Parent-Children's Club “School of Preschool Sciences. Parents' club - an effective form of interaction with the family

Ludmila Archegova
Family club in preschool educational institution as a form of interaction with parents

Family club in preschool educational institution as a form of interaction with parents»

(From the experience of MKDOU No. 4 in the village of Elkhotovo, Kirov District)

Prepared by Archegova L.A., methodologist.

“From how childhood passed, who

led the child by the hand in childhood, which

entered his mind and heart from the surrounding

the world - it depends to a decisive extent,

What kind of person will today's baby be?

/AT. A. Sukhomlinsky/

Article 44 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Education in the Russian Federation" says: Parents(legal representatives) minor students have a preferential right to the education and upbringing of children over all other persons. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child's personality.

The first school for educating a growing person is the family. The family is a whole world for a child, here he learns to love, endure, rejoice, sympathize. In the family, he acquires the first experience of communication, the experience of "living among people."

Kindergarten is the first social institution, the first educational institution with which the family comes into contact in order to educate and educate the child, preparing him for life in society. In this regard, one of the indispensable conditions for raising a child in a preschool educational institution is interaction with the families of pupils (joint work in the triad "Family - child - kindergarten")

Family and kindergarten are two public institutions that stand at the origins of our future, but often they are not always enough mutual understanding, tact, patience to hear and understand each other. The misunderstanding between the family and the kindergarten bears the full burden on the child.

How to change this situation? How to get interested parents working together? How to create a unified space for the development of a child in a preschool educational institution, make parents participants in the educational process, and not passive observers.

Our preschool educational institution carries out systematic, purposeful work with parents. The main objectives of our work on interaction kindergarten with a family - creating the necessary conditions in the kindergarten for the development of responsible and interdependent relations with the families of pupils, ensuring the holistic development of the personality of a preschooler, increasing competence parents in the field of education.

We believe that Family club as one of the forms of non-traditional interaction with the family meets all the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and the present.

aim family club"Commonwealth" is the creation of a system of personality-oriented interactions adults with children by organizing a single educational space in the preschool educational institution and the family.

Tasks Club:

Provision of psychological and pedagogical assistance parents.

Increasing the pedagogical culture parents.

Communion parents to participate in the life of preschool educational institutions through the search and implementation of the most effective forms of work.

Creation of conditions for the realization of one's own ideas, conducive to the manifestation of creative abilities, full communication (exchange of opinions, experience family education) .

Creation family club very time-consuming work, but interesting, which has its own subtleties, as at the stage club formation as well as during meetings.

To organize work club us, first of all, it was necessary to find like-minded people, both among educators and in parent environment.

That's why the council was formed. club, which included the head of the preschool educational institution, methodologist, teachers, music director, representative parent council.

We discussed the need for family club developed rules of conduct parents at meetings. These rules, we remind parents before each meeting:

control the behavior of your child without threats and comparisons with other children;

accept the child as he is, regardless of his abilities, advantages and disadvantages;

throughout the meeting to perform in different cast: partner, assistant;

be natural, open, liberated.

Also determined is the frequency of meetings A: Once a quarter, in the afternoon. This mode is convenient both for teachers (it is possible to successfully prepare according to the stated parents questions, and for parents.

selected on demand families and within the theme of innovation

activities of the preschool educational institution, as well as in accordance with the goals and objectives, and found

reflection in diversity forms and methods of work of the family club.

Folk games

Master classes

Presentations and slideshows

Folklore holidays

Joint promotions


Creative contests


The use of such a variety forms work gave certain results: parents from"spectators" and "observers" gradually become active participants in the meetings.

In our club parents have the opportunity to meet with specialists, ask them questions, master specific skills and abilities, discuss problem situations, and also participate on an equal basis with children in playful and productive activities. Work with parents, aimed at maximizing the effectiveness of meetings for all its participants, is built in stages, based on such principles, how:

participation in work club on a voluntary basis;

communication is built on mutual understanding, mutual respect, on the principles of sympathy, tolerance;

manifestation of delicacy, tact, consideration of the opinions of everyone.

Compliance with these principles allows you to attach parents to active work in all matters of ethno-cultural education of children.

Meetings in family club is an effective form of interaction between teachers and parents. Joint participation in exercises, outdoor games, trainings, joy, fun unite children and adults. You can then play these games in your free time, on a walk, in transport. Yes, the music-sports hall has its advantages. Here you can measure strength with dad in pair exercises, and pull mom over to your side.

Massage is a great way to tactile interactions. In class at family club medical worker teaching parents relaxing massage, which at the right time both calms a naughty baby and will support a child who is insecure.

An outdoor game gives children joy and satisfaction, allows them to acquire the necessary motor experience, and helps adults, at least a little, to relieve the burden of everyday problems, to feel like children. Although children prefer competitive games, in family club joining games are more welcome. How confident and joyful a child feels when his hand lies in the strong hand of an adult.

Here are the topics discussed at the meetings in family club:

Year of birth of my child - what was it, this first year?

The first books of the child.

Friends of my child.

Holidays of our family.

Such topics allowed not only to express their opinion, but also to hear something useful for themselves in the reasoning of others. parents, draw certain conclusions, learn something, take something into service in your educational arsenal. Such meetings bring families together, allow adults and children to be seen in a different light, help overcome mistrust and hostility in relationships between adults and children.

And the topics we plan spend:

Evening of memories. Punishments and rewards in our family.

Children's questions that baffle us.

Photos of our childhood.

How to learn to say thank you to your child?

Active the form used in work family club is a parent training. It is carried out with those parents who are aware of problematic situations in the family, want to change their interaction with their own child, make him more open and trusting and understand the need to acquire new knowledge and skills in raising a child. The training is usually conducted by a psychologist. Based on the results of the training, the psychologist conducts an interview with the teacher and gives him recommendations on how to organize interactions with every child and every family that participated in the training.

At meetings club the themes of some projects have arisen. And the development and implementation of joint parents projects allows you to interest parents prospects for a new direction in the development of children and involve them in the life of our kindergarten. Parents helped in the preparation and implementation of joint projects "Beware the street", "Help the Birds", "My dad is the best". The result of joint creativity of children and parents contributed to the development of the child's emotions, aroused a sense of pride in their parents.


Organization interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family in the form of a family club represents an interesting modern model of work to attract parents to active participation in the educational process and helps to strengthen the relationship between the preschool institution and the families of pupils. As a result informal communication between children and adults is created not only inside family, but also between family friendly atmosphere which served to reveal the creative abilities of children and adults.

All activities of our club carried out in close cooperation with teachers, parents and children. Widely used homework system for parents and their forces organize thematic photo exhibitions, exhibitions of drawings and posters.

Thus, the kindergarten acts as a socio-cultural environment that creates optimal conditions for formation children have a holistic picture of the world, the education of patriotism, the basics of citizenship, as well as interest and love for their little Motherland.

The purpose of creating the Club for parents "Family living room": improving the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents, by acquiring psychological and pedagogical knowledge and skills; providing opportunities for communication and exchange of experience in solving problems; creation and maintenance of conditions for maintaining the integrity of the family and the full development of children in the family, harmonization of family relations that contribute to the formation of equal partners.



The main goals and objectives of the Family Living Club

Purpose of creation and the functioning of the Parents' Club: improving the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents, by acquiring psychological and pedagogical knowledge and skills; providing opportunities for communication and exchange of experience in solving problems; creation and maintenance of conditions for maintaining the integrity of the family and the full development of children in the family, harmonization of family relations that contribute to the formation of equal partners.


  • providing psychological and pedagogical assistance to parents;
  • promotion of the positive experience of family education;
  • increasing the pedagogical culture of parents in the field of raising children and contributing to the formation of parenting skills;
  • development of new forms of social and family interaction and training in productive ways to resolve family conflicts;
  • enrichment of family leisure with cultural events.

Terms of sale of the Club

Time - The duration of the classes is 40-60 minutes, depending on the mood of the group, the number of participants, etc.

Materials and tools- a tape recorder, CDs and audio cassettes with relaxation music, pens, pencils, paints, A-4 white paper, colored paper, scissors, PVA glue, and many others.

Number of participants- 5-15 people.

Basic principles the work of the Club: voluntariness, competence, individual approach, openness, constancy of feedback, compliance with ethical standards, dialogization of interaction.

Participants The club can be: parents of pupils, other socially responsible relatives of minors.

Forms of organization of workClub: "round table", psychological workshop, trainings, "master classes", discussion of the experience of family education, collective creative work, etc.

Structure of the Club meetings:

1. Theoretical part- is carried out in the form of a live dialogue (and not in the form of a lecture-lecture), parents in an accessible form receive information on the topic of the meeting, ask questions, formulate problems, actively participate in the discussion.

2. Practical part- involves the implementation (or at least a "rehearsal" of implementation) of techniques, approaches, methods that contribute to the resolution of the identified problems.

3. - implies the mandatory interaction of all participants in various specially created situations (game, training).

Main principles in preparationmaterials for each stage of the meeting is:

  • positive attitude;
  • lack of edification and moralizing;
  • "advanced" those positive qualities and properties that we would like to form.

Theme of the meeting No. 1 - "Our children"


Familiarization of participants with the goals and objectives of the Club; formation of an attitude towards active work and trusting relationships; provide parents with practical advice that will help to form a positive attitude towards the child; Encourage parents to engage in positive and productive joint activities with their children.

Theoretical part

Provide information about the features of family education; conduct an express diagnosis of parental attitudes, bring parents to an awareness of the connection between the style of raising a family and the characteristics of the child's behavior; creation of optimal conditions for parents to realize the peculiarities of their relationship with children.

Practical part

The practical part includes games aimed at developing a sense of belonging to a group, the acquisition of new sensory experience by parents when interacting with children.

Communicative, interactive part

Example forms of organization:

1) body-oriented exercises;

2) role-playing games;


Possible forms of organization:

2) homework: make a "Notebook of my achievements" with the children

3) questions, wishes of parents.

Theme of the session No. 2 - "Mom, dad, me - together we are a sports family"


Active involvement of parents and children in the “doctor-teacher-family” community with the aim of hygienic education of children, instilling healthy lifestyle skills in them.

Theoretical part

Abstracts are proposed for discussion, revealing various facets of the concept of "health", issues related to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, neuroses, diseases of the organs of vision and hearing are considered.

Practical part

The practical part includes exercises and games aimed at developing stress resistance.

Communicative, interactive part

Example forms of organization:

- "Funny relay races"


Possible forms of organization:

1) questionnaire for parents and children "Bad habits";

2) booklet “Let's keep the main thing…”;

4) questions, wishes of parents.

Theme of the session #3 - "I'm a Parent, Which Means"


Prevention of abuse and violence in the family, consider approaches to effective disciplinary methods of influence, help parents to establish communication with the child.

Theoretical part

Familiarization with parental responsibilities and the rights of the child, with the types of abuse and violence of minor children, theses are offered for discussion, allowing parents to "analyze and test" their parental attitudes, take a fresh look at their methods of encouragement and punishment.

Practical part

Communicative, interactive part

Example forms of organization:intellectual competition "Rights and obligations".


Possible forms of organization:

- booklet "Before you apply physical punishment to a child, stop!"

- questions, wishes of parents.

Theme of the session No. 4 - “Dad, mom, I am a happy family”


Try to reveal such an important topic as child-parent relationships, consider approaches to effective methods of interaction, help parents to establish communication with the child.

Theoretical part

For discussion, it is proposed to determine the theses that allow expanding the possibilities of understanding the psychological characteristics of your child, Contributing to increasing the interest of parents in the inner world of the child.

Practical part

The practical part includes games and exercises aimed at developing constructive behavior skills through role play, developing a sense of belonging to a group, and developing curiosity.

Communicative, interactive part

Example forms of organization:

– “joint drawing”;

- general dance in a circle, round dances, etc.


Possible forms of organization:

Theme of the meeting No. 5 - "We are together"


Creating a situation and conditions for the interaction and cooperation of children together with their parents in a game situation, role-playing games.

Theoretical part

For discussion, it is proposed to define theses that allow analyzing and highlighting the advantages of large families, the features of raising children, the principle of "comparison". For example, the speech of a mother of many children, the exchange of experience.

Practical part

The practical part includes games and exercises aimed at developing the skills of constructive behavior through a role-playing game.

Communicative, interactive part

Example forms of organization:

- "noise orchestra";

- general dance in a circle, round dances;

- joint singing under karaoke, etc.


Possible forms of organization:

– questionnaire about the work of the Happy Family Club

- wishes of parents for the next academic year (directions, topics of meetings, number of meetings, invited experts, etc.)

Theme of the meeting No. 6 - "Family values"


To make the life of children in the family interesting and meaningful, filled with vivid impressions, interesting things, the joy of creativity, the formation of family traditions.

Theoretical part

For discussion, options are offered on how to diversify and fill leisure time in the family, analyze and highlight the benefits of joint activities in the family. Introduce one of the ways, such as music therapy, theatrical activities, etc.

Practical part

The practical part includes theatrical performances, with the involvement of children and their parents, improvisation.

Communicative, interactive part

Example forms of organization:

- dance and vocal numbers;

- joint singing under karaoke and solemn tea drinking.


Possible forms of organization:

– Questionnaire about the work of the Club "Family Lounge"

- wishes of parents (directions, topics of meetings, number of meetings, invited experts, etc.)

Predicted result:

Participation in the work of the Club will help parents relieve emotional stress - the so-called "generational conflict" that has appeared in both parents and children. There will be a desire to make contact with each other, to revise established norms in connection with newly emerging circumstances, to respond sensitively to changes in the family climate and move towards its improvement, parents and children learn to hear each other and stand on the opposite side. The psychological and pedagogical culture of parents will increase, which in turn will help preserve the integrity of the family and the full development of children in the family, harmonize family relations, and form equal and equally responsible partners. In addition, parents and children will be able to enrich family leisure with cultural events, thanks to which the family is strengthened and united.

Theme of the session number 1 - "Our children"

Target: familiarization of participants with the goals and objectives of the club; formation of an attitude to active work; increasing parental competence.


Acquaintance of participants, establishing contact;

Establishing trust in the group;

Acquaintance with the rules of group work;

Formation of a positive relationship with the child.


Lesson progress:

1. Ritual of greeting.

All participants, holding hands, form a circle and, first in a whisper, then in a normal voice and very loudly, say "Good evening."

2. Introductory speech of the presenter:

We all grew up in a family and we know that this is the primary and most important environment for a child's life. The family is of the greatest importance in the formation and development of the child's personality. The family environment, the relationships that develop between family members, have a huge impact on the future life of a small person, form his idea of ​​​​the world, people, good and evil. The child absorbs everything that he sees in his family. Each of us, of course, wants to see his child happy, successful, prosperous. We have gathered together to learn how to achieve this, to learn how to communicate with your child, to replenish our knowledge.

Discussion of the proposed work in the club, goals, objectives, general provisions. Introduction to the subject matter. Proposals for the organization of work.

In order for our meeting to be productive, certain rules must be followed. I will read them, and you will discuss, choose those that suit us for effective interaction:

You can not talk for a long time and not on the topic, speak clearly and specifically;

You can not interrupt each other, follow the rule of "raised hand";

Be active, take part in all activities;

Non-judgmental judgments;

Here and now.

So, we have defined the rules of conduct at the training. Perhaps someone wants to make adjustments?

And now we'll get to know each other.

3. Exercise "Name and quality". Each participant, starting with the leader, calls his name and quality in the first letter of the name, which is more suitable for him in character.

4. Exercise "Snowball". Fixing names with the help of the exercise.

5. Exercise "Unite those who ..."Development of non-verbal communication skills.

Unite according to the number of children in the family;

Unite according to the gender of the children in the family;

Unite those who play with the child every day;

Unite those who have a good relationship with the child.

6. Exercise "Expectations from the upcoming work."

Participants in a circle express their expectations from the work in the group as a percentage and how much they are ready to invest in the common work.

7. Meditation "Immersion in childhood."

- Sit comfortably, put your feet on the floor so that they feel good support, lean back on the back of the chair. If you want to clear your throat, do it now.

Close your eyes, listen to your breathing, it is even and calm. Feel the heaviness in your arms and legs.

- The flow of time takes you back to your childhood, when you were little. Imagine a warm spring day, you are 5, 6 or 7 years old, imagine yourself at the age at which you remember yourself best. You walk down the street, look at what you are wearing, what shoes, what clothes. You are having fun, you are walking down the street, a close person is next to you, look who it is, you take his hand and feel his warm gentle hand.

Then you let him go and run merrily forward, but not far, wait for your loved one and again take his hand. Suddenly you hear laughter, raise your head and see that you are holding the hand of a completely different, unfamiliar person. You turn around and see that your loved one is standing behind and smiling. You run to him, he hugs you, gently strokes you, kisses you, takes your hand again, you move on together and laugh at what happened. You are warm, cozy and calm ...

Now it's time to go back to this room, and when you're ready, open your eyes.

Remember how often we ourselves are affectionate and gentle with our children? Do we give enough care and warmth to our children? Do they feel protected next to us?

We are parents, and our task is to give children all this. And this is a whole palette of feelings. It is important for every child to know and feel that they love him, appreciate his successes, help him in case of failures, and protect him if necessary. The influence of the relationship between parents and the child on the future life of the baby, on how his relationship will develop in his own family, with other people is enormous. Therefore, let's think about what baggage our children receive by communicating with us ...

8. Cluster exercise "Good or bad."Participants are divided into 2 groups. Each group takes turns finishing the phrase “Being a parent is good because…”, “Being a parent is bad because…”. They make up a cluster and conclude which is better. The results are discussed.

9. Test "What kind of parent are you?"We invite you to use this mini-test to determine what kind of parents you are. Check out the phrases that you often use in communication with your children:

How many times do you have to repeat! 2b

Advise me please! 1b

I don't know what I would do without you! 2b

And who were you born into? 2b

What wonderful friends you have! 1b

Well, who do you look like! 2b

I'm in your time! 2b

You are my support and helper! 1b

Well, what kind of friends do you have! 2b

What are you thinking about? 2b

What a smart girl you are! 1b

What do you think, son? 1b

All children are like children, and you! 2b

What kind of smart are you? 2b

Now add up the points and listen to the answer:

7-8 points. You live soul to soul with a child. He sincerely loves and respects you. Your relationships contribute to the formation of personality.

9-10 points. You are inconsistent in communicating with your child. He respects you, although he is not always frank with you. Its development is subject to the influence of random circumstances.

11-12 points. You need to be more attentive to the child. You use authority with him, but, you see, a more authoritative substitute for love, the development of your child depends on the case to a greater extent than on you.

13-14 points. You yourself feel that you are on the wrong path. There is mistrust between you and the child. Before it's too late, try to pay more attention to him, listen to his words.

Each of us got a certain result. This may make some people think, and some will be satisfied. And yet remember that we must always improve, strive for the best. Our mini-test is just a hint at the actual state of affairs, because no one knows better than you yourself what kind of parent you are.

Advice. We are not the masters of our children's lives. We cannot know their fate. We do not fully know what is good and what is bad for their future. Therefore, we will be more careful in all decisions that may affect the path of the child.

10. Exercise "Portrait of my child in the sun."

Draw the sun, in the center of the solar circle write the name of your child or draw his portrait. Then, along the rays, write all its virtues, everything that you appreciate in it, as well as those features that you do not quite like. Take a close look at this portrait.

This is your sun, with all its rays, it is a part of you, what you live for.

Remember that your child needs your unconditional love. Love your children not for anything, oh simply because they are your flesh and blood. Accept them as they are, with everything you like and dislike about them. Let's learn to love children so that they understand it, feel your love - then they will become good parents in the future.

11. Exercise "What do the children want?".

Remember what you wanted most as a child, what was missing? Circle statement and discussion. We invite you all to assemble this children's mosaic together. The result is a heart.

The conclusion - in fact, what children want is a lot of love, warmth and affection.

12. Parable "Understanding".In ancient times there lived a family - 1000 people. And peace, love and harmony reigned in it. The rumor about this reached the ruler, and he asked the head of the family: “How do you manage to live never, without quarreling, without offending each other?” The elder took a piece of paper and wrote something on it. The ruler looked and was surprised. The same word "understanding" was written 100 times on the sheet.

13. Feedback. Reflection.

Participants in a circle express their impressions of working in a group and how their expectations were met.

14. Ritual of farewell.

All participants, holding hands, forming a circle, say: "Goodbye." At the end, handouts "Advice to parents" are handed out.

"Tips for Parents"

memo to parents


What does my family mean to me?

Of course - happiness and comfort at home,

Seven rules must be kept,

Only seven, but very, very important.

First, and most importantly, is love.

With all my heart and with all my soul and mind.

It's not just that the blood boils with passion,

And quivering, and every day is different.

The second is children. What is a house without them?

A desert without a well - not to get drunk.

And children are life, this is a spring

And procreation. Let it flow!

Then there is concern. Only she

The family hearth will save from the wind.

Try to make spring with a smile

Was always with you, and not somewhere.

The fourth is patience. It

It will help you survive adversity, troubles ...

And warm the window with the sun

That hoarfrost froze white.

And the fifth is responsibility and duty

There is a weighty stone in the foundation of the family.

They will help protect love,

Protect the spiritual flame from the wind.

The sixth is respect. Only with him

You will gain success, general recognition.

Always consider the opinions of others

Teach you to consider your own.

And finally, the seventh - purity

Everywhere - in the house, in your soul and thoughts ...

This is how I imagine my hearth,

Where I am loved, happy, where completely.

Being a parent means going through a great school of patience. We should remember simple truths:

Children should be for us, first of all, not potential athletes, musicians or intellectuals - they should be just children.

If we love them, regardless of whether they behave badly or well, then children will sooner get rid of habits and antics that irritate us.

If we love them only when we are satisfied with them (conditional love), this will cause insecurity in them, will become a brake on their development.

If our love is unconditional, unconditional, our children will be spared from intrapersonal conflict, they will learn self-criticism.

If we do not learn to rejoice in children's successes, children will feel incompetent, will affirm that it is useless to try - demanding parents always need more than the child can.

Psychologists advise moms and dads:

To establish a relationship with children, in order to find a common language with them - LOOK THE CHILDREN IN THE EYES! Let your gaze be open and loving.

For a child, PHYSICAL CONTACT IS IMPORTANT. It is not necessary to kiss and hug a child - just touch his hand, pat on the shoulder, ruffle his hair - your touch makes him more confident. Such contact is especially important when the child is sick, tired, when he is sad.

What matters is not the amount of time spent with the child, but the QUALITY of COMMUNICATION. One must be able to THINK about what the child wants, LISTEN TO HIS WORDS.

Theme of the meeting No. 2 - "Mom, dad, me - together we are a sports family"

Targets and goals:

  1. Promoting the activation of physical culture and health-improving work
  2. Determination of the level of physical fitness of preschoolers
  3. Raising a sense of responsibility and mutual support in the children's team.
  4. Promoting the creative manifestation of physical and volitional efforts in competition conditions;
  5. The development of children's interest in physical education and sports, in a healthy lifestyle.
  6. Raising a sense of pride in sporting achievements.
  7. Involving parents in joint activities aimed at improving the health of children.

Musical accompaniment: music center, solemn music for the entrance of teams, the anthem of Russia, warm-up music "The Radiant Sun", music for scoring relay races, music for awarding.

Preparation of the sports ground and equipment: decoration of the territory with appropriate material, markings, refereeing places, places for teams, places for fans; Relay equipment: 2 relay sticks, 2 cones, 6 running markers, 2 large baskets, 2 small baskets, 8 plastic balls, 8 ring toss rings, 2 pairs of large pants. 16 balloons, 2 umbrellas, whistle.

Event progress

Under the sports march and applause, the participants pass the circle of honor and line up on the "Start" and "Finish" lines


Hello! Hello!

We have gathered with you today at the sports festival

A holiday of the brave, dexterous and strong!

Today here on the playground

We combine sport and skill!

We are this glorious holiday with you

Dedicated to great games!


Teams, equal, quietly!

The anthem of Russia sounds


Leading: Dear participants, spectators of our sporting event. Today our competition will be judged by a panel of judges. Let me introduce you to our competent jury.



Leading: Team members on the right and left pass, greet each other

(shake hands, stand in their seats)


What is Sports?

This is a fair and sporty fight.

To participate in it is a reward,

Anyone can win!

Let's shout together children

We all resounding Hurray!


Now, I see it's time to go for victory. For each correctly and quickly completed task, the team will receive points. But be extremely careful and complete the tasks accurately so as not to earn penalty points.


Let's start our event.

And the first thing our teams have to do is come up with a name and motto in two minutes.

In the meantime, our participants think, I propose a fun warm-up. Engaging in physical education is useful, and doubly fun physical education!

Get up and repeat after me.

Music sounds. All fans (children and adults) line up for the general warm-up "Radiant Sun".


Well, well done! Patients, take a seat. And I see that our teams are ready and eager to fight.

The team on the right is the floor for you.

Team "Sports family"

Mom, my dad and me,

We are a sports family.

We are friends with physical education, sports,

And we deserve to win!

The team on the left is now your turn.

Team "Friendly family"

Our friendly family

He does everything in jest.

That's why we know:

We'll get prizes!

Leading: We got to know the teams.

I ask the teams to line up one after another on the start line.


Become champions - we know

The task is difficult for everyone:

We start to compete

And we firmly believe in your success!

So, we start our competition and it doesn't matter who becomes the winner, the main thing is that we all feel the atmosphere of celebration and goodwill. Let this meeting be truly comradely. I call on the teams to fair sports competition and wish them success!


And now the first task:

Let's start team competition!

Now we will find out which team is the fastest.

Athletes, are you ready to compete?

Children and adults: - Ready!

Leading: Excellent! I announce the first task.

1. Relay "Speed ​​dribbling"

Inventory: two relay sticks, two cones for a landmark, six chips for running around.

Relay conditions:

Each team member must run around three landmarks with a snake - a baton in hand - run around the landmark and go back in a straight line, passing the baton to the next team player. Participants take turns running. The winner is the team whose captain is the first to pick up the baton after all participants have run the baton. But do not forget the less penalty points, the better the result.


Well, not bad for a start. You run well alone, and now let's see how you run in pairs with your parents.

2. Relay "Friendship"

Inventory: two relay sticks, two cones for a guide.

Relay conditions:

All team members are divided into pairs, holding a gymnastic stick in their hands. Each pair must run around the landmark, return to the team, pass the baton to the next pair. The winner is the team whose captain is the first to pick up the baton after all participants have run the baton.


Well done, everyone runs well and did a great job.But let's not waste time, besides

A new game arrived -

Not an easy task.

It's time for us to get down to business

And show diligence.

I announce the next task.

3. Relay "Live Gates"

Relay conditions:

All participants, holding hands in pairs, face each other to form a gate. The last pair passes under the raised hands of all participants and gets up from the other side in the same position. It is necessary to cover the distance from the start line to the finish line. The team in which all pairs line up behind the finish line the fastest wins. Attention parents! the distance from one pair to another should not exceed 50 cm, i.e. no more than one step.

Presenter: Excellent! And now, while the teams take their places on the "Start" line, I want to play with the guys - the fans. We guys will play a game with you"Find and Bring"

Inventory: ball, umbrella, rope, book, keys, mop.

Game conditions:

Find the named item and bring it to the host. The winner is the one who first finds the item and brings it.


Well done! Well done fans. Not far behind our members. These are fast and resourceful.


And I look at the teams, they have already lined up and are ready for the next relay, but first, let's listen to our jury. What results we have achieved for these three competitions. And who is in the lead in our competition.


Well done guys, keep it up. Are you ready to continue?...... I can’t hear……

4. Relay "Planting potatoes"

Inventory: 2 large baskets, 2 small baskets, 8 plastic balls

Relay conditions:

The first team member (adult) with a basket in his hands runs to the “cellar” (large basket) and transfers “potatoes” (balls) from the cellar to his basket. Returning to the team, lays out the potatoes in the holes (rings). Passes the basket to the next participant. The second member of the team (child) runs and collects "potatoes" in a basket. He runs to the “cellar”, pours “potatoes” into it and returns to the team. The winner is the team whose participants complete the task faster and without errors.

Presenter: What good fellows you are and coped with this task. Well, the further, the more difficult. Oh, looks like it's going to rain.

5. Relay "Crossing"

Relay conditions:

While it is raining, parents need to transport their children to the other side, where there is no rain. The parent takes an umbrella with one hand, the other holds the child's hand. He runs with the child under an umbrella to the “Finish” line, leaves his child behind the line, and he returns to the team and passes the baton to the next parent. The winner is the team in which the last parent returns to the "Start" line faster.

Leading: Well done parents. They saved the children from the rain, transported them to the neighboring shore and did not notice how the rain ended. And did any of you think for a second, what will the children do there alone. Who will take care of them.

No, my dears, that will not do. Let's harness the horses and the children.

6. Relay "Dashing Rider"

Relay conditions:

Parents share in pairs and join hands, having previously folded them crosswise. The first couple runs to the "Finish" line, puts the child in their arms and returns to the "Start" line. The next pair of parents run after the next child and return with the child in their arms. The relay race continues until all children are returned to the start line.

Leading: Well done! Now I am calm. Children with parents. Everything is great! Well, I would like to know with what results we approached the next competition. Dear jury, you have the floor.

Leading: Well very well! Good results are shown by our participants.

And I believe that you have worked hard, and the time has come ....

(Clown exit)


Wait, wait, wait (runs in, stops, breathing heavily). Oh wow, not too late.


What happened? Who you are?


I’m a clown - Toshka (grabs the host’s hand and shakes it strongly) will be nice to meet you (goes to the fans and greets everyone by the hand, asks how things are, leads a conversation).


Dear clown, Toshka! Let me disturb you, in fact, we have competitions here, and you fell like snow on your head and somehow interfered with us a little.

TO: Oh, sorry, sorry, I ran to you. I thought the kindergarten was already closing, since my parents are here and I won’t have time to say hello to the guys.

AT: Well now say hello? We can continue!

TO: No! (knocks foot on the ground)

Q: Why?

TO: I ran to give you my pants.

B: Me?!

TO: Yes, not not to you, but to them (points to parents)

AT: Yes, they are all in their pants.

TO: No. They go home without pants!

B: Like no pants.

TO: Yes, no pants! And they also go to kindergarten in the morning without pants! All without pants! I have seen!

AT: Like no pants at all!

TO: AT ALL! (drawn)

AT: Oh, passions, you are talking about something!

TO: Yes, I myself am scared, it happens when I see this disgrace!

Look, I'll show you now how they walk without pants, look! (grabs his pants and pulls them up)

B: Don't, don't!

K: What is not needed?

B: Take off your pants!

TO: And I didn't mean to!

Listen. (he speaks and shows himself) Mommy goes in the morning leads the child to the kindergarten (depicts a conversation on the phone, gesticulates with the other hand), and the child ate, ate after her. She over his shoulder: “Hurry, let me be late for work because of you.” And she swam again. In! Understood!

B: No!

B: No!

TO: Oh, well, you do ... (counts and bends fingers on his hand) Firstly, they were late for kindergarten, secondly, the store closed, thirdly, WHERE is the child?

Q: Where?

TO: Where, where, in Karaganda! Run away! (shrugs his hands)

AT: And here are the pants!

TO: And, moreover ... Look ... Oops! (takes out his pants from the suitcase and fits into one leg) And you get in here! (points to the second one. The host gets into the second leg).

TO: Both! You are Mom and I am your son. And run, you wherever you want. Even if you go to the garden, even if you can go to the store everywhere and the child is with you, you will not lose it. Try! And they (points to their parents) let them try!

Well, I ran. Now Klepa will leave the hairdresser, but I'm not there. Will worry, cry. Bye, bye everyone! (runs away)

Leading: Oh, made a fuss and ran away. Well, if we have such

great pants, the next task is "Running in pants"

  1. Relay "from the clown"

Inventory: 2 pairs of pants, two cones for reference.

Relay conditions:

Parent and child wear the same pants for two. They run to the flag, run around it, return to their team, take off their pants and pass the baton to the next pair. The team that completes the task the fastest and most correctly wins.

Leading: What - same you increasingly-??? good fellows! And they completed this task. It turns out that when a child walks with a parent in unison, the path is more fun.

And now I suggest you complete the last, my favorite task.

  1. Relay "Air mood"

Inventory: 16 balloons

Relay conditions:

Each member of the team must run to the landmark with balls, remove one ball and return to the team, all subsequent players do the same. They run to the landmark, shoot the ball and return to their team. The team that finishes the relay first and of course without penalty points wins.


Well done, both you guys and you parents did an excellent job with all the sports tasks!

And now, while the judges are summing up,

You guys take a break

Look at me.

Help me guys:

Say the right word.

I will start the phrase

And you finish it.

The host conducts the game "Tell the Word":

Waking up early in the morning

Together with the rosy sun,

I make my own bed

I quickly do ... (exercises).

Not offended, but inflated,

Everyone is leading him across the field.

And hit - nothing

Do not keep up with ... (ball)

Who will catch up with me on the ice?

We are racing.

And it's not the horses that carry me,

And shiny ... (skates).

Clear morning along the road

Dew glistens on the grass.

Feet go down the road

And two wheels are running.

The riddle has an answer.

What is this? ... (bike).

On the icy platform cry,

A student rushes to the gate -

Everyone shouts: “Puck! Hockey stick! Bey!

A fun game ... (hockey).

Temper your young body

Courage and will to cultivate in yourself

Achieve great heights

It will help us exactly ... (sport).

Leading: Teams, for the awards, build!

(Sounds music for the awards)

Construction. (one team stands on the "Finish" line, the other - on the "Start" line)


The teams are great today!

You have worked hard

You rightfully won.

Worthy of praise and rewards

And we are happy to give you prizes!!!

The floor is given to the jury.

The jury is summing up. Presentation of awards.


Today we all received a charge of vivacity, joy. And this is the most important thing in order to be a healthy person. We congratulate the winners and ask the losers not to lose heart. After all, the main thing is not victory, but participation, and the fact thatwe were together.

And I tell you goodbye! See you soon! (teams led by a representative leave the site)

The song "We are together"

Theme of session No. 4

“Dad, mom, I am a happy family”

for children with the participation of parents

Circle of Joy "Let's get to know each other"

Parents take turns saying their name, the name of their child, and the quality of the child with the first letter of the name (for example: Lena-inquisitive).


The family is a small part of our society.

A family is adults and children walking side by side along the same road.

Family is happiness, love, children's laughter.


I have a family -
Mom, dad, brother and me.
We live best
We sing songs loudly.
I won't let anyone
Hurt your family.
May the family always live -
Mom, dad, brother and me.

Block "Children"


Family is the joy of an evening spent together, these are joint walks in the fresh air, these are adults and children.

Free mic:

1. Children, what are they? (question for parents)

2. What do children like to do? (question for children)

The game "Children to children"

Children stand in pairs around the room and follow the leader's commands.

Nose to nose, shoulder to shoulder, back to back, forehead to forehead, cheek to cheek. When the children are commanded to the children, the children change their partner in a pair (repeat 3-4 times).

Exercise "Gardener"

Performed to calm instrumental music, children have small flowers made of colored cardboard hidden in their palms. At the end, flowers are given to parents. The facilitator says the text, the children perform movements in the text.

The Gardener lived in the world. He grew beautiful flowers in his garden. Spring has come, the sun has warmed the earth, it's time for the Gardener to plant flower seeds in the ground (children sit on the carpet, depicting small flower seeds). Every day the Gardener watered the planted seeds (the presenter imitates watering from a small watering can). One fine, warm day, the first sprouts appeared in the flowerbed (the children squatted down). Every day the Gardener watered, loosened the ground, surrounded his seedlings with care and love (children stand up to their full height). And to the surprise of everyone around him, magnificent flowers grew in his flower bed (children raise their palms at chest level and admire their flowers lying on their palms). At the end of the exercise, children give flowers to their parents.

Block "Mom"


Mom is the first word, mom is love and care, mom is hope and peace.

Free mic:questions for children and parents are asked by the moderator.

1. Mom, what is she like? (question for parents)

2. What does mom do at home? (question for children)

Listen to the answers of children and parents.

"Song about Mom"boys perform


Hush, hush, don't make noise

Don't wake our mother!

Our mother is so tired

She didn't even scold us.

For spilled jelly,

For a broken jug.

Let mom sleep, and the two of us

We glue everything, wipe it, remove it.

Relay game "Helpers"

Girls participate

The girls are divided into two teams. Each team sorts socks in pairs (socks are separate for each team).

Block "Dad"


The family will not be complete and happy if there is no dad in the family. Dad is a reliable helper, protection and role model.

Free mic:questions for children and parents are asked by the moderator.

1. Dad, what is he like? (question for parents)

2. What does dad do at home? (question for children)

Listen to the answers of children and parents.

"Song about Dad"girls perform.

Poems about dad


Sunday for a walk
I go with my dad.
So that he doesn't get lost
I am holding his hand.

Daddy, my dear,
I love you so much!
I am the best for you
I'll give you a drawing.

Game competition for dads.

"Who will hammer nails faster"

4 dads take part in the game, each is invited to hammer 5 nails into a pre-prepared bar.

Game competition "Inflate balloons" -All dads participate in the game.

Relay game "Building a skyscraper".All boys participate in the game. Divide the boys into 2 teams. The task for the teams is to build a tall tower out of bricks.

Mobile game "Fishermen and fish"

Children and parents take part in the game. Parents stand in pairs in a circle. Fish-children swim in a chain one after another while the music is playing. The music has stopped, the nets are closing, whoever is caught in the net sits on a chair. The game continues until there are 2.3 smartest fish left.

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Turnip"

While the outdoor game "Fishermen and Fish" is going on, the parents-heroes of the fairy tale are preparing to show the fairy tale

Joint activities of children and parents

"The sun dropped a golden ray"

All children and parents are divided into 3 teams. Draw a big round sun on the paper. Which warms and protects family happiness.

farewell ritual

"You and me, we are friends"

Children stand in the inner circle, parents close the outer circle. Everyone says the words together

"You and me, we are friends"parents hug their children.

Treats for children

Distribution of brochures to parents.

Theme of the session number 5 - "We are together"


1. Creation of conditions for cooperation between children and parents in a game situation.

2. Creation of situations of interaction and cooperation.

3. Description of parents through the “eyes” of children


Expanding the ability to understand the psychological characteristics of one's own


Activation of communication in the family;

Increasing the interest of parents in the inner world of the child;


Sheets of A4 paper, pens, pencils, tape recorder, handouts.

Lesson progress

1. Opening remarks.

Good evening dear adults and children. We are pleased to welcome you to the traditional meeting of the parent club "Family Living Room". Our meeting is called “We are together”, the purpose of which is to bring you closer through play and joint activities.

All our games may seem unusual to you, do not be afraid to play, seem wrong and funny, each game has its own result and meaning. Let's start the meeting with a greeting.

2. Greeting. Each participant greets everyone with the words: “Hello, I am Sergey” (in a circle, standing).

3. Acquaintance. Take your seats and let's continue our acquaintance,

Children take turns to stand up and introduce themselves and their relatives, with whom they came to the meeting.

And now, to relieve tension, we invite you to play a little.

4. "Unite those who..."

Participants are encouraged to join if the description fits. Move to one side for those who:

Together they do lessons, at least occasionally, for another, those who do not have enough time for this;

They have a common hobby - fishing, knitting, playing sports, collections;

Help relatives to wash dishes;

Help family members take out the trash

They travel together, have a rest - a trip to the forest, to the river.

And now we invite you to sit down.

5. The main part. "Cooperation".

Today the dynamics of life is too fast. Everything happens in a hurry. Remember how the morning begins in your house. In the morning you give instructions to the children, reminding them how they should behave during the day. Next time we meet with the children in the evening. Today we have the opportunity to spend an evening together. Learn more about each other and get closer.

6. "Know your parent."

Now we will check how well the children know their relatives.

We blindfold the leading child. All adults sit in their places - children should recognize their mother by touch and explain how they guessed.

7. "Describe your mother."And now let's check how well adults know their children. The children have prepared short essays about you, we will read them to you, and you can try to recognize yourself from the description.

Essays are read in order.

8. "A cozy and safe place" - relaxation.

And now we invite you to relax and dream a little,

Dream up. (Relaxation text on the topic "Our House").

9. "Co-Painting"- Our house.

Now let's try to realize our dream with the help of a drawing, now you are together, at the same time you will draw "The house of your dreams" with two pencils, parents in red, children in blue. Draw on the background of music.

The next step is to analyze the drawing. Pay attention to which color was more, which means that he was more active and showed great initiative. If you are an adult, then you do not always let the child show his independence. If on the contrary, it means that you often give in to the child. A positive result is when 50/50.

Let's set up our exhibition. Analysis - do you like your home in our "City of Friendship"? If you like it, then let's give each other compliments.

10. "Compliments."

Standing opposite each other, taking a step towards the meeting, compliments are said. At a meeting, the child gives his mother a flower, and his mother hugs him. Bottom line - was it hard to give compliments? How often do you say them in everyday life?

11. "We are together" - group work.

Our meeting takes place in an atmosphere of warmth and comfort, but this is not enough in the picture, let's revive it, add bright colors. Hand drawing. A group photo for memory against the background of a collage.

12. Conclusion. Our meeting has come to an end. We wish you to remain as kind, cheerful, friendly always and spend more time with each other.

Theme of the session number 6 - "Family values"


Expansion of opportunities for the formation of family values ​​and traditions.


Talk with parents about the family, about family traditions and their importance in the upbringing and development of the child;

To promote the establishment of friendly, good relations between generations in the family;

Activation and increase of parents' interest in creating family values.


Sheets of A4 paper, pens, pencils, tape recorder, handouts.

Lesson progress:

1. Introduction. Presenter:

Dear parents! Today we have gathered to talk about the family, about family traditions and their purpose in the upbringing and development of the child.

What do you think the word family means? (answers of parents) - a group of relatives living together.

For a long time, home and family have always been spoken of with a smile and love. From the distant past, legends, fairy tales, proverbs and sayings about the family have come down to us. Let's remember them. II start and you finish.

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better)

The hut is not red with corners, but ... (red with pies)

What is at home, such is ... (to myself)

Children are not a burden, but ... (a joy)

When the family is together, and ... (heart in place)

Continuing to consider the topic of family education, I would like to pay special attention to the values ​​of family education. Today, together with you, we will try to determine the values ​​of family education, which are fundamental, understandable and necessary for the development and upbringing of children.

Here is the “sun” in front of you, which we will call “The Values ​​of Family Education”. This sun has no rays. Rays actually will be those values ​​that we define.

2. Communication of generations.

I'll give you a problem. Try to count how many people are in the family.

Listen, here's my family:

Grandpa, grandma and brother.

We have order in the house, okay

And purity, why?

We have two mothers in our house,

Two dads, two sons,

Sister, daughter-in-law, daughter,

And the youngest is me.

What kind of family do we have? (6 people)

With the help of this problem, we touched on a very interesting and important topic - family relationships. Many families maintain close and kind relationships with grandparents. There are many people around each of us, relatives with whom we are connected in the history of mankind by the same blood. And each of us is a successor of his kind. And that family is strong, who remembers, respects and protects their ancestors. The creative task "draw a diagram of your family" is proposed.

You don't need to draw people.


Who has the largest family?

In which family do grandparents take part in raising a child?

Connection of generations - This is the value of family education. A ray is attached to the sun -1.

Z. Family photo album.


What subjects can be a source of knowledge about the family?

What information can a child learn from a family album?

A family album is a huge meaningful space of life, very simple and accessible, understandable even for a baby, and on the other hand, mysterious and amazing. Sometimes children do not understand and are surprised, and sometimes they do not even believe that adults were also once children. It is very useful to tell your child about the events of your childhood, using photographs. These can be funny, successful stories, and vice versa about some kind of failures, but with which you coped, learned something, encouraging your child that he will succeed. Try to design some of the pages of the family album with the children. Each page will be associated with some story from life and will definitely be remembered by the child. In the album, you can put some kind of drawing of a child next to a photograph at the age at which he painted it.

Your children drew a family. Here are the drawings. We suggest placing this drawing in a photo album, and next to it is a photo of your family at present or a photo of a child, but do it together with the baby. Parents are given drawings of children "my family" for a photo album.

Family photo album - This is the value of family education. A ray is attached to the sun -2.

4. Joint game - workshop "It's interesting."

What do you think is the activity that brings adults and children together the most? What remains the most interesting and exciting for a child?

Parent responses.

Of course, these are joint games. Joint games, according to teachers and psychologists, are the most productive, effective in the education of preschoolers, and we have not yet named this type of activity, which is undoubtedly the value of family education.

Co-op - This is the value of family education. A ray is attached to the sun -3.

And we invite you to play, one of the types of very useful games that develop motor skills, prepare the child for writing and reading, and most importantly, bring adults and children together - this is a finger game "this finger ...".

This finger is a grandfather

This finger is a grandmother,

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

This finger is me.

That's my whole family!

5. Joint activity. Application "Decorate the cake"

At any time, the family is strengthened by the emotional ties between parents and children. People are given such a luxury as human communication, but do we know how to use this luxury, and do we teach our children this?

Researchers say that parents talk to their children for about 20 minutes a day. Of these, 10 minutes falls on the distribution of instructions. You can object and answer that today the dynamics of life is too fast and it is very difficult to find time for communication. Everything happens in a hurry. Remember how the morning begins in your house. In the morning you give instructions to the children, reminding them how they should behave during the day.
Next time we meet with the children in the evening. A common dinner, a conversation create family comfort. It is moments like these that can unite and strengthen a family. Again, however, communication is limited to brief phrases. Is it possible to chat when the TV is on and an interesting TV show is on?
But you can give up the TV and cook dinner together, together. It is in joint activities, where each participant, performing his role, closely interacts with other participants in the common cause, and the result depends on how well everyone worked together. It is very important for children to know that they trust him, to feel their importance and need. Joint activities instill in children a sense of responsibility, confidence, increase self-esteem, develop positive emotions: a sense of joy, satisfaction, but most importantly, bring them closer to their parents, brothers, sisters and other family members.

Application "Decorate the cake."

Team workis the value of family education. A ray is attached to the sun - 4.

6. Family traditions. The game "Pyramid of Traditions".

The most striking element of family education are family traditions.

Today we are visiting families with experience and young families in which family traditions have not yet appeared, we will try to offer them a variety of traditions. The game "Pyramid of Traditions" is held.

Each of you take a ring and, putting it on a stick, offer any family tradition, but without repeating what has already been said, and it does not have to be your family tradition.

It is very important that the child is an active participant in family traditions, and not an observer, that he prepares and lives this tradition together with everyone, only then it will become a tradition for him and his future family. Summarize:

Family traditions– This is the value of family education. A ray is attached to the sun - 5.

7. Joint entertainment. Dance of little ducks.(perform together)

Joint entertainment is the value of family education. A ray is attached to the sun - 6.

8. Summing up.

Our meeting is coming to an end, I would like to end it with the words of the great Russian writer L.N. Tolstoy:

Happy is he who is happy at home.

May peace, comfort, warmth always reign in your home and the bright sun shine.

The first meeting in the family club in kindergarten

"Welcome to the family club "Solnyshko"

Description: this material is presented as an innovative form of work with parents on the upbringing of spiritual and moral values. The abstract can be used in full, or in part, fragmentarily in work with parents and teachers, by editing the tasks and material. The material will be of interest to teachers looking for new forms of interaction with parents. Meetings in a family club using the "Lessons of Family Love" technology make it possible to solve many problems of parental education. I developed this lesson according to the technology of Elena Vladimirovna Bacheva "Lessons of family love" for parents of the family club "Sun" organized on the basis of my group. Dads, mothers and grandmothers came to the first meeting. During the meeting, it turned out that men and women have completely different points of view on what is happening and passionately defend them. At the first meeting of the club, everything was new to us. Parents and I, together with them, learned to listen, to hear each other, to calmly perceive a different point of view.

The audience: parents of middle school children.

Preparatory work: delivering letters to loving parents for four weeks, working in the Sun family club during the school year in the second junior group of kindergarten, opening the School of Loving Parents in kindergarten on October 24, 2012, designing a group of invitations for moms and dads with children to a meeting in the family club "Solnyshko".
Target: introduction of parents to the topic of upcoming classes in the family club "Solnyshko" on the topic "Parental Education".
1. To acquaint parents with the rules of meetings in the renewed family club "Solnyshko".
2. Create conditions for the formation of parents' skills to work in microgroups, negotiate, listen to each other and find a compromise solution.
3. Contribute to the rallying of the team of parents.

Materials and equipment: sun (image) rays with information,
doll Svetlana,
candle, matches, box,
improvised microphone,
autumn leaves of four colors,
tasks for parents on sheets of paper corresponding in color to autumn leaves,
for each parent:
-sheets of paper in a box of A6 format for work in a microgroup
- colored sheets of A6 paper for feedback on the work in the lesson,
- autumn leaves alive, 2 sheets of A4 paper
- for each child of the group, colored pencils, soft, warm tones, and wax crayons,
memo for every parent "Children's joys"

During the classes

Teacher: Thank you for taking the time to come to our meeting today. We are starting a new academic year in our renovated family club "Solnyshko". Classes in the club will be held in an unusual way, we will work together, think about what a family is, how to harmoniously build relationships with relatives and people around.
The teacher draws the attention of parents to the sun, which is depicted on the board.
Teacher: Today our guest is Svetlana (doll show)
Reading a poem:
It's snowing outside the window
By the minute, the day creeps by.
Tired of waiting so long
I will draw the sun.
I'll draw the sun
I'll stick it on the window
It became brighter in the room
It immediately became more fun.
I'll tell you not melting -
You can't live without the sun.

Circle question: What else can a person not live without?
(Listen to the answers of the parents, summarize and bring to the conclusion): a person cannot live without a family, close people, without love.
Teacher: Lyudmila Pavlovna, Lyubov Ivanovna, Vera Ivanovna were present at the first lesson at the School of Loving Parents. I would like to hear your opinion. (Reviews parents listen, summarize).
Our sun is not easy, it brings light, positive and information. I give you rays, read the information and share with us.
Work with text: (Parents read information aloud):
Parental education in the Perm region has its own history. Bacheva Elena Vladimirovna, head of the Perm regional public organization "Parents' House", founder and rector of the "Academy of Parental Education", editor-in-chief of the magazine "Rodnoy Dom" and very competent, active, at the same time sincere , sensitive, open kind woman.

Consider her words: “For thousands of years people have been arguing about what is Good and what is Evil. We would agree that good is what makes a person a person, elevates him; what makes him better. Evil is what destroys a person, humiliates him, reduces him to the position of a non-human, non-human, beast, animal.
Nature is wise, it has defined its task for everyone: a flower blooms, a river flows, the sun warms, and a person thinks. Thinks! He can create Beauty, bring Good to this world, warm the destitute with his heart. But only when he thinks, reflects, compares, analyzes, realizes, sympathizes, understands.

A happy child can only be raised by a positive parent. Positive parenting can and should be learned through self-development and self-improvement."

Teacher: Today we will conduct entrance exams to the School of Loving Parents. So, let's start, while working in a circle, each of you has the right to skip one question
Question to the audience:
- Do you love your child? (parents answer in turn).
Teacher: Wonderful. I didn't expect any other answer to this question.
I suggest you choose one of the autumn leaves: there are yellow, orange, red, cherry. The choice has been made, please unite according to the color of the leaves, take your tables.

Work in microgroups: Each of you has your own point of view on what is happening. We agree: there are no wrong or right points of view: there is just one's own point of view, one's own decision, one's own vision. Try to come to an agreement in microgroups: and if you don’t come to a consensus, at least try to find a compromise.
So, our children moved to the middle group. New life, new challenges. And life has already prepared them for us.
Distribute leaflets with pedagogical tasks to each microgroup.
Teacher: Read the problem carefully, express your opinion, write down your solution to this problem. (Given time to work).

Opinion exchange: We share the results obtained in a microgroup with each other. We find a general solution. (Give time.)
Then the groups read the problems one by one and say their solution.
Approximate list of tasks:
It is impossible to put the child to bed on time in the evening.
It is difficult to wake up a child in the morning.
The child does not want to dress himself.
The child cannot be torn off from the computer.
He likes to watch "evil", aggressive cartoons.
Listen to all parents, praise each decision, you can make your own addition according to the situation with the children of your group, without naming names.
Ring of kind words: We all love kind words addressed to us. And our child is now especially important and necessary. We are launching a ring of kind words for our baby. We say kind words to the doll Svetlana and pass it gently from hand to hand in a circle.

Teacher: Only the confidence of the child that the child is loved, accepted by the parents as it is, helps him to succeed. The poet V. Berestov remarkably said about this in one of his poems:
Loved you for no particular reason
Because you are a grandson
Because you are a son
For being a baby
For growing up
Because he looks like mom and dad.
And this love until the end of your days
It will remain your secret support.
From the history of education: “Pay your attention not so much to the extermination of shortcomings and vices in children, but to filling them with life-giving love: if there is love, there will be no vices. The extermination of the bad without being filled with the good is fruitless: this produces emptiness, and the emptiness is constantly filled with emptiness; Cast out one, another will appear."
V. G. Belinsky
Teacher: Therefore, we learn to praise, support our baby for every small achievement, small success, we learn to compare the child only with him, and not with his neighbor Vanya, we learn to be proud of the success of our child, we learn to believe in him, trust him - this is the basis of self-respect and success of a person , his self-esteem.
Have you noticed in the family the transition of the child to the middle group? Why not? For example, a family holiday is the first of September. In our country, it is traditionally celebrated as the Day of Knowledge. Let's try to define the concept of tradition.
Work in microgroups: according to the baseline:
Why is family tradition important?
How often does this day repeat in the family?
What happens on this day in the family?
The discussion is carried out according to the scheme: first we discuss the first question - the microgroups will speak in turn, then the second, third.

Teacher: This holiday is needed to demonstrate to the child that he is important and needed in the life of his parents, the family is interested in him, his development and success. Why? Adults celebrate their events: professional holidays, buying a car, buying a cake for both our colleagues and our family. For a child, the transition to the middle group, then to the senior, preparatory, and then to school is an event. And that means a family event, too. I am sure that good traditions will certainly appear in the family of your children.
Work in microgroups: make a verbal portrait of the ideal child. After the microgroups have worked, I write down the collective portrait of the child on the board. First I write two letters - IR, and then from each microgroup I write down 1-2 qualities of an ideal child in turn and draw a conclusion:

we dream of an ideal child, we see him just like that (obedient, kind, polite, neat, smart, loved).
But these two letters I R can be decoded and "perfect parent". Are you like that, only you know.

Teacher: Today you successfully passed the test, I will ask you to stand in a circle. Let's congratulate each other on passing the exam. I shake hands with the parent on my left and start
congratulations circle “in the sun”: I congratulated you, you are the one to your left, and so on until the handshake reaches me.

So - hand in hand of a parent and a teacher, a parent and a parent, and most importantly - a child and a parent, we continue to work in the middle group of the kindergarten. We agree here and now:
believe in our children
trust each other,
create a tradition: meet every month in the family club "Solnyshko"
fill the lives of our children with joy
And let love for children help us in this.

Authoritative opinion. From the diary of Empress Empress Alexandra Feodorovna Romanova:
“The seasons pass and return again, new flowers bloom, but youth never comes twice.
Only once is childhood given with all its possibilities. Whatever you can do to beautify your child's childhood, do it boldly, without putting off until tomorrow.
Teacher: I suggest you turn into Good Wizards. Let's teach children to see a miracle in the usual painting of a sheet of paper. To do this, you need very little: autumn leaves (I prepared them for you), clean white or colored sheets of paper (lying on the tables) and bright soft colored pencils, and wax crayons.
Reflection: Teacher: I will invite the children, and you, please, briefly write on small colored sheets of paper your impressions, feelings from our meeting today, put the date below, today is October 31, 2012 and your signature. Leaves can be put in a box.

Co-creation of parents and children: put autumn leaves under a clean sheet of paper and paint over a sheet of paper with colored pencils, wax crayons. Magic: “trees and bushes” suddenly appear on a blank sheet of autumn leaves, placed under a white thin sheet of paper. Admiration: “Oh, what a beauty”, offer: “Let's decorate our group!”

Smirnova Alena Nikolaevna
Job title: senior educator
Educational institution: MBDOU №13 "Ryabinushka"
Locality: Zheleznogorsk
Material name: Methodical development
Topic: Child - parent club "School of early development"
Publication date: 13.12.2016
Chapter: preschool education






MBDOU No. 13 "Ryabinushka"

Parents and children's club "School of early development" Education is a very complex and responsible business. To obtain good results, love for children alone is not enough. A child must be able to educate, and this requires special knowledge. begin from the first days.For more fruitful communication between teachers and parents in our preschool educational institution, a child-parent "Early Development Club" has been created for parents of children attending an early age group.Kindergarten specialists take part in the club: music director, group educators, psychologist , senior educator, doctor The purpose of creating the "Early Development Club" (hereinafter referred to as the club) is to develop promising forms of cooperation with parents in the preschool educational institution, which involve their involvement in active participation in the pedagogical life of the kindergarten and the establishment of full opportunities for family education. parents should spare no time or energy for fasting oyannoe increase their educational and cultural level. The main principles of the club:  voluntariness;  competence;  Compliance with pedagogical ethics. The participation of parents in the life of the child, not only at home, but also in kindergarten, will help them:  overcome authoritarianism and see the world from the position of a child;  treat the child as an equal;  understand that it is unacceptable to compare him with other children: if he did something better today than yesterday, you need to rejoice at his personal growth;  know the strengths and weaknesses of the child and take them into account;  show sincere interest in his actions and be ready for emotional support, joint experience of his joys and sorrows;  Establish a good, trusting relationship with the child.
Objectives of the club: 1. Social and moral development of the child as the basis for the formation of personality. Gaining experience in communicating with peers and adults in the process of various games and activities. 2. The use of new organizational ways to involve the parents of children in cooperation with the kindergarten. 3. Provision of qualified advisory and practical assistance to parents in caring for the child, the problems of his upbringing, development and adaptation to the preschool educational institution. 4. Development of a unified style of communication with the child in preschool and family. 5. Activation and enrichment of parenting skills, support of their confidence in their own pedagogical abilities. Working conditions of the club:  meetings of the club in agreement with the parents of the children (1 meeting is held per month);  the work of the club is carried out according to the annual plan of the club; the topics of the meetings should relate to children and their problems and parents and their problems in raising their children; forms of communication can be different: visual, verbal, game, The result of the work is a positive trend in the development of children's activities, especially in the movements of children, speech communication and sensory representations, the successful adaptation of children to the conditions of kindergarten. The proposed program of parent-child relations of the club is variable, that is, if necessary, it is allowed to adjust the content and forms of classes PROGRAM OF THE CHILDREN-PARENT CLUB EXPLANATORY NOTE
The problem of interaction between the kindergarten and the family has always been relevant, and now it has acquired a special meaning in connection with the fall in the birth rate and the change in the structure of the family. An analysis of the state of modern families has shown that the composition of a family does not exceed four people. Most Russian families bring up one child, while other relatives often live separately from the young family. In such family conditions, children cannot acquire sufficient social experience, learn to communicate, the ability to yield, respect the interests of other people. Young families, despite the widespread promotion of preschool education, do not
a sufficient understanding of the child's living in kindergarten, of the conditions of upbringing and education available there. The parent-child club created at the preschool educational institution will help parents overcome the barrier of distrust in kindergarten in practice, and the information received will greatly facilitate the period of adaptation of children in the future. Classes conducted by teachers with children give teachers the opportunity to establish psychological contact with the child's family and learn the features of the development and upbringing of the baby almost from his birth.
The lack of educational programs for parents, the decline in circulation of specialized popular science publications has created an information vacuum in which most families raising preschool children find themselves. In this situation, the only source of pedagogical knowledge for parents will be a parent-child club based on a kindergarten. Coming to the preschool educational institution for special classes, in games with peers, parents acquire useful knowledge and learn to communicate, while receiving the necessary advice from child development specialists. The need to introduce this program is due to the requests of parents, conducting a survey. A distinctive feature of this program is the nature of the classes. Each lesson includes games aimed at developing motor skills, activating speech, attention, memory, etc. Games and exercises from previous lessons are repeated in subsequent ones, which contributes to a better consolidation of the material covered. This program has
Harmonious development of the child's personality in the process of subject-play activity. In the course of achieving the goal, the following tasks are solved: 1. Social and moral development of the child, as the basis for the formation of personality. Gaining experience in communicating with peers and adults in the process of various games and activities. 2. The use of new organizational ways to involve the parents of children in cooperation with the kindergarten. 3. Organization and implementation of interaction with parents of children attending kindergarten. 4. Provision of qualified advisory and practical assistance to parents in caring for the child, the problems of his upbringing, development and adaptation to the preschool educational institution. 5. Development of a unified style of communication with the child in preschool and family. 6. Activation and enrichment of parenting skills, support for their confidence in their own pedagogical abilities.
The parent club is a necessary social platform on the way to solving problems in family education, strengthening parent-child relationships. The study of parental requests revealed the need for the club to operate in 3 directions.
Parent Education
;  The leading forms of training in the conditions of the club are conversations, business games, consultations, trainings.  Teaching children; Games, game exercises, recreational activities, sports holidays and entertainment, classes.  Counseling parents. It is aimed at achieving a deep, objective understanding by parents of the problems of the child, his personality as a whole; determination of their educational strategy in communication with him and ways of interacting with other participants in the educational process. Consulting of two types:  Pedagogical (on issues related to the development of the program, the child's individual educational route, ways of additional education);  Medical (on issues related to children's health, individual characteristics of the child) Parental counseling was based on the following principles:  Creation of trusting relationships;  Mutual respect;  Competencies;  High-quality organization of consultations. The content of the work: The club is created for visiting children together with their mother or other close person. The organization of work is based on the leading types of children's activities (at an early age - subject activity, taking into account the individual, personal characteristics, capabilities and interests of each child. The club's program is designed for 8 months (from September to May). Each meeting takes 30-40 minutes. the program of the lesson consists of several constantly present blocks: cognitive, musical, motor, creative, in turn, each block contains activities that replace each other, which prevents the baby from feeling tired.All types of activities present in each lesson are subject to one topic, which is determined objects and phenomena of the world around the baby.Classes are conducted by teachers
kindergarten. The material for the meetings are games, game tasks, consultations of specialists. Methods and techniques used in the program:  Organizational;  Visual (teacher's demonstration, example, observation, examination);  Verbal (persuasion, encouragement, conversation, explanation, artistic word);  Practical (explanation, repetition, demonstration of actions, self-fulfillment).  Logic.  Motivational (persuasion, encouragement, praise). The main stages in the development of interaction with the family:  Stage 1: Study of the child's family, child-parent relationships, teachers' activities  Stage 2: Creation of a cooperation program (selection of content, forms of interaction with the child's family).  Stage 3: Implementation of the cooperation program  Stage 4: Analysis of the obtained results this will allow teachers to more actively develop all children (not only ordinary, but also "advanced", capable, gifted). The forms of organization of children's activities may be different, but so that the means for achieving educational and recreational tasks remain playful. It is most expedient to use various didactic, educational games, entertaining exercises, games-experiments with materials, etc. in all areas of children's activities, ensuring the implementation of the selected program content. At the same time, it is necessary to adhere to the main direction in working with children, the development of the speech activity of each child in the process of various activities. Expected result:  Mastering some methods of interaction with the child.  Ability to notice and accept individual manifestations of the child.  Ability to respect the wishes and possibilities of the child.  The child's perception of the world around him.  Accumulation of sensory experience.  Development of the child's speech.  Development of fine and gross motor skills. The result of the work
is a positive trend in the development of children's activities, especially in the movements of children, speech communication and sensory representations, the successful adaptation of children to the conditions of the kindergarten. Being engaged in the "Early Development" club, the child's abilities will develop, parents will learn how to work together with him, build positive relationships filled with warmth and attention. The effectiveness of the training sessions will be monitored by a questionnaire.
Curriculum 2016-2017 academic year Time Topic Purpose Interaction of specialists Consultations August - September Preparatory stage Collection of information, project development, questioning. Music director, senior educator, educator, psychologist, speech therapist, doctor Consultation for teachers on the development of a creative club project. October "On a visit to the hedgehog" The development of communicative, physical qualities, the consolidation of sensory standards, the development of fine motor skills of the hands, the development of emotional responsiveness to music of a different nature. Senior educator: “Introduction to the work plan of the Early Development Club” November “Welcome to the fairy tale” Development of emotional responsiveness to theatrical performances, development of children's communication skills, development of fine motor skills. Supervision of a psychologist during the work of the "Club" Individual consultations and recommendations for families. December "On a visit to the Snowman" Improving the pedagogical culture of parents in the development and upbringing of preschool children, to promote the unity of the parent team. Consultation at the request of parents.
a, to acquaint parents with the methods of drawing, characteristic of an early age. January "Winter's Tale" The development of children's communication skills, the development of fine motor skills. Involving children in theatrical activities, the development of emotional responsiveness. Consultation at the request of parents February “Toys came to visit us” Development of motor activity of children. Formation of skills: run, jump, perform sequential actions at the command of an adult, crawl, develop coordination of movement and a sense of balance, develop the functionality of the spine. Activation of cognitive activity. Doctor's consultation CB 51 "Health of the baby" March "My mother is the best" Development of motor activity of children, activation of cognitive activity, involvement in creative activity - modeling. Consultation of a teacher - speech therapist "Speech development of a child of an early age" April "Funny nesting dolls" Consolidation of knowledge about sensory standards, development of motor activity of children, involvement in creative Consultation of a senior educator "Achievements of a child of three
activity - non-standard methods of drawing. years" May "Spring mood" Acquaintance with characteristic weather phenomena (rain, the sun shines brightly, etc.), development of children's motor activity, involvement in creative activities - modeling from dough, promoting parental team rallying Consultations at the request of parents

The family is the first life school for a child. It is she who becomes the whole world in which a growing person begins to learn to love, endure, rejoice, sympathize. In the family, the child acquires the first experience of communication, the skills to "live among people."

Each person wants others to be able to understand and accept him as he is, so that they do not break his personality, but can support and help its development. We especially appreciate such an attitude from close people.

How to understand your child? How to learn to be more tolerant of his pranks?

Many parents ask these and similar questions to themselves and their friends. In different interpretations, one has to hear them while working as a teacher-psychologist in an institution of preschool education. We are constantly faced with the need to solve various problems related to the development of children.

At the same time, it should be noted that a number of features, primarily of an emotional and personal nature, are not always successfully corrected. Their stability, as a rule, is due to the fact that they are formed mainly in the family, reflect the stereotypes of the relationships that have developed in it, which are not easy to change. In connection with these circumstances, our team is aimed at strengthening interaction with the families of pupils, at finding new forms of cooperation with their parents and legal representatives. Teachers understand how important it is to do this unobtrusively so that adults themselves want to cooperate with the preschool education institution.

How to gradually and clearly build the work of a creative parent-child workshop? What is the essence of such formation?

In short, the parent-child club is a meeting with the parents of pupils in an unconventional setting, during which urgent problems are solved together. Such meetings in our kindergarten are distinguished by a practical focus, when the parents themselves become participants in discussions and dialogues. They consult, argue, jointly seek a way out of the current situation. The task of the teacher-psychologist is to tactfully direct and maintain the conversation in the right direction. In order to consolidate the acquired knowledge, adults are given the opportunity to practice themselves in certain situations, games and studies related to solving exciting issues.

I start by placing an announcement in groups with the following content at the beginning of each school year: “Dear adults, I invite you to the creative workshop of caring and smart parents “Understand. To accept. Support." Together we will try to solve the problems that arise, learn how to communicate effectively and creatively with children, and make the family more loving and happy. Joint classes with parents and children are conducted by a teacher-psychologist.

Those who wish receive personalized invitations, which indicate the specific dates and times of classes in the creative workshop from October to May inclusive. Each session lasts from 45 to 60 minutes and begins with an introduction and main part, followed by a short lecture and practical work with parents. After that, children join them, who are brought from groups by educators, and everyone moves on to a system of joint exercises.

The purpose of the creative workshop is to help adults control themselves even in situations where children in the most unexpected way tend to get out of control; stimulate the creative activity of mothers and fathers, grandparents in raising children; apply during everyday contacts with the child methods and techniques aimed at developing his skills and fantasies.

The topics of the meetings are chosen taking into account the characteristics and needs of families, based on the problems that arise in the course of the educational process. In accordance with the program, each age group provides for eight meetings lasting up to one hour.

Classes are held on certain days for each age group: middle groups - the first week of the month, seniors - the second, second juniors - the third, first juniors - the fourth week of the month.


First junior.

  • The role of play in early childhood development.
  • Adaptation to the institution of preschool education.
  • Features of the development of the child's emotional sphere.
  • The role of an adult in the process of forming communication skills in young children.
  • Where do children's fears come from?
  • Origins of child aggression.
  • Types and styles of family education.
  • Development of cognitive processes.
  • Formation of moral and ethical principles in a child of early age in the family.

Second junior.

  • Game activity and personality development of preschool children.
  • A favorable psychological climate is the basis for the health and full development of the child.
  • Difficulties in communicating with a child and ways to overcome them.
  • How do children's fears grow?
  • What are children's whims.
  • Formation of character in children and ways of its education.
  • We develop memory.
  • Encouragement of worthy behavior, which should be praise.


  • The nature of the game of preschool children.
  • The role of family education and the development of emotions in children.
  • Active listening as a way to solve problems.
  • Causes and motives of disturbing behavior of children, methods of conflict resolution.
  • Temperament is the basis of behavior.
  • Identification of ways of knowing the world around.
  • The art of punishing and forgiving.


  • Play in the life of a child.
  • Influence of intra-family relations and lifestyle of parents on the emotional state of the child.
  • Causes of communication difficulties in children.
  • Prevention of anxiety and children's fears.
  • Why do children become aggressive.
  • Regulation of the child's behavior in the family.
  • Features of preparation for school of children of different types of temperament.
  • The problem of adaptation to school of children of senior preschool age.

When it turns out that the composition of the groups is finally formed, an interview or an introductory session is held with the parents, where the basic principles of work are discussed.

During classes, do not abuse theoretical information. Ready-made pedagogical recipes and answers to questions should not be presented to participants. It is better to involve them in the consideration of emerging problem situations, discussion of exciting issues. It is important to skillfully lead parents to try to formulate some educational postulates themselves. It is necessary to tactfully lead the conversation in a given direction and ensure that the participants do not deviate from the topic. At the end of the lesson, with the help of games, tasks or sketches, it is necessary to consolidate the acquired knowledge in practice with the parents.


  • formulation of the topic, main goals;
  • psychological warm-up, which allows you to set the pace of the lesson and acts as a prelude to the main part;
  • the main part (presentation on a given topic);
  • developing acquired skills through exercises;
  • short lecture;
  • active conversation;
  • exercise system;
  • joint creative work with children.

Each lesson includesgames and exercises aimed at self-knowledge and self-disclosure; self-presentation; development of communication skillsand creativity; removal of psycho-emotional stress.

One of the forms of children's contacts with each other and with adults in a creative workshop is communication by means of visual activity, which becomes a natural way of self-expression.

Many adults often forget how to play, fantasize and just have fun. Figuratively speaking, we strive to return them to childhood at traditional meetings. You have to see how happy the guys are when their dads and moms play with them, jointly make some interesting crafts, rejoice in common success, because there is often no time to do this at home.

Another useful point from joint classes is that they more clearly show the essence of relationships in the families of pupils. During such classes, you can see and hear what parents would not even think of talking about during a regular consultation. After several creative meetings, positive changes in the behavior of both children and parents are visible.

Group work is important because it reveals the similarities of issues that concern many parents, and also allows you to get support from people with similar problems.

In order to activate parents in the classroom, the following methods are used.

"Brainstorm". It is based on collective mental activity, which allows to achieve greater mutual understanding, to unite a whole group of people.

"List of adjectives and definitions". This method helps, using adjectives, to identify various qualities, properties and characteristics of an object, activity or person that need to be improved. First, adjectives are offered. Then each of them is considered and discussed separately. As a result, options appear with which you can improve or enhance the corresponding characteristic. For example, the question is put forward for collective discussion: “How do you want to see your child on the threshold of school?”. Parents list adjective qualities that appeal to their views, and then jointly come to a conclusion about the ways and methods to achieve the desired result.

"Associations". A symbol is drawn on a piece of paper that reflects a certain problem or its significant moment, for example, when considering the cause of aggression. Then, by association, other symbols are drawn until a suitable idea for solving the problem is found.

"Collective Recording". Each of the participants receives a notebook or sheet of paper, where a specific problem is formulated and information or recommendations are given on how to solve it. Parents, independently of each other, determine the most important ones, in their opinion, and put them in a notebook. Then the notes are transferred to the teacher-psychologist, he analyzes them and conducts a discussion in the group.

"Heuristic Questions". These include 7 key ones: who, what, where, what, how, when, why? If you combine them two by two, you get 21 non-standard and often funny questions. Consistently pulling out cards with such mixed questions and answering them, parents express their views on the problem, offer the same non-standard ways to solve it.

"Mini-experiment". This method allows you to include parents in research activities, use their interest and curiosity. For solution, adults are offered a situation on any topic, which is based on a cognitive conflict. Each proposal is discussed, the results of the relationship between the real, the desired and the achievable are summed up.

By participating in joint classes, parents learn to interact constructively, have the opportunity to look at their child from the outside, in an unfamiliar situation, get acquainted with interaction models in other families. Adults get acquainted with additional information on how to calmly and effectively, without screaming and slapping, solve the educational problems that have arisen, they also receive printed materials with useful information in the "parental piggy bank".

According to the feedback of the participants, work in the workshop helps to discover something new for oneself and in oneself, to see the real possibility of using the proposed methods of constructive interaction with children.

Collaboration helps to reveal the potential creative possibilities not only of children, but also of their parents.

At the end of the school year, a festive final lesson is held, in which, after receiving specially prepared nominal invitations, parents and children of different age groups participate. All of them are given "documents" on the course of study in the creative parent-child workshop. In the event that they studied for one year, they receive a certificate, two years - a certificate, three or four years - a diploma.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that the parent-child club is a special form of interaction between participants. It provides for the mutual exchange of experience and knowledge on the development and upbringing of children, contributes to a deeper understanding of life's problems and changes in some ideas about how to solve them.

As a result, due to the abilities of all participants, the experience and ideas of everyone, including the teacher-psychologist, are enriched. His opportunities in interaction with parents are diverse and are associated with the individual characteristics of each child.

However, the main role is that in the institution of preschool education, he, first of all, represents the interests of pupils, takes an active position towards them, strives for the benefit of the child to achieve maximum mutual understanding and interaction with his parents and educators.

S. Seredenko, educational psychologist