What is perfume water. What is the difference between perfume water from toilet water? Toilet water, perfume and perfume - what is the difference

In search of a new pleasant smell, specialists for a long time come through different essences. The found compositions come to shop windows in the form of a deodorant, perfume, cologne, perfumey water. To make a reasonable choice, buy a product that meets expectations, you need to know its characteristic features.

Difference of perfume water from toilet water

Around about one time in the 19th century, both names have their own history. The term "toilet water", denoted by the EDT abbreviation (EAU de Toilette), is obliged to appear by Napoleon Bonaparte. The great emperor, sensitive to fragrances, often used the male cologne, being exiled to the island of Saint Helena. During this period, Napoleon invented an alternative agent called toilet water.

Having an abbreviated name EDP from the French phrase Eau de Parfum, perfume water is the invention of the French chemist Pascal Gerlene. The scientist was educated in England, returned to his homeland, opened a small pharmacy shop. Income brought its business, but Gerlene was obsessed with the desire to create. He was engaged in mixing the components and the preparation of interesting smells. This passion made a scientist famous perfume. Pascal Gerlene created flavors for Napoleon III and the monarch of all of Europe.

The main components in the composition

All fragrant compositions according to GOST include essential oils, purified water, alcohol. The proportions of these components are what the toilet water differs from perfume water. The content of fragile substances in the first case is 5-10 percent. This product is one of the most unknown. It is popular thanks to the available cost, has a light smell.

The difference between the two products is the saturation of the smell. Perfume water is approaching the ratio of components to spirits. Fragrant extracts in such products are 10-20 percent. Perfume water has a high concentration and comfortable cost. A good combination of price and quality makes the product popular with fans of fragrances.

When it is better to use

How does the toilet water differ from perfume water to use? Being simple and understandable, this product is designed to use during the daytime. Restrained fragrance is suitable for use at work, during sports. As soon as noticeable light smell is appropriate during shopping and cafes, suitable for summer walks. The tool is used in cases where there is no need to emphasize the bright image.

Opening evening outfit or cocktail dress, it is better to give preference to dense aromatic compositions. The rich smell is what perfume water is different from toilet. This means represented by different manufacturers is used to emphasize the sophistication of the image, become a framing for a beautiful hairstyle and makeup. The correctly selected product complements the appearance, reserves an aromatic loop that final perception.

What more resistant - toilet or perfume

Possessing an increased concentration of fragrant substances, perfumed water is more stable. Essence in small quantities can hold 3-7 hours. The resistance of the aromatic means is not related to how many drops of the product are applied at a time. Busting when used does not give anything other than harsh, sometimes unpleasant odor for a long time.

The difference of toilet water from perfumery is a thin fragrance, which remained several hours. During the day, re-applying is supposed. The resistance of fragrance depends on the characteristics of the human body. The flavored composition interacts with the body. One composition, applied to different people, will produce unequal notes. Resistance in this case may also differ.

How the fragrance is revealed

Perfume and toilet water have three stages of fragrance disclosure. First, attention is attracted to the upper, volatile fractions, then the average "notes of the heart" is then heard. Heavy basic components appear after a few hours. The difference of perfume water is that its components are initially reinforced. This contributes to the more powerful disclosure of the composition. When using this product, the impression of envelopes in the flavor arises. Easy fragrance, barely noticeable loop - what toilet water differs significantly from perfume water.

What is better to perfume water or toilet

About the differences between perfumes, perfume water and toilet water. The advantages of perfume water, its varieties. Selection rules. How to store perfume water.

Currently, many men and women belong to the tempering of perfume very seriously. Picking out one or another fragrance, buyers most often, and only some try to follow the trendy trends.

Every year, on the shelves of perfume shops and boutiques, a huge number of flavors of various brands appear, so finding suitable perfume every day becomes more difficult. The first thing you need to do before choosing is to determine which perfume you want to purchase: perfume, perfume water or toilet water. These three categories of perfume differ from each other only by the concentration of aromatic substances and the resistance of fragrances.

What is the difference?

Perfume (Parfum) are created based on aromatic oils, so they have a more expressive smell. The concentration of aromatic substances in Duhaha ranges from 12 to 20 percent. Only natural, most expensive, components are usually used as part of the spirits.

Perfumes are sold in small bubbles, a volume of 5-10 milliliters and cost more than all other species of perfume.

Perfume is better to use in the evening day. If you are going to any solemn event, apply perfume with a bright aroma. It is necessary to use perfumes very carefully, you need to apply them a few drops. As a rule, they are applied on the neck, wrists or uches. Unlike toilet and perfume water, perfumes have a very resistant smell, which is sometimes porous a few days.

Toilet and perfume water are characterized by a lighter odor: This is due to the fact that they contain fewer aromatic substances. It is very simple to apply them, since these pieces of perfume exist in the form of sprays. You can spray them on your hair or wrist.

Eau de parfum(Eau de Parfum) is currently the most popular among weak gender, as it combines good quality and low cost. The concentration of aromatic substances in this form of perfume is from 7 to 12 percent, which is also not small and makes perfume water similar to the perfume. Usually the difference from the spirits is that the smell is less persistent and natural components are sometimes replaced with synthetic analogues.

Perfume water is perfect for business women. She will not be annoying those surrounding with their smell, and its fragrance will hold on to four or five hours and to day.

Eau de Toilette(Eau de Toilette) is the cheapest, the least concentrated mixture of flavors (4-7%). The aroma dishes it in a couple of hours, so during the day you have to "swing" several times. As part of usually fewer components and most of them synthetic origin.

How to choose perfume water?

Properly chosen perfume water should emphasize the individuality of its owner. Many women believe that perfume water is chosen according to age or hair color, but it is completely wrong. First of all, it should be selected based on individual preferences. If you use perfumery water every day, then its aromas should be changed several times a week.

Perfume water is better to select in the first half of the day, as the smell at this time is sharper than in the second half, when it is weakened by other odors. When choosing any perfume, the main thing is that you need to do is try it out of its fragrance. No need to sniff it from the bottle itself, for this there are blotters (testers for spirits). If the fragrance came to you to taste, it is necessary to spray its small amount on the wrist or to the area of \u200b\u200bthe elbow bend, then you should wait a few seconds.

If you try a few flavors at the same time, you need to remember how each of them was applied to which skin. Consider that at a time you can try no more than five flavors, while in the interruptions between them you need to sniff ground coffee: it helps to restore susceptibility to smells.

In addition, you can buy in any perfume shop a set of fragrances and houses in a relaxed setting to choose the smell like.

When choosing a perfume, it is necessary to clarify its shelf life, so as not to acquire an overdue goods. Looking for perfume water, you should pay attention to the names of manufacturers.

Perfume should be stored in a dark and cool place for five years. If the color has changed and the sediment formed at the bottom of the bottle, then they should not use it.

No need to acquire perfume water, which seems to you questionable. It is better to try another fragrance. And remember that the correctly risk perfume is able to emphasize and add any image you selected!

Fashion on perfumery water is very modified and unpredictable, today there are very fashionable aromas created on the basis of natural smells.

In the material:

Perfume or perfume - how to?

Indeed, this question is very often asked readers. Is there any difference? To answer the answer you will have a little hunt and the droplet to give memories.

A few years ago, when we just started our project your aromat.ru, this question had to decide and us. Opinions were divided. Some assured that the perfume should speak, because It is in this form that the word is used in most Russian-speaking sources. Others insisted on perfumed, as more correct in terms of word formation. Third - the most irresponsible Shalopas - they assured that they, forgive, in figs, as it is called.

We deliberately ignored the third group of persons ... to philologists. Yes, we turned to specialists, and they ... confused us even more! In one, all consultants surveyed by us were agreed - at the moment there is still no well-established Russian form of this French term. Next began non-shirts:

  • Some assured that the word "perfume" can only apply to perfumes, but not perfumery. That is, the laboratory or devices, the tool - they are perfume, and the flavors are perfume.
  • The latter immediately objected: But what about the established term "perfumery products", which denotes all sorts of compositions of various levels of intensity? Do they only belong to perfumes or still mean perfumes in general?
  • In one case, the established expression, and in the other not established, - the first pointed ...

Confused? And now imagine that we experienced, provided that I cut this "dispute" in many, many, many times. But we made the conclusion, the decision was able to accept, and it turned out to be unequivocal! Of all of us, the third group of Salopaev was the right to truth:

With this complexity of the solution, it does not matter how to translate into Russian - perfume or perfumey water - the main thing is to understand that it is about the same thing about Eau de Parfum.

What is perfumery water?

Having finished with unsuccessful verbal "surveys", let's see what Eau de Parfum is. Parfum water is one of the types of concentration of aromatic compositions. There is already a complete explanation on this issue in our directory - see him if they did not make it earlier. Briefly remind of the most common:



Parfum / Perfume.

Though spirits now, it is customary to call any fragrance, but initially the maximum concentration of Perfume wore this proud name. The content of aromatic substances is about 30% in the total volume of fluid.


This is also one of the maximum concentrations, but the content of substances is permissible in a wider range - from 15% to 40%. That is, it can be like rushing perfume and "easier". 20% applied most often.

Eau de Parfum

This is just our heroine! The concentration of EDP is about 15% (permissible 10% - 20%).

Parfum de Toilette

The term applied today, with the content of aromatic substances at the EDP level. Below more in more detail on it.

Eau de Toilette

Very common and familiar toilet water. The concentration of about 10% (with a tolerance in the region of 5% - 15%).

Eau de Cologne.

The lowest concentration of substances is about 5%. For details about the cologne, we spoke in.

So, perfumey water is a form of perfumery products with a concentration of aromatic substances of about 15%. Those. Less than the spirits (in the sense of Perfume), but more than the toilet water.

Day perfume: fairy tale or reality?

Literally a few words about Parfum de Toilette. The term "daytime perfumes", which very often translate the name of this concentration, appeared for a very long time. When accurately - I find it difficult to say, there are various opinions.

The essence was that the times changed, and desires to smell as much as possible went into oblivion. In today's logic, it fits perfectly, but then people just began to come to the idea that Perfume in conditions of a warm day may look excessive. I do not want to repeat a brisk and unpleasant thesis that "the French learned to wash", but I think that "smoke without fire is not there."

In any case, you needed perfume, but "easier" than evening. They and became Parfum de Toilette. It is easy to guess that EDP, EDT, EDC appeared later, that is, even less rich concentrations. "Day perfumes" - remained in the list, as a tribute to the past, but almost now this term is used very rarely.

Parfum De Toilette from Salvador Dali

Perhaps over time, this concept and will gain new meanings, then we will talk about it separately, until we assume that in fact it is synonymous with Eau de Parfum.

Perfume and toilet water: What is the difference?

I think now you yourself are able to answer this question. Yes, the whole difference in concentration - toilet water is less saturated. But this is what is called "by definition." In fact, as usual, everything relative. It is enough to look at the permissible concentrations of both options:

  • EDP: 10% - 20%.
  • EDT: 5% - 15%.

Do you understand? That is, both perfume and toilet water may have, for example, a concentration of 12%. And then then their difference?

The answer is simple: in the stupid, stuffed by Oskomin, terribly banal, but still the only right phrase is "as a rule." As a rule, Parfvoda is more concentrated than toilet. As a rule, more intense. As a rule, more resistant. But everything can be different.

A bit of history

Do not worry, I will not get into the debris of the centuries to find an answer from the ancient Egyptians. Enough and the latest history. Until the end of the twentieth century, the same flavors were produced in different concentrations, but according to the same formula of the perfume composition. In other words, the smell was the same, but durability and intensity are different. Of course, there were small technological differences there, but mostly noses did not distinguish them.

CHANEL NO 5, on the poster several different concentrations

A bright example is world famous. Our compatriot Ernest Bo with you created it in 1921, and with the same composition she was produced both both perfume, and as an EDP, and as EDT until 1986, when the EDP version was reprinted.

What do we see today, during ultrasound production? Perfumes, laboratories, plants stamp "new products" dozens per year for each brand. It is worth at least somehow to show yourself to some aroma, and he immediately becomes "flagship", i.e. Using a popular name that has become popular, dozens begin to create, distinguish between and try (including) concentrations.

Here is another bright example - Miss Dior. Appearing in 1947, she was both, and, but with the same composition. But her time was gone, and the spirits were removed from production. Then they returned, liked the public, and ...:

  • 2014, Dior Les Extraits Collection: Miss Dior Original at the Extrait De Parfum concentration.
  • Confused? It's only the beginning!

    What is better: toilet or perfume water?

    And what, sorry, better, evening dress or pajamas? Dear suit or fishing park. Nothing better! There is no such choice at all. Every circumstance has its own things. The aromas also correspond to the same.

    But still, this is a ridiculous desire to compare and choose "what is more abruptly" is inherent not only to consumers, but also manufacturers. Eminent brands, albeit in commercial tricks with various flankers, but try to maintain compliance with concentrations. And how accurately classify your aromas, for whom perfumery product, let's say, side?

    A bright example in this sense is Americans. Look at the famous, such as, for example,. This brand has everything according to the rules, everything in accordance with the norms. And now take a look at the American manufacturers (I don't call them), which use the names of pop stars or at all producing panties, and only then perfume. There solidEau.dE.Parfum.!

    They do not produce toilet water in principle (in most cases, of course - there are exceptions). Why? Because perfume water is "cooler." Than? I have no idea! Apparently the fact that there is the word "perfume", and the French phrase itself sounds exotic for the American ear. What is the concentration of aromatic substances? Yes, do not care!

    What to choose: Eau de Parfum or Eau de Toilette?

    Maybe I am too strictly approached American products. Despite the convention and pseductuary, there are many interesting flavors among them. How to choose?

    Always choose only in your sympathy, paying attention to the opinions of others, but in a lesser extent! Remember, we talked with you about? It always acts, and the choice of perfume concentration is no exception. Of course, do not forget about.

    So, circumstances (day, evening, work, party, etc.) and your sympathy are two main arguments in favor of choosing toilet or perfumed water. The rest is important, but the main thing they are.


    I do not exclude that after my explanation you are a little upset. Like, so wanted exact answers, and it turns out that there is no particular certainty. I'm sorry, but with "EST LA VIE. Everyone wants clear instructions that this is white, and this is black, but it happens infrequently. And everyone who is trying to tell you clear wording, at least, mistaken. If you are not going to meet the first day With perfume, you know that I am right.

    It is not difficult to figure out - just believe yourself! Try, choose, do not be afraid to experiment. Enjoy your fragrance!

    Sergey Polane, specially

    For the project your aromat.ru

    As illustrations used photos found on the Internet in free access.

    Collages of them can be used.

Almost all of us at least once, but thought about what perfumes, toilet water and cologne are different! Today, store shelves are simply risen by all sorts of perfume products, but none of the manufacturers explain to the buyer than its price and view. In fact, this is very important, because their difference is definitely not only in the price and quality of ingredients, but also the most important thing - in concentration, the content of fragrant substance (composition) in them.

Any of these species of perfumes consists of three components: perfume composition, perfume alcohol and water. Different types are obtained by changing the ratio of these ingredients in the final product. Sometimes in perfumes you can find additional substances, such as antioxidants and dyes, but they do not affect the fragrance of perfume.

Perfume - Parfum (Franz.) Or Perfume (Eng.)

It is the most expensive, the most concentrated and, respectively, the most resistant view of perfumery. Perfume is recommended to use in the evening and in the cold seasons. They are unique due to their pronounced shelf notes. The content of perfume concentrate in spirits is about 23%.

"Perfume Water" or "Toilet Arts" - Eau de Parfum (Abbreviated EDP)

Upon concentration of fragrance, perfumed water contains 11-20% of the flavor itself. Not in vain it is called daylight spirits. They are easier than perfume, but have good resistance in order to feel the aroma all day. In perfumed water, unlike spirits are stronger than the heart notes of fragrance, which means there are more relaxed loop. The average resistance of this type of perfumery is 4-6 hours and no matter how hard you try to sall in the morning, so that the fragrance lasted longer, it will not help save it for the whole day, it will only make the flavor too sharp in the first hours.

Toilet Water - Eau de Toilette (Abbreviated EDT)

One of the light species of perfumery, in which the upper and average notes are strongest, and the loop felt are very weak, almost silent. The concentration of the fragrance is from 7 to 10%. Toilet water is suitable for lovers often update their fragrance during the day. Today, the toilet water is the most common view among perfumery.

Cologne - Eau de Cologne (abbreviated EDC)

The most unobtrusive view of perfumery. The content of the perfume composition in it is only from 3 to 6%. It is accepted that cologne is more dedicated to use by his men. It does not have a clear difference from toilet water, the main feature in the small content of the fragrance.

For all these species of perfumery, glass bottles are most often used, since they are more reliable in the issue of storage of perfumery. The glass is one of the most neutral materials that does not react with the components of perfumery, which means it does not change the sound of the aroma.

In cosmetic stores, there is so much that in time to get confused. Eau de toilette, perfume water, cologne - with this we at least figuratively figured out. But what to do with the aroma for hair or perfume oil, they know units. What really is behind all these terms?

In fact, the standard classification is simple. It is based on the amount of pure aromatic substance in the final formula:

cologne (Eau de Cologne) - this is only 2-5% of pure aromaessen;

eau de Toilette (Eau de Toilette) - 5-12%;

eau de parfum (Eau de Parfum) - 10-20%;

perfume (Parfum) - from 20 to 40%.

"Removing what fragrance to use today is to focus on where you plan to carry out the coming hours," suggests Santa Maria Novella Gianluca Foa. - For office and travel, more "air" formulas are suitable. And for festive events and outdoor activity, more rich smells are good. " It is also useful to remember that depending on the time of the year and humidity of the climate, in which you turned out to be, the same perfume can be disclosed completely differently. In the cold and at high humidity are good, as a rule, more concentrated aromaFormulas.

Who is new

Literally from day to day, the first representatives of a completely new perfume category will appear on the shelves - perfume oils. They will leave Dior (J'Adore Touche de Parfum) and Giorgio Armani (Sì Huile de Parfum). In the novelties, the same high concentration of pure aroma, as in spirits. They are dissolved in oil, and not in an alcohol basis. "Thanks to this innovation, familiar Aromamolecules" sit down "on the skin very differently. After all, floral notes are brighter, being in oil. While woody feels in an alcohol basis, "the DIOR DIOR Francois Demashi is spent the perfumer.

J "ADORE TOUCHE DE PARFUM, DIOR; Sì Huile de Parfum, Giorgio Armani

However, the historian of perfumery Elizabeth de Fadido does not agree with the fact that the perfumery oil -News: "Actually, the history of body flavoring began. In the ancient East, aromatic oils used priests and rulers. And a little later - and women (for seduction, of course!). The first "alcohol" perfumes appeared only at the beginning of the 17th century. These were cologne, which were applied straight from the bottle. Spray-invention of the twentieth century. "

However, modern perfumery oils are still far away from the progenitors: due to dry texture they absorbed instantly. Not the slightest risk of wrapping clothes! They can be used independently, and you can mix with alcohol perfumes from the same line. You can drop into body cream, in the bath or apply on the tips of the hair. By the way, about the hair.

Smell hair

Fragravized hair hassles have been produced for many years, but these funds still remain a mystery for most girls. It is clear from the name that they need to spray them on the hair. The question is only - why. Why not use the same intelligent perfume with the same purpose? "In the smoke less alcohol than in a traditional perfume. In addition, it is usually included in the air-conditioning components. Therefore, the haze is not simply not dried hair, but cares for them, "says AromaExpert Dior Julia Parinova. That is why the haze should not spray on the skin. It will be equivalent to how instead of the cream, apply air conditioner for hair on the body.