What to give an active child for 2 years. Knorr Peter - Books to look at. Stuffed Toys. Which to choose

Having received an invitation for a birthday for a two-year-old baby, be prepared to be visiting a real fidget. At this age, birthday people are unrestrainedly active and the holiday will be appropriate. Presents are also required to match. A gift for a child for 2 years should correspond to his mobility and incipient creative ambitions.

You will be surprised to interact with a two-year-old child. He still does not really speak, but the character shows in full force. “I AM YOURSELF!” - he says or shows quite confidently. Such a child, as a rule, asks for a potty and even takes part in choosing an outfit for a walk.

The birthday boy wants movement and creative victories

It's just a whirlwind: the child has learned to walk, run and jump well, so he practically does not sit still. Keep in mind: parents will be happy if you guess right with the present for their two-year-old child and present “something” that will channel the raging energy into a peaceful direction.

Gifts for the development of imagination ...

Two years is a good time to acquire new knowledge. The kid absorbs everything like a sponge. If the rule is to deal with the child, then during this period you can lay in him a powerful creative potential. And he is ready for this not only psychologically, but also physically. For example, she already knows how to hold pencils correctly, makes the first figures out of dough, and builds sand "pies". So, equipment for creative activities is a worthy gift for a 2-year-old child.

... for outdoor games and intelligence

Plus, children during this period are already making attempts to communicate with their peers. On the playground, he participates in outdoor games. By the way, inventory can also be a birthday present for them.

Particular attention is paid to the development of the child's fine motor skills, since this is directly related to the development of the child's intelligence and speech. Therefore, toys that require the feasible participation of the fingers will also be welcome in the birthday boy's family.

It is better if the gift for the child stays relevant longer. Here, keep in mind that from two to three years is a period of "repeats". The child imitates gestures, speaks in phrases. So, elements of a role-playing game appear. For speech to develop, it is important to read fairy tales. The game library has a place for a designer, plasticine, paints and a simple puzzle.

List of useful biennial gifts

Of course, what to give a child at 2 years old also depends on the individual characteristics of the baby. At this age, there are already favorite cartoons, fairy tales, even a set of hobbies. Therefore, for example, you can order a personalized video greeting from your favorite hero. Now there are special studios that, according to reviews, make such videos very well.

If a girl is interested in her mother’s wardrobe, she will like a paper doll with a set of clothes and Velcro shoes. By the way, you can even make such a beauty with your own hands. The boy who follows his dad into the garage with his tail will be delighted with the toy car park.

Ten universal ideas

Of course, if the invitation caught you by surprise, and there is simply no time to choose with prejudice, you can donate money. Or clothes, shoes. It's practical, but boring. Yes, and the baby is unlikely to appreciate. Therefore, take note of the list of inexpensive, useful and versatile gifts that will surely delight two-year-olds. And both boys and girls.

  1. Sports Equipment. It can be balls of various sizes, skittles, jump ropes. If there is a place in the nursery, the child will be glad to see the wall bars appear. You can buy a small children's sports complex with a slide, rope ladder, rings and rungs. Such a gift will be a little more expensive, but you can combine financial efforts with other guests. For example, it can be a joint "project" from godparents.
  2. Finger mazes and lacing toys. They are mainly made of wood in the form of animals, birds, vegetables and fruits. Moving the beads along the strings and springs, braiding ribbons, the child develops fine motor skills and imagination.
  3. Sets for modeling and drawing. In this category, just choose. Good old pencils, albums, watercolors, brushes, crayons, drawing paper will be useful. As an option - an easel, a board for arts or finger paints popular today for creativity with palms. There is also an original idea - aquacultures for painting with water: the image disappears as it dries and the baby can create over and over again. You can also buy plasticine, or its improved version - children's modeling clay.
  4. Kinetic or moon sand. These are mixtures for playing and developing a baby at home. The advantage of such sand is that it does not crumble, does not leave stains, does not stick to the palms and keeps its shape well. Together with sand, it is better to buy a set of molds for modeling in such a table sandbox. So the kid will be able to make sand figures, numbers, letters himself, which means he will play and learn.
  5. House made of cardboard. The kid will not only settle in it, but also decorate it to his taste. The fact is that such models are sold without a print. It is assumed that the little artist will paint the house himself. The young newcomer will be able to receive guests: two or three children under the age of seven can be accommodated inside at the same time.
  6. Sets for role-playing games. For example, "Shop" or "Little Doctor", "Food Slicing", "Beauty Salon", "Tools". Much depends on the gender of the child and his interests.
  7. Constructor or mosaic. The main condition is for the blocks and elements to be large. Children will not be able to assemble many small parts yet. And in a mosaic, you do not need to choose an overly complex pattern. Such toys bring up perseverance, develops logic and imagination.
  8. Kick scooter. It is both a means of entertainment and a kind of sports trainer. For two-year-olds, it is better to take a three-wheeled model.
  9. Books. It can be both the most common fairy tales and children's educational literature-panorama with three-dimensional pictures. An interesting option is also animated books: characters move when turning the pages.
  10. Trampoline. The child will definitely be delighted with such gymnastics equipment. But parents may have objections - it is necessary to consult.

This list can be taken as a basis for other special occasions. For example, on its basis, pick up a gift for a child at 2 years old for the New Year. The main thing is that the goods meet the safety requirements for children's products. If you have a small gift budget, buy a simple but high quality product. A cheap fake of expensive brands will quickly fail and may even cripple a child.

By the way, not only guests are puzzling over what can be given to a child at 2 years old. The kid is waiting for a surprise from the parents the most. So you will buy things and toys for your baby. But the time spent together in an unusual atmosphere will be a real magic for your child. Circus, water park, dolphinarium, puppet theater - there are a lot of options.


Very soon, all our sweet august will have a birthday! The question arises: what to give a baby for 2 years old?

To make it easier for parents to decide on a gift for the birthday boy and the answers to the question: "What to give you?" Let's try together to make a list of gifts that a 2-year-old child needs!
A gift for a child should be special. Moreover, if we are talking about the age of 2 years. It is necessary to take into account that the child is experiencing rapid development, and besides, soon, namely at 3 years old, the child's first crisis age will come. The gift should please him and contribute to his development. Let's think about what it might be.
Sets of role-playing games.
A thematic set will be a good gift. This could be Kitchen, Hairdresser, Tools, Shop, etc. The choice of such a toy will be prompted by the hobbies of the crumbs.
A set of animals (wild, domestic).
By playing with them, you can teach the kid to sound the voices of animals, talk about their cubs, their habitat (where they live), what they eat.
This is an exciting game that will teach your kid how to put objects on the background, combine holes, lace up shoes, and the child will acquire design skills. The choice of lacing is great. This is a button with a "needle", where the task of the crumbs is to push the lace into the hole and pull it out from the back. And plot: we lace up the missing details to the unfinished picture (a hedgehog - a leaf; a house - windows, a roof; a Christmas tree - toys). Such a game will teach your child to be attentive, accurate, and will be a good material for the development of motor skills and speech.
This is a multifaceted game that contributes to the formation of a creative vision of the world in a child, teaches him to work according to certain rules. For children under three years old, it is recommended to buy a mosaic with large chips that are comfortable to hold in their hand. There is a mosaic set that consists of multi-colored studs with hemisphere hats and a rectangular white field. Such parts are easy to attach and easily removed from the field. There is a mosaic in which parts are connected to each other by slots and protrusions. Such chips can be laid out on any horizontal surface: floor, table. By connecting them together, the baby can build a path, a house, a sun and other interesting compositions.
Beginner players need pictures cut in straight lines. The number of pieces in such a puzzle should be no more than four. When choosing puzzles for your little one, pay attention to the pictures, which should be understandable and recognizable. Start the game with the simplest images - a house, a car, a butterfly. Assembling a car from parts, the child develops visual-figurative thinking, forms a holistic idea of ​​the subject.
The first board games.
Board games include lotto, where you need to match the same pairs of cards. With the help of this game, the baby in a playful way gets to know the world around him: he learns the names of fruits, vegetables, geometric shapes, etc. There is also themed board games. Usually they are large cardboard cards, divided into two pieces using the Puzzle technology. Each element with the image of objects has its own pair, which must be found. These are the sets "Whose house", "Professions", "Who is whose cub", "Clothes", etc. Board games develop the child's memory, thinking and observation.
you should stop your attention on a thematic set consisting of large parts. Since the elements of the story game prevail in the play of children of 2-3 years old, with the help of the constructor, the child will be able to build a house for a doll, a road for a car, a garage. Building block constructors are also popular. They help the baby to develop imagination, perseverance, creative thinking, as well as motor skills.
you can choose at your own discretion. But it is better for a novice sculptor to purchase a sculpting mass or salted dough, since they do not get hands dirty, they do not need to be "warmed up" and it is easy for the kid to sculpt. Teach your baby to pinch off pieces, roll balls and flatten them with your finger, roll sausages, and later make simple figures. Games with plasticine develop the child's sensorimotor skills, improve coordination of movements, develop thinking and imagination.
Easel, sketchbooks and coloring books.
They are usually given along with paints and crayons. Drawing develops imaginative thinking and imagination. Do not be upset if a child works with coloring in a peculiar way, for example, paints a sheet in solid, as if not seeing the outline - these are the features of perception at this age. The contour for a two-year-old is not a limiter, but a base on which he applies his images. Most artists will only learn to use coloring for their intended purpose after three years.
It is preferable to have copies made of thick cardboard, since two-year-olds love to tear paper into small pieces. The book should be with bright pictures and a small amount of text (with easy-to-understand fairy tales and verses). Two-year-olds love to listen to descriptions of pictures, and in multiple repetitions. Later, they will begin to be more interested in the content, but the time will come, they will read the text on their own. Thus, a book donated at 2 years old will serve for a long time.
Toy sets of vegetables and fruits.
Used for teaching and playing purposes. With the help of the mother, the child will learn to recognize vegetables and fruits, tell what taste is inherent in each of them, and practice determining the color and shape. In the future, it is possible to use sets in story games.
Children's musical instruments.
Guitars and pianos, accordions, drums, trumpets and rattles diversify the child's leisure time, expand his ideas about sounds. Musical toys are best presented with parental consent.
Discs with cartoons.
You can give it if the parents are not against the early introduction of the child to the blue screen. "Good" cartoons are recommended, for example, "Luntik", "Chuggington Engines". Dosed showing of cartoons allows the child to expand vocabulary, has educational value, and brings the child positive emotions.
Of course, this is an irreplaceable gift for girls. A doll and a sea of ​​various accessories for them: strollers, clothes, a set for feeding / bathing / changing, etc.
Toy transport.
The very boy's gift. Cars, planes, boats of all sizes and colors. Themed transport is becoming relevant: trucks, tractors, ambulances, police cars, excavators, etc.

What ideas do you have?


For boys

Tent or wigwam

By the age of two, the child becomes more independent, he will be pleased with a small house for solitude and games. Choose the safest and lightest tent possible: your child may tip over or become entangled in the fabric. Choose the size and shape of the house depending on the size of the room: compact square, wigwam or with a tunnel.

The most stylish option is a wigwam, the smallest is a bright inflatable house, and the most popular is a polyester frame tent. The kid will appreciate it if plastic balls are poured into the bottom of his cave. You will get both a house and a dry pool at the same time. True, you will have to collect balls throughout the apartment.

Benefit: trains self-reliance, suitable for teaching role play.
average price: 2,000 rubles.


Ride the child before buying on a real train and it will be even more interesting for him to build a small copy of the railway. For this age, the simplest design without small parts is suitable. In a year, the baby will get comfortable with the toy and it will need to be complicated. Therefore, choose a model with the ability to purchase additional rails, tunnels, bridges, carriages, houses and people. In this regard, wooden roads are more convenient, since they are most often compatible with elements from other manufacturers.

The train can run on batteries: this is a more entertaining option, but it has fewer options to play. It is more useful and more fun to let the kid roll the wagons on the rails himself and feel like a real machinist.

Benefit: trains fine motor skills, dexterity, coordination, spatial thinking.
average price: 1,500 rubles.

Book with stickers

At two years old, children develop a passion for stickers and this should be taken advantage of. Such books consist of several spreads with pictures and separate sheets of labels. Stickers are glued to pictures, complementing the composition in meaning.

Choose books for your child on his favorite topic: about cars, wild animals or fairy-tale characters. It is profitable to buy reusable stickers, they can be re-glued from place to place several times. At first, the baby will be very crooked. Keep yourself in control and do not alter, he will soon learn to work accurately and accurately.

Benefit: trains fine motor skills, logic and coordination of movements.
average price: 100 rubles.


A two-year-old is slowly getting out of a stroller and trying to get onto a scooter or balance bike. For the warm season, no better transport has yet been invented. For "winter" guys, a normal tricycle with pedals and without any parental handles will be a great alternative. So big - compact, low-speed and easy to drive. All this will allow you to ride it right along the corridor and rooms, even if there is not a lot of space.

During the winter, the child will learn to pedal, get stronger and be ready for street pokatushki. Choose the lightest and most durable model, and check if there are mirrored doors and floor vases in the apartment - accidents are inevitable.

Benefit: trains dexterity and coordination, gives self-confidence.
average price: 1,500 rubles.


Having decided to donate a constructor, keep in mind one caveat: it will be difficult to stop. So you give your kid one small box with bright bricks, then the second, then the tenth - and suddenly he becomes the happy owner of five kilograms of expensive plastic. Therefore, if you are not ready for the enslavement of the apartment by the designers, then you should not even start.

Now about the pros: the boys are crazy about these collapsible structures and are ready to play in them all day, the designers seriously develop their brains and can replace a whole park of toys. For kids, choose constructors with large and durable parts made of plastic, soft polymer or natural wood. Usually, the box contains the recommended age for players, use these numbers as a guide.

Benefit: Brilliantly trains fine motor skills, spatial reasoning and imagination.
average price: 700 rubles.



Popular peepers come from Germany. The name comes from the verb "wimmeln", which translates as "swarm, swarm, crowd". These are colorful publications without text, with carefully traced illustrations, rich details and characters. For example, one of these books depicts a quiet European town, whose inhabitants celebrate holidays, walk with children, and meet friends. Amusing incidents and little troubles happen to the heroes - everything is like in life.

Wimmelbuch will be interesting for several years: the kid is shown large details and simple scenes, an older person will happily find his favorite characters and come up with stories about them. In addition, these album books are remarkably beautiful and will decorate any home library.

Benefit: trains perseverance, attention, develops speech and cognitive abilities.
average price: 700 rubles.


A strategically correct gift for young wallpaper artists, that is, for all two-year-olds. Choose a double-sided easel: it takes up the same amount of space and is twice as useful. One side of the board is for crayons or paints, the other is for markers or magnets. It is convenient when a roll of paper can be fixed on top of the easel.

Also pay attention to the height of the child and the height of the machine, the child should be comfortable drawing while standing. Together with the easel, it is good to give new paints, brushes and crayons so that the kid can immediately start creating.

Benefit: trains fine motor skills, introduces colors, stimulates imagination.
Average price: 1,500 rubles.

Kid's Kitchen

Already at two years old, a children's kitchen can become a favorite entertainment for a little girl, even despite the standard age restriction of a toy “from three years old”. To check the baby's readiness for culinary experiments, take her to the children's store or visit the owner of the toy. You will immediately see interest or lack thereof.

Kitchens can be wooden or plastic, with sounds and lighting or without special effects, with dishes and household appliances, or inexpensive basic models. Choose a toy without small parts and strong enough so that if accidentally dropped, it will not injure the child or break itself. Please note that you need enough space to play the chef, so be sure to check the gift with your parents.

Benefit: trains fine motor skills, stimulates imagination, suitable for teaching role-playing games.
average price: 6,000 rubles.

Kinetic Sand Sandbox

Kinetic sand resembles sand and plasticine at the same time: it is soft, plastic, does not crumble, it is easy to clean it up after playing. Physically it is a mixture of quartz sand and silicone, harmless even if accidentally swallowed. The sand is sold separately in buckets, boxes or immediately in a small sandbox. However, any plastic box with a lid is easily assigned as a sandbox.

For a full-fledged game, take at least two kilograms of sand and do not forget about the molds and paddles. Keep in mind that colored sand sometimes stains your hands, so take a colorless one or read reviews about the brand on the Internet.

Benefit: trains fine motor skills, develops tactile sensations and coordination of movements.
average price: 800 rubles.

Table and chair

Every grown-up person needs a personal workplace for creativity, tea drinking and collecting puzzles. To keep your child in the correct posture, select a table and chair strictly according to his height. To do this, bring your baby to the store and ask him to sit on different sets. The material of the products can be any for your taste and wallet: wood, plastic, metal.

It is important that the headset is vandal-resistant and environmentally friendly, because the baby will do literally everything with it: climb up with his feet, bang with a spoon and gnaw on the countertop. Additionally, you can purchase pockets for a chair for storing pencils, brushes, paints. This is convenient because small tables usually don't have drawers.

Benefit: trains independence, perseverance, attention and fine motor skills.
average price: 2,000 rubles.

Two-year-olds are just beginning to become aware of their own gender and their characteristic behaviors. While everyone is playing everything: the boys are happy to cook dinners for the dolls, and the girls are enthusiastically rolling cars. Therefore, when choosing a gift, consider not so much the gender as the interests of the baby. And - may the salary be with you!

Hello dear readers. When going to a two-year-old boy for his birthday, you need to think carefully about what gift will be appropriate. For this, it is important to know what skills the child possesses at this age, as well as to understand which toys will correspond to the preferences of the baby. In this article we will try to figure out which gifts will please the little birthday boy the most.

Development level of a two-year-old boy

Let's find out what he is like, a baby at two years old:

  1. Toddlers at this age are very active and restless.
  2. The kid quickly changes occupation, does not like to do the same thing for a long time.
  3. A boy at this age may not yet realize how to act well and how badly.
  4. The toddler is still happy to explore the world around him "to taste", loves to disassemble the object into smaller details.
  5. A two-year-old boy already understands what he is being told, has a small vocabulary.

Birthday 2 years old boy, what to give

When you have a similar question, you need to carefully weigh everything, find out what interests the children of this age group, in particular boys, have. Then, look at your financial capabilities, consult with the child's parents, if possible. In addition, it is important to think about what purpose you are pursuing with your gift. Perhaps you want to increase the creativity of the baby or contribute to the intellectual or physical development of the boy.

Gift for active leisure

Toys for the development of intelligence and fine motor skills

For creative boys

Gift on wheels

I was recently invited for a birthday, I had to think about what to give a boy for 2 years. Since I have a son growing up myself, I approximately knew what was interesting to a little man at that age. In the end, my choice fell on a large car. It was a dump truck with a large shovel and a set of beads in the back. The truck was quite impressive in size, because the boy was able to get into the back of the car. Vanechka was very happy with such a gift, like all boys, he really loves all kinds of cars, and he did not have this one yet, so my gift made a great impression on him.

Practical gifts

Children's table with a chair

Of course, a two-year-old boy is much nicer to receive toys for his birthday. However, it happens that, after consulting with the parents of the child, it turns out that the toddler already has more than enough toys, but there are things that he needs. Let's take a look at a list of practical gifts:

  1. Clothing and shoes... Of course, it is advisable to make such a gift not by eye, but taking into account the exact dimensions of the baby's legs and other parameters. It is better to purchase such a gift with a small margin, as if for growth, or completely abandon such an undertaking.
  2. Set of dishes. At the age of two, the boy may already have his favorite cartoon characters; now it is easy to find dishes with the image of these characters. So the baby will happily eat, although it is possible that the child will be distracted from the process of eating and will mistake the dishes for a toy.
  3. A set of bed linen with a characteristic thematic pattern, specially selected for the birthday boy. It can also be the heroes of his favorite cartoons or just cars, airplanes.
  4. A table with a chair or other pieces of furniture for children.
  5. A lamp or night light will also be useful in the household.
  6. Personal hygiene products. It can also be kits for brushing teeth, shampoo, bath gel, baby soap and more.
  1. You should not leave the purchase of a gift for the last day, rush is not a good advisor.
  2. When choosing gifts, pay attention to the absence of small details, sharp corners, and a specific smell.
  3. Before making a purchase, think carefully about the temperament of the birthday person. Depending on the qualities of the child's character, you can determine which toys will be more interesting for him.
  4. Purchase toys that are marked for your child's age. You do not need to purchase items from three years old or up to a year.
  5. Do not forget that children often taste different objects, so it is important to ask for a certificate confirming the quality of the product.
  6. You should not give oversized gifts if there is no free space in the child's family to install them.
  7. Do not try to buy the most expensive gift in order to look better than other guests. It is much more important to acquire something that the child will really like.

What gifts are unacceptable

When planning to go to a two-year-old boy's birthday party, it is important to know what gifts will be inappropriate so as not to find yourself in a precarious position later. Here is a list of gifts that should not be given to a two-year-old boy:

  1. Inappropriate for the age of the child. When choosing a gift, it is imperative to take into account what age category you are choosing it for, so that the child is really interested and he can use your present for its intended purpose.
  2. Toys of questionable quality. When buying, be sure to make sure the quality of the goods, do not buy bad objects for the child or those that consist of poorly fastened parts, make sure that there are no sharp corners.
  3. It is not recommended to donate weapons in any form, it is believed that this negatively affects the psyche of a two-year-old boy.
  4. Stuffed Toys. A boy, in principle, may not be very fond of spending time with a plush friend. In addition, such toys can cause allergies due to the fact that they quickly accumulate a large amount of dust.
  5. Pets. A child of two years old is still too young to receive such a gift. In addition, it is possible that the toddler may have an allergy, and the parents may be upset if their plans did not include the establishment of the animal.
  6. Animator invitation. For older children, such a gift can be very joyful. However, for a two-year-old boy, cause fear.
  7. Do not purchase battery-operated toys. The kid will gladly decide to disassemble such a gift for details. There are cases when children begin to lick the batteries or even swallow them.
  8. Refuse to purchase books with paper sheets, the edges of such pages are quite sharp, the child can get hurt.

Approach the choice of a gift for a little man with all responsibility. Remember that not always the most expensive gift will be the best for the little one. Always take into account the individual characteristics of the birthday person, his preferences. I wish that the gift you have chosen will make the most vivid impressions on the baby!