The duration of the role-playing game in the middle group. Role-playing games in the senior group: a card file with goals for the fgos. Role-playing game "Space Adventure"

In the life of children 4–5 years old, the role-playing game continues to develop and takes a leading place. The child enthusiastically builds plots, strives to play a wide variety of roles, becomes more proactive. The increased opportunities allow him to choose a theme and outline the concept of the game, equip the playing space with the help of objects, and use various attributes in the game. The teacher directs his efforts to enrich the role behavior and relationships of children in play, which are manifested through dialogue and play action.

The teacher encourages children to plan, that is, to create an elementary plan that will be embodied in the game; teaches them to describe plot events, outline (name) the circle of characters (characters) in the game, and reveal their interaction.

Traditional plots
The favorite subjects for children 4–5 years old are games in the hospital and in the store, in which it is most easy for children to embody their life experience. The teacher, by introducing new roles into play, helps to expand children's ideas about the play image, about the variety of roles and role-playing behavior. For example, in the game to the store, drivers bringing food to the store can simultaneously act as loaders, they can change their roles to others, for example, to the role of storekeepers working in a warehouse. Children, based on their life experience, can replay various situations that occur in medical offices, since each of them has visited the clinic at least once.

How do you prepare children to play?
Mastering new plots, roles and game actions, the child enriches the game with new content, and, therefore, it will remain interesting for him. It is extremely important for the educator to maintain this interest by contributing to an enrichment of life experience, providing the child with time and place to play, and stimulating his creativity. The enrichment of game plots is facilitated by excursions and targeted walks, stories about professions, thematic conversations, didactic and theatrical games, and demonstration of illustrations. All these forms of interaction between an adult and a child become the content of preliminary work, which prepares children for play.

The preliminary work should be purposeful, pedagogically capacious, multifaceted, which will allow you to cover the entire theme used in the game. This kind of work involves all the methods and forms of interaction between an adult and a child in the pedagogical process of a kindergarten; in it, like no other work, one can see the interaction and interpenetration of various types of children's games. The game absorbs everything that happens in a child's life.
1. Targeted walks and excursions will allow the teacher to better acquaint children with the activities of adults, give them the opportunity to talk with representatives of this profession, satisfy the interest of kids. Achieving the intended goal, a wise teacher will turn the excursion into an exciting journey.
2. The stories about the professions will interest the children with vivid figurative comparisons, give food for the imagination. If you provide such a story with illustrations, then the children will have a desire to get to know better: to use or make such tools, to perform actions. You can use the book of the series "School of the Seven Dwarfs" "What are the professions?" railway station "," How I was in a new store ", etc.). These stories, coming from the person of a significant adult for the child, provide freshness of perception and arouse faith in the authenticity of the event.
3. Thematic conversations are designed to clarify the ideas of children about a particular game (life) situation, their opinion regarding any plot. The teacher engages the children in a dialogue and provokes their speech activity with leading questions. A conversation about a plot allows you to show models of the game's intentions and their development: “You know, usually the doctor first puts out the tools and then calls the patients”, “When the driver put the car in the garage, what could he find?”; “What is the best way to start the game? Think about where there will be a place for the airfield? "
4. Didactic games will help children learn game actions and behavior (weigh goods, repair a car, listen to the patient, determine the quality of the goods), as well as follow the rules in the game, be organized, show leadership qualities. To conduct didactic games, you will need various kinds of items that can be found in the sections "Play sets", "Tools and weapons", "Sets of dishes",
5. Theatrical games will teach children to play around ready-made plots, understand and implement the game plan in action, and be expressive in a role. In creating an interior for theatrical games, special sets of furniture will help you.
6. The illustrations will complement everything the children have seen and heard before. Children will see in them a lot of details that can be easily considered and which they have not noticed before. The bright colors of the illustrations will evoke emotional experiences, will cause a desire to imitate the actions of the characters depicted. Various kinds of illustrations and posters can be found in the section “Visual and didactic aids”.

I have selected co-operative role-playing games from various sources and designed a small card index that is convenient to use in work.

I would like to start my article with the statement of great teachers from the distant past:

You will never be able to create wise men if you kill the mischievous children. J.-J. Rousseau

Let the child play pranks and mischief, as long as it is not harmful and does not bear the imprint of moral cynicism ... as long as the child is not stupid and stupid, death and lifelessness are the worst of all. V. Belinsky

Preschool age is the very beginning of a child's life, when he is just beginning to realize himself as a person with his own desires and capabilities and discovers the world around him.

During infancy, the child's surrounding world is reduced to his family, then, with the onset of younger and middle preschool age, this circle gradually expands to the boundaries of the house, street, city. From about 3 years old, a child has his own circle of interests, he begins to learn the world of human relations and seeks to join this world. Children of the 4th year of life master the skills to take a play role, designate it for a partner, develop an elementary pair role interaction, role dialogue with a peer partner.

« The game- this is a creative processing of experienced impressions, their combination and the construction of a new reality from them that meets the needs and desires of the child himself ”(L. S. Vygotsky).

The older the child, the more complete his observation of the world around him, the richer his game. The well-known psychologist L. S. Rubinstein said that in the process of playing a child not only reincarnates into someone else's personality, but, entering a role, expands, enriches, deepens his own.

Psychologists believe that plot-based role-playing is the highest form of development of children's play, in preschool age it acts as a leading activity.

Role-playing games are of great importance in the mental development of a child, they develop voluntary attention and memory. The rules that are obligatory in the conduct of the game educate children in the ability to control their behavior, limit their impulsiveness, thereby contributing to the formation of character. During joint play with peers, children learn to communicate, the ability to take into account the desires and actions of others, to defend their opinions, the ability to insist on their own, as well as to jointly build and implement plans. Fulfilling various roles, the child begins to cover all aspects of various types of activity, which, in turn, helps to develop a person's thinking ability, to perceive someone else's point of view.

Playing a role-playing game, getting used to some kind of image, the child reproduces his impressions, rethinks and reveals them. Realizing that the game situation is imaginary, children nevertheless experience quite real feelings and experiences and thereby enrich their inner world.

For the plot - role play of children of middle preschool age, it is characteristic of the emergence of new topics related to the knowledge gained while reading fiction, adult stories, watching TV, etc. A characteristic feature in the performance of roles, play actions is the recreation of relationships between people in the process of work. Children of this age begin to understand that in collective work it is necessary to help each other, to be attentive and kind. However, in games you can also observe the manifestation of the negative sides of our life. The content of the game reflects the child's attitude to the surrounding reality. You can observe how, playing at mothers and daughters, one “mother” will constantly shout at her children, teach them, another will try on outfits, the third will take care of the children, read fairy tales to them, etc. With such games, the child shows that He considers adult relationships to be the main thing, and what stereotype of behavior he chooses as a model of behavior and imitation. Observing a child's play, one can draw certain conclusions about the characteristics of the development and mental state of the child, about his feelings, mood and temperament. In the process of playing, children show their attitude to the world around them - after all, in play, the child is endowed with strength, which he lacks in the real world. Watching a child's play, one can see his fears, pain, resentment, which for some reason he cannot or does not want to show to adults. Often not knowing how to relate to a situation, the child replays this situation over and over again, trying to take it upon himself. With the help of the game, you can influence the baby's attitude, fight fears, overcome uncertainty. The educator should take this into account in order to direct the course of the game in the right direction in time. Children of this age love playing together. However, a small life experience, a lack of stability in the manifestation of moral feelings, an insufficiently developed ability to sacrifice one's desires, interests in favor of another sometimes leads to the disintegration of the game, to the destruction of established friendly contacts. Guiding the game, the teacher not only helps children choose the most interesting from many proposals, but also teaches them to respect each other's plan, to be attentive to their comrades.

The task of the educator in working with children of the 5th year of life is to transfer them to more complex role-playing behavior in the game: to form the ability to change their role-playing behavior in accordance with the different roles of partners, the ability to change the playing role and to designate their new role for partners in the process of deploying the game ... These skills are the key to the future creative and coordinated deployment of play with peers, they provide flexibility in the child's role-playing behavior.

It is important to teach the child to find a role for himself that is meaningful to the roles of his peers with whom he would like to play, and for this it is necessary to teach the child to change the accepted role for a new one. Usually, educators do not set themselves the task of special formation of such skills in children, focusing mainly on enriching the content of children's play. The teacher selects a specific topic related to a specific area of ​​real life and organizes the game according to a pre-planned plot. The teacher strives to immediately include in the game exactly as many participants as he has planned roles in the plot, each of them is prescribed actions that are determined by the role in the game. Striving for order in play, the educator kills the very spirit of play as a free activity. Children, obeying the command of the educator, become passive objects of his influence. Such a game, apart from concretizing knowledge about (post office, construction site, store, etc.), does not develop anything in the child (neither the ability to independently correlate his role-playing actions with the actions of partners, to connect to their game, nor the ability to change roles during the game) ...

How can these skills be formed in children? The solution to this problem is possible only if there is a subject - the subjective interaction of the educator with the children, in the joint game of the educator and preschoolers, where the adult is not a leader and evaluator, but a participant, a partner of children in this creative process. The play should unfold in a special way, so that the child “opens up” the need to correlate his role with various other roles, as well as the possibility of changing the role in the process of playing in order to develop an interesting plot. This is possible if the teacher meets two conditions:

1. the use of multi-character plots with a specific role structure, where one of the roles is included in direct links with all the others;

2. rejection of the unambiguous correspondence of the number of characters (roles) in the plot to the number of participants in the game: there must be more characters in the plot than the participants.

Let's dwell on the structure of the plots in more detail. Any topic of interest to children that the teacher wants to use in the game can be presented so that one of the roles (main) is directly related to several other roles related to the same semantic sphere. The possible composition of roles takes the form of a "bush":

→ additional role 1 (event 1) ↓

Main role → additional role 2 (event 2) ↓

→ additional role 3 (event 3) ↓

→ main role 2 (introduced at the end of the game) ↕

As an example, let us give a role-playing "bush" to the role-playing game "Ride on a Steamer":

→ passenger ↓

Captain → sailor ↓

→ diver ↓

→ captain of another ship (introduced at the end of the game) ↕

If, in order to use realistic themes in the game, the educator will have to think about how to build a possible "bush" of roles, then the fairy-tale plots already have such a role-playing structure (the main character of a fairy tale usually consistently interacts with the rest of the characters); they can also be used as a base for playing with children. For example:

→ stepmother ↓

Cinderella → fairy ↓

→ prince ↓

The above diagrams will help the educator develop joint play with the children. However, even if the teacher is planning some kind of plot, for children it should look like improvisation - interesting suggestions made during the game by a partner - an adult.

Let's consider how specifically you can organize a joint game with children. It is advisable to start such work with each of the children individually. The most suitable time is morning and evening hours, when there are few children in the group, and the teacher can give the child 7-10 minutes.

At the first stage, the game is structured in such a way that the child has the main role in the plot; the adult consistently changes his roles in the course of the game. The teacher does not tell the child the plot in advance, but immediately begins the game, offering him the main role, focusing on the topic that attracts the child. For example, a boy likes to play chauffeur. The teacher offers him: “Vasya, let's play with you. Here we will have a car. Are you going to be a chauffeur? And I am a passenger. " During the trip, he develops a role-based dialogue with the “chauffeur,” and then proposes the following plot event, requiring the appearance of a new character: “Let's go like a red light, and the policeman stopped us. I will now be a policeman. " After clarifying the circumstances with the "policeman", you can enter the third event, which requires the appearance of one more character: "Let's go next to your car, another one - a truck. I am now a truck driver. My car suddenly broke down. I'm signaling you to stop and help fix it! " etc.

If the child comes up with his own suggestions during the game, it is necessary to accept and use them, including them in the general scheme of the plot.

When playing with a child, the teacher uses a minimum number of toys so that manipulations with them do not distract attention from role interaction.

The teacher does not always have real opportunities to often play with each child, so it is important to be able to cover several children with formative influences at once - to play with a small subgroup. Roles in the game change in the same way when new plot situations are introduced.

The involvement of children in the game is carried out by the teacher only at their request. Also, children should have complete freedom to "exit" from the game. If the game with the teacher does not fascinate the child, its continuation is meaningless, since in this case the game already turns into a compulsory activity. The educator does not "dictate", but offers children a role in play, an event as an equal partner.

Such interaction in play activity contributes to the manifestation of the independence of children's activities. Preschoolers have a taste for the dynamic development of the plot during the game by including new characters and changing play roles within a particular semantic sphere. In play, children learn to simulate a role-based dialogue with a partner, a partner with a toy, with an imaginary partner, i.e. establish a variety of role-playing connections in the game. All this prepares the possibility of a further transition to the joint creative construction of new game plots in senior preschool age.

In conclusion, I would like to offer you several games that you can play with your pupils:

Doctor's toys

Target: to teach children to care for the sick, and to use medical instruments, to educate children in attentiveness, sensitivity, to expand vocabulary: to introduce the concepts of “hospital”, “sick”, “treatment”, “medicine”, “temperature”, “hospital”.

Equipment: dolls, toy animals, medical instruments: thermometer, syringe, pills, spoon, phonendoscope, cotton wool, medicine jars, bandage, gown and cap for a doctor.

Age : 3-7 years old.

Game progress:

The teacher offers to play, the Doctor and the Nurse are selected, the rest of the children take toy animals and dolls in their hands, come to the clinic for an appointment with the doctor. Patients with various diseases turn to the doctor: the bear has a toothache because he ate a lot of sweets, the clown has a bump on his forehead, the doll Masha has pinched her finger on the door, etc. We clarify the steps: The doctor examines the patient, prescribes treatment for him, and the Nurse performs his instructions. Some patients require inpatient treatment, they are admitted to the hospital. Older preschool children can choose several different specialists - therapist, ophthalmologist, surgeon and other doctors known to children. When they get to the reception, the toys tell why they got to the doctor, the teacher discusses with the children whether this could have been avoided, and says that you need to take more care of your health. During the game, children observe how the doctor treats patients - makes bandages, measures the temperature. The teacher assesses how the children communicate with each other, reminds that the recovered toys do not forget to thank the doctor for the help provided.

Building a house

Target: to introduce children to construction professions, to pay attention to the role of technology that facilitates the work of builders, to teach children to build a building of a simple structure, to foster friendly relations in a team, to expand children's knowledge about the peculiarities of construction workers, to expand the vocabulary of children: introduce the concepts of "construction", "bricklayer "," Crane "," builder "," crane operator "," carpenter "," welder "," building material ".

Equipment: large building materials, cars, a crane, toys for playing with a building, pictures depicting people of the construction profession: bricklayer, carpenter, crane operator, driver, etc.

Age : 3-7 years old.

Game progress:

The teacher invites the children to guess the riddle: “What kind of turret is there, and the light is on in the window? We live in this tower, and it is called ...? (House)". The teacher invites the children to build a large, spacious house where toys could settle. Children remember what kind of construction professions are, what people are doing at a construction site. They look at the pictures of the builders and talk about their responsibilities. Then the children agree to build a house. Roles are distributed among the children: some are Builders, they build a house; others are Drivers, they bring building materials to a construction site, one of the children is a Crane Operator. During construction, attention should be paid to the relationship between children. The house is ready, and new residents can move in there. Children play on their own.

Fun trip

Target: introduce children to the profession of a driver, foster respect for this profession, expand vocabulary children.

Equipment: a bus made of high chairs, a steering wheel, a driver's cap, a pump.

Age : 4-5 years old.

Game progress:

The teacher invites the children to go on a fun bus journey. A bus driver is selected, a discussion is held on what the driver should do on the road, what tools should be taken with him in case of a breakdown. Passengers collect the things they need on the road. The teacher reminds you that you need to follow the traffic rules, and everyone hit the road. On the way, you can read poetry, sing your favorite songs. The bus makes stops, Passengers rest, and the Driver checks the condition of the car, repairs it if necessary. As the game progresses, new characters are introduced.


1 Card file of role-playing games in the middle group

2 "Family" Objectives: To consolidate children's ideas about the family, about the responsibilities of family members. Develop interest in the game. Teach children to distribute roles and act according to their assumed roles, develop a plot. Encourage children to creatively reproduce family life in the game. Learn to act in imaginary situations, use various substitute items. Foster love and respect for family members and their work. Resource support: Furniture, dishes, attributes for the equipment of a house, "kindergarten", a large constructor, a toy car, a baby doll, a toy carriage, bags, various substitute items. Preliminary work: Conversations: "My family", "How do I help my mother", "Who works with whom?" "What do we do at home?" Consideration of plot pictures, photographs on the topic. Reading fiction: N. Zabila "Yasochkin Garden", A. Barto "Mashenka", B. Zakhoder "Builders", "Driver", D. Gabe from the series "My Family": "Mom", "Brother", "Work ”, E. Yanikovskaya“ I go to kindergarten ”, A. Kardashova“ Big wash ”. Game roles: mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, eldest daughter, preschool children, baby doll. "Morning in the family" "Lunch in the family" "Construction" "Dad is a good boss" "We have a baby in the family" "Evening in the family" "Mom puts the children to bed" "Day off in the family" "A child is ill in the family" "We help to wash clothes for mom ”“ Great cleaning of the house ”“ Guests have come to us ”“ Moving to a new apartment ”“ A holiday in the family: mother's day, New Year's, birthday ”Mom-educator gets ready and goes to work; prepares everything you need for classes with children; accepts children, deals with them; plays, walks, draws, teaches, etc .; gives children to parents, cleans up the workplace; returning home from work; resting, communicating with her children and husband; helps the grandmother, puts the children to bed. A housewife mother gathers and sees her daughter to kindergarten, her husband to work; caring for the youngest child (doll), walking with him, cleaning the house, preparing food; meets a child from kindergarten, a husband from work; feeds them, communicates, puts the children to bed. The construction father gets ready to work, takes the child to kindergarten, goes to work; builds houses, bridges; returns from work, picks up the child from kindergarten, returns home; helps his wife around the house, plays with children, communicates.

3 Father-driver gets ready for work, takes the child to kindergarten, goes to work; delivers loads (bricks) to the construction site, unloads them, drives for new ones; picks up a child from kindergarten, returns home; helps his wife around the house; invites neighbors for tea; seeing off neighbors; communicates with children, plays with them, puts them to bed. Grandmother gathers and sees her grandchildren to kindergarten and school; cleans the house; asks for help from the eldest granddaughter; takes her granddaughter from kindergarten, asks the teacher about her behavior; prepares dinner, bakes a pie; asks family members how the working day went; offers to invite neighbors for tea (dinner), treats everyone with a pie; plays with grandchildren; gives advices. Grandfather helps grandmother, dad, reads newspapers, magazines; plays with grandchildren, communicates with neighbors. The eldest daughter helps her grandmother prepare food, wash dishes, clean the house, iron the clothes; plays and walks with his younger sister, communicates. Preschoolers get up, get ready and go to kindergarten; in kindergarten they do: play, draw, walk; come back from kindergarten, play, help their parents, go to bed. "Kindergarten" Objectives: To expand children's ideas about the content of labor actions of kindergarten employees. Encourage children to imitate the actions of adults. Cultivate friendships in play between children. Resource support: Dolls with a set of clothes, furniture, dishes, small toys, mops, buckets, rags, aprons, bathrobes, a washing machine, a basin, a stand for drying clothes, an ironing board, irons, a stove, a set of dishes for a cook, food, a vacuum cleaner , musical instruments. Preliminary work: Observing the work of the educator, assistant educator. Conversation with children about the work of a teacher, an assistant teacher, a cook, a nurse and other workers in the kindergarten. Excursion-inspection of the music (physical culture) hall, followed by a conversation about the work of muses. of the head (physical head). Excursion-examination of honey. office, observation of the doctor's work, conversations from the personal experience of children. Inspection of the kitchen, conversation about technical equipment that facilitates the work of kitchen workers. Game-dramatization based on N. Zabila's poem "Yasochkin Garden" with the use of toys. Excursion to the laundry. Organization of children's work washing of doll linen, handkerchiefs. Playing roles: Doctor, nurse, educator, music worker, physical education leader, nanny, cook, laundress. "Morning reception" "Our classes" "Exercise in kindergarten" "Babysitting work - breakfast" "Babysitting work - cleaning the group" "On a walk" "At a music lesson" "At a physical education" garden "

4 "The work of a cook in a kindergarten" "Work in a laundry in a kindergarten" The teacher accepts children, talks with parents, plays with children, conducts classes. Physical hands conduct morning exercises, physical education. The junior teacher monitors the order in the group, assists the teacher in preparing for classes, and receives food for the Muses. the leader conducts muses. class. The doctor examines the children, listens, makes appointments. The nurse measures temperature, height, weighs, vaccinates, checks the cleanliness of groups, kitchens. The cook prepares food, gives it to the tutor's assistants. The washerwoman washes clothes, dries, iron, folds neatly, gives out a clean one to the nanny. "Polyclinic" Objectives: Arouse children's interest in the profession of a doctor. To form the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game. Fix the names of medical instruments: phonendoscope, syringe, spatula. To cultivate a sensitive, attentive attitude towards the patient, kindness, responsiveness, a culture of communication. Vocabulary work: phonendoscope, spatula, inoculation, vitamins. Resource provision: doctor's gown and cap, nursing gowns and hats, medical instruments (thermometer, syringe, spatula) bandage, green stuff, cotton wool, mustard plasters, patient cards, vitamins. Preliminary work: Excursion to the medical office, d / s. Observing the work of a doctor. Reading fiction: J. Rainis "The doll got sick", V. Berestov "Sick doll". A. Barto “We are with Tamara”, P. Obraztsov “I'm flying a doll”, A. Kardashova “Our Doctor”. Staging "The Beasts Are Sick". Examining the album “We are playing the doctor”. Making attributes for the game. Conversations with children "We are being treated by a doctor and a nurse", "How should one behave in a doctor's office?" Playing roles: Doctor, Nurse, Patient. The plots are played out: "At the doctor's appointment", "Calling the doctor home" "Hurt your finger" "Sore throat" "Putting the ukolchik" "Vaccinating" The doctor receives patients, listens carefully to their complaints, asks questions, listens, looks at the throat, makes an appointment ... The nurse gives injections, gives medicine, vitamins, puts mustard plasters, lubricates wounds, and bandages. The patient comes to see the doctor, tells what worries him, follows the doctor's recommendations.

5 "I am a driver" Objectives: To expand children's ideas about the profession of a driver, auto mechanic. To develop the ability to build role-based dialogue, use role-playing speech, creativity in the game, using real objects to create a game environment. Foster goodwill, willingness to help. To foster a culture of behavior in transport. Vocabulary words: petrol station, gasoline, canister, refueller, conductor, mechanic, baton, inspector, rights. Resource support: tools for car repair, gas station, building material, steering wheel, canister, hose to simulate refueling a car with gasoline, bucket with a rag, tickets, money, conductor bag, traffic light, baton, traffic police inspector's cap, driver's documents (license) ... Preliminary work: Excursion to the bus stop, observation of the bus, taxi and chauffeur work. To acquaint with simple gestures of regulation: "stop", "get ready", "passage is allowed". Outdoor games: "Pedestrians and Taxi", "Traffic Light". Reading and viewing illustrations on the topic "Chauffeurs". D / and "Attentive driver", "Know the car", "Fix the car". Reading: V. Suteev "Different wheels", 3. Alexandrova "Truck", A. Kardashov "Rain car" E. Motkovskaya "I am a car" V. Stepanov "Driver", "Bus driver", B. Zhitkov "Traffic light", N. Kalinina "How the guys crossed the street", N. Pavlova "By car". Game roles: Taxi driver, bus driver, conductor, passengers, truck driver, mechanic, refueller, police officer (traffic police inspector). “Building a bus” “Learning to drive a bus” “The bus carries passengers” “Car repairs” “Refueling the car” “Car washing” “A truck carries furniture to a new house” “A truck carries loads (bricks, sand, snow)” “A grocery machine carries groceries (to the store, to the kindergarten, to the hospital) "" I'm taking passengers to the station "" I'll go to the garage "" Going to the kindergarten " passengers to the place, takes money for travel, takes care of passengers, helps to put luggage. The truck driver loads and unloads cargo. The bus driver drives the bus, turns the steering wheel, gives a signal, fixes problems, makes stops, announces them. The conductor sells tickets, checks travel tickets, keeps order in the bus cabin, answers passengers' questions about where it is more convenient for them to get off. Passengers get on the bus, buy tickets, get off at stops, give in

6 seats for elders, passengers with children, help them get off the bus, observe the rules of conduct in public transport, communicate; preparing for a long trip, collecting things, water, food for the trip; dress up, comb their hair, if they go to visit, to the theater. The mechanic performs repair work, checks the condition of the car before driving, washes the car with a hose and wipes it off. The tanker puts in the hose, fills in gas, takes the money. A policeman (traffic police inspector) regulates traffic, checks documents, monitors compliance with traffic rules. "Hairdresser's" Objectives: To acquaint with the specifics of the work of male and female hairdressers. Form an idea of ​​children about how women care for their nails. Teach to perform several sequential actions aimed at fulfilling his duties. Develop the ability to engage in role-based interaction, build role-based dialogue. To cultivate a culture of communication with "clients" Dictionary words: master, hairdryer, apron, cape, razor, manicure. Resources: Mirror, bedside table for storing attributes, various combs, bottles, curlers, hairspray, scissors, hairdryer, drape, apron for a hairdresser, manicurist, cleaners, hairpins, rubber bands, bows, towel, magazines with samples of hairstyles, razor, hair clipper, towels, money, mop, buckets, dust cloths, for the floor, nail polish, nail file, cream jars. Preliminary work: Conversation "Why do we need hairdressing salons". Ethical conversation about the culture of behavior in public places. Reading the stories of B. Zhitkov "What I saw", S. Mikhalkov "In the hairdresser." Excursion to the hairdresser. Consideration of items necessary for the work of a hairdresser. Didactic games "Beautiful hairstyles for dolls", "Learn to tie bows", "Pick a bow for a doll", "Miracle-Fen". Consider shaving items. Making attributes for the game with children (aprons, cape, towels, nail files, checks, money, etc.). Making an album "Models of hairstyles". Playing roles: Hairdressers, ladies' and masculine craftsmen, manicurists, cleaning lady, clients (visitors): mothers, fathers, their children. “Mom takes her daughter to the hairdresser's” “Dad takes her son to the hairdresser's” “Let's make beautiful hairstyles for the dolls” “We go by bus to the hairdresser's” “We do our hairstyles for the holiday” “Put ourselves in order” “In the men's room” “Purchase of goods for the hairdresser's” "We invite a hairdresser to kindergarten" The hairdresser of the women's hall puts on a cape on the client, dyes his hair, washes his hair, wipes it with a towel, cuts a hair, shakes off the cut strands from the cape,

7 rolls on curlers, blow-dry hair, varnish, weave braids, pin hairpins, give advice on hair care. The hairdresser in the men's room shaves, washes his hair, dries his hair with a hairdryer, makes haircuts, brushes his clients, takes the shape of a beard, mustache, offers to look in the mirror, refreshes with cologne. A manicurist files nails, paints them with varnish, applies cream to hands. Customers greet politely, those who are waiting in line look at albums with illustrations of different hairstyles, read magazines, can drink coffee in a cafe; ask for a haircut, manicure; consult, pay money, thank for the services. The cleaning lady sweeps, wipes dust, mops the floor, changes used towels. "Shop Supermarket" Objectives: To form children's ideas about the work of people in the store, the variety of stores and their purpose. Learn to perform different roles in accordance with the plot of the game. Develop visual-action thinking, communication skills. Foster goodwill, the ability to reckon with the interests and opinions of game partners. Dictionary words: showcase, cashier, pastry shop. Resource support: showcase, scales, cash register, handbags and baskets for buyers, seller's uniform, money, wallets, goods by department, a car for transporting goods, cleaning equipment. "Grocery store": dummies of vegetables and fruits, various baked goods made of salt dough, dummies of chocolates, sweets, cookies, cake, pastries, boxes of tea, juice, drinks, sausages, fish, milk packaging, cups for sour cream, jars from yoghurts, etc. Preliminary work: Conversations with children "What shops are there and what can you buy there?" “Who works in the store?”, “Cashier rules”. D / and "Shop", "Vegetables", "Who what?". Reading the poem by O. Emelyanova "Toy Store". B. Voronko "A Tale of Unusual Shopping" Making bagels, buns, cookies from salted dough, making sweets. Playing roles: Seller, buyer, cashier, store director, driver. "Bakery and confectionery (bread department, store)" "Vegetable store (department)" "Meat, sausage store (department)" "Fish store (department)" "Dairy store (department)" "Grocery store" "Store of musical instruments" "Bookstore" The seller puts on the uniform, offers the goods, weighs, packs, puts the goods on the shelves (decorates the shop window). The store manager organizes the work of store employees, makes requests for goods, pays attention to the correctness of the work of the seller and the cashier, monitors the order in the store.

8 Buyers come to shop, choose a product, find out the price, consult with sellers, follow the rules of conduct in a public place, set up a queue at the checkout, pay for a purchase at the checkout, and receive a check. The cashier receives the money, punches the check, issues the check, and hands over the change to the buyer. The driver delivers a certain number of various goods, receives requests for goods from the store director, unloads the brought goods. "Zoo" Objectives: To enrich children's knowledge about wild animals, about their appearance, habits, nutrition. Expand children's understanding of the responsibilities of zoo staff. To form in children the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game using building floor material, to act with it in a variety of ways. Develop speech, enrich vocabulary. To cultivate a kind, caring attitude towards animals. Dictionary words: veterinarian, guide, aviary (cage). Resource supply: Zoo sign, building material (large, small), truck with a cage, animal toys, food plates, food dummies, brooms, scoops, buckets, rags, an apron with armbands for workers, tickets, money , cash register, white coat for the veterinarian, thermometer, phonendoscope, first aid kit. Preliminary work: A story about a visit to the zoo. Conversations about animals using zoo illustrations. Conversation "Rules of conduct at the zoo." Guessing riddles about animals, Reading poems by S.Ya. Marshak "Children in a cage," Where did the sparrow dine? ", V. Mayakovsky" Every page, then an elephant, then a lioness. " Making the album "Zoo". Drawing and sculpting animals. Didactic games: "Animals and their cubs", "Riddles about animals", "Who lives where?", "Animals of hot countries", "Animals of the North". Playing roles: Zoo director, guide, zoo workers (attendants), doctor (veterinarian), cashier, builder, visitors. “Building cages for animals” “The zoo is coming to us” “A tour of the zoo” “We are going to the zoo” “Purchasing food for animals” “Feeding the animals” “Cleaning the enclosures (cages)” “Treatment of animals” The director of the zoo manages the work of the zoo. The guide conducts excursions, talks about animals, what they eat, where they live, their appearance, how to handle animals, talks about safety measures and how to take care of them. Zoo workers (attendants) receive food for animals, prepare

9 special food for animals, feed them, clean cages and enclosures, wash their pets, take care of them. The doctor (veterinarian) examines the animal, measures the temperature, vaccinates, treats the inhabitants of the zoo, gives injections, gives vitamins. The cashier sells tickets for visits to the zoo and excursions. The builder builds an enclosure for the animal. Visitors buy tickets at the box office and go to the zoo, look at the animals. "Sailors-fishermen" Objectives: To teach children to take on and play the roles of captain, helmsman, sailors, cook-cook, sailors-fishermen. Continue to learn to use substitute items, to clearly follow the chain of game actions. To activate the speech of children. Foster friendly relationships, a sense of collectivism. Vocabulary work: Cock, anchor, steering wheel. Resource support: large building material, captain's cap, peakless caps, collars, lifebuoy, medical gown, medical instruments, anchor, steering wheel, binoculars, bucket, mop, cook cook suit, dining utensils, toy fish, nets, fish, money. Preliminary work: Reading fiction about fishing, ships, sailors. Viewing photographs, paintings about the sea, sailors, ships. Conversation "Who works on the ship." Drawing and modeling of fish. Playing roles: Captain, fishermen, doctor, cook (cook), driver. "Building a ship" "Sailors sail on a ship on the sea" "Sailors fish, work as fishermen" "Sailors check the health of the ship doctor" "Sailors sail on the sea, fish, have dinner" "Sailors go ashore and go to the hairdresser's" " Sailors bring their catch to the shore, hand over fish to the store "" Sailors sail to the big city and go to the "Zoo" "Sailors returned from sailing and went to the store" The captain leads the ship, turns the steering wheel, looks through binoculars, gives the command to sail off, drop anchor , to fish, controls the work of fishermen, gives the command to moor to the shore. The sailors-fishermen follow orders, wash the deck, spin the net, throw it into the sea, fish it, put it in boxes. The doctor examines the sailors before sailing, allows them to go to sea, treats the sick on the ship. The cook (cook) prepares food, feeds the sailors. The driver drives up to the ship, checks the quality of the fish, buys fish from the fishermen, loads it into the car and takes it to the store.

10 "Mail" Objectives: To form children's ideas about the work of postal workers. Expand children's understanding of how to send and receive correspondence. Develop imagination, thinking, speech. To foster independence, responsibility, the desire to benefit others. Vocabulary work: printing, sending, postman, sorter, receiver. Resource support: a table for sending and receiving parcels, a mailbox, a postman's bag, envelopes with paper, stamps, postcards, boxes for parcels, children's magazines and newspapers, attributes to the “pigeon” character, money, wallets, printing, car. Preliminary work: Excursion to the post office, monitoring the receipt of correspondence, sending mail. Conversations about different types of communication: mail, telegraph, telephone, Internet, radio. Viewing m / f "Holidays in Prostokvashino", "Winter in Prostokvashino", "Snowman-mailer". Reading S. Ya. Marshak "Mail", Yu. Kushan "Postal history". Production of seal-stamp, envelopes, postcards, stamps, mailbox for letters, bags, money, wallets, etc. Collecting postcards, magazines, calendars. Didactic games "Send a letter", "Travel of a letter", "What is needed for the work of a postman", "How to send a parcel". Hearing "Songs of the Postman" B. Savelyev. Playing roles: Postman, sorter, inspector, driver, visitors. "A letter came, a postcard" "A carrier pigeon brought a letter" "Send a greeting card" "Buying a magazine at the post office" "Send a parcel to your grandmother" "A parcel from a fairytale hero" postcards; delivers them to addresses; releases correspondence into the mailbox. The visitor sends letters, postcards, parcels, packs them; buys envelopes, newspapers, magazines, postcards; observes the rules of conduct in a public place; takes a queue; receives letters, newspapers, magazines, postcards, parcels. The receiver serves visitors; accepts parcels; sells newspapers, magazines. The sorter sorts letters, newspapers, magazines, parcels, puts a stamp on them; explains to the driver where to go (to the railway, to the airport). The chauffeur takes out letters and postcards from the mailbox; delivers new newspapers, magazines, postcards, letters to the post office; brings parcels; delivers letters and parcels by post machines to trains, airplanes, and ships.

State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 97 compensating type of the Central district of St. Petersburg Educator Natalya Mikhailovna Oleinik "Family"

"Family" Program content: To reinforce children's ideas about the family, about the responsibilities of family members. Develop interest in the game. Teach children to assign roles and act according to the assumed role,

Card file of role-playing games in the middle group. 1) "Family" Program content: To reinforce children's ideas about the family, about the responsibilities of family members. Develop interest in the game. Teach children to distribute

"Card file of role-playing games" FAMILY "Program content: To consolidate children's ideas about the family, about the responsibilities of family members. Develop interest in the game. Teach children to assign roles and act

II Role-playing game Objectives To encourage children to participate in joint games. Develop an interest in different types of games. Help children to unite to play in groups of 2-3 people based on personal sympathy.

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Complex thematic plan for plot-based role-playing games Subject of plot-based role-playing games (Mom is a daughter. Mom and dad take care of the family, prepare food; feeds dad and daughter; takes daughter to the clinic). (Seller buyer

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A card file of role-playing games for children of the second junior group "Feeding Katya's doll"

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1 Nefteyugansk District Municipal Preschool Educational Budgetary Institution "Child Development Center - Kindergarten" Smile "methodical development on the topic" My native land "Role-playing game

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Grizli777 "City of Masters" Synopsis of a role-playing game for children 4 5 years old. Program content: 1. To help create a game environment, to establish interaction between those who have chosen certain roles.

"Formation of ideas about environmental protection in senior preschool children through the implementation of the project" Role-playing game "Zoo" Authors: Sukiasova Zhana Gaikovna, Krutchinskaya Zhanna

Shekanova Elena Aleksandrovna, educator, Syayleva Svetlana Petrovna, educator, Martyshkina Galina Ivanovna, educator, ANO DO "Planet of childhood" Lada "d / s 192" Rucheyok ", Togliatti. ROLE-PLAY BACKGROUND

Target- to acquaint children with the version of the role-playing game "For a birthday to grandmother"

1. to develop children's interest in the game.
2. to cultivate friendly relations between the players in the course of the game activity.
3. Consolidate knowledge about pets and professions.
4. To cultivate a benevolent and respectful attitude towards elders.
5. To activate and replenish the vocabulary of children.

Recommended preliminary work:
Conversations on etiquette topics;
Learning songs and poems;
Reading fiction and on the topic of birthday: K.I. Chukovsky "Fly-tsokotukha";
Discussion of children's impressions of the birthday celebration in the family circle.

Demonstration material and equipment: multimedia for showing slides with pictures of animals and video letters from grandmother, goods for the store, elements of dressing, chairs for the bus, steering wheel, ticket office, tickets, chips - coins, gas station.

Game progress:

1. Emotional attitude
Children enter the hall to the music, hand in hand. And they stand up in a semicircle.
Educator: Invented by someone
Simple and wise
Say hello when you meet!
- Good morning!
- Good morning
The sun and the birds!
- Good morning!
To friendly faces!
And everyone becomes
Kind, trusting!
Good morning lasts until evening!

The sound of an SMS message is heard

Educator: Guys, I think we received a video letter. Who is it from? Would you like to know? Then let's sit on the chairs and have a look. Attention to the screen.

Video letter from grandmother.

Granny: My dear children, today is my birthday, and I invite you to my holiday. Come, I will be waiting for you very, very much.
Educator: Guys, do you want to go to Grandma's birthday party? Well, that's good. But before going on a visit, let's remember what they go with for their birthday?
- But where can we get presents? (buy in a store, do it yourself)
- That's right, the best handmade gift, but we don't have time to make it, so we'll go to the store.
Educator- Who sells everything in the store? (Salesman)
Educator- What are the names of the people who buy? (Buyers)
Announcement sounds) “Attention, attention. A new gift shop has opened in our city. Here you can buy gifts for friends and family. "
- By the way, guys, let's visit the new store and buy a present for grandma.

Distribution of roles: And who will be the seller today? Taisiya take your workplace. But, and we guys will be who? - buyers. Well, go ahead to the store for a gift for your grandmother.
Educator: Guys, go to the shop window, examine the product.
Child: I will sell you any product
I will pack cellophane.
I'll tell you about the product,
What to buy you, I will offer!
Educator: What do you think you can buy as a gift for your grandmother (children's suggestions)

Choosing a gift

Educator: The gift has been selected, now we can go to visit our grandmother. Dear seller, we invite you to come with us.
Guys, the grandmother lives far away and we have to go to her on some kind of transport, what types of transport do you know? (cars, trolleybus, train, plane)
And you don't mind going to your grandmother by bus, but where can we get it? (you need to build it). That's right, we'll build it out of chairs.

The children and the teacher are building a bus together.

Educator: What a good bus it turned out! Guys - Well done. But before the bus leaves, we need to buy tickets for it. Tell me where you can get them?
Guys, we can buy tickets at the box office, and the cashier sells them there.

Distribution of roles: And who will be our cashier and bus driver today? Veronica and Sasha take their jobs. But, and we guys will be who? - passengers. Well, then go to the box office for tickets. (when buying a ticket, children must count the chips of a given number). Tickets are bought. Dear cashier, we invite you to go with us to your grandmother's birthday. It's time to go.
We take our seats on the bus. Is the driver ready to ride? (All sit down and sing the song "We are sitting on the bus ...")
Educator: Driver Sasha, is everything in order with the bus, we are driving for a very long time, are we running out of gasoline? Guys, who knows where they fill up the cars with gasoline? And in my opinion we will now drive past it. I suggest we stop.
Let's immediately check the bus for serviceability and a service station employee will help our driver to do this.

Distribution of roles: And who will be an employee of the service station? Seryozha and Kirill take their jobs. Refuel the bus, repair it for a further trip.
Guys, look not far from the road - a farm. While the bus is refueling, you want to go there. Who is in charge of the farm, who will meet us. (farmer)

Farm presentation

Distribution of roles: Who will be the farmer? Danil take your work place and welcome guests.
Educator: Hello farmer. We would like to see what kind of animals live on your farm.
Child: I just won't show it. First, guess the riddles.
Educator: makes riddles about pets.

The bus signal sounds

Educator: Guys, it seems our bus is ready to continue on its way. Dear Farmer, thank you for the tour. We invite you to come with us to your grandmother's birthday.
Child: And can I also take her a gift. (takes out from under the chicken and puts eggs in a basket)

They come up to the bus.

Child: We can drive on
Educator: We take our seats on the bus. Is the driver ready to ride? Go. (All sit down and sing the song "In the car ...")
Educator: So we arrived. Guys, look, our beloved grandmother meets us.
Granny: Hello my dears, my beloved. I am very glad that you came to my birthday.
Together- Hello, grandmother. Happy birthday!
Educator: Grandma, the children have prepared congratulations for you. Sit on the chair and listen.

Card file of role-playing games for the formation of ecological ideas

"Doll Katya in the grocery store"

Purpose: To teach to recognize and distinguish vegetables and fruits by their appearance; teach to perform the simplest actions with objects. Arouse interest in playing together.

Equipment: Doll Katya, dummies of vegetables and fruits.

Game progress:

The teacher tells the children that the doll Katya is going to the grocery store, but she doesn't want to go alone because she needs to buy a lot of groceries. She wants to make a vegetable salad and a compote. Then he chooses helpers for the doll from among the children. "Take your bag and go." Store vegetables and fruits in your bag. Further, the teacher pushes children to play actions and monitors the progress of the game.

"Katya the doll is making soup"

Purpose: To form an idea of ​​what soup is made from vegetables, to expand knowledge about vegetables. Arouse positive emotions from the game.

Equipment: Dummies of vegetables, toy dishes, doll.

Game progress:

The teacher suggests remembering how the children went to the store for vegetables. And he offers to cook vegetable soup with the doll Katya. All actions must be spoken out. After preparing the soup, the teacher offers to try it.


Purpose: To enhance knowledge about the habits and characteristics of animals. Learn to choose a role, accompany it with speech and actions, develop the plot of the game.

Equipment: Large basket, soft toys - animals, modules, children's furniture (table, chairs), samovar, napkins, toy dishes, treats for children.

Game progress:

The children, together with the teacher, find a basket covered with a beautiful scarf in the group. At the suggestion of the teacher, they remove the scarf from the basket and take out soft toys from it.

Educator: Children, someone brought us toys, let's play a fairy tale. Let's look at what these toys are and play the fairy tale "Teremok". To play this fairy tale, you need to build a teremok. We have multi-colored modules, let's build a tower from them. The teacher and the children are building a teremok. Children's chairs are placed in front of the house according to the number of players. They admire their work. Educator: Is it a good house? Children: Yes!