Congratulations to a friend on her son's wedding in beautiful verses. Congratulations to your son on the wedding Parting words to your friend for your son's wedding

Congratulations to parents at their son's wedding will distract attention from the newlyweds for a while. The moment comes when it is time to salute those people, without whom a wonderful family holiday would not have taken place. Upbringing, education, love and care - wishes will express recognition for everything that parents gave to their children.

In verse

  • Your son leads the bride down the aisle,
  • He is adored and loved by all.
  • His choice is worthy of all awards,
  • And I am doubly glad to congratulate my parents.
  • Parents, meet the replenishment,
  • After all, you were very lucky
  • Get a young daughter,
  • After all, you can't do without it.
  • May your children live together
  • And only stronger to love each other.
  • May trouble not touch them
  • And happiness will be there forever!
  • Parents' son, stand up, please.
  • I will tell you my wishes.
  • Congratulations on the wedding of your beloved son.
  • Now, after all, not only what you need.
  • He grew up and decided to get married.
  • And he could fall in love with the bride head over heels.
  • May your son live happily and successfully.
  • He's the best groom and that's for sure.
  • Keep your health and children healthy,
  • Love them dearly and only more.
  • Let the bride and groom visit you,
  • And let everyone have enough space in the house!
  • Don't worry about your son
  • His bride is a fine fellow.
  • She prepares excellent dinners.
  • And he always gives important advice.
  • And to you, parents, bow and respect.
  • I have no doubt about raising my son.
  • He is ready to become a wonderful family man,
  • Everyone understands this without further ado!
  • Your son creates a family.
  • He moves forward.
  • Development abhors constancy.
  • And it's good that there is no stubbornness in the character.
  • Thank you for raising a man.
  • The bride has no reason to worry.
  • The groom is a good man
  • She will be happy with him all her life!
  • Our souls smile at you
  • After all, your son is getting married!
  • Pus will be happy with his wife,
  • And you take care of each other!
  • Your days are clear and sunny,
  • Good weather at home, at home!
  • We are very happy for you,
  • The son of a friend chose the one!
  • Finally, your son is getting married!
  • Congratulations to the young!
  • May God help them more often
  • And we wish you to live and not be sad!
  • Do not bend under anyone,
  • Live, wait for grandchildren and wonder at the world,
  • Appreciate your love and loyalty,
  • And let there be tenderness in the relationship!
  • We congratulate your son!
  • We wish you to be happy!
  • May a son and daughter be born to him,
  • But he hasn't forgotten about you either.
  • Warmth and luck to you,
  • Such a son was raised - lovely
  • And don't be disturbed
  • Evil, deception, resentment, jealousy.
  • Waiting for grandchildren, love
  • You are each other forever,
  • We wish you a bright life
  • Long, joyful and carefree!
  • We wish your son
  • The wife was always obedient
  • So that in many years
  • She was not indifferent to him.
  • To love constantly
  • I indulged him in everything.
  • And so that you do not have
  • Never scandals with her.
  • So that your grandchildren are born,
  • So that you are healthy
  • Mom and Dad were respected
  • And they loved grandfather and grandmother.

In prose

Today is a very joyful day in your life. Today you will marry your son. What could be more beautiful in the world? I wish you did not have to worry about your son. After all, he is now in good hands. Now he will be always fed, always neatly dressed. Let your son's life now be like a fairy tale. I congratulate you on your son's marriage!

Dear parents of the groom, I want to congratulate you on your son's marriage. And say that you have raised a wonderful man. You have invested a lot of energy, love and attention in your son. Thanks to your efforts, he became the ideal man. I want to wish you that you will never be ashamed of his actions. Let him be a faithful and loving family man. Let him not forget about his parents. And let him be an exemplary husband. Hooray!

In my own words

Dear parents of the groom, a deep bow to you. I congratulate you on the marriage of your dear son and wish you have grandchildren as soon as possible. I wish that your daughter-in-law will become like a daughter to you. And also I wish you to have a good relationship. Let the young couple invite you to visit more often. And let them be proud of your parents as much as you are proud of your children. Congratulations! Today you cannot hide excitement on your faces. Your son is getting married today. You have someone to be proud of. He is your support, he is your protection, he is your pride. Now he will have his own family. And a great responsibility falls on his shoulders. May everything be happy with the young. And may you be happy for your children. Congratulations!

Son's wedding is a wonderful event. Parents experience a whole spectrum of emotions at the same time: joy, pride and a drop of sadness, because their blood leaves their nest. The primary task of the mother is not only to let the child go into a new family life for him, but also, if possible, to give useful guidance and advice.

The difficulty of such a task is that other guests will observe the process. Moms worry, start to get confused in words, cry - this can be avoided if you prepare in advance.

What you need to know when preparing words of congratulations for your son's wedding

  • Congratulatory speech should be short and succinct. You don't need to tell a bunch of facts from your son's life - your congratulations will drag on for a good half hour, and the guests will start to get bored.
  • The optimal length of congratulations is 2-3 minutes. During this time, it is possible to give some valuable advice and express your feelings.
  • If you are afraid to speak in front of the public, entrust the speech to your father, or congratulate the young in tandem. The emotional factor must not be overlooked.
  • Plan your speech ahead of time. You do not need to cram it word for word, but at least observe the outline. First - congratulatory words, then - the essence of the wishes, and, finally, a toast.
  • As a rule, the groom's mother is given the floor at least twice: during the blessing with the loaf and at the banquet. Think about what you will say.
  • Remember that the son and his wife are now a couple. Try to address both of them in your speech.
  • You can make your speech light and humorous, but don't overdo it. The groom should not be ashamed or embarrassed. It is not necessary to tell at the wedding how he ran naked or was a crybaby.

Words to son before the wedding

According to tradition, it is the groom's mother who should hold a loaf on the towel and be the first to congratulate the newlyweds. Metaphors related to bread and wedding ceremonies would be appropriate.

Example 1... Dear children! Your family life is just beginning. However, remember that a family is a joint work that will yield results only if the desire of both parties. Walk this path hand in hand, support each other, keep warmth and love in your heart! We present you with this beautiful loaf with the hope that your life will be just as sweet. Treat yourself to bread and salt, children, treat each other as a sign that in the future you will take care of your soul mate. We bless you! May you live happily ever after!

Example 2... Our beloved children! Please accept my sincere congratulations! Your joint path begins, along which you will go hand in hand. We sincerely wish you well-being, prosperity, happiness! Treat each other with love and respect, cherish and value feelings! On the threshold of a new life, let me treat you to a loaf. This is not just bread, but a symbol of well-being and wealth in the family. Break off a piece, children, dip in salt and treat each other. Remember that life is not only sweet but also salty. And you will overcome all trials together. May warmth and love remain in your hearts, and the house will be a full cup! Advice and love!

Table words of congratulations to mother to son

Option 1... Dear newlyweds! Today is the most wonderful day, because it is your family's birthday. And we, parents, rejoice at your happiness and are proud that you made such a necessary and important decision. Remember this moment, children, because now there is no “I”, but there is “we”. You, son, need to become a support for your wife, love her and take care of her. You, daughter, will be the keeper of the family hearth.! Take care of each other! I wish you happiness, good luck, prosperity! May you live happily ever after. Bitterly!

Option 2... Dear husband and wife, today you have not only exchanged rings and vows, but have decided to live as one family. Remember that family is not just a print on paper, it is love, respect and loyalty. Son, it's scary to realize, but how fast you have grown! You are no longer a boy, but a man, head of the family and support for your wife. Be a support for your beloved woman, take care of her and cherish her. Then her heart will remain a beautiful bud and will not be covered with thorns. Daughter, be a faithful companion to your husband, guide him and give your support. We are sure that if together you succeed and you make your desires come true. Let your house be a full cup, laughter will not subside in it, and love will burn in your hearts even after 50 years. All the best to you kids! Bitterly!

Option 3... Dear children! No wonder they say “there are no young sages” and you only have to learn this life. From now on, your destinies will be linked, and your path is just beginning. Son, behave like a man, be a protection for your young wife, pamper and cherish her, save her from disappointments and sorrows. Daughter, you have become part of our family, and we are glad that there is such a girl next to our son! As a woman, I want to wish you wisdom and patience - you will need them. Let the house be a full cup, and happiness never leaves it. Take care and value each other! Bitterly!

Option 4... Dear son! More recently, you ran around the house and waited for my dad and me from work. The memory of shared evenings is very dear to me, but it's time for you to start your own family! I am calm for you, because next to you is a wonderful girl whom you called your wife. Lovely children! Please accept our most sincere wishes! May your home be cozy and happy. Plant trees, raise children that you will be proud of later. Your union is the key to success in life. As long as you have each other, you will not be afraid of any trouble. I wish you happiness, prosperity and goodness! Bitterly!

Option 5... Dear children! May your happiness and love last for many years! I am proud of the kind of man you have become, son, and what a wonderful companion you have chosen. Family life is a cozy and calm haven, but storms cannot be avoided either. Always remember and take care of each other. Then harmony will always reign in your union! Be happy every second, because these moments are unique, and time flies so fast. I want to raise this glass to you newlyweds! We wish love to continue to illuminate your path and warm your family with its rays. Walk through life confidently, holding hands tightly! Bitterly!

Congratulations to your son on a wedding in verse

Sonny, today is your holiday

You have become the head of your family.

Be patient and learn wisdom,

Work hard, don't be lazy.

We wish with all our hearts

You live in harmony and love.

Love your wife, spoil your children,

Do not be offended, do not be jealous.

May there be only happiness in the house

Let's say "Bitterly!"

Playful poem

Son, you be a good husband

Don't be late for dinner.

Don't forget about your wife

Give her time.

Do not lie down to sleep overgrown

Shave more often, do not be lazy.

You sit at home less

Take your spouse to the restaurant.

So that the abdomen does not grow -

You eat less bread with bacon.

Be an example for children

Take up sports as soon as possible.

We wish you love, patience!

Accept congratulations

In life, let there be only joy

Come on, guests, let's shout "Bitter!"

What words of congratulations to your son for a wedding to choose is your business. If you have forgotten the text (it happens) - improvise! It is important that the words come from the heart, only such a speech will be remembered and appreciated!


Your son has matured already,
It's too big for games
I stopped messing around in the sand,
And I decided - it's time to get married!

We are very glad to congratulate you!
Your son is your joy!
May he be happy
Bow to you for him!

Thank you for your son,
Now you have a daughter!
The little bitch is a beauty!
We all like it very much!

Let the fun beat while
Congratulations to the groom's mom!
After all, she is the main guest here,
She had to raise her son!

May your children be happy
May it be a joy for you
Let them give birth to grandchildren,
May you be loved, respected!

Lovely bride and groom,
It will be very honest
If it's low, to the ground
Bow to your mother!

Happy to congratulate the groom's mother!
She raised her son - what you need!
So I finally decided to marry
He brought a beautiful bride down the aisle!

We wish you to be friends with your daughter-in-law,
To cherish each other deeply,
And so that they bring you grandchildren to be raised,
So that you do not know even the slightest boredom!

We wish you good health - it must come true!
After all, with grandchildren it will be very useful to you!
Thank you for raising your son!
He is a gentleman and simply chic - a man!

To make the children happy
Mom must be there!
We'll start with the groom's mom!
We will congratulate her bye!

Thank you, mom, for your son,
After all, he is a real man!
He was brought up as it should,
You gave instructions for life!

We wish you health, happiness,
To be able to take part
In the life of a son with a daughter-in-law,
Always to be young!

Everyone is shouting "bitterly" here! Everyone is shouting "hurray"!
We'll be distracted by the groom's mother!
We congratulate you in such an important moment in your life,
After all, your son is your most beautiful groom today!

We wish you to be a friendly, happy family,
And so that harmony and peace reign in the house!
Health so that you have the strongest
And the fervent ardor, young did not fade away!

You will have to love not only your son now,
Appreciate your daughter-in-law, and be her mother!
May you succeed at any hour, of course.
Once again, congratulations and hugs!

We are glad to congratulate the groom's mother on such an event!
Your son is your support and joy!
We wish the daughter-in-law to love very much,
So that the son left home was unnoticed!

Let the kids come to visit you more often,
Even on holidays, even on weekdays they visit!
Let them give you cheerful grandchildren,
So that with the children, as before, they could mess around again!

May everything be always beautiful with you,
Let the son take an interest in your health every hour!
May all the dreams of you and your children come true,
And let the joy in the house never end!

Today is my son's wedding
Your man has already grown!
The bride is very good:
Face and body and soul!

May they be happy
May their days be bright!
Let them not forget about you,
They love you very much, they respect you!

And we wish you health,
Congratulations on your son's wedding!
May everything be fine with you!
We wish you great happiness!

Congratulations to the groom's mother!
We wish her a lot of joy, love of children!
I just brought up a wonderful son,
And the daughter-in-law has always dreamed of this!

Let your kids be happy
Let them not even think to be sad!
And you always stay happy!
Smile to the world with a radiant smile!

Let the children love you, honor you,
They come to visit you more often,
Let them always help with the housework,
So that you never get tired!

Dear son! Now we are calm for you. In your life
there was that woman who always feeds and accepts, will be there in
sorrow and joy, will become a mother to your children and will prompt a wise way out
from any situation. Take care and value your spouse, and she will definitely
will answer in kind. Be happy!

Well, my son, I made you happy!
Titles offered to us:
Dad is a father-in-law, a father-in-law is a mother ...
You made a gift right!
Don't be shy, son, thanks!
We are joking among ourselves.
You are our grandmothers and grandfather
Next, assign the title.

When the knees are bruised and wounded
The lashes are scorched by the fire, the lace is tangled,
Fingers in the socket, studs in my pockets
The TV was disassembled, we knew it was our son.
Now a responsible act has been done, -
And your time has come to become a man
We congratulate, happy for you immensely,
We wish you happiness and love, son!

Your wedding is a joy for relatives,
And your wife is our own daughter!
Take care of her, love, appreciate.
Wishing you happiness and good luck,
We ask you - remember that
That together, any difficulty is easier!
Hurry to please us with your granddaughter!
Then, son-in-law - you will become a mother-in-law!

Be a faithful husband, you son
Caring and gentle.
And this round of life
It will always be endless.
Try to be a miner
Protection and not only,
And to fix it,
We will say bitterly together.

On your wedding day, our beloved son,
We'll say with a smile, but honestly,
What is the best of all men
Your bride has found.
You, holding hands, begin your journey,
Let it be long and light.
And most importantly, be happy in marriage,
And then the troubles around are invisible.
Treasure your wife and love her tightly,
Never offend, take care.
After a year or two, let the children be born,
Give us grandchildren and granddaughters as soon as possible.

The day you become a husband
We want to wish from the bottom of our hearts
Be caring, strong, and smart.
And protect the family from adversity.
So that your wife loves you dearly -
The way we love you, son.
So that fate keeps your feelings,
There were smooth ones so that there were more roads.

You, son, well done,
Finally got married
And the bride is good
And your soul sings!
We wish you a long life
Let it flow like the Volga
Full-flowing, non-stubborn,
Deep and patient!
And you love each other
And in the heat, and in an evil blizzard,
May your hearts be in love
Stay until the end!

Son, with a wedding, with a wonderful date!
Good luck and happiness to the young family.
You grew up so quickly, you are already married.
And we are very proud of you!
Take care of your wife and take care of the children,
That they will soon be born - we hope.
May joy, luck fly like stars,
So that the bright days become full of joy!

Congratulations to our boy on his wedding! So he came that one
the day when you connect your life with another person. Congratulations
you and wish you happiness in your marriage, may your wife always be the most
a loved one on Earth and your love lasts forever.

Congratulations on the wedding to the bride's parents

Z mother-in-law and mother-in-law are not easy roles in life, however, to avoid them
the parents of a beautiful daughter will never succeed! If in the life of a father and
mother is planning such an important event as the wedding of her daughter, to worry
it will be even more of them than the hero of the occasion itself. Congratulate
parents of the bride with the wedding, because this is their holiday.
Wishes expressed in verses or words with special fiction will be in
in this matter you are your best ally. The main thing is a sincere heart. Large
family events are experienced by everyone together, as one, and without support
friends, colleagues and loved ones are indispensable here.

Today is such a wonderful day
After all, your daughter has found a husband,
Let her family be like a fortress
And her life will be full of happiness.
But don't you grieve for a minute,
After all, you found a son today,
And soon your grandchildren will chirp
Give them the warmth of your soul.

It seems like your daughter recently,
I was a little girl
And now - the bride, so beautiful
She is in a dress as white as a flower.
You are not sad for a second
After all, she is with her husband under the wing,
Will be very happy in life
Their house will be filled with joy.

Your daughter has become a beauty
In a wedding waltz, like an angel,
After all, her soul was aflame with love,
And eyes shine out of joy.
Let the bad weather bypass them,
Let her husband be your son,
May she live as in God behind her back,
Forever forget about troubles.

May your daughter not be a daughter-in-law,
And a daughter, beloved and dear,
And let her husband be your son,
And they will heal with a happy family.
Love them, appreciate them, respect them,
They are one whole link,
Support and respect them,
In return, you will receive their sincere love.

A good bride is like a flower
Kind in heart and soul,
You raised her beautifully,
She will be a wonderful mother and wife.
May you be proud of her family,
And may you rejoice at all their victories,
Give them warmth, your love,
And let sorrows and troubles bypass them.

The wedding is playing, the glasses are clinking
Champagne runs like a river
Today your daughter has become
A faithful wife, beloved wife.
Her fate is in the hands of her husband,
He is honest, sincere, reliable,
Let him become your son, not your son-in-law,
And for him, let you be - mom, dad.

Congratulations on your bride,
You are the right parents
My daughter grew up adorable
Mom and Dad are rewarded.
Congratulations on your wedding day,
Let the groom take root,
So that you are very happy
And the little girl next to him.

Congratulations on the magic bride,
She seemed to come down from heaven
And parents are happy, light,
We didn’t try to get into the love of children.
Your daughter is a miracle and a fairy tale,
As if Pushkin described to her,
No flaws - the girl is beautiful
Everyone has recognized this today.
We will say thank you to mom and dad,
And congratulations in full on your wedding day,
This is happiness - after all, the daughter fell in love,
In the groom, forever in love.

Congratulations to your parents on your wedding day,
You raised the bride to the groom,
Do not worry about my daughter, we wish
She will go to her pier.
Where comfort, luck, joy, happiness awaits,
Where the kids are happy - "MAMULY" shout,
And every day is so varied
Where she is loved and adored.

Happy bride and wedding day - congratulations,
Perhaps this is the most important day.
He will squeeze out tears, wind up with sadness,
But you will find reasons to be sorry.
You are the best parents - glory to you,
Such a daughter is worth looking for
Now the groom will become the head of the family,
His wife will help him.

Now for the son-in-law - "father-in-law" and "mother-in-law" ...
But this must be understood
Warmer, more natural and easier:
He is your son, you are your father and mother!
Let the daughter spend the day, the night
With him - rushes even to the ends of the Earth ...
No, you haven't lost your daughter,
But you have acquired a son!
Don't get in between
Don't let the evil words go
And you will be relatives to him,
He will become your very own!

For a beautiful bride, it's not a sin for you to ask for kalym,
We wish you on a holiday, in friendship with your daughter's husband,
You are the parents of a daughter-in-law, a huge honor for you,
For such a princess, bear the bill to the groom.
May you have a daughter with a new son, bring grandchildren as soon as possible,
For grandma to smile, and grandpa would be happy
I wish that the laughter of children could be heard in the house,
In the meantime, let's celebrate the wedding - Hey, garcon! Pour the wine.

We have lived so much time, your marriage was based on love,
They did not swear, did not grieve, the darkness shunned your house.
The girl grew up with you - do not say, Do not describe,
And she soon began to wear a short skirt.
Somehow she grew up quickly, got married soon,
She put on a white dress, got a husband.
You, of course, were scared, How to live without a daughter
Since childhood, my mother got used to cherish her sweet daughter.
Change is a joy, because now her husband is next to her,
He is a hard worker, a hard worker - he never breaks his thumbs.
Relax and be bored, wait for the grandchildren as soon as possible,
I am very glad to congratulate you on your wedding day.

Congratulations on the wedding for parents

R parents are most happy about the wedding of their children and
interested in their further happy life together. It is about
they must say this in their wedding greetings, be it
words of parents on the part of the groom or on the part of the bride. It is better
choose congratulations not separately from each parent, but from
married couple, father and mother on both sides. On our
website we offer a large selection of wedding greetings from a senior
generations, and each of them withstands the most stringent requirements and
is kind, caring and pleasant for the heroes of the occasion.

You have lived together for more than one year,
There was a lot of joy, a lot of worries,
Together they walked along the same road,
Together we overcame all the anxieties.
Happy wedding day, we sincerely congratulate you,
May all dreams come true
Dear parents, we wish you health and good,
May fate be favorable to you.

Our kind and sweet parents,
Congratulations on your wedding from the bottom of our hearts,
Over time you are conquerors
Love, like a shrine, was carried through the years.
We wish you health, longevity,
We wish you joy and goodness
Let luck pour in like a river to you,
Let the thief always carry everything.

Today words you are newlyweds, congratulations,
May life give you only pleasure,
May the family be strong and friendly
"Bitterly!" you, relatives, be happy always.
May your every day turn into a holiday,
May a bird of good luck come to visit,
Dear parents, honor and praise to you,
All the best to you, prosperity and warmth.

We are very happy to congratulate dear parents,
With a grandiose, very important and big event.
Today you are celebrating a wedding for your children,
You bless the two of them on the path together.
Thank you for such children, look at them all:
Here is a beautiful bride, and what an eagle is the groom.
May their union become stronger every year,
Well, you help them, because you are older and wiser!

The wind of change has burst into our life -
We fell in love, you supported us.
We want to protect you in return
From anxiety, from excitement, from sorrow.
In gratitude, we will give you a grandchild
Five boys or five girls.
Let them bawl and scream
Coming out of their diapers.
Our gratitude for the love
We can no longer express in words
We and your life and your blood,
We will stay with you forever.

With all our hearts we wish you
Good health, and may
Your wrinkles will be smoothed out,
Sadness and sadness will disappear from the face.
Today is your happy day
Do not count relatives and friends.
Fun, music and jokes
At the wedding, you are your children.
You raised them, it was difficult
You have lost peace and sleep.
For all the worries and worries,
Earthly and low bow to you!

All questions have already been removed,
And the children finished with doubt:
We congratulate you matchmakers,
With our merry twin!
We are ready to receive you
Into your arms. Those lines are not empty:
After all, you are already a father and mother
And for our beloved daughter!
Your son has already become ours -
He's a feast for the eyes, delicious!
... So let's drink at the turn
In one family of unification !!!

My relatives, dear, beloved father and mother,
All golden weddings are to be filmed,
But not everyone can raise a toast.
And I, with the guests of this wedding,
We raised this important toast.
Saturated with heart power
Although in words it is very simple:
We wish you health, happiness,
We wish you great joy
So that bad weather does not touch you
So that you have a rest with your soul.

You can't forget such minutes
Solemn and intense.
Greetings from friends -
Parents of newlyweds.
How difficult it is, everyone knows
How joyful it is to raise children!
My toast is also important:
“For their fathers and mothers! "

Congratulations to your mother-in-law
We are always ready to devote.
Indeed, this is their immense work,
Well, the troublemaker got married.
No need to worry anymore
And where was he, and who was he with,
And where did he drink, and what did he drink ...
A young mother-in-law will come,
The mother-in-law immediately melts with happiness,
Doesn't know where to sit down,
Decides what to treat?
It is necessary to take care of the mother-in-law for this,
Give rewards for sons,
And remember all their troubles,
Not forgetting to visit.

Oh you, dear guests,
Everyone seems to be relatives!
Everyone shouted here: "Hurray!"
In honor of the bride, groom.
Take a look to the left, to the right
Fathers and mothers.
Who were tirelessly raised
Sons and daughters.
We know it's hard to part
With matured children.
But this time is coming
When you need to leave ...

SMS congratulations on the wedding in verse

"Today is a special day for you"
You have a special day today.
So always be happy.
Let the road be bright
Let the family be friendly.
Keep sensitivity, tenderness, affection,
The thrill of the first meetings.
And those rings that they took in hand,
Manage to save to the end.

"Congratulations to the newlyweds"
Congratulations to the newlyweds,
We wish them love and happiness,
Husband - to obey the wife
And love her alone
And the wife - to give birth to children,
Lovely, glorious rascals!
We are waiting for heroes from you
And beautiful daughters.
And we also wish you
Always be young
Us for the golden wedding
Don't forget to invite! "Solemn holiday"
On this solemn holiday
You need to wish a lot:
Happiness, love, understanding in everything,
Life is good, interesting and friendly.
The most important thing is that trouble
I have always avoided your house,
So that your main guest is always
Family happiness was! "Live merrily and amicably"
Live happily and amicably
Argue if need be.
But know the matter tightly,
That you can't live without each other,
That you shouldn't be sad at all ...
I am writing to you in sms: "Bitter"! "Wife at five minutes"
You are the bride dear
At five minutes, wife,
I wish you this day
Happiness, joy in full.
The best thing to be for your husband
And always love him
Together to be in heat and cold,
Never swear! "I wish you great happiness"
Happy birthday to your family!
Let her bad weather minutes!
Let the trouble pass by!
Peace, love, harmony, friendship, happiness
Let them settle in it forever!
I wish that in a friendly family
There was the brightest light.
I wish you great happiness
Love to you and advice! "Happiness to you, newlyweds friends"
Happiness to you, newlyweds friends,
Joy and the brightest days.
You are family now, and by law
You both belong to her!
You will have joys and troubles,
You will have to experience everything in life ...
But keep the course only for victory!
"Bitter" for you, but not to know sorrow! "Congratulations on your legal marriage"
Congratulations on your legal marriage
And with all our hearts we wish
To have peace in the family,
We lived to be golden.
You will live a century without sorrow,
We wish you son, daughter,
(Children are flowers)
So that they grow to your joy.
Always be kind
Never get sick! "Let your souls become inseparable"
May none of you break that oath,
That engagement rings are remembered by two rings.
Let your souls become inseparable
And happy hearts are beating in tune!
May your days be blessed
So that happiness is strong to build, and not to steal,
And thoughts are pure and frank:
Get together - forever and love - so much!
Welcoming the bonds of the heart,
Find shorter and more weighty words:
Parental blessing!
For life for all - advice and love! "Congratulations for your niece"
Niece, dear, with the wedding of you!
I wish you love to keep forever
And trust in each other reliably,
And, like jewels, guard happiness!
I wish you success, hope, luck,
So that the family can solve all the problems with my husband!
Love each other, because this is happiness!
Then all misfortunes will be bypassed! "Become support for each other"
Become a support for each other,
Happiness and part of one.
Grief, sorrow and blizzards
Let them fly by.
May it last for years
Delicate strong feeling.
Together in love and adversity -
In this family is art!
Today is the wedding. Taking the rings in hand
Manage to save them until old age.
Fate gives love to you
Do not forget the first, tender meetings. "Warm greetings to young spouses"
Warm greetings to young spouses,
Sea of ​​happiness to you, love and advice,
In the world, agree to live your century,
To surprise the whole world with glorious offspring! "I wish you a variety of benefits!"
I wish you a variety of benefits!
Live long only like this:
Not knowing quarrels, quarrels, troubles,
In love and happiness for many years. "Never part!"
We want to congratulate you on your wedding day,
Wish love and happiness
We want to praise your couple!
You are worthy of joy to know!
You walk hand in hand,
Never part
You will give birth to healthy babies
And always be happy! "You two enter into life"
You two enter into life,
From now on you are a family!
Let the house be full
And loyal friends
Give birth to healthy children
Give them happiness
To become the strongest family,
To love each other for a century! "Dear newlyweds"
Newlyweds, dear,
We sincerely want to wish
So that you are always like this -
We loved to live and prosper!
May good luck not leave you
Success accompanies everything
So that you become richer
Children's laughter was heard in the house! "We wish our newlyweds"
We wish our newlyweds
So that their path in life is successful,
So that the house is always a full bowl,
Life is brighter and more beautiful every day!
Let the sun of the world shine brightly
May the children bring you joy
So that together a young couple
Live to see the golden wedding. "You were only the bride and groom"
You were only the bride and groom,
And now the husband and wife have become.
And I raise a glass for that,
So that trouble does not touch you,
And from the bottom of my heart I wish
You love to keep forever!
Happiness, joy to you, young people.
And forget the sadness forever!
Like golden bouquets of flowers
Life is just as beautiful for you to live! "Niece"
My dear niece,
I wish you the best today
I am on this holiday with all my heart,
Today you became a wife!
Always understand a friend of a friend
Always respect each other
And loyally always love
You live worthily together! "We wish you strong love!"
From now on, you are husband and wife!
Let the flame not go out in the blood!
We wish you health! We wish you happiness!
We wish you strong love! "Happy wedding day, I congratulate you"
Happy wedding day, I congratulate you,
I wish you success and happiness!
Live well, love each other,
After all, from this day on you are a spouse. "Let it never go out"
Let it never go out
Happy dawn life!
May you always be happy!
And I write to you: "Bitter!" "We wish you to live without boredom"
We wish you to live without boredom
Happy friendly family
Until the day your grandchildren take you
Congratulate on your golden wedding! "Wish great happiness"
We received an invitation
And they decided to congratulate you,
Wish you great happiness
And good luck
And raise more children
Be richer.
Concede to each other -
It will be easy for you
After all, walk through life together
Very good. "Congratulations to the young!"
Congratulations to the young!
Accept my mandate:
Joy, sorrow for two
Divide equally!
You are wearing wedding dresses
Your merry feast is in full swing,
Observed articles, rituals -
Love, advice to you, eternal peace! "Newlyweds, I wish you"
Newlyweds, I wish you
In a joint life of joy and peace!
Let faithful friends surround
And let the failures pass by!
Mutual understanding never
Forever will not leave your couple!
Good luck for many years to come,
Let no one take away your happiness! "To a female colleague"
So you become a wife!
We are very happy for you, I will not hide,
And I want to wish my colleague
Do not leave our collective.
Well, if, nevertheless, leave -
Just to give birth.
And then rather return,
And to join our work again! "Congratulations from parents"
Our dear children,
Congratulations on your wedding!
You fell into love with the net -
This is the best reward!
So live in understanding
Take care of each other!
Happiness may be a message from heaven,
And protection from separation! "Glory, glory to the newlyweds!"
Glory, glory to the newlyweds!
Honor and glory to the young!
Life is bright and successful
We sincerely wish them!
Let love inspire you.
Friendship pleases the hearts
Happiness will endlessly! "I wish to live for many years"
I wish to live for many years
It is true to love and be loved.
In life, anxiety and grief do not know -
That's what I want to wish you. "Goddaughter"
I wish my goddaughter
Great joy on the wedding day,
Give birth to healthy children
And let love reign in the family.
Always be happy
And love your husband,
So that he never be sad
Take care of your family! "To the nephew"
My dear nephew
Yes, today is your holiday -
Has finally arrived
Much vigor and strength
I want to wish you
And protect my wife.
Your wedding day is a miracle!
I will wish for the best! "For the newlyweds"
Let the newlyweds, dear,
Problems will never touch.
Today you are so happy -
So be the same forever!
Let your life remind a fairy tale,
Let the world be open in front of you,
And let everyone understand each other
And the Lord will give you kids! "Congratulations for your nephew"
Happy wedding, nephew, congratulations!
May troubles and thunderstorms do not know about you,
Today for you all the flowers and gifts,
It's very sweet to watch the birth of a family!
Preserve and appreciate everything that is given by life,
After all, in heaven everything was decided long ago!
Love has been sent to you - this is happiness,
So let bad weather never touch you! "Congratulations to the young!"
Congratulations to the young!
Accept our mandate:
Joy, sorrow - for two
Divide equally! "I wish you a lot of happiness"
I wish you a lot of happiness
Live in peace and harmony
So that the house is full of kids
And there was no need for anything! "May your union, now born"
May your union, born now,
Warms the warmth of your souls
May this flame never cool down
In the midst of everyday blizzards and cold. "Love and health to you ..."
Happy wedding day we are you
Bright days and good luck
We wish from the heart
On the table to shine
Bouquets in smiles
Love and health to you
For many summers! "Godmother"
Today, my godmother,
You marry, loving!
I want to wish you happiness
And to respect the husband very much.
We are all quite sure -
I also understand this -
You will be a better wife
I wish you happiness with all my heart. "Granddaughter"
On the wedding day to my granddaughter to wish
I want in family life
Great happiness to find
Thinking only about good
And love your husband faithfully,
And stay faithful
It is worth living life together
Always fall in love with him! "Congratulations for the godson"
Happy wedding, my beloved godson,
I'm in a hurry to congratulate!
What kind of adult have you become ...
He warmed the bride with love!
Let everything in life succeed
Take care of your family from insults!
And happiness with a dream will touch
Your boundless love! "Congratulations for the godmother"
My beloved godmother,
Everyone froze and expect a miracle -
Families of birth and love are everywhere!
I wish you the very best to be a wife,
And cherish your love!
Protect your paradise from envy,
An outsider can penetrate so that he cannot! "Congratulations for the granddaughter"
Granddaughter, you are a bride today!
I congratulate you on your wedding!
Let there be whatever your heart desires
And grew stronger so that the new family!
Love is no more beautiful feeling in the world
Always keep it especially anxious!
And soon it will wake you up at dawn
Baby of your desperate love! “Though I don’t walk at the wedding ...”
Although I do not walk at the wedding,
But I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
Live happily and amicably
Have everything you need in life,
Keeping the law of love holy
Until the wedding itself, golden!
Love, without a doubt,
Trust each other, respect,
And if they do not agree,
Then always seek a compromise,
Bathe in tenderness and passion
To give in to each other more often,
And your happiness will be eternal! "The world is beautiful with great love"
The world is beautiful with great love ...
Happy wedding day, I congratulate you!
Smiles, joy, health
I wish you in this bright hour!
Gold rings are put on
There is a seal in the certificate ...
Well, young spouses,
I wish you this day?
So that the music sounded in the house,
So that it is not boring together,
Live together, I wonder
So that happiness is - the house is full! "Today is a special day for you"
You have a special day today -
So be happy, friends!
Let the road be bright
Let the family be friendly.
Keep feeling, loyalty, affection,
Do not forget the first meetings,
And the rings that you put on
Manage to save to the end!
May every day and every hour
Prosperity will come to you
May you have a kind mind,
And the heart will be smart! "You have become a real husband!"
You are no longer a groom, not a boyfriend,
You have become a real husband!
I wish you were happy in a couple,
He loved and respected his wife.
May a son or daughter be born
Let it always be lucky in everything
Let it be a gentle night
And the day only brings joy! "Connecting hearts to each other ..."
Connecting hearts to each other
Having concluded your marriage union,
Live together for a long time
Keeping love and loyalty.
And let the sun shine brightly for you
Let the bad weather go away.
Let your rings not fade
Pain and sadness pass by! "We wish you many, many happiness"
We wish you many, many happiness
A joyful bouquet of smiles
Reliable and cheerful friends.
Happy life, long years.
And to spite all the devils
Lived, loved and lucky !!! "We wish you great love"
We wish you big and heartfelt love,
So that your union is the most durable and eternal.
May everything become more beautiful day by day
And let your house be a full cup! "To the sound of a crystal glass"
To the sound of a crystal glass
To the sound of champagne wine
We congratulate the newlyweds!
We wish them happiness in full!
For love! For the sacred bonds!
May God let you drink grace!
So that, sealed by a marriage union,
You would turn your destiny back.
In the days to come for new milestones,
So that there is no end to happiness,
Never to become fetters
Your two wedding rings! "You have to walk up the hill for happiness"
You have to walk uphill for happiness
And take more than one height.
So let unnecessary quarrels
They walk around your house a mile away.
May your hearts not grow old
And they fight, not melting love.
And let from year to year
Lives all the more friendly
Happy your family! "Three times bitter!"
Hey! Congratulations!
From my heart I wish:
May your union
Only brings joy.
And I am writing to you in sms:
"Three times bitter!" "Remember this minute forever"
Remember this minute forever,
May she be sacred
Now you are not just a bride and groom,
From now on, you are husband and wife.
And may any misfortunes pass you,
Let the flame not be extinguished in the blood.
I wish you health. Wish you happiness.
I wish you a strong family! "I wish you great luck"
I wish you great luck,
So that your life is richer
So that you have success in everything,
So that you live happier than everyone. "Walk side by side, together, in step"
Walk alongside, together, in step,
A beautiful strong family.
Let it be a hard road
But always straight!
To be near in the heat and cold,
For the honor of the family to stand as a wall,
So that the groom was a good husband,
The bride is a glorious wife! "Between you - the present"
The present is between you.
It is immediately felt.
Burning with a gentle flame
Never puffed out.
Your hearth trembles with colors -
Here is a magical phenomenon.
Guard him affectionately.
Happiness, joy, patience. "So that happiness overflows"
I wish you young
Become a support for each other,
May your years be golden
Help you thrive!
So that they give birth to a son and daughter,
So that happiness overflows,
Each other so that they love each other
We were able to create your own personal paradise! "Let it be a honey month ..."
Let it be a honey month
Your whole life, like one moment,
So that every day is forever new.
So that you love to gray hair. "Congratulations on your legal marriage"
Congratulations on your legal marriage,
I wish you great happiness.
And I am writing now in earnest:
May millions of scarlet roses
Lie all the way
What are you going to go through! "What to wish on your wedding day?"
What to wish on your wedding day?
I wish you a lot of happiness
Give birth to more children,
And do not know the misfortune
So that your house is a full cup
And joy is beyond measure!
So that the two of us are happy
Love, hope, faith! "The sun always shines brightly for you ..."
Let it be as on this main day.
The sun always shines brightly for you
And the shadow will not diminish happiness,
And the wind will not knock off the road.
Let joy rush to the threshold.
And the heart will not deceive the heart.
And a delicate myrtle wreath
It will not fade in memories. "Love and advice to you!"
Achieve agreement in life,
Live to be one hundred years old.
Always respect each other
Love to you and advice! "I wish a young couple"
I wish a young couple
Live to see the wedding golden
And so that the great-grandson Borka
Shouted at the wedding: "Bitter!" "Beautiful wedding ..."
May your happiness be long
Life will not upset you in any way,
Well, for now, let's sing and dance
A beautiful wedding - no problem! "Let everything come true, what you dreamed about"
May everything come true that you dreamed
Everything that was pleasing to the eye
For happiness to settle
It's easy in your house.
So that you do not drop
This is happiness on the fly
Forever to be saved
First meeting warmth! "You got married today"
You got married today.
For you - a happy day in the world!
Once you have lit a beacon of love,
Then let it shine for you all your life! "May love inspire you"
May love inspire you
Friendship pleases the hearts
Let dreams know no obstacles
Happiness will endlessly! "I wish you young"
I wish you young
So that your wedding is a success
To words, strangers eyes
Lost power over you
So that in your life there were only
Health, happiness and peace.
So that the guests shout "Bitterly!"
At your wedding gold! "Congratulations for a male colleague"
Happy wedding to you, my colleague,
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!
I wish you success in the family,
I wish you love and happiness!
Take care of your bride
Give her joy and warmth!
Forever you will be together
Now you are one! "Let the honey river ..."
Let the honey river
Your life is flowing
And, like a young month,
Your son will be born! "I wish you great love"
I wish you great love
I wish that from now and forever
You split in half with each other
Everything that a person has in life! "Male colleague"
Happy wedding day, colleague!
I wish you love!
I hear you from the bottom of my heart
Congratulations on this day!
Be happy
With a young wife,
Forget about sad things!
Let love rule! "Godson"
Today my godson got married!
He became a real husband!
I want you to be proud of your family
And to prosper in marriage.
Your young wife
Love, and do not know sadness,
Let her kiss you
And you - don't forget her! "From parents"
Our dear children,
Became husband and wife!
Let them know in the whole world
All about a couple like that.
We wish you great love
And understand each other,
To live without knowing troubles
Trust close people! "Congratulations for the goddaughter"
Goddaughter, congratulations on the wedding!
You will become an impeccable wife,
Keep love from boredom and from troubles,
To celebrate the anniversary - 100 years!
I wish you patience in life
Obstacles on the way so as not to get up!
You will always find support in your husband,
Yes, you will support him and understand! "We are witnesses of the birth of a family"
We are witnesses to the birth of a family
Happy wedding day, congratulations!
You are the best newlyweds we have,
There are no happier lovers in the world!
And let your eyes shine with joy
From now on you will always be together!
Take care of mutual understanding!
And sincerely you love each other! "Let in your life never ..."
May never in your life
Days like this won't repeat
Love is always supposed to
And get married only once! "Congratulations, congratulations"
Congratulations, congratulations
I'm young from the bottom of my heart!
I wish you happiness, joy
Two hundred years for you two
A bunch of cute kids
Kind, affectionate, big!
Both girls and boys
And all this for two! "You are both lucky!"
Today you can't be sad and gloomy
It should be light and light today!
And if [Name] marries [Name],
So you are both in luck! "Godfather"
I wish the godfather great happiness
Great love, real life,
No wonder you became a husband today!
Let there be a wedding - above all praise!
Let the guests remember her for a long time
I wish my godfather a lot of happiness
Let the alarms go around
And peace always reigns in the soul! "Grandson"
Blimey! My grandson got married!
How fast life goes like a dream -
He was recently born,
But he had already chosen a wife!
Life is good, but fleeting
You appreciate her together,
May your happiness be eternal!
Let the house be cozy! "Congratulations for a female colleague"
Happy wedding, colleague, I congratulate you!
You are the most beautiful bride!
May happiness never go away
So that in love you and your husband live together!
Rings are put on and eyes are burning
Great happiness, eternal love!
So may it always be so in your life,
This is just a preface beginning! "Congratulations for the godfather"
Happy wedding, godfather, congratulations!
Today everyone is happy for you,
And I wish you everything
What did you want to find now!
So that the house is flooded with children's laughter,
Try and love your wife!
Any interference will disappear -
Keeps the love of your family! "Congratulations for the grandson"
Happy wedding, grandson! Eyes are burning now
And happiness is an invisible tear
Slid down the cheek imperceptibly
Leaving a place for happiness in the soul!
So let it always be like this in your life:
If a tear is a happy one!
If adversity is only a side
Keep only love carefully!

Congratulations on the wedding to son from mom, dad

Son, become a worthy husband
And don't let us down.
Love your wife, grow up children,
Lead your family.
May our life be fleeting
And let the years go by
Hold your spouse by the hand
Today and forever.
We sincerely wish you
To live in harmony.
And the love that is now
Save forever.

Our beloved son, your wife
So young, beautiful and smart!
Love her and take care of her forever
She is your closest person!
May wisdom and patience help you,
May mutual attraction not pass.
Love won't grow cold with trouble
And let him live in your house forever!
Live in joy, in health ... And longer!
Give birth to our grandchildren more often and more.
Don't forget to honor your father and mother,
We will be looking forward to your visit!

Our dear son, you have become so mature, respectable,
independent. And today you are creating your family. We are proud of you and
we want to wish your young family prosperity, happiness and harmony.
Let your family life resemble a calm sailing,
bringing you a lot of pleasant impressions and emotions. Do not reproach
each other, always find a compromise, be not only a husband and
wife, but also best friends, and then your union will last for centuries!

I'll tell you, son, at the wedding
I wish you happiness
For good and for love
I bless you.
To be caring and kind
I was a husband for my wife,
So that in all family matters
Was important and needed.
So that, like swans, to each other
You have kept faithfulness,
To take care of each other
And they loved me all my life.

I am you, son,
Congratulations on your wedding
New family
I bless you for life.
In peace and harmony
I wish you to live
Respect each other
And keep love.
To go through life
You are shoulder to shoulder,
Your soul mate
We loved dearly.
Let over your house
The storks are circling
Children are brought to you,
Well, we have grandchildren.

Son, now you have become a husband -
Responsible position:
The head of the family, in the hands of the steering wheel,
An opportunity to float through life.
Let the storms, storms do not fear
And the waves don't scare
Peace and harmony reign in the heart,
It helps to be persistent.
Live together and in love,
Mutual understanding,
So that you can overcome everything,
Any tests.

My beloved adult son,
Today you created a family
And I want to wish you
Protect, keep your love.
Through the years, carry happiness
Give birth and raise children
Love each other in spite of
The harsh life of our days.

Congratulations, son! At a merry wedding
You are not a guest, but a groom!
You are serious even though you are young
And already achieved something!
Tomorrow morning you will wake up as a husband
Next to his beloved wife.
Let your union be strong, friendly.
Quarrels, quarrels - not a single one!
Take care of your spouse like a miracle
Like a gift that is given to you from above.
Don't get mad at petty quirks
Divide all cases in half.
Always be a caring and faithful husband,
A wonderful and loving father.
Invest love and soul in the family
Wear your ring with pride!

Dear beloved son,
Congratulations to you today.
And with all my love
I wish you happiness.
The wedding is wonderful
I wish to live for many years.
Always let the sun be bright
Shines a bright light!

Create a family, son,
The decision is not easy.
You were able to accept it,
Now there are two of you in life.
Your wife and you!
Live peacefully, brightly
Flowers for you today
And the gifts you need!

You have become a son, you are quite an adult,
You have your own family
Then be her protection
Take care of her loving.
So that you live richly
And the house was full of children,
For happiness to fall
To your family like a snowball.
Respect each other,
And you appreciate your spouse
Brought family life,
Only happy days.

Incredible pride with a touch of sadness is one of the many difficult emotions parents experience on their son's wedding day. This holiday marks the beginning of a new life for the newlyweds, they leave the parental nest to create their own family.

And the task of the parents is not only to let the chicks go, but also to make every effort to support the young married couple. Therefore, not only tears of happiness are shed from the parents at the wedding, but also the brightest congratulations.

The words with which the father and mother greet the groom at the new stage of life can be very different. Some congratulations from parents set themselves the goal of not only congratulating the lovers on this wonderful event, but also may contain teachings and advice. Congratulations to the wedding can be written in a postcard, attached to a gift, pronounced at a banquet, and also said as a toast.

Such honorable participants in the celebration, like parents, should not worry too much about congratulating their son on their wedding day - any of their words will be received with great attention and honor. Here you can express your wishes in your own words or prepare a congratulatory speech in advance and read it from a cheat sheet. If you choose the second option, this gives you some advantages, since you can prepare a beautiful congratulation in prose or in poetry, and this article will help you find the right words.

Below you will find such congratulations from mom and dad for your son at the wedding:

  • From the groom's parents.
  • Personal from mom:
    • Parting words.
    • Words of support.
  • Personal from dad.
  • Touching.
  • Merry.

In honor of lovers and their little family

A wedding is a celebration of the birth of a new family thanks to two other families, the bride and groom. With the greatest trepidation, young people expect congratulations from their parents and will look for words of approval and support in them. Of course, on this day you need to leave all your possible doubts and regrets and sincerely wish the children happiness.

From dad and mom, you can send a joint wish to your son. The young bride and groom are worthy of the warmest and brightest words, so their parents together wish them love, prosperity, mutual understanding and, of course, children. Take a look at how such lines look in poetry and in prose:

A mother, who has a respectable life experience behind her shoulders, can include advice for the newlyweds in her congratulations. After all, marriage is only the legalization of relations, but not a guarantee of their well-being. After the wedding, the spouses have a lot of work to do so as not to lose their love in the routine of their days. Therefore, as congratulations to the son from the mother, words of parting words may sound. Look for such congratulations on your wedding day below:

The immense love and care of a mother for her son often involuntarily becomes the cause of jealousy for her daughter-in-law, and a good relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is rather an exception to the general rule. An event such as a wedding causes a storm of conflicting emotions in the groom's mother.

On the one hand, mom is so proud of her son that she thinks there is no woman worthy of him. On the other hand, she cannot but support his choice, because supporting her child is the main task of a parent.

Tip the scales in favor of support, show the newly-married couple how happy you are that they found each other. On your son's wedding day, tell me how proud you are of him, be sure to emphasize the dignity of the bride - this will have a beneficial effect on your relationship with her. Congratulations to your beloved son for a wedding from a mother may look like this:

From the head of the family with experience, from the father, along with wishes for happiness, encouraging words of parting words are also needed on how to stand worthily at the helm of the family. Dad teaches to be faithful to his wife, to be her support and support. Congratulations to the son also express the father-in-law's readiness to help with advice or deed to the new family. Such beautiful lines can be written in a postcard, or you can pronounce it like a wedding toast:

Congratulations to the wedding are not complete without touching words, and parents devote the most sincere lines to their son on this day. On such a holiday, even the father-in-law is not ashamed to shed a man's tear, let alone the mother-in-law. Touching congratulations convey the difficult feelings of parents, their sincere joy for their son and the brightest wishes for the young. You can congratulate the groom at the wedding by dedicating a poem to him:

If you are not a fan of poetry, then below for you are collected soulful lines for a wedding in prose. They are especially good because they can be adjusted to your liking. Supplement them in your own words, remove unnecessary ones or make one from several wishes, choosing the most suitable words from them. Such congratulations will sound beautiful and original.

So that the young themselves do not become sad from touching speeches and parental tears, they can be amused with cool congratulations on the wedding. Such lines look more advantageous in rhyme, they are unusual and original, and they can also be used as a congratulatory toast. If you choose a short verse, then you can memorize it beforehand, and a long one can simply be read from the sheet. You can congratulate your son in a fun and original way on your wedding day like this:

It's great if you have found the perfect option for yourself, how to congratulate the groom, but if not, then you can always come up with your own. To express their feelings, it can be difficult for the most dear people to find the right words. Nevertheless, no one, except mom and dad, will be able to congratulate the newlyweds more sincerely and sincerely, and the young do not need anyone's blessing as much as parting words from their parents. Author: Yulia Bibik, sources:,,,,