What is a toned uterus. Treatment of increased uterine tone during pregnancy. The uterus is in good shape - what is it

Today in the article you can find out what it means: the uterus is in good shape? Women hear this diagnosis quite often, but why is it dangerous? What to do in this case?

To begin with, let's deal with the concept of “toned uterus”. What does it mean? From doctors you can hear another name for the diagnosis - uterine hypertonicity. It most commonly occurs during early pregnancy. As you know, during childbirth, the uterus contracts, helping the baby to be born. But in some cases, these muscle contractions occur much earlier than expected.

What does increased uterine tone mean? Sometimes women feel a pulling pain in the abdomen or lower back. In other cases, the diagnosis is made by ultrasound examination. What does it mean - the uterus is toning, what are the reasons? There are an incredible number of them. After all, this female organ is able to respond not only to stretching (it occurs as a result of fetal growth), but also to nerve impulses. The latter include the conditions caused by:

  • excitement;
  • fear;
  • joy and so on.

Do not ignore the pain in the abdomen during pregnancy, immediately seek the help of a specialist. He will prescribe adequate treatment that can save the baby's life. The consequences can be the most dire, up to and including termination of pregnancy.

Uterus before childbirth

First, let's talk about why the uterus is in good shape before giving birth. What does this diagnosis mean just before the baby is born? Let's start with the features of this stage:

  • reaching the maximum size of the uterus;
  • with the correct presentation of the baby, the mother's belly has the correct oval shape;
  • just before childbirth, the abdomen drops.

Is hypertonia always observed before childbirth? It is worth remembering that just before the contractions, you can observe the uterus in good shape. What does it mean? Before childbirth, some changes occur in a woman's body, and hypertonicity is a normal reaction of the body, indicating that labor has begun. During this period, the placenta and pituitary gland produce hormones that can strengthen the muscular structure of the uterus. This is necessary to prepare for the strongest stress in order to expel the fetus. Hypertonicity in the forty-first week is quite normal, the body signals to us that labor has begun, and soon mom will be able to hug her long-awaited baby.

What is uterine tone?

But what does the uterus mean during pregnancy before the intended birth? To begin with, we are talking about the smooth muscle genital organ, which consists of three layers:

  • perimetry;
  • myometrium;
  • endometrium.

The myometrium is the muscular layer, which is characterized by contraction. As a result of this, the concept of "uterine tone" arises. Her normal state is relaxation. If the muscles contract, then the myometrium contracts, forming pressure in the uterine cavity.

The most dangerous is hypertonia in the first trimester, as it can cause fetal death.


In this section, you will learn what an increased uterine tone during pregnancy means, and what are the consequences of its occurrence. In case of hypertonicity, an urgent need to consult a doctor, because the consequences include:

  • spontaneous miscarriage (the most dangerous consequence that can be avoided if you seek medical help in a timely manner);
  • the tone of the uterus can negatively affect the health of the baby (a violation of the blood supply that occurs as a result of this disease can lead to oxygen starvation of the baby).

You should not stay idle, because prolonged hypertonicity can lead to premature birth, if it occurs in late pregnancy. With this disease, children are often born weak and small, because the clamped umbilical cord does not deliver the required amount of oxygen and nutrients to the child.


We figured out the question, what does the uterus mean during pregnancy? Now we propose to talk in more detail about the causes of this unwanted and dangerous disease.

Natural causes include:

  • strong laughter;
  • sneezing;
  • orgasm;
  • doing some kind of physical work and so on.

In addition, there are pathological factors that increase the tone of the uterus, which means their correct treatment. Now we will figure it out. Among them:

  1. Deficiency of progesterone, a hormone that prepares the endometrium for implantation. He must relax the muscles of the uterus and maintain a normal tone.
  2. The production of male hormones in large quantities. This is due to hormonal disruption, in which case the uterus is actively contracting to reject the embryo.
  3. Saddle and two-horned uterus. These anomalies are congenital and are quite common. Some women find out about this feature only during the first ultrasound scan during pregnancy.
  4. Severe toxicosis. This can be explained quite simply: during vomiting, all the muscles of the abdominal cavity contract. Toxicosis can cause hypertonicity only if it causes weight loss and constant poor health in a woman. In this case, urgent hospitalization is required in order to stabilize the woman's condition. If the expectant mother eats well, gains weight, and toxicosis does not bother her much, then hospitalization is not needed.
  5. Rhesus conflict. This problem is relevant for women with a negative Rh factor, if the dad has a positive one. There is a chance of conceiving a child with a positive Rh, like a father. Then the mother's body perceives the fetus as a foreign body, the uterus begins to actively contract, which prevents the ovum from implanting in its cavity. As a rule, the first pregnancy goes well, as the female body produces a small amount of antibodies. With subsequent pregnancies, everything is much more complicated.
  6. Diseases of the female reproductive system. This problem is accompanied by a host of additional symptoms, including pain, discharge, itching, and so on.
  7. Distension of the uterus (large or giant fetus, twins, polyhydramnios).
  8. Tumors in the uterine cavity.
  9. Stress.
  10. The transverse position of the fetus at the end of pregnancy.
  11. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, since with increased gas production and impaired intestinal motility, the uterus is strongly strained.

As you can see, there are many reasons. That is why you should not self-medicate, consult a specialist. He, in turn, must deal with the cause of hypertension, only after that he will prescribe the correct treatment for you.


You have learned what is dangerous and what the tone of the uterus means during pregnancy. The symptoms of this ailment are our next question, which we will try to deal with right now.

A woman can independently, without the help of a doctor, determine that her uterus is in good shape. The first signal is a pulling pain in the lower abdomen, it is similar to those that a woman experiences before menstruation. In addition, discomfort in the lumbar region may be felt. Perhaps the manifestation of pain that women experience at the time of the contraction. In this case, the uterus can be "stone".

There is also the following way to independently determine tactilely whether the uterus is in good shape. Lie on your back, try to relax as much as possible. Feel the stomach, if your assumptions are wrong, then it will be soft, otherwise it will resemble a thigh in elasticity.

If hypertonicity occurs in the second or third trimester, then you can notice:

  • contraction of the abdomen (determined visually);
  • bloody discharge from the genital tract.

In addition, the doctor may notice during examination a shortening of the cervix and thickening of the anterior wall.

First trimester

Now we will talk about the danger of hypertonicity in the first trimester of pregnancy. It is important to note that in the first weeks (from the fourth to the twelfth) a woman should not experience any unpleasant sensations. This is due to the fact that it is during this period that the probability of termination of pregnancy is high. Ideally, if the doctor issues the following verdict: uterine tone n. What does "n" mean? In medicine, it is customary to denote a good state that does not threaten anything.

Any problem should be consulted with a doctor. If the situation is not serious, then you will be advised to take the No-shpy course on drink. Problems of a hormonal nature are solved by taking the drugs "Duphaston" and "Utrozhestan". If other serious violations are identified, then urgent hospitalization is required.

When you feel aching pain in the first trimester of pregnancy, you need to drink "No-shpu" and rest a little. Try to calm down, drive all negative thoughts away. If the pain persists, then call an ambulance. In the hospital, as a rule, progesterone injections are prescribed. When bleeding is used "Dicinon", "Tranexam" and other hemostatic agents.

2 trimester

The tone of the uterus during pregnancy during this period is a fairly frequent phenomenon. The thing is that the body begins to train, to prepare itself for childbirth. Now a woman's body is undergoing hormonal changes, starting from the twentieth week of pregnancy, you can periodically observe small painless contractions.

If the situation is serious (pain, bleeding, and so on), then a doctor's supervision is necessary. Seek urgent help from a medical facility. Hypertonia in the second trimester can lead to fetal hypoxia. The doctor who leads your pregnancy must be sure to play it safe and prescribe the drug "Magne B6". He is able to maintain a normal state.

If you are indicated for hospitalization, then in the second trimester of pregnancy, doctors can instantly remove the tone of the uterus using the following means:

  • electropharesis with magnesia;
  • endonasal galvanization;
  • eletrorelaxation of the uterus.

These procedures are the safest when there is a threat of miscarriage. Since no drugs are taken, and the effect can be noticed already during the procedure. In addition, droppers are possible:

  • Ginipralol;
  • sulphate magnesium.

Drugs are prescribed that partially block the calcium tubules. Due to this, the uterus cannot contract, the muscles relax. These drugs include:

  • "Nifedipine";
  • Corinfar.

Additionally, doctors prescribe special vitamin complexes for pregnant women.

Third trimester

What does the increased tone of the uterus mean in the third trimester of pregnancy? These manifestations are already quite frequent and strong. This is due to the fact that the baby can provoke himself, since he gets cramped in his mother's stomach, and he rests on his legs and arms.

It is very difficult for doctors in this period to diagnose hypertonicity, as it can be preparatory contractions. Of course, gynecologists are reinsured by sending pregnant women to the CTG procedure as often as possible.

It is also important to note that in Europe, hypertonicity does not cause such a violent reaction in doctors. They believe that this is a normal condition of a pregnant woman. However, inpatient treatment is prescribed to women for whom this symptom causes a lot of discomfort or there is a possibility of miscarriage.

  • "Courantil";
  • "Euphyllin";
  • Trental.

They are necessary for hypertonicity, as they contribute to the normalization of blood circulation in the uterus. As a result of treatment, the tone returns to normal, the baby receives the required amount of oxygen and nutrients.

Hypertonicity should not cause panic in the mother, it is a signal that more attention should be paid to your health. Also relevant drugs in this case are:

  • lipoic acid;
  • Actovegin;
  • Riboxin;
  • Calcium Pantothenate;
  • Essentiale;
  • "Hofitol".


We have already said enough about what the increased tone of the uterus means. Now let's talk a little about diagnostics. When contacting a medical institution, the doctor will advise:

  • examination of the abdomen;
  • examination in the gynecological chair;
  • ultrasound procedure;

With palpation and examination on the gynecological chair, the doctor will be able to assess the condition of the uterus and cervix. With the help of ultrasound, it is possible to determine: is the tone increased throughout the muscles of the uterus or in certain areas? Do not self-medicate, immediately contact qualified specialists. Now you are responsible not only for your health, but also for the health of your baby.


How is a toned uterus treated? What does this mean: tension of the myometrium? With this diagnosis, a woman is individually selected therapy that helps to relax the muscle fibers (that is, the myometrium).

Depending on the degree of danger and the cause, therapy can be carried out at home or in a hospital. If you are allowed to be treated at home, then you should follow all the doctor's recommendations, including mandatory bed rest. As a rule, women cannot fully comply with it, because there is always work around the house. Doctors recommend inpatient treatment. The most common drugs for eliminating increased uterine tone are:

  • "No-shpa" or "Drotaverina hydrochloride";
  • Magne B6;
  • "Valerian";
  • "Motherwort";
  • "Novo-Passit";
  • "Duphaston";
  • "Utrozhestan" and so on.

Hospitalization: Yes or No?

What does the increased tone of the uterus mean? You have learned how the treatment is carried out in the hospital too. Now let's say a few words about whether it is worth going to the hospital, or it is better to choose treatment at home.

In case of hypertonicity, it is very important to observe bed rest, which is almost impossible for a woman to do at home. After all, it is necessary to clean up, prepare food, and it is not always possible to shift these responsibilities onto other shoulders.

If an increased tone is found for a period of twenty-eight weeks or more, then hospitalization is important for a woman. Modern medicine is capable of leaving such a baby, he has a chance of survival. Earlier than this date - the chances are extremely small. Therapy is aimed at stopping labor.

By force, no one will send a woman to the hospital, the mother herself should understand that the life of the future baby depends on this. If the threat of miscarriage is high, then you should immediately go to the hospital for treatment.

Disposal at home

Now let's talk about how to remove the tone of the uterus during pregnancy at home. Before contacting a medical facility, a woman can try the following methods:

  • relax;
  • take a pill "No-shpy";
  • perform special gymnastics.

Exercises will help in the last paragraph:

  • "Kitty" (up to fifteen repetitions);
  • relaxation of the muscles of the face (the chin is lowered to the chest, and the muscles of the face and neck are as relaxed as possible);
  • deep breathing through the mouth;
  • take a knee-elbow position, linger a little, then lie down and relax.

What does the uterus mean in pregnant women: prevention

  1. Calm the nervous system.
  2. Rejection of bad habits.
  3. Sparing work schedule.
  4. Healthy, full sleep.
  5. Compliance with diet and daily regimen.
  6. Listen to relaxing music.
  7. Avoid contact with sick people.

These tips will help you avoid many health problems of the future baby and mother.

The uterus is in good shape - every 2-3 pregnant woman hears this diagnosis in consultation with her gynecologist. Why is this diagnosis really scary, what are the symptoms of this pathology, how to relieve the tone of the uterus during pregnancy and in what cases to consult a doctor - read in our article.

Opinion of Russian doctors

Let's start with the signs and methods for diagnosing a pathology or condition. The main symptoms of uterine tone during pregnancy are a feeling of tension in the uterus, pain in this area and in the lower back. These unpleasant feelings arise due to muscle contractions (the uterus is a muscular organ). But in some cases, these cuts can be the cause of disaster. Dangerous tone of the uterus can be with low placentation, isthmic-cervical insufficiency, with other existing risk factors for miscarriage.

If the uterus is in good shape, the reasons for this during pregnancy may be different. Usually, the first suspect is a lack of the hormone progesterone, which is precisely responsible for the normal development of pregnancy, its preservation. In turn, this deficiency is explained by the following reasons: hyperandrogenism (increased levels of male hormones in the female body), hyperprolactinemia (pathologically increased levels of the hormone prolactin), genital infantilism (insufficient development of reproductive organs). Other possible causes are endometriosis, benign neoplasms of the uterus, inflammatory processes in the internal genital organs.

A diagnosis is made according to symptoms, ultrasound results and a doctor's examination (palpation). It is treated with light sedatives based on herbs (valerian, motherwort), progesterone preparations and antispasmodics.

In some cases, the tone of the uterus is the reason for hospitalization in the department of gynecology or pathology of pregnancy. Usually, referral is given in case of prolonged, painful tone, as well as in the presence of bloody discharge from the genital tract.

Opinion of foreign doctors

Abroad, increased uterine tone is not considered a pathology and is not treated. The uterus is a muscular organ. It should contract physiologically. And not only in pregnant women. Exercise, long walking, traveling in transport, uncomfortable body position and many, many other situations and factors can lead to tension in the muscle layer. The same ultrasound sensor can provoke tone. But still, the fact that the uterus is in good shape during pregnancy is one of the possible risk factors for miscarriage, premature birth, placental abruption cannot be denied. But already pathological tone, coupled with other aggravating circumstances, leads to these conditions. And these are rather strong, long-term pains.

And yet, if the uterus is in good shape, what to do? If there is no pain, then lie on your side, drink tea, take a warm (not hot!) Bath, watch a calm movie. There are many options. The physiological tone of the uterus is painless, it releases very quickly. And its appearance in no way means that you are at risk of miscarriage.

Abroad, a diagnosis like "tone" or "hypertonicity of the uterus" does not exist. But this does not mean that doctors do not respond to complaints from patients. Usually, in such cases, an ultrasound examination is prescribed. But they look at it not whether the muscular layer of the uterus is tense, but the length of the cervix. And if it is 3 cm or so in length, and also closed, do not worry. A short cervix, a slightly opened internal pharynx are real signs of a threat of spontaneous abortion. But uterine spasms in this case can accelerate the miscarriage.

Thus, we can conclude that uterine hypertonicity in most cases is still physiological. But if he is very worried, you should definitely go for a consultation with a gynecologist.

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 8 minutes


Which of the expectant mothers is not familiar with such a concept as the tone of the uterus? Yes, almost everyone is familiar. Only if for one it is almost asymptomatic and imperceptible, for the other it causes real panic and very painful sensations.

How to deal with the tone of the uterus, and what to do in general when it rises?

Uterine tone at the beginning and end of pregnancy

Everyone knows that the muscular layer of the uterus tends to contract since school. But these contractions do not really bother us in the usual non-pregnant state. When the long-awaited crumbs develop in the uterus, this issue becomes more relevant than ever. Moreover, tone is able to provoke sudden placental abruption, fetal hypoxia and even miscarriage ... The reason for this can be anything, including a glass of wine or anxiety about the upcoming birth. How is tonicity treatment carried out at different stages of pregnancy?

  • First trimester.
    At this time, even the doctor (and the expectant mother herself) can hardly detect the tone of the uterus. Moreover, as a rule, it happens that a woman does not even know about pregnancy yet, and pulling pains are perceived by her as harbingers of future menstruation. Sometimes such pains at this time can be a signal of a threat of miscarriage, frozen or even ectopic pregnancy. Therefore, you cannot do without ultrasound. And if the ultrasound shows the absence of abnormalities in the development of the fetus, then, most likely, the expectant mother can do with antispasmodics and a calmer regime of the day (that is, a decrease in the usual activity).
  • Second trimester.
    The talk about treatment comes only if the tone manifests itself as soreness, duration and such symptoms (recorded on ultrasound) such as opening or shortening of the cervix. To maintain pregnancy and, accordingly, reduce tone, use progesterone suppositories. As for antispasmodics, according to experts, they are not effective in this case.
  • Third trimester (mid and late).
    Tonus at this time is usually due to serious changes in hormonal levels and the natural preparation of the cervix for childbirth. Although, it happens that cramping pains can flow into labor pains. Then urgent medical attention is required if there are three (or even more) weeks left before delivery.

How to independently relieve uterine tone during pregnancy?

Even if the doctor did not consider it necessary to tell you about the symptoms and treatment of this phenomenon, and nothing really bothers you, except for minor spasms, it will not be superfluous to find out how to cope with the tone on your own. Of course, no one canceled the visit to the doctor - and at the slightest doubt, you should immediately go to the doctor or call an ambulance... But useful information will always come in handy.

How to avoid uterine tone?

Preventing is always better than a long and painful treatment. Therefore, try to adhere to traditional rules and methods that allow you to move these nine months without additional hospitalizations and medications. So what do you need?

And most importantly, don't panic. A slight tension in the uterus is characteristic of the body during pregnancy. But taking care of yourself and promptly reporting to the doctor about your concerns is the minimum program.

The site site warns: self-medication can harm your health and threaten the life of your unborn baby! The recipes given here do not replace medication and do not cancel going to the doctor!

With the onset of pregnancy, every woman can face a number of previously unknown diagnoses. One of them is the tone of the uterus in early pregnancy. Sounds terrifying, doesn't it?

What is uterine tone? Why is it going up? Should you be afraid of such a diagnosis and is it possible to cope with this condition on your own?

What kind of diagnosis is this - uterine tone?

According to statistics, 6 out of 10 pregnant women hear from their gynecologist the phrase: “You have an increased uterine tone during pregnancy”! This is followed by a list of prohibitions and referral to the hospital. But what it is, doctors prefer to remain silent.

Their only explanation is that at the moment the uterus is tense, and this, in their opinion, should not be at all, since such a state can provoke a miscarriage.

Of course, we are used to trusting doctors and follow all their recommendations. And then there are friends and acquaintances who can tell their "scary stories", so it is not surprising that you immediately begin to listen to your body.

And there really is something pulling, you can feel the tension.

And that's all. In such a frightened state, the whole mind disappears somewhere, you pack your bag and go to the hospital.

What happens to the uterus during pregnancy?

In fact, the uterus is nothing more than a hollow organ made up of muscle tissue. And any muscle in our body tends to contract. And this is normal, especially if there are extraneous factors that affect it! Therefore, it is worthwhile to calm down and sort things out in order.

Know! For the tone of the uterus in the first week of pregnancy, the doctor may take a slight inflammation of the organ wall.

But it turns out that this is the physiological reaction of the body to implantation of the ovum. Moreover, if there is local inflammation at the site of its attachment, then this is a good sign that the placenta is beginning to form.

The tone of the uterus in the 1st trimester of pregnancy can also be a consequence of the increased anxiety of the mother (about this period and the changes in the body of the mother and baby, read the article on the 1st trimester of pregnancy >>>). After all, not every day you find out about such a state.

Therefore, naturally, you worry, listen to yourself more. In response to such attention, the uterus can actually go into tension.

Important! With muscle contractions, the uterus can respond to the ultrasound procedure itself, in particular, the pressure from the sensor on the abdominal wall. However, doctors prefer to make a "terrible" diagnosis and prescribe therapy to a woman.

How can you feel the tension of the poppy?

Often, women in whom the doctor has identified an increased uterine tone are at a loss. After all, they do not experience much pain. So how does uterine tone manifest during pregnancy?

Pulling sensations in the lower abdomen become a symptom of uterine tone during pregnancy in the 1st trimester. Women often compare these sensations with those they experienced during their period;

In the last trimester, this can even be determined visually - the abdomen becomes firm and can change its shape somewhat. At the same time, you may not feel anything.

  • To determine if your uterus is tense, lie on your back with your knees bent;
  • In this position, the anterior abdominal wall relaxes as much as possible and you can feel the localization of the uterus over the pelvis;
  • If in this place the abdomen is "stone", then, probably, at the moment the walls of the organ are tense;
  • It should be noted that during the second pregnancy, the tone of the uterus is felt less often.

Separately, only the back or, conversely, only the front wall of the uterus can be strained. This is associated with the fact that unpleasant sensations often occur only in some specific place of the abdomen. And on an ultrasound scan, the doctor will find a deflection of one of the walls of the organ.

Why are you feeling the womb?

If you notice any unusual sensations in the uterus, this does not mean that it is in good shape. There can be many reasons for this condition. Among them, it is worth highlighting:

  1. Growth of the uterus. Starting from 5 weeks, it begins to grow rapidly. As a result, the ligaments that support the organ stretch out, resulting in a tingling sensation. They can intensify the moment you sneeze, move quickly, or turn your torso abruptly;
  2. Adaptation of the abdominal muscles. Gradually, the press loses its shape, and the abdominal muscles stretch, adjusting to the growing uterus. As a result, discomfort may occur at the moment of sudden movement, but it quickly passes;
  3. In the second trimester, the uterus already reaches a certain size and can put pressure on the adjacent organs. The digestive tract organs are especially affected. In this case, the discomfort is physiological and this condition does not require treatment;
  4. After 35 weeks, the uterus is already beginning to gradually prepare for the upcoming birth. Therefore, now she can periodically strain, and the cervix is ​​smoothed and softened. This leads to a tingling sensation in the lower abdomen.

After 30 weeks of pregnancy, it is worth starting preparations for childbirth, which will include both working out fears and preparing the body for the upcoming childbirth.

You will receive a detailed plan for preparing for natural childbirth in the Five Steps to Successful Childbirth course >>>

Most often, such sensations are short-lived and quickly disappear if you rest and lie down a little. However, when the soreness lasts more than 1 hour, it is best to consult a doctor.

You also need to visit your gynecologist if the pain is accompanied by:

  • bloody discharge;
  • violation of general well-being;
  • an increase in body temperature;
  • vomiting or upset stools.

What increases the tone of the uterus during pregnancy? Her condition can be influenced by:

  1. psychological problems and stress;
  2. physical activity and sports;
  3. long trips;
  4. lack of sleep;
  5. unhealthy diet (read the current article: Eating early in pregnancy >>>);
  6. fetal position;
  7. multiple pregnancy;
  8. large fruit size.

What to do at home?

Every woman expecting a baby can experience unpleasant sensations. At the same time, it is important to know how to relieve uterine tone during pregnancy at home?

Having studied the reasons for this state, it becomes clear that, first of all, it is worthwhile to calm down and relax:

  • To do this, you need to lie down and close your eyes;
  • You can turn on calm music or use aromatherapy (articles

Starting from the first weeks of pregnancy, a restructuring and preparation of optimal conditions for the development of a new life takes place in the whole body of a woman. And the uterus is no exception. Natural stretching and its increase in size are often accompanied by specific sensations of varying degrees of severity. It is important to distinguish physiological changes and their manifestations from other, pathological conditions that require medical supervision. It will be about such a phenomenon as "the uterus is in good shape."

The tone of the uterus is an involuntary contraction of its muscle layer (myometrium). Most often, this manifestation is a consequence of certain processes in the body, rather than an independent phenomenon. In the event of such spasms, it is important to control their duration and intensity. So, how is the tone of the uterus manifested and what methods are there for diagnosing this condition?

Signs of uterine tone

Depending on the degree of uterine tone, the symptoms may be more or less pronounced. The manifestations of hypertonicity, requiring medical advice, are:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen. The nature of sensations can be either pulling, similar to menstrual, and cramping (at a later date).
  • Painful sensations in the sacrum, back, aches in them.
  • Bloody discharge from the genital tract.
  • Any discharge other than the typical daily discharge.

In the case of such complaints, along with palpation, which the doctor will carry out in a horizontal position of the pregnant woman, it is recommended to conduct ultrasound monitoring. It can be performed using a vaginal probe or transabdominal. According to the results of the study, the doctor judges the localization of the tone - by the anterior or posterior wall of the myometrium, its intensity - 1 or 2 degrees.

A woman can determine the presence of uterine tone on her own. To do this, she should lie on her back, relax, put her hand on her stomach. Carefully probing it, the expectant mother should follow the sensations. If during the examination the abdomen is soft, this indicates that there are no obvious reasons for concern. A hard, dense belly, "like a stone" - an alarming signal that requires special attention. In this case, it should be assumed that the tone of the uterus is increased. This condition can pose a serious threat to pregnancy, up to and including termination.

Causes of uterine tone

An increase in the tone of the uterus is caused by reasons that are not always directly related to it. Among the most common, we will single out general factors that have an impact regardless of the duration of pregnancy, and those that are able to maximally manifest themselves only in a certain trimester.

Common Factors

  1. Overwork, stress.

These factors have a negative effect on the susceptible organism of a pregnant woman, subjecting it to additional stress.

  1. Physical exercises.

Active sports during a "special position" can lead to unwanted muscle overstrain and, as a result, hypertonicity.

  1. Inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system.

Previous interventions, chronic diseases of the uterus or its appendages create a risk of increased tone when the load on the organ (uterus) increases.

  1. Infectious and somatic diseases - acute respiratory infections, influenza, heart disease, liver, kidney or other organs, abnormalities in the central nervous system.

Deviations in the work of body systems can cause a violation of the regulation of muscle contractions of the uterus.

  1. Rhesus conflict.

A negative Rh factor of a pregnant woman can conflict with a positive Rh factor of a future dad. Then the mother's body perceives the fetus as a foreign body, from which it is necessary to get rid of. The result is an increased contraction of the muscles of the uterus and hypertonicity.

  1. Anatomy.

Individual structural features, the shape of the uterus (two-horned or saddle-shaped) can serve as a predisposing factor for its excessive compression and spasms, and cause difficulties with bearing.

Features of the trimester

  • The most frequent "provocateurs" of uterine tone in early pregnancy are hormonal disorders and severe toxicosis.

Lack of progesterone in the body - a hormone directly responsible for the normal tone in the uterus - is a serious bell, indifference to which can lead to miscarriage.

Severe toxicosis is often accompanied by profuse and frequent vomiting. In this case, there is an intense compression of almost all abdominal muscles, which include the muscles of the uterus.

  • In the second and third trimesters, the causes of tone are physiological in nature.

Multiple pregnancies, large fetuses, polyhydramnios cause excessive stretching of the uterus and increase tension in it.

Treatment of uterine tone

If the doctor diagnosed the tone of the uterus, the treatment of this unpleasant phenomenon will be aimed at relaxing its muscle layer, eliminating spasms. Specialized therapy is prescribed exclusively by a doctor, based on an analysis of the causes of this condition. Medical treatment will not have the desired effect without adherence to bed rest - the first and main requirement. The most widespread are the following "relaxing" drugs:

  • No-shpa (injectable or in the form of tablets), Papaverine and Magnesia.
  • 3rd trimester - vitamin support (for example, Magne B-6). It is not recommended to completely eliminate contractions, because the body is gradually preparing for labor.

In addition, medications are prescribed to eliminate the actual cause of the tone. If there is a shortage of progesterone, appropriate replacement therapy will make up for the deficiency. With Rh-conflict or an excess of male hormones, adequate treatment is also selected.

How to remove the tone of the uterus at home

Simple manipulations aimed at relieving the tone of the uterus and the pain caused by it can be performed by a pregnant woman herself, without leaving home.

Exercise "Cat"

Get on all fours, raise your head and arch your back. The deflection must be done while inhaling. Stand in this position for 3-5 seconds. Return to starting position. Repeat this several times and then rest for an hour. An important rule: perform the exercise smoothly, without sudden movements, keeping calm breathing.

Relaxation of facial muscles

Sit in a comfortable position and lower your head, trying to relax all the muscles of your face and neck as much as possible. Breathing evenly through the mouth. Try not to think about anything at this moment. The exercise takes several minutes. This technique will not only relieve stress, but also teach you to feel and control your body.


A warm shower with aromatic oils, a drop of oil in the medallion will calm you down, restore your mood and a positive attitude. However, one should be careful both with the choice of oil (some on the contrary - they can increase the tone), and with its amount.

Prevention of uterine tone

Any disease or pathological condition is much better prevented than eliminated. A few simple recommendations will help, if not avoid tone, then significantly reduce the risk of its occurrence.

  1. Daily walks in the fresh air - a portion of oxygen and excellent exercise in one bottle.
  2. Regular gymnastics. Strong physical exercises will normalize muscle tone, give vigor and a positive attitude.
  3. Proper nutrition. Try to exclude from the diet not only all the "harmfulness", but also foods that provoke increased gas production. It is recommended to limit the consumption of a number of spices, such as garlic, parsley, celery. Salty and smoked foods lead to increased water consumption, retain it in the body, which increases the risk of edema and polyhydramnios. This can cause tone.
  4. Taking vitamins. The doctor will tell you the drugs you need.
  5. If you experience discomfort, limit or completely give up sexual activity for a while.
  6. Avoid wearing tight clothing that will put pressure on your abdomen and decrease blood circulation.
  7. The most important thing is to have more positive emotions. Smile, enjoy your wonderful state.

A careful attitude to your health, adherence to the doctor's recommendations will help to bear and give birth to a healthy baby. It is important to remember that the increased tone of the uterus during pregnancy is not a sentence, but a feature of its course, which requires more attention.