Construction of 2 ml. Designing in the second younger group: Tips and examples. Subject: "Garland - a chain of rings"

Svetlana Perminova
Abstract design classes in the second youngest group


Designing from paper.

Develop the interest of children to Origami technique. Train action planning on instructions; Folding a round paper blank in half, combining arcs and well stroke the folding line. Dorify the elements that do not get the image at the request of children. Develop figurative-logical thinking, design and creative ability to exercise in the name of spatial concepts (under, above).

Material and equipment: Paper round blanks, billet for sticking an umbrella (handle) on a sheet A6, color pencils (by the number of children, umbrella.

Travel course.

Enable rain sounds.

Guys, rather to me, the rain went!

N / and the game "Sun and rain"

"Sun, sunshine,

Sent a little!

Baby will take a walk -

Will run and play "

Children go free on the carpet

The rain went. Rather home. (Children are in a hurry in the houses)

B. became very boring! Let's ask for a rain stop dripping!

D. "Rain, rain, fun,

Kapay, kapay not regret. (hit the palm of palm)

Only we are not dorms,

In vain in the window not knocking "(pursue your finger)

Look at the rain end or not? (get a hand from under the umbrella)

The guys ended the rain, now you can go to play!

Repeat 2 times.

Q. Guys, under what we hid from the rain?

D. under the umbrella.

B. That's right. That's just a pity that he is just one, I have. And you want, we will make umbrellas?

B. Then let's go for the tables.

Children are seated in their place

V. Guys, remind me which form is an umbrella, what kind of figure does he remind?

D. Round, circle.

B. Let's draw a circle in the air with a finger. And now two hands.

B. Look, guys, my umbrella has the needles, they so that the umbrella holds the form and was durable.

Well, that, now, when we know how the umbrella is arranged, proceed to its manufacture.

Following the instructions of the educator, children fold the dome of the umbrella and glue it to the paper blank.

"House with a triangular roof"

Software content:

Learning to fold the paper square in half diagonally. Secure the concept of "Square", "Triangle", "Diagonal". Learn to empathize the tales heroes, make an independent decision.

Preliminary work: reading the fairy tale "Teremok".

Material: Paper Figures Square in the number of children, figures of the heroes of the tale "Teremok" from paper,

billets for laying a house with a drawn foundation, a schematic image of a house for viewing.

Structure occupation

Before the tutor, the heroes of the tales "Teremok" (from paper, she talks to them:

"Wait, wait! Not all at once, let's someone alone tell me where did you come from and what happened? "

V. I do not understand anything who lived, where he lived, who came to crush? Guys, maybe you guessed what happened and from what fairy tale these heroes?

Children. Teremok. Bear crushed their house.

B. Now I understood. How can we help fabulous heroes? Where do they take a new house?

Children. Build, make a new

B. That's right. Look, guys, on the table we have paper figures, glue. Now we will all together we will make our heroes new houses and a bear, too, so that he no longer broke someone else's housing.

Children are sitting at the tables.

Just before building a house, let's remember which parts it consists.

On the board posted image of the house

Children. Foundation, walls, roof, windows, door.

B. All right. And what form will be our home, from what figure we will do it?

D. Square, Square Form

Q. What a form will be at the roof, what kind of figures do it?

D. Triangle, Triangular shape.

V. And windows and doors what form will be?

D. rectangular.

B. Well, let's start building! What kind of figure I put on the foundation rectangle?

D. Komadrat.

B. That's right, it will be walls. Now I need a roof triangle, only here I have no triangle,

do you have no? Do not be discouraged, now we will make it from the square.

Only first play the game, so that our handles rest

E. Karganova "Raise my palms above ..."

Children make a roof and apply it to a house, then apply windows and doors.

B. What beautiful houses you got, I propose to arrange a housewarming and settle down our fabulous heroes (distribute paper figures of the heroes of the fairy tale).

"Tulips for Mom"

Software content:

Fasten the skills of children to fold the square diagonally. Bending the corners towards each other.

Material: Square sheet of red-sided paper of red, blank template with a stem for sticking a flower in the number of children's children, adhesive pencil, a tulip image to show children.

Travel course:

Children sit on the rug near the teacher

V. Guys, tell me what a very good holiday we celebrate in the spring?

B. Right guys, it is a holiday of all girls and women. And what is the most important woman in the life of every person?

V. Of course, Mom! And how can I call my mother as gentle?

D. Mommy, Mamulchka.

V. Today, I propose to make our Mama a gift for March 8 - a beautiful red flower. Show the image of the tulip. Who knows what is the name of this flower?

D. Tulip.

V. Yes, Tulip! And I know a very good poem about tulip, listen!

Reading the poem "Tulip" P. Sinyavsky

"This is a mother's favorite flower,

Here is another registrar, at least a bit!

Here's a piggy bank of your accumulation! -

One hundred tulips for mom buy! "

V. Let's play with you.

Fingering gymnastics "Scarlet Flowers"

Objective: Develop a fine motor skill, the ability to relate actions with words.

Our scarlet flowers

Disseminate petals.

The breeze slightly breathe

Petals pegs.

Our scarlet flowers,

Close the petals.

Quietly fall asleep,

Head swing.

Palm is connected in the form of a tulip, the fingers are slowly open; Then it is made to smoothly swaying hands with hands, after which the fingers slowly close, shaped the flower shape, produced a swinging of the flower.

And we will not save money for tulips for a long time as a child in a poem, and make a flower right now. Sit at the tables, we will make a gift to your favorite mom.

Children perform work on the instructions of the teacher and stick the flower on the blank "Postcard".

"Machine for Dr. Aibolita

Learning to build children truck from plate, cube, bricks. Call joy, interest, good feelings for the character.

Material and equipment: a set of plates, cubes and bricks by the number of children, toy "Dr. Aibolit", a set of African animals, a letter with an excerpt from the work of K. Chukovsky "Aibolit"

Preliminary work: Reading the work of "Aibolit" K. Chukovsky.

Travel course:

V. Guys, Dr. Aibolit addressed to us. Today a letter from Africa came to him, listen that it is written there:

"Come, Doctor, in Africa

And save, doctor, our kids!

They have a districts, Scarlatina, Cholery,

Diffeter, appendicitis, malaria and bronchitis!

Come rather, good doctor Aibolit! "

Dr. Aibolit, of course, wanted to immediately run to help a poor sick animal, only wise owl told him that Africa is very far away and walking on foot for a very long time.

What do you think guys, on what Dr. Aibolit can quickly get to Africa?

D. on the plane, by car, on the ship

B. Right guys! And how in one word to call it all?

D. Transport

V. Let's play the game now and also ride on all types of transport.

Game "Let's play" (I. Tokmakova)

They drove on the horse, reach the corner.

They sat on the car, poured gasoline.

On the car we went to the river rehearse.

TRP! Stop! Turn. On the steamer river.

A steamer was driving up to the mountains.

A steamer is not lucky, you need to go on a plane,

The plane flies, in it the engine is buzzing: U-U-y!

B. So we arrived in the kindergarten! Aibolit we have come fired. Do you help Dr. Aibolita?

B. I propose to make a car from the designer. Sit down for tables.

What parts is the car?

D. Cabin, Body, Wheels

Q. And from what details will we make the wheels?

D. Cubes.

Q. And body?

D. from the plate.

V. What will we do to make a cabin?

D. from bricks.

Q. And we put a brick on a wide or narrow side?

D. on a wide one.

B. Well, what's the matter!

After the children finished the construction, Aibolit thanks children for work and leaves for one of the cars.

Children continue a free game of designs with toys.


Software content: learn to fold the square diagonally. Clarify the opposite square angles to the square of the square. Enrich the vocabulary - "candy man."

Material and equipment: Square sheets of paper of different colors, dolls, table, chairs, cups, saucers (by numbers of dolls)

Structure occupation

V. Guys, see who I met. Shows an elegant doll. Today, the doll Tanya is a birthday.

Let us congratulate her on it and we will sing her "Caustice"!

Children perform "loaf.

Look, at home Katya covered the table and invited girlfriends to the tea party. Only, that's trouble, I forgot to buy a treat. And what is most like to eat children at the bottom of birth?

D. Cake, Candy!

V. Yes, Candy. I suggest keeping out a doll Tanya and make candy for her guests. Agree?

B. Then let's go for the tables. Children make "candies", lay them out in the calendar and carry dolls. A free game begins.

Theme "High multicolored turrets from cubes"

Software tasks.

Exercising in the ability to put a cube on a cube, correlating cubes in color. Maintain the desire of children to build on their own.

Theme "Pyramid of Cubes"

Software tasks.

Exercising in the ability to apply a cube into a cube, correlating cubes in magnitude. Acquire neatly, remove the items after classes, disassembled the construction from above.

The topic "Wide track"

Software tasks.

Forming the ability to change the track in widewheel methods: Compare, or placing bricks with a long side to each other. Develop interest in design.

The topic "Wheel and narrow paths"

Software tasks.

I exercise in the ability to build buildings on your own design, using the previously obtained skills. Acquire neatly disassemble the construction, folding the details in the boxes.

Theme "Bed"

Software tasks.

To form a skill to change the buildings in two ways: replacing some parts by others or pulling them into width (narrow and wide bed). Develop a desire to build construction yourself.

Prompted to joint buildup buildings

The topic "What we sit on (chair, sofa, armchair)"

Software tasks.

Exercise in the ability to build buildings on your own design, using the previously obtained skills (imposing, attaching, applying), use the details of different colors in buildings. Call a feeling of joy when creating construction.

Acquire neatly, fold the parts into the box.

A promising plan for designing in the 2nd youngest group.

Theme "Gate"

Software tasks.

Learning to put cubes vertically, take overlaps from bricks. Learning to complement the construction of prism or flag. Fasten knowledge of details. Fix the skills to beat buildings.

Theme "Different Gate"

Software tasks.

Fasten the skill to build the gate, complement them with detail. Improve the concentration of the building in height. Proper build.

Theme "Fences for clarification"

Software tasks.

Calculate the ability to closer space, put the bricks close to each other alternating horizontal and vertical arrangement to consolidate the use in the speech of the names of the cub. Distribution of children to the joint bearing of buildings.

Theme "Teremok for Snow Maiden"

Software tasks.

Continue to learn to install parts on a narrow surface, take overlap, decorating and beating the construction. Acquire neatly, disassemble the construction.

The topic "Katya doll is waiting for guests"

Software tasks.

I exercise in the ability to build buildings on your own design, using the reasons obtained (overlapping, making, applying), placing bricks vertically, to put them with rpostroops parts of different colors. Rail-up friendly, polite communication with peers.

A promising plan for designing in the 2nd youngest group.


Theme "By Plan"

Software tasks.

Cross repeat familiar buildings on their own. Fix the skills to install the design details on a wide and narrow face horizontally and vertically, tightly to each other and at a distance. Modify to jointly play.

Theme "Bus"

Software tasks.

Fasten the idea of \u200b\u200bthe bus and its parts. Do not build a bus, tightly making bricks to each other and superimpose them on each other. Will introduce a new cylinder item. Prompted to beat the buildings. Develop the ability to sequentially disassemble the construction, carefully fold the details, the desire to assist.


Theme "Garden for Matryoshka"

Software tasks.

Fixation to closer space, install bricks on a narrow edge vertically and horizontally, alternating color. Fasten the use of words: big, smaller, the smallest. Fasten the name of the builder details.

Call a desire to beat the buildings, encourage joint games.

Theme fence for domestic birds and animals »Software tasks.

Exercise in the ability to have bricks vertically around the perimeter of the quadrangle, put them at a certain distance (fence)


Theme "Ponbvor for Big and Little Dolls"

Software tasks.

Secure the ability to build by condition.

Theme "My District"

Software tasks.

Fasten the idea of \u200b\u200bthe nearest surroundings. Looking for building multi-storey houses, strengthening the construction, decorate additional details. Find knowledge of the builder details.

Encourage the manifestation of the initiative, creativity.

Relieve a polite benevolent attitude to peers.

Literature : N.S.Golitsyn Abstracts of complex-thematic classes. Integrated approach. MoscowPublishing house C.Kipmita2003. ” 2016

O.E.Litvinova. Designing with children of early preschool age. Abstracts of joint activities with children 3-4 years. St. Petersburg Childhood - Press2015

Designing and manual work in kindergarten. Program and guidelines. For children 2-7 years old Kutsova Lyudmila Viktorovna

Second younger group

Second younger group

At the age of 3-4 years, the child increases cognitive activity, forcing it to ask numerous questions to get new information; Conscious management of their behavior appears; All mental processes are improved.

Perseners for a child are already partners in practical activities. The main function of speech is developing - the function of communication and social relationship. Constructing, the baby loves to comment on his actions. It enters business and speech communication with peers and adults; Trying to plan your activities, influence the actions of the partner, distribute the role in the game.

Designing already acts as activity, but it is still closely related to the game. For this age, the active development of practical experimentation is characterized. Children love to compare construction details and geometric shapes, sort them, combine, select, discovering their physical and design properties, inventing their design techniques. Children's fantasy and imagination are actively developing. The child is trying to present the future building, begins to create ideas, search for ways to design. It is important to help him in this, since without targeted learning, the imagination of the child will not be directed, and the design is creative.

Kids continue to learn to create elementary buildings according to gradually complicating samples. The educator, building the construction, comments on its actions, draws the attention of children to new constructive techniques, proposes to consider the resulting structure, attracts to his analysis, then proposes to reproduce the same building. This interactive design should not be neglected because it allows you to form generalized ideas about the constructed objects, the ability to analyze the properties of objects, design skills, is the foundation for the further development of creative design.

It is important to teach children not mechanical, but conscious actions with construction elements, gradually encouraging them to find new ways to solve constructive tasks, developing creative activity.

From this age, it is possible to start learning children to design, transforming a sample tutor by conditions. "Build the same gate as I, but high so that this car can drive them"; To form the ability to apply the surveyed skills when creating elementary structures from simple constructors. This work should be carried out in specially organized activities outside of classes and in the process of independent children's games with designers.

It is necessary to constantly enrich children with impressions and ideas about various structures, vehicles; To acquaint with their functional destination, structure. It is important to purposefully consider the real objects with children, compare them with images (slides, illustrations), talk about them, using poems, songs for a brighter perception:

Build a new home together:

Here is the porch, here is a balcony.

Will be in the house Bobik live

And your house is watching.

Cat with a bunny met,

The catacot swed.

Cat - up, bunny - down.

Kitty - a book, a bunny - swell.

On the way straight

A blue truck rushes.

Caution, do not rush

And skip the car!

We ride on the hill

But not played yet.

Build a hill now

From plates and bricks.

It is necessary to talk more often with the kids that they have seen in the process of observations; Pay attention to substantial, explain incomprehensible, respond to children's questions, comment on kids responses. It is important that such communication is not only group, but also individual. It is necessary to ask children questions requiring a detailed answer: "Why did you build such a high fence around a stupid house?" A developing methodological technique is to invent with children of interesting stories related to buildings and beating toys.

Consider the method of organizing children's design in classes and in free activities.

Working with children is assumed to be built according to a single thematic principle in all age groups. It is advisable to determine the academic year a few topics and each of them dedicate 3-4 classes. The first classes are supporting, subsequent classes are aimed at improving the constructive skills and further substantive saturation of activities. Thus, within a month and in class, and in specially organized design in their free time and in independent children's games, targeted work with preschoolers are carried out.

For example, at the end of the year you can teach the construct the simplest cars. This work should be preceded by the viewing of cars on the site (small form), then on the street. Observation begins with the allocation of the main parts, then smaller and with the determination of their location in relation to the main part: "That's what a large truck is worth it! This is a cabin, a chauffeur sits in it. He controls the car. The car has a body. What is the driver in the bodies? Right. The chauffeur at his car brought sand to our sandbox. The car has wheels. They are spinning and the car rides. And ahead of the cabin are headlights. They shine and illuminate the car path! " Then kids play with toy machines, show an adult, where they are the cabin, body, wheels. Only after that you can teach the guys to build small cars in the way of imposing a cube or triangular prism on the brick. Then children learn to build large cars, overlapping a brick, a cube on a plate or long bar (wheels of two half-cylinders).

Start the design work in the second youngest group should be with the repetition of the subject of last year, but with the complication of structures. So, you can teach kids to build a turret with a ladder attached to it. The turrets can be of different heights, colors, from different building details (cubes, bricks) decorated with flags.

Then it is advisable to continue learning the construction of different tracks. Children teach to add bricks with different faces, getting narrow and wide tracks, alternating the color of details (striped), showing ways to eliminate the track: "This track of bricks is short. Well, close your eyes! " The teacher attaches a long plate to the short path. Children open their eyes and surprise that one element was added, and the track quickly turned from a short one.

Analysis of children's buildings is better carried out in a game form. For example, the teacher leads a doll along the path built by the child notes that the doll is like a walkway, because all the details lie smoothly, they are beautifully chosen in color. Several classes can be devoted to designing furniture for dolls according to the sample, but without receiving receptions.

In all classes, it is necessary to encourage children to tell how they will build, helping if necessary questions and advice. Children should be paid to the most successful work, encourage their desire to design in their own way. ("Why did you build a long sofa from these details? Tell me how you did it. Why did you take a short plate for the chair, and for the sofa - long?")

It is important that children capture the ability to change the construction, for example, to increase its height in accordance with the size of the toy. First, the kids are building low and high gates (according to the tutor), then they are offered to rebuild the gate so that a high car can enter them. Complete and tasks for the design of houses. More attention is paid to their color solution and decoration.

It is necessary to quickly attract children to the analysis of the sample - this develops the ability to design meaningfully, encourages to independently search for methods of action.

It is advisable to teach children to "closer" space (build a house for two matshells from six vertically delivered bricks and two prisms). Kids already have experience in building fences, alternations of forms in bloom and mind. To teach children to make big spaces not easy. To do this, it is advisable to give each child a sheet of blue paper rectangular or rounded shape, to say that it is "lake" for clarification, and suggest to upset (if the fence is built from bricks laid on a narrow long line, approximately 12 bricks will be required). An adult can demonstrate one - the most important - constructive reception in the process of "closure" of space or use verbal instructions.

It is advisable to offer children to build pens for horses (from cubes and bricks, alternating them in color), to upset the high fence in the cow, build a pen for bunnies.

Evaluating the buildings of children, you should pay attention to the observance of the specified conditions for the construction, the ability to alternate the building elements in color, form, of different installation on the plane, on the manifestation of creativity elements (usually kids are attached to the gate, doors). If it is a collective building, the teacher draws attention to the ability to build a friendly. The assessment should attract children with the help of questions: "From what parts did you build a sandy courtyard with a fungus for a pupa? Why did you build such a big pen for your chicks? For whom is this Saraike in the middle of the pen? What details did you build it? "

In the process of games, it is necessary to continue to teach children to use the knowledge and skills in independent buildings, encourage their desire for constructive activities, celebrate those who try to show the initiative, creativity. A good reception of bringing to such activities is a proposal to a child to decorate its construction, design and decoration by the tutor in the presence of children.

The teacher must organize games with a large building material, offering children to think that you can build from what details, how to decorate the building, how to play with it.

It is necessary to encourage the guys to diversify the topics of buildings, for which it is advisable to design them together with children, consider illustrations. It should be offered to children to observe what and how to design their comrades, reminding that they saw on a walk, offering to build these structures to all together.

The teacher must support the intention of the child, develop it and help in implementing advice, to show interest, rejoicing along with the baby to his successes.

For children of this age, the desire to make buildings attractive outwardly. Baby often decorate the construction, without taking into account their purpose. The educator should adjust this process.

It is necessary to form in children the ability to neatly disassemble the designed buildings, lay out the details and color, clean the place.

Kids can already be attached to artistic work. For example, they will gladly make a beautiful decorative panel "Flowers in the meadow" (collective work). The tutor cuts flowers and hearts of colors (circles). Each child chooses a flower, sticks the core on the flower, smeared the center of the flower from an unpainted side and sticks to the base - a meadow (large leaf of green paper). Children can decorate a meadow with butterflies, touches (carved by a teacher). Of these flower, butterflies, bugs of kids can make christmas garlands, suspension, sticking elements on serpentine ribbon. With particular interest, children are mastered animals from the boxes, sticking to them ready-made elements (heads, paws, tailings); crafts from paper strip, folded in half, etc.

Kids 3-4 years old can begin to teach design from sand and snow. It is recommended to bind the topics of buildings with the topics of exercising. Children are taught to raking the sand into small bugs with the help of scoops and blades; Tampering sand handhes, dig up recesses (doors), decorate flags (turreka, house, booth for dogs, etc.); Sand into small molds and make bricks at a certain distance (fences). You can teach the guys to spend in the sand of the track, making the skates on the sandy slings, promoting a plank, slightly pressing it to the sand; build benches, tables, bridges in the way of establishing bricks and overlapping powder on them; Build fences, raking sand on both sides with palms and sealing, gradually pulling the structure in length towards yourself, etc.

Similar work is carried out with snow. Kids teach to form snow using buckets, small basins (mushrooms), boxes (houses). Children rolling small snowballs and with the help of the teacher are building different snow figures and facilities. (It is necessary to have replaceable rapid mittens for children.)

This text is a familiarization fragment. From the book, moral education in kindergarten. Program and guidelines. For children 2-7 years Author Petrova Vera Ivanovna

The first youngest group (from two to three years) contribute to the accumulation of experience of friendly relationships with peers: to draw the attention of children to a child who has manifested the concern about a friend who expressed his sympathy; To form a child confidence that

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The second younger group (from three to four years) provide conditions for the moral education of children. Create play situations that contribute to the formation of kindness, attentive, caring attitude towards others. Acquire children to communicate calmly, without a scream.

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The second junior group (from three to four years) The social development situation at a given age is characterized by the emergence of a number of new features. First of all, it is necessary to indicate that the child of the fourth year of life can separate a person performing the action, from

From book Designing and manual work in kindergarten. Program and guidelines. For children 2-7 years Author Kutsakova Lyudmila Viktorovna

The younger group program for the younger group includes two sections: the development of the phonetic-phonumatic side of speech in order to prepare children to teach the sound analysis of words and the development of the movements of the brushes and fingers of the hands in order to prepare a hand to a letter. Work on

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Second Junior Group (from three to four years old) Solid Surrounding Contrinate Acceptance Children with Items Nearest Environment (Toys, Household Objects, Types of Transportation), their functions and purpose. Looking for define color, size, shape, weight (lightweight, heavy)

From the book of the author

The first youngest group (from two to three years) Surroundings are familiar with the names of the objects of the nearest environment (toys, clothing, shoes, dishes, furniture, vehicles), ways to use them: functions ("Cups drink tea and compote"; " Bus

From the book of the author

The second junior group (from three to four years) The substantial surroundings of the second younger group continue to expand the knowledge of children about household items, develop the ability to allocate their essential and insignificant signs, differentiate and group

From the book of the author

The first youngest group (from two to three years) plot-role-playing is playing the need for children in a variety of communication with adults. Introduce children to the objective world, revealing ways to eat objects and their purpose. Having to perform several actions with one

From the book of the author

The second younger group (from three to four years) plot-role-playing to help the emergence of games on the topics of the surrounding life, based on literary works (drills, songs, fairy tales, poems); enriching the game experience of children by combining individual

From the book of the author

The first junior group (from two to three years) plot-role playing the first youngest group is manipulating interest in various subjects, manipulate them, seeking to know their appointment, but only an adult can open ways of action with objects and thereby enter

From the book of the author

The second junior group (from three to four years) plot-role-playing playing the first youngest group in the leadership of the integral plot teacher paid special attention to playing actions through which the child included a joint game. At the same time, prerequisites were laid

From the book of the author

The first youngest group of the design process of the game with desktop and outdoor building material continue to acquaint children with details (cube, brick, triangular prism, plate, cylinder), with options for building forms on the plane. Strip

From the book of the author

The first youngest group on the third year of life in children develop perception, thinking, memory and other cognitive abilities. Thinking in kids is clearly effective, the subject activity is the leading. The kids are still involuntary. They are fast

From the book of the author

The second younger group at the age of 3-4 years in the child increases cognitive activity, forcing it to ask numerous questions to get new information; Conscious management of their behavior appears; Improved all psychic

Attention! The site administration site is not responsible for the maintenance of methodological developments, as well as for the compliance of the development of GEF.

SUMMARY OF JOINT ACTIVITY ON THE RESEARCH IN 2 Junior Group on the topic: "Gate for trucks".

Integration of educational areas: Physical, educational, artistic and aesthetic, socio-communicative, speech development.

Purpose: Develop in children the ability to build a gate: put support (exactly one against another) and carefully impose a crossbar on them ( brick), decorate ( prism). Develop the ability to analyze the sample of the construction.


  • Educating the desire to build buildings.
  • Cause children interest in activities with wooden building material.
  • Develop the ability to listen carefully to the educator and respond to the questions.
  • Improve a constructive skill.

Preliminary work:

  • Guessing mysteries.
  • Development of skills understand schematic images of buildings.
  • Heading finger gymnastics, physical. Minutes, dance "Christmas tree - Yolka"

Materials:1 machine is large with a multi-colored ball, for children Little machines for 1 ball each one's color, gate schemes for each child (large and small), 2 cubes, one long brick, one prism (for children), 4 cubes, brick, prism ( tutor), envelope with a letter from a snowman, a Christmas tree.

The tutor makes the riddle of the tree:

  1. What is the maiden,
    Not seamstress, not master.
    Nothing herself sews
    BUT B. needles all year round?

We also have a Christmas tree, but something is missing? (Toys) What to do? (Yolka lies a letter) Look here the letter is lying from the snowman, now I will read it. Hello guys! Trucks with toys stuck behind the fence they need help to bring toys for the tree. Here is a scheme. Children go beyond the tables and consider the schemes.

What is it in the schemes (gate).

What details of the designer do you see? (cubes, brick, prism)

What color are they? What gate need for a big car? And for small? How can we help trucks? (Build a gate)

Before construction, our hands will open up.

Fingering gymnastics: "Truck and Gate"

In the glade truck. Imitation of the steering wheel in his hands.
Well, the path is closed Palms are folded by the edge to each other
We open the gate Palm deploy to each other
Our truck is invited Masha hands hands to himself.

Pass to the fence with a large machine.

- See how I build a gate (show)

Supports I will build from cubes, I put them in this way opposite each other. They will also add one more cube. Crossbar I will build a brick. I put it on the supports with a wide face. And on top of the crossbar I will put a prism for a long narrow side.

- Would we have a gate?

- What do you think, what cars can come to such gates, small or big cars? (large)

Rolling a large car through the gate to the tree.

- What lies in the car? (ball). What colour is he? (Answers). How many balls? (one). Hang ball on the tree

- We still have cars what size are they? (small). What gate will you build? (small). But with the beginning we will warm up.

Phys. a moment:

  • Let's together with us (raise hands to the sides)
  • Fall legs, (kicking your feet standing still)
  • Praise in your hands, (clap your hands)
  • Today is good day! (Lift straight hands up, sides)

And now you will build the gate yourself. Construction of gates to children

- Well done, what wonderful gates you have turned out. Take the machine and cross it into your gate to the Christmas tree.

Individual questions for children: what machine? (small). What lies in it? (ball). What colour is he?

All toys hang on the tree. How many trees do we have? (one). How many toys on it? (lot). Guys tell me that you built today? (Goal). Did you like to build? And now I'll go around the Christmas tree, we will start the dance. Horror "Christmas tree - Christmas tree."

Any child likes to create crafts with your own hands. Nothing that is uneven, Kosovo, crookedly, but made himself. Children love to sculpt from dough (plasticine). Different figures, glue the application, draw with paints, pencils, chalk, etc. They are capable of creativity since the year. In order for the baby to do not interfere with this occupation, it is necessary to develop it daily. From 3 years old, children can trust scissors to teach cut simple figures and help them in a new direction - designing from paper. The younger group only studies a new type of activity, so take away to the kids with patience.

Acquaintance with a new type of creativity

So the moment came when you trusted the baby scissors. Now learn to apply them in practice. Usually designing in the second youngest group. They need to teach the cutting out of simple figures. In order for children to be interested in doing, invent different games or fairy tales on topics. At the same time, teachers form the ability to listen to the kids, teach different techniques with paper, introduce children with geometric shapes (main: circle, square, oval, triangle). During training, kids develop memory, attention, fantasy, small and large motility, orientation in space. The task of the educator, in addition to the above, - to teach children accuracy, economically handle the material and leave a clean place after its work. At first, the teacher himself harvesters the material, and already subsequently offers the baby to learn to cut all the necessary figures for classes.

Designing in Dow: Junior group

For children 2-3 years old, the educator proposes to make crafts from blanks. As a rule, designing in the second youngest group begins at the beginning of the first half of the year with simple strips. The educator gives them the same length and the width of several pieces. Let's try to make a "bunny". Take one strip and make it ends. It turned out a head. Ears glue separate stripes. Separately make the bridge to which the head is mounted. Look at the pictures of what a bunny looks like.

Near it, help the baby make the grass, flower, bridge, etc. Let the baby help you to fantasize. Eye can be made of buttons or just cut the circles from colored paper. In the same way, masturbate nose and mouth. Children will like the design. 2 The youngest group is the age when kids are very curious and can easily fantasize. Help them develop in this direction.

Design. Kutsakova: the second younger group

There are very interesting design techniques for children. It is called origami. Lyudmila Viktorovna Kutsakova (Famous teacher) offers to apply this technique from an early age. She claims that the sooner the baby begin to engage, the faster it is easier for it to design. In the second younger group, children are taught only asams, and caregivers or parents help them in the course of work. Consider what Kutsakov offers.

Cut the rectangle from paper and fold it in half. Thus, as in the photo.

This is from this you can make practically any animal. Children love dogs very much, so you can make a four-legged friend. To do this, you need a cardboard or any other paper, but more flutter. Scissors, pencil and paints or markers. On folded in half the cardboard, you need to draw a torso, tail, paws. On another cardboard (separately), draw your head and neck. Until cut out, pull out your favorite colors, stains, etc. Cut all parts. Then get the head to the body. Thus, you can make not only a dog, but also any beast. With this design, the children know the colors perfectly, form, quantity, etc.

Origami flashlight for children 3-4 years

For any child in the younger preschool age it is very difficult to create crafts with your own hands. Especially this applies to the design. Do not scold him if it does not work. He tries, just the skills are still very little. It is not difficult to do a flashlight. This is a volumetric handicraft, and is made relatively long. To start, take a rectangle folded in half. Make it in a centimeter from each other cuts strips from one edge to another. Expand the paper and see that you have all the cuts, as shown in the figure.

Roll them with a flashlight and glue these two sides. That's all. It remains to make a handle, and you can put a flashlight for decoration somewhere. Designing in the second younger group is fun and careless.

Garlands do it yourself

Probably the simplest task for kids. Cut a few stripes with a length of 3-5 cm. The main thing is that they were multicolored. Show children how to glue the strip in the ring. Let them do it with you. Form the second strip in the first ring and glue more circle. Then the third impose into the second and so on.

The main thing is that the same colors are not near. During this classes, you will secure the colors and learn new ones. Teach the child to think. Such design in the second youngest group is considered one of the lung tasks. This work in the team is best done. One group of children glue from the right edge, the other with the left. Make a long and bright garland.

and educators

Very important point that can not be overlooked - scissors. They must be rounded. Always during work adults can not be separated from babies. After all, they have dangerous items. In the period of designing with children, not only technique is learned. Pay attention to colors, geometric shapes, on, etc. You can make crafts even from newspaper paper. Children love such an object as designing. 2 The youngest group is only learning to him, so show as much heat and patience as possible.

Even if something does not work with something, but you see that he tries, be sure to praise him. For children, 2-3 years old is very important to hear that they have to cope with the task. No need to immediately make complex tasks. To begin with, let the kid jumps the paper or breaks. This is the first thing that should be able to love the child. When it comes to a complete acquaintance with the material, then only proceed to the main task. Designing in the second youngest group is more difficult than the older kids, since there is no need for the right skills and experience. Only thanks to the adult, the kid develops the accuracy of movement and orientation in space. Before making crafts by type of origami, teach the baby just to fold in half paper or cardboard. Only when the child learn to understand where the center will start to get crafts. Develop children every day, let them please you with their successes.