Russian villages are comfortable for a pensioner to live in. Where can a pensioner live well in Russia? Benefits of living in Bulgaria

Low pensions force people to look for non-trivial ways to improve their well-being

Photo: RIA Novosti / Evgeny Epanchintsev

As “Parlamentskaya Gazeta” found out, one of the most talked about ways for a pensioner to live on a grand scale is to get registration in Moscow, where payments are among the highest in Russia. At the same time, elderly people, as a rule, remain in their region, where prices are significantly lower than in the capital.

Become a pensioner - go to the North?

The current legislation prescribes: the income of non-working pensioners cannot be less than the subsistence level of this category of citizens in the region in which they are registered. And since this indicator in different constituent entities of the Federation is by no means identical and may differ by thousands of rubles, the amount of pensions also varies. For example, in the Orenburg region, pensioners cannot receive less than 7,761 rubles, and in Moscow - 11,816 rubles (with allowances for those who have lived in the capital for over 10 years - 17,500 rubles), in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug - 20,944 rubles.

“Previously, procedures for choosing a place of residence for pensioners were associated with the availability of medical care in the region, living conditions,” the chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy told Parlamentskaya Gazeta. - Most often, northerners have changed and are changing their place of residence in retirement. They have always sought, after working for a certain time in the North and earning the right to a bonus, to get a job in warmer regions. As a rule, these are Krasnodar Territory, Stavropol Territory, Belgorod Region. This practice also existed in Soviet times, when pensions were approximately the same throughout the country. "

In the current situation, in order not to lose a well-deserved increased pension, many pensioners from the northern regions, even moving to regions with a favorable climate, strive not to change their previous registration, said Valery Ryazansky. “In the North, social security is really more,” the senator admitted.

Previously, procedures for choosing a place of residence for pensioners were associated with the availability of medical care in the region, living conditions.

However, immigrants from other regions who came to the North only upon reaching the retirement age will not be able to apply for increased payments. The fact is that the right to them is given not by registration in the subject, but by work experience. So, the period of work in the northern regions must be at least 15 years (for territories equated to them - 20 years). In this case, the premium to the fixed payment will be immediately 50 percent of it (for localities equated to them - 30 percent of the fixed payment).

Moscow introduced a "residency requirement"

At first glance, the amount of pensions in the capital also seems tempting. Taking into account the capital surcharge in 2018, the amount of payments here cannot be less than 17,500 rubles - the value of the city standard. And this despite the fact that in the neighboring suburbs of Moscow the minimum pension is 9864 rubles, and in the Ryazan region - 7998 rubles. “However, the payment of pensions, taking into account such allowances as in the capital, is carried out not from the federal, but from the regional budget,” said Valery Ryazansky. - And, as a rule, by regional laws, the authorities of the subjects protect the interests of their budgets and introduce certain restrictions. Usually such restrictions are associated with the so-called residency requirement. In Moscow, for example, this is at least 10 years of residence. I think that those regions that will experience pressure from migration flows will also defend themselves with similar requirements included in the domestic law. "

So pensions for newly minted Muscovites will be calculated exactly according to the same rules as in other regions. In the event that the income of non-working pensioners does not reach the level of the living wage of a pensioner in the capital, the Moscow government, of course, will make social payments. However, not up to 17,500 rubles, but up to 11,816 rubles.

“The difference with other regions is not that big, and I don’t think that pensioners en masse are trying to register in the capital,” a member of the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy told Parlamentskaya Gazeta. "There are such cases, of course, but rather, this is not a rule, but an exception."

Parliamentarians doubt that there are so many pensioners who want to get a residence permit in Moscow at any cost that they line up almost in line at special agencies. “Ideally, a person should receive a pension and benefits where he really lives. However, if, for example, retired parents living in the Moscow region decided to register with their son who bought an apartment in Moscow, this is an absolutely legitimate path, - said the First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs Mikhail Tarasenko... "We have no right to prohibit this by any legislative means."

Those regions that will experience pressure from migration flows will also defend themselves with similar requirements included in the domestic law.

Instead, according to the parliamentarian, it is necessary to equalize the standard of living in different constituent entities of the Federation so that benefits and pensions are approximately the same. “Then people will not have envy of the inhabitants of some subject and the desire to register in this region at any cost, but continue to live in the same place as before,” Mikhail Tarasenko said.

The minimum amount of pensions in some regions
Moscow region9864 rubles
Ryazan Oblast7998 rubles

17,500 rubles - with a residency qualification, 11,816 - without it

Kursk region7044 rubles
Belgorod region8836 rubles
Voronezh region9567 rubles
Arkhangelsk region12 315 rubles
Vologodskaya Oblast9701 rubles
Leningrad region8672 rubles
Murmansk region12 497 rubles
Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District14 797 rubles
Khanty-Mansky Autonomous District11 830 rubles
Chelyabinsk region9368 rubles
Kamchatka Krai17,151 rubles
Primorsky Krai9637 rubles
Magadan Region16 280 rubles
Chukotka Autonomous District20 944 rubles

According to Metrinfo magazine, 8% of Russian citizens after retirement are ready to leave the country to live in a more comfortable European environment. Today we will talk abouthow can a pensioner go to live abroadhow expensive it can be to obtain official status in a European country and.

Best countries to live in retirement: 10 criteria for choosing

First of all, any person retiring and thinking about immigration to Europe is puzzled by the choice of country to live in. By what criteria do older people most often make their choice?

  1. The ability to quickly and easily buy or rent real estate, as well as its value.
  2. Availability of medical services.
  3. The daily cost of living in the country.
  4. The price of food, services.
  5. Ease of adaptation to a new place.
  6. Ease of learning the language of the country.
  7. The presence of a Russian-speaking diaspora in the country.
  8. Degree of infrastructure development for retirees.
  9. Comfortable climate, the number of sunny days per year.
  10. The risk of natural disasters.

These are just the main criteria by which pensioners from the CIS countries choose a country to live. According to our observations, the mistake of many is that customers pay little attention to such a criterion as the ease of obtainingResidence permit in Europe for pensioners.

Residence permit in Europe for retirees: where is it easier to get?

Whatever the merits of such EU countries as Germany, France, the Netherlands, the Scandinavian states, their governments impose extremely strict quotas on the receipt of residence permits by immigrants, and even more so permanent residence and citizenship. In our practice, we are faced with the fact that many pensioners do not know about the existence of completely legal and simple programs for obtaining a residence permit for investment in a number of developed European countries.

The best option isHungary... This country is suitable even if you have not yet decided where exactly in the European Union you want to live and want to explore various options directly in practice.Residence permit status can be obtained here in just 3 weeks.

To do this, you need to invest in the Hungarian economy.300 thousand euros, which the state is guaranteed to return to you within 5 years. The return on investment covers all the costs of registration and support of the case, and at the moment this is the most attractive European proposal. Yet60 thousand eurosit will take you to register the status, and after 6 months you will be able to get a life-long permanent residence.

  • The ability to travel to all Schengen countries without applying for visas.
  • The right to rent and buy real estate in the EU countries and live in it.
  • The ability to undergo treatment in any medical institution in Europe.
  • Lower cost of living than the EU average, inexpensive real estate and rental housing.
  • Safe storage of capital in European banks.
  • Life in a safe environment and the opportunity to use goods and services of European quality.
  • Pensioners who decide to settle in Hungary most often buy real estate in resorts located in the forest zone, near healing springs. In Hungarian villages, houses and cottages are inexpensive, andaverage price of resort real estate - 50 thousand euros.

    Having received official status in Hungary, the pensioner takes out health insurance in the health insurance fund at the place of residence.Social insurance worth it all 20 euros per yearand guarantees the European quality of medicine.Private insurancewith coverage for the entire European Union will cost1500-2000 eurosin year. Most often it covers all supportive and rehabilitative procedures.

    Note that Russian pensioners will not be able to count on medical benefits in Hungary, but the same rule applies to other EU countries. Calling an emergency ambulance is free. At the same time, the services for treatment in private clinics in Hungary are low, and the qualifications of doctors correspond to the European level.

    Where is it better for a pensioner to emigrate from Russia?

    In order to better understand which country is best suited for immigration to retirees, you can study the latest ranking studies. In particular, the International Living magazine (USA) found out that European countries are best prepared for the life of retirees.Malta, Spain and Portugal.

  • All three countries are among the top ten EU countries with the best healthcare systems.
  • There are world-class clinics here, and doctors of the highest qualifications work in them.
  • These states are located in the south of Europe and have a mild climate, absolutely comfortable for living.
  • There are well-known seaside resorts where you can not only have a good rest and improve your health, but also buy real estate at a profit.
  • Property prices in Spanish and Portuguese resorts start at 60 thousand euros. The standard of living here corresponds to the European one. Malta is considered one of the European countries with a high quality of life.

    The conditions for obtaining official status in Spain and Portugal are similar, while Malta offers a more expensive option for obtaining citizenship by investment. All three countries recognize dual citizenship, so there is no need to give up the first passport.

    In 2015, the winner of the ranking of the best countries for the life of retirees, the Global Retirement Index, wasSwitzerland... The research was conducted by Natixis Global Asset Management. The authoritative Forbes magazine, in turn, calls it the most comfortable country to live in retirementAustria.

    Of course, the quality of life in both countries (access to health care and other public goods, social security and safety, etc.) is as high as possible. There are also investment programs for immigrants, but they are suitable for wealthy people.

  • Switzerlandoffers to obtain a residence permit in 4-6 months. To do this, you need to pay the state taxes in the amount of more than 100 thousand francs per year (+ 50 thousand for registration). At the same time, you get the opportunity to enter without a visa only to the Schengen countries.
  • Austriaallows you to acquire citizenship in a year, along with the ability to visit 170 countries of the world, including the United States, without a visa or under a simplified scheme. However, this requires a significant contribution to socially useful projects of the country (more than 6 million euros + 50-100 thousand for registration). Therefore, you can stop at a residence permit.
  • How do I get my pension abroad?

    Many elderly Russians wishing to immigrate to Europe receive rather high pensions, and they are concerned about how to get their money in the future. According to the law, when they go to live abroad, they do not lose the right to receive pensions from the Russian state. The process is regulated by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 8, 2002 N 510 "On Approval of the Regulations on the Procedure for Paying Pensions to Citizens Leaving (Left) for Permanent Residence outside the Russian Federation".

    To transfer a pension abroad, a pensioner must contact the diplomatic or consular mission of the Russian Federation in the country of his residence. After passing the standard verification procedure, the pension will be transferred to his address directly by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

    For people who retired before 2015, pensions are transferred to foreign accounts in foreign currency at the current exchange rate (in accordance with Article 24, clause 2 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ "On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation").

    However, since January 1, 2015, in accordance with the requirements of the reform of the Russian pension system, the procedure for payments to citizens living abroad has changed significantly (Article 27, clause 2 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ "On Insurance Pensions"). For persons who retired after that date, pension accruals will be made only in rubles and to accounts located in Russia. Money can also be paid by power of attorney.

    You also need to take into account that, having refused a pension from Russia, in the EU you can only count on the minimum social benefit.

    The best countries for retirees: your choice

    The process of choosing a suitable country is individual in each case. It is necessary to pay attention not only to the general criteria of residence, but also to the country's accessibility for migrants. In order not to make the wrong choice and not stumble upon one of the many pitfalls, contact qualified specialists. Recall that retirees are one of the most common targets for fraudulent immigration documents. Therefore, it is better to trust an organization or company with many years of experience and a serious reputation.

    If you are still in the process of choosing a country, we invite you to continue to visit our blog. In the following articles, we will tell you about facts about immigration that you can hardly find on the Internet. Subscribe to our news and receive the latest information.

    In the age of the Internet, everyone can get the information they need from the comfort of their home. Thanks to this, some people can learn from others how they live in other cities, read statistics on prices for housing and food in different regions of the country. Analyzing this information, people can seriously think about moving and determine for themselves where it is better to live in Russia. Moreover, everyone will have their own selection criteria. Consider the merits of different cities in the country from the point of view of different categories of citizens.

    1. What is the average salary level for people in the region?
    2. How developed is the infrastructure and beautification of the city.
    3. Is the city environment heavily polluted?
    4. What is the quality of medical care and education in the region.

    If we take into account all these factors, then the leading cities stand out, where it is good to live in Russia in the opinion of the majority. The top 5 such cities are below.

    1. Krasnodar.
    2. Moscow.
    3. Kazan.
    4. St. Petersburg.
    5. Tyumen.

    Families with children and retirees want to live in Krasnodar, because it is warm and close to the sea, they go to Moscow and Tyumen to work, they love Kazan for its cleanliness and landscaping, St. Petersburg is preferred by lovers of architecture and art.

    Regions of the Russian Federation participating in the resettlement program

    While our compatriots are thinking about which city to move to live in Russia, a special resettlement program is provided for foreign citizens who are native speakers of the Russian language. According to it, foreigners can obtain a Russian passport and assistance for moving in the form of lifting means, provided they live in one of the less populated regions of the country. These regions have received priority status for resettlement:

    • Far East;
    • Kamchatka;
    • Amur and Khabarovsk Territories;
    • Buryatia;
    • Sakhalin.


    The city of Sochi with its subtropical climate is known throughout Russia as the most popular resort. Everyone who rests here involuntarily thinks about how wonderful it would be to move here from their city for permanent residence. The gentle climate of Sochi is due to its favorable location: the Caucasian ridge protects the city from sudden changes in temperature. Warm weather prevails here over 200 days a year. There is no sweltering heat in summer, and winters are mild and frost-free. The resort town is very beautiful. There are palm trees, gorgeous flower beds, fountains, amusement parks everywhere. The following factors are against moving to Sochi:

    • work in the city is of a seasonal nature, in winter there is practically no work, there is no industry;
    • exorbitant prices for goods and services;
    • very expensive housing to buy or rent.

    Therefore, it will be difficult to move and “survive” in Sochi just like that, rushing off the bat. This city is suitable for those who have a remote source of income, for example, a profitable business in the former city of residence.

    Where are the properties available?

    Another important factor that is useful to consider when people think about how to choose a city to move is the availability of a square meter of residential real estate. Moving is always associated with the sale of housing in the old city of residence and the purchase of housing in the new city. The following rules apply here.

    1. Proximity to the center: the most expensive housing in Moscow and the Moscow region. The further you go, the cheaper.
    2. City size: the larger, the more jobs there are, which means more expensive real estate.
    3. Proximity to the resort area: buying your own home within popular resorts is quite expensive.

    Based on statistical data for the 4th quarter of 2018, the cost per square meter of housing in different regions of the country is presented in the table.

    There is one more important criterion for choosing a region of residence - the cost of a shopping basket. This includes a basic set of products and services. According to this criterion, it is cheapest to live in the Kursk, Lipetsk, Saratov or Belgorod regions.

    Big cities

    Those who are thinking about where to move to live in Russia to earn money make their choice in favor of large cities. The first on the list, of course, are Moscow and St. Petersburg, but besides them, there are several other cities where you can find work with a high salary.


    The Russian capital rightfully occupies a leading position in the top cities for relocation. Almost all of them are concentrated here thanks to the endless flow of citizens from neighboring countries who come for employment. According to official data alone, the population of Moscow now totals more than 12 million people.

    The main advantage of the capital region, which attracts thousands of provincials and guests from other countries to this city, is a large number of jobs with decent wages. People with a wide range of qualifications, with or without work experience, with or without higher education, will be able to find high-paying jobs in Moscow.

    However, there is another side of the coin - life in the city is very expensive. Starting from the cost of housing (a one-room apartment, even in the Moscow region, can no longer be found less than 2 million rubles, and a rented apartment costs within the minimum wage in the city - 30 thousand rubles) and ending with expensive travel and food, all this takes away a significant part of earnings. In addition to the high cost, there are also traffic jams, so city residents spend a lot of their time commuting to and from work.

    It is worth adding here also the bad ecology, which makes the capital city not the most suitable place for families with small children. Despite this, foreigners aspire to Moscow every year, for whom the main thing is to work with permanent residence in Russia. There are also quite a few students here - the city is home to the most prestigious universities in the country, such as Moscow State University, MGIMO, VGIK, etc. The bustle in the city never ceases, so life here is not suitable for everyone.

    St. Petersburg

    The northern capital, the Russian Venice, the cultural capital, the "megalopolis for the soul", the city of rains - all these names have stuck with St. Petersburg, and characterize its peculiarities. There are 2 times less people living in the city than in Moscow (slightly more than 5 million), and the average monthly income is lower here (40 thousand rubles). But many people still come to this city for permanent residence. Someone is attracted by the beauty of St. Petersburg: palaces, canals, fountains, drawbridges, squares. Someone more appreciates this city for the abundance of the most prestigious educational institutions, including the famous all over the country military universities.

    Petersburg is not inherent in the bustle of Moscow, the life of the city is always calm and measured. The same features are characteristic of the mentality of Petersburgers. People of a special poetic nature, who are not afraid of the eternally rainy weather, will find this city the most acceptable place for themselves. Well, if life in the city did not suit someone's taste, consider a few more places where to move from St. Petersburg to live in Russia.


    Yekaterinburg is a city with a population of one million, which is called the "capital of the Urals". A well-developed industry and a service market that is not inferior to it in development in Yekaterinburg makes it as easy as possible for people to find a job. People of various specialties will be able to find a job here without any problems, while the level of the average salary is very pleasing - 35-40 thousand rubles a month. Despite the fact that Yekaterinburg has the status of a millionaire, housing prices here are quite affordable. The level of medicine and education in the city is also at a high level.


    It is included in the top of the most popular cities for moving. Every year, thousands of new residents buy housing here, despite this their number has not yet grown to a million, but fluctuates between 800-900 thousand, while Krasnodar residents do not complain about the bustle of the city. Settlers are attracted here by the mild climate of the southern city, good ecology due to the lack of large industrial enterprises, fertile lands and abundant harvest, long warm summer. Excellent conditions have been created here for the development of their own business, and the average earnings exceed 30 thousand rubles. Most Russians choose Krasnodar because of the proximity of the sea coast, which can be reached from the city in a couple of hours' drive.


    It is one of the best Russian cities with a high standard of living, so many people dream of moving here to earn money. The city is located in Western Siberia, the number of inhabitants is more than 700 thousand people. Every tenth Tyumen citizen is employed in the oil and gas sector, which is very developed here. Hence the highest salaries, which even exceed those in Moscow.

    The average monthly income in the city exceeds 40 thousand rubles, but even ordinary engineers and other highly qualified personnel receive for 100 thousand. A rich region can afford to invest in the development of infrastructure, housing and communal services, city improvement and social projects, so this is also at the highest level.


    This Russian city is known for its unique geographic location. As part of Russia, it is located far from it, in the central part of Europe on the Baltic coast. The economy is well developed here - thanks to oil production, the largest amber deposit and shipbuilding.

    Therefore, there will be no problems with employment and getting a decent salary. The city is famous for its rich history. The European influence is also felt here. Kaliningrad is multinational, as representatives of many ethnic groups live in the city.

    Relocation of retirees abroad for permanent residence is becoming increasingly popular. Labor activity is over, and it would be time to retire, rest, heal. But is this possible in our country with a minimum pension of 6 thousand rubles? More than half of the amount will immediately go to pay utility bills, and the remaining kopecks - for food. Therefore, many future retirees, a couple of years before retirement, begin to think about how to leave for permanent residence in another, warmer or more generous country to their citizens.

    Options for applying for permanent residence for a pensioner

    It is no secret that currently quite a large number of countries offer retirement immigration programs, which can be used by almost any elderly person. There is no doubt that not everyone has the courage to do this, but if you want to seriously consider this option, we offer you an overview of some of the most popular immigration programs for seniors.

    Finland. A close and convenient option for retirees.

    Finland is located not far from Russia, and it is quite logical that Finland is considered as the first option for moving to permanent residence. From any corner of the northern country, you can easily get to your homeland to visit, bring gifts, and inviting relatives is also convenient. Russian pensioners who have moved to Finland in 2-3 years receive documents confirming permanent residence.

    Social security in Finland is not lame: if a lonely elderly person of retirement age does not have the money to rent an apartment, he is sent to a nursing home, similar to a Russian sanatorium with separate apartments and round-the-clock care. In addition, an allowance is assigned to elderly citizens.

    Finland is a great option for Russian retirees. To move here, there are no special restrictions, and the amount required for the first time is not particularly large - for the first time 60-80 thousand rubles will be required. However, it is worth considering that in Finland the retirement age is 63-65 years.

    Italy. An excellent option for permanent residence for retirees in a warm and sunny country.

    There are also good social programs for retirees in Italy. Social security works with full dedication, paperwork is fast and timely. To obtain permanent residence in Italy, you need to live there on a continuous visa for 5 years. Pensioners-immigrants need to open a bank account, as well as contact the social security authorities.

    To obtain a residence permit, it is better to contact a Russian-speaking lawyer living in Italy. However, future Italians are not provided with housing, so for the first time they will have to rent an apartment, later acquire residential real estate or think about the benefits of a long-term lease. It is better to take 6-10 thousand euros with you. The bigger, the better.

    Thailand. An exotic option for permanent residence.

    Pensioners in Thailand will not have to rest, but they have the opportunity to enjoy the wonderful climate, wonderful ecology and complacency of the population. Nobody will help here with moving to permanent residence, but housing is cheap (from 3000 rubles per month), and there are few problems with work. True, you will have to work physically, since many types of activities are prohibited for foreigners.

    To obtain citizenship, you will have to open your own business or find family ties in Thailand. Retirees can move for permanent residence if they are ready to have a small, income-generating business in this developing country in Southeast Asia. It will take about 6 million baht to start a business.

    Israel. An excellent option, although not available for all retirees.

    If you have Jewish roots, you can quickly move to warm and hospitable Israel under the repatriation program. Pensioners are paid a ticket to their "historical homeland", after the move they are given an allowance - about $ 300 per month for a year.

    Since people retire in Israel at the age of 60-63, this factor must be taken into account. If you moved here before the start of your retirement period, you will need to look for a job. Under the social program, pensioners-immigrants receive free treatment here, they also find a job (most often in the service sector). Before going to Israel for permanent residence, it is better to stock up on money in advance. Life in this country is an expensive pleasure, for the first time it is better to have several tens of thousands of dollars in your pocket.

    Brazil. A distant and exotic option for moving to permanent residence.

    But what if you wanted to get a residence permit in a distant and warm Brazil, a country familiar from the TV series? Very exotic and attractive. However, in all countries of South America there is an unspoken rule for immigrants: you can get here only if you marry a citizen of the country or as a foreign investor.

    So if you have big savings, you can try to buy commercial real estate in the country and create your own business, and then live comfortably in a villa by the sea. This is an expensive option, but cheap food, the atmosphere of an eternal holiday and a good climate redeem everything. For a comfortable device for permanent residence in this country, several hundred thousand US dollars will be required, which is real only when selling an apartment and other real estate in Russia.

    There are excellent conditions for Russian pensioners in Canada, Australia, Holland, Portugal, Great Britain and Bulgaria. These countries have a retirement benefit program that provides benefits and housing to retirees. So moving to another country for permanent residence is an excellent decision, which can be the beginning of a beautiful and cloudless life in retirement.

    Ecology of life: Pensioners in the developed countries of the West increasingly began to meet the sunset of their days away from their homeland. Perhaps we, young people, will also ever succeed?

    Pensioners in developed Western countries increasingly began to meet the sunset of their days away from their homeland. Perhaps we, young people, will also ever succeed?

    Look for a quiet place with a warm climate, low cost of living and favorable tax regime without compromising the usual comfort and quality of care. While you are young, there is time to try to travel to a couple of countries for "exploration". Suddenly something will like.

    Whether it's shady towns in southern France or the beaches of Central America, BBC Capital's Guide to Seven Best Places for Retirees has what you need. Besides money, of course ...

    Peaceful Panama

    If in your old age you want to live where money will last for a long time, perhaps Panama - the southernmost country in Central America, will suit you. Its capital, also called Panama, ranks 124th in the cost of living out of 131 cities in the world, according to a study by the analytical department of the influential English-language magazine The Economist. It is cheaper to live there than in the capital of the Philippines, Manila, which is considered one of the least expensive capital cities in Southeast Asia.

    According to the site numbeo. com, which tracks the prices of FMCG prices, a three-course meal for two at an average Panama restaurant costs 32.50 Panamanian balboas ($ 32.50) - more than half the price of New York, or in Moscow before devaluation. And since the local currency is pegged to the US dollar, American retirees need not fear price spikes as a result of exchange rate fluctuations.

    The main condition for obtaining a visa is the availability of a stable guaranteed income. If you receive a pension of at least a thousand dollars a month (both private and government pension payments are counted), you are unlikely to have problems obtaining a tourist visa for retirees, which is valid for life. The healthcare system in Panama is considered good, with many doctors being educated in the United States and Europe. However, retirees should set aside at least $ 200 a month to pay for private health insurance.

    But the purchase of real estate will not require a lot of money. According to the website globalpropertyguide. com, a three-room apartment in the popular mountain town of Boquete can be purchased for about $ 179,000. The rights of foreigners to own real estate are the same as those of local residents.

    The main drawback is the poor road infrastructure outside the capital. Despite this, in 2015, Panama was ranked second after Ecuador among the best destinations for retirees, according to International Living magazine. Low prices, a wide range of leisure options and proximity to the United States played in its favor - a flight from Miami, located in the southeastern United States in Florida, takes only two and a half hours.

    In addition, the US Department of State's Overseas Security Advisory Board estimates that Panama is relatively safe compared to some Central American countries.

    Beautiful France

    It is not for nothing that France enjoys the greatest popularity among tourists - it attracts with beautiful cities and villages, exquisite cuisine, affordable wine and a warm climate in the south - these are just a few reasons why this country occupies almost the first place in the European Union in terms of the number of permanent residents territory of foreigners.

    However, accessibility is not France's greatest strength in the eyes of retirees. Taxes and social security contributions are quite high there, in addition, tax is levied on the value of all your property from residents of France if it exceeds 800 thousand euros, regardless of location.

    However, not everything is as bad as it might seem at first glance. France has excellent public transport, including the high-speed rail network. A trip from Paris to Montpellier, 600 kilometers south of the capital, takes a little over three hours on the high-speed TGV train, with discounts for passengers aged 60 and over.

    In addition, according to the World Health Organization, France boasts the best healthcare system in the world, which is heavily subsidized by the government. Thus, holders of a residence permit in France are likely to have lower medical costs than citizens of other Western countries.

    Moreover, life in France is not always more expensive than elsewhere. There are inexpensive restaurants there, and property prices outside of Paris are relatively low. So, according to the French notaries who oversee real estate sales and purchase transactions, a typical accommodation option in the Creuse department in the Limousin region, located on the territory of the Central Massif mountains, will cost only 73 thousand euros, and a medium-sized house in the Alpes-Maritimes in the region Provence - Alpes - Côte d'Azur, where such famous resorts as Cannes are located, can be purchased for 415 thousand euros.

    Sunny Malaysia

    Do you want to enjoy the sun all year round? Then you are in Malaysia! This former British colony has everything your heart desires, from the bustling capital city of Kuala Lumpur dotted with skyscrapers to tropical beaches and deep jungles.

    And living there is quite inexpensive - in the world index of the cost of living, prepared by International Living magazine, Malaysia is ranked third in terms of cost. As reported in the magazine, the two can comfortably live in a luxury apartment overlooking the ocean for $ 1,700 a month. On the xpatulator. com, which analyzes the costs of expatriates in different countries, states that prices for medical care and housing in Malaysia are "very low" in contrast to expensive options such as Hong Kong and Australia.

    Malaysia is one of the most popular health tourism destinations; in 2013, according to the Malaysian Medical Tourism Board, 700,000 people came here to improve their health.

    Foreigners are also attracted by tax breaks. Within the framework of the residency program in two countries, it is relatively easy for retirees to obtain a residence permit in Malaysia, and with it, exemption from inheritance taxes and the sale of real estate. In addition, they usually receive a pension or social assistance that is not subject to Malaysian taxes (although American retirees may have to pay US income tax on it).

    In addition, many in the country speak English, restaurants are cheap, and foreigners have direct ownership of real estate; all in all, Malaysia is a great place!

    Profitable Malta

    Malta - one of the smallest and most densely populated countries in the world - covers an area of ​​just over 300 square kilometers with a population of 400 thousand people. For many of the inhabitants of this southern European island, English is their native language, and it is only three hours to fly to London from here, so it is not surprising that the British have chosen this place - more than five thousand British citizens live on the island.

    Here British retirees feel at home (British shops are open everywhere) and even better (in Malta, unlike the UK, it is very sunny, and the average annual temperature is + 18 ° C). An additional benefit is the "Maltese Pension Plan", under which the income tax for EU citizens who have received a residence permit in Malta is only 15%, compared to 30-40% in the US and Europe.

    In the local dialect "malta" means "honey", and retirees really flock here like bees. This is no coincidence: the country has an excellent health care system (according to the WTO, Malta ranks fifth in the world for this indicator), and all citizens of the country are provided with medical assistance free of charge. Moreover, under the Mutual Health Support Treaty between Malta and the UK, the British can count on the same conditions.

    The rich history and beautiful architecture of this picturesque island is also available to everyone.

    According to the site numbeo. com, renting a three-room apartment in the capital of Malta, Valletta, will cost 700 euros, while a three-course meal for two in an average restaurant costs only 50 euros.

    Beach Portugal

    Portugal attracts tourists with its many charming fishing villages, medieval towns, beaches and golf courses. Foreigners have settled here for a long time, so many speak English here.

    The capital of Portugal, Lisbon is one of the oldest cities in the world, famous for its wonderful Mediterranean climate. But retirees who come to Portugal settle mainly on the Atlantic coast in the Algarve with its azure waters, sunny weather throughout the year and average air temperatures from + 12 ° C in January to + 24 ° C in July.

    Whichever part of the country retirees choose, they are guaranteed a preferential tax regime. Under the non-indigenous system, income earned abroad may not be taxed for up to ten years.

    Outside of the most luxurious resort towns in Portugal, such as Quinta do Lago or Vilamoura, the cost of housing is set within reasonable limits. Prices for studio apartments in the popular resort of Albufeira, according to the website rightmove. com dedicated to real estate start at 60 thousand euros.

    Tropical thailand

    Low cost of living, no taxes on retirement income earned abroad, tropical climate and a culture of respect for elders - what more could a retiree want from life in a country called the "Land of Smiles"?

    Living there, according to International Living magazine, is really quite inexpensive. The magazine's cost of living benchmark index ranks Thailand as the second cheapest, with a luxury two-room apartment with great views available for less than 40,000 baht ($ 1,200) per month, and traditional Thai rice noodles for as little as a dollar.

    A one-year retirement visa is issued to those who receive a monthly pension of 65,000 Baht ($ 2,000) or deposit 800,000 Baht ($ 24,000) with a Thai bank.

    The budget needs to include the cost of local health insurance. While the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office rates many private clinics as meeting Western standards, the International Living Group notes that local hospitals vary in the level of care they receive.

    Cultural Belize

    Belize is the only Latin American country to have English as its official language, which is why more and more retirees are coming here, fascinated by swaying palm trees and white sandy beaches.

    The country's population is only 350,000, but the number of ecotourists who are attracted by rainforests, traces of the Mayan civilization and the largest barrier reef in the Western Hemisphere is constantly growing.

    An additional benefit has been created for retirees in the form of a special retirement program that provides a number of tax benefits, in particular exemption from import duties on certain household items, such as a car or yacht, as well as from taxes on income, including on investments, received outside Belize ... The program applies to people over the age of 45 with a monthly income of at least two thousand dollars.

    Property prices are lower than in the United States, but not as much as in other Central American countries. Rumor has it that Hollywood actor Leonardo DiCaprio recently bought an islet west of the Belizean archipelago's largest island, Ambergris Key, for $ 1.75 million. But it is still relatively easy to buy real estate in Belize - the contract is concluded in English, and local laws are based on the British system, which protects the interests of buyers.

    There are inexpensive private clinics in Belize that offer quality medical care, but many foreigners prefer to travel to the United States for complex procedures - insurance often covers the cost of the flight.