Bouquet of bride turquoise. Dress code of bridesmaids and guests. What is better to combine

Turquoise color is considered to be one of the most suitable for the wedding. He cares looks, emphasizes the delicate taste of newlyweds, gives a feeling of fairy tale. But before applying for registration in such shades, it is worth familiar with all the pitfalls. In this article we will tell you how to choose a decor to decorate the venue of the celebration, outfits for the bride, groom and guests, a bouquet, a cake and much more. You can make a wedding from A to I own hands.

Turquoise - the color that the Natural Mineral of Turquoise presented the name. This is a symbol of happiness and maturity, spiritual purity and joy that the family hearth brings and the younger generation. Happiness that marks this stone, symbolically hidden in children. In ancient Egypt, it was believed that turquoise color gives good luck. This is a group of shades in the range between bright blue and saturated green. These include:

  • indigo;
  • aquamarine;
  • lime;
  • emerald;
  • cyanic;
  • swamp greens;
  • fern.

Turquoise shades are combined with the following colors:

  • pure white;
  • the black;
  • warm-yellow;
  • apricot and peach;
  • sakura;
  • carmic;
  • dark purple;
  • pink.

Banquet Zone on Summer Veranda

If the turquoise seems too pompous, you can dilute it with darker shades. Quite interesting turns out. Here are the ideas on its design, which will help you decide on the decor, wedding images, a venue for a celebration and with other points.

Selection of a place for the ceremony

Turquoise tones will be appropriate in marriage on the seafront, yacht and in any other place, where there is a pure azure column with water. If registration takes place in the restaurant, it is desirable that an artificial fountain, a small lake or waterfall in its territory. In the extreme case, the outdoor pool will fit, it is relevant for the summer.

You should not use turquoise surrounded by autumn forest and warm bright shades of orange and red. With them, it is not combined too well.

If you want natural motives, you can arrange a ceremony surrounded by flowering fruit trees.

Wedding decoration

For a wedding in turquoise tones, it is better to choose pure white machines and buses. This applies to transport and for the groom with the bride, and for guests. Loving all the original and romantics should pay attention to a snow-white carriage with white-masta horses. The design is better not to overload the turquoise decor, otherwise it is possible and not to notice how the stylish design will turn into too bright kich.

Turquoise is appropriate to be used against the background of white and small inclusions of yellow. It can be yellow-turquoise bright rings and the same invitation coloring. Both should be combined with the bride's dress in color.

If the bride plans to have a silk brilliant dress, you can make the same turquoise bookmark in invitations and take a satin pad for rings with you. If the dress is planned matte, appropriate use of exclusively matte fabrics for the stand under the rings.

As for the book of wishes, the foliary will look very original, on which the bride and groom will be drawn in their wedding dresses. You can perform on the cover of the book with a thin brush pattern, repeating the decoration of the wedding cake.

Glasses The newlyweds are better not to overload the excess decor, it is quite enough to be several satin ribbons of aquamarine shade on a leg or artificial colors on the glass.

If the wedding ceremony is planned in the open air, it is appropriate to decorate the gazebos with pale-aquamarine translucent fabrics. It is permissible to use the same color of candles on the tables, fabric napkins and balloons. In order not to overdo it, they should be combined with other colors - white, yellow, purple. The dishes for the wedding table is better to pick up white, perhaps with a subtle dark pattern.

Do not forget about flowers, it can be:

  • hydrangea;
  • lupine;
  • clematis;
  • iPOMEY;
  • lobelia;
  • muscari;
  • forget-me-not;
  • bells;
  • petunia.

Flowers can be simply placed in vases on the tables or use to create an archer.

Registration in blue color is most often held on the coast. Therefore, our article is useful. Here you will find tips on choosing a place for the ceremony, a cortex, images, decor.

Turquoise is the main color on. In this article, you can read about how it looks like on all the rules. You will learn how to be decor, wedding images, a tuple and much more.

Wedding images

Turquoise is an amazing color that looks great in a variety of textures, from glossy to matte. It may be silk, from a light translucent to severe and brilliant. A perfectly turquoise tone will show itself in a damage fabric and painted or artificial suede, turquoise skin and fur, the finest lace.


There are several ways to harmonious use turquoise in wedding outfits. The first is that the turquoise dress up the bride itself. It should be an exclusively long dress in the floor and preferably with a V-shaped neckline or a large neckline. Dresses of girlfriends in this case are selected exclusively white.

If the bride's dress is white, girls will be able to wear outfits in aquamarine shade. It is desirable that they were matte and not long. In this case, the groom should wear a classic white, gray or black suit.

The second way to use turquoise is a neighborhood with a traditional white dress of the bride. To the turquoise, her girlfriends are applied, and the friends of the groom choose the outfits of cream and brown unsaturated tones. In this case, turquoise handkerchiefs or butterfly ties will be needed. The bride can also stop their choice on jewelry with turquoise and gold.

Celebration's culprit shoes should be white, turquoise shoes or boots will be a moveton. The rest of the guests can choose dark matte sandals or other shoes to their taste.

In winter, the bride can use a white pext fur coat or a bright turquoise cape, imitating alpaca fur.

In the case of a white dresses of the marriage, its chosen chooses a black, beige or gray suit. Turquoise in its image can be a scarf, tie, hat. In the extreme case, white pants and blue jacket are suitable.


Makeup, which is intended to adjacent to turquoise, may be not only of this color. It is enough to stop your choice on the Mike Apiest in the style of Nude or add glossy white tones. Bright qualities can choose yellow lines, and they will not be mistaken.


Turquoise does not allow hairstyles with loose hair. It will be better to look for smooth swollen curls.

With great care, you should take the use of turquoise in the hairpins and other elements used to fix the hairstyle.

Studs with turquoise stones are allowed. This also applies to the bride and her girlfriends.

A bit accepted hair collected from behind and fixed with a hairpin


The best choice will be. About what and how it can be made up, which should be used to decorate the composition, to whom it will suit, tells in the other article.

If the option with hydrangeas is not suitable, you can always paint white buds with the help of turquoise food dye. To do this, it is necessary for a syringe in the base of the buds 2-3 days before the celebration. As a basis, you can use white roses or peonies. Another option is to order or acquire ready-made painted calla. It is important that the bouquet is harmonized by tone with the dress of the bride and her girlfriends.

Bouquet with painted blue paint white calla

Also beautiful will be a bouquet, composed by alternating drummers with petunias and forget-me-not-use. For his decoration, satin or lace ribbons are needed, the twine, beads. No less beautiful (if it comes to a snow-white dress) will be pure. Here you can read about its features to whom it comes out, what is needed to compile composition.

Cake for a wedding

Sweet treats should always look advantageously and not get lost against the background of even the brightest and faded outfits. But too much turquoise will not be good for him. Therefore, the most advantageous option will be cake decorated in white and blue tones. One tier can be white, and the other is blue. Mastic or colored cream is suitable for their decor.

Cake with white mastic and flowers

From jewelry is permissible small number of parts, painted black, warm-yellow, peach or brown paint. Excellent will look a treat on marine or bird theme. The first successfully will fit into the frame of the wedding ceremony on the shore of the reservoir, and the delicacy with birds is suitable for the celebration among flowering trees in spring.

Here you can see more interesting, bright photos with a professionally organized wedding in turquoise shades:

This is how interesting you can get a wedding in turquoise, the main thing is to follow all the rules!

The wedding in color is becoming increasingly popular and the bride, planning a celebration, choose some shade central. On wedding, where basic accessories and elements are made in one color scheme, the remaining attributes should be the same, ranging from the outfits of the newlyweds, ending with the car and small parts. Almost all accessories are presented in a wide range of different shades, and only the choice of colors sometimes becomes a challenge, especially if the non-standard central tone of the event, for example, purple, green or turquoise is selected.

The turquoise color is a compound of blue and green, symbolizes equilibrium, calm, loyalty. The presence of elements of this shade in attributes or clothing promises the liberation of a person from negative thoughts, troubles and unnecessary unrest. Therefore, often for a wedding celebration choose this color using it only for small accessories (boutonnieres, jewelry, glasses, etc.) or applied large-scale (wedding tuple, outfits of newlyweds, bride girlfriends).

A significant attribute on the day of marriage is a bridal bouquet, so this element should pay special attention. Common colors that are used for the wedding composition of the bride, roses, cloves, peonies, orchids, which are presented in standard shades - red, pink, cream, white. But if the wedding in the juicy color of turquoise, then the newlywed acoustic accessory should be tone, so that all the elements are harmonized and combined with each other. Alas, there are no plants in nature such a shade, so you have to look for a choice and sophisticated.

If the bride decided to organize a wedding in such an unusual color, then some tips will be useful:

  • The compositions of this shade are charmingly look in summer and spring, as well as in winter on the background of snow-white snow.
  • In the spring, the summer season to compile a floral composition of the newlywedheld is the ability to use real flowers that are as close as possible to turquoise. It can be cornflowers, hyacinths, hydrangea, lysianthuses.
  • Add a bouquet and make it especially festive to help different decoration details: satin, chiffon ribbons, beads, crystals, artificial pearls, strung on string, and more.
  • Since Nature did not give us turquoise colors, florists come to the rescue - they can make any white bud to make such as necessary, so the choice remains behind the variety.

  • For brides with blue eyes, the accessory of this shade will be especially advantageous, because it will emphasize this individual trait.

Variants of wedding turquoise bouquets

There are many variations of turquoise wedding compositions:

  • For the bouquets of this shade, the form of the sphere or drop is perfect.
  • Beautifully looks a combination of colors - turquoise, gentle blue with white, cream, diluted with greens, leaves.
  • If you find live flowers of the suitable shade, it is not possible, then you should make a bouquet with ribbons, candy or beads.

  • A composition is well suited, including ordinary white flowers, decorated with ribbons of the desired shade, the same beads and other decor elements.
  • Bouquets of brides are becoming increasingly popular with tramples of different shades (golden, silver).

Composition from rose

Traditional colors for the wedding bouquet are roses, which are usually chosen in red or white. But florists will be able to satisfy the most whimsical clients, creating a composition including turquoise, blue roses or close to these shades. In addition, these plants in their familiar colors wonderfully dilute any color composition. Such an original, gentle accessory will be perfectly combined with a snow-white dress of the bride or complement the image of a girl in a wedding turquoise outfit.

Bouquet of chrysanthemum

Many brides do not even consider the option with a wedding bouquet that make up chrysanthemums, considering them not beautiful, original for such an important celebration. But this is a deep erroneous opinion, especially when the question concerns not white, but multicolored colors. A composition comprising blue (painted) chrysanthemums, or with a combination of white, looks festive and unique, and small twigs of greenery will make it brighter. The combination of chrysanthemums is possible with other colors, for example, with Ruskus, cloves or small robes.

From wildflowers

Sometimes, ordinary wildflowers that have grown in a natural medium have a natural tint, look much more beautiful than expensive, unique plants created by florists. Wedding accessory, including these plants, has a number of features:

  • Inexpensive cost of attribute.
  • Naturalness of shades, beauty of forms, originality.
  • The accessory looks amazing, in a special festive, especially if it was an experienced master designer.
  • The only drawback of such a composition is the availability of wildflowers only in the summer, so in the winter to order such a "natural" bouquet from the bride will not be possible.

Bouquet of bride from orchids

The charm and fabulous beauty of orchids amazes at first sight. Wedding accessories, including them, look amazing, magically, so many brides dream of a bouquet that make these flowers. To create creation on a turquoise wedding, the orchids of blue, greenish shades are suitable. Dilute it can small twigs of greenery or white little flowers. A composition that will result in will delight the bride all day, keeping its freshness, and guests will admire the accessory to the eyes fascinating.

From fabric flowers or ribbons

The originally looks like a bouquet made using satin ribbons or fabric flowers. Such a composition has undeniable advantages:

  • It is possible to make it yourself, after reading the master class. Check out video with step-by-step creation composition with ribbons:
  • The cost is much lower creations that include live flowers.
  • She is durable - 100% will keep its perfect view of the wedding day, long time will be kept as a memory of a happy day.
  • The ability to make the composition of any color, and when using different shades of ribbons, it turns out an unusual, beautiful bouquet. As decoration, beads, pearl thread, lace are ideal.

Turquoise brooch bouquet

The flower arrangement of brooxes is a new trend in the wedding fashion. It looks exclusively, amazing, brilliantly due to the presence of stones, which are overflowing and detected under the playful sunshine. To create an accessory, decorations, hairpins, turquoise color brooches and similar shades, golden. You can make it alone, a little smoking and experimenting with the placement of various elements or order from professionals who are engaged in creating wedding accessories.

Stock Foto Bridesmaid bouquets in turquoise

A bouquet - an integral bright accessory for the bride, which complements its image, giving a special raisin and sophistication. In addition, many traditions are connected with it, so it must be perfect, please the bride and correspond to the overall topics of the wedding. Although nature did not please us with creating turquoise colors, wedding bouquets with buds of such shades are increasingly found on wedding and look charmingly.

A traditional wedding celebration with a white magnificent dress and a classic strict costume today is not so claimed as before. Newlyweds want to stand out, remember, trying to arrange their holiday as much as possible. A wedding is very popular in turquoise, as it is perfect for both the celebration in the summer and winter.


Before drawing up a holiday in a specific color, you need to know what symbolizes one or another shade, which signs are connected with it.

  1. Turquoise symbolizes a creative approach and pure mind. He is perfect for the celebration of creative personalities.
  2. Turquoise will protect the family from adversity and misfortunes. Such a color will have a beneficial effect on the future cell of society.
  3. The importance of turquoise color is interpreted most often as faith, peace and calm.
  4. Turquoise sincerely is considered to be favorable for families. In the old days, a woman did amulets from stones of this color, it was believed that the talisman would bring good luck to the house.

Of all the above, we can conclude that turquoise is perfect for the primary color at the wedding celebration. He is a kind symbol and an excellent foreman for future family life.

Combination with other shades

The design of the wedding in turquoise does not imply use only one shade. This gently blue with Greentice color is perfectly combined with other paints. Therefore, the ideas of the decoration of the hall, the bride and suites of the bridegroom can be built on bold combinations with other shades.

  • Yellow. It is best combined with turquoise, will become an excellent option for the summer celebration.
  • Red. The option will be relevant both in the winter and in the summer. The combination is pretty bold, but very beautiful. The most advantageously will be the combination of turquoise and red in the shade of Marsala.
  • Pink. Such a duet looks very romantic and is quite popular. The photo of the bride and groom with this design are obtained by gentle and in family good.
  • Purple. Wedding will look like a black-based ice cream. Gentle and "sweet" tones are perfect for spring celebration. Bridal bouquet can be collected for a wedding of blue and purple vehicles, or other little cute flowerfish.
  • Black and white. These colors are classic and are combined with almost any shades. For those who want to "hold a little" bright paints of turquoise, this option is perfect. But the hall should be in bright colors. Black or white can only be expanded by accents, for example, make the design of glasses. Clothes of guests should be turquoise.
  • Green. This combination can be called the most summer, so for weddings in the warm season, this tandem will be the most advantageous. The relevant duet and in the spring season, when nature wakes up from the winter sleep and everything around is painted just with such colors.

Wedding invitation

If the wedding itself in turquoise tones, then the invitation cards must be in the appropriate color scheme. Such cute postcards can be made it with your own hands from the blue or blue cardboard. Cut the postcard itself is simply enough by the template, and re-organize with a variety of ribbons, pearls, etc. It is possible to learn more about you in the appropriate article.

The invitation must necessarily contain information on where and how much the ceremony will be conducted. It is necessary to indicate that the wedding is unusual, guests are obliged to know how to dress. Special attention should be paid to the images of witnesses if the wedding is two-color, then the bridesmaid girlfriends can dress in one shade, and the friends of the groom - in another, but those and other turquoise accents must be present.

Team images

The most responsible thing is that it is worth making young - it is to think over your own images. The girls were very lucky, because the turquoise-colored dress on the wedding is an excellent option that is suitable for both blondes and brunettes. You can choose a one-photon turquoise dress, with a gradient or the most ordinary, classic white dress, but with bright accents (for example, shoes, clutch, bow, etc.). You can see suitable options in the photo below:

The outfit for the bridegroom does not imply bright shades, a blue suit that is considered to be classic perfectly suitable for creating the image of the groom. Perfectly look at men White shirts and vests of a pale blue shade, pants in this case should be blond tones.

Registration of the Hall

Of course, the hall must be decorated in accordance with the wedding color decision. With a restaurant, in which the holiday will be celebrated, it should be agreed that they ensure such an opportunity. Special attention should be paid to the design of tables and decor of the premises in general. If the celebration occurs in the summer, you can put the cornflowers on the tables, their gentle blue color perfectly fit into the concept of the holiday. Tablecloths can be the main (blue) color. It is recommended to make a wedding in two shades so that they can be harmoniously combined. You can look in the photo.

All newlyweds dream that their wedding is stylish and modern. Wedding in turquoise color is an excellent choice for those who appreciate brightness, tenderness and originality. The turquoise depth is amazing, and options for combinations with other colors provide limitless features for experiments.

Magic turquoise color

Turquoise - complex color, as it is a combination of two shades - blue and green. It causes an association with a gentle sea or a bright sky, illuminated by sunlight. Turquoise color symbolizes faith, truth, calm and equilibrium.

Creating amulets and all sorts of carigues, many nations certainly tried to use the tint of turquoise in them, because it protects a person from various kinds of problems and trouble. In Eastern culture, turquoise color is the harmony of feelings and mind. According to Asian traditions, the young exchanged turquoise rings during their engagement, and in the image of the bride's beauty, accessories of this shade were required. It is believed that turquoise gives happiness to newlyweds and protects them from the troubles. Give each other turquoise jewelry on the engagement day: bridegroom - key chains, cufflinks, and the bride - necklace, earrings or bracelet.

Turquoise color organically exists with other shades. The classic is a combination of turquoise with white, black, silver and gold colors. If you want brightness, you can combine turquoise tint with yellow, scarlet, orange, chocolate, emerald and indigo color.

Ideas for turquoise wedding

For a wedding in turquoise, ideas are quite expected. We offer you some interesting options:

  • . It is newlyweds to make a special tenderness. Add to a unique turquoise Striped Print, Decor in the form of seashells and marine stars, stylized outfits and seafood dishes - Romantic celebration in the marine style is ready!
  • Vintage, Provence and Country Style. An excellent tandem for such a wedding will make a dull shade of turquoise in combination with the colors from the pastel gamma.
  • Imperial or. An ideal option for such a celebration will be a luxurious combination of turquoise with gold.
  • Romantic style. For a romantic wedding, turquoise and purple tones are perfect for the romantic wedding.
  • Winter wedding. Combine turquoise with white and silver shades, add frosty patterns, elegant snowflakes, decor in the form of Christmas tree toys and snowmen - and welcome to the magnificent winter fairy tale!

Choose from the suggested ideas that most of all you have to do with the soul, create a unique entourage and enjoy a stylish holiday!

Turquoise in accessories

Images of newlyweds and guests

Wedding decorations

Wedding in turquoise design pays special attention. At the same time, the turquoise shade does not have to be basic - thanks to him you can arrange the juicy accents. So it turns out even better, because the risk of color is reduced. Snowballs will look very sophistication with neatly decomposed bright napkins. And white covers for chairs can be tied with wide turquoise ribbons.

Choose unusual stands in the tone, decorate the plates and wine glasses, arrange cute soft toys. Add freshness with vase with flowers: It can be tender daisies, cornflowers and chamomile.

The walls of the banquet hall can be drained with a gentle-turquoise cloth, and to suspend the air white-blue to the ceiling - it will create a feeling of the endless sky.

Pick up stylized, books of wishes and wedding albums - every little thing is important for complete harmony.

Turquoise wedding is tenderness, romance, inspiration and hope for happiness. After all, turquoise color is the color of the sea wave with all sorts of shades of blue and green colors, and it means love, tenderness, calm, harmony, spiritual purity and faith. Agree that this is perhaps one of the ideal color options for a wedding celebration.

Turquoise wedding is often associated with a celebration in the sea or heavenly style. Accordingly, the chosen theme is chosen and decor, accessories ... However, the wedding can be and simply in a turquoise style without additional thematic clarifications.

Celebration begins with invitation, so they need to be performed in accordance with the wedding style. In their design, turquoise color must be present, they can also be decorated with flowers, ribbons, lace and beads.

Bride and groom images
Turquoise is good because it comes to any skin color. As for the bride dresses, it can be completely turquoise - it looks very beautiful and original. Or only a belt of such a shade and the same shoes, earrings, necklace, bracelet.

The groom can also have a completely turquoise suit or accessories to it: tie, boutonniere ...

The bride's bouquet
Bride bouquet for turquoise wedding - the task is not simple. The fact is that the colors of such a shade in nature are extremely small, so florists often just paint flower bouquets in the desired color.

There is another very common option - a bouquet-brooch. Here it can be decorated as soon as the soul! These are very beautiful and expensive in the view of the bouquets.

Bride girlfriends images:
Here everything is simple: short or long turquoise dresses and the same shade of accessories.

In principle, the place of the wedding in turquoise style does not have. However, if there is clarification to style, for example, heavenly topics, then it is better to hold a celebration in a restaurant located somewhere on top of a hill or mountain. This will allow you to be closer to the sky, admire its beauty. Well, if the marine theme is declared, then, of course, it is more appropriate to hold an event in a restaurant near the water.

There is a rule: at such a wedding there should be a ratio of shades of turquoise to white 40 to 60. At the same time, the turquoise in the decor can be anything: tablecloths, curtains on the windows, tableware on the tables, lighting in the hall ...