Invitations for graduation in school. Invitation to graduation with your own hands: Master classes and step-by-step instructions with photos and video lessons. Invitation with owl

Good day, friends! Each schoolboy is waiting for a prom, and the older it becomes, the more it is eager to leave school, but all this goes when the holiday is already on the threshold. The school is the second home, and it is not easy to leave him, it is especially difficult to part with loved teachers. I suggest send them a festive invitation to the graduation.

I do not advise buying ready postcards, better come up with an invitation yourself and enter it into a postcard from hand. So teachers will feel your attachment and respect. What could be these invitations, find out by reading the article. By the way, if you replace the word "teacher" and a little to edit invitations, you can thus invite not only teachers, but also parents and other close people.

Elevative invitations for graduation in prose

Do you like beautiful "live" invitations? You will find what is needed in the following list:

Dear teachers! In our life, the new stage has come, soon we will leave our native school and go to a new uncharted life. But before that, we are waiting for the last and very important school lesson - graduation evening. He will show how the road for each student is a school, how difficult it will be away from it. In these difficult moments, I want to see close people near yourself, who were always there and helped us go through life correctly. Teachers, please come to the celebration. We are waiting very much!

We hurry to call a favorite teacher to release grade 11! You made a great contribution to our lives. Thanks to your patience, kindness and talent were able to make intelligent and decent people from us who could easily build their lives. We are sincerely grateful and want you to present at the celebration. We hope for a positive answer. Sincerely, gradual students.

We waited for this day for so long, and now he finally came. Our holiday is already quite soon, and we really want you to celebrate it with us. Divide with us every minute of joy. Come (time and place)!

Dear (name and patronymic), we will gladly invite you to the prom evening! At the celebration you will find a wonderful atmosphere, good music and a chic table. We hope you come. Sincerely, gradual students.

This important and such long-awaited day has come. There were stayed behind the unknown homework, twos in the diary and strict learn teachers. There will be no noisy school evenings and fun children's games, the time of adult life has come. It scares a little bit, but still makes schoolchildren happy. And in these important minutes, there must be those who were working for children by hand and told about interesting sciences, taught to be good people. Thanks to you, teachers, we became those who are now. We invite you to celebrate with us the release of adult life. We hope that you will find time for the last time with your favorite students.

Students of grade 11 with joy invite you to graduation! At this solemn day, a solemn ruler awaits you, on which everyone can say a couple of warm words, and another festive meal and a sea of \u200b\u200bpositive!

Specify the time and place of the upcoming event at the postcard.

Dear teachers! All you know that the event is becoming very important for us - graduation evening. We would really like each of you to find time to hold a celebration with us. Believe me, it is very important for us, because for the years spent at school, every teacher has become his own. Are looking forward to. Sincerely, gradual students.

Dear teachers! Surely you are surprised by the fact that we are already completing your school journey. It seems that we recently came to this school with young children. Now we are waiting for new adventures in one of the universities of Russia. The last chamber before global changes will be the release on which we would like to see all of you!

Already close the day, when we all, grade 11 students, leave the walls of their native school. We will go to look for yourself in a variety of professions, and who knows, perhaps one of us will become a famous doctor, a star of show business or a talented architect. No matter how popular our life turned, we will always remember where it all started - from school. What would a school mean without you, dear teachers, without your hard work and kindness? We love you very much and invite you to celebrate the most important school day with us!

Dear and favorite teachers, please come to our celebration! Divide the joy of the most important school event with us. This evening will bring you only positive emotions and a good mood. Therefore, we are waiting (time and place). Sincerely, gradual students.

Farewell to the school is always a sad and touching event. In school years, many moments occur, which not only change our lives, but also make us those who we are. Teachers play an important role in the child's life, and we are grateful to every teacher who has invested its knowledge and skills in us. We are sincerely grateful, and we want to invite you to graduation. Of course, this is a small fee for all your efforts, but we are trying.

Honored words of gratitude, charming beauties and handsome, proud parents, a positive atmosphere, pleasant music, delicious treats - all this and much more awaits you on graduation from grade 11. What other pleasant surprises are waiting for you at the celebration, learn if you come. Waiting for you!

We hurry to invite to the graduation beloved teacher. You, not knowing yourself, did a lot in order to take place this evening. Thanks to you, we were able to decent graduate from school and be able to become students of prestigious universities. You are a wonderful teacher, and we want to see you on our celebration!

You can choose one suitable invitation, make a pattern and multiply it in the quantity you need. But the favorite teachers better send unique postcards.

Postcards can be printed in advance. The internal part of the following, and the external and some design ideas can take from this article:

Invitations for graduation in verses

Invitations in verses is an immortal classic, which teachers accurately appreciate. So, I bring to your attention the variations of thematic poems.

Calling expensive teachers

For festive our evening.

We will be fun with you,

And the table is chic secured!

Do not miss our last school day,

After all, this is an important event.

In life there is a lot of change,

And we want to remember everything experienced.

Please accept our invitation

After all, the holiday is planned big!

It's time to say goodbye to the school.

And celebrate our graduation!

Festive day collects today

Those who were near was all eleven years old.

Let each teacher be near will be today

And good will give us advice!

We are in a hurry to invite you

On the evening nice.

Which in our life

Undoubtedly, the most important!

Wish us happiness and good luck,

In adult life difficult.

We ask you to be with us nearby

After all, we love you with all the soul!

We invite you to heartily,

Mark with us graduation evening.

There will be a chic table and music,

And the company is friendly.

You certainly come

And our gratitude accept!

Teachers are our expensive,

We hurry to call you!

Post down all the problems of household

And let's celebrate together!

We remember the past

And we laugh at school mistakes.

Let in your life will be all just good

And remembering us, you will bloom in a sincere smile.

We invite you to the holiday,

And what are busy, we understand.

But the graduation is only once,

Therefore, please please us with your presence.

Let all household problems go beyond

And there will be no longer any dilemma.

Just be with us in this important day.

And do not forget to wear a festive outfit!

Hurry to call for the holiday of your favorite teacher,

Dear school parent.

It is nearing an important hour for us,

And we really want to see you.

We want to listen to your speech

So call for a meeting!

Hurry to the holiday invite.

This should not be skipped!

After all, it is the long-awaited graduation

Where are we you, (name), wait!

Helmet you heartfelt we invite

Let school moments do not forget.

Let us always be in your heart

And you will become an honorary guest at the celebration.

The day has come in life,

He is one of us.

This holiday is a well-known holiday -

School graduation!

Already unimportant notebooks and diary,

Everything became so in an adult.

Now there is no word "student",

After all, applications for universities are already sent out.

Sitting at the desk for the last time

We want to say goodbye to your favorite teachers.

Let you be near this solemn hour

And the festive dressing is divided with us.

Our running will no longer be heard in the corridors,

And in the yard does not hesitate a ringing laughter.

After all, we leave school today,

In another place awaits us success.

You want to call you for the holiday

To thank for labor and efforts.

Our graduation with teachers share we want

And let it not be sad parting.

Everyone happens only once

So let them be near the teacher at this hour.

Let the sadness and joy with us -

Favorite students!

From the soul we want to invite you

After all, it is impossible to miss!

You (name) are obliged there to be

And happiness to divide with us!

In a beautiful summer evening

Our school meeting will happen.

In this wonderful hour for us

We want to see next to you.

To teacher our dear

Helped to part with a native school.

To forget all sorrow,

And the tears of extremely disappeared.

So you need to do

And you're going to go to us.

Do not forget to give guests a holiday bouquets of flowers. You can buy small presents, for example, candy, high-quality office, diaries, figurines. A sincere smile will not be superfluous either.

On this I say goodbye and sincerely I hope that you have found among the presented variations what was looking for. Subscribe to the site updates and advise classmates and your native to read my blog. Let you have the best graduation in the world! Bye Bye!

Sincerely, Anastasia Speeva

Invitation to accept,
We have a big holiday today,
Today we will say with the school today
Come to our graduation.

Graduation collects today
Everyone who walked with us a school trail,
To leave memory for years
About the family of our school big.

She will not erase, it will not go out,
In each heart will remain a trace,
We invite you today
Make our first adult dawn.

In life, this day is special,
He is the only one
We invite you all to the whole class
You to our graduation.

Together they could remember
We are all school years,
We know what to love and remember
We will always school.

We invite the doors
In the world you opened for us,
So that from the nest, from school
The graduation took off our class.

Graduates are sincerely happy to invite you to a solemn event in honor of the graduation. You are waiting for an exciting meeting with us, farewell words and songs, warm smiles and good emotions. We will be glad to see you at the celebration and look forward to meeting to express our love and gratitude.

We invite you all together
On an excellent graduation.
Plunge into the world magic
You will have to go head.

We are singing for you, stoney,
Let's say warm words.
Visit a wonderful holiday
You tell you the fate.

Today we invite you
For the evening, our graduation,
We will say goodbye to the school
And you for us - guest dear.

So quickly the year flew
And the road is calling,
We stand before the open door,
Where she will behave.

On your graduation inviting
We are waiting for the last advice,
Is waiting for life ahead,
No road road.

We want to call for a holiday,
There will be a ball our graduation,
Moms, Pope, Pedagogues
We are waiting for you a friendly crowd!

Come, support
Us in such a wonderful hour
We will be glad to you, we are very,
You look at us.

We invite you from the soul
Cool holiday visit
Coming out our graduation
You must be there
There will be a lot of jokes, laughter,
And poems, and congratulations,
Come, we will wait for you
Away to discard all the doubts!

We invite you from the soul
Visit our graduation.
After all, from the holiday is delighted
Will be on this day any.

Let's say goodbye to love
We are with an excellent school.
Divide the day with us
Significant, cheerful.

We invite you heartily
On our cheerful graduation.
Let the dances be infinite
And the feast will be held.

You only hurry to school,
Wearing evening your outfit.
You certainly come
To make a big guys!

We invite you to graduation,
We are preparing for him and look forward to it, we are looking forward to
You will capture your customer
We will start my holiday in time!

We promise, it will be interesting
There will be songs, dancing and poems,
We are looking forward to everyone, honestly
School will say goodbye to all!

We invite to a solemn event dedicated to a significant event associated with the end of the elementary school. From the babies-first-graders, we turned into independent, inquisitive middle-level students. We will be glad if you find the opportunity to divide the positive emotions of this day with us.

We invite you to a holiday dedicated to our end of elementary school. All these years have supported us and helped in difficult situations, gave wise advice and pointed to the right paths. Somewhere we chewed, they praised and worried about us sincerely. We want you to join us on this festive day, looked at our successes and achievements and divided the joy of this event with us.

On graduation in elementary school
We invite you all my heart.
At school holiday cheerful
Wishes to see you the whole class.

We wish you together with you
Step we crossed
To the world of high school students to us
You dressed the door.

We wish in school life
You did not know with us for worries,
From class to class Knowledge Road
Let us lead to the certificate.

We invite you to graduation
Listen to us, dance.
"While" of the initial school
It's time to say.

We are waiting for a good mood,
Smiles handle stick
And with joy and inspiration
For the holiday nice in our hurry.

Our whole class is very friendly, big
I said goodbye to the initial school!
Come to our graduation
Mega-bright, madly cheerful!

We have already switched to the fifth grade,
It is necessary to celebrate urgent!
If you do not congratulate us
Then you will regret exactly!

We invite you to graduation in elementary school, on a good holiday of all small and big victories of the guys. Children are waiting for your support, your smiles, your congratulations and warm words, because there is a new period of development, interesting knowledge and achievements in front of them. Let's give together our children happiness and a beautiful dream!

School initial "Farewell!" speak
And we invite you to your graduation!
We want to give you a bright way to give you
Let the positive wave cover you!

We will be so happy to see all of you,
After all, it is so important, support us!
And therefore in this joyful hour
We say: "We are waiting for you, come!"

We invite you to the graduation elementary school of our expensive guys. Together let's remember the childhood and the first mischievous school years, you will be happy for our children and support them with our smiles, you will arrange a real holiday of children's dreams and happy hopes.

We invite you to graduation
We are in school younger now,
Mind, smile and hind
Please guys.

Prepare your palms
So that the thunder of the applause
We wish to survive you with us
A lot of joyful moments.

With you to take you do not forget
Good and positive charge
So that the holiday has been able to fame
It passed so that noisily and beautiful.

Graduation ball - a significant and important date in the life of high school students. There is a tradition to invite teachers, guests, loved ones to such an event. For these purposes, we propose to make invitation to graduation.

Graduation evening - a solemn event, which is preparing for several months. Inappropriate, not only the outfit and the festival plan, but also make up a list of guests who would like to invite.

Guests can be both common to the whole class (for example, the first teacher, subject teachers) and relatives of graduates. For such purposes, you should prepare an invitation to the graduation.

We share several options that are easy to make with your own hands:

Invitation, decorated by the bell

To make such an invitation, you will need:

  • dense double-sided color cardboard in size 15x21 cm;
  • white sheets 14x20 cm;
  • pink / Blue / Lilac / White Satin Ribbon 2 cm width;
  • miniature bells;
  • thin decorative rope of golden or silver color;
  • glue stick;
  • scissors.

Technology manufacturing such an invitation simple:

  1. Cut out the sheets of color cardboard format A4 in half.
  2. On white sheets, print a pre-harvested pattern.
  3. Prepare a 12 cm ribbon segment. At an altitude of 8 cm from the bottom edge, determine the two points on the right and left, where to fix the tape ends. Lubricate them with glue and attach to paper.
  4. Insert the leaflet with the printed text in the tape, wake glue in four corners and stick to the base.
  5. In the center there are a bell.

Invitation with owl

Owl is a symbol of wisdom. Therefore, it is associated with education and intelligence. Thematic invitations, decorated with this symbol, are excellent options for graduates.

Make them easy. To do this, you will need a special color double-sided tight paper, the usual A4 paper, a ribbon or lace and glue-stick.

The work will consist of several stages:

  • To prepare the basis, it is enough to cut a sheet in half.
  • Apply an image of owls in one of three ways:
  1. Directly print with a printer on color blanks.
  2. Print on sheets of white paper A4, cut, and then paste on the colored base.
  3. With the help of Pekal move the drawing onto a white sheet of paper, cut and make an applique.

The last way is laborious. Therefore, if you need to do about 10 or more such invitations, then use the available technical means.

  • Invitation text Print on the printer, twist in the scroll. Stick the lace (ribbon that will keep the scroll) and attach the text of the invitation itself. Tie a ribbon or rope with an elegant bow.

Such invitation is a demonstration of creativity: it will impress the addressees.

Cheat Sheets Invitation

For the manufacture of this original invitation, you will need paper for scrapbooking, where the formulas and various rules are written, which are studied at school, fine satin ribbon, white A4 paper, double-sided tape.

Perform such actions:

  1. Throw the sheets in half to get a postcard 12x12 cm.
  2. On the title side to the left edge, make two holes for the ribbon. If desired, add the ribbon to a miniature bell tape.
  3. In the center of the defects, glue a pre-harvested inscription "Invitation", made on white paper. Decorate the applique: it can be a globe, a pointer, school board, etc.
  4. Inside the postcard on double-sided tape glue the text of the invitation, printed on white paper.

Such an invitation looks touching and sincere.

Making postcards, note that invitation templates necessarily contain items that are defined by etiquette:

  1. The postcard should be the inscription "Invitation".
  2. If you appeal to the pair, then the name of the man enter the first, women are second.
  3. Specify what event is invited to, the date of its holding, time and place.
  4. Sign, from whom the invitation.

Here is an approximate text that is appropriate in such a type of invitation:

Dear) _____!

We invite you to graduation _____ class,

which will take place (date and time) at the address: _____.

We will be glad to see you on our holiday!

Graduates - 2018 (or the number and letter of a specific class, the name of the graduate, which sends the invitation).

Perceived invitations, in which there are rhymed lines. Therefore, if you have such talents, you will bother to come up with a poetic form of invitation.

Use the ideas presented to invite teachers and close people to the celebration on the occasion of the school.

Make a holiday memorable. To do this, think over everything to the smallest detail. Variants of invitations in this case will be by the way.

Postcards-invitations "School Uniform" for the last call, Graduation Ball, Day of Knowledge, Teacher's Day. Master class with a detailed description.

Berdnik Galina Stanislavovna, primary school teacher COU Koumo-Ugra "Larryakovaya boarding school for students with disabilities".
Description: This master class is intended for children of middle school age, teachers of additional education, educators and creative people who love to create beautiful gifts with their own hands.
Purpose: Work can be used as an interior decoration, a gift for a festive day or an invitation card for any school solemn event.
Designed for making children from 10 years.
Goal: Production of an invitation card from paper and textile material.
1. Fasten the skills and skills of working with paper and cardboard.
2. To educate the desire to perform the product with your own hands.
3. To bring up the habit to work independently, neatly, bring the work started to a logical completion.
4. Develop creative abilities, imagination, fantasy.
5. Develop composite skills and aesthetic feelings.
Materials and tools required for work:
1. Color double-sided cardboard (black, brown, blue, purple).
2. Simple pencil, ruler, scissors, glue.
3. For decor, tapes, beads, rhinestones, threads, openwork ribbons, sequins may need.
4. Sewing machine, white threads.

Choir of work.
1. For the postcard, brown double-sided cardboard is ideal. In my case there was a blue, purple and black. In addition, the cardboard is also glossy.
The base size is a rectangle 10 cm by 6.5 cm.

2. For the manufacture of apron, I propose to use the following template.

The width of the "hem" apron corresponds to the width of the postcard base, that is, 6.5 cm. The height of the apron also corresponds to the height of the foundation of the postcard. Strick width 6 mm.
3. Cut the apron of paper for a drawing or a dense album sheet.

Make the "bib" Apron. This is a figure in the form of a trapezium from the same material as the apron himself. Place the shape and stick carefully.

4. Next you need a sewing machine. Head apron flashing on a typewriter using white threads, at a distance of 3-4 mm from the edge. Embers of the threads hide on the involving side of the apron.

5. For apron, pick up a delicate openwork ribbon. Stick from the wrong side of the apron on the straps and at the bottom of the hem.

6. Our "stitched" blank is placed and glued on black (brown, blue, purple) base.

Please note the glue is applied. onlyon paper fabric apron. Openwork tape "Package" is not needed.
7. Make the "neck" of school uniform. This is a white paper strip of 5 mm wide, 7 cm long. The billet has rounded ends. We fold the workpiece in the form of a "collar". We place and glue on the basis of the postcard.

Here you can consider the top of the apron closer.

8. Decorate a snow-white apron with pearl semi-letters and a bouquet of maple leaves or a satin bow. On Pole, you can also place and decorate paper pockets.

In general, the postcard is ready. Congratulatory words can be printed on a sheet of paper and glue from the wrong side of the postcard. So the postcard will accept a steady vertical position.

At this photo I present my color solutions. I repeat, a brown school form will look good. With the maple leaf on the spring flower, the invitation can be used for the last call or prom.