardice, flood, fire, sword and all righteous anger and reproach, prompting us in good time to cleansing and propitiatory repentance for our sins, for the sake of the multitude of His bounty, may He give us all a comfortable, quiet and God-pleasing life, and may His Angel protect us all from all enemies, visible and invisible, with His grace and invincible militia, in whose image we are protected and instructed, may we live in this world in repentance, purity and in doing godly deeds; May we be worthy, through your warm intercession, to achieve a Christian death that is painless, peaceful, and shameless, to get rid of the machinations of the airy princes of darkness and from eternal torment, and to be heirs of the endless, all-blessed Kingdom. Hey, servant of God! Do not cease to pray for us sinners, and through your intercession of temporary and eternal troubles, deliverance, we magnify you, our intercessor and prayer book, and we eternally glorify our common Master and Lord Jesus Christ, to Him belongs all glory, honor and worship with His Beginning Father and the Most Holy Spirit , now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon, imitator of the merciful God! Look with mercy and hear us, sinners, praying earnestly before your holy icon. Ask us from the Lord God, who stands before Him with the Angels in heaven, for the forgiveness of our sins and transgressions. Heal the mental and physical illnesses of the servants of God, now remembered, those present here, and all Orthodox Christians who flow to your intercession. Behold, because of our fierce sin, we are possessed by many ailments and are not imams of help and consolation, but we resort to you, as you have given the grace to pray for us and heal every ailment and every disease. Grant therefore to all of us through your holy prayers health and well-being of souls and bodies, advancement of faith and piety and everything necessary for temporary life and salvation. For, having been granted great and rich mercies by you, let us glorify you and the giver of all blessings, marvelous among the saints, our God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

O great saint of Christ, passion-bearer and much-merciful physician, Panteleimon! Have mercy on me, a sinful slave, hear my groaning and cry, propitiate the heavenly, supreme Physician of our souls and bodies, Christ our God, may He grant me healing from the illness that oppresses me. Accept the unworthy prayer of the most sinful man above all. Visit me with a gracious visit. Do not disdain my sinful sores, anoint me with the oil of your mercy and heal me: yes, healthy in soul and body, I can spend the rest of my days, by the grace of God, in repentance and pleasing God and will be worthy to receive the good end of my life. Hey, servant of God! Pray to Christ God, that through your intercession he may grant me health to my body and salvation to my soul. Amen.

(thanksgiving, after healing from illness)

Holy Great Martyr, Healer and Wonderworker Panteleimon, all-round servant of God and constant prayer book for Orthodox Christians! You are worthily named Panteleimon, the all-merciful hedgehog, for having received from God the grace to pray for us and to heal illnesses, you richly give to everyone who comes to you, various healings and everything needed for temporary life and salvation: for this reason we are not worthy, having been granted Your mercy, again, before your holy icon, we resort to you, and glorifying you, as a sincere saint of God, our faithful prayer book and healer, we fervently thank you and the giver of all the good things of the Lord our God for the great blessings that you have given us from Him. Therefore, mercifully accept this small prayerful thanksgiving of ours, before imams give you anything other than what is due to you, and for the rest of our lives do not deprive us, weak and sinners, of your help and prayerful intercession with the Lord our God, to Him belongs all glory, thanksgiving and worship. , Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Passion-bearing saint and healer Panteleimon, pray to the merciful God that he will grant remission of sins to our souls.

A headache can drive anyone crazy. It often torments the unfortunate person for a long time, reducing his performance and causing aggressive reactions.

A spell for headaches will allow you to quickly get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon. There are plenty of reasons for headaches - it can be severe stress or overwork, the consequences of past illnesses, frequent lack of sleep, and others.

During severe pain, of any nature, interest in everything decreases, but irritability increases, discontent grows, and an unreasonable feeling of aggression appears. It is worth saying that such pain syndromes should not be left to chance, expecting them to go away on their own - this can cause serious consequences.

Pain in the head area should not be tolerated under any circumstances; it can lead to a stroke, which is much worse, so you should start treating it immediately. Healing agents are freely available today, with the exception of potent ones. Moreover, these means are very diverse.

In the modern world, there are a variety of means of getting rid of such a debilitating phenomenon - traditional medicine, injections, drugs, folk remedies, magical spells.

Of course, the most correct decision would be to make an appointment with a doctor to identify the cause of the pain. However, few people are eager to visit the hospital every time this phenomenon occurs. Magic spells, the use of which is based on several important rules, will help you get rid of the painful syndrome.

Rules for using the ritual and its features

Popular beliefs have preserved the information that simple water has the most effective powers in the fight against illnesses. According to legend, water is able to absorb all painful sensations, thereby healing the patient. Due to this, the bulk of conspiracies should be read on the water. Folk conspiracies against something can be used for treatment if the doctor and the patient unconditionally believe in the effectiveness of rituals and magic in general.

In the case where folk rituals are only a hope for temporary relief of pain, the consequences can be very different.

The bulk of the sentences are universal against a wide variety of diseases. However, the most effective are rituals whose means are aimed at treating a specific disease or pain syndrome.

The power of the magician-healer plays a big role in the effectiveness of the ritual. Powerful healers are able to perform up to several conspiracies a day, accurately determining which one is suitable in a particular case.

Treatment with folk remedies or traditional medicine is based on compliance with certain rules, and treatment through special rituals is no exception.

  • The basic rules are as follows:
  • The best result can be achieved if the ritual is performed over the patient by another person;
  • The patient should be in bed at the time of the ritual;
  • You need to create a peaceful atmosphere in the room - turn off the light sources, curtain the windows and get rid of all noise and sounds;
  • It is necessary to read the plot over the sufferer’s head; it is permissible to place hands on his head;

If you have to read a strong spell for headaches on yourself, then using your fingers in a circular motion, it is recommended to massage the temporal area.

Water and a knife will help relieve pain It is not always possible to quickly and reliably relieve a headache using folk remedies or pharmaceutical remedies; it is much more effective to treat such pain with the help of spells. Pure, unboiled water has enormous healing power, which is why numerous white magicians and witches resort to its help. The spell is cast on water, giving it healing powers. The patient can only drink the enchanted water, sincerely believing in its effectiveness.

Spell "For headaches" on the water

“Adam has a headache, Adam gives the pain to Eve, Eve gives it to the snake, and the snake gives it to the apple, the apple will give pain to the sun, and the sun will give it to the sea, in the sea the wind will pick up the pain and scatter it without a trace.”
On Palm Sunday: “Water, go underground, willow, take away my headache, the water runs away and takes my headache under the willow with it.”
pure, I see the whole truth. Fierce animals run past. Black birds fly by, rotten worms crawl by. Let what is said come true. Amen."

A spell with a knife has greater healing power if read over the head of the patient at dawn on Thursday. The necessary conditions for carrying it out are the presence of a knife with a wooden handle and compliance with the rules. At the set time, you should use the wooden handle of a knife on the head of the person being charmed to make cross-shaped movements, pronouncing the text of the plot.

“Headache” spell on a knife

“In a violent head, the bone does not hurt. There will be no pain in the bones of the head, and there will be no illness in the brain. Do not beat the patient’s blood and do not break your temples; do not suffer for the servant of God (name). Bright Sunday was, is and will be, in the same way the health of the head of the violent slave (name) will be forever and ever. Amen."
for swampy swamps and dense forests. Sends you to places where people don’t live, where young girls don’t braid their hair. There are 77 types of you, but there is something for all of you.
There will be a wedding for you, there will be a party, where you lie down, there your place will be. Caviar, bear children, your strength will be there, but it will not leave there. As for the servant of God (name), you will no longer live, you will not give birth to your own kind, you will not harm her.
And if you don’t leave God’s servant (name), it will be like that for you, who sends lice, fleas, and cockroaches on everyone. As it is said, it will come true. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

The strongest ritual against headaches is considered to be a conspiracy on Palm Sunday.

For severe and frequent pain syndromes, it is recommended to resort to a conspiracy, which should be read on Palm Sunday. The main means to achieve the goal here will be water, hair and a comb. Folk legends say that you need to comb your hair with a comb, then remove the remaining hairs from it and place it in the prepared water. On the holiday of Palm Resurrection, water and hair are poured over the willow tree and a spell is pronounced, relieving the sufferer from the disease.

Conspiracy “For headaches” on Palm Sunday

“Water, go to the ground along with your headache.”
Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy.
Lord have mercy.
So would it be with my enemies.
No hands were raised against me,
eyes did not open on me,
The mouth did not open with accusation.
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.
The Lord is with me everywhere and everywhere. The cross of Jesus is on me.
God exists, God is great, God conquers everyone.
According to my faith, it frees me from any enemies.
Who can overcome the word of God,
Only he can harm me from now on.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Chapter 1 Conspiracies for headaches

It's no secret that headaches and migraines, which so often occur at completely inopportune times, can take any person out of peace of mind and balance. Moreover, if a person is engaged in mental work, a headache attack can be unbearable.

Headache manifests itself in more or less severe pain in the skull area. Headaches can be caused by other diseases in your body, as well as by high or low blood pressure. It can also occur as a result of severe physical fatigue or nervous shock. The headache can simply be attributed to bad weather or magnetic storms. An acute attack of headache can quickly subside if you take the appropriate medicine, or it can continue for quite a long time.

About migraine, in contrast to headaches, they say the following: “This is a very common and common type of headache. It is characterized by sudden attacks of headaches, usually affecting only one part of the head. The development of a migraine attack is accompanied by a feeling of weakness, drowsiness, nausea and the flashing of stars before the eyes. Along with this, irritability, vomiting, intolerance to noise and bright light and strong odors occur. The causes and duration, like a headache, can be very different.”

Along with traditional methods of getting rid of headaches, there are various magical remedies. We will talk about how to overcome this pain with the help of conspiracies. More often, conspiracies are used not separately, but together with any magical actions or rituals. This gives them a much more significant role.

As you know, conspiracies can simply be pronounced like a prayer, they can be read over (holy) water, or into decoctions of medicinal herbs (many healers and healers did this) - and, as mentioned above, using various manipulations and rituals.

If you are tormented by a severe headache, you can read the following plot: “I will pray to the Lord God, I will worship the holy environment, for the servant of God (servant of God) (name) I will take the pain out of my head. The Mother of God was walking, carrying a golden hoop, and began to think and wonder how to remove the sore from the head of the servant of God (servant of God) (name). I reprimand you, I reprimand you from the curly head, from the clear eyes, from the smooth shoulders, from the ruddy face, from the wide heart, from the scarlet blood, from the yellow bone, from the blue veins, from all the veins, from the straight back, from a strong lower back, from a living belly, from a bladder, so that you don’t stand here in pain, don’t sting in your ears, don’t dry out your body and don’t knock down the servant of God (servant of God) (name). Amen. Amen. Amen".

After this, you need to cross yourself three times and wash yourself with holy water.


This spell must be pronounced at sunset, turning your face to it: “The sun is behind the mountain, but the headache is uphill!”

Try the following spell: “You bowed your head on the holy crucifix - and all power, visible and invisible, bowed down to you, and crushed their head and strength, the head of the submissive, sick from sins. Now You, Master Lord, deign to look upon Your servant (Your) (name), who has bowed (bowed) his head, crush my headache that has taken hold of my head, heal from the illness that has taken hold of it. As You are our Head, and to Your Head we send our health, and to You we send glory.


You can plant vervain in soil mixed with hair and water it from your head, saying: “I plant verbena deep in the ground, I plant a hair from my head, I water it with holy water, I relieve my head from pain. Just as the verbena goes deep into the ground, so does all the pain from my head go with my hair. Amen".

If you have a severe headache, you need to pour water over your head, over which you say three times: “O Adonai, deliver and heal your servant.”

This text is an introductory fragment. From the book The Secret of Slanders and Attitudes of Sister Stephanie. Hidden words of light and words of power author Stefania Sister

For headaches The energies of youth and health fill my head. My head is fresh, light, healthy. The healing has begun. My bright, clear head is completely healthy. I'm calm and relaxed. I let go of all thoughts. Everything unnecessary goes away. Only lightness, freshness in me

From the book The Magic of Wax, Candles and Spells author Kryuchkova Olga Evgenievna

Spell for headaches (option 3) For this spell, you need to baptize the patient’s head with the handle of a knife while reading the spell: “There is no pain in the head, a bone. There is no pain in the head, no illness in the brain. Do not beat the sick blood, do not break the temples, do not suffer for the slave (name). How bright

author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

For headaches Pour water over your head, saying: O Adonai, deliver and heal your servant.

From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

For constant headaches: Comb hair from scalp, mix with water. Water the willow with this mixture on Palm Sunday and say: Water go into the ground along with the headache.

From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Spell for headaches If you often have headaches, you can help yourself with this spell. The spell is read when washing your hair: Saint John, you lost your head, and by that feat you were sanctified before the Lord. The lawless Herod cut off your most holy head, I will weep and sing holy praises,

From the book Conspiracies of an Altai healer on water author Krasnova Alevtina

Conspiracies for headaches If your head feels like a hoop, pour running water into a light glass glass. Read the “Our Father” three times, then a prayer to St. Panteleimon, say the following words: I, the servant of God (name), drink water, I punish her. To make me leak, pain

author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Words for headaches Pour water over your head, saying: Oh, Adonai, deliver and heal your servant. Another spell for headaches: Three days in a row, go to the cemetery and there, having chosen a grave, bow to the ground three times in a row, and then, taking a handful of earth, rub it with it.

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 01 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

A spell for constant headaches Comb your hair, collect your hair from the comb and put it in the water. Pour this water over the willow tree on Palm Sunday and say: Water, go into the ground along with the head

From the book Miracle Healing in a Whisper author Mother Stefania

For toothache and headaches Read three times at sunset or at the moon, leaving the house on the street: - Month Bulat, do you have a brother Ignat? Does Ignat's teeth hurt? - No, they don’t hurt. – Doesn’t Ignat’s head hurt? - No, it doesn’t hurt. - So let me (he, she) have a servant of God (name)

From the book How to protect yourself from damage and the evil eye by Luzina Lada

From a headache, Zarya-Zaryanitsa, a beautiful maiden, went to the early grandmother of God, took Christ in her arms, removed all illnesses from the servant of God (name).* * *I will become a servant of God, blessing myself, I will go, crossing myself, I will go into an open field, there is a white birch tree in an open field

From the book Conspiracies of a Karelian healer and the moods of Andrei Levshinov author Levshinov Andrey

From the headache, peace surrounds me. I'm safe. Above me is an endless sky, full of peace. Soft light pours down on me from the sky. He calms and pacifies me. He touches my head lightly and gently. It’s like a gentle, cool hand rests on my forehead. I feel

From the book Treatment. How to use prayers, spells and traditional medicine author Bagirova Galina

Prayers for headaches Very often, especially in big cities, people suffer from headaches. The air there is different, and the environment is not suitable for everyone. The world has changed a lot. There are few places left where a person truly feels good. All

From the book Thoughts that Revive a Healthy Cardiovascular System author Sytin Georgy Nikolaevich

34. Divine mood for relieving headaches and pain in the heart. A constant stream of dazzlingly bright holy Divine light pours into my head. A blindingly bright, blindingly bright silver holy divine light pours into my head. Bright-bright

From the book of 1777 new conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 34 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

For headaches From a letter: “I’ve been having a really bad headache lately. Doctors ordered an MRI and other tests, but it turned out that everything was within normal limits. When I asked why my head hurt so much, I was given a strange answer with a polite smile: “Hardly anyone

From the book The Happiness of Full Health author Sytin Georgy Nikolaevich

Healing from a headache The Lord God forever, for all time, directed a gigantic power beam of healing Divine light at me. Forever, for all time, the Lord God sent a holy silver healing ray of gigantic power brighter than the sun to me

Headache is a nuisance that everyone has to face. Different people have different approaches to the issue of treating such ailments. Some go straight to the doctor, others take an Analgin tablet or quickly brew herbal tea. But there are also less familiar methods of dealing with headaches. What are they?

Prayer for headaches

No one doubts the power of prayer. And the power of sacred words can be used to get rid of headaches.

Prayer to Saint Panteleimon

You should sincerely turn to Saint Panteleimon with a request for help, reading the prayer:

Elder Panteleimon, God-pleasing saint!
In the name of our God, heavenly father
you asked for universal human health.
Hear my humble prayer,
I ask for the mercy of the Lord.
How the merciful God delivered us from the machinations of the evil one,
so you heal my headaches.
May my prayer be heard.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel

You can appeal to the intercessor that every person has. The Guardian Angel will respond to your request and relieve you of headaches. The prayer must be read while in a calm mood:

My angel, Divine guardian,
how you save me from troubles,
how you suggest the right paths,
So save me from headaches,
servant of God (name).

Words addressed to the Guardian Angel must come from the heart. Therefore, the text of the prayer can be changed at your discretion.

Headache spell

There are also special rituals that help relieve headaches. Such rituals were widely practiced by our ancestors, but in the modern world they do not lose their relevance.

Basic Rules

There are several main points that must be adhered to when reading the plot:

  • it is better if the person who is ill and the performer of the ritual are different people;
  • the ceremony should be carried out in a darkened and quiet room;
  • During the ritual, a window or window must be open.

Opinions vary regarding the time of day. Some people prefer to carry out the ritual at night, while others prefer the morning hours, when the world is just beginning to awaken.

Conspiracy for squeezing headaches

When your head feels like it’s being squeezed in a vice, the following ritual will help. It is necessary to place a glass filled with spring water in the center of the table, and light church candles on its four sides. Then read the plot:

The pain is strong, it burns like fire
my poor little head.
Help me, water,
cool the oppressive heat.
Take my pain for yourself:
let it sprout as grass,
flowers, trees.
Let it be so! Amen!

Afterwards you need to extinguish the candles with the help of enchanted water. When the room is plunged into darkness, you must say: “The darkness has come, but the headache has gone.” After completing the ceremony, the water should be poured outside, preferably onto the plants.

Conspiracy for severe headaches

If a headache strikes suddenly and at the most inopportune moment, then a simple conspiracy will help get rid of it. You need to set aside a few minutes during which no one will disturb the person. Then you should rub your palms against each other, warming them. Then you need to cover your eyes with your hands and say:

My headache is leaving me.
It makes its way through the marshy swamps,
runs through green meadows,
wanders through the fields of corn,
wanders across the snowy plains,
swims across deep rivers,
bypasses endless seas.
Then walking,
then on a horse racing
saw my headache.
The tormentor has left,
that's where she belongs.

When reading the plot, you need to imagine what is happening, feeling how relief gradually comes. The better the pain is visualized, the more effective the ritual will be.

Morning headache spell

If your head starts to hurt immediately after sleep, you should say the following words:

The sun has risen
the earth was illuminated.
The pain melted and went away.
Nothing disturbs my sleep anymore,
and my head doesn't hurt in the morning.
Let it be so!

Migraine spell

For those who are bothered by painful migraines, a special conspiracy will be a real “lifeline”. You need to read it in complete solitude, holding a lit candle in your right hand:

The fire burns and burns merrily,
burns my headaches.
The migraine goes away neither through the door nor out the window:
it burns so much that it becomes light
in my mind.
And from now on I will never suffer
from undeserved pain.
Everything burned in the fire!

Afterwards, you need to blow out the candle and lie down with your eyes closed for a few minutes.

Conspiracy for any headache

You cannot perform this ritual on your own: you need to find an assistant. The ritual consists of the following. You need to take a small knife by the tip and cross the head of the person suffering from pain with the handle, saying:

I baptize you, (name),
for headaches.
Like the sun rises every day,
So the pain is now going away.
As the moon appears in the sky,
so the pain is no longer there.
Be clear and bright in your head,
no longer suffer from pain.

After reading the plot, you can give the patient 3 sips of holy water.

Will it help?

Many people are quite skeptical about the possibility of getting rid of headaches using such non-standard methods. Indeed, there is no guarantee that a prayer or spell will work. What's the catch? For a headache to go away after saying certain words, you need to believe that it is possible. Everyone has a sorcerer and mystic in their soul: all that remains is to awaken him.