Something interesting with your own hands made of paper. Colorful colored paper crafts

Is a cheap and very easy way to keep kids entertained for a while. In addition, such paper crafts perfectly develop the fine motor skills of the hands of children, teach them to act in stages, select colors and do something with their own hands.

All boys love cars and the more racing cars, cars, trucks and tractors each boy has, the better. Therefore, today we will show you how to make a racing car with your own hands, using cardboard, toilet paper rolls, as well as scissors and felt-tip pens.

The toilet paper sleeve can be pasted over with colored paper, or you can paint with felt-tip pens. Cut a hole about the middle between the two ends of the bushing, this will be the place for our rider.

Try to cut 4 circles out of cardboard, these will be wheels. Color them in with a black felt-tip pen. You can also cut and color the wheel circle for our racing car. Glue the wheels and steering wheel to the car, and inside you can put a little man. You can play with such a hand-made machine, and if you make a lot of cars, you can arrange fun competitions and other games.

How to make a paper car with your own hands in 3 minutes

For girls

For girls 7-8 years old, you can make an interesting type of craft out of paper - the crown of a real princess. Every girl wants to be a beautiful princess at least a little, so it is worth giving the baby that opportunity.

Small cardboard tubes are best for creating crowns; for this purpose, using toilet paper rolls should be fine. In addition, craft crowns will need to be decorated with something. To do this, you can use paper of different colors, original beads and much more, everything is limited only by your imagination.

Crowns from toilet paper rolls should be carefully cut. You can use scissors to cut out the most ordinary crown with pointed peaks, or you can cut a circle at the end of each peak, so the crown will look more interesting. These will need to be painted in different colors and an elastic band should be attached to the base of each crown made of toilet paper rolls.

It is necessary to decorate such crafts with the help of girls. For children aged 7-8 years, it is important to do everything on their own and with their own hands, so show the little ones general decoration schemes, help them, and they will do the rest themselves.

Modular origami crown assembly diagram

Paper flowers

The most beautiful and lightest paper flowers are made from corrugated paper. Such crafts will greatly delight children of 7-8 years old, since with the help of corrugated paper, glue, scissors, a stapler, colored paper and a satin ribbon, you can make a beautiful decoration for a room or a gift.

To make it possible for you to make many beautiful flowers from colored corrugated paper, you can arrange a master class for several children 7-8 years old, so you show the children the templates for creating flowers with their own hands and you can make not one, but 3-4 crafts.

So, how to make beautiful voluminous flowers with your own hands using scissors and corrugated paper:

  1. Cut 12 circles of the same diameter from corrugated paper.
  2. Place each cut out circle on top of another and fold them like this in one pile.
  3. Use a cross stapler to fix the middle.
  4. Now, using scissors, start making cuts along the edges of the circles, be sure to leave room for the middle.
  5. Cut a circle out of colored paper, which will be our middle.
  6. Now you can fluff the edges of the resulting flowers and attach a satin ribbon to the flower to hang it in the room or on the panel.

Postcard for grandmother and mom / DIY paper crafts

Master class with photo

Children make amazing and original crafts in the form of a mosaic applique from colored paper. It is quite possible to use corrugated paper of different colors for application.

Ask the children to draw on a blank piece of paper the outline of a fish, bunny or flower, which they will make in the form of an applique mosaic. Prepare strips of bright, possibly corrugated paper, which we will cut with scissors into squares for applique. Try to cut the squares correctly, only then the DIY applications will be neat and even.

For children, it will be better to choose a glue stick that can help to stick the appliques quickly and without problems. Begin glueing the applique squares, trying not to go beyond the outline. For children, it will not be difficult to cope with such a task, and the applications will be cute and neat.

Bulk crafts

Very cute volumetric crafts are obtained if children of 7-8 years old are interested in the origami technique. For example, you can try to make butterflies, it will be very simple and interesting. It can be folded even from corrugated colored paper, while the schemes will be very light and original:

  1. First, we make a module, for this we fold a piece of paper in half.
  2. Turn over and fold the leaf in half again.
  3. After that, we bend the corners to the middle.
  4. we turn the workpiece over and bend the small corners up, after which we bend its entire lower edge up.
  5. Bend it in half again and the module is ready.

To make a butterfly, you need to make a large number of modules that will form the body and wings of an origami butterfly. At the initial stage, you need to correctly form the body of the butterfly from the modules, if everything works out correctly, then wings will need to be attached to the extreme modules. In fact, it is not necessary to adhere to the exact assembly scheme, it is quite possible to fantasize and apply different original steps to make your origami unique and cutest.

Modular origami butterfly assembly diagram


Animals are the favorites of absolutely all children, so we will try to make animal applications using toilet paper sleeves. First you need to choose which animal you will make. For example, you can choose a tiger, elephant or hippo.

You can print one of the paths on a leaf and cut it out with scissors. Children should be able to do everything with their own hands, so let them work with the templates completely on their own.

After cutting out the animals, bend them in the same way as shown in the picture. Be sure to bend the head of the animal along the dotted lines, so it will rise and will be positioned in relation to the body correctly.

Under the body of the animal, after it is bent along the lines, you will need to start gluing the toilet paper sleeves. Using a toilet paper tube will help thicken the animal's body. This makes very original toys.

To make the toy heavier and not fall from the wind, you can print the image on cardboard, and the toilet paper tube will need to be filled with the same toilet paper. You can decorate the toy with a corrugated paper bow, which is easy to make from a rectangle folded like an accordion and tied with thread.

As you can see, a wide variety of applications and crafts made from bright, corrugated and even toilet paper will help you keep your child busy for a long time, and it will cost you mere pennies.

Summer vacation is the time to create beauty. Colored paper is an endless field for creativity. So why not decorate the house with colorful paper masterpieces, or maybe you want to surprise your mom with an unexpected surprise?

I have prepared for you schemes for the manufacture of products from colored paper for children for any taste: from the simplest to the most sophisticated and sophisticated.

Summer paper lawn

Summer is the sun, flowers, butterflies, bugs and fish, unique beauty around, lightness and airiness in everything. Let's let's make bright summer crafts from colored paper for preschoolers and we will enjoy the beauty of nature not only on the street, but also at home.

You will need: colored paper and cardboard, serpentine, scissors, glue, scotch tape.

I propose to make colorful fish, a bunny, a cockerel and other children's paper crafts... It's very easy! And you will find hints in the pictures. Merry creativity!

A yellow circle made of colored paper was pasted on cardboard and cut out along the contour. So the sun will be stronger and more durable. Glue serpentine rays to the back of the sun (can be replaced with strips of paper). Using scotch tape, glue the sun to a cardboard stick.

Diagram of making fish from colored paper

Cut out the details of the fish according to the template. Make loops from strips of paper and glue scales to the fish. Stick your head. Flip the fish and glue the serpentine tail.

Templates for making bunny, fish, sun and butterfly

And here's what the finished crafts will look like:

Making a cockerel and a dragonfly out of colored paper

To make a rooster and a dragonfly out of colored paper, first cut out the details of the patterns.

Cut the parts into strips in the right places, make loops out of them. Glue to the main details. The cockerel will need to glue the wing and tail, and the dragonfly will only need the wings. When the crafts are ready, glue them to the cardboard base.

Look at what wonderful crafts you and I have made!

Animals made of colored paper

These crafts will certainly appeal to children of primary school age or kindergarten students. "Why?" - You will ask. Because it's easy to make them!

Print templates on white or colored paper, cut out your favorite animal, bend in the right places, and go ahead - play with the pets of your own zoo.




Dinosaur. Grrrr!



Colored paper toys

Oh, how cute they are! These colored paper toys will delight anyone. Rather, rather make exclusive crafts and delight loved ones with small gifts!

Glue a large cone along the white line. Fringe at the bottom of the cone (cuts along the black lines). Put the small cone on the large one, also cutting along the lines.

Inside the large cone, glue the legs along white stripes, the head is on top, and the little hands on the sides. Round the antennae about the edge of the table and glue it to the bee. That's all!

Paper crow

Print and cut out the template details.

Good girl! Now glue the cone. Cut the template tails along the black lines and glue to the cone. First blue, then red.

Lightly grease the wings with glue at the base and glue to the body. First - burgundy, and then - yellow-red.

Glue your eyes, but only halfway. This will make them look more realistic. And finally, add bangs and glue the legs, having previously bent them in the right places.

Sly paper chanterelle

Cut out the necessary parts and start assembling the toy.

Glue the cone, leaving a small hole at the bottom. Glue the nose (inside the cone) and the mustache. And now, observing symmetry, glue the eyes, paws and ears of the fox. There is nothing left - to glue and attach the tail to the bottom of the cone and tie it with a thread to the top of the cone so that it sticks up.

Look for even more interesting children's crafts made of colored paper here:

Summary: DIY paper crafts for children. How to make a paper craft with your child. Children's craft from colored paper.

Paper is the most affordable material for doing creative work with children, which is why paper crafts are so popular. In this article, we will tell you about the most interesting paper crafts for children. When making paper crafts with their own hands, the child learns to work with scissors, develops fine motor skills, accuracy, patience. Working with glue also requires certain skills from the baby. Not always everything turns out the first time as beautifully and neatly as we would like. We tried to select for you only those paper crafts that children can handle on their own or with a little help from adults.

1. Crafts from paper. DIY paper crafts

We will start with the simplest paper crafts that even small children can make. By the age of 4, most children already know how to cut simple shapes from paper with scissors. To make a do-it-yourself paper craft, the kid must cut out several strips of paper of the same width. The head of the hare is made of a strip of paper glued together with a ring. The ears are glued on top separately. To make the legs, you need to make small cuts on both sides on the strip that is intended for the body. The finished paper craft should be glued onto a strip of green paper - "grass".

Swirl birds. Also a very simple paper craft for children. The bird's body and head are made of strips of colored paper of the same width, but different lengths. Each strip of paper is glued with a ring, after which the rings are inserted into each other and glued together in one place. Even a small child can make such a paper craft for children.

Here is another version of a similar craft made from colored paper. These birds have twisted their tails by winding them around a pencil. For detailed instructions on how to make this paper craft, see the link.

Craft from colored paper "Lion". This cute, multi-colored lion is also made of strips of colored paper, curled with a pencil.

Similarly, you can make a paper beard for Santa Claus.

3. How to make a paper craft. Kids paper crafts

Separately, I would like to talk about the colors made from strips of paper. As in the previous crafts, instruct your child to cut strips of paper. A 3-4-year-old kid can easily cope with this task. After that, help him cut out the centers of the flowers and stems with leaves. First, glue each strip of paper separately in the form of a "loop" (these will be the petals of the future flower). Then, in the correct sequence, glue all the details of the applique onto the cardboard base.

4. Crafts from paper. Weaving paper

Weaving is one of the most ancient forms of art. With its help, you can do a lot of useful things: bookmarks for books, rugs, baskets, etc. In addition, paper weaving fosters perseverance, accuracy, patience, develops attention, eyes, and coordination of movements. There are several types of paper weaving. In this article we will tell you about the simplest, and therefore the most popular type of weaving - straight paper weaving.

To make a paper craft "Rug" you will need:

Two sheets of colored paper in contrasting colors
- ruler, pencil, scissors, glue

On the back of the sheet, you need to make a markup, which is applied with a pencil using a ruler. To do this, you need to retreat from the edge on all sides by 1 cm - this will be a border. Draw horizontal lines every 1-1.5 cm. Fold the base in width (length) with the front side inward and make cuts along the marking lines to the border, unfold the workpiece.

Cut strips of a different color (the width of the strips is equal to the distance between the cuts).

Start weaving from the seamy side into the 1st strip: the strip, like a duck, emerged, hid, etc. Glue the tip of the strip from the wrong side.

In this technique, you can make many unusual paper crafts. Here are examples of just a few of them.

Prepared by: Anna Ponomarenko

Such volumetric figures can be made in any shape, they can be multi-colored, they can be decorated with beads or lace and make a beautiful inscription. In such an unusual box, you can store jewelry or all sorts of women's little things.

Many fathers and mothers are interested in the question of how to explain this or that question to a child in the most accessible way. When a child grows up, it is time to explain complex geometric shapes to him - a cube, a sphere, etc. It is much easier to show these figures to a child. To give the child three-dimensional models of geometric shapes, they need to be made of something.

The most convenient and simple to execute is an origami-style paper craft.

There are many different shapes that people have learned to make out of paper and not necessarily geometric. These can be voluminous hearts that you can use as decorations for Valentine's Day or stars that will complement the decor in the nursery.

Volumetric figures from paper: schemes of geometric shapes

Creating volumetric geometric shapes is not only fun, but also rewarding. The child learns to think spatially, which is very necessary.

The easiest way to make a three-dimensional geometric figure is to print templates and cut along the dotted line, then glue them according to the instructions.

But you can also make such shapes yourself. To do this, you will need: cardboard, colored or white paper, a pencil, a ruler, scissors and glue.

How to make a paper cube:

  1. On a sheet, draw 4 identical squares in a row with 4 cm sides in a row.
  2. From the second square, draw up and down along an identical square. You should get a pattern of 6 squares in the form of a cross.
  3. On the protruding squares, draw trapezoidal valves (no more than 0.7 cm wide).
  4. The cut template is a future reference for working with cardboard or other thick paper.
  5. Bend the figure along the drawn lines, smear the small trapezoid valves with glue and connect all sides together.

If desired, each side of the cube can be pasted over with colored paper. And if one side with the valve is not fixed with glue, you get a small box that can be used as a gift wrapping.

Amusing volumetric paper animals: toys for toddlers

Children love to cut, glue, draw - such activities broaden the child's horizons, develop attentiveness and perseverance. Using ready-made schemes on the Internet or in creative magazines, schoolchildren can create different animal figures.

Gluing three-dimensional shapes is quite simple:

  1. Having chosen the desired animal, you need to print the diagram.
  2. Cut out the parts according to the template, making a small margin for gluing.
  3. Make bends along the line and glue the figure.

You can make light crafts yourself. Bear, fox, dog, cat, bee - all these animals will be made using the same technology.

Whatever craft you do, you need to let it dry completely. Handling wet glue with your hand can leave dirty prints on the paper.

To create a simple craft, you will need white and green paper, scissors, and glue.

DIY little bunny toy:

  • Two strips 3 cm wide and 10 and 7 cm long;
  • Two semicircles in the form of ears;
  • Two eyes (blanks);
  • Freeform green sheet of paper for the "grass".

Roll the strips and glue the ends together. You should get two wide rings. On a green piece of grass, glue a larger ring - the body of a bunny, glue the head on it. Attach the ears evenly to the back of the head. Draw or glue ready-made eyes, make a mouth - the bunny is ready.

DIY volumetric paintings from toilet paper: master class

Any creative work is inextricably linked with extraordinary thinking. Crafts from improvised means help both the child and the adult to look at these things from a different angle.

Three-dimensional pictures of toilet paper are not very well known in ordinary circles. But where there is a place for creative thinking, there is always something new and interesting.

To create a painting you will need:

  • Toilet paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • Thick cardboard;
  • Gouache;
  • Brushes 2-3 pcs. different sizes;
  • Acrylic varnish;
  • Container for glue;
  • Pencil.

The appearance of the paper also depends on the way you work with paper. Before gluing the paper to the cardboard, you need to soak it well.

How to make a three-dimensional painting from toilet paper:

  1. It is better to cover the cardboard with one or more layers of soaked paper. To do this, apply a thin and even layer of PVA glue on the cardboard and then attach a tape of paper. After drying, we have a ready-made basis for the picture.
  2. We will draw a tree.
  3. Collect glue in a bowl, dilute a little with water.
  4. To create a tree trunk, the most convenient way will be to twist the soaked paper into a spiral. Lay it out according to the pattern of the tree trunk and its branches.
  5. To create the leaves of a tree, you can use many small pieces of paper overlapping. Twist small pieces into paper lumps, soak in glue and lay out according to the template. This will give the tree volume and, of course, make the picture clearer due to the difference in textures.

The finished picture can be inserted into a regular wooden frame without glass.

The painting should be painted over on dried paper.

It is better to use gouache for coloring. Regular watercolor paint will not sit on the paper and will show through. For paint, use a high-quality brush that will not disintegrate.

DIY original volumetric paper birds: origami diagrams

With a little practice, you can create complex and interesting volumetric shapes from paper with your own hands. You need to start with the simplest shapes that can be printed on a printer, cut and glued.

The origami technique is not as easy as folding with a ready-made template, but it is quite interesting. It happens without cutting.

This work with origami involves the use of a square sheet of paper, which must be cut out first.

Do-it-yourself voluminous owl: working with paper

  1. We bend a sheet of paper 40x40 cm diagonally, unbend and bend along the second diagonal.
  2. We turn the sheet with bends upwards and bend it in half "towards ourselves".
  3. Unbend and bend again in half from left to right. We fold the sheet along these folds into a square and put it in front of us in the form of a rhombus.
  4. Bend the bottom edges to the center, forming two triangles. Bend the upper triangle and unbend it back.
  5. Extend the side triangles and open the bottom corner. Turn the craft over and also reveal the bottom corner.
  6. We fold the upper half of the upper layer in half "towards ourselves".
  7. Bend the top half of the second layer back in the same way.
  8. Bend the side edges of the top layer, forming 2 triangles. Bend the bottom layer back in the same way.
  9. Roll the right half of the top layer in half to the left. Turn over, repeat the action.
  10. At the same time, we unfold the left half to the right and pull the lower part up - we get a wing.
  11. We bend the left half to the right - onto the wing, and move the back half to the front. We make the second wing identical to the first.
  12. Bend the top corner down to form the head. We turn the product over.
  13. We cut the corners on the sides, raise the formed triangles up. We turn over.
  14. In the lower corner we make an incision, from the upper layer we bend the triangles to the side - the legs of an owl. Your bird is ready!

The owl will turn out to be white, you can decorate it. For drawing, take watercolors, gouache or a regular felt-tip pen.

Volumetric paper applique: patterns and pictures from wads of paper

It is also interesting to be creative with small children. For kids, this type of needlework is very popular, such as creating paintings from lumps of colored paper. This work is quite easy, but painstaking at the same time, because you have to work with small pieces of paper.

Working with paper balls we develop the motor skills of the fingers, which determines the development of the baby's speech and his further mental development.

For work we need - colored cardboard, thin colored paper (ideally napkins), glue, pencil.

When working, it is important not to forget about the alternation of colors, because the picture should be bright and colorful.

Before you start creating a picture, you need to draw simple figurines of toys on a sheet of cardboard. It can be a doll, a car, a butterfly, or a whole house.

To make a picture out of lumps, you need to cut a napkin into many small squares. Crumple each piece with your hands, dip in glue and apply to the picture, forming a three-dimensional picture.

Simple voluminous paper crafts for children: how to surprise a child

Cold winter evenings will help while away the creative work with your children. Every kid wants to have toy furniture that can be made from plain paper and cardboard.

Armed with a good mood, you need to connect your imagination. Take a couple of sheets of cardboard, scissors, glue, a plastic bottle, paint and lace tape - using these simple things, you can create a beautiful table for a doll.

Diy doll table:

  1. Prepare materials. Cut off part of the bottle from the neck of 12-15 centimeters. Cut 2 ovals out of cardboard - the future shape of the table.
  2. Stick 1 oval on the neck of the bottle. Paint the bottle in any color, wait until it dries.
  3. Glue the openwork on the rim of the oval and glue the 2nd oval on top.

The finished table can be decorated with beads and flowers and used as a decoration.

In addition to the table, you can make a whole set of furniture - chairs, bed, armchair. If you can't draw the details by hand, you can find ready-made diagrams on the Internet. It is very easy to cut various volumetric crafts on them.

Master class: voluminous paper crafts (video)

Looking at these crafts, it's hard to believe that everything can be done with your own hands from the simplest paper material. Kids can make light applications, and older children will be interested in voluminous crafts that will be a good gift for any occasion. The main thing in this work is accuracy and perseverance, only then all the crafts will turn out to be beautiful and interesting.

Do-it-yourself voluminous paper crafts can create absolutely everything, the main thing is to make efforts, efforts and you will succeed. Together with your child, you can try to make beautiful volumetric crafts from colored paper with your own hands. It doesn't matter if the child is still young or he is in 4th grade, the main thing is to interest him, and then you will have fun together. It's difficult to figure out on your own how to make animals or other heroes out of cardboard, so you can look at ready-made templates and diagrams on the network, gain knowledge, download diagrams of voluminous paper crafts with your own hands, and do everything quickly and accurately.

What are these templates?

Do-it-yourself volumetric paper crafts can be made from ready-made templates and diagrams. There are a huge number of them on the net. They allow you to create the best volumetric crafts, toys, animals, heroes, models without difficulty. Both an adult and a child can cope with templates and diagrams: it doesn't matter if he is in 4th grade or he is just a couple of years old. Kids love to be creative, toys and animals, so why not do something fun together? On the network you will find not only templates and diagrams, but also various videos and photo instructions, where it is described in detail how to make certain voluminous paper crafts.

Craft template

To create beautiful volumetric crafts from paper, cardboard, you do not need to invent anything, you just need to download the schemes you like, print a photo on a printer, cut and glue it. It won't take long, but you will end up with a beautiful piece.

Is it possible to make templates for voluminous paper crafts with your own hands?

Scheme "Volumetric Cinderella"

If you cannot print the template, then you can make one. It only takes a little time and the following materials:

  • Cardboard;
  • Colored paper;
  • Good glue;
  • Pencil and ruler;
  • Markers, paints.

If you cannot download and print the template, then you can easily redraw it on paper. You just need to carefully measure all the parameters on the template (usually everything is indicated in centimeters) and draw the same on a piece of paper. Then color the template as you like and cut out all the details. Then glue the parts together in the correct order and you will have a three-dimensional figure.

What templates will kids especially like?

Many kids love cartoons and animated series like Adventure Time. Children will once again make together with their parents the main characters of the cartoon: Finn, Marceline, Jake, BIMO and Princess Pupyrka.

Download templates for all the heroes, they are available on the Internet for free, print them (if you have the opportunity) and use a mock knife to cut the model of each character strictly along solid lines.

As soon as the models are cut out, start gluing everything together, you should not have any difficulties in this matter (the fold lines are marked with a dotted line).

As soon as you glue all the voluminous crafts of the heroes of "Adventure Time", your child can have fun playing with your favorite characters. You just have to wait for the appearance of new templates so that the child can have the entire series of characters from the animated series. You can find schemes and templates for voluminous paper crafts on the Internet.

Beautiful paper decorations

Do you want to decorate your house in a special way for the holidays? Then, together with your children, you can make beautiful volumetric crafts in the form of openwork balls from colored cardboard and paper.

The balls can be made bright and beautiful, you just need to cut out details from paper of different colors. As a result, you will get colorful, bright volumetric crafts that will liven up the room, add color and decorate it. You can find all the necessary schemes for volumetric paper crafts right now.