What is "Gypsy Gold"? Rich Gypsy Weddings - Photos, History and Tradition

Why Gypsy so love the Gold Gold Gypsy to Gold did not notice only the lazy. Decorations, teeth and compliments Gypsies prefer gold and more. Golf and golden wallpapers, mobile phones, shoes, buttons, rims of sunglasses ... Even the red wheel on the Gypsy flag. Some organizations are repainted in gold. The easiest explanation of such addiction would be a banal borestolubie. Indeed, Gypsies pay great attention to wealth. It is impossible to pass by proverbs based on the word game: "Poor - consider that the thief", "where poverty, there is theft." Dressing children beautifully even for a hike in the sandbox, telling about the success of your business to the place and not the place, to demonstrate the perfect expensive purchases - it may seem that the richness for Roma is an end in itself. However, wealth is just one of the main ways to show its professional consistency, its humility, success, high professional level (the second, naturally, to boast all this directly, in words). Another reason for the addiction to the gold jewelry of the Gypsies (although such decorations love gypsies and men) Ethnographers believe women's insurance from poverty in case of divorce. If the husband from home is chased, he may not give money with him and not divide the property, but the earrings-rings are unlikely to be. In any case, such a system exists in many eastern peoples: Turks, Arabs ... But besides the practical basis of the Gypsy passion for gold, there is a mystical. Gold is a special metal, so many nations consider. Gold does not take rust, maybe therefore it is considered a clean metal, and more than that attracting happiness and money. The nations of Europe, the stories about gold are often associated with blood, with a curse. In the Gypsy fairy tales, it may be associated with the unclean force, but the accentuation "where gold is the curse and blood" - no. The main "golden" plot of the Gypsy fairy tales is a successful Gypsy finds a treasure, hitting a stick on a snake or pleased with Lesme (which, by the way, is not the negative character itself - he punishes the bad acts and helps good people). Gold is the best gift for the wedding, especially the bride; So, the shaft girls give her gold jewelry almost necessarily. If a young husband wants to show his love and care, he pays for his wife the production of golden crowns on his teeth (this is the demonstration of its own wealth, and the magic gift is good luck and the accuracy that attracts gold). Kotlyray Russia, having the custom of buying a bride, still use gold coins for this, or their special copies are specially manufactured from gold. The bride is bought not for money - for gold. Dare or inherited gold can not be sold or exchanged - it is more than a bad sign, it is very bad. Then good luck will turn away, and luck is something that Gypsies are enormous. The extreme case of extracting the benefits of such gold is the delivery to the pawnshop with the obligatory subsequent redemption. Hoping to attract good luck and "Multi", gypsy parents sometimes give their children names associated with gold: Golden, Sumnakai, Suvnakuni, Zlatan, etc.

Who, how not to write to me today about the gypsies? I remember the time when and in fact gypsy noisy crowds on Transnistria wandered. There were three waves that rolled out our huge village. Our house was on the shore of the Dniester, in front of which there was a large area covered with a carpet ledge. Nearby, from under the rocks fled the stream, which the locals adapted to wash the linen and a water tummy. On this area, before Easter, the Virenice of Kibittik, who was led by a very beautiful elderly Gypsy with a beautiful curly beard. It was a blacksmith-clearing masters. Immediately marching horn, fur and blacksmith chime was caught by Selian to perform different blacksmithing works. We must pay tribute to that their axes, knives, shovels, hoes, or as we called them - the saps, were so kindly made that I still have in the country to perform work along with fashionable plates, etc. Agricultural customs. We, boys, day and night spinning near the Kuznetsov, swung fur, and happily performed any requests of masters. Tabar stood about a week, Gypsy women had time to guess every widow, waiting for her husband or son with a happy waiting war. All our villagers went with painted hands, because Gypsies traded aniline dyes for woolen threads. The second wave came at the beginning of the summer, these were potters who took orders for pottery dishes, changed clay whistles on a rag and cattle bones. We went to the burial ground of the fallen cows, horses and bags worn these bones (they turned them into lime and added it to the clay for the pots). A week later, huge karuts (carts) came with finished orders. It was so beautiful and light pots, the rooks for milk, the nanes for wine, etc., etc., etc., sorry such dishes are now in Moldova you will not see.

The most fun cavalcade came to save, consisting of young beautiful gypsies, without children, without old people. These were songs, dances, musical accompaniment of any event. Now we have become fashionable to weddings and anniversaries to invite Gypsies, so that this layer of the Gypsy ethnos survived and looks good, judging by the thickness of gold chains and rings on every finger.

I will give some customs who are alive before our days, although all the gypsies have such palaces and in the tents of heated long ago, nobody nights them.

All waiting for you under the cutmo.

WEDDING. Parents marry their own

Sons and daughters in 16-18 years. Suitable couple

Choose parents. Here, the groom was launched, the parents of the bride look at -

Good or not. If adults agreed, they must arrange a lush wedding for the bride and groom. It happens, the bride

Steal. This is an old law. I liked the guy Gypsy girl - he can steal her. It is important that later, when all

Will reveal, he corresponded to traditions. That is, the "thief" should be an honest and decent person. " For Gypsy is optional

Stamp in the passport, and wedding in the church is welcome. "On the wedding day, the main championships of the holiday can be considered

Swat and Swhah, who should be elderly and not be the relatives of the newlyweds. Walk either in the house or in a cafe

Or restaurant. Dancing families. Leading declare: "And now let the family be released." And all from small to great should

Slow. At midnight, the matchmakers will lead the young into the bedroom and remain the door from the door of their peace. Then they must bring a sheet

And to show all guests, they say, the wedding is honest.

LANGUAGE. Gypsy though has its own language, but they have no alphabet. Therefore, the Gypsy words they write Russian, Hungarian or

Romanian letters - depending on the place of residence.

Gold as memory of parents

Gypsies wear too many gold, consider Gadzho (Nezgan). Roma has a simple explanation. "Strangers

Think that we are very rich if we go to gold. But the purchase of gold is a long tradition. When our families are nomaded,

What property could we buy and carry with them? Only decorations. - Also, father

The families should leave their children inheritance, and what could be better than chains, earrings or bracelets? And since in

Our families are 5-6 children, then they buy a lot of gold. And it is believed that so the child remains the memory of the father and mother. Children

Store these expensive gifts for them all your life. And for daughter - this is also a solid dowry.

Gypsy Code: Listen to the Senior and Husband

Gypsies are holy than his laws. The main rule: the real rum will never be offended, will not insult, does not coach those people

Among which lives. "Romal is used to trusting each other, shake the last piece of bread and will always help in difficult

Minute. If the rum comes to me and says: "I give you the preservation of gold," he can be calm - with his values

Nothing will happen. If we learn that someone from our crossed the law, then such a person can strike out from our

Life. For example, for killing, trading drugs. "

Exile from the community is considered to be the most terrible punishment. A person cease to invite to visit, help.

Roma - hospitable people. If you are moving from the city to the city, you can always live in your fellow, borrow.

Hide the dark past will not succeed. Gypsy mail (according to the principle: from mouth in the mouth) works lightning and help help

A particular family will not be difficult.

Romov has a division into peculiar castes for the ways of earnings: some are asked to alms, others - traded in the markets.

Separate niche occupy those who have their own business, such as restaurants or shops. Selective honor use

Creative dynasties are the Gypsy intelligentsia.

The law of respect for the elders - unshakable. Children should listen to parents. "God forbid, the father is disappowd by the Father, we are punishing

Child whip. Not a hand or as, namely whip. So they did both fathers and grandfathers. Each house is kept whip. And wives should all be obedient to her husband. "The wife should be able to prepare and entertain, and earn. If

There are disasters, then the Council goes to the elders, which Gajo (Neztsigan) is called Gypsy Barons. But there is no gypsy

Baron, there are simply respected people who have an authority among Roma.

Believe Roma: Horseshoe ends up and pain with joy

Growing great attention is given to various symbols and superstitions, because they have been transmitted from generation to generation

Folk wisdom. If Roma found a horseshoe on the road, he cannot pass by, and should come on science. "Horseshoe

For Gypsy - a symbol of happiness. And hanging on the door of the house, it should be ends up so that happiness does not flow. If Gypsy

He will find a horseshoe on the road that lies with the ends from him, then this is a bad sign. He must pick her up and hang on the door

His house. If Gypsy does not pick up the horseshoe, he will smile luck only on this day. If you pick it up - there will be luck

Always. If the horseshoe found is directed towards Roma, it is impossible to select it, as it bears fail.

We must transfer it through the left shoulder or hang on the tree into the ends down, so that failure fails, to spit and

Herbs and conspiracies. Gypsies do not like doctors, in the old manner preferring to seek help from the signs. Maybe that's why

Many Roma are infrequently sick and live for a long time. "Medicines in the pharmacy can not be bought, chemistry is all. I'm treating only

Folk remedies. Suppose when the eyes hurt, make infusion from the elder. It can be drunk when coughing and cold. Giving infusion

It is necessary to sort: "Oh, pain, with eyes, go to the water, go to the grass, go to the ground.

Go to the earthly spirit. There is your home. Go and rejoice. " And it always helps me!

All my life I am surprised that only Tsygans can say about pain: "Go and rejoice!".

Kotlyrah - "Metalists", Crimea - spools

Our people - Kotlyrah are the most ancient Gypsy. By the way, we call themselves gypsies and never call Roma. Romes, as

The rule is called themselves the Chisinau, who left Moldova and Romania, or the Crimea - this is a Gypsy Muslim. Although we have a language

General, but they are different. Chishemians are guded, roaming ... Crimea - buying and selling gold. And we - the kitlers - always

Earned to life with iron. My grandfather and my father were blacksmiths. But now all men of my device are earned by

What contracts conclude with different enterprises and buy out the details and various iron scrap from them.

Why the gypsies love gold so

Gypsy addiction to gold did not notice only the lazy. Decorations, teeth and compliments Gypsies prefer gold and more.

Gilded and golden wallpapers, mobile phones, shoes, buttons, rims of sunglasses ... Even a red wheel on the gypsy flag

Some organizations are repainted in gold.

The easiest explanation of such addiction would be a banal borestolubie. Indeed, Gypsy pay great attention to

Support. It is impossible to pass by proverbs based on the word game: "Poor - consider that the thief", "where poverty, there is theft."

Dressing children beautifully even for a hike in the sandbox, talking about the success of your business to the place and not the place,

To demonstrate the expensive purchases - it may seem that the richness for Roma is an end in itself. but

Wealth is just one of the main ways to show your professional consistency, your humility, success,

High professional level (second, naturally, to praise all this directly, in words).

Another cause of addiction to gold jewelry gypsies (although such decorations love gypsy and men) Ethnographers believe

Woman insurance from poverty in case of divorce. If the husband from home is chased, it may not give money with me and not divided

Property, but the earrings-rings tear it hardly. In any case, such a system exists in many eastern

Peoples: Turks, Arabs ...

But besides the practical basis of the Gypsy passion for gold, there is a mystical.

Gold is a special metal, so many nations consider. Gold does not take rust, maybe therefore it is considered to be metal

Pure, and more than that, attracting happiness and money. Among the nations of Europe stories about gold are often associated with blood, with

Curse. In the Gypsy fairy tales, it may be associated with the unclean power, but the accentuation "where gold is the curses and

Blood "- no. The main "golden" plot of the Gypsy fairy tales - Lucky Gypsy finds a treasure by hitting a stick on a snake or please

Lesme (which, by the way, is not the negative character itself - he punishes bad acts and helps

Good people).

Gold is the best gift for the wedding, especially the bride; So, the shaggy girls give her golden decorations almost in mandatory

Order. If a young husband wants to show his love and care, he pays his wife the production of golden crowns on the teeth (this and

Demonstration of own wealth, and the magic gift - good luck and the downturn that attracts gold). Kotlyra Russia,

Having the custom of redemption of the bride, still use gold coins for this, or their specially manufactured gold

Copies. The bride is bought not for money - for gold.

Dare or the inherited gold can not be sold or exchanged - it is more than a bad sign, it is very

Bad. Then good luck will turn away, and luck is something that Gypsies are enormous. Extreme increase in benefit

From such gold - the delivery of the pawnshop with the obligatory subsequent redemption.

Hoping to attract good luck and "Multi", Gypsy parents sometimes give their Chadam names associated with gold: Golden,

Sumnakai, Suvnakuni, Zlatan, etc.

Incredibly, but Gypsy life is amazing and diverse. This people have long ceased to be outcast and have already been rooted on a certain territory. Gypsy has its own history and culture, language and even their own "constitution". The Gypsy people always tries to live positively and do not be sad on trifles. Of course, too much frivolity is also bad, but these people definitely live their lives bright and fun.

Gypsies have indian roots

Oddly strange it sounds, all the gypsies, in fact, the Indians. Experts still can not find out when this particular people scattered around the world, but now the Gypsy people can be found absolutely in any corner on earth. Only in Europe there are approximately 12 million gypsies.

Gypsies have not been nomads for a long time

It is believed that the Gypsies live in the Tabor and are not delayed for a long time in one place. But, in fact, these are only a single case.

Why do Gypsies wear earrings and do not go to the hairdresser

The earrings in the ear of Gypsy means that he is one child in the family. Tsygan's hair does not argue for a simple reason. From a long time, the short hair can only be from exiles or depraved maidens.

Traditional dish - baked hedgehog

A very unusual and strange traditional dish Tsygan chose baked hedgehogs. Experts believe that it is quite acceptable. After all, it is worth considering that this people were often in exile, and he had to live in the forests.

Limited use of alcoholic beverages

Gypsies always try not to use a lot of alcoholic beverages during the festive feast. And young people have no right to drink in the presence of parents. This is not only a manifestation of respect, but also a measure of precaution. To avoid drunken debaches, young people should join sober on watch and follow the order.

The more children, the better

For Gypsy to adopt a child - an ordinary business. Why is this happening? To visit the family with children never come with empty hands. Parents and defortions receive many treats and gifts. Also in the Gypsy community it is customary to share. If a child's child liked a toy or a bauble, then she will definitely give him. A large gypsy woman will always be honored, it is respected, and at any time will help in a difficult situation.

Why is Roma always in trend a lush skirt

Many people think that the gypsies like to wear lush skirts, because they are comfortable to move during dance, and this is a kind of suit for the performance. This is an erroneous opinion. In fact, they carry lush skirts in order to save. When the skirt is wear out, they cut off the lower part and sew new flaps of inexpensive fabric.

Gypsies - Masters of Hypnosis

Gypsies and truth perfectly own hypnosis. So they dreamed of people around the finger and can "clean" from head to feet.

Why gypsy wear a lot of gold

Gypsies love decorations, but do not buy anything themselves. All golden baubles are her husband's gifts. If a man decided to drive his spouse to the street without a penny, she calmly could sell decorations from precious metals and live for this money for several months.

Gypsy Code

Gypsy has its own rules and the Code, which all representatives of the community must adhere to. If someone violates the rules, exile from the Tsigan Tabor is considered to be the worst punishment, without the ability to return.

Watch the Gypsy Love to Gold can be completely in all. Teeth, decorations, phone numbers, shoes, sunglasses and accessories This is confirmed. The first thing that comes to mind the explanation of this fact can become ordinary korestolobi.

In fact, this nomadic people pays a lot of attention to the level of their own wealth. Wealth shows the growingness, financial spending and the success of its owners. However, the ethnographers of the love of Gypsies to gold (men also do not bypassed his attention) explain some other reasons. After all, a woman insures himself from poor life in case of a divorce with her husband, as he can drive a lady behind the door without money for accommodation. During the parting, the couple does not deal with the section of the property, and everything remains a husband, then no self-respecting gypsy will not be a different items from the body of the wife. Such a system of relationship is present at various Eastern peoples: Arabs, Turks and others.

There is also a mystical tsygan passion to the expensive metal. In folk legends, gold is conjugate with unclean power, but it does not indicate a curse or blood. The main topic of the plot almost always becomes the find of a happy gypsy or his connection with Lesus, who certainly punishes stupid things and happily helps a good person. It is not surprising that in the Gypsy weddings the best gift will be products made of precious metals, the godfall girls undertake to prevent such a present. A young husband over time will disturb about the installation of his wife golden teeth and crowns. Such magical gifts show the richness of the Men family and will attract a huge income to themselves.

Dare or the inheritance Gold Gypsy will not sell and do not trade and do not exchange, as it will bring even more serious expenses, very badly looks like a bad sign. In addition, luck will turn away from Roma after this, and they value it very much. The most extreme option may consider the delivery of products to the pawnshop with a mandatory ransom.

Money, good luck and wealth to their newborn children are gypsy parents trying by hanging their names associated with gold. From young age, the idea that presented gold is more important than purchased are raised.

Mystery of Gypsy gold Who controls the golden stock of the planet? Who keeps the Gypsy treasury? Why does humanity exalt gold? What is it? Part of the tradition? Ordinary greed? Or a secret key to paranormal abilities? How do they retain magic abilities? Why marry their own? According to Interpol, over the past 3 years, the number of jewelry stores has increased in Europe. Most often the diamonds and gold of the highest sample disappear. But the strangest thing: sellers of many stores do not remember how they are robbed. According to them, they were as if under hypnosis. Gold possesses mystical properties for Roma. They prefer red gold 999 samples and assign this metal not only as a decoration, but with some mystical meaning, considering the person to have happiness, he must wear gold on himself. Hundreds of years of Roma gather gold along the grains. There was no case that at least one Gypsy family sold their golden stock. From the genus in the genus it only accumulates. Where does the nomadic magician tribe hide their golden stock? Dali, Rembrandt, Apollo Rododsky, Horses from the Bolshoi Theater, Golden Curtains, Gold Plated Furniture and Even the Pictures with Golden Spraying ... This is not an installation from the exhibition of contemporary art and not scenery to the style of Modern. The Gypsy family lives in these walls. The owner of the house Baro is "dear", as they call him in the Tabor. They just got used to live like that. Wedding Gypsy is the main holiday of the genus. It is a serious preparation. The native brides are gathering gold in the pitiful, the family of the groom - gold in Kalim, and the future spouse - on the neck and ears of the chosen. If a woman has no gold or her future husband will not give him, then the guy will not be able to marry this girl. But the decorations are not all. According to Gypsy laws: husband, if he loves, must pay a gold smile. And there is a satisfied beauty to cut healthy teeth under the root. Of particular value is the Gold Darny, which brings good luck. The requirement to pay gold exclusive street fortune-up services, seem quite ordinary. But, the sparkling coins have long been not in the go, so today the victims of Gypsies are painted earrings, rings and chains. Taking this payment, Gypsy takes on all the bad things that I saw the client in the future. In the evening, all the extraction will be appreciated and divided. Gold low samples in underground workshops goes to the manufacture of fake rings, the so-called "Gypsy Gold": apply gilding on iron things. Gold the highest sample is forever remained in the Tabor, this is the most intimate Gypsy custom. The accumulated stock of gold is stored for centuries and on its sale is strictly taboo. Each gypsy has at least one golden thing. No gypsy will go out on the street without a ring or earrings. Gold - An ordinary Gypsy considers his faith, and the sorcerer is a magical instrument. Gold is a very good conductor, conductor of physical and natural energy. But what effect is gold on human energy? Human hypothalamus is in the head, opposite the interbury. Interestingly, it is there that, the ancients have a "third eye" - a point, for the concentration of clairvoidance. In India, there is a tradition to activate it using a drawing or hanging a gold coin. The hypothalamus is still not fully studied by doctors. It is only known that it supports the centers of thirst and hunger, emotions and human behavior, sleep and wakefulness, body temperature. What do you need to strengthen the work of a person? This is a constant arrival of gold in the body. Named apply Indian yoga as an additive to food. It opens unlimited opportunities for a person.