Children's halloween costumes for boys patterns. DIY nun costume for Halloween: instructions for making. Halloween Costumes for Girls: Cat and Pippi Long Stocking

The Halloween costume, like the pumpkin, has become an integral part of the holiday. In the old days, it was believed that the outfit on this day should catch up with horror and instill fear in order to drive away evil spirits. Only over time, this rite has lost its power. Today people perceive this holiday as a carnival. Party participants wear both scary Halloween costumes: demons, vampires, witches, and glamorous ones: geisha and nurses. We have prepared for you material on how to make a Halloween costume with your own hands and how to be the brightest and most creative at the carnival of evil!

So, you set out to surprise, and at the same time scare your friends with your outfits. To create an image, you just need to show a little imagination and spend a couple of hours of time.


The simplest images are the costumes of a ghost and a doctor (for girls - a nurse).

  • Ghost. White hoodie and eye holes and you're ready for Halloween. A loop on the neck or handcuffs on one of the wrists can diversify the suit.

  • Doctor killer. Take a white robe and stain it with red paint. To heighten fear, put on a mask on your face and put gloves on your hands.

WITCH'S OUTFIT: Scary or Glamorous?

Witches are different: old, with flabby skin and a terrible wart on their face, or very attractive young girls. The choice is yours. We offer our ideas for Halloween costumes. Moreover, we accompany each described Halloween costume with a photo for clarity!

  • Witch. Option 1: scary. Long dark clothes: a skirt, a jacket, torn stockings or tights and slippers (ballet flats) are the basis of the costume. The more things you have, the more real the image will become. If you can't find old clothes to wear, make your own in dark fabric. From one patch we create a skirt, the second will become a shirt.

The image will be incomplete without hair and makeup. Style your hair casually. For long hair, try curling and combing it. For a short haircut, styling on wet hair with foam is perfect: apply the product and simply dry your hair so that "everything sticks out". If all else fails, buy a wig! With make-up, everything is also extremely simple: give preference to black and marsh green shadows, dark lipstick on the lips and black eyebrows. As for the wart, it is better to buy it or stick something "nasty" on your face yourself. Draw this flaw is not worth it - it will look implausible. Or you can just make a witch mask for Halloween with your own hands.

The image of the terrible witch is completed by a cap with huge brim. To make it at home, use black paper, cardboard, scissors, glue and cloth. Cut a cone out of cardboard and glue it. Now we make the fields. Remember: the diameter of the circle is the size of your head. Make "pyramids" on the inside of the circle to connect the cone and the fields later.

It remains only to glue over our hat with a cloth. And voila, the cap is ready. You can decorate our masterpiece with organza, fringe or feathers.

  • Witch. Option 2: glamorous. This is a seductive witch costume, so clothes should emphasize your figure and be rich in black, blue or red. A corset or belt at the waist and shoes with stunning heels will add extravagance to the image. Don't forget the stockings!

As you think about your makeup and hair, remember that this time you have to grab the eyes of the guests. A cap on the head and a bright manicure will remind you of the witch's evil disposition.

The witch will not do without her own transport. How to make a broom for Halloween? From the material at hand: an ordinary broom, cardboard and wire. For the most authentic look, you need a shaft: wrap a broom around it and hide the connection point under a cardboard hood. You can hang a cobweb or spiders on a ready-made broom. Decorate it with ribbons or braid.

VAMPIRE AND VAMPIRE: a classic of the genre for Halloween

Going to a holiday in this look, you run the risk of not being the only Dracula and a vampire at the party. However, each has its own interpretation. And don't forget: DIY Halloween costumes don't repeat themselves.

White shirt, vest and trousers are the base. Vampires are usually elegant creatures, which is why they look the part. Without a long cloak, you will never become a real Count Dracula! To make a cloak, take pieces of red and black fabric and sew: the red patch should be on the inside, the black one on the outside. Then we collect the fabric in the neck area and attach the strings.

What's a vampire without fangs? They can be bought in special stores, or they can be made ... from a plastic fork. To do this, break off the lower part and leave only the side teeth. Attach them to the upper gum - and the fangs are ready.

To complete the look, make a pale face, add blue under the eyes and paint your lips with red lipstick. Now take a look in the mirror! Are you scared? So the image was a success. If you do not want to philosophize with "war paint", just hide your face. How to make a vampire mask with your own hands? You just need to print the template.

Another imperative: the vampire must be extremely elegant. Trousers, a vest, a snow-white shirt - just like a needle. A cane will complete the imposing look.

DIY vampire costume

The vampire is a feminine interpretation of Dracula, so the outfit should be elegant and provocative. Reds, blacks, purples and blue tones for the dress (required) are perfect. It's great if the outfit is with a corset.

A gothic collar, guipure gloves, a gloomy hat and black stockings will give a special sophistication to the image. Ladies, don't forget the high heels.

Make-up and fangs are done according to the principle of Dracula-man, which we wrote about earlier. But over the hair will need to be conjured. This is carelessly gathered hair, disheveled in places, because vampires sleep head down like bats.

Costumes of demons, mummies and scarecrows are also very popular on Halloween. It is not uncommon for parties on October 31 to meet not very scary characters: angels, red caps and even scrambled eggs!


A fun and scary Halloween holiday is a great excuse to come up with costumes, dress up, fool around, and go to a friendly party with the whole family. Just don't forget about children's costumes for this holiday. Today we have made a selection of outfits for babies.

Why not "put" on the child the main symbol of this holiday. A do-it-yourself pumpkin costume is perhaps the cutest version of vestments on the last day of October. We need an orange blouse and black fabric to create the face. Cut out the eyes and smirk from it and sew it all onto the jacket, the bottom of which is secured with an elastic band in advance. Place more outfits under the clothes - this time for volume. The final touch is a small green beanie. It is easily made from cardboard and rubber.

Older guys can be a shark or a bat. To transform a child into a shark, you will need a cardboard box, colored paper, pencils, glue, scissors and, of course, a little imagination.

To create a bat costume, find a black shirt or turtleneck at home and a piece of fabric (the same color as the shirt) for the wings.

First, determine how much material you need for the wings. After the measurements have been made, cut the wings out of the material along them. For believability, stitch the fabric to create cartilage like a real mouse. Now you need to sew the resulting design to the shirt. Complete the look with a mask. And your child is ready for the carnival!


If you are going to Halloween together, it is better to choose matching costumes. Mickey and Minnie Mouse, a couple of thieves, Mario and a princess are rather funny images. If you want exactly intimidation, then you can dress up as vampires, zombies or characters from "The Addams Family".

DIY Halloween costumes, photo:

Preparing the last Halloween costume for a couple with your own hands is easy! Marticia's face is very pale, her makeup is expressive (smokey ice will help you), her hair is black, smooth and shiny. A dark, long bodycon dress will complete the look. Gomez should be dressed no less elegantly: a suit, preferably striped. Another important attribute is small antennae. And a cigar in hand.

Remember: the main thing is to show imagination and present the outfit correctly. Come up with an interesting story for your image - and you are guaranteed success at the holiday!

Halloween is a holiday celebrated on the night of October 31st. The word "Halloween" is an abbreviation for the English "All Saints Night".

Halloween has ancient origins. It is credited with a Celtic festival held to mark the end of the harvest season. This festival was called Samhain.

Samhain was used by the ancient pagans to take stock and prepare for winter.

The ancients believed that on October 31, the borders between the worlds of the living and the dead were closed, and the dead returned to life to cause chaos, bring disease and damage cultures.

Bonfires were often burned during the festival. The fire was believed to attract insects and bats, which were an integral part of the celebration.

Typically, people wore masks and costumes to help imitate evil spirits. It was believed that in this way it was possible to calm the evil spirits that came from the otherworldly worlds.

Halloween is celebrated to this day. Of course, many of the traditions of celebration are already a thing of the past. However, the tradition of dressing up in costumes has remained unchanged. Every year hundreds of people ponder the question: What costume to make for Halloween to amaze everyone around? It's actually pretty simple. It is enough to show a little imagination and use the tips below.

How to make a Halloween costume with your own hands

Halloween costumes can be completely different: scary, or, conversely, quite cute and attractive. You can dress up as a vampire, witch, beautiful fairy, dinosaur, etc. It all depends on your preferences and imagination.

Today many shops offer us numerous options for Halloween costumes. However, such costumes are often quite expensive. Therefore, it is worth considering whether we need to spend an impressive amount on the purchase of such a suit.

Instead, you can get a little fancy and make your own Halloween costume.

Let's think about what costume you can make for Halloween with your own hands? First, you need to decide which image you choose, attractive or intimidating. Then it is worth assessing your capabilities and abilities.

If you are good at sewing, you can DIY pretty much any Halloween costume. For example, it can be a costume of a parrot, zombie, Dracula, princess, any fairy-tale character, etc.

If you don’t know how to sew (or you don’t have enough time for this), you can use the materials at hand and make an original Halloween costume with your own hands.

What can be used to make Halloween costumes? Yes, anything. To make unusual Halloween costumes with your own hands, you just need to look around.

DIY gypsy Halloween costumes are very popular. Their big plus is that they are easy enough to make. To do this, you just need to take clothes in bright colors. Floral and other catchy prints are welcome. It is best to use long skirts and loose-fitting tops. Tie a scarf over your head. Add lots of chunky and eye-catching accessories. And now your unusual DIY Halloween costume is ready.

It's very easy to make a mad scientist costume. To do this, you just need to take large round glasses and a white robe. Tousle your hair a little and you’ll turn into a mad scientist overnight.

From the materials at hand, you can come up with other original Halloween costumes with your own hands. To create them, you can use cardboard boxes, balloons, bright ribbons, foam, cotton wool, etc. Get creative and create unusual Halloween costumes with your own hands. This process will give you a lot of fun.

Quick search for Halloween merchandise

Simple Halloween Costumes

Sometimes a situation may arise that you urgently need a Halloween costume, and you do not have enough time to make it. What to do? Here, simple DIY Halloween costumes will come to your rescue. Such costumes can be made quite quickly.

So, what can you make a Halloween costume from? Let's look at some examples.

For example, you can make an artist costume.

To do this, you will need:

  • Dark trousers
  • Oversized white shirt
  • Paints
  • Cardboard
  • Brush.

How to make a DIY Halloween costume?

Put on your pants and a white shirt (or blouse). Spray the top with paint. You can also smear paint on your face, hands, etc.

Take a piece of cardboard, cut out a palette from it. Using the paints, draw 4 - 5 circles (different colors) on the palette. Take a brush and paste it onto the palette. Let dry.

Use eyeliner to complete the look. Use it to draw a small mustache and goatee. And don't forget to wear your beret!

Barbie costume

You can make cute and attractive Halloween costumes. One of such costumes is the Barbie costume.

To do this, you will need:

  • Pink clothes
  • Bright makeup
  • White wig.

How to make a Barbie costume?

Just put on a white wig and pink clothes. Use bright makeup.

Beggar costume

This requires: What other costume can you make for Halloween? For example, you can make a beggar costume.

  • Dark makeup
  • Old, torn clothes
  • Safety pins
  • Tin mug
  • Several small stones
  • Wig.

How to make a beggar costume?

Put on your old clothes. Better if it is torn. If the clothing is not torn, then tear it in several places. Fasten the breaks with pins. Use dirt or dark makeup (or paint) to stain the clothing.

Apply dark makeup to your face as if it were smeared with dirt. Also, stain the wig in the same way.

Place a few small stones in a tin mug.

You can also complement the look with a "bag". To do this, you need to take a stick and hang a piece of fabric tied in a "knot" on it.

Christmas gift costume

In order to make such a Halloween costume with your own hands, you will need: Apart from that, you can make a costume for a Christmas present.

  • Cardboard (or carton box)
  • Wrapping
  • Ribbons
  • Any kind of jewelry that can be used to decorate gifts.

How to make a Christmas gift costume?

First, you need to find a cardboard box that will fit your size. Remember that the box must be large enough to allow you to move your arms and legs freely.

Cut holes for the arms in the side walls of the box. The bottom of the box should be cut off. Cut a hole for the head at the top of the box.

Wrap the box with wrapping paper. Decorate it with ribbons and other embellishments.

Put on the box. Tie a bow around your hair.

Mens halloween costumes

What to wear for Halloween? This is a tricky question for someone who wants to avoid clichés.

When talking about men's Halloween costumes, options such as a firefighter, a doctor, or even Homer Simpson come to mind first. However, all of these suits have long been outdated. And you don't want to look irrelevant, do you?

In fact, Halloween costume ideas for men can be different. For example, you can dress up as famous TV characters.

Nowadays, television is more popular than cinema. Therefore, the costume of a television character will be one of the most relevant.

With a wide variety of TV shows, you have unlimited choices.

And what to wear for Halloween if you don't have a costume? Women will surely be puzzled by this question. It is much easier for men in this regard. You can turn into a real macho overnight. To do this, you need to wear a dark suit, a starched white shirt and a thin tie. Place a handkerchief folded into a triangle in the jacket pocket. Style your hair with hair gel. Add a cigar and wine glass to complete the look.

If you are a fan of the Middle Ages or fantasy, then you can make your own men's Halloween costumes based on the widespread computer games. For example, take a sweatshirt-like, oversized, long-sleeved T-shirt. On the chest, add an image: a lion, a wolf, a deer, a burning heart, etc. Use a plastic sword, which can be purchased at any toy store, as an accessory. You can also use a blonde wig to complement the look.

You can make your own Halloween costume in a sporty style. Changing into an athlete is very easy. For example, you can make a hockey player's costume. To do this, you will need a hockey stick, gloves and a sweater.

If you want to make your own intimidating men's Halloween costume, then try dressing up as a monster.

How to make a pumpkin for Halloween? DIY fancy Halloween outfits Halloween makeup: how to choose an image and apply makeup correctly

Halloween is monster time. So why not dress up in one of them? However, the main problem here is that monsters, like superheroes, have already become a real cliché. Therefore, you need to try and add unusual details to your costume. Do you want to become a vampire? It couldn't be easier. Put on jeans, add fangs, tears and a broken heart. Thus, you can transform into the famous Edward Cullen from the movie "Twilight".

Prefer zombies? Then you should also experiment a little. For example, wear a police uniform and add bullet wounds to the chest or head.

Halloween costumes for kids

What costume can you make yourself for Halloween for your child? This question is quite difficult, because the choice of a suit is determined by many factors. For example, you should consider not only your child's preferences, but also their age and gender. Absolutely all children love all kinds of holidays. And Halloween is no exception. Children are happy to dress up in various costumes. But making a Halloween costume with your own hands for a child is already the task of parents.

You can make up a variety of children's Halloween costumes with your own hands. Let's take a look at some examples.

To begin with, making costumes for kids can be pretty simple. In most cases, you will not need any special knowledge and skills. There are some simple DIY Halloween costumes for kids that even a beginner can make.

So how to make your own children's Halloween costume? And what ideas can you use?

Perhaps the most common are animal costumes. For example, you can make a costume for a bear, lamb, skunk, rabbit or dog, and so on. Typically, one pattern is used to make animal costumes. Only the length of the ears is adjustable.

If you want to make a simple kids Halloween costume with your own hands, then use regular pajamas. Add mittens, tail and ears to it. Using this set, you can turn your child into any animal.

For example, if you decide to turn your child into a puppy, put on pajamas (preferably plain), mittens, a tail and ears. On the face, using eyeliner (or special makeup), draw a nose and mustache.

One of the more popular is the Halloween cat costume for kids. How to do it?

Wear a black turtleneck, black pants, and black shoes. Take a long black scarf and cut it into five long strips. Wrap two strips around your ankles and two around your wrists. Wrap the fifth strip around your neck. Attach the strips with glue.

Cut the ears out of the felt. Attach them to the black hat. Place a few feathers inside each ear. Attach them with glue.

Then cut the tail out of the felt and attach it at the back.

Peppy Suit Long Stocking

However, the topic of animals is already rather hackneyed. But we want to create an original and unusual Halloween costume with our own hands for children? In this case, it is necessary to use new ideas. For example, you can make a scarecrow costume. All you need is an old pair of jeans, a flannel shirt, and a straw hat. Make bright patches on the shirt. To do this, use pieces of fabric in contrasting colors. Use a rope as a belt.

If you need to make your own Halloween costume for school, you can try making a Pippi Longstocking costume.

To make such a costume, you will need:

  • Knee socks
  • Old uniform color dress
  • Wool scarf
  • Wire hanger
  • Scraps of cloth
  • Needle and thread.

How to make a Pippi Long Stocking costume?

Cut squares from scraps of fabric. Sew the resulting squares to the dress so that it resembles a patchwork quilt.

Unfold the wire hanger so that you have a semicircle and two risers. Attach the resulting structure to the child's head and secure it with hairpins. Braid your hair around the loose ends of the wire.

Put on knee-highs, clogs, and a wool scarf.

Crayon suit

You will need: Alternatively, you can make a crayon suit.

  • Scissors
  • Cardboard
  • Colored orange paper (thick)
  • Ribbons
  • Orange pillowcase
  • Black paint
  • Brush
  • Orange shirt
  • Orange pants.

How to make a colored pencil suit?

Take a pillowcase, attach it to the child, mark the places where you need to make the slots for the arms and neck. Cut the holes with scissors.

On the front of the pillowcase, sketch out a pencil-like pattern.

Place a piece of cardboard inside the pillowcase. Then outline the outlined pattern with black paint.

Roll the orange paper into a cone. Fasten. Wear orange pants and a shirt on your child. Place a pillowcase on top and an orange cone over your head.

DIY Halloween costume ideas can be different. However, if you want to scare everyone, try making a mummy costume.

A Halloween mummy costume is very easy to make from simple items that are always at your fingertips.

Halloween mummy costumes can be made in a variety of ways. Let's take a look at some of them.

Method 1: How to make a Halloween mummy costume from scraps of fabric.

Take a piece of white cloth. Spread it out on a flat surface. Using scissors, make cuts in the fabric with a width of 5 - 7.5 cm. Do not use a ruler. If the stripes turn out to be uneven, then this is only a plus. Any mummy looks best if it is asymmetrical and imperfect.

Rip the fabric along the marked incisions. You should end up with jagged edges.

Then you can move on to dyeing the fabric. We will use tea bags for painting.

Take a large saucepan and fill it 2/3 full with water. Put on fire and bring to a boil. Then dip the tea bags into the water. The number of bags depends on the size of the suit. If you are making a Halloween mummy costume with your own hands for a child, then a couple of tea bags will be enough. For an adult, the number of sachets should be increased.

Place the strips of cloth in the pot. Cook for about 30 minutes. Then remove the strips and allow them to dry.

After the strips have dried, you can start creating the costume. Wear white clothes. Wrap it on top with the resulting strips. You can apply makeup on your face if you like. The mummy halloween costume is ready.

Method 2: How to make a DIY mummy girl costume for Halloween?

Go for a white turtleneck or long sleeve shirt. Starting at the bottom, casually sew the bandages to it with a sewing machine.

Then take the white pants and bandage them in the same way.

Then put on the suit. Use white gloves and white socks as a complement.

If you don't have enough time to make a costume, then you can make your own Halloween costume at home from an old wedding dress.

A simple wedding dress can change your look beyond recognition.

How to make a Halloween costume from a wedding dress?

For example, you can make a Frankenstein bride costume. This costume can be presented in various variations. However, he has some distinctive features. You will definitely need long black hair and dark makeup.

What else can you make a costume out of a white dress for Halloween? A wedding dress will make a beautiful corpse bride costume. What is needed for this?

You will need a corset wedding dress and blue hair. Add “grave” makeup to this outfit.

What costume to make for Halloween with a long dress?

If you want to create an eye-catching suit from a wedding dress, then try making a princess bride costume.

Just put on the dress, add a crown to it as an accessory.

Let's take a look at the most common and terrifying Halloween costumes. One of these is the dracula costume.

How to make a DIY dracula costume for Halloween?

First you need to sew a raincoat. Select the fabric of the desired shade (blood red, jet black, ink blue, etc.).

Spread the fabric on a flat surface, open the raincoat. Cut it out. Then cut the hood out of the rest of the fabric. Sew everything together.

Then you can start choosing clothes. Men are encouraged to wear a white button-down shirt and black trousers.

Any self-respecting vampire knows it's important to look your best at all times. That is why you need to add a vest to your outfit that will add elegance and sophistication to you. Choose a vest in black, dark red or silver shades.

Use a strip of black satin. Tie it around the waist, creating a makeshift belt. To complete the look, wear black shoes.

Now you know how to make your own scary Halloween costumes. However, to complete the look, you will need to apply appropriate makeup.

Apply white paint to your face. Apply shadows in dark gray, brown or black to the upper and lower eyelids. Blend thoroughly. Apply a dark red lipstick to your lips. To enhance the effect with red paint, you can paint drops of blood on your face. And don't forget the fangs.

Death suit

What costumes can you make for Halloween with your own hands if you want to scare others? Intimidating, of course. A death suit is perfect for this purpose.

How to make a Halloween death costume with your own hands?

First you need a black robe or raincoat. Put it on and tie the belt.

The next step is the mask. You can purchase a ready-made mask or make it yourself by creating your own design.

For accessories, you will need massive black boots and black leather gloves.

Gauze suit

We've covered some DIY Halloween costume ideas. As a rule, ordinary clothing or fabric is used to create them. And what if you don't have one at your fingertips. Then ordinary gauze will come to your aid. How to make a Halloween costume out of gauze?

The first step is to dye the cheesecloth in black tea. The tea will give the gauze an aged look. Brew a strong black tea, let it cool, and then dip the cheesecloth in it. Leave it on for a couple of minutes. Then take out the gauze, wring it out and dry.

The gauze is quite thin, so you need to put a layer of clothing underneath it. The simplest way out of this situation will be the usual thermal underwear.

Wrap the gauze over your thermal underwear, starting at your head. The more gauze you use, the better results you can get.

Now, using makeup in yellow and green tones, paint all exposed skin, avoiding the eyes. Apply a dark brown eyeshadow on your eyes.

Our Halloween gauze costume is ready.

Suit from ordinary clothes

What costume to wear for Halloween? This question can be quite tricky, especially if you don't want to spend money and time making it.

Inspiration can come straight from your wardrobe.

Making a Halloween costume from regular clothes:

Women can be encouraged to make a gypsy Halloween costume out of regular clothes. Take some skirts of different models and a brightly printed blouse. You will also need several scarves of different lengths. Scarves can be tied at the waist. Add a bright shawl and sparkly accessories to your look. Finish off with bright and eye-catching makeup.

What costumes can be made for Halloween from ordinary clothes for men? For example, you can try making a king costume. It’s very simple. Use a velvet or terry cloth robe and tie. It is recommended to purchase a crown and scepter as accessories.

Dress costume

Making a Halloween costume from a regular dress is pretty easy. You can think of a myriad of different options. It all depends on your preferences and the style of the dress.

The most popular style is the little black dress. Surely, it is in every woman's wardrobe. Let's take a look at how to make a Halloween costume out of a dress.

If you are a Disney fan, then you can make a Mini Mouse costume out of a little black dress. To do this, you will need mouse ears, which you can buy at the store or make your own, as well as red and white parts (for example, a cardigan, belt, shoes).

A small black dress can be used to make a modern vampire costume. To do this, you will need fangs, dark lipstick, a black jacket (preferably leather) and black shoes.

A particularly common Halloween costume is the cat costume. Why not try something original and dress up as a panda? To do this, you need to put on a black dress and complement it with such accessories as a knitted hat with two pompoms. Put on a white jacket on top. Apply black eyeshadow around the eyes. And don't forget the nose. Draw it with eyeliner.

Now we know how to make a Halloween costume ourselves using an ordinary little black dress.

Why not make your own Halloween cop costume? Most police officers wear uniforms in uniform color. Traditionally, it is dark blue or green. Clothes of one of these colors will become the basis of our costume.

DIY Halloween costume:

Take a button-down shirt. Wear dark blue or dark green trousers. Ideally, the colors of the shirt and trousers match.

The shirt and pants should be the perfect size for you. Remember that police officers do not wear loose clothing. Don't forget to tuck your shirt into your trousers.

No costume is completely complete without accessories. You can add handcuffs, hats, holster or belt, toy pistol, badge, etc. as accessories.

In addition to the standard police outfit, you can come up with many variations. For example, dress like a zombie police officer.

What costume to make with your own hands for Halloween? In fact, there can be a lot of options here. However, if you don't want to spend a lot of time and effort creating an outfit, you can make a halloween gallows costume. To do this, you will need a black hooded cape and a rope tied around your neck. For additional similarity, use a terrifying make-up or purchase a gallows mask.

How to make a Halloween costume at home, spending a minimum of time? Very simple. Take old clothes, tear them in some places. Use red paint to paint bruises. Run your hair lightly with your fingers. You can use hair gel to set the result. And now you have a Halloween victim costume.

As you can see, the fashionable Halloween costumes are quite varied. The choice of a suit depends on your wishes and preferences. If you want to create a cute and attractive look, try making your own Halloween doll costume. Let's take a look at how to create a famous Barbie costume.

As you know, Barbie wears pink clothes, blue eyeshadow, and a luxurious hairstyle.

To create such a suit, you will need a pink dress, preferably with a deep neckline. If you don't have a pink dress, you can replace it with a pink blouse, a flirty pink skirt, or pink leggings.

In addition, you need a pair of high-heeled shoes.

Pay special attention to makeup. To create it, use a transparent lip gloss, blue eyeshadow, pink blush. Please note that your makeup should be pretty bright.

Barbie has blonde hair. If your hair isn't light enough, use a white wig.

Headless Jack costume

We have already looked at many options for how to make your own Halloween costume. We offer another option - a headless Jack's Halloween costume.

Use a lightweight, dark-colored cape. Don't choose thick fabric. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to breathe. Put a cape over your head. If you wish, you can cut out an artificial neck from the foam. Attach it on your head. Take an artificial head in your hands, which you can purchase in a store or make yourself. And now you have a headless man's Halloween costume.

If you want to make your own Halloween angel costume, then you need a little patience. The main attribute of such a costume is the wings. Making them will take you a fair amount of time.

In order to make the wings, you need to draw them on a large piece of cardboard. These can be regular or fancy wings. Use scissors to cut out your wings. Punch holes in the top and bottom of the wings.

Paint the wings with gold paint on both sides and let them dry. At this time, start making the rest of the costume.

Take a piece of white cloth. Punch a hole in it for the head. You will get a kind of cape.

Now go back to the wings. Pass a thin ribbon into the holes made, tie.

Glam Rock Suit

How to make DIY glam rock costumes for Halloween?

To begin with, glam rock emerged in the 80s and has been gaining in popularity ever since. Generally, making a glam rock costume for Halloween is pretty straightforward. To do this, you need to combine some things from the following list:

- ripped black or pale blue jeans

- leather trousers or trousers with animal prints

- blue denim or leather skirt

- fishnet stockings

- short tops or shirts that reveal the belly

- long earrings

- voluminous bracelets

- rings with skulls.

Pay special attention to your hairstyle. She is the most important element of the costume. Tilt your head down and brush with your fingers or a comb. After that, turn your head back and secure the hairstyle with hairspray. You can also make a Halloween costume with pink hair. Just paint them with a special foam or tint shampoo.

You should also pay attention to makeup. All glam rockers, male and female, wear makeup that includes eyeliner, black mascara, blue or metallic eyeshadow, dark blush, and red or pink lipstick.

We have previously looked at how to make a Halloween vampire costume (dracula costume). Now let's look at how to make a Halloween vampire costume at home.

Vampires can be different. We'll take a look at how to make a Victorian vampire costume. For this we need a long black cloak (or cape) with a hood and fangs.

We make make-up to your liking. Mandatory elements are a white face, dark eyes and red lipstick.

How to make a witch costume for Halloween?

Witches can be different, evil or kind. We will make a good witch costume.

To do this, we need a long black cape and a cone-shaped hat, which can be made from cardboard.

Goblin costume

Due to their non-standard physique, magical properties and cruel disposition, goblins have become one of the most sought-after characters on Halloween.

The Halloween goblin costume can be made quickly and easily.

Take the green robe. Use scissors to cut off the sleeves and make serrated cuts. Repeat the same on the neckline and hem. You should have a dangling effect.

Make a cardboard sword. Cover it with aluminum foil.

Make the ears. Paint them green.

Also cover the face, neck and arms with special green paint. Use a light green paint as the base color. Apply dark green paint under the eyes.

Our DIY goblin costume is ready for Halloween.

The maid costume is the perfect Halloween costume option for adults. Making a Halloween maid costume with your own hands can be quite simple.

Take a simple short black dress with a full skirt. Put on a white, plain fabric apron on top. Wear black fishnet stockings and white or black lace gloves. Add black heels as accessories.

Jason costume

Jason is one of the characters in the movie Friday the 13th. Its distinctive features are a hockey mask that covers a disfigured face and a weapon in hand.

If you decide to make a Jason Halloween costume with your own hands, then you need to: choose old clothes that are not afraid to get dirty.

As a reminder, Jason's clothes are a little shabby and dirty. Try to achieve the same effect. After that, rip the clothes in some places.

Take a hockey mask, lightly smear it with mud and red paint. Use a weapon (machete) to complete the image.

Joker costume

The Joker is one of the most mysterious and intriguing villains around. You can make your own Halloween Joker costume. To do this, you need to choose clothes consisting of purple and green colors (shirt, jacket, trousers, vest, gloves, tie).

Color your hair green. Use a knife as a weapon.

The Joker's makeup is one of the most important features of his costume. To create your makeup, you need to paint your face with half white and half black paint. Highlight your eyes with liquid eyeliner. Apply red lipstick to your lips.

Card lady costume

If you are thinking of how to make a do-it-yourself adult costume for Halloween, then pay attention to the cat costume.

Making our own cat costume for Halloween:

To do this, you need to choose the appropriate clothing. This can be: a simple pair of black jeans, black shorts, a black skirt or dress. Choose black shoes from shoes.

Pay attention to your hair. You can use a braid or a ponytail.

Remember that no cat can do without ears and a tail. In addition, you can add a collar to the suit. And, of course, don't forget the claws. You can use false nails to create them.

When creating a cat costume, you need to do the right makeup. Draw a black mustache, nose, and cat's eyes.

Lioness costume

In order to make the tigress lioness costume for Halloween, you need to choose orange or brown clothes. For accessories, use gloves of the same color.

Make the ears and tail. Pay attention to your makeup. Draw the eyes with a black pencil. Draw the mustache and nose.

In a similar way, you can make a costume for any animal. In some cases, you may need horns. Making horns with your own hands is very simple. Take a piece of styrofoam or just thick cardboard. Form 2 cones. Paint them the color you want, and use special glue to attach them to your forehead.

Malvina's costume

If you want to whip up a Halloween costume, then pay attention to the Malvina costume. We all remember from childhood that Malvina is a girl with blue hair. Therefore, in order to make your own Malvina Halloween costume, you will need a blue wig.

Wear a light blue fluffy dress and a light blue wig. Do some simple makeup. In makeup, the main focus is on the eyes. Considering the fact that Malvina is a doll, we need to make voluminous eyelashes. For this purpose, we use several layers of mascara or false eyelashes.

Nurse costume

It is very easy to make a DIY nurse costume for Halloween. To do this, you will need a white doctor's coat and a matching “nursing” headgear. We put all this on ourselves, do bright makeup. We use a syringe or thermometer as accessories.

Queen costume

Want to create a stately outfit? Then make your own Halloween queen costume.

To do this, you must wear a long evening dress and a long raincoat. We choose simple shoes from shoes and glue artificial stones on them. We add a lot of accessories. And don't forget the scepter and crown. As you can see, making a Halloween queen costume is quite simple.

You can also make your own Halloween beauty queen costume. To do this, we put on a luxurious evening dress and shoes with heels. Add a crown and shoulder strap.

Suit for plump

If you need to make a full Halloween costume, then pay attention to the following ideas:

- Ghost costume: put on comfortable clothes and a scary mask.

- Gypsy or fortune teller costume: wear a long skirt and a shirt with catchy prints. Tie a scarf over your head. Add lots of embellishments.

We've covered how to make the best DIY Halloween costumes. Choose the ideas you like and celebrate Halloween in a new, attractive and unexpected guise.

The fashion to celebrate Halloween came to us from the USA. There it is a massive masquerade that takes place on the streets of the city. We have the idea of ​​celebrating All Saints' Day loved by many, but has not yet found such a massive distribution. Most of the time, young people host themed parties and dress up in interesting and scary Halloween costumes. And the most important thing at such a holiday is to match the image as much as possible. Any costume can be sewn on your own, because this option will not only be original, but also save money.

Costume Ideas

Any image must be associated with evil spirits. It's better for princesses and fairies to visit another holiday. On a day when dark forces awaken and emerge from their sanctuaries, it is better to fit this theme. Scary Halloween costumes can display such characters: a vampire, a devil, a dead man, a ghost, a zombie, and of course a witch.

The pumpkin is an integral symbol of Halloween. It can be of any shape and size. Holes for the mouth and eyes are cut into the vegetable, the middle is completely removed, and a candle is placed in its place. The costume of this very pumpkin can also be original.

Girls happily dress up as a vampire, a dead nurse or a bloody princess. The couple can pay attention to the pirate and his faithful companion.

Among the general fun, there are also positive characters: Van Helsing, Harry Potter and his friends, Jack Sparrow, Terminator, Transformers, Spider-Man and other superheroes, Zorro.

But the most popular image for adult girls, women and little girls is the witch. How to do it yourself on Halloween will be discussed further.

How to choose an image for a witch

A traditional witch is a lady in a beautiful dark dress with a mantle or cape, always wearing a hat and a broom. But modern fairy tales and films dictate their fashion about how a witch should look. It is from cinematic tapes that you can get ideas. This will help you figure out how to make a Halloween witch costume and what details to pay attention to. Here are some examples of the most popular images.

Witch from old fairy tales

Such an old woman seems to us Baba Yaga on a broomstick and in a mortar. She has gray hair, sly eyes and warts on her face. If you are not afraid that children will be afraid of such an image, then feel free to experiment. In clothes, take a look at your grandmother's old rags: a long skirt, an apron, a shirt and a vest on top. Cover up

Witch from the forest

It can be good or bad. Add natural elements to your look: leaves, berries. Let them be present on a hat or dress. In the color scheme, stick to green-yellow hues. The main outfit can be dark green or brown; make a cape from light airy materials. A small hat will look original. Pay special attention to your eyes and makeup, whiten your skin and add green or blue eyeshadow.

Charming gothic

Such a sorceress never smiles and is very strict. Her dress and all other elements are exclusively black. Her lips are red and scarlet, and her eyes hide a terrifying depth. All accessories are spiders, cobwebs, black cats, crosses. For this look, choose a long

Fashionable witch

This is the image of a cheerful, perky sorceress. She is casual and light, sexy and very alluring. For a fashionable witch, a short fluffy dress or skirt is suitable. Do not be limited in colors: it can be a combination of black and pink, purple, light green or green. Such a witch may even have the most daring image for experiments instead of a broom.

Unapproachable queen

Imagine the Snow Queen. She is strict, mysterious and unapproachable. She has a chic dress and a high collar. She may not have a hat, but a cool look is required. When choosing a dress, pay attention to a fluffy long skirt, decorated with many folds. Be sure to throw an elegant robe over your shoulders.

Witch costume components

Beautiful evil sorceresses from fairy tales have always attracted with their mystery. Remember the same Maleficent. One glance was mesmerizing. A beautiful bright costume with a black cape and a long fluffy skirt to the floor - such an extraordinary outfit can easily be bought in a store, but making a witch costume for Halloween with your own hands is very simple. Consider the main components of any such outfit:

  • hat;
  • corset;
  • skirt;
  • cape.

The corset and skirt can be combined into a single dress. But without special skills in cutting and sewing, you can separate these elements and get an equally delightful result. Consider how to make a witch costume at home in stages.


What does a witch's hat look like? That's right, it is acute-angled with wide margins. If you do not have a suitable one at home, then it can be easily cut out and made. What you need for this:

  • white and brown cardboard;
  • ribbons or any other decorations on the hat (you can make spiders out of black paper);
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • needle and thread.

Instead of a paper hat, you can also make a cloth hat. Felt is ideal for this purpose. It does not crumble, holds its shape well and is easy to use. In addition, various decorations are better attached to such fabric.

Hat making instructions

  1. The first step is to cut a circle out of white cardboard with a hole in the middle. The diameter of the hole should be equal to the circumference of the head.
  2. Then you need to transfer the size of the circle to brown cardboard. The contours are drawn with a pencil, but the hole is not completely cut. Instead, triangular cuts are made in it along the entire diameter and folded. They will form the basis for attaching the cone.
  3. The cone is done like this. The brown cardboard must be folded like a bag for seeds. The bottom edge needs to be aligned and trimmed to the same length. The diameter of the base of the cone should be equal to the inner circumference of the brim of the hat.
  4. Then you need to put the cone on the triangles and glue it well.
  5. Then decorate the hat with a ribbon, securing it with a needle and thread. Any other elements can act as decoration: stars, rhinestones, fabric spiders.

The hat can be of any size. Little princesses will gladly put on a neat hat with a hairpin or headband. If you don't want to wear a bulky accessory, you can experiment with others. For example, a bat headband will do.

Search the internet for a stencil, or draw your own bat silhouette. Transfer it to black cardboard and cut it out. Try to make the mice different in size to make the composition look livelier. Bend each workpiece in half, so you get the impression of a fluttering mouse. In the center, make two holes through which to fasten the wire. Tie the other end of the rod to the rim. Put it on your head and amaze everyone with how wonderful you managed to sew a witch costume.


In order to sew the simplest version of clothing, a witch costume pattern is not needed. Any black blouse, T-shirt or bodysuit can serve as a top for a dress.

In the above version, a long black floor-length dress is used as the main element. Surely this can be found in the wardrobe of any lady. If you are not sure if black suits you, give preference to other shades, for example, purple or gray. In general, when going to Halloween, do not think about which color scheme should dominate. Only your imagination should work here.

For the authenticity of the image, decorate your top with some symbolic elements: rhinestones, stars, beads. Place a crow or black cat on your shoulder.


Witch costume (adult) involves the use of a long skirt to the floor. If you don't have one, borrow it from your grandmother or a friend's relative. You can also buy it, but you are unlikely to ever wear it again.

There can be a lot of options for designing a skirt. In order for a witch's Halloween costume, created with your own hands, to be distinguished by originality, do not be afraid to show your imagination. If you don't have a long skirt, take a short one. Or maybe you have a dress at all, then that's fine too. From a transparent black fabric, cut a rectangle that is as long as the floor, and in width it should be twice the girth of your hips. Make folds with your hands, fix them with a needle and thread. Draw a long ribbon and tie it at the waist. The skirt is ready!

Halloween Kids Fluffy Skirt

Some of our babies also want to wear a witch costume. The children's version is practically no different from the adult. All the same elements, the same materials. Let's consider how to make a fluffy skirt for a holiday, with a specific example.

Halloween witch costume for girls involves the use of the following materials and tools:

  • dark bodysuit;
  • organza ribbons of two shades (they may be different, in our example, black and light green are used);
  • scissors;
  • rubber bands.

The first step is to measure the waist circumference. It should be noted that this skirt is suitable for both an adult and a child. Time for its production is half an hour.

Next, you need to cut strips from the tape. You need to calculate the length like this. First, determine your desired skirt length. Let's say for a child it will be 50 cm. Multiply this figure by two and add 2 cm. Total - 102 cm. Cut a lot of such strips.

Start attaching the strips to the elastic bands, following the diagram shown in the photo below.

Fold the tape in half and thread it through the elastic. Alternating colors, secure all tapes. You will see how they bulge. That is why dense materials are best suited for such purposes: organza or tulle.

Everything, the skirt is ready!


A do-it-yourself Halloween witch costume would be incomplete without a cape or cloak. The easiest option is to borrow it at any nearby costume shop. But we are making an original image. This means that our lovely lady will wear a witch costume made from scrap materials.

What are we looking for? For a cape or raincoat, we need any dark material available in the house. It can be a scarf, a husband's T-shirt, an old raincoat, whatever. Perhaps you have a beautiful openwork shawl in a dark color. Then the question of the cape is settled. Take on the look of a vintage dark seductress.

Now we offer you one unusual version of a spider web cape. Find something black to create it. You can use an old skirt or T-shirt. The size of the material will depend on how long you want the cape. Expect it to cover at least your shoulders.

Fold the material in half, and then fold it in half, as shown in the figure. Begin making the pattern from the edge where the folds are. Measure the circumference of your head. Divide the resulting number by 2. Set this length plus 2 cm from the edge of the fabric and mark. From the second corner, make the second. Connect the dots in a semicircle.

Set the length of the cape horizontally from the beginning of the folded edge. Along the length of the arms, it will be approximately 70 cm in one direction. Measure from the point of the neckline. Cut out a semicircle. You should have a pattern that looks like a sun skirt.

Any gown will have a similar shape. Find on the Internet a pattern for an ordinary sun skirt, replace the waist with a neckline - and the mantle is ready. A hood can be sewn on if needed. To do this, cut out two semicircular parts, sew in a straight line and attach in the neck from the back.

Let's start forming the web for our example.

With chalk, trace vertical stripes on the fabric from the neck down. This will help keep the proportions. Cut the bottom figuratively. In a horizontal direction, draw each segment of the cobweb. Use sharp scissors or a utility knife to cut out the marked holes.

If the fabric is frayed, tuck the edges. For any gown, try to use lightweight, thin fabrics that won't weigh down your look. Halloween witch costume and decorative element are ready!

Optional accessories

How to make a witch costume for Halloween, we figured out. The hat is ready, the skirt is in place, the top is selected. There is even a cape. But that is not all. Need additional accessories to complete the look. What are these elements?

  1. Tights. If the event is held indoors, then, of course, you need to wear thin ones. It is better to wear black tights with a pattern under a short skirt. Choose an original ornament or mesh. For an event taking place on the street, it is better to choose a warmer option, after all, the end of October. Opt for striped leggings.
  2. Shoes. It can be shoes or boots, it doesn't matter at all. Choose a platform that is comfortable for you to dance and have fun until the early hours of the morning.
  3. Earrings. Bright eye-catching jewelry is what you need. Halloween is that holiday where everything cannot be too much. Feel free to choose earrings with large stones, in the form of a spider web or a black cat.
  4. Rings, brooches, necklaces. Everything should be thematically stylized. Take the time to go shopping and pick up accessories for your witch costume.
  5. Handbag. Best of all, of course, a small classic clutch will look. Brave girls can successfully replace it with a bowler hat. By analogy with, you can make it yourself from cardboard and sheathe it with a dark cloth. A little tip: you shouldn't keep your mobile or wallet in it.
  6. Broom. Well, what is a witch without a broom? It can be small, in the form of a brooch, or large, such that you can hold in your hand. A broom must be present!

How to make a broom

If you live in a region where there is still no snow at the end of October, then you are very lucky. Go to the nearest park and pick up a lot of small twigs. Collect them in a bunch, attach a thicker long stick to them and you're done!

Dry grass can be used instead of twigs. She, too, will look no worse, and most importantly, it is safer this way.

You can make a small broom. She is used to decorate an outfit or a festive table. For needlework you will need: a bamboo skewer, rope threads, thin threads, scissors.

Cut the flagella at least 7 cm long. Make a small bundle, insert a skewer into it and tighten on one side with a thin thread. Unscrew the threads and pull the thread again at the base. The broom is ready.

Making a witch costume for Halloween with your own hands is very simple. If you don't have sewing skills or talent, use simple materials, ready-made skirts and T-shirts. After all, the most important thing in preparing an image is to properly decorate things and apply makeup. Do not forget about the main elements of the image of any witch: hat, robe and broom.

It is believed that Halloween originated from the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, when people lit bonfires and donned scary costumes to ward off ghosts that roamed. In Russia, it was celebrated as the Day of Spirits. In VIII, Pope Gregory III proclaimed November 1 as All Saints Day. Over time, it became a social event dedicated to treating children. If you are going to have fun with your child on October 31st, think about what Halloween costume for a guy and a boy of 8, 9 or 12 years old you can quickly make with your own hands, at home. Our ideas, photos and master classes on making carnival outfits of a Pirate, Vampire, Zombie, Skeleton, bearded characters of "horror" for children and adults will help you.

How to quickly make a costume with a beard for Halloween - Master class on making a carnival outfit for a guy with your own hands

Halloween is celebrated in many Western countries, most often in the United States, Great Britain, Ireland, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. The Irish and Scots brought this tradition to North America in the 19th century. Most other countries, including Russia, adopted Halloween as part of American pop culture in the late 20th century. The streets of October 31 are always filled with mummers. It is sometimes difficult to recognize a familiar guy, brother or classmate under unusual fancy dress with a beard. Our master class will help you quickly make a similar outfit with your own hands.

Boyfriend and Boyfriend Halloween Yarn Beard Costume - Simple Master Class

From ordinary yarn - choose the color of the thread at your discretion - you can quickly make a beard for a villain costume from horror films and scary stories.

To do this, you will need:

  • Felt;
  • Scissors;
  • A needle and thread or a sewing machine;
  • Elastic;
  • Yarn of any color.

The quickest way to create a beard for a fancy dress is to simply draw it on a guy's face.

Halloween costume for a guy with his own hands - Making an outfit at home with a photo

Who are you planning to "transform" into on Halloween? Maybe a bloodthirsty vampire, a hungry Zombie looking for food, or a Dark Knight? Of course, any of these suits for guys for All Saints Day can be bought in the supermarket. However, making carnival outfits with your own hands, at home, is much cheaper and more interesting!

Boyfriend Halloween Costume Ideas - DIY Carnival Outfit

Sometimes you may not even guess that at home you already have everything in order to make a DIY costume for a guy on Halloween. You just need to buy paint and the necessary accessories and dream up. Our examples of carnival outfits will help you with this.

Mummy Costume

To make this suit, you can simply wrap yourself in white toilet paper or cut an old shirt into strips. Don't forget about makeup!

Edward Scissorhands Suit

The famous hands of Edward Scissorhands can be made from gloves by attaching plastic disposable knives to them.

Harry Potter Outfit

Everything is simple here: you just need to find round glasses and put on a long coat or mantle on a boy or a guy.

DIY Halloween costume for a boy - Making an outfit at home with a photo

Why buy your son a Halloween costume if a simple and cheap outfit for a boy is easy to make at home with your own hands? You just need to check your chests and closets - what if there are old clothes and unnecessary pieces of fabric stored there? Imagine a little - and the child will surprise everyone with his unusual appearance at the school party on October 31st.

DIY Halloween Costume Ideas for a Boy - Photo of Masquerade Dresses

Use clothes that are out of fashion for a long time to make your Halloween costume. Adjust the clothes to the boy's size, add makeup, paint the outfit. You will do great:

Dark Knight Image


Magic Beetle


and many many others…

Halloween Zombie Costume - How to Make an Outfit for a 12 Year Old Boy

To make an outfit for a 12-year-old boy on Halloween, you can simply "spoil" an unnecessary shirt and trousers. Make a great Zombie costume for your school party or home party. In this case, all your expenses will be limited to the purchase of watercolors or ink.

How to Quickly Make a Halloween Boy Zombie Costume

Halloween Pirate costume for a boy 8 years old - Workshop with instructions

Sewing a Halloween Pirate costume for an 8-year-old boy can take less than an hour and a half if you follow all the instructions of the short master class. The main thing here is to find a vest of a suitable size for the child and an old hat, a piece of black felt or coat fabric.

Workshop on making a Halloween Pirate costume for a boy 8 years old

There may be several options for the Pirate's Halloween outfits. We will focus on the simplest of them.

To make a costume you will need:

  • Striped vest;
  • Black felt;
  • Scissors, needle and thread;
  • Sewing machine;
  • White fabric;
  • Moment glue;
  • Linen elastic;
  • Black and red paint.

Now you can try on the resulting costume and get ready for Halloween!

Halloween Skeleton Costume - Outfit Ideas for 9 Years Boy

Halloween is almost around the corner, and you haven’t come up with a festive outfit for your son yet? Our ideas will help you make a Skeleton costume for a 9 year old boy. The main thing in such clothes is contrast. That's why get your old black leotards and t-shirt, toothpaste, or white paint ready right away.

Halloween Skeleton Costume Sewing Workshop

To make a costume, prepare:

  • Black, tight-fitting clothes for the boy;
  • Chalk, toothpaste, or white paint;
  • Brush;
  • Scissors and thick paper.

Use our tips for making unusual outfits for All Saints' Day, make your own Halloween costume for a guy and a boy 8, 9 and 12 years old. At home, doing this is much easier and faster than it seems initially. Photos, videos and master classes posted on this page will help you save money and spend your time with interest. Note the ease of making the Zombie, Pirate, Skeleton and Bearded Villain costumes. Happy holiday to you!

Our compatriots stole this holiday from the Americans in the dashing nineties. And since then, fans to tickle their nerves choose the most creepy images, make costumes for Halloween, and then dress up in them, embellishing themselves with wrinkles, bruises and scars to complete the picture.

Elvira's friends - the mistress of darkness

Skillful body art will transform you into a scary doll

Halloween costumes

Although, if you look closely, there are already plenty of terrible witches and vampires, even if they are dressed up in quite decent outfits. As for the external signs, it is enough to look at your beloved in the morning after a good party and with makeup not washed off before going to bed. Add pitiful rags and Baba Yaga rests ... I beg your pardon, but this is the bitter truth of life ...

But seriously, preparing for this kind of "matinee after sunset" requires a lot of time, money and imagination. Although, of course, you can simply go to a boutique specializing in such products, buy the entire arsenal - from outfits, shoes, accessories and cosmetics - and forward into the other world! You can, alternatively, rent things. But the fact is that this holiday is initially comic, so things made with their own hands can better set its playful tone. From this, the image will acquire its unique flavor, and from some production flaws it will only benefit and will look more natural.

Vampire costume

To make cool ones, you can borrow it on the Internet - in master classes, step-by-step instructions and photo lessons. Or you can go well on your own imagination: the main thing is not to be lazy. So, on this holiday ... let's just say, on the other side of life, the main characters are devils and witches. And also - Caesar, vampires, mummies, ghosts, hippie punks, Japanese women, scarecrows and even scrambled eggs.

Fawn is a popular look for young girls

The classic of the genre is the image of the vampire. And even if there are several people in this role at the party, you will definitely be original. To craft the outfit of the ideal vampire, you will need a long cloak, without which it is difficult to imagine the image of a bloodsucker. The recommended color is black or red. The most impressive is a black cloak with a scarlet fabric lining. Sewing it is not at all difficult: a rectangle of black or red fabric is taken, sewn around the edges or simply sewn by hand, gathered around the neck and complemented with strings to match. To make a stand-up collar, the fabric is collected 7 cm lower than usual and sealed with interlining, which is sold in all sewing departments. If the fabric is already too thick, then you will not need to tighten the collar additionally. You definitely need a snow-white shirt, and also a cane: vampires are real dandies! Fangs for the image of a bloodsucker can be bought or made from a plastic fork, for which its middle teeth are separated, and the resulting structure is attached to the gums. All that remains is the stylish make-up: pale skin, red and black lips, eyeliner and gray shadows under the eyes - and beware, unfortunate victims!

Halloween costumes for girls

Most Popular halloween costumes for girls- witches. To create the outfit of a scary old woman, you will need a collection of all the long dark clothes available in the wardrobe. And it will be better if the rags look more worn out.

Witch costume

Legs can be dressed up in torn tights, socks, or stockings. Old dark slippers or ballet flats will do. Everything is pulled on, and the more there are, the better. The most important thing is to create the impression of a kind of hoodie. Well, if you are not engaged in hoarding and cannot find such rare things in your bins, then you will need a simple dark fabric. One piece is wrapped around the waist - a semblance of a skirt, and with the help of the second, a woman's jacket is constructed. For a skirt, choose a long piece of fabric about 1 meter wide. As for the length, the larger it is, the more fluffy the skirt will look. The upper edge of the fabric is wrapped about 2 centimeters wide and stitched: this will create an opening for the elastic of the skirt. Then the skirt is sewn around the edges. To enhance the effect, you can tear the bottom of the skirt or put a fringe on it. And to make a jacket, you need to cut holes in the patch (imitate sleeves) and tie the rest of the fabric like a wrap-around blouse.

How to make a witch hat

And here is another funny pumpkin on the head

The same principle can be used to make Halloween costumes for boys - for example, monsters or sorcerers. And the image of a witch is completed by messy hair or a wig. If the length of the hair allows, then you can make small shaggy curly hairs, then comb them to get the hairs sticking out in all directions. For a short haircut, a foam or styling mousse is applied to wet hair, after which the hair is blow-dried on the head down, so that all strands stick out like electrified.

For makeup, you need to circle the eyes with black and shade these lines. Shadows can be made marsh green by applying them entirely over both eyelids. The eyebrows are brought in fatter, and the lips are painted on with a dark color. But it is better not to paint on the warts, but to buy or simply glue some kind of lump like a foam ball. In the image of a witch, a large cap is a must - a pointed hat with wide brim, which is easy to make at home yourself. A simple piece of black paper or fabric is taken, a cone is cut out of cardboard, glued along the side lines. While the cone dries, the hat brims are cut. The diameter of its inner circle will be the diameter of the head with a slight plus for the hat to fit well. After that, the cone and cap margins are pasted over with black cloth or paper. After drying, the cone is glued to the brim, the hat is decorated with fringes, shreds of black organza, dark feathers or black flowers. You can also attach a frog (of course, a toy) or a spider in the margins, which will make the image more frightening.

Bloody and scary

But the outfit for a seductive witch will consist of a short skirt and a sweater with a neckline. A dress is also suitable - a cocktail or a long one in a rich monochromatic color - black, red, blue. The waist can be emphasized with a wide belt or corset. Shoes are selected with heels, and seductive tights or stockings are most suitable striped, like in American films. Everything about the makeup and hairstyle of this look is meant to beckon and seduce. The look will be complemented by a glamorous tinsel broom, a cap with sparkles and a catchy manicure.

Halloween costumes for kids

For children, Halloween costumes are made without such obvious aggressiveness in the image and, of course, without seductive things. Brightness and mischief are important in such an outfit. The simplest and most beloved by children is the image of a ghost.

Ghost costume

To create it, you need an ordinary white sheet without any drawings and scissors. First, a sheet is taken, holes for the mouth and eyes are cut into it. Moreover, it is better to make the hole intended for the mouth uneven. You can leave everything as it is, or you can decorate and complicate this outfit. In order for the cast to be harmonious and holistic as an image, the clothes that are visible under the sheet must be white, and inaudible walking must be ensured by replacing shoes with white fluffy socks.

Gym shoes trimmed with fur or decorated with bells and bells also look very cute. For children, it is better to replace negative fairy-tale characters with funny cute outfits. For the same ghost roll for an active fun holiday, you can not only throw on a sheet, but also sew its edges in the form of a bag with slots for hands. Kids will look adorable in fluffy white fur boots. It is better to trace the holes for the mouth and eyes with a felt-tip pen or black gouache, which will make the look much brighter. For the same purpose in halloween costumes for kids you can add colors in other ways. For example, to quickly get used to the holiday mood, you can come with a pumpkin at hand. The sheet can be embroidered with variegated patches. You can also wear bright boots that match the color of the patches. You can also paint the sheet with simple patterns using a trickle of hairspray. You can sprinkle glitter on its sticky trail, which will stick to the varnish and play brightly under the rays of light. In general, fantasy and golden hands will help to make unique children's outfits for this holiday can be found on many sites. There you can also get ideas for improving outfits. So, lovers of good old Soviet cartoons can attach a propeller to the sheet, and loudly announce to the guests that they have witnessed the appearance of the kindest ghost in the world. For such a case, it is appropriate to transform the image a little: decorate the sheet with flowers and asterisks, attach a sign "I am looking for jam" on the chest, wrap the waist with old film. The only drawback of this design is that it is not very convenient to run and dance in it. But it’s so fun to scare other little guests!

I am an evil and terrible gray wolf! Rrr!

Rabbit ears will be an interesting solution for the look. It's so easy to make them yourself, we will teach you!

DIY Halloween costumes

On the eve of All Saints Day DIY Halloween costumes many holiday fans do. Among the usual horror films, the outfit of scrambled eggs looks very funny.

Scrambled Egg Costume

Making it with your own hands is not very difficult: you need the same white sheet, yellow paint, threads with a needle and scissors. First, a baggy cover is made as in the previous outfit, a regular circle is drawn in front with yellow paint. You can also make the yolk out of yellow fabric, and then sew it onto the sheet on the chest. It is decorated with a pattern or applique in the form of bacon, bacon or herbs. An original accessory can be obtained by adding a hat in the form of a knife and a fork to the outfit, or you can decorate your head with fake vegetables. Here you don’t know what to wish - a pleasant holiday or an appetite.

In general, do-it-yourself creative Halloween costumes for girls and guys, for children and the elderly, for romantics and cynics can be made from any materials. The main thing is to put all your diligence and soul into them, and also try to get maximum joy from this process. Then the holiday, entertainment, and your own appearance will bring sheer pleasure. Isn't this the main thing in our life?

Halloween costumes photo

Scary Cheshire Cat