Business etiquette of Austria. Gold rules for successful integration in Austria or the rules of the Austrian etiquette. What is worth remembering

Speaking about the traditions of Austria, you should know that the country's culture is based on the bizarre interlacing of many European cultures. Its indigenous people are inherent in the magnificent ability to receive pleasure from life, which affected the raininess and hospitality towards guests and tourists.

As in most European countries, the Austrians welcome each other handshake. If there are friends, then a kiss in both cheeks can be added to the handshake. But this feature of the greeting is characteristic more for South, Northerners are more restrained in the manifestation of emotions. With each re-meeting, it is customary to greet again, even if people saw only a few hours ago. Get out of the guests and not say goodbye to everyone present - it means to offend people. The Austrians are holy than tradition and try to abide by them. Those of old age are very circumventive with women, with each meeting with them they express their respect and kiss their hands. Young people welcomed each other in the usual way, but she does not mind shine knowledge of the manner on occasion.

If Austrian is invited to visit, he will first acquaint the search for a gift for the owners of the house: For a woman, he will buy flowers (in Austria, it is customary to give an even number of colors), and the owner of the house is a bottle of good wine. At the table it is not customary to talk about affairs, personal problems or family. Also under the unlawful prohibition talk about politics and religion. But after a common feast in a secluded place, you can talk to any topics. Mixed inhabitants do not like empty dialogues on all sorts of distracted topics, they appreciate their own and someone else's time and prefer not to spend it on unnecessary conversations. It is also not welcome if the interlocutor does not look into the eyes when talking - this is a sign of disrespect and insincerity.

Austrians go with gifts to visit

Attitude to house and clothing

In many houses Austria, it is customary to shoot shoes (unlike many European countries). The owners will offer you soft felt slippers or slippers.

Austrians have a reverent attitude to their own home, they even call it the second skin. They are pleased to engage in the house, investing in its arrangement a lot of strength, tools and time.

Attitude towards clothes is quite democratic. Preference is given to practical clothing. Matching fashion for Austrians is not important. It is important that clothes have been clean and tidy. Shoes must be cleaned to shine. On holidays, the Austrians put on national costumes or ordinary clothes with folk style elements. And respect the folk costumes are not only their country, but also others too.

Holidays and Leisure

In New Year's Eve in Austria by tradition, accepted all over the world, all family members are going for a festive table, and gifts give children. It is customary to congratulate absolutely unfamiliar people on the streets, give them small souvenirs with the wishes of good and happiness. Very interesting facts regarding birthday celebration. In Austria, it is customary to congratulate in advance, but if you be late with congratulations, it is necessary to ask if a birthday cabbage has eaten today. Sai cabbage is a casual food for Austrian, and if it is already eaten, it means that the holiday passed and congratulations were late.

Favorite leisure venue for local coffee shops. Each resident knows the history of coffee houses in his country. At the end of the 18th century, Zaporizhia Cossack Yuri Kulchitsky, distinguished in battles for the defense of Vienna, were presented bags with coffee beans. These bags were thrown by hurry by escaping the Turks. According to beliefs, it was Kulchitsky who became the founder of the "coffee" tradition in Austria, founding the first Austrian coffee house. Coffee shops have become a favorite place of leisure to Austrian Bohemia, writers, poets, artists and musicians began to be gathered. That is why coffee shops among the locals are a kind of cultural houses.

Kitchen Austria

The National Kitchen of the Austrian Republic is a wonderful mixture of culinary recipes of Hungary, Italy, Spain and even Turkey. Everyone knows the most popular national dish - Viennese Schnitzel, served with a salad of fresh vegetables. Also known are famous roast and soup from roots and vegetables. Austrian cuisine is often called the Viennese cuisine to emphasize the significance of their capital, which is very loved. In different regions of the country their culinary preferences. In the valley of the Danube love fresh vegetables and greens, and magnificent desserts are famous for the whole country. In the mountainous regions, on the contrary, food is not so exquisite and easy to prepare. The kitchen of Lower Austria is distinguished by a variety of vegetables and fruits, and in the fertile Burgenland bordering Hungary, the abundance of fish dishes with the addition of paprika. Western Styria is famous for its stewed meat with spices. The city's annual fairs holds a presentation of culinary masterpieces, where everyone can try national cuisine.

Wedding traditions

To the wedding celebration, the Austrians fit very scrupulously and begin to prepare for him for many months ahead. The Austrian Republic - the country is extremely religious, and the main action on the marriage is wedding.

Several interesting facts regarding the customs of the Austrian wedding:

  • may is considered the most favorable month for marriage;
  • december consider a failed month for weddings;
  • the color of the wedding dress is only white;
  • newlyweds ordered gifts themselves, the list is given to the largest store, and guests are reported to the store;
  • there is no traditional Tamada - his role is performed by friends of the groom;
  • the custom of kidding the bride is observed strictly, the redemption of the bride is accompanied by noisy, even slightly pompous;
  • it is customary to plant a tree in city gardens on the wedding day, there are already whole "wedding groves."

Austria is a wonderful country in which old-fashioned traditions and modern fashion trends are harmonious. Surprises the respectful attitude of the Austrians to everything, which was created by the ancestors, and first of all these are the customs and traditions of this country.

Moscow Humanitarian University



international Protocol and Business Ethics

"National features of business etiquette in Germany and Austria"

Performed: Abrosimova Anna,student 3 courses

faculty of international relations,

specialty "International Relations",

group MO-301

Accept: Zagainov Yuri Georgievich,

Assistant professor

Moscow, 2010.


In each country and each people have their own traditions and customs of communication and business ethics. And although the world gradually develops a certain standard of business contacts, there are noticeable differences in the degree of openness, independence, and their responsibility. The latter circumstance is of serious importance to evaluate representatives of many organizations from countries with economies in transition, with poorly developed product relations.

So, participants in international communication adhere to uniform rules and rules, however, national and cultural features may be very significant during business relations.

Knowledge of national peculiarities can serve as a kind of guide, a guide to a partner possible behavior.

In more detail in this work, I would like to meet the issue of business communication and etiquette of two German-speaking countries - Germany and Austria, since, despite the apparent absence of some obvious difficulties and communication problems, there are some subtleties that need to be considered.


Foreigners tend to see the Germans in their public manifestation and never in their personal. The Germans are convinced that life is divided into two parts: public and private. Public life includes work, politics, business, bureaucracy. And personal life is family, friends, hobbies and rest. Therefore, what appropriate in one life is unacceptable in another. And often it turns out that in humans - a displacement decency, and at home - all sorts of eccentrics.

Formal rules of etiquette in Germany are very simple. The adopted form of treatment in Germany is "you". The German will never turn, especially to a unconscious person, on "you". Upon acquaintance, the companion is made to contact "Herr" and "Frau" with the addition of the surname. Later, if you have a common interest or common acquaintances, you will be taught by name and last name. And only after months or years it is possible to appeal to "you". But you need to be prepared for the fact that the Germans are very reluctant to go to a friendly leg. This is evidence of their eternal seriousness, including in friendship. The Germans prefer to do anything slowly, gradually. In the youth environment, it is customary to contact "you".

A clear division for personal and public is the key to the fact that the Germans are open in personal, private life sincere. The Germans are not too kind in communication, as they consider it unnecessary delight, with foreigners hold quite closed and are not in a hurry to get closer with unfamiliar people, but if you managed to go with the German to "you", then you are now friends.

In the official handling of Germany, it is customary to call the title of each, to whom you appeal. If the human title is unknown to you, then you can use the word "doctor" (for example, "Herr" Doctor), since it applies to almost every educated person.

To the married lady addressed the title of husband - for example, Frau Doctor or simply freeing the sovereign - Naggie Frau. Agnediez Freilain appeal to the girls, because just Froilain call only saleswoman and waitresses.

The Germans shapen each other hands with each convenient case, a handshake - a mandatory element of their lives. Hands are customary to shake at meetings and partings, upon arrival and departure, as a sign of consent and disagreement too. In the sign of a friendly arrangement, the hand holds as longer as possible. Answering a phone call, the German usually calls its name - this is the oral replacement of the handshake.

Healthy and saying goodbye, the Germans shapen each other hands. It is not accepted to kiss when meeting.

The Germans belong to life with an incredible seriousness, therefore, any manifestations of frivolity, all chance and surprises are very disapproving. For the same reason, all their conversations are serious and significant: they are discussed with pleasure all kinds of problems, diseases, stress, overload at work and other burning topics.

To the question - "How are you?", In Germany, it is customary to answer in detail, without losing a single detail, to talk in detail about its problems at home and at work, about health, children, and so on. If you do not want to listen to such reports, do not ask questions such.

In Germany, it is considered absolutely unacceptable verbal insult to another person. This, as a rule, leads to a rupture of relationships.

By nature, the Germans are simply not able to ask for a lie or a mistake. Their unshakable confidence in their right to interfere with everything makes them irreconcilable to someone else if it differs from their own. And about his disagreement, the German will declare immediately, and, can make a remark, not very choosing the form of the presentation.

For German etiquette, punctuality and clarity is characteristic. The meetings are taken to negotiate in advance, about the impossibility of come or possible late to be delayed with apologies. They are critical of unplanned proposals and imprompts. In their opinion, people are not serious and unreliable.

If you were invited to visit or dinner in a restaurant, it will be a good tone to come with a gift. It can be flowers for ladies or various souvenirs. Invitation home in Germany is considered a sign of special respect.

In the restaurant for arrival, it is customary to welcome all those who are nearby people, even strangers, the wish of a pleasant appetite. When calculating the restaurant, add 15% to the account as a tip. If you pay in cash, only banknotes are taken from the delivery, and the coins remain a waiter.

The Germans are distinguished by hard work, adjacent, punctuality, cruelness, rationality, organized, pedanticity, skepticality, seriousness, calculation, desire for orderliness. Business connections with German firms can be established by exchange of letters with a proposal for cooperation. To establish business relationships, you can use the practice of cooperation accepted in Germany and mediation firms.

The time of the upcoming meeting can be determined by phone. All promises, telephone data, as a rule, are executed.

German employees strongly belong to the choice of clothing. The main type of clothing is a rigorous suit. To any suit should not wear light shoes.

Negotiations are conducted with the participation of one or more partners. The presentation and acquaintance ceremony complies with international standards: Handshake and business card sharing.

The Germans prefer the negotiations in which they with sufficient evidence see the possibility of finding a solution. They are very carefully preparing for negotiations and work out their position. During the negotiations, they love to discuss the questions consistently one by one.

At the conclusion of the transaction, the Germans will insist on strict adherence to the decisions taken, as well as on the payment of fines if they are not fulfilled. They will require a significant warranty period for the goods supplied by them, as well as pledge in case of delivery of poor-quality goods. The Germans themselves committed obligations are strictly.

German accuracy and rationality often goes into pedantry. According to our Russian standards, sometimes it may look just offensively. For example, a German partner, leaving the cabinet, can close the telephone or xerox to the key. Even if your relationship is quite friendly, the German in your presence calmly eat your sandwiches captured from the house, and you will not offer you. In the restaurant he will expect you to pay for yourself. This can not be considered a manifestation of disrespect, it is just another education and other traditions.

During the negotiations, the Germans behave quite rigidly. They provide for negotiations excellent conditions: premises, equipment, equipment. During the negotiations, they are pretty professional and official.

If at the break of the negotiations, you were invited to a restaurant, do not forget that the bills are paid separately: inviting and invited. You should drink at the table when the owner will pronounce "prick" or "simple." At the table should not talk about politics.


Despite visible arrogance, Austrians - hospitable people; They are easy to come to contact and are always ready to help in difficulties. Distinctive features of Austrians bringing them closer to the Germans - immaculate politeness and punctuality. At the same time, they are funny, sociable, love to eat well, drink and chat.


In Austria, it is important not to violate a certain distance when communicating. "Social Distance" here is equal to the distance of an elongated hand. If you break this distance - invade the intimate zone of the Austrian! The same applies to personal questions. They can only be asked to friends. All questions about marriage, personal life and family situations between office employees are undesirable.

Healthy, the Austrians will definitely shapen each other's hands - whether it is friends or colleagues. With friends, the kiss in both cheeks is added to the handshake.

Behavior at work

An important component of the Austrian "office" etiquette is a smile and humor.

A handshake that is used here not only between working colleagues, but also between friends should not be too strong, but not too weak. Hand you need to catch up, and not shake. The handshake should last a split second. At the same time, watch your interlocutor in the eye. During the conversation, also look into the eyes, but not intently. A wandering look is taboo, as well as the "drilling" interlocutor.

When greetings and acquaintance, it is necessary to clearly name the full name.

When talking (in business etiquette), nothing significant questions and template forms like WIE GEHT'S? (How are you?) Austrian business etiquette specialists advise to avoid.

If you were called to the boss and offered to sit down - they do not sit on the edge of the chair, but on the entire surface of the seat. Keep your back straight, the legs should touch the floor. Avoid keeping long monologues - if there is a need to speak, let it the will of the house, but not at work.

If you accept the visitor when it enters, you need to get up if you are sitting, for greeting.

If at this moment you behave a telephone conversation, which cannot be interrupted, signal the entered gesture and the expression of the face that it can enter and sit down. After the end of the conversation, briefly apologize.

Developing at the meeting

The Austrians adopted to emphasize the delays of colleagues into common meetings and give to feel late for themselves not in their plate. Therefore, a "good afternoon, who came to be lost briefly, and then ignore 5 minutes or demonstratively, silently observe how he sits down, lay out his papers, etc. About the content of the previous conversation is not reported.

There is a etiquette with respect to clothing and shoes that you wear. Ideally, they advise adhere to the scheme - a suit: it's died once, then to ventilate, let's give "shift" in the closet for a few days; Shoes: Wear a day, then take a break for the day.

Turns to the chief only on "You". Despite the good or very good relationship. Offer Go to "You" - taboo.

It is undesirable to linger after work in the workplace. This may be regarded in two ways: or what you do not cope with your duties during working hours, or as a transparent hint of salary.

Telephone conversation

Talking, it is impossible to sort out the paper on the table, not to mention smoking, food and other things. Speak should be clearly and avoiding arrogant phrases. The following phrases should be excluded at a business conversation in Austria, even if you want to say this:

"Das Ist Falsch ...",

"Das Können Sie Gar Nicht Wissen ...",

"Passen Sie Mal Auf!"

("This is wrong ...", "You can't know this at all ...", "Listen!").


When writing an address if you address a couple of pairs, the name of the man is written in front of the name of the woman. In the very letter - reverse order.

All titles (which are very beloved and revered in Austria) are indicated only in the address of the letter. In the letter itself, only titles like "Doctor" (Dr.), "Professor" and other in circulation are descended.

Use: Sehr Geehrte Frau ...; Sehr Geehrte Damen ..., SEHR Geehrte Herren ... (deep lady ...; deeplywater mistress ..., deep-maintained gentlemen ...), (Also allowed: Guten Tag, Herr ... (Good afternoon, Mr.).

Use direct formulations! Instead of "Ich Möchte Sie Bitten ..." ("I would like to ask you ..."), it is preferable to write "Ich Bitte Sie" ("I ask you") and so on.

When writing e-mail, be brightest and rosary. Do not use writing in large letters - it is nervous to the addressee and creates a subconscious sensation of "scream". The emoticons are desirable in private correspondence, but absolutely unacceptable in the official!

Features of national cuisine in Germany and Austria

The Germans and the Austrians can safely offer all dishes from vegetables, pork, birds, game, veal, beef and fish. Especially appreciated vegetables in boiled form. Barries - cauliflower, beans pods, carrots, red cabbage, boiled peas and beans, boiled potatoes, which partially replaces bread.

Cold dishes and snacks - Sandwiches with butter, cheese, sausage, raw material, fish, etc., Vegetable salads, ham, sausages, sprats, sardines, herring dishes with various sauces, meat and fish salads, refilled by mayonnaise .

The first dishes are broths with egg, dumplings, rice and tomatoes, noodles soup, pea soup, cauliflower, chickens and game, sometimes bread, beer soups.

Second dishes - pork, chickens, boiled vegetables, especially potatoes.

Dessert - whipped cream, creams, jelly, mousses, confectionery with custard and oil cream, fruit in syrup.

Hot drinks - they are customary to serve after lunch and dinner: natural coffee, coffee with milk or coffee with cream.

Tea in our time acquired great popularity in Germany. Popular drink - beer.


Botavina R.N. Ethics of business relationships. M.: Finance and Statistics, 2002.

Kanovskaya M. "Etiquette". M.: AST, 2007.

Kibanov A.Ya., Zakharov D.K., Konovalova V.G. The textbook is ethics of business relations. M.: Infra-M 2002.

Maksimovsky M. Etiquette business man M., 1994.

Internet sources

Article "National features of business communication. Germany »Portal" All about business etiquette "

Article "Features of national cuisine (guests from Germany)" Portal "World of etiquette"

Article "Etiquette in Germany" Internet magazine "New Status"

Article "National Features of Austria"

Regardless of whether you came to conduct business negotiations or plan to start a business in Austria, you want to get a job or go to the university, you should know the basic rules of the Austrian etiquette.

So, let's begin. The first rule is the so-called " pupil». Hello, bye, thank you and you are welcome are the most common words in Austria. And if you are not sure if they already greeted with their colleague, then catch it up and say hello again just in case. Because for Austrian there is nothing worse than non-compliance with this banal etiquette of friendliness. "Hello-please-thank you, goodbye" are always used and everywhere and are pronounced as Mantra. Sperate for practicality to "ZPSD".

In Austria, the profession of the seller, a taxi driver or a waiter is a serious profession that are proud and which are practicing throughout life. Therefore, at the coming to visit to the lush, ruddy bells in one of the Austrian bakeries immediately shoot the seller's address: "ZPSD"! And even if you are already talking in German, like Goethe, in Austria you will still have to study German Austrian conventional language. Therefore, not "Guten Tag", but "Gruss Goth!" (Grüß Gott!), Not "Halo", and "Sirvus" (Servus) and not "TCUS", but "PAI" (BABA!)! Do not be afraid: going beyond the edge of the ordinary resin-sense and discussion of food, you will again find yourself in the usual space of the "German" German with a sweet Austrian flavor - at least in the city. I think the most important rule of the use of "ZPSD" you have already learned.

Features of Austrian men

But we will not confuse the "pupil" with "halanery". Cute ladies, the Austrian "gentleman" can, entering the cafe, smile to you, say hello, and when you exit you to the door with your nose, in vain believing that this sir holds it for you. And having met the neighbor in your home without elevator, you will be written, blush and drag your suitcase through all the steps while your cute neighbor will entertain you with a fun conversation. Well, if you decide to go to a date with him, then be prepared to pay your dinner.

But it is not all that bad! In Austria, there are still true gentlemen who stick the door for the lady will help her to remove and wear a coat and pay joint dinner. Finding such a man, it is worth apparent, cherish and take it! As an alternative, you can easily educate from your partner Gentleman.

How to invite Austrian for dinner?

Dear male, when you invite Austrian for dinner, do not hurry to poke your credit card waiter! First ask your companion if it will invite you to invite you, because two very strong feelings of the Austrian woman are now fighting in it: on the one hand, the mandatory need to demonstrate their independence and independence, on the other - practicality and economy. Also, do not be surprised if your guest asks the waiter to complete the remnants of the unstilled schnitzel with themselves. In Austria, this is normal, especially since many dishes of Austrian cuisine are becoming more tastier the next day.

Should you leave tips in Austria?

Mr. Waiter or Mr. Taksista should leave a little more money than you require an account. So, if the waiter's cafe announces the price of coffee in 2 euros and 60 cents, it is worth offering 3 euros, thereby rounding the amount. And paying a taxi trip for 13 euros, please the taxi driver, I will call your price - 15 euros. It may sound like this:

Taxi driver: "Macht 13 EURO".

You: "Fünfzehn".

Your took! And, of course, do not forget about "ZPSD"!

Watch out for the continuation of the fascinating theme about the Austrian everyday etiquette and to new meetings!

Ekaterina Makarova (MAG. PTH.) - a specialist in the field of intercultural communication, adaptation and development of the individual in a new cultural and geographical environment. Provides consultations to the target and successful adaptation in Austria and Russia.

Austria in its political structure is a federal country. Each of its provinces and land has sufficiently noticeable differences from the neighbors both by the ethnic composition of the population and according to customs and traditions. Many centuries of the Alps served natural boundaries of areas, so even the neighboring valleys were essentially isolated from each other. They developed their own dialects, dress, cooking, folklore and even architecture, which is easily traced in our day. In addition, Austria does not have access to the sea and is surrounded by eight countries with their very characteristic and distinctive cultures that have increasingly influence local traditions. Modern media and transport has significantly reduced many of these differences. And now the Austrians consider themselves a single nation, with a single language and culture, although numerous local "subtle nuances" are visible at every corner and are even emphasized by local residents as an element of their national self-identification.

Austrian society was traditionally very stratified, with clear social differences and hierarchy. However, the perturbations of the 20th century and the growing average class have noticeably leveled differences in social structure, and now Austria is one of the most liberal European countries (there are much more citizens to the middle class than in any other country in the region). But the rudiments of the old system are still found - foreign workers, immigrants and gypsies (even long having Austrian citizenship) still have a rather unstable social status. But influential families that are able to track their history on this earth for several generations back are used by a noticeable authority and successfully replace almost disappeared aristocracy.

Despite all the democratic trends of recent years, Austrian men, especially in a rural environment, are still considered the heads of families. And in general, orders in families here are not much different from those in the neighboring countries of the European Union.


Most Austrians welcomed each other when meeting, exchanging hands. The usual form of greetings is Gruss Gott (literally - "Greetings God", analogue of our "God to help") or Gruss Dich ("Greetings you"). A kiss in both cheeks is also added to the handshake with the handshake, although it is characteristic, rather, for the southern provinces - in the north, the relationship is a little more painful.

When re-encountered, even within one day, they adopted again, although it is not necessary. When entering the restaurant or the store is considered polite to greet all those present by the phrase, Guten Tag ("Good day") or, much more often, universal GRUSS GOTT. It's not so much to say goodbye also means to resent - the Austrians are very respecting such formalities and use them with a certain grace.

The people of the reverence adore halanery and at a meeting with the lady indicate the kiss of the hands with a welcoming KUSS Die Han ("Kiss your hand", the kiss itself - the phenomenon is extremely rare). In this case, a special chic is a click on heels to the Prussian aristocracy manner or hats removing (often only touching it). Young people use the usual greetings in all of Europe, but at some formal meetings, too, not at all away to shine knowledge of the manner.

Women love to open the doors. But in public transport, the place is accepted only by the elderly and pregnant. Before the start of the meal, they usually utter some common toast - Prosit or Guen Appetit. When contacting unfamiliar people, it is customary to use Standard German Frau (Mrs., especially if a woman is married) or HERR (Mr.) and the surname. The appeal by the name is used extremely rare - and only between well familiar people.

When inviting for lunch or dinner, it is customary to give small gifts to the house - usually this colors hostess (only an even number - do not sell here) or a bottle of good wine to the table. Communication at the table should also be laid in a certain framework - no questions about personal life or family, no talk about business, politics or religion, no freewarliness or loud conversations. But if the host asks the guest about something, it means he is ready to answer such questions himself, so it's easier to focus on the spot. But after the meal, it is already possible to talk about something serious, but only if it does not violate the general course of the holiday and does not prevent the rest.

Unlike many other European countries, in Austria, at the entrance to the house, it is customary to remove shoes, but not everywhere. In rural areas of Tyrol, guests will surely offer felt or tap "slippers", in the upper Austria - something like slippers, everything depends on the traditions of the hosts of the house (here at the entrance more often do not remove shoes).

A characteristic feature of local life is a certain distance between people. Even well-known people rarely come closer to the distance less than the elongated hand and are sitting at the table at a pretty distance to our standards from each other. An attempt to get together can be interpreted as the invasion of a personal life, although in informal cases and with well-familiar people for this usually few do not pay attention. But on the street, in line, in transport and other locations of people still need to avoid unnecessary tight contacts.

An important component of the Austrian etiquette is a smile and humor. Many tourists for some reason consider the locals of the people of a harsh warehouse character and a sullen look at life. In fact, this is completely wrong - a sincere smile can bring very much benefits here. Also, you should not divert eyes from the interlocutor - this is considered a sign of insincerity. Not in honor and no meaningful conversations "about the weather" and long speeches - Austrians are quite specific and do not like to spend their and someone else's time on nonsense.

Attitude towards clothes and shoes are quite free. The Austrians themselves are very respecting strong and practical clothes with obvious elements of a folk style, although the city streets can see suits of literally all the styles. But to the purity of the dress and its well-friendly attitude of the attitude. The jacket may be shabby and fallen, but it must be clean, the shoes can also not quite approach the color or style - but they should not be charged or broken. In general, a common sound attitude towards clothes.

In the festive cases, the Austrians prefer the usual European "semi-" suit, but much depends on the format of the meeting. But to appear for several days in a row in the same dress is not accepted if it is, of course, not a friendly party or working (sports) uniform. However, the last and so permissible only in the recreation area - to appear in the city restaurant in a ski suit means it is clear to earn the disapproval of local residents. But the folk costumes just adore here, and not only their own. The main thing is only that their elements do not carry some kind of outcast or shocking element.

The basic principles of business etiquette are similar in all European states, but each country has its own characteristics caused by its culture, history and customs. Austria, of course, no exception. In the business etiquette of this country a lot of subtleties, without knowledge of which it will be much more difficult to establish business connections with Austrians and build a business.


Punctuality is a truly national feature of the Austrians. Of course, in our country, accuracy and scrupulsiness are also commendable qualities of a business person, however will be frank: late for 5-10 minutes is rarely perceived as a serious problem and almost never leads to breaking negotiations.

Austrians look into business differently. In this country, it is familiar to planning events for weeks and months ahead. Punctuality is considered one of the signs of the ability to do well and carefully. Developing even a couple of minutes can seriously offend the Austrian partner, will be perceived as a sign of disrespect and undermine your business reputation.

It should not be linger not only on business meetings, but also on less official events, such as lunch or dinner in a restaurant, concert or home reception. The possibility of late is to warn in advance, and it is better to come for a few minutes before the designated term. Never cancel the business meeting at the last moment.

The sign of good tone is also respect for the non-working time of the Austrian partners. You should not plan a business visit to Austria for traditional holidays (July and August), Christmas holidays or days of national holidays, for example, October 26 - National Day of the Austrian Republic.


The Austrians are very closely related to titles and appeals, so unusual in Russian. With initial communication, the appeal formula looks like "Herr / Frau + title or profession + surname", for example, "Herr Dr. Bauer". The spouse of the interlocutor addresses the same, of course, replacing the "Herr" on Frau: Frau Dr. Bauer. By the way, the "doctor" in the business etiquette of Austria much more often means a scientific title than profession.

Even if you are in friendly relations with Austrian partners and have long switched to "you", at work, in the presence of colleagues and employees, it is necessary to use official appeals.

In the future, you can give the surname and use only polite appeal and the title, for example, "Herr Doctor" or "Frau Doctor". You can go to the name by name only after your Austrian interlocutor or partner offers.

The first meeting

Before negotiations, business etiquette Austria instructs the exchange of polluous issues. Austrian will surely ask how your trip has passed, did you like the hotel, as you spent the previous evening, etc. It will be quite appropriate to set oncoming issues of a similar order.

In personal conversations there are preferred and unwanted themes. Conversations about:

  • classical music and opera (especially the famous Austrian composers);

  • austrian art and architecture;

  • winter sports.

Unwanted topics are considered:

  • finance;

  • religion;

  • the role of Austria in World War II.

What is important to know before negotiations?

  • Fuely to sufficient business cards: they are customary to leave not only direct partners, but also serving less than high rank, for example, secretaries. It is desirable that on one side of the business card information be presented in German, indicating your position, title or a degree.

  • It is important to carefully prepare for negotiations. A business meeting in Austria is not a place for improvisation, "brainstorming", search for compromises or discussion of possible options. Usually, the meeting has a rigidly specified agenda, must bring a specific result and ends when all the working questions are exhausted.

  • Austrian business culture is traditional, conservative and very formalized. Unreasonable innovations are not welcome, and any deviation from the well-minded order bring discomfort by Austrians, which negatively affects the success of the negotiations.


Exchange gifts is not the usual part of the business process in Austria. The country has one of the smallest corruption indicators in the world, so the lifting of too expensive gifts will be perceived by the business partner, most likely negatively. However, in case Austrian makes you a small gift, it is better to have a souvenir with me, which will pay for the same courtesy.

Gifts made in the business atmosphere unfold immediately, in the face of all those present.

It is better to choose a souvenir of moderate value, nothing to do with the receiving side: an art album, a bottle of souvenir alcohol, a bauble with a national flavor. If you were invited to visit, you can capture good wine and a bouquet of flowers for the hostess. Bouquets as well as in Russia should consist of an odd number of colors (it is desirable to avoid chrysanthemums, white lilies and red roses).

What is worth remembering

The main features of business culture in Austria are punctuality, formalism, strict hierarchy and adherence to traditions. The Austrians are quite conservative and can negatively perceive innovations - until the breakdown of negotiations.

The same applies to gifts: in the course of the negotiations it is desirable to exclude them or present them as a response gift.

Austrians tremendously relate to titles and titles: do not forget to indicate them when handling - especially during the business conversation.

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