Strengthening nails: gel, powder, baths at home. Gel for strengthening nails as an effective way to protect them Strengthening nails with gel polish design

Currently, in the world of cosmetology and nail design, there is a strong tendency to follow fashion without sacrificing health. This choice is most relevant for those women who suffer from imperfect nails - thinning, splitting or brittleness. Innovative means have come to the aid of traditional means of strengthening nails (baths with salt or herbal infusions, masks) - acrylic and gel polish, which has already proven itself well.

Features and differences

Gel polish – hybrid, which combines all the advantages of gel and varnish, but there are differences between them. If the gel allows you to adjust the length and thickness of the nails, then the purpose of gel polish is different - to ensure the preservation of the varnish coating for 2-3 weeks without loss of quality. A distinctive feature of gel polish is also that it must be dried under UV lamp, and even better - under LED lamp, which allows you to speed up the process up to 10 seconds.

The interesting thing is that gel polish can be used in two functions at once: both as a decorative coating and as a strengthener. However, it should be remembered that the strengthening effect disappears after it is removed, so before applying gel polish, use, for example, a strengthening gel.

Since gel polish is applied for a long time, the nails must be healthy. Otherwise, you will have to spend time and effort restoring the nail plate: gel polish will not be able to strengthen weakened nails affected by fungal, bacterial or viral diseases. In this case, restoration of the nail plate is achieved not with gel polish; for this you need a special product for growing and strengthening nails. Acrylic powder (a quickly polymerizing powder that “cements” the nail plates) allows you to quickly harden the nail plate, but, like gel polish, it does not have a therapeutic effect.

How and with what to strengthen your nails

Every woman knows that nails require strengthening before and after extensions, as well as after removing gel polish.

At the same time, experts note that such procedures must be done step by step, in compliance with all the requirements of the instructions.

To make nails durable, many people use gel and biogel. The composition of these materials is not identical: The gel is characterized by hardness combined with fragility, while the biogel is characterized by strength, amazing elasticity and ease of removal. Gel strengthens natural nails; applied in a thin layer, it creates a strong foundation for a variety of patterns or stickers. Its composition is safe because it does not cause thinning of nails, and is multifunctional, providing care not only for the nail plate, but also for the cuticle.

Compared to gel, biogel is used more widely, effectively promoting the healing of nail plates thanks to its natural composition. Biogel has virtually no contraindications and will not harm people suffering from allergies.

But it also has disadvantages: biogel quickly decomposes at high temperatures, under the influence of cleaning agents, solvents and alcohol-containing liquids. The vulnerability of biogel forces its adherents to take special care in everyday life, for example, wear rubber gloves when using washing powder.

You can also strengthen your nails with acrylic, which is known for its durability. It not only gives strength to the nails, but also extends the “service life” of the manicure. It is often used to straighten natural nails and prevent nail cracks.

As a hardener, acrylic powder is usually applied under gel polish with a pusher or fan brush. Nails treated in this way are dried under a lamp. Fashionistas who use acrylic should remember that acrylic coating does not have a healing effect. It strengthens not the nails, but the varnish coating, and this is precisely what determines its positive effect.

A base can be used to strengthen the nail plates under gel polish. The technique of applying it is quite simple and accessible even to a beginner. In order for the varnish coating to last longer, the product must be applied in several layers. This rule is observed even if we use a thick base.

Minor defects in manicure can be eliminated with silk, which quickly “patches” cracks that have appeared in the varnish coating.

How to remove

When using gel polish, carefully choose your remover. Experts always recommend buying removers from trusted brands, since such products are guaranteed to perform two functions: they easily remove the gel coating and prevent drying of the nail and cuticle.

If you decide to remove gel polish yourself, first study all existing methods and objectively evaluate their advantages and disadvantages.

There are usually 3 options for removing gel polish that are discussed:

  • using a remover;
  • through napkin wrappers;
  • mechanically.

When using removers, remember that high-quality brands of gel polish come complete with a remover, which speeds up the process of “undressing” the nails.

In addition to the product itself, you will need cotton balls, foil, a sanding file and an orange stick.

The procedure is divided into three stages that do not require professional skills.

First stage- this is removing the gloss with a sanding file. Removing the top layer makes it easier to dissolve the gel polish. The lower layers of the coating cannot be cleaned off with a nail file; you just need to remove the decor from them, if any.

At the second stage The nails are wrapped in foil to speed up the action of the remover. Soak cotton wool in it, place it on the nail, wrap it in a piece of foil and hold for 10-15 minutes. The foil can be replaced with special fasteners.

At the final stage remove the foil by twisting it from side to side to remove any cracked coating. Clean up the remainder with an orange stick. If you work carefully, your nails will not be injured.

Nail plates strengthened with acrylic powder tolerate this procedure no worse, but no better, than those that have not undergone this procedure. After removing the gel polish, they also need rest and careful care.

Using branded ready-to-use wraps is a convenient but expensive way to remove gel polish.. The procedure for using them is not complicated. We do this:

  • we cut off the top layer, which will ensure the effectiveness of the remover;
  • use the wrappers according to the attached instructions;
  • After removing the wrappers, remove the remaining gel polish with an orange stick.

Professionals disapprove of removing gel polish at home using a cutter or rough file. The problem is that using a cutter requires skills that only an experienced craftsman has. For this reason, an inept attempt to mechanically get rid of the varnish coating usually ends in damage to the nail plate.


The competitiveness of gel polish is due to its combination of the strength of the modeling gel, the simplicity of the procedure and the safety of the components. It includes: photoinitiator, film former, pigments, diluents, additives providing plasticity, thickening components, gloss. If you care about your health, choose a varnish without formaldehyde and toluene.

Types of gel polishes are usually classified depending on their composition and method of application. There are 3 types of gel polishes: single-phase, two-phase and three-phase. Single-phase gel polish has the properties of a base, color coating and fixer. Due to its versatility, it is applied in 1-2 layers. Two-phase gel polish, consisting of colored varnish and fixer, is applied in 2 layers. Three-phase gel polish involves applying 3 layers: base, color coating and fixer.

Despite the generally accepted safety of gel polish, it should not be considered absolutely harmless: After removing the varnish, the condition of the nail structure should be assessed by a professional. If deformities are detected, the smartest step is to take a break between treatments. During this period, you can strengthen your nails with a special varnish containing calcium.


In terms of color, strengthening products correspond to modern fashion trends and satisfy the most sophisticated tastes. The line of products with a predominance of delicate natural shades allows you to create a manicure that emphasizes the currently fashionable naturalness: it can be transparent, translucent or contain a discreet but attractive design.

Rating of popular funds

Among the products for strengthening nails today, the leading brands are Smart Enamel, Eveline and Trind.

"Smart enamel"is a unique line of products that heals both the nail plate and the cuticle, providing therapeutic, preventive and cosmetic effects. It does not contain formaldehyde and toluene, only useful natural ingredients (vitamins, microelements and vegetable oils) that ensure complete restoration of the nail Additional bonuses of the products in this line are 36 exquisite shades, quick drying of the varnish, a comfortable brush, and durability of the coating. Those women who have tried this brand boldly give it a 5.

Polish brand Eveline Cosmetics has firmly established itself in the cosmetics market thanks to the highest quality products and well-thought-out marketing policy. Well-proven branded oil for nails and cuticles Eveline with avocado extract and vitamin complex (score 4.2). A multivitamin preparation from Eveline to strengthen soft, peeling nails “ SOS Nail Therapy” with calcium and collagen.

Dutch company Trind develops unique, highly effective nail care products that take into account the natural structure of the nail plate and cuticle. Brand manufacturers do not rely on masking a cosmetic defect or a quick solution to the problem, but on the true restoration of the nail plate. Product line Trind includes a firming agent with a glossy effect “ Trind Nail Revive Natural” and with matte “ Trind Nail Revive Matt", vitamins for nails" Trind Nail Balsam" Professionals and nail service enthusiasts give positive reviews of this company's products when used after gel coating.

Subtleties of care at home

To save money, many women decide to independently master the art of applying long-lasting manicure at home. In addition to basic skills, you will need a full set of necessary equipment, a set of special tools and an idea of ​​what the technique of coating nails with gel polish is.

Today it is easy to buy a ready-made gel manicure kit. Despite the fact that the choice is quite wide, you should proceed from the set, which includes:

  • primer;
  • the basis;
  • files and buffs;
  • finishing coating;
  • colored coatings;
  • orange stick;
  • means for removing the top sticky layer;
  • auxiliary materials for removing old coating (foil, cotton wool).

To dry each layer you will need UV- or LED-lamp. It should be noted that manufacturers offer devices that differ significantly both in standard parameters and in a number of additional characteristics. To avoid making mistakes when choosing a lamp, consult a professional before purchasing.

A beautiful manicure at home can be done by adhering to a strict algorithm that determines the content and sequence of procedures. Move step by step:

  • correct the shape of the nail;
  • push back the cuticle;
  • remove traces of grease and dirt from the nail plates;
  • use a primer;
  • apply foundation;
  • apply 2-3 layers of colored varnish;
  • cover the dried layers with finishing gel;
  • remove the top sticky layer;
  • soften the cuticle with special oil;
  • Dry each layer under a UV or LED lamp.

When working with gel polish, do not forget that the technology for applying it must be strictly followed. Otherwise, the coating will not last the period promised by the manufacturer: peeling, chips or cracks will appear, which may prompt you to consider updating it earlier. However, frequent manicures lead to damage to the nail plate, which provokes unwanted painful consequences.

When using gel polish, experts recommend following the instructions step by step, with which you can always ensure the safety and beauty of your manicure. The following rules must be observed:

  • Clean the nail plates thoroughly and degrease.
  • Use primer in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations.
  • Before the procedure, avoid wet manicure or paraffin therapy, otherwise peeling of the varnish coating will not be avoided.
  • Apply the decorative coating to the nails in 2-3 layers, which will save it from various types of deformations: blistering, displacement, unevenness.
  • To prevent deformation, carefully treat the ends of the nail plate with primer and varnish.
  • Dry each applied layer under a lamp. Drying time varies depending on the type and wattage of the lamp.
  • Under dark gel polish, put a thicker base, otherwise the surface of the nail will turn yellow.
  • Do not use products containing acetone to remove nail polish.
  • Remove gel polish with removers from the same manufacturer as the decorative coating.
  • Try not to file off the base layer of gel polish.
  • Regularly nourish the cuticle with special oil.

Many women have noticed that after a long-lasting manicure, their nails become too soft and brittle, and the regrown part of the nail peels off and comes off. There are recipes that improve the condition of nails, which are very convenient to use at home.

One of the most popular is garlic varnish. Place 2 finely chopped cloves of garlic in a bottle of ordinary transparent varnish, leave the mixture for 7-10 days, then apply it daily to damaged nails, removing the old layer. This composition strengthens and disinfects nail plates and accelerates their growth. Its disadvantage is the noticeable garlic smell, which disappears after about an hour.

Nail baths with sea salt, lemon juice and iodine have a slight therapeutic effect. This method is good for preventing brittle nails.

Softening of the nail plate is not the only unpleasant consequence of modern long-lasting manicure. Some people wonder why their nails hurt after all the salon tricks. The main causes of discomfort are:

  • nail plate injury;
  • a fungal disease that appears against the background of weakening nails;
  • introduced infections;
  • hormonal disorders or vitamin deficiency, lack of calcium and silicon;
  • ingrown nail;
  • unprofessional work of the craftsman, use of low-quality materials.

Each individual problem has its own solutions. In case of mechanical injury, restoration of the nail will require time and care with nourishing creams and oils. The more serious the situation, the longer it will take, on average at least a month.

Fungal and infectious diseases need to be treated by a specialist; A trip to the clinic cannot be avoided. Hormonal imbalances and ingrown toenails should also be addressed by a doctor, but vitamin deficiency can be dealt with on your own. There are many vitamin and mineral complexes on sale to improve the condition of hair and nails. Good nutrition and a harmonious rhythm of life also work wonders.

As for the last reason, the solution is obvious: give your nails time to recover, and during this time you can find the best specialist and select proven products.

The health of your nails directly depends on the general condition of our body. Constant stress, lack of vitamins, and disturbances in the functioning of internal organs lead to thinning, splitting and fragility of the nail plate.

However, often we ourselves, with our careless attitude, bring the main decoration and protection of our hands into a deplorable state. For example, we use household chemicals without gloves, regularly resort to nail extensions, and use varnish of questionable quality for manicures. Strengthening your nails with special cosmetics will help correct the situation. After their use, the plates become stronger and more elastic, and look more attractive. Some procedures require visiting beauty salons with professional equipment, but many are quite accessible at home.

Why is the procedure useful?

Natural nails are prone to brittleness and flaking, so manicurists recommend strengthening them with gel.

This procedure is useful for the following reasons:

This procedure can be done both in the salon and at home, if you have the necessary knowledge and tools (experience will come with time).

Gel polish with gel strengthening step by step instructions

First stage. The plate is strengthened with a base and treated with a thin layer. After the procedure, the fingers are dried under a UV lamp.

Second phase. Make the base layer a thicker layer and also dry it under a lamp.

In addition, before strengthening your nails with a gel polish base and a base layer, be sure to protect the cuticle so that liquid does not get on it. If this happens, wipe off the product with a napkin.

The last stage is to apply another layer and dry. There may be a sticky part left on the pad, which needs to be carefully removed with a cotton pad.

Strengthening gel for nails is easy to apply, but requires care and treatment before use. These are the main points you should know.

You can also use acrylic powder - a special product that has a similar effect and the same method of application.

Advantages and disadvantages of gel nail coating

The material in question is widely used in beauty salons, as it has the following advantages:

  • nails become strong and difficult to break when hitting hard objects;
  • the material does not allow them to delaminate and preserves the structure of the plates;
  • the plates become smooth, shiny, neat;
  • The manicure remains beautiful longer and does not require daily correction.

Among the disadvantages, experts note that the strengthening has its own service life: the procedure will last for 2-3 weeks (it all depends on the individual characteristics of the nails and the speed of their growth), then a correction must be made: the gel grows along with the nails, which makes the manicure not aesthetically pleasing .

Hence the second drawback: correction takes the same amount of time as the primary procedure. For an experienced master – 1–1.5 hours, at home – 2–2.5 hours.

The best base for strengthening and straightening nails is...

To level the nail plate, of all the existing base options for manicure, it is best to choose rubber base coats. They are best suited for problematic nails, due to their specific consistency, ideally hiding aesthetic defects. Such foundations are quite thick, do not spread too much, and form the correct arch. In addition, the rubber that is found in such coatings has a consistency a little like rubber. Due to this, in case of an accidental impact, the nail will not break, but will sag and return to its original position due to the “rubbery” of the base coat. Another important bonus is their ability to provide you with a flawless manicure and protect natural nails from the effects of bright color pigments of gel polishes. Those who like to arrange photo shoots with manicures like rubber bases for their ability to create perfect highlights that visually give the photo a perfect look.

What is better to use gel or biogel to strengthen nails?

Under gel polish, nail plates can be strengthened with both gel and biogel. These materials differ primarily in their composition, and they also have different effects on the treated areas.

Gel is a synthetic (artificial) material - a glass-like polymer that hardens under the influence of a UV lamp. Biogel is a more natural product - a rubber polymer, very elastic and easy to use.

Biogel is used to improve the health of nails, it has a positive effect on them and does not spoil them at all. When using this material, there is no need to cut down the plate; it is applied in a thin layer, retains the natural elasticity of the nail, and does not chip. The biogel lasts no more than 2 weeks and is removed with acetone-containing liquid.

The gel has more possibilities: it can also be used for extensions if there is a desire to change the length of the nails. This material lasts longer, but due to the lack of elasticity it is susceptible to chips and cracks and does not require complete removal before correction. It does not have healing properties, although it helps to thicken the natural plate.

Gel polish coating after strengthening nails: how to strengthen nails with single-phase gel polish?

Gel polish coating is carried out in a standard manner. Please note that after strengthening with acrylic and gel, and after removing particles of sawdust, there is no need to apply a base. Gel polish adheres perfectly to artificial material without applying a base.


  • If you want to remove small errors that remain after strengthening with acrylic or gel, you can level it using a base. After this, several layers of colored coating are applied and covered with topcoat.
  • Many girls who do their nails at home and make their own gel polish often use three-phase gel polish systems in order to reduce the time spent on manicure. That is, one bottle contains color pigment, base, and top. That is, instead of applying several layers, you only need two. However, this option is absolutely not suitable for application to weak, natural nails.
  • The fact is that in 70% of cases this varnish chips off on almost all nails within a week. That is, the durability of such a coating is less than a week. That is why it is necessary to apply a base and strengthen it. Single-phase nail polishes are a good alternative for pedicures, but are very rarely suitable for creating a beautiful coating on fingernails.
  • As you can see, strengthening nails is not a mandatory procedure, but it is necessary if your nail plate is very thin and weak, and gel polish practically does not stick to it.

Contraindications to strengthening nails with gel

Strengthening nails with gel (under gel polish or other coating) requires taking into account the following contraindications:

  • the presence of fungal infections of the nail plates and skin;
  • the presence of cracks and open wounds in the area where the gel is used;
  • the presence of an allergic reaction to the components of the product used;
  • increased humidity of the skin of the hands;
  • individual rejection by the body of the material in question.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the general condition of the body, since the following factors may cause the gel coating to adhere poorly, peel and break:

  • diabetes;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • chemotherapy.

Sudden stressful situations, expecting a baby or feeding him can also cause the gel not to last the required 3 weeks.

Don't miss the most popular article in the section: How to draw monograms on nails step by step for beginners. Instructions with photos.

How to strengthen nails with gel under gel polish?

You can also strengthen the nail plate using hard materials. They are ideal if your nails are very thin. This is the only possible option for girls who do not have any coating on their nails for longer than a week. This is due to excessive weakening, softness and thinness of the natural nail plate.

Accordingly, there is no alternative to strengthening with solid materials. Because it is not possible to strengthen such nails with a base using acrylic powder. This coating simply does not stick to the nails and chips off after just a week. To extend the durability of the design up to three weeks, it is necessary to use reinforcement with solid materials. That is, gel or acrygel.


  • To carry out manipulation for the purpose of strengthening with gel, it is necessary to file the nail plate, remove the remains of the pterygium using a bullet cutter, and shape the free edge. After this, dust is removed using a cloth with a degreaser, and a primer is applied.
  • For better adhesion of the coating, you can apply bonder. And after that, apply a very thin layer of base using rubbing movements, which is dried in a lamp for 30 seconds.
  • Thus, using the base, we form a kind of adhesive tape that will help hold the hard material on the nails. After these manipulations, strengthening can be carried out using gel.
  • To do this, you need to take a small amount of product on the brush, work the entire nail plate, including the cuticle area, side ridges and free edge. Thus, you apply a kind of substrate.
  • After this layer, you need to take a drop on a brush and apply it to the center of the nail. Now, using a thin brush, you need to distribute the gel in different directions, forming the apex zone. After you are satisfied with the quality of the alignment, you have built the architecture of the nail, you need to place your hand in the lamp.
  • This option is suitable if you work well with the gel, it does not numb, and you are completely satisfied with the quality of the material. It is very convenient to use for leveling the nail plate and strengthening it with gels of medium consistency.
  • Jelly gel is not suitable for these purposes because it is quite thick and does not level well. It is better for them to do extensions rather than leveling. For strengthening purposes, a regular extension gel of medium consistency is suitable.
  • If necessary, you can take transparent or camouflage. The thinner the gel, the easier it will be for you to level. This is due to the fact that such material is very quickly leveled on the nail plate, and after that there is no need to file.

Materials and tools

In order to carry out the strengthening procedure efficiently, it is recommended to stock up on the necessary tools and materials.

To prepare your nails and perform a manicure you will need the following:

To apply the gel coating, you must purchase the following:

  • only gel (if it is single-phase), gel+base+finish (if the product is three-phase) or biogel;
  • primer to remove excess oil (acid-free for normal nails, acidic for wet nails);
  • dense synthetic brush (used to apply the material);
  • UV lamp (to dry each layer).

Design tools are chosen taking into account what is planned: it can be gel polish, rubbing, decorative elements, glitter.

Nail care after gel removal

After using the gel to strengthen nails, it is advisable to carry out procedures to improve their health:

  • Have strong nails sealed in a salon using beeswax. It will create a protective barrier on the surface of the plate and will not allow external factors to destroy it.
  • Conduct a course of paraffin treatments.
  • After removing the gel polish, you can rub special oils and liquid vitamin E into the plate every day.
  • Salt baths or herbal decoction will be beneficial.
  • An oil compress made from a mixture of castor oil, lavender ether and vitamin E will help to moisturize the nails; soak the sponge and apply it to the nails for 5-7 minutes. Do the procedure 2-3 times a week.

Nail preparation

Before the strengthening procedure, nails must be treated, which, firstly, will allow you to perform a high-quality manicure, and secondly, will provide your hands with a well-groomed, aesthetic appearance. Experts distinguish three main types of manicure: classic (edged), European (unedged), hardware.

Classic manicure involves removing the cuticle with special nippers, in which it is first moved back and then removed. Before the hand procedure, it is recommended to take a bath, which will soften rough skin and simplify the entire manicure process.

European manicure involves removing the cuticle using a special softening agent - remover. The procedure goes as follows: first the remover is applied, and after a while the softened cuticle is moved with an orange stick.

Hardware manicure is the most gentle; with its help, not only the cuticle is removed, but also the plates are given the desired shape. Such a device can be bought in specialized stores; it includes all the necessary attachments and instructions for use.

Next, give the nails the desired shape: square, almond-shaped, rounded or sharp. In this case, it is recommended to move the file in one direction, so the plates are less injured. To ensure that the gel adheres well, the nails are treated with a soft buff; however, you should not overdo it; the plate should not be too thin.

The last step in preparing the nails is degreasing them with a special composition; this procedure will also help the gel to firmly take hold. After removing excess shine, the nail plates should not be touched. If biogel is used for the strengthening procedure, then experts do not recommend sanding the nails with a buff; it is enough to just degrease them.

Nail correction with gel

Cosmetologists advise ensuring that the gel is of high quality. It should have a uniform structure and consistency, and should not leave marks from the brush, so that it can be used to give the desired shape as easily and simply as possible.

On a note. First you need to collect as much information as possible about all possible types of materials for gel treatment, consult with specialists which gel is best, then cover the nail plates.

Strengthening nails with gel. Instructions

Strengthening nails under gel polish using gel can be done with a single-phase or three-phase agent. If the product is single-phase, then only this gel is applied to the prepared nail plates; if it is three-phase, then three different products are used: base, constructor and finish.

Experts also pay attention to other necessary conditions:

  • In order for the gel coating to last longer, it is not recommended to use any moisturizer on the skin of the hands before the procedure;
  • if a bath was made before processing the plates, then it is better to carry out the strengthening procedure the next day;
  • An additional product – a rubber base – will help achieve a perfectly flat surface;
  • To avoid chips and cracks, at each stage of strengthening it is necessary to carefully seal the end of the marigold.

The most important thing is that for the result to be pleasing to the eye, and for the manicure to last at least 3 weeks, you should complete the following three mandatory steps.

Step 1: base

Base is a transparent material from which the strengthening procedure begins. Apply the product with a thick synthetic brush in a thin layer. Dry the base in a lamp, the exposure time is from 30 s to 1 min (this depends on the quality of the lamps used and the manufacturer of the material).

If a single-phase product is used, then the gel is also applied in a thin layer and dried in a lamp.

Step 2: Base Layer

When the base has dried, they begin to work with the main layer, it is also called construction or sculpture. Since strengthening does not involve the process of changing the shape and length of the nail, the product is applied quite densely, but not in a greasy layer.

Instructions for strengthening nails with gel under gel polish in photo

In this case, the gel should not be attached to the cuticle and side ridges, which can subsequently lead to peeling and chipping of the material.

If the product does get on areas close to the nail, it should be removed with a cotton swab dipped in a degreaser. Drying the sculpture layer in a lamp.

Step 3: Finish

Top Coat is the last, final layer. Before applying it, you need to make sure that the previous layers lay flat; if this is not the case, then you should make a sawdust of the unevenly distributed material with a soft buffer. The finish is applied with the same dense synthetic brush and polymerized in a lamp. The final touch is to remove the sticky layer (if there is one) with a special napkin.

The procedure is completed by applying gel polish or other coating. When choosing gel polish, do not forget about the top coat, which will allow the product to last much longer.

Nowadays, shiny manicure is in fashion. To make it, craftsmen resort to using a variety of materials: rubbing, sparkling powder, small crystals, gel polishes with glitter, etc. There is one way that kills two birds with one stone. This is a manicure that looks nice and significantly strengthens the client’s nails. It is ideal for girls with very thin and flexible nails, for whom the problem of cracking of the gel polish at the tips, chipping of the coating or its complete peeling off is a pressing problem. There should be no such problems with this design.

  • It is better to use a rubber base and top when working. With them, the coating is more flexible and at the same time dense (it is not prone to cracking);
  • Use finely dispersed glitter;
  • It is better to sprinkle glitter on the base and not use gel polish. This way the manicure will look more delicate and will not turn out bulky due to the large number of layers;
  • When creating an everyday manicure, it is better to give preference to white or beige sparkles.


Nails are prepared in the classic way. The base is applied as the first layer. It's better to take rubber.

The base should be applied with a layer of medium thickness so that the glitter is absorbed, but not too thick a layer.

In the photo they look like acrylic sand, but in fact they shimmer beautifully in the light.

Sprinkle them generously onto the wet base and dry them in a lamp a little more than usual. Before drying, you need to blow off the glitter a little so that there is not too thick a layer and the coating dries.

The coating is ready.

Strengthening natural nails with biogel

Biogel can also be used as a base for gel polish, however, this material is safer for nails, in addition, it is odorless, therefore it is approved for use by expectant and nursing mothers and allergy sufferers. Like gel coating, the material in question can be single-phase or three-phase.

Strengthening nails with biogel is carried out according to the same scheme in three steps: a base is applied, then the main layer and finish, each layer is dried in a lamp.

Don't miss the most popular article in the section: How to extend nails with gel polish. Nail extension instructions for beginners. Photo.

Gel application technology

You can strengthen the plate and apply a decorative coating in a nail salon. The procedure is performed in stages:

  1. When you come to the salon, make sure of the quality of the materials used; the product must have a certificate.
  2. Pay attention to the disinfection of the master’s hands, materials and work surface.
  3. The procedure begins with preparation: the surface is cleaned with a buff, the cuticle is removed using an uncut method or moved with an orange stick.
  4. Degrease and apply primer. Let it dry.
  5. Apply the base coat in a thin layer and dry it in a UV lamp. Drying time is determined by the lamp power and takes from 1 to 3 minutes.
  6. Distribute the selected biogel or gel polish, leaving 2 mm to the cuticle. Dry in a lamp, remove the sticky layer.
  7. A fine abrasive file is used to create a shape and polish with a buff.
  8. Using this technology, both natural and decorative manicures are made.

Correction and removal of gel after strengthening

Depending on the rate of nail growth, corrections will need to be made. The procedure is repeated after 2-3 weeks. During regrowth, the load on the stress zone of the nail, which is located approximately in the middle, changes. It will definitely be re-strengthened. During correction, the top layer or the coating is removed completely if the procedure is no longer necessary. Removal occurs using a special solvent. There are several types of correction:

  • Small - eliminating defects, strengthening an overgrown part or changing the design.
  • Medium - used to correct the shape if the nail has grown significantly.
  • Large - necessary for a radical change in shape, if the plate is broken or cracked.

How to remove artificial material

The material in question cannot simply be removed with nail polish remover. Experts recommend filing off the gel; a glass or metal file with notches will not work; it is better to use a buffer with an abrasiveness of 100–150 grit, designed specifically for artificial materials.

You need to file off the gel coating carefully so as not to hurt the natural nail. The dust generated during the procedure should be periodically brushed off and the nails moistened with liquid, then the layer of artificial material and natural coating will be clearly visible.

Cleaned nails are sanded and polished, and the surface is treated with a moisturizing component. The final touch is the application of a strengthening base.

If biogel was used as a base for gel polish to strengthen nails, it is removed with a special product or regular acetone. Cotton pads are soaked in the existing liquid, applied to the nails and wrapped in foil for 15–20 minutes. When the material dissolves, it is carefully removed with tweezers. The plates are then polished and lubricated with a nutrient.

You can strengthen natural nail plates with the help of modern materials - gel or biogel. The procedure can be carried out both in the salon and at home, the main thing is to follow the instructions exactly, then beautiful nails will delight you for at least 3 weeks.

How to strengthen your nails with a gel polish base?


  • To carry out the manipulation, it is necessary to prepare the nail plate in a standard way. To do this, filing is carried out using a soft buff in order to remove shine from the natural nail. After this, it is necessary to remove the pterygium so that detachments do not occur in these places.
  • Next, treatment is carried out using a primer and a degreaser. After these manipulations, a thin rubbing layer of base is applied. It is not necessary to dry it.
  • Now you need to place a large drop of base on the nail and use a thin brush to smooth it out, not forgetting to draw the apex line, gradually reducing the amount of material towards the cuticle, side ridges and ends of the nail. After this, you need to turn the nail down in order to even out the coating and place it in the lamp for a few seconds until the base dries completely.
  • If your nails are quite strong, strong, and thick, then such strengthening will contribute to longer wear of the gel polish.

How to replace Kodi Rubber Base if it runs out?

Of course, Cody's base isn't the only rubber base worth considering. If your base has run out and you haven’t had time to buy a new one, we offer you a comparison of it with well-known analogues. So, the advantages and disadvantages of the most famous rubber bases for gel polish.

Kodi Rubber Base.


  • increased durability;
  • has no unpleasant odor;
  • has a safe composition;
  • strengthens the nail plate;
  • not allergic;
  • has a beautiful shine (ideal highlight);
  • recommended for use on brittle nails;
  • it is quite affordable in price and is available in several volumes: 7 (discontinued), 12, 14, 22, 30 (discontinued) ml;
  • The base brush is very easy to use and does not require pressure when applying and spreading the base over the nail.

The base tends to bubble, so when performing a manicure with it, you need to screw the cap on as tightly as possible, and do not leave the bottle itself open to the air for a long time. There are some nuances when applying: you need to distribute it over the nail smoothly, slowly, without jerking.

TNL Professional Rubber Base.


  • has a small dispersion layer, which makes it easy to apply any color coating;
  • a consistency that is thicker than that of Kodi will allow you to smooth out significant defects and deep damage to the nail plate;
  • flows off the brush very slowly, allowing it to be distributed over the nail longer and more thoroughly;
  • suitable for manicure “under the cuticle”, since the texture does not flow onto the periungual skin;
  • a large, medium-length brush makes it easy to paint hard-to-reach areas;
  • does not conflict with coatings from other manufacturers;
  • good for repairing nails with splits and breaks;
  • the composition is not allergic and does not worsen the structure of the nails;
  • There are camouflage color bases (pink and beige).


  • the texture is more difficult to handle for beginners and lovers of home manicure due to its thickness;
  • self-leveling is less pronounced than Kodi;
  • the smell of the base is more pronounced than that of Cody, but still not too sharp and intrusive;
  • the base is currently available only in a volume of 10 ml;
  • wear resistance - 2-3 weeks (Kodi increases durability up to 5 weeks).

Bluesky Rubber Base.

The manufacturer notes that among the advantages of the product are almost the same indicators as those of the above brands. Adding the following nice bonuses:

  • during polymerization, the base does not shrink and does not run off the tips of the nails;
  • good for girls with thin and brittle nails;
  • has a small dispersion layer;
  • Gives nails excellent shine.


  • this database is much more difficult to remove than the above mentioned ones;
  • it has a more pronounced aroma;
  • rarely, but cases of an allergic reaction have been reported on this basis;
  • gives stability to gel polish for up to 3 weeks (less than Kodi but approximately equal to Tnl);
  • In terms of self-leveling, it is inferior to Kodi.

Irisk Rubber Base for gel polish.

This brand has a range of rubber bases that are not only transparent, but also in the form of camouflages - milky white and pink. This makes the process of creating a French manicure as easy as possible. And thanks to the rubber filling, your manicure will be more durable and durable than ever. An additional advantage of all bases from Irisk is easy and comfortable removal of manicure and compatibility with all gel polishes. Customers have noted that this type of base does not cause a burning sensation when drying in a lamp.

Base coat Masura Elastic Base.

This is another favorite among professional nail art masters, allowing them to provide high-quality, beautiful, durable manicure. The base prevents yellowing of nails, skillfully masks unevenness of the nail plate, and reliably protects against mechanical damage. Many masters consider it an excellent alternative to the Kodi base. This coating is also compatible with colored gel polishes from other brands. Its main advantages:

  • convenient small volume;
  • does not require cutting down the nails;
  • easy to use, saves technician time;
  • allows even the most pigmented shades of gel polishes to be removed with film in just 7-10 minutes.
  • There are different types of bases by color: camouflage (pink and beige), white, black.

The downside is that for some, the lack of other volumes may be critical.

Diamant Rubber Base coat.

Its characteristics include a complete set of all possible advantages of rubber bases. The manufacturer especially emphasizes the flexible nature of this product when subsequently applying gel polishes with a pearlescent or metallic effect. It must be applied strictly only in a thin layer. The base does not have several release options, but it does boast a tolerable aroma.
We hope our article was able to answer all your possible questions about the famous “rubber” base. The features of using this product in manicure as a base and strengthening-leveling coating will be revealed in our step-by-step master class.

How to strengthen a plate after shellac

Important! Experts say that This manicure cannot be done all the time. The most optimal alternation is 2 applications of shellac after a three-month break.

The invention of durable coatings that need to be dried under ultraviolet light created a real sensation. Now the manicure can remain on your nails for several weeks!

But Once the coating is removed, they become brittle and thin.

Shellac is bonded to the top layer of the nail plate under ultraviolet light.

When it's time to remove the coating, the shellac comes off along with this layer. Therefore, there is still debate about the safety of the technique.

To restore damaged plates, you need to do several manipulations:

  1. Trim your nails short.
  2. Polish the surface of the plate with a nail file.
  3. Treat your nails with vegetable oils twice a day.
  4. Use varnish with a protein complex.
  5. Do nail baths and other restorative procedures.

Important! Try to do all housework with rubber gloves to protect damaged nails from chemicals.

Which gel is better - single-phase or three-phase:

  • To do a chic, professional manicure at home, you not only need to train a lot, but also listen to the advice and tricks of real experts. It is advisable to include calcium, vitamins A and B, iron and foods rich in calcium in the diet, because the hardener does not treat nails, but only masks the problem of a fragile plate.
  • The coating will ensure a long-lasting manicure, but as a precaution, still wear protective gloves for housework, especially laundry, wet cleaning and dishwashing.
  • Don't forget to give your hands a gentle massage, use hand moisturizer, and stay hydrated.
  • And most importantly, remember that your nails will need periodic rest from the material to prevent their condition from deteriorating. After using acrylic for a long time, take a break and provide the necessary rest from the procedure.

The best biogels for nails from EL Corazon

EL Corazon is another well-known domestic brand that produces a wide range of decorative cosmetics. Manufacturers pay special attention to the development of modern nail materials that can not only decorate a woman’s manicure, but also protect the nail plate from external influences, nourish and strengthen it with the help of the natural ingredients included in the preparations. Since 2012, EL Corazon has been releasing an additional series of Active Bio Gel biogel polishes, which is constantly updated with new enchanting shades.

Best lists

  • Universal.
  • Medicinal.
  • Dense coverage.


EL CORAZON aimed at completely strengthening and restoring the nail structure. The product line includes a rich variety of biogels of different colors that do not contain shimmer or glitter. You can independently choose a remedy for any occasion. The varnish dries quickly in the lamp and does not require the application of a base, since it is already included in the product.

Cost: from 100 to 200 rubles.

biogel for nails EL CORAZON


PATRISA NAIL It is considered the best medicinal type. In a short period of time, it promotes the complete restoration of the nail plate and protects it from further delamination and excessive fragility.

Cost: from 200 to 250 rubles.

biogel for nails PATRISA NAIL

Dense coverage

IRISK COVER PEACH (PREMIUM PACK), according to many users, is one of the best camouflage type products. It looks like an opaque type of coating with a dense coating. It is an excellent tool for creating a French manicure and acts as a coating. The main property of the drug is aimed at strengthening the nail plate and effectively hiding all its shortcomings.

Cost: from 200 to 350 rubles.


Cosmetology 02/20/2018

Strengthening nails: gel, powder, baths at home

0 11 min.

The health of your nails directly depends on the general condition of our body. Constant stress, lack of vitamins, and disturbances in the functioning of internal organs lead to thinning, splitting and fragility of the nail plate.

However, often we ourselves, with our careless attitude, bring the main decoration and protection of our hands into a deplorable state. For example, we use household chemicals without gloves, regularly resort to nail extensions, and use varnish of questionable quality for manicures. Strengthening your nails with special cosmetics will help correct the situation. After their use, the plates become stronger and more elastic, and look more attractive. Some procedures require visiting beauty salons with professional equipment, but many are quite accessible at home.

Strengthening nails with gel

One of the simplest and most common methods. The same material is used as for gel extensions, but the structure of the nail plate is not damaged, but an additional protective layer is created from negative external influences.

Advantages of the method:

  • Nails do not flake or break, and it becomes possible to increase their natural length.
  • The gel coating “breathes”, therefore, pathogenic microflora does not develop under it.
  • Any wellness treatments for natural nails do not lose their effectiveness, including massage and baths with essential oils, paraffin therapy, masks, and so on.
  • The cuticle is also processed at the same time, so trimming manicures need to be done much less frequently.
  • When strengthening nails with gel, decorative varnish lasts longer and looks brighter.

The main disadvantage of this nail strengthening procedure is that removing the coating at home is problematic. If done ineptly, the nail plate can be injured. In addition, it is undesirable to resort to the gel constantly; your hands should be “rested” periodically.


The procedure for strengthening nails is carried out using camouflage biogel.

The gel has a thick consistency and a pleasant beige tint.

You will also need a synthetic and silicone brush in the shape of a cone.

Before applying the gel, you need to prepare the nail plate and remove the gloss.

The NeoNail technologist recommended using Cleanser liquid as a degreaser.

The next stage involves using the base.

It is better to apply it in a very thin layer.

Then a drop is placed in the center of the nail (it is better to use a conical brush for this, lightly distribute the gel over the nail plate with the tip).

The gel dries in approximately 40-60 seconds. in an LED lamp and 2-3 minutes in a UV lamp. Drying time directly depends on the length of the nails.

After drying, you need to remove the stickiness and sand it lightly with a buff.

Use a cloth to remove dust and degrease.

Next, you can paint a French pattern, an ornament on the nail, or simply cover it with gel polish. In this case, the base is no longer needed. Gel polish is applied immediately. It is better to apply the colored coating in two layers. The final step is to apply the top.

Strengthening with biogel

This method not only makes your nails stronger, but also restores them. The biogel contains vitamin and mineral supplements and protein. Biogel is a material about which we can say that it is a little softer and more elastic than “construction” gel and harder than classic gel polish. It creates good adhesion while strengthening the nails. It does not cause allergies and does not disrupt the structure of the nail plate. And one of the components of the biogel, calcium, reduces its fragility, preventing thinning and cracking. Biogel is indicated for use on thin, weak, soft nails that are prone to splitting; it can be used to level the nail plate.

Advantages of the material:

  • It allows air to pass through well and does not cause the development of fungus.
  • It has a healing effect and is quite capable of replacing conventional procedures, such as masks and baths.
  • When using colored varieties, it does not require additional coating with decorative varnish.
  • It can be applied for a long time and with almost no breaks, since the nails do not suffer and remain elastic.
  • Suitable for extensions (only a special type with increased rigidity).
  • The application procedure is also available at home. It does not require professional skills, just watch a master class on strengthening nails with step-by-step photos. It is also easy to cover and remove.


Biogel is sensitive to household chemicals and can be destroyed under its influence. It also doesn't protect your hands enough in a hostile environment.


Nails are prepared using standard technology.

Before work, sawdust is performed, a dehydrator is worn, with the help of which excess moisture is removed.

In this case, the layer must be very thin. It is better to distribute the material over the nail using zigzag pressing movements. Dry in a lamp for 1 – 3 minutes, depending on the type of lamp.

The next step is to apply a layer of biogel. A small drop is collected.

If there is a need for additional leveling of the surface of the nail, then simply turn your finger over and hold it in this position for 2-5 seconds.

At the end of the procedure, we check the glare.

You can find this master class on the Kasya Nail Club channel.

Strengthening nails with acrylic powder

Another material that was originally used to build up the nail plate, and now helps to increase its strength.

Acrylic is effective, safe for health and durable. It is almost invisible on the nails, giving them a healthy look. The nail plates do not lose flexibility, so their owners feel natural and comfortable. When reinforced with acrylic, you can freely do your usual activities: cleaning the house, gardening, active games with children, without fear of damaging the coating.

It is not recommended to apply acrylic powder yourself; this should be done by an experienced craftsman, since the material hardens quickly in air. In addition, it has a specific smell (this does not apply to expensive varieties) and you have to wear a medical mask during the procedure or forcefully ventilate the room.

It is difficult to remove the coating with chemicals, so when removing it at home, cutting is used. The procedure must be done very carefully so as not to damage the nail.

But correction of overgrown or damaged areas of the plate is much faster and easier than using gel.

Important: acrylic nail strengthening, contrary to popular belief, does not have a therapeutic effect. After removing the coating, the fragility of the plates may appear again, so restorative procedures should be used, for example, iodine-salt baths.


Before the procedure, you need to perform a manicure: remove the cuticle, file the nail, degrease it and apply primer.

A thin layer of acrylic is sprinkled onto the base. Before drying the powder, you can lightly shake it off or blow it off.

The final step is to apply a base with a camouflage effect.

Camouflage can be applied in one or two layers. It all depends on whether you will continue to design with gel polish or not.

Strengthening with acrylic powder for gel polish

Decorative coatings of the new generation last much longer than traditional analogues. However, if the natural nail plate is thinned, has cracks and other damage, even durable gel polish can lose its structure, as a result of which the manicure will have to be renewed much more often than the manufacturer guaranteed.

In such cases, it is also better to use powder for nail strengthening procedures. After the powder is applied to the base, it is covered with one or several layers of decorative varnish and nail art is made to your liking.

The manicure will last at least 2 weeks.


After you have strengthened your nails with acrylic powder and a layer of base, it is recommended to apply a buffer. You also need to remove dust and degrease.

The next step is to apply gel polish.

Finally, the design is covered with a top.

Removes stickiness.

The nail design is ready.

Manicure 2 in 1: beauty and strengthening

Nowadays, shiny manicure is in fashion. To make it, craftsmen resort to using a variety of materials: rubbing, sparkling powder, small crystals, gel polishes with glitter, etc. There is one way that kills two birds with one stone. This is a manicure that looks nice and significantly strengthens the client’s nails. It is ideal for girls with very thin and flexible nails, for whom the problem of cracking of the gel polish at the tips, chipping of the coating or its complete peeling off is a pressing problem. There should be no such problems with this design.

  • It is better to use a rubber base and top when working. With them, the coating is more flexible and at the same time dense (it is not prone to cracking);
  • Use finely dispersed glitter;
  • It is better to sprinkle glitter on the base and not use gel polish. This way the manicure will look more delicate and will not turn out bulky due to the large number of layers;
  • When creating an everyday manicure, it is better to give preference to white or beige sparkles.


Nails are prepared in the classic way. The base is applied as the first layer. It's better to take rubber.

The base should be applied with a layer of medium thickness so that the glitter is absorbed, but not too thick a layer.

In the photo they look like acrylic sand, but in fact they shimmer beautifully in the light.

Sprinkle them generously onto the wet base and dry them in a lamp a little more than usual. Before drying, you need to blow off the glitter a little so that there is not too thick a layer and the coating dries.

The coating is ready.

What other means are there to strengthen nails?

  • If you don’t want to create a long-lasting, multi-day manicure, you can use acrylic varnish with nylon thread - it will increase the strength of the plate and eliminate minor irregularities and roughness. The product also contains natural resins and other beneficial substances, including vitamins for nails, which promote rapid growth and recovery.
  • Some try to strengthen it with gel polish. Indeed, this polymer is highly durable and combines with the natural nail almost into one whole. However, the product only “preserves” the plate, preventing it from breaking off, but does not eliminate the cause of fragility. The same applies to strengthening with a gel polish base.

Beautiful nails strengthened with gel polish.

Important: In order for the polymer composition to last for a long time, it is necessary to properly prepare the nail plate: degrease and disinfect with a primer or other means. And then treat all layers of coating with a high-quality UV lamp.

  • Regular gel polish can be replaced with shellac - this is also a new generation polymer, but more environmentally friendly. It does not contain formaldehyde and toluene, which makes the product safe for allergy sufferers and pregnant women. The downside of shellac is its instability to prolonged exposure to water and temperature changes. Microcracks form on the coating, through which fungal infections can penetrate.

Strengthening nails at home

No matter what innovative products the beauty industry offers, you should not give up traditional methods of treatment, especially since they will cost much less and do not threaten side effects.

Affordable products for strengthening and growing nails

Home baths are considered the simplest and most effective. Depending on the components, they can have different effects:

Bath composition Effect on nails
  • Iodine, sea salt.
  • Gelatin
Eliminate fragility, increase elasticity, help resist mechanical stress.
  • Any vegetable oils, including almond, olive, grape seed and so on.
  • Medicinal plants: oak bark, sage, mint, string, burdock root.
Protects from drying out and delamination.
  • Essential oils - stimulants: burdock, eucalyptus, lemon, peach, apricot, rosemary, tea tree.
  • Castor oil.
  • Honey, coffee.
  • Herbs - stimulants: chamomile, calendula, linden.
Provide strengthening of nails and acceleration of their growth

Recipes for popular nail baths

And finally, a few more effective and very simple home recipes.


  • 20 g natural sea salt
  • 1 liter of warm water
  • 2 – 3 drops of iodine

Combine all ingredients and keep your hands in the bath for 15 minutes. You can add essential oils or replace water with herbal infusion. Then wipe your hands dry and massage your fingers with nourishing cream.


  • 3 – 4 tablespoons of any vegetable oil (preferably olive)
  • 2-3 drops each of iodine and glycerin
  • 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice

Add the rest of the ingredients to the heated oil and mix. Take a bath for 15-20 minutes, then wrap your fingers in cling film and do not wash your hands for 2 hours. It is best to do the procedure at night.


  • 1 tbsp. l. gelatin
  • 1 glass of boiled water, at a pleasant temperature for your hands

Gelatin is needed in its pure form, without dyes. Dissolve in water according to the instructions, heat in a water bath without bringing to a boil. Cool the solution and immerse your hands in it for half an hour. You can add lemon juice to whiten your skin.

It is advisable to do baths of any type at least 2 times a week, for 10 – 14 days.

Using a special varnish during this period to strengthen the nail plate will help enhance the effect of home treatments.

No amount of trendy nail art will help us hide our health problems. At the same time, really strong, well-groomed nails will look great under the simplest manicure. Let's remember this and be sure to take care of ourselves!

To keep your fingernails strong and strong, they require careful care. They should be treated with care and not exposed to aggressive detergents and substances.

In order to strengthen the nail plates, there are many methods, and strengthening nails with gel is one of the most affordable and simplest. It can be done even by a beginner at home.

What is this article about?

Benefits of using firming gels

To help weakened, brittle, thin, dull nail plates regain a healthy appearance and strong structure, a gel strengthening technique is used. It is carried out in a specialized salon and at home.

In order to completely improve the health of nails, they use medications - vitamin complexes. But to give your nails an acceptable appearance, you can coat them with gel, which will help strengthen them.

Beneficial substances are supplied by coating with a special biogel, however, even with the conventional method, the condition of the stratum corneum of the nail improves. Biogel contains various components depending on the purpose of application. They often contain vitamins and microelements.

After covering the nails with gel, a mechanical effect occurs - the plate breaks less due to careful fixation. Patterns are applied to the base or painted in any color using shellac.

During the procedure, attention is paid to the tissue around the nail - the cuticle. Thanks to this, it becomes soft and does not require frequent pruning.

Strengthening nails with gel polish has a low cost when compared with classic extensions.

After the strengthening procedure, the nail not only becomes stronger, but its surface is evened out - it becomes smooth and pleasant.

The strengthening gel is applied quite thinly and does not require constant correction, unlike a regular manicure. A visit to a specialist once a month is enough to carry out the correction.

Strengthening natural and healthy nails with gel on the nails, with proper quality of the procedure, will not affect the usual appearance of the nail. If desired, the coating is made colorless, the gel is completely invisible on the nail plates.

The gel protects natural nails from external factors, that is, mechanical damage will not cause harm to the nail. Applying a protective layer is a means of preventing the nail from splitting on its own.

The effect of strengthening develops quite quickly - after a month, the nails look much healthier than at the beginning. Their color and texture are close to normal, even if you use this technique for the first time.

Stages of the procedure

For the procedure to proceed correctly, everything must be done step by step, consistently and carefully. This can be done both at home and in the salon. It is worth considering that a specially trained master will carry out the work in 2 hours, and at home the procedure will take at least three. In addition, a specialist will do everything much better and with a guarantee.

Before starting work, you must disinfect your hands and all tools.

After this, you need to prepare the nail plate for the procedure. This will take time, approximately half an hour. During this period, you need to place your hands in a warm solution with the addition of sea salt and aromatic oils. This will help soften the nails and cuticles to make them easier to work with, and such actions will also prevent injury. You need to keep your hands in the bath for 10 minutes. This will help you relax and will greatly facilitate the work of the master, since it is extremely problematic to carry out the procedure with tense hand muscles.

The cuticle is removed and the nail is given the desired shape. This can be done in advance.

Strengthening nails with gel simple step-by-step instructions:

  • Before applying the product, you must carefully prepare the nail plate for the procedure. At this time, the master smooths out the unevenness and polishes the nail. This will allow the gel to lie smoothly and without defects. If you skip this step, unevenness and depressions may be observed after work. After preparing the nail itself, you need to take care of the cuticle. You can apply a special cream to it to protect against accidental contact with the gel.
  • Next, the working surface is degreased and dried to ensure uniform application of the gel.
  • Before coating with the base material, a base is applied. It needs to be fixed under an ultraviolet lamp.
  • After the base is finally fixed, you need to start applying the base layer, this should be done slowly. The gel is applied to each finger separately and then dried under ultraviolet rays in a special lamp. This is the longest part of the procedure. After fixing all the nails, you need to hold them all together in the lamp for another 3 minutes for final hardening. After this, you need to treat the surface to eliminate the sticky layer.
  • After all the manipulations, small defects are smoothed out using a nail file on a gentle surface.
  • If desired, the top is coated with multi-colored varnishes or patterns are made with acrylic materials.

Depending on the rate of nail growth, it will be necessary to systematically make corrections. On average, this procedure is necessary no more than once a month.

Instructions for strengthening nails at home

Many women do not trust professionals from salons and prefer to take care of themselves on their own. It is not as easy as a specialist, but with proper preparation it is quite possible.

To carry out the gel coating procedure yourself, you need to have the necessary tools at home and at least minimal skill in working with them.

To do this work at home, you will need to purchase an ultraviolet lamp. It is sold in specialized stores and on many online platforms.

In addition, you should purchase:

  1. The gel that will be used for coating. It can be ordinary, or it can be bio. The latter contains beneficial natural substances and is more beneficial for nails, although it is more expensive. According to reviews, biogel is significantly ahead of regular gel in terms of positive qualities.
  2. Primer for degreasing the surface. Without this, the gel cannot be applied evenly and it will quickly come off.
  3. Tassels.
  4. Sticks for working with cuticles. It is better to take wooden ones, as they injure tissue less and there is no unpleasant sensation after using them.
  5. Buffs that add shine to the nail plate after applying a layer of gel.
  6. Liquid for removing the sticky layer - this substance will be used at the end of the procedure in order to eliminate any remaining gel.
  7. Shilak for painting.
  8. Oil or hand cream to moisturize the skin after the procedure.

For the procedure to be successful, you need to follow the same instructions as in a professional salon.

First of all, all tools and surfaces must be disinfected. This is an important point, despite the fact that at home there are much fewer health-threatening pathogenic microorganisms.

After this, you need to work with the skin around the plate. It must be moved away from the nail with a special stick, and then trim off the excess with scissors. You need to act carefully so as not to cut the skin.

Then a degreasing substance is applied - this is a primer that can ensure high-quality application of the gel to the surface. When your nails are ready, you need to apply a base coat to them, which will eliminate any unevenness in the nail plate. It needs to be baked in an ultraviolet lamp.

After this, the gel is applied directly. If desired, after fixing the first layer in the lamp, you can apply another one. This will help keep your nails looking beautiful longer.

After this, all irregularities are eliminated with a file, a fixing coating is applied and the nails are polished. Sticky residues are removed.

If desired, you can continue the procedure by applying a pattern or color coating.

The procedure ends with moisturizing the skin of the hands. You can perform a light massage to increase blood circulation. This will make the skin of your hands soft and velvety.

Rules for nail care after gel treatment

In order for the gel coating to last a long time and be pleasing to the eye, you need to follow simple rules for caring for it. This will help not only maintain a beautiful manicure, but also make your nails healthier.

After the procedure, it is not recommended to take hot baths. The ban also applies to washing dishes in hot water. A carelessly washed dish can cost all the work done. Therefore, during this period it is better to carry out all housework wearing protective gloves. The same applies to detergents and cleaning products. They accelerate the peeling of gel polish, which can cause the nail plate to deteriorate and lose its original appearance. This means that the plates should be protected from heat.

Under no circumstances should you cut or file the gel coating. This contributes to the rapid peeling of the varnish, which is why you will have to make corrections after a couple of weeks. You need to give your nails the desired shape at the stage of preparation for gel coating. This can also be done after removing the nail polish.

You should not remove the gel coating yourself, as this damages the stratum corneum of the nail plate. This leads to an increase in the rate of darkening of the plate and loss of gloss. In addition, in this way you can damage the nail itself if you use products and tools that are not intended for this. A specialist in a specialized salon can remove old gel at a reasonable price. After this, you can immediately apply a new coating or perform a manicure.

Gel polish needs to be renewed approximately every three weeks or month. This can be done more often if the nail growth rate is high. You must always keep your hands in good condition. Therefore, as soon as the varnish becomes even a little unsightly, it is replaced.

Most girls dream of long, well-groomed nails. But if you do nothing, the dream will remain a dream. Nails may be brittle, brittle and rough. The reasons may be varied. Strengthening your nails with gel will be an indispensable assistant in this situation. There are many different means of strengthening the nail plate in the world, but all of them are less effective than applying gel.

Causes of brittle nails

  • External circumstances. Nails are negatively affected by frequent contact with water, as well as with the ground. You cannot perform work without gloves, especially if you are working with chemicals.
  • Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Insufficient amount of vitamins and microelements.

Internal problems must be solved with the help of special preparations, and strengthening the nails with gel will help the nail plate.

Benefits of strengthening nails with gel:

  1. The gel will help strengthen the nail plate, eliminate brittleness and promote faster nail growth.
  2. If you use the gel as a base for applying varnish, it will last much longer.
  3. The nail plate is made more even, which allows you to create a perfect one.
  4. Using the gel will save your finances. Strengthening nails with gel is cheaper than extensions.
  5. It is not necessary to do a trim manicure.
  6. Another advantage of using the gel is that a woman will not need to radically change her wardrobe.

Technology for using gel at home

The coating procedure is very similar to the extension process. You must first prepare the nail plate. To do this, you must first degrease it and then sand it with a nail file. Apply gel in 2 layers.

After each layer, you need to wait a little and only then apply the next layer. A UV lamp can be a good help. Then the finished nail must be sharpened with an ordinary manicure file.

It is worth noting that the gel is applied completely to the nail. When the nail grows, it is necessary to perform correction.

You can do the gel coating yourself, but you need to strictly follow the action plan. Otherwise, instead of the expected positive result, the opposite may happen. This activity can be useless and sometimes harmful.

The difference between gel strengthening and extensions

When extensions are made, the nail is modified, and when gel is applied, it is strengthened and growth is stimulated. The main component of the gel is protein, which in its chemical formula is very close to the nail formula. Thanks to this, there are no noticeable side effects for the nail plate.

Gel polish will help well after extensions.

A special medicinal varnish restores the nail plate well at home. Strengthening nail polish can be purchased at any store or pharmacy.

By following all the rules for applying this product, you can achieve wonderful results. Therapeutic coating is necessary for nail growth and even visually they look healthy.

This type of varnish is suitable not only for manicure, but also for pedicure. The application technique is the same. The only difference is that there is much less jewelry attached to the toes.

Nail restoration using biogel

It was biogel that was invented to restore the nail plate. It contains South African teak resin.

  1. This remedy is allowed to be used even by pregnant women. It is at this time that the need for calcium appears for two. Its deficiency affects nails and hair. Biogel helps improve nails.
  2. It stimulates nail growth.
  3. Natural resin helps the skin breathe and does not destroy the nail plate.
  4. Easily removed from nails. Does not damage the top layer of the nail plate.

If a woman wants to grow her nails long for a certain occasion, then this type of manicure will help her. Your nails will become smooth and will stop peeling and breaking. Even after removing the biogel, the nail plate remains dense.

Also, don't worry about not having enough flowers. It can be bright, rich colors or a delicate and elegant jacket. It is ideal for going to a restaurant and for every day. This year it is fashionable to paint the second nail on your hand with some other color. You can also choose two colors that harmonize with each other and paint your nails one at a time.