Day of Remembrance of War Veterans. Day of war veterans. Poems dedicated to the Day of participants in hostilities and local wars

This holiday, which is celebrated on July 1, is akin to Victory Day, because it is also "with tears in my eyes." Oh, not all the soldiers who took part in hostilities or in the elimination of local conflicts are alive today. That is why the bright moment of memory of the heroes is an obligatory tribute that veterans pay to their colleagues on July 1.

And even though at first the holiday was celebrated somehow spontaneously, inconsistently, the main thing is that the initiative group has achieved a result. And now, on the Day of War Veterans, wreaths are being laid in an organized manner at the Eternal Flame, at the monuments to soldiers-internationalists in various Russian cities. And in the capital, concerts are held, artists who sang for the wounded in military hospitals perform in front of the veterans, performers for whom the word "veteran" is not an empty phrase. Let our veterans live in peace, in care and due respect.

Happy war veterans day,
I wish you a lot of happiness in your life.
Let everything, as in your plans and dreams,
In real life, it will become embodied.

Let the family love, well, all friends
Giving support, loyalty, respect.
Once again, with this holiday you.
Know that you are worthy only of admiration!

You have passed the battle points
In Afghanistan and Chechnya,
In Egypt, in Syria, in Lebanon,
Fighting for peace in war.

Honestly deserved their awards
For hard, unbearable work.
For the fact that they did not spare their lives,
In the Fatherland they call you heroes.

Thank you, dear veterans,
For dedicating their lives to the struggle
And we will not forget your names,
And let your glory thunder everywhere!

Please accept our congratulations and low bows for your services. We wish you only a peaceful blue sky, green grass with transparent dew and a warm gentle sun. Do not know troubles and grief, let difficulties pass you by. Let only good news come to your home. I wish you health and strength to work peacefully and no longer hear the sounds of war.

You are a veteran of military action,
You served at firing points,
With weapons in hand, went through fire and water,
For the people, for happiness, for freedom!
You are a hero, a real man
To respect you, there is more than one reason
Chests in orders and scars from wounds
Still young, and already a veteran!
Happy holiday, happy veterans of all wars,
We congratulate you, our hero!

Those who passed hot spots,
They celebrate their holiday today,
We congratulate them all from the bottom of our hearts,
We bow our heads before them,
We saved the world, but we took risks,
How much strength, patience, courage they have!
We wish them peace, good,
In life, they will not meet any troubles.

Being a veteran doesn't mean being old
There are countless wars on the planet,
On this day, we have only that left,
What to pour, raise, remember ...

Let's raise the first toast to you,
Follow him and the rest,
For what was scratching my soul,
For nerves, for steel,
For what has been and has passed
But it was not forgotten at all,
For the time that knocks on the glass
For aching bones.
For combat veterans,
We push our speech,
Today we celebrate them
And we wish you health!

Peaceful day, the sun is shining in the sky
The wind in the crowns plays with foliage,
I'm veterans day today
Congratulations on the silence.

The battles died down, they made noise,
And only memory is at war in a dream
Fighting friends come with her,
What remained in someone else's war.

Let the combatants know no action
Neither your son, nor grandson, nor brother,
You gave your debt to the Motherland honestly,
Combat veteran, soldier.

Happy Veterans Day of Combat Action!
You protected from enemy misfortune
The vastness of the fields, forests and rivers of my family.
May life give you peace and happiness!

In fate everything will be very good
Family, friends, let them love you very much.
And the rumble of war is gone forever,
And may all the days be beautiful, they will be peaceful!

You often do not sleep at night.
You are drowning in cigarette smoke.
The pain of mental wounds tears the body to shreds.
And greetings are unbearable to memory ...

Here is mom, home, beloved ... And there -
I constantly heard the breath of death.
War in a foreign country you are a veteran.
We are tirelessly proud of you.

Not the clink of coins, just the word "debt"
It opened the way for the heart of the brave.
And you passed. You survived. You could.
Our lowest bow and glory to you!

The history of each nation keeps the memory of bloody events, armed conflicts and wars, immortalizing the names of heroes who died in battles or emerged victorious from the deadly flame of battle.

Today, many veterans of the Great Patriotic War and World War II, internationalist warriors and courageous fighters against terrorism live around the world. Defending peace with arms in hand, these people have deserved with their blood and health the right to enjoy privileges and have some additional social guarantees.

This is a day of remembrance for all who fought for Russia, no matter in what wars and armed conflicts, fulfilling their duty to defend the Motherland. As a tribute to them - the veterans who live next to us, and the memory of those who are no longer alive.

War Veterans Day encourages those who live next to these heroes to remember what they have done for everyone. If there were no people ready to defend their Motherland and security with their breasts, the civilized world would have ceased to exist long ago, mired in strife. Taking care of the future of their descendants, they boldly went to the enemy, which is why today they deserve respect and admiration.

This holiday provides a unique opportunity to say words of gratitude to the veterans, whose merits cannot be overestimated.

On this day, the military and war veterans lay wreaths at the monuments of military valor and glory, concerts are organized and meetings of former fellow soldiers are held, where congratulations on the Day of the War Veteran are heard.

For those who went into battle, leaving their fears behind,
For those who defended their family, country, themselves.
For those who have blotted out their sins before the Lord for a long time.
For those who risked their lives, for the Motherland, in love.

Let me congratulate you on a wonderful holiday.
May you have a hundred more of them forever.
Forget all that is in the memory of a trace of blood red
Remained ... Well, we will definitely remember that!

Happy Holidays, MEN !!!

P.S. Upload your photos from the holiday in our group, or in

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Each nation has its own sad history of participation in wars and armed conflicts. Therefore, each nation has its own list of the names of heroes who fell on the battlefield, as well as those who survived until the moment of glorious victory. There are quite a few veterans living in the world who took part in the distant Great Patriotic War, as well as the no less bloody World War II. Also, the names of honorary veterans of the fight against terrorists and internationalist fighters have not been forgotten. Applying a lot of health, strength and combat skill, these heroes have earned a worthy right to world honor, therefore, on July 1, all Russians celebrate the great holiday of the Day of War Veterans.

Features of the celebration in Russia

A similar holiday began to be unofficially celebrated in the Russian Federation only a few years ago (in 2009). However, many veteran organizations over the years have appealed to the government with proposals to give such a great event a national status.

Annually revered veterans of internal wars and various military actions organize a gathering at the town of Poklonnaya. The main gathering point is the Monument in honor of the internationalist soldier. Also, fees are held in the town of Orekhovo-Zuevo. Here the heroes gather next to the Obelisk "Memory of the Fallen", as well as near the Eternal Flame. In these places, various events are held dedicated to military operations, as well as to the soldiers who fell during the battles, performing official tasks of higher authorities.

After the end of World War II, the Soviet Union took part in many conflicts. At the same time, such participation was often not included in the number of official ones, it was considered secret. However, Soviet fighters who took part in more than 39 wars and military conflicts will never erase from the memory of grateful compatriots who understand the importance of soldiers fulfilling their military duty, as well as the need to protect international interests. While most people think that Russia only took part in the wars in Chechnya and Afghanistan, Russian soldiers have fought in many countries in Latin America, Asia and Africa.

The special forces of the Soviet Union coped well with the tasks set, and also provided all kinds of assistance to the Afghan authorities in solving the existing problems with the internal political situation. Also, Russian soldiers gave a fitting rebuff to the armed forces of the opposition and economically supported the peaceful population of the country. These events became the final stage of the political and military clash between the two huge states of America and the Soviet superpower, as well as the starting point of active opposition to international terrorism, narcoterrorism and Islamic extremism that swept through many corners of the planet, including countries bordering on Russia on the southern side. Approximately 750 thousand soldiers, officers, sergeants and warrant officers, who are representatives of various nationalities and nations of the Soviet Union, were sent to Afghanistan to conduct hostilities and restore order. Such specialists performed the assigned tasks with great courage and skill. 30% of the soldiers taking part in this war received honorary state awards for military merit, and more than 90 of them were awarded the high title of Hero of the Russian Federation and the USSR.

At the same time, the soldiers of the Soviet Union played the role of not only advisers, but also fought battles all over the planet, striking the whole world with Russian training, discipline and high military qualities. Soviet fighters fought in many countries, including Syria and Egypt. In addition, many modern veterans fought not only to carry out orders, but also because of their own desire to rebuff foreign colonialism and expansionism. They did their best to protect the insufficiently strong peoples who were under the oppression of the self-proclaimed capitalists.

Military operations after the collapse of the USSR

After the secession of many countries from the USSR, which caused its collapse, a favorable situation was created for the development of new military conflicts and brutal wars. Similar conflicts have occurred in a wide variety of countries. Thus, the Serbo-Croatian military conflict, hostilities in Tajikistan, an armed uprising in South Ossetia, the Transnistrian military conflict and many others appeared. Thanks to the peacekeeping troops, Russia has been able to maintain peace and tranquility in many regions of the disintegrated superpower for many years. Many war veterans took part in these military conflicts, volunteering to defend justice and the right to a dignified life for other people. Such heroes fearlessly went to their possible death in order to restore justice and to fight back the oppressors.

The importance of the holiday

The importance and necessity of military affairs in Russia is increasing every day. The fatherland can be proud of its war veterans, who have done an excellent job of protecting state interests, as well as participating in bloody battles outside their native state. At this time, Russia expresses immense gratitude to the veterans of military operations, who did not manage to live to see a joyful victory, and laid their heads in the performance of their official duties.

Day of heroes participating in various military clashes is an unusually important holiday that emphasizes the need for military training, as well as great respect for all veterans participating in bloody wars and military conflicts.

July 1 - "Day of War Veterans"
Today is the Day of the War Veteran ...
"Every first of those who were there,
Will never forget about that
And if he lacked strength,
I returned in my thoughts there ... "

To everyone who was in our many undeclared wars, Happy War Veteran's Day! Happy WBD Day to everyone who continues to hold weapons in their hands, or has already "retired"!

And eternal memory to those who forever remained in the memory of loved ones, friends and comrades young, those who did not return from "hot spots", from the sands, mountains and "green zones", those who were forgotten and devoted to their country, those who after returning, he could not fit into the changed life and also left us ..

The project of a memorable date, which is currently being discussed in the Russian Federation by veterans, the authorities and the media.
July 1 is the date of the annual general meeting of Russian veterans of military operations and local conflicts.
Since 2009, it has been unofficially celebrated as the "Day of Remembrance and Mourning of War Veterans".
Veterans' meetings are held in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara, Orenburg, Chelyabinsk and other Russian cities.

The arguments of the supporters of fixing the "Day of veterans of hostilities" for the date "July 1":
July 1, in contrast to February 15, falls in the middle of summer and year, which makes it easier to remember the date and mass meetings of veterans and sympathizers. And it is a military date free from historical events and in the official calendar.
July 1, in contrast to June 22, is dedicated to local conflicts. A separate date will allow to avoid mutual absorption with such an important event as the beginning of the Great Patriotic War and to preserve the specifics of the dates of July 1 as a separate date allows employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB and other combatants who are not military in the literal sense of the word to take part in events.
The date of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan was officially celebrated annually as the "Day of Remembrance of the Soldiers-Internationalists". At present, there are separate memorable dates for some wars, timed to coincide with the history of specific military operations.
At the same time, the USSR and the Russian Federation participated in many local wars and armed conflicts. Not all of them are marked on the calendar or can be officially recognized. There is a need to set aside a common day of remembrance, which is not connected with the latest military history.
General Varennikov supported the celebration of the Day of War Veterans on February 15:
“All of them conscientiously fulfilled their duty to the Motherland, which later easily forgot them,” said Valentin Varennikov. - I think that it is necessary to introduce the public holiday Day of the veteran of military operations ... "
At the turn of the century, July 1 was suggested as a convenient date.
On July 1, 2004, the first common monument to soldiers-internationalists was unveiled in Azov:
The four-meter stele of white marble symbolizes the life of a young man, it has been cut. Two tongues of red flame soaring into the sky - two wars, the Chechen and the Afghan.
In 2009, over 3,000 veterans voted for July 1 as the day of remembrance for all hostilities that took place after 1945. On July 1, members of the movement sent more than 3,000 emails to the website of the President of the Russian Federation with a request to approve a single day of remembrance for all war veterans.
The Administrative Department of the President of the Russian Federation motivated its refusal by the fact that it performs such a function on February 15, although it is the date of the end of the war in Afghanistan.
At the same time, the regional authorities support the very idea of ​​allocating a day for a veteran of military operations.
The Governor of the Moscow Region and the head of the committee for preparations for the 20th anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan, Boris Gromov, appealed to the country's leadership with an initiative to establish a Day for a veteran of military operations in Russia.
In 2010, a letter to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief is again being prepared with a proposal to enter July 1 into the register of state memorable dates.
At the same time, the establishment of memorable dates on the territory of the Russian Federation is within the competence of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

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