How to treat a runny nose during pregnancy - effective means and methods in different trimesters. Balms, ointments, liniment. What drops are allowed to be used by pregnant women

Any woman who is going to become a mother just wants to enjoy her position and not think about unpleasant things. But, unfortunately, the body of the fair sex in an "interesting" position is especially susceptible to various diseases and infections, since all the defenses are spent on maintaining the health of the growing fetus. Moreover, even a common cold and runny nose, which we often do not even pay attention to, can lead to serious complications and seriously damage the baby. However, the problem is that most medications for pregnant women are also contraindicated, as they contain components dangerous to the fetus. What medications against rhinitis can be taken during pregnancy, and how can an expectant mother get rid of this problem?

The main causes of the common cold that women encounter during the period of bearing a child include hypothermia of the body, ARVI and other diseases that are a consequence of a decrease in immunity. In addition, if there is a tendency, expectant mothers may develop allergic reactions to certain substances, food, dust, etc.

Finally, rhinitis can result from hormonal changes that take place in the body during the period of gestation. In itself, such a condition does not require serious treatment, but nevertheless it gives the expectant mother severe discomfort, and, in addition, carries a potential danger to the health of the woman and the child. First, shortness of breath by a pregnant woman can sometimes cause fetal hypoxia. Secondly, if a person breathes through his mouth and not through his nose, the air is not warmed up or disinfected (these functions are performed by the nasal passages), which means that harmful microorganisms can enter the body with it.

When rhinitis occurs, it is very important for the expectant mother not to diagnose herself on her own and not to self-medicate, since the harm from such an attitude towards her condition will be much more than good. Another important fact is that any remedies for the common cold treat only the symptoms, and not the cause of the underlying disease, which can go much deeper.

What drops are prohibited during pregnancy?

Most drops, which are intended for the treatment of rhinitis, have a vasoconstrictor effect (the most common are "Naphtizin", "Sanorin"), which on the one hand is an advantage, since the effect of their use appears literally after 20 minutes and lasts at least 6-8 , and sometimes up to 12 hours. With a single use and adherence to the dosage, they act locally, however, it is very easy to exceed the permissible dose. Otherwise, the effect of the drug will spread to the entire body, including the placental arteries, which can cause disturbances in the baby's blood supply. In addition, vasoconstrictor drops are addictive (it should be noted that pregnant women are more prone to addiction than everyone else), and then the nose simply refuses to work properly without assistance. Prohibited drugs also include drops that contain antibiotics, and antihistamines for rhinitis of allergic origin.

When choosing a specific drug to combat a pregnant woman's rhinitis, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the features of the action, but also to the composition - there are a number of substances that cause serious disturbances and pathologies in the fetus.

  1. Phenylpropanolamine... Does not harm a person in a normal state, but when used during pregnancy, it can lead to the fact that a child is born with congenital hearing disorders, as well as with a narrowing of the pylorus of the stomach - a serious disease requiring surgical intervention.
  2. Phenylephrine... Increases the risk of having a baby with a heart defect by 8 times, and the defects that this substance can provoke are severe and sometimes fatal.
  3. Pseudoephedrine... Increases in the fetus the likelihood of developing limb pathologies, as well as defects in the trachea and esophagus.

If the question arises about the use of vasoconstrictor drops for the common cold, it is better to choose those that contain phenylephrine, dimethindene, tetrahydrozoline hydrochloride, xylometazoline (" Tizine», « Xymelin», « Galazolin», « Vibrocil»).

Vibrocil - drops allowed during pregnancy

They act much milder than the above substances, but they can only be used under the following conditions:

  • no more than once a day;
  • use not the full dose, which is recommended in the instructions, but a little less;
  • maximum seven consecutive days;
  • after the sixth month of pregnancy (in the first and second trimesters, the central nervous system is laid down and the brain is formed).

The best option is to choose the vasoconstrictor drug that is recommended for use in childhood, and also be sure to consult a specialist.

What drops are allowed to be used by pregnant women?

On the shelves of pharmacies you can find drugs that are allowed to combat the common cold in women in an "interesting" position - these include:

  • saline solutions;
  • homeopathic medicines;
  • products with essential oils.

It is important to note: the fact that these funds are allowed for pregnant women does not mean at all that they can be used uncontrollably. Any medicine, even if it is completely harmless, should be strictly dosed and used only with pronounced symptoms.

Saline solutions

Solutions of common table or sea salt have been used for a long time to relieve the symptoms of the common cold. The easiest and most inexpensive option is to make your own solution or purchase sodium chloride solution from the pharmacy, which most of us know as saline. More expensive, but convenient and effective means are aerosols (sprays) and drops with sea water. They do not contain preservatives and synthetic substances, however, they contain iodine, as well as many other trace elements. They help to dilute the secretion, normalize the process of its production, increase local immunity and facilitate nasal breathing with nasal congestion. There are a number of drugs that are made from sea water or are similar in composition to solutions, and can be used for any period of time. Despite their safety, it is advisable that they are prescribed by a doctor depending on the specific situation and the causes of the disease.

NameImageRelease formIndications
"Aqua Maris" Drops, sprayAll types of rhinitis, acute and chronic diseases of the sinuses, dryness of the nasal mucosa, prevention of colds and infectious diseases, especially during epidemics
"Aqualor" Drops, sprayInfectious and inflammatory processes, processes in the sinuses, severe discomfort and nasal congestion, chronic rhinitis, dry mucous membranes, daily preventive washing
"Marimer" Drops, sprayAn auxiliary agent in the treatment of colds and infectious diseases, difficulty in nasal breathing and the formation of thick secretions
Humer Drops, sprayAcute, chronic diseases of the nasopharynx of inflammatory and viral etiology, rhinitis of various origins (allergic, seasonal, acute), moisturizing the nasal passages and cleansing the mucous membranes of pathogenic microorganisms
"Salin" SprayComplex treatment of infectious, inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs, relief of symptoms, dry mucous membranes caused by any factors, the use of vasoconstrictor drops to reduce the risk of addiction
Dolphin Powder for solution preparationAll types of rhinitis, sinusitis and other diseases of the nasopharynx, allergic manifestations, prevention of colds and infectious diseases, rinsing the nasal passages in order to remove impurities, crusts and harmful microorganisms

Homeopathic remedies

Homeopathic remedies are based on herbal extracts and other natural ingredients, so they do not harm the body as much as chemical preparations. Although, it should be noted that many doctors and scientists argue that the effect of using homeopathy is nothing more than a placebo effect (that is, they do not have any beneficial effect), so the decision to use them must be made individually.

Before using homeopathic remedies, it is recommended to consult a doctor, as some of the preparations contain components that can cause allergic reactions. In addition, it is necessary to distinguish real homeopathic remedies, from those that are sometimes positioned as natural, but in fact are not: “ Neonox», « Tonsilgon», « Phytoricide».

"Euphorbium compositum" Natural ingredients that have anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, decongestant and antihistamine effectsRhinitis of any origin, including allergic and seasonal, inflammatory diseases of the sinuses (sinusitis, etc.)
"Edas 131" Several homeopathic ingredients including silver nitrate, calcium carbonate, herbsRunny nose of various etiologies, including accompanied by additional symptoms: headache, loss of smell, watery eyes, allergic rhinitis, nasal congestion

A feature of the use of homeopathic medicines is that in the initial stages of treatment (in the first 1-2 days), symptoms may worsen. This effect is absolutely normal and does not require dosage adjustment or drug withdrawal.

Essential oil products

Drops and other products containing essential oils have an antibacterial effect, irritate receptors, and effectively moisturize the nasal mucosa. Thanks to this, the mucus leaves much more easily, and the discomfort subsides and soon disappears. Most often, preparations containing conifer oils and menthol are used to treat rhinitis. As in the case of homeopathic remedies, when treating with essential oils, you need to pay special attention to your well-being - they can also cause allergic reactions.

"Pinosol" (analogue - "Pinovit") Mint, pine, eucalyptus, tocopherol acetate oilsAcute, chronic rhinitis (with the exception of those that are of allergic origin), runny nose, which is a symptom of infectious, inflammatory and colds
Evamenol The main components are eucalyptus oil and mentholComplex therapy of ARVI, elimination of rhinitis symptoms (shortness of breath, nasal congestion, abundant secretion). Available in the form of an ointment for applications

The well-known balm can also be referred to as medicinal ointments containing essential oils. Star". It contains eucalyptus, clove, mint and camphor oils. To achieve the desired effect, it is recommended to do acupressure of the wings of the nose with the application of balm or lubricate the bridge of the nose with a thin layer.

What can be done with a cold in expectant mothers?

Nasal drops are far from the only remedy that allows you to fight rhinitis during the period of bearing a baby. There are several recommendations, the implementation of which gives a good effect in the treatment of rhinitis of different etiology and alleviates the unpleasant symptoms of the disease.

  1. ethnoscience... Drops prepared with your own hand according to folk recipes can be a good alternative to pharmacy ones. Most often, in this case, natural juices from vegetables and fruits are used: onion and garlic (in diluted form), carrot, apple, citrus, beetroot, and also aloe juice. You can instill essential oils into the nasal passages, which have already been mentioned above, diluted with vegetable oil (preferably olive oil) in a ratio of 1 to 20.
  2. Inhalation... For inhalation, you can take a regular container with hot water, into which you add essential oils and decoctions of medicinal plants (chamomile, eucalyptus, calendula). In addition, you can purchase a special device called a nebulizer, but in any case, you should remember that during pregnancy you can breathe steam for no more than five minutes.
  3. Warming up... Warming up the sinuses or using warming ointments is only possible if the pregnant woman has no symptoms of fever. Warming up helps to increase blood circulation in the mucous membrane, due to which the secret liquefies and leaves much more easily. Most often, freshly boiled eggs cooled to a comfortable temperature, bags with heated cereals or salt are used for this. They are applied to the sinuses and kept until they cool completely.
  4. Air humidification... The cause of a runny nose may be dry air in the room where the pregnant woman is. You can humidify the air using special devices or simply place several containers of water and hang out wet towels. In addition, you need to wet cleaning and ventilate the room as often as possible to get rid of dust and pathogenic microorganisms. A good effect is given by a device called an ionizer - it disinfects the air, thus reducing the risk of infectious diseases. For additional moisture, the mucous membrane of the nasal passages can be lubricated with baby cream or petroleum jelly.

Video - How to cure a runny nose during pregnancy

If, when using medicines or folk recipes for the common cold, the symptoms do not subside for more than three days, high fever and other symptoms join them, and in cases where the mucus becomes green or yellow, you should immediately contact a medical facility. This means that a serious infectious or inflammatory process is taking place in the body, which requires adequate professional treatment.

Video - How to treat a runny nose during pregnancy is simple and effective

What is the cause of nasal congestion during pregnancy and how to deal with it?

The body of a pregnant woman, due to reduced immunity, becomes more vulnerable to colds. But not all characteristic symptoms appear only against the background of a cold. For example, nasal congestion can often accompany most of pregnancy or, conversely, appear in the third trimester and disappear altogether after childbirth.

Of course, this does not mean that the woman constantly has a cold. Let's figure it out together, for a start, in the reasons for the appearance of this unpleasant symptom.

Causes of occurrence, characteristic symptoms

  1. In the first trimester of pregnancy, the most common cause of nasal congestion is rhinitis, which appeared against the background of colds (read more in the article Runny nose during pregnancy >>>);
  2. Also, the cause may be sinusitis, an allergic reaction of the body to a certain allergen;
  3. The condition of a pregnant woman can be unstable and negative factors are manifested by possible headaches (read information on the topic in the article Headache during pregnancy >>>), itchy nose, shortness of breath, sneezing, sore throat.


  • If a runny nose occurs and is of a short-term nature, passes without complications, up to 8 weeks of pregnancy, it does not pose absolutely no danger;
  • But if rhinitis does not go away within several months, it threatens with a delay in the formation of the child's organs. This can happen due to the fact that the fetus develops in conditions of hypoxia (lack of oxygen);
  • If nasal congestion is triggered by a bacterial, viral infection, then it is dangerous for the fetus - it threatens with miscarriage.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, another reason joins the above.

  1. During this period, hormonal changes in the body take place, the fetus grows, forms and requires more and more attention from the blood vessels (they expand), estrogens and progesterones are produced in greater quantities. As a result, vessels dilate throughout the body and in the nose, including, thereby provoking swelling of the mucous membrane and the appearance of a runny nose;
  2. This type of rhinitis is called "hormonal" or "rhinitis of pregnancy", does not pose any danger to the mother and fetus. In addition to nasal congestion, it has absolutely no manifestations (coughing, sneezing, sore throat).

Due to the release of hormones during pregnancy, the sensitivity of a pregnant woman to various allergens may increase. A completely new allergic reaction may occur that you never knew about before.


  • During this period, a runny nose, which is provoked by a cold (viral or infectious) disease, is much more dangerous than a runny nose in the first trimester of pregnancy - a child, in the second trimester of pregnancy, needs more oxygen (for more information about what happens to the baby, read the article Child Development in the womb >>>);
  • If it is hormonal or allergic rhinitis, a woman can easily get an acute respiratory viral infection by breathing air through the mouth. The virus has the ability to infect the fetus. It turns out a kind of vicious circle.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, the main reason, as in the second, is hormonal levels (which is discussed above).

  1. At the stage of approaching labor, the volume of circulating blood increases. Medical statistics say that during this period, nasal congestion is seen in 50% of pregnant women;
  2. An allergic reaction and dry air can be the cause.


  • A runny nose, which has arisen against the background of an acute respiratory infection and is accompanied by inflammation of the larynx, fever, headaches, deterioration of the general condition of the mother can lead to premature birth.

Important! Nasal congestion cannot in any case be treated with medication on its own.

Most vasoconstrictors and corticosteroids are strictly contraindicated during pregnancy! These drugs easily penetrate the placenta and poison the fetus, which, naturally, adversely affects the baby and may have a negative effect on the generic activity of the uterus.

How to treat nasal congestion during pregnancy?

It is clear that at the first sign of a cold, not a single pregnant woman will run headlong to the doctor. It is not worth resorting to self-medication for sure, but you can help yourself. You can make your breathing easier by:

  1. Sufficient humidification of the air in the room with wet towels or you can use a special device - a humidifier (humidity must be at least 65%);
  2. Maintaining the air temperature in the room not higher than 20 degrees, constant ventilation;
  3. Drinking enough liquid (preferably plain warm water);
  4. All kinds of avoidance of allergens;
  5. Elevated head during sleep and rest, placing a pillow so as not to be completely horizontal. Read the helpful article on maternity pillows >>>;
  6. Frequent rinsing of the nose with sodium chloride solution, saline or pharmacy special solutions (Aquamaris, Aqualor, Marimer);
  7. Carrying out inhalations with mineral water without gas (Borjomi, Eseentuki 4 or 17), sodium chloride solution.

When a pregnant woman has prolonged nasal congestion without any other symptoms, as we discussed above, we are talking about hormonal rhinitis. This condition is absolutely not subject to any treatment, it will go away by itself within 1-2 weeks after childbirth.

To moisturize the mucous membrane and facilitate breathing, you can constantly irrigate your nose with moisturizing sprays or saline solutions, which have absolutely no contraindications.

Folk remedies for nasal congestion during pregnancy

Alternative medicine can be used to treat nasal congestion.

Important! Many folk remedies for the treatment of nasal congestion are dangerous for the child, some of them contribute to the protraction of the disease and the appearance of complications.

The most common folk remedies for nasal congestion during pregnancy are:

  • Steam inhalation with herbs such as calendula, thyme, sage;

For greater effect, you can add 1 drop of eucalyptus oil. You can also breathe in the steam of freshly boiled potatoes.

Important! These procedures are contraindicated at elevated body temperature.

  • Washing the nasal mucosa with a solution of salt;

Dissolve ten grams of salt (preferably sea salt) in one liter of warm water. Flush your nose as often as possible.

  • Lemon nose drops;

Prepare phyto drops as follows - mix together 25 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice, 40 ml of warm boiled water, 3 grams of salt (table, iodized, sea salt). Instill two drops 3-4 times a day.

  • Honey and creamy mass;

Helps moisturize dry nasal mucosa. It is necessary to mix honey and butter in equal proportions and lubricate the nose periodically.

  • A mixture of onion juice, aloe, vitamin E;

Mix all the ingredients in equal proportions on a cotton swab, apply the mixture and wipe the sinuses. Before use, drip Kalanchoe juice into the nose (cleans the nasal passages by sneezing).

  • Oil drops;

Mix in equal proportions vegetable, sea buckthorn, peach oils. While lying down, bury your nose several times a day. Vegetable oil can be replaced with olive oil, and sea buckthorn oil with rosehip or rose oil.

Pregnancy lasts an average of 40 weeks, it is very difficult for a pregnant woman to protect herself from all sorts of sores and unwanted symptoms, even simply not realistic. The main thing is to pay attention in time to any changes affecting the state of health and, if necessary, consult a doctor.

When should you see a doctor?

With a runny nose during pregnancy, which lasts more than three days, you can not postpone a visit to the doctor (therapist or otolaryngologist). Only he will be able to determine the true causes of a runny nose and nasal congestion, prescribe a treatment that will not harm either the mother or the child.

Naturally, upon confirmation of hormonal rhinitis, no treatment is prescribed. The general treatment regimen, depending on the identified causes, is as follows:

  1. With allergic rhinitis, first of all, the allergen is detected and eliminated, drugs are prescribed that create a kind of barrier between the nasal mucosa and allergens (Nazaval spray);
  2. In case of viral rhinitis (against the background of an acute respiratory viral infection), vasoconstrictor drops (Nazol Baby) are prescribed, the use of which is not prohibited during pregnancy, nasal lavage (Humer, Marimer, Aquamaris);
  3. With bacterial rhinitis, it is possible to prescribe antiseptic agents (Miramistin, “Zvezdochka” balm) or to carry out antibacterial therapy (modern antibiotics can kill bacteria without negatively affecting the health of the mother and child);
  4. In especially advanced cases, it is possible to prescribe corticosteroids (hormonal drugs).

Any medicines and folk remedies are allowed to be taken by a pregnant woman only with the agreement of a doctor.

Take care of yourself and do not get sick!

Any painful condition at this important stage in life is alarming. A runny nose during pregnancy is a common occurrence that can be caused by a number of reasons, but it is dangerous. How to classify such conditions and possible treatments in the first trimester - all information in our article.

Causes of the common cold

The most common cause of any cold is colds. As is already known, all these diseases can be roughly divided into two groups.

Classification of colds

  1. Viral infections: it is necessary to take special antiviral drugs, restorative agents and drugs to relieve local symptoms (sore throat, runny nose, fever).
  2. Bacterial infections: caused by the ingestion of harmful microbes. In severe conditions, such ailments cannot be cured without the use of antibiotics. Antiviral therapy will not work.

A runny nose can occur against the background of any of these types of diseases. Depending on the nature of the pathogen, the doctor will prescribe treatment and possible procedures.


During pregnancy, unpleasant symptoms and allergies can be felt. For this type of rhinitis, there are also many drugs, the use of which must be agreed with the doctor.

A rather unique case, however, sometimes toxicosis manifests itself in the form of a runny nose and constant nasal congestion. This phenomenon is called "rhinitis of pregnancy" and is practically not amenable to treatment. Pregnancy for any organism is perceived as an invasion of a foreign organism, therefore, nature has taken care of the necessary protection for the unborn child, reducing the mother's immunity.

With this ambiguous phenomenon, especially in the first months of pregnancy, it is recommended to take mild vasoconstrictors and regularly carry out or with sea water to protect against mucus accumulation and the emergence of a focus of infections.

Estimated reading time:

During pregnancy, many different changes take place in the female body. And each trimester has its own problems and concerns. When a woman in a position gets sick, panic begins in her and her family. Expectant mothers are especially vulnerable in the first trimester of pregnancy, when there is a physiological decrease in immunity, hormonal changes in the body, and mood swings are often possible. A lot of trouble is caused by "current" or nasal congestion in the early stages of pregnancy. Moreover, this situation can arise at any time of the year.

A runny nose during pregnancy is a fairly common problem. Statistics say that every third pregnant woman may have breathing problems. Often, a runny nose occurs in the first trimester, accompanied by severe nasal congestion at night and during the day.

Rhinitis causes

A runny nose early in pregnancy can be triggered by many factors. Most often it is a respiratory disease. Rhinitis is also the first symptom of a cold. Since pregnant women have a very weakened immune defense, this problem often arises. The expectant mother must definitely consult a doctor if a runny nose is accompanied by signs such as:

  • increased body temperature;
  • general weakness, lethargy;
  • headache;
  • sore throat;
  • cough.

Often, pregnant women may develop allergic rhinitis after direct contact with a substance to which hypersensitivity is observed. It is necessary to treat such a runny nose only after the provoking factors have been eliminated.

Nasal congestion can occur with excessively dry indoor air. Or mechanical damage may be the cause of this condition.

Sometimes expectant mothers may have a runny nose, as a sign of pregnancy, as a result of hormonal changes. In a woman's blood, the level of progesterone and estrogen increases significantly, as a result of which the nasal mucosa swells and can become thinner. But this happens mainly in the second half of pregnancy, after 20 weeks. If such a phenomenon occurs in the first trimester, which is rare, then not earlier than 11-12 weeks. Such a runny nose does not need special treatment, it is only necessary to alleviate the condition of the pregnant woman.

What is the danger

What is the danger of a runny nose during pregnancy in the 1st trimester? Unfortunately, during this period, it poses a threat to both the developing fetus and the woman's health.

Danger to the fetus

While the baby is in the womb, his lungs do not work. The only source of oxygen is the placenta, and its enrichment occurs through the woman's blood. Mother and child are very closely related. If breathing is difficult, oxygen is not supplied to the placenta in sufficient quantities. As a result, the child receives very little of it and hypoxia occurs. Therefore, nasal congestion in early pregnancy is very undesirable, because its consequences can adversely affect the formation of the fetus, which occurs most intensively during this period.

During pregnancy, a disease is also dangerous, a symptom of which is a runny nose. If it is of viral origin, then the virus can enter the uterus through the blood. As a result, spontaneous abortion is possible.

But expectant mothers should not worry in advance, if they are worried about a runny nose, then something must happen to the baby. You just need to consult a doctor who will help determine the cause of this condition and prescribe adequate treatment.

Danger to the expectant mother

In addition to the risk for the baby, rhinitis can provoke complications in the pregnant woman herself. Sometimes a severe runny nose can develop into bronchitis or tracheitis. These diseases are not only viral, but also bacterial etiology. Even a common cold is insidious during pregnancy, since with such a pathology, women often self-medicate, which is extremely undesirable. But sometimes the flu can be mistaken for a cold, and it is extremely dangerous with consequences. Allergic rhinitis during pregnancy is also dangerous, since there is a risk of its transition to bronchial asthma. Therefore, first, together with your doctor, try to find out the causes of the common cold, and only then start treatment.

How to treat a runny nose during pregnancy in the 1st trimester - treatment features

The main rule for treating a cold during pregnancy is the lack of self-activity. Be sure to immediately consult a doctor as soon as you have this unpleasant symptom. He will determine the causes of this condition and prescribe safe procedures and medicines for the common cold during pregnancy in the 1st trimester.

To alleviate the condition, you can independently:

  • regularly ventilate the room;
  • to facilitate breathing through the nose during sleep and rest, raise the head of the bed or simply sleep on a high pillow;
  • the air temperature in the room should not be higher than 22 ° С;
  • to achieve air humidity of at least 65%, for this it is worth turning on a humidifier or hanging wet towels on the radiators.

For nasal congestion caused by natural hormonal changes, you can perform a special decongestant massage, use saline solutions to moisturize the nasal mucosa.

With the viral nature of the common cold, an integrated approach is needed for its treatment. It provides for:

  • Abundant and frequent drinking - allows you to replenish the loss of fluid, dispose of waste products of pathogenic microflora.
  • If necessary, the doctor may advise you to limit physical activity and prescribe bed rest.
  • Rinsing the nose with saline solutions or herbal decoctions.
  • With an increase in body temperature, its reduction with the help of safe antipyretic drugs or rubdowns.
  • Removal of edema and restoration of breathing with nasal sprays and drops.
  • The use of safe antiviral agents.

The most harmless drugs for the common cold and nasal congestion are nasal drops and sprays, in which the main component is sea water. These include Quicks, No-Sol, Humer, Aqualor and others. The main task of this group is to dilute mucus, improve the secretion of secretions from the sinuses, and reduce the dryness of the nasal mucosa.

With the viral nature of the common cold, ointments and drops are used, which are aimed at destroying pathogenic microorganisms. From antiviral agents, you can choose Viferon, Gripferon, Albucid with a cold during pregnancy in the 1st trimester.

It is highly undesirable to use vasoconstrictor drugs during this period. They are capable of:

  • increase blood pressure in the vessels;
  • contribute to the narrowing of the vessels of the placenta and uterus, as a result of which fetal hypoxia may occur;
  • negatively affect the formation of organs and systems of the fetus;
  • dry out the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity;
  • cause resistance to their use.

Vasoconstrictor drops from the common cold during pregnancy in the 1st trimester are used only with the permission of the doctor and if other methods of treatment have not been effective. In this case, it is extremely important to strictly observe the frequency and dosage. Expectant mothers should bury their nose with such means no more than 1-2 times a day and no longer than 3 days. Vasoconstrictor drugs can eliminate nasal congestion and eliminate the unpleasant manifestations of rhinitis. These include Naphtizin, Vibrocil, Pharmazolin, Tizin, etc.


Inhalation is a common activity that is allowed in early pregnancy. It is very useful, as in a short period of time it can eliminate the effects of a cold (nasal congestion, swelling and inflammation of the mucous membranes). Thanks to this procedure, edema is reduced, the mucous membrane is moistened, and the discharge of pathological secretions is improved. For inhalation, it is better to use a nebulizer, and the solution for it should be individually selected by the attending physician who knows the features of the course of pregnancy and the patient's state of health. For example, essential oils are not used for edema, as they can increase it. To moisturize the respiratory tract, you can use mineral water without gas or saline. Solutions for inhalation are widely used based on plant materials - chamomile and linden flowers, birch and oak leaves, mint, etc. These plants have bactericidal properties and help fight infection.

Steam inhalation is less safe, since there is a high risk of mucosal burns during their implementation. Therefore, during their conduct, you need to inhale the steam carefully.

In any case, the duration of the procedure should not exceed 3 minutes. The procedure must be abandoned when the body temperature rises.


For this purpose, salt-based solutions are more often used. Their use helps to achieve several goals at once:

  • Such drugs can be used both as part of complex and independent treatment.
  • Rinsing can help reduce irritation and reduce the likelihood of allergic reactions.
  • Irrigation of the mucous membrane allows you to strengthen the walls of the capillaries, improve their functioning and normalize blood flow.
  • Solutions disinfect the nasal cavity.
  • Salt helps to relieve swelling, due to which nasal breathing is resumed in the pregnant woman.

The saline solution is easy to prepare at home. To do this, take 1 teaspoon of sea salt for 1 glass of water. It is convenient to use ready-made products in the form of spray drops, like Aqua Maris, Humer, Quicks, etc. You can rinse your nose 4-5 times a day. If the expectant mother has a runny nose for a long time, then such procedures can be carried out for 1-2 weeks.

There are several ways to flush. With advanced rhinitis, one nostril draws in the solution and spits it out through the mouth. So you can completely free the nasopharynx from secretions. There are more gentle options - instillation with a pipette or injection of a solution.

Using folk remedies

For various pathological processes, folk remedies have proven themselves well. Treatment of a common cold in the first trimester of pregnancy can be started with them.

Instilling aloe juice into the nose has a good result. Freshly squeezed juice from the leaves of the plant should be diluted in half with boiled water and used in several doses a day. This medicine should be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 3 days.

With rhinitis, freshly squeezed beet juice drips into the nose. To do this, grate a piece of peeled vegetable on a fine grater, squeeze it with gauze. Then the beet juice must be diluted with boiled water in a 1: 2 ratio. You do not need to dilute, but it should be borne in mind that such a remedy, after instillation, can burn strongly. Therefore, you do not need to be zealous with him in order to exclude the possibility of damage to the nasal mucosa.

They also treat the common cold during pregnancy in the 1st trimester with onions. There are many phytoncides in the juice of this vegetable. When inhaled, the nasal passages are disinfected and pathogenic microorganisms that are located there are destroyed. That is why onion inhalation has gained popularity in the treatment of upper respiratory tract diseases. Garlic can be used for the same purpose. Any of the vegetables is cut and placed in the living area.

Nasal drops are also prepared from onions. For this you need to chop it finely, mix with honey, insist and drip the resulting product into your nose.

If you have a runny nose that is a symptom of a cold, drink tea with lemon and honey. But we must not forget that both beekeeping products and citrus fruits are strong allergens, so they should not be overused.

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Although it is forbidden to soar your legs during pregnancy, you can wear warm woolen socks for a cold. They will increase blood circulation and warm the limbs.

Preventive actions

It is better to prevent any pathology than to deal with its treatment later. Therefore, there are several simple ways to prevent a cold:

  • Carry out a wet cleaning of the room every day, get rid of dust in carpets, armchairs, sofas.
  • Keep an eye on the humidity of the air, do not forget about regular ventilation.
  • 1-2 times a week, it is worth irrigating the nasopharynx with saline solutions, especially after being in public places.
  • At home, in the corners, you can arrange plates with chopped garlic or onions; you can make beads from garlic cloves around your neck. This procedure is especially relevant during a flu epidemic.
  • Breathe fresh air as much as possible.
  • Maintain a positive mood. It has been noticed that optimists get sick much less than pessimists.

Most importantly, do not forget that a runny nose is never harmless in expectant mothers. Therefore, if you have it, do not postpone your visit to the doctor. He will help determine the cause of this condition and tell you how to treat a runny nose during pregnancy in the 1st trimester. Take care of yourself and your baby! After all, this period is the most important for the health of the baby. Remember this always.

A runny nose is an unpleasant phenomenon for any person. What can we say about a pregnant woman, for whom traditional methods of dealing with this ailment are inaccessible!

What is a runny nose?

A runny nose does not occur on its own. Discharge from the nose signals an onset of the disease: it can be SARS, flu, allergies, etc. That is, a runny nose is a protective reaction of the body, which has gotten viruses, or which has been supercooled. Based on the above, there are several types of rhinitis: allergic, viral, vasomotor. In addition, another type of rhinitis is known, which can never be, for example, in men. We are talking about rhinitis during pregnancy.

Is a runny nose dangerous in the first trimester of pregnancy?

Unfortunately, it is dangerous. Especially . True, not so much the runny nose itself as the disease that caused it. If the runny nose has a viral etiology, then there is the possibility of the virus entering the uterus through the blood. This, in turn, can lead to spontaneous abortion.

In some cases, a runny nose (or rather, the reason that caused it) can affect the formation and development of the embryo, which just happens during the first 8 weeks.

In addition, a runny nose makes it difficult to breathe, which means that the baby is not getting enough oxygen. This is true at any stage of pregnancy, but it is especially dangerous in the early stages.

But do not worry in advance, because if you have a runny nose, this does not mean at all that something will be wrong with the child. It's just much better when a pregnant woman is fully informed and knows what is happening to her and how to act in a given situation. Tune in to the positive, follow the guidelines below, and you will be fine.

How to treat a pregnant woman's runny nose?

If in a “normal” life a woman can easily cope with a cold at home using common medicines, now she just needs a doctor's consultation. You should not consider this ailment to be trifling and self-medicate. The doctor will prescribe effective, but gentle drugs that will help to recover without harm to the unborn baby.

If the reason for the common cold is an increase in the level of female hormones, then, rest assured, it will go away after childbirth. And during pregnancy, you need to diversify your diet with foods containing vitamin C, and do not forget about constant humidification of the air in the room. Rhinitis of pregnant women does not pose a threat to the formation and development of the fetus.

In the case when the body of a pregnant woman is attacked by viruses, which causes a runny nose, it is necessary to act more decisively. In such cases, you just need to prepare (or buy a ready-made solution at the pharmacy) a solution for rinsing the nose based on sea salt. Making it at home is not at all difficult: you need to take a teaspoon of salt and half a liter of pure boiled (or distilled) water.

You can also use the "star" known to all of us from childhood, with which it is necessary to anoint the bridge of the nose and whiskey. But do not overdo it: everything should be in moderation!

Another good proven remedy is menthol oil. But not in its pure form! Take a few drops of vegetable oil (this will be the base) and 2-3 drops of menthol (the main component). Mix. The ready-made mixture can be instilled into the nose and, like an asterisk, can be used to lubricate the bridge of the nose, temporal region, forehead and behind the ears.

It helps to get rid of a runny nose and a simple procedure - hot baths for hands. To do this, hands to the elbows must be immersed in hot water. Note that !

You can drip raw beet juice into your nose. To do this, take a peeled piece, grate on a fine grater and, using cheesecloth, squeeze the juice. It is advisable to dilute it with boiled water at the rate of 1: 2 (1 drop of juice for 2 drops of water). You can, of course, not dilute, only you should be prepared for the fact that the beet juice burns a little. Do not overdo it so as not to damage the nasal mucosa.

Drink hot tea with lemon and honey. But do not overdo it with honey: although it is useful, it is, after all, an allergen.

When a runny nose appears, it is advisable to wear warm socks, apply a heated bag of salt or sand to your nose (you can replace it with a warm boiled egg).

Take extra care!

Vasoconstrictors, both in the early and later stages of pregnancy, should be used only if other methods of treatment have proved ineffective. In this case, it is important to strictly observe the dosage and frequency. Better yet, use drops designed for babies or newborns. But even they need to be used when "already unbearable" and no more than 3 days in a row. It is better to bury your nose before bed so that a runny nose does not interfere with your rest.

Specially for- Elena Kichak