Black feces during pregnancy. Green feces in adults and pregnant women: causes, treatment tactics

When a girl is in an "interesting position", bowel disorder is a common condition, because the body is rebuilt and begins to function differently. Liquid green or black diarrhea during pregnancy has its own characteristics.

Why does the stool have a non-standard shade, what to do to restore bowel function, and is it worth worrying about?

Green loose stools

The most common reasons are:

  1. A dietary meal dominated by leafy vegetables such as spinach, parsley, lettuce. Chlorophyll pigment stains feces and causes green diarrhea during pregnancy.
  2. Excessive intake of vitamins fortified with iron and calcium. These elements are not absorbed by the body in excess of them.
  3. With intestinal perforation, bloody discharge, mixing with the bile of the stomach, gives green loose stools.
  4. Abnormal movement of food through the intestines, in which it is retained in the intestine, the permeability is reduced, which causes a certain shade of feces.
  5. Exposure to bile, with the rapid movement of food through the digestive system. In this case, the intestines simply do not have time to process bilirubin.
  6. Taking antibiotics can cause green diarrhea in a pregnant woman. Usually, with the end of the course of treatment, the stool returns to normal.
  7. Disruption of the pancreas, leading to insufficient fermentation and improper absorption of food. Moreover, in addition to the green tint, there are pieces of undigested food in the feces of a pregnant woman.
  8. Dysbacteriosis and intestinal microflora disorders are common causes of abnormal stool color. Often the problem leads to the development of fermentation and decay processes.
  9. One of the most common symptoms of dysentery is green stools. In addition, the diarrhea is accompanied by blood streaks, mucus and fever.
  10. Liver dysfunction, liver failure, and inflammation lead to abnormal feces.
  11. Food allergies cause green diarrhea during pregnancy.

If the change in feces is not accompanied by nausea, vomiting, weakness, fever, the woman has no reason to worry. If the greenish tint persists for several days and there is no improvement, you should see a doctor.

Black loose stools during pregnancy

Many women have black feces in the early stages, most often this is due to the intake of special vitamin complexes enriched with iron. The instructions in the drug often indicate this side effect. In this case, feces acquire a specific odor, a liquid consistency. Stopping taking vitamins, black diarrhea will disappear during pregnancy.

Deviation from the norm can occur for the following reasons:

  1. Taking medications such as Activated Carbon, Karbolen, Denol, Novobismol.
  2. Foods can cause these stools to turn black:
  • Beef, pork liver.
  • Sausage "Blood".
  • Bitter chocolate.
  • Blueberries, currants.
  • Grapes (blue).
  • Coffee.
  • Pomegranate, dark mountain ash.

Often, diarrhea during black pregnancy can be accompanied by the presence of particles of berries, undigested peel.

  1. The use of bananas in the menu leads to the appearance of dark points, veins. This is due to the fact that the fibers of the fruit are not completely digested and such a shade deviation occurs.
  2. Food poisoning with a dark colored product that can lead to black, loose stools during pregnancy.
  3. The presence of blood in bowel movements indicates perforation of the intestines, duodenum and leads to the formation of a dark-colored feces. This development of events occurs due to the formation of ulcers, varicose veins, polyps in the intestine. In this case, black diarrhea during pregnancy is similar to coffee grounds, which are called melena or tar-like stools.
  4. Some anti-inflammatory or non-steroidal medications can cause discoloration in feces. These include "Diclofenac", "Nise", "Nimesulide", "Indomethacin". Black diarrhea during pregnancy is a medical condition that requires medical attention.
  5. If a large amount of blood is swallowed with injuries of the nasopharynx, there may be a violation of the color of the stool.

If, with such a change in feces, chills, excessive sweating, dizziness, lack of appetite, increased body temperature occur, you must urgently visit a specialist.

When should you see a doctor?

In itself, such a state of feces is not dangerous for the health of the expectant mother. But there are symptoms that accompany black loose stools during pregnancy, they should alert a woman:

  1. High body temperature.
  2. Hypotension.
  3. Vomiting.
  4. Loss of consciousness.
  5. Chills.
  6. Pallor of the skin.

During this period, you should not risk your health and the life of the baby, therefore, if diarrhea appears during black pregnancy, you should consult a doctor immediately!

When symptoms of this kind occur, this may indicate the presence of internal bleeding, as well as:

  • Improper use of medicines, vitamins.
  • Crohn's disease.
  • The formation of gastritis, colitis.


To determine the specific causes of black feces, a specialist will prescribe to a woman:

  • Examination of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging.
  • Radiography.
  • Endoscopy.

A biochemical blood test and urinalysis are prescribed to determine why black or green diarrhea occurs during pregnancy.

Self-diagnosis is not worth doing.

Diarrhea treatment

If, nevertheless, a change in the color of bowel movements indicates the development of pathologies, depending on the specific disease, the obstetrician-gynecologist or gastroenterologist prescribes individual treatment. In addition, if black loose stools develop during pregnancy, you need:

  1. Maintain water-salt balance, drink more water, tea, take regenerating drugs "Regidron", "Lactosol".
  2. It is imperative to stick to a diet before the black, green diarrhea in a pregnant woman stops.
  3. The safest drugs for loose stools are sorbents: "Smecta", "Atoxil", "Activated Carbon".

During this period, a woman needs to be especially attentive to health deviations, serious symptoms. Perhaps this is a temporary restructuring of the body or a consequence of improper nutrition, but a green or dark color of feces can be a signal of serious pathologies.

Noticing changes in the color of feces during pregnancy, women begin to worry and even seriously get scared, thinking that this is a symptom of a dangerous disease. In this article, you will find out why pregnant women change the color of their feces, whether there is a threat to their health, and when is it time to sound the alarm.

Pregnancy starts the process of restructuring the body's work, which begins preparations for bearing a child. Due to revolutionary changes, a pregnant woman may change the shade and consistency of feces.

Causes of fecal discoloration during pregnancy

The foods that a woman eats also greatly affect the nature of feces. When a woman brings a lot of leafy green vegetables to the menu, green feces appear during pregnancy. And significant amounts of dark berries in the menu (currants, blueberries), meat offal with blood will give the stool a dark shade.

Medication can also change the color of your stool. The intake of activated charcoal, which helps with intoxication due to poor-quality food, gastrointestinal disorders, poisoning, causes the stool to change to black. With pregnancy, you need to be especially careful when choosing medications, since the body's response can be unpredictable even to familiar drugs. For example, activated carbon removes not only toxins, but also useful substances, which can have a bad effect on the development of pregnancy. Dark feces during pregnancy can result from taking special vitamins for expecting babies and nursing women: they contain an increased dosage of iron. The trace element is responsible for maintaining the normal level of hemoglobin in the blood, and during the period of gestation, the female body's need for iron doubles. Iron that enters the body along with vitamins does not completely enter the bloodstream, since the body can absorb no more than 2 milligrams per day. The excess of a trace element is utilized and then excreted from the body along with the feces, so its color becomes dark.

Orange feces during pregnancy is determined by food and certain drugs. If the menu is rich in vegetables and fruits of yellow and orange colors - mangoes, apricots, pumpkin, carrots - the stool turns orange. Beta-kerotene supplements and rifampicin-based drugs have the same effect.

So-called "Sheep feces" during pregnancy, when the feces are very dense and are excreted in round small fragments, it indicates a spastic form of constipation. This is due to intestinal hypertonicity and slowing of peristalsis.

When is it time to worry?

There are also more threatening reasons for such changes, when special treatment is required to change the color of feces during pregnancy. The stool changes character due to liver dysfunction, infections, bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, colitis. Let's dwell on this in more detail. Liver diseases (hepatosis, hepatitis, cirrhosis, fibrosis) change the color of stool to green. Dysbacteriosis causes indigestion, and fermentation and decay processes rapidly develop inside the intestines, which ultimately give the stool a green color. The pathogenesis of the course of infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is similar to the processes that accompany dysbiosis. They are accompanied by high fever, acute abdominal pain, loose stools, nausea and vomiting. For intestinal inflammation - colitis - is also characteristic green feces... The complex form of the course of the disease can even cause a discharge of pus and blood, which goes out with the stool. This disease can cause serious harm and even death of the pregnant woman and her baby.

Light feces during pregnancy, it appears both for completely harmless reasons (a menu rich in dairy products or plant products), so it can be a manifestation of pathology. Infections such as hepatitis or pancreatitis interfere with the function of the liver and pancreas. Because of this, too little bile is produced and the stool becomes light. Yet white feces during pregnancy, it can signal dysfunction of the digestive system and impaired bowel cleansing processes. Highly light yellow feces may mean a violation of the function of the separation of bile, which has arisen due to the existing stones and tumor formations.

In some cases, with hormonal imbalance or due to physical inactivity (for example, restriction of physical activity due to the threat of loss of pregnancy), constipation occurs in pregnant women. When the intestines have not been emptied for a long time, its contents are liquefied by mucus, which is produced due to irritation of the intestinal mucosa. After stool returns to normal, mucus production stops. Inflammation of the intestines can also cause mucus in the stool. This is how colitis, enteritis, proctitis and other diseases manifest themselves.

When the liver is unable to fully cope with its role in processing hemoglobin, iron compounds end up in the duodenum and the feces become black. Black feces may result from internal bleeding. Ulcers of the stomach or duodenum, cancers of the digestive system cause constant slight bleeding. And bloody discharge that enters the gastrointestinal tract stains feces.

The reliability of the prognosis of the disease depends entirely on the correctness of the diagnosis. To clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to do a blood and feces test and gastroscopy to detect damaged tissues. According to the results, conservative or surgical treatment is prescribed. In any case, the patient will need to adhere to a strict diet and stay in bed.

Stool analysis during pregnancy

Fecal analysis during pregnancy is part of the mandatory examination when registering. When diagnosing a change in the color of feces during pregnancy, it is important to understand that any deviations from the normal previous indicators should in no case be ignored. Differential diagnosis and additional instrumental methods will help to identify the cause of the disorder.

Instrumental diagnostics of feces is usually carried out in three directions:

  1. General analysis of feces is the basis for the final assessment of the work of the digestive system. The test results reveal signs of intestinal inflammation and some protozoan species that cause these problems.
  2. An occult blood test identifies polyps, ulcers and neoplasms of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. The microbial composition of feces determines the causative agents of intestinal infections and dysbiosis.

Drugs for the treatment of fecal discoloration during pregnancy

If changes in the color of feces are found, the attending physician, based on the results of the tests, prescribes therapy. During the treatment period, the feces are examined at least twice more. Usually, antibacterial drugs are prescribed that remove toxic substances from the body:

  1. Smecta is a preparation in powder form. This medicine is prescribed for pregnant women with constipation. The drug perfectly relieves irritation and regenerates the walls of the intestine and stomach, absorbs harmful substances, creates a barrier, thereby protecting the gastrointestinal tract from aggressive factors. Smecta is harmless and safe for pregnant women: the drug does not enter the bloodstream and only works inside the digestive tract. The course of treatment and dosage are prescribed individually. Smecta can help in the first weeks of pregnancy. From the second trimester, due to the enlargement of the uterus, the pressure on the intestines increases. Therefore, in late pregnancy, the drug is most likely undesirable to take. The average dosage of the drug for pregnant women is three packets per day. Between taking smecta and other medicines or food, you need to take a break of at least two hours.
  2. Activated carbon is a natural sorbent. Usually prescribed for pregnant women with black and thin feces. The mechanism of action of activated carbon is that it absorbs poisons, toxins, decay products and removes them from the body. Charcoal acts mildly in the intestines and is excreted naturally after eight to ten hours. In addition, the drug helps pregnant women get rid of heartburn. It must be remembered that coal is contraindicated for constipation. They should not try to remove the symptoms of intoxication or infection: in serious cases, adequate treatment is necessary. You can take activated charcoal once, because long-term use removes trace elements and vitamins from the body. For the same reason, it can weaken the effect of other drugs. If the expectant mother takes vitamins, you need to give them the opportunity to assimilate, because activated charcoal can be drunk only after a few hours.
  3. Rehydron is a preparation in the form of a powder designed to restore the acid-base balance. The drug is effective for early toxicosis of pregnant women, when the body loses electrolytes due to vomiting or diarrhea, and food and liquids are not absorbed. Therefore, weight loss and metabolic disturbances occur. Rehydron has no contraindications for taking while carrying a child. When a pregnant woman has black feces with mucous discharge, Regidron is usually also prescribed. If Regidron does not solve the problem, then the expectant mother is being treated in a hospital, where she is injected with medications using droppers.
  4. Imodium has an excellent antidiarrheal effect. Relevant for the expectant mother, whose stool has acquired a liquid consistency of green, black or unusually light color. Imodium acts gently, quickly and only inside the intestines. It is excreted after 12 hours naturally. Imodium is prescribed together with Smecta when mucus is found in the stool of the expectant mother. The manufacturer claims that drug tests did not reveal any negative effects on the baby in the womb. Imodium does not cause changes in the structure of genes and does not contain toxic substances. However, the manufacturer warns that at a later date, Imodium can be taken only with the approval of a doctor.

Physiotherapy treatment

Physiotherapy is used as an alternative to medications that can be harmful to the fetus. Physiotherapy should help the pregnant woman and at the same time not harm her baby. During gestation, acupuncture, some types of electrophoresis and electrolaxation can be used. Most other physiotherapy methods are contraindicated, as they can cause uterine contractions, increase the sensitivity of the body and adversely affect the baby. Since the permitted physiotherapy methods of treatment may slightly affect the discoloration of feces during pregnancy, they are used in individual cases.


The use of homeopathic medicines practically eliminates side effects. In addition, the concentration of the active substance in them is low, so they are safe for pregnant women. Homeopathy can help reverse unwanted changes in stool color or consistency.

Opium12 is effective for constipation, which is associated with a forced sedentary lifestyle that provoked sluggish intestines.

With constipation, toxins poison the body. If constipation persists for a long time, the pregnant woman is at risk from complications of a Bacillus coli infection. Several doses of homeopathic medicines Nux vomica, Opium, Alumina will help restore bowel function, subject to certain dietary rules.

Collision D6 is shown in "sheep" feces. The drug will also help with hemorrhoids and edema of the lower extremities.

Nuxvomikad D12 will cope with toxicosis, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach and constipation.

Robinia pseudoacacia D6 and Bismutumsubniktricum D12 are indicated for pregnant women with heartburn.

Sepia D12 will help to cope with morning sickness with toxicosis.

Ipecacuana D12 is intended for pregnant women who have nausea relentlessly, and are especially nauseous in the evening and at night.

Colchicum D12 helps to overcome nausea with hypersensitivity to various aromas, chills and stomach pains.

Diarrhea during pregnancy is fraught with serious complications. If the problem is not quickly dealt with, it can trigger a miscarriage. In this case, the homeopathic remedies Aloe, Podophyllum or Mercurius will help.

In addition to medications, the expectant mother is always prescribed a diet and plenty of drink to remove toxins.

The menu must include cereals without sugar and salt, boiled in water, and fermented milk products with a reduced fat content. Fried, fatty and smoked foods are absolutely limited.

Herbal infusions based on chamomile or St. John's wort, black and green tea also have healing properties.

Herbal treatment

When the color of the stool changes, the recipes used by our grandmothers can come to the aid of pregnant women.

For example, with frequent constipation with mucus, you can brew senna herb or buckthorn bark (pour 1 teaspoon with a glass of boiling water) and drink the broth before bedtime.

If you drink an infusion of oak leaves or walnut partitions (1 tablespoon for 2 glasses of water) during the day, it will help to overcome diarrhea with mucus.

If you prepare an infusion by taking one teaspoon of dry herbs of calendula, chamomile, yarrow and pouring them with one glass of water, you can help the body cope with bloating, diarrhea, and fermentation in the intestines.

With dysbacteriosis, an infusion of a golden mustache will help. It is necessary to pour 2 or 3 leaves 15-20 cm long with one liter of hot water and drink 100 ml two or three times a day.

Folk recipes

Safe and affordable traditional medicine recipes will help to cope with the problems of discoloration of feces in pregnant women. The recipes do not require a lot of effort, but they can gently and effectively alleviate the condition of the expectant mother.

For example, adding dried apples or cherries to tea while brewing tea can help natural bowel cleansing. Flax seeds can also be used to prevent constipation. It is necessary to pour one teaspoon of flaxseeds with 20 ml of boiling water and leave for 4 hours. Without straining, drink the entire infusion at night.

For mild intoxications or chronic intestinal diseases accompanied by diarrhea, traditional medicine gives very simple recipes. As a sorbent, you can prepare a solution with potato starch. To do this, 1 teaspoon of starch must be diluted in 125 ml of cold water. Drink the solution 1 or 2 times a day.

A decoction of the pear or its boiled pieces will help if the stool is thin and green or dark in color.

Slimy broths made from oatmeal or barley are also popular. 50 g of flakes (or grains) are poured into 0.5 liters of cold water, let it brew for 4 hours, then cook until thickened over low heat, stirring constantly. Take 1-2 tablespoons 5-6 times a day.

A pregnant woman who has paid attention to changes in stool must necessarily inform the doctor with whom she is under supervision. The reason for this is most likely quite harmless. But there is a risk that this is a symptom of a dangerous disease. Based on the test results, the doctor will be able to draw the correct conclusion. As you learned, a change in the color of feces can speak of both developing pathologies and a change in diet, therefore, the well-being of the expectant mother is decisive.

Pregnancy is not only a joyful event for a married couple, but also a significant stress for the body. During this period, mommy desperately needs a large number of useful components and vitamins, which are responsible for the normal functioning of all internal systems. During gestation, such substances should be twice as large, since now a woman needs to think for two.

In order to avoid a shortage of various components, experts prescribe the expectant mother to take special multivitamin and iron-containing preparations. It is during this period that a woman begins to notice problems associated with the functioning of the digestive tract.

Multivitamins for pregnant women"+" "-" price, rub.
ALPHABET Mom's healththe peculiarities of the interaction of various vitamins are taken into account, therefore this vitamin complex for pregnant women is available in tablets of three different colors. Thanks to the same features of the release of this complex of vitamins, you can refuse to take this or that pill if the pregnant woman is allergic to any component. Multivitamins for pregnant women "Alphabet" contain the largest dose of iodine, no additional drugs are prescribedinsufficient amount, therefore folic acid should be taken additionally up to 12 weeks311
VITRUM PRENATALa large amount of iron, sufficient not only for prevention, but also for the treatment of the initial stages of anemia in pregnant women. Also, these multivitamins contain a sufficient amount of folate.does not contain iodine498 / 997
COMPLIVIT MOTHER- the dose of vitamins A and D is lower than in other complexes; in winter, this dose of vitamin B is not enough. Insufficient iodine content170
Centrum Maternaa sufficient amount of iodine and folic acida very large dose of vitamin A and B vitamins, which is why allergic reactions are often observed774
PREGNAVITthe vitamin complex contains all the vitamins needed during pregnancyexcept for iodine and trace elements-
Elevit contain the largest amount of magnesium, which has a beneficial effect on the threat of termination of pregnancy, and also improves blood circulation. This vitamin complex also contains ample amounts of folate.does not contain iodine504 /1495

Black feces frighten women most of all. It would seem that there is no reason to worry, because the dark color of excrement is provoked by a disorder of the digestive system. However, the answer is not always so straightforward. There are several reasons, and some of them should make a woman wary.

The first thing to consider is the most common reason why a pregnant woman's stool turns dark. An incorrectly composed diet leads to complications, provoking diseases from which the expectant mother suffered before. Most often, digestive disorders are encountered during the first three months of gestation.

It is more dangerous if the disease develops in the last months of pregnancy. In such a situation, a woman's nerves are at their limit, but experts advise not to hang up their nose ahead of time.

It is very important to take care of yourself and make sure that a sufficient amount of vitamins enter the body along with food. Before eating any product, you need to look at the manufacturing date and expiration date. It is best to compose a menu from products of already proven brands.

Sometimes the dark color of feces can be triggered by the use of:

If, before noticing dark feces, the future mother had one of the above ingredients on the menu, then there is nothing to worry about, since this is just a reaction of the body. Together with food, special pigments get into it, which are excreted naturally.

Black feces and hormones

Dark-colored feces can also be associated with normal body changes that happen to every woman during pregnancy. Actively produced progesterone causes many normal processes to take on strange shapes. Not only does the color of excrement change, but also the frequency of urination, reaction to surrounding objects and much more. In no case should you neglect such signals that the body gives, but you should not fall into despair either.

It is important to understand that in the process of bearing a fetus, the hormonal background of a woman changes very much. This has a key impact on a woman's well-being. Sometimes, under the influence of hormones, relapses of old diseases occur. If the expectant mother feels that something has gone wrong, then you should contact a specialist. Self-medication during pregnancy can be fatal to your baby's health.

Other causes of dark feces

The color of the feces can also be affected by medication. There is a list of medications that are most often prescribed to a pregnant woman in order to increase the level of iron and vitamins in her body:

A similar reaction is caused by the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, among which Nimesulide, Aspirin and Ibuprofen can be noted. A pregnant woman should be aware that all multivitamins are high in iron, which gives the excrement a dark color. In this case, this is quite normal. On the contrary, it is evidence that the drugs taken are of high quality and genuine.

The body absorbs as much iron as it needs, and removes the rest along with the feces. In no case should you stop taking vitamins. In order to check whether the dark color of the excrement is really associated with the intake of drugs, it is worth stopping them for a short time and see what changes.

In some cases, the cause of the dark color of the stool can be really serious complications - bleeding. Most often, it is a consequence of diseases such as:

  • varicose veins in the esophagus;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • neoplasms in the gastrointestinal tract.

If the expectant mother knows that she has one of these diseases, then the dark color of excrement should force her to consult a specialist urgently.

There are several signs that can tell you that dark stool is due to bleeding. In this case, not only the color of the excrement should change, but also its structure: it becomes liquid. In addition, the woman will feel constant weakness, the skin will noticeably turn pale, and cold sweat will often appear. Sometimes a woman can lose consciousness. In such a situation, the specialist prescribes the appropriate treatment.

In order to understand whether there is cause for concern, you need to assess the general condition of the expectant mother and draw parallels with the diet and existing diseases. The first thing to understand is whether the woman's well-being has worsened or the changes have affected only the color of excrement.

Signs of poor health such as:

  • heartburn;
  • nausea;
  • constipation;
  • vomiting;
  • bloating;
  • anemia.

Since the reasons causing changes in the color of feces can be very diverse, prevention of stool disorders can only be general. Most often, experts make up an appropriate diet for the expectant mother, which helps to avoid complications.

Video - Intestinal upset during pregnancy

Almost all women during the period of bearing a baby are too worried about the correct development of pregnancy. Expectant mothers listen carefully to all changes in the body, this also applies to the work of the stomach. Seeing emptyings of a different color and consistency, there are reasons to find out why black feces appeared during pregnancy.


As a rule, the basis for the appearance of the disease is the hormonal background, which affects the whole woman. In this case, the reasons for the appearance of changes are not dangerous. A pregnant woman may have drunk a sorbent based on activated carbon, then black poop will appear in pregnant women. Food can easily paint the stool dark. In this case, this is normal and the pregnant woman has no disease.

Why are pregnant feces black:

  1. permanent changes in hormonal levels due to pregnancy;
  2. if the expectant mother has poisoning, and she drank activated carbon or its derivatives;
  3. under the influence of dark colored food;
  4. taking iron in tablets, injections or as part of complex vitamins stains the feces.

It is worth noting that the black stool does not always indicate the poor health of the expectant mother. But it happens that the disease behaves this way.

With a miscarriage, a strong hormonal surge occurs, therefore, after the loss of a baby, the feces may become dark. Only in rare cases, a change in the color of feces is a symptom of the disease. Bleeding from the esophagus, duodenum or stomach, neoplasms of the esophagus, severe poisoning lead to this. A doctor is consulted for such unwanted complaints as weakness, pallor, excessive sweating.

In such situations, besides the fact that the emptying has changed, there are other symptoms:

  • pale skin;
  • fainting or pre-fainting;
  • dizzy;
  • hypotension.

It is far from always that black feces in pregnant women indicate serious problems with bearing a baby or a state of health. For this reason, unnecessary worries of the expectant mother are extremely undesirable. To determine the exact cause, it is advisable to consult with an experienced doctor and closely monitor the slightest changes in the diet.

Standards for expectant mothers

Everyone is embarrassed when questions about bowel movements and going to the toilet are considered. Pregnant women report increased susceptibility, so they try to avoid sensitive issues in every possible way. In fact, there is no reason for embarrassment.

What should be the feces of pregnant women? A change in stool signals a change in the female body. Expectant mothers need to carefully monitor their health and any physiological changes. Fear of discussing topics related to feces should not lead to a refusal to consult a doctor. The liver, which works in an enhanced mode while carrying a baby, is responsible for the condition, color, smell, and consistency of the stool.

Normal feces are usually brown in color due to the influence of bile pigments. However, changes in the body, adjusting the diet lead to a different color of the stool. Color often plays an important role in the examination, as it allows you to identify developing diseases or pathological processes.

Interested in what black feces mean during pregnancy, you should not immediately panic. Foods, medication with iron usually lead to a different color. The only danger is diseases and bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, when mandatory medical assistance is required.

Pregnant women should think not only about themselves, but also about their baby. Discussing sensitive issues for experienced doctors is a completely normal process. Coloration of feces indicates changes in the female body, therefore, when interacting with doctors, it is advisable to consider the issue without undue embarrassment.

Features of drug influence

Any multivitamin that is prescribed to expectant mothers includes iron. In this regard, it is recommended to closely monitor the medications and vitamin complexes used, since often black stools during pregnancy should not cause increased anxiety. If the doctor has not warned about the potential effects of vitamins or medications, additional counseling is advisable to stay calm.

Almost always, when taking iron, the feces become black. This physiological phenomenon is considered normal, therefore it does not require any medical procedures, you can be sure of the naturalness and high quality of vitamins.

The female body, according to this scheme, removes the excess amount of iron, which comes along with vitamins. For the proper functioning of all organs, the assimilation of only a certain norm is required, and an excess amount of a substance stains the feces. In this regard, you should not stop taking vitamins if black poop appears.

In the absence of negative changes in the state of health, drug or vitamin therapy remains acceptable and plays an important role. If any worries appear, it is advisable to consult a doctor and make sure that black stools are considered physiological.

If a consultation with a specialist is not possible, it is allowed to carry out diagnostics at home and temporarily stop taking medications containing iron in order to make sure that the color of the stool has returned to normal.

Preventive measures

The stool is black in pregnant women, usually not dangerous for either adults or children. To warn yourself against the appearance of dark emptying, you must carefully monitor your diet and food. What kind of feces in pregnant women is not important, the main thing is that it does not bring discomfort in health.

Women suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are at risk. Then black - green feces in pregnant women indicate a symptom of the disease. In this situation, you cannot do without a doctor. Perhaps additional treatment for the expectant mother will be prescribed.

Sometimes the reason why a pregnant woman has black stools or a characteristically pronounced dark green stool is a lack of micro and macronutrients.

Then it is better not to hesitate and start drinking multivitamins. And black and green poop in a pregnant woman at a later date can provoke fetal pathologies and even freezing. Feces with mucus are also not very good.

Therefore, for any deviations from the norm, you need to consult with your doctor to avoid a terrible assumption. After all, it is better to overdo it with precautions than to think later that something could have been changed.

It is necessary to adhere to a diet and control food intake, which can change the color of the feces, so that there are no accidents in the toilet. Experts note that the causes of black stools in a pregnant woman are completely different. In each case, the processes occurring in the body determine how safe the change is.

By the color of the stool, the doctor can tell a lot about the health of the patient's digestive system. Normally, in adults, feces tend to have a brown tint, which is obtained under the influence of bile pigments. Depending on the volume of pigment substances, the shade of feces may vary.

Causes of green feces in an adult

The shade of feces can vary depending on the use of a variety of food products that have a fairly diverse color.

Stool color indicators are of great diagnostic value, because they indicate the development of various kinds of pathological changes. Feces act as a kind of indicator of organic activity, by which one can judge the work of the whole organism.


The staining of feces in a dark green tint can occur for quite serious reasons, especially if the patient has low blood pressure and pain in the abdomen.

A similar symptom complex indicates internal structures in the upper gastrointestinal tract. This is typical for pathologies like:

  • or ;
  • or in the duodenum or stomach;
  • Varicose veins of the gastric or esophageal veins;
  • Various disorders in the bile ducts;
  • Tumor pancreatic-glandular lesions;
  • Rupture of the aneurysm in the duodenum lumen;
  • Angiodysplasia of the gastric vessels.


Feces acquire a clayey consistency with a gray-green tint in cases where there is a lot of undigested fats in it due to disturbances in bile outflow from the hepatic and biliary structures.

Light coloured

Feces of a light green hue are in case of insufficient digestion, when patients produce an insufficient amount of enzymatic substances or the rate of passage of the food lump through the gastrointestinal tract structures is too high.

With mucus

Excrement with mucous inclusions is also an alarming symptom. The presence of mucus in the masses indicates the presence of a pathological process in any part of the digestive system.

  • Most often, mucous impurities in green feces are observed in patients with dysentery or, and, etc.
  • With such pathological conditions, changes also occur in the consistency of feces, which contain undigested food and are excreted in the form.


If the feces are liquid and green in color, bothering the patient for a long time, then such a symptom often indicates a chronic, fermentative or.

Also, liquid feces often accompany disaccharidase deficiency, as well as liver pathologies such as hepatosis or cirrhosis.

With a bright shade

Excrement with a bright yellow-green tint usually accompanies pathologies such as intestinal infections that enter the body through the oral cavity. In such cases, feces are excreted as a bright yellow or yellow-green mass.

At the same time, the patient's temperature rises, weakness, nausea appears, dehydration, lack of appetite or myalgia may occur.

With lumps

The presence of green lumps in feces is most often associated with inaccuracies in the diet or excessive abuse of green foods such as dill or salad, spinach or broccoli, muesli or cereals.

What diseases are causing the symptom?

If we exclude the physiological factor, then the cause of green feces can be pathologies associated with intestinal disorders or diseases of the digestive system. These include:

Often, with such pathologies, patients have signs such as hyperthermia and nausea and vomiting, which indicates an urgent need for treatment.

During pregnancy

Greening of feces in pregnant women can occur for a variety of reasons. Most often this happens due to the nature of the diet.

In order for the baby to fully grow and develop correctly in the mother's tummy, and the patient herself does not complain of well-being, it is necessary to strictly monitor the diet so that it contains all the necessary components.

Sometimes mommy tries to enrich the menu with vitamins, so she eats a lot of green vegetables. But these products contain a lot of chlorophyll, which, when ingested in large quantities, repaints feces in dark green shades. You should not be afraid of this, since this condition cannot be called a pathological manifestation.

If mommy is still confused by feces of a similar color, then you just need to replace green products with equivalent vitamins, but of a different color scheme. Many pregnant women additionally take multivitamins that contain iron and calcium. These microelements may not be absorbed completely, but partially come out in the feces, changing their color to dark green.

Also, the causes of green feces can be gastrointestinal diseases, irritable bowel syndrome, dysbiosis, etc. antibiotics are contraindicated for mothers, but sometimes situations arise in which antibiotic therapy is inevitable. As a result of this treatment, feces also acquire a greenish color. After stopping the drug intake, the color of the stool is normalized.

Diagnosis of the disease

If the feces have acquired a green tint, but no other pathological symptoms are observed, then you should not worry. Most likely, the reasons are associated with a change in diet and soon the feces will return to normal.

If the stool has acquired a frothy, liquid consistency with mucous or bloody blotches, and the patient has a fever, weakness and often fainting, then you need to consult a doctor.

Also, medical intervention requires situations when greening of feces is accompanied by anemic conditions, lack of appetite and weight loss, nausea and vomiting symptoms, abdominal or epigastric pain, a change in the color of the skin to pale blue.

The doctor will prescribe a diagnostic examination, which includes activities such as blood biochemistry, general clinical examination. Microscopy, coprogram and bacterial culture of feces, fibrogastroduodenoscopy, MRI and ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs are mandatory.

After receiving a complete picture of the patient's condition, the doctor will select the optimal therapy.


The approach to fixing this problem will depend entirely on its origin. If the reasons are related to the peculiarities of the diet, then the patient needs to revise it, and if necessary, then exclude some foods, for example, cereals, red meat, herbs, cucumbers.

  1. To cleanse the body, patients are prescribed sorbent drugs like Smecta, Polisorb, Enterosgel, etc.
  2. If green feces are accompanied by nausea and vomiting, then the cause is most likely food poisoning, for the elimination of which it is necessary to rinse the stomach. To do this, you need to drink warm water, and then artificially induce vomiting. Helps to flush the stomach and low concentration manganese solution.
  3. For diarrhea, the doctor may prescribe antimicrobial drugs like Amoxicillin, Tetracycline, Metronidazole or Gastrolit, etc.
  4. To restore intestinal microflora with dysbacteriosis, the doctor may recommend taking Linex and Normoflorin, Bactisubtil or Acipol. The duration of therapy with such drugs is about a month.
  5. It is useful to eat homemade yoghurts with special bacteria, the starter cultures for which are sold in pharmacies.
  6. Sometimes it is indicated for a similar problem to take enzymatic drugs like Pancreatin or Creon. They are usually prescribed for enzyme deficiency.
  7. In addition to drug therapy, patients are usually assigned a dietary nutrition program.
  8. If the problem lies in internal bleeding that cannot be stopped, then surgery is indicated.

When stool changes to a suspicious green color, you cannot self-medicate, only the doctor, after taking an anamnesis and carrying out diagnostics, will be able to establish the true cause of the problem and prescribe an effective treatment. Antidiarrheal drugs can only provide temporary relief.

If the cause of green feces is an intestinal infection, then serious therapy will be required, therefore, it is better to contact specialists for treatment.