Day eye makeup for blondes. Evening makeup for blondes: the secrets of stylish women. What makeup suits blondes

Adalind Koss

Blondes have always been very popular with men. All due to the fact that light curls already give the skin a fresh look. At the same time, the look becomes expressive in itself. Blond hair emphasizes the plusses of the face and hides its imperfections. But how to enhance the dignity and emphasize the eyes?

The entire appearance of the goldilocks speaks of romance and tenderness. The stronger sex tries to surround such girls with care, flaunting knightly qualities. The main goal of blonde beauties is to preserve this image. Even if you are a dyed blonde, these qualities are still present in you. It is important to be especially careful when creating your everyday makeup. It is easy to cross the border here that separates tenderness and vulgarity, elegance and coldness.

Bright light multiplies contrast, so tones need to be chosen carefully.

Features of daytime makeup

For fair-haired girls, naturalness is a key feature of daytime makeup. The main goal here is to hide flaws and enhance the features: blush, light skin tone, shine of the lips, beauty of the eyes. It is important to pay close attention to the means for creating the tone. They should match the shade of the face as much as possible.

first, determine your skin tone. If there are pink tones, then they need to be balanced by using tonal means with shades of vanilla, beige, ivory. A shade of pink is only suitable for pale-faced beauties. In summer, use golden tones to match your tan;
there are traditional options for make-up eyes, but today they do not use the relevance. This refers to blue or pink eyeshadows, eyeliners in silver. Today, the shades of gold and bronze are popular;
if you are a dyed blonde, then you have to find a compromise between dark eyebrows and eyes and lightened curls. Prefer beige and peach makeup. If you have bright eyes, then use colorless lip gloss;
for pale skin, the best choice is a shine that is darker in tone than the native lip color;
during the day, you should not highlight the lips with a contour;
the blush is chosen to match the color of the lipstick.

Eye makeup for blondes

The eyes play a key role in the makeup process. Let's figure out how to properly create eye makeup for blondes, taking into account their characteristics:

Grey eyes.

Most blonde beauties by nature have this particular shade of eyes. When you should remember about measure, because this combination of colors looks delicate. A lot of cosmetics looks vulgar, "eats" natural tenderness. Makeup should be based on naturalness.

When choosing a foundation or powder, it is important to choose natural shades that suit your natural complexion. Remember that hair brightens the face a lot, so you shouldn't create a porcelain mask on it. Dark tones are also not desirable.

To reflect the depth of the shades of the eyes, it is worth using shadows in silver, blue, gray, brown, green or purple tones. It is important not to forget that gray eyes are also called "chameleons" because they are able to change their shade in accordance with the surrounding color.

Coral or pink is considered the ideal choice for lips. Don't be afraid to use balms and shimmers with shimmery particles.

Blue eyes.

There is not much difference between the features of the make-up for gray and blue eyes, but there are some nuances.

If you have fair skin, then a powder in a light pink tone will suit you. The base should be natural. And to highlight the eyebrows, the color should not be black (this is a general rule). It is required a couple of tones darker than curls - in beige, gray, brown. The same rule applies to eyeliner. It is worth taking a blue or blue pencil. This shade will enhance the color of the eyes.

The shade of the eyes influences the choice of cosmetics a lot. Pay attention to this nuance when creating makeup.

Blue eyes should be shaded with shades of violets, sand, turquoise or in a sandy color. Do not use blue eyeshadows, this will only discolor the look. When choosing, it is important to pay attention to hair color. For curls that are too light, gray, light blue or silver shades are suitable.

Lipstick is suitable in shades of delicate pink.

Green eyes.

For green-eyed shades of brown are suitable: from chocolate to gold. In addition, a combination of brown and green or green itself looks advantageous. Another option is golden, purple or copper tones, mustard or khaki. It is important to say that pink and blue are not at all suitable for this eye color.

With regards to the pencil, it is also required 2 tones darker than the curls. Brown or gray - depends on the type. For spring girls, a warm tone is appropriate, and for summer girls, a cold one. The same rule is used when choosing a foundation.

Green eye color is usually found in summer girls, so it is important to choose a foundation shade of sand or ivory with yellow pigments.

It is possible to highlight the eyes not only in dark tones. Eyes drawn with white or any light pencil look gentle.

Brown eyes.

A blonde with similar eyes is often not seen. This means that it is important to emphasize the beauty of this combination. The best choice for eyeshadows will be in shades of gold, peach and brown. Do not be afraid to take shades of lilac, pink, olive.

Black and brown ink is allowed. These eyes are very expressive, so it is important to try not to focus on the lips. A neutral lipstick in beige or rose is the best choice.

General tips from stylists:

variety is a fashionable trend. The most popular shades are considered to be shades of emerald, coral, pink, beige and all natural tones;
in this season, special attention should be paid to the eyes. Highlight them;
for an evening look, make-up in the style of smoky eyes and soft lips are appropriate;
for everyday makeup, do not use bright colors. Use a minimum of shadows, it is better to focus with ink;
do not highlight your eyebrows too much. Naturalness is important here;
do not wear the same makeup. Try various options, change the image.

Evening makeup for blondes

Men have always liked blondes. Correctly chosen evening makeup will help blondes create a spectacular look. When creating such a make-up, it is important to follow the rule - the emphasis is on one element: on the eyes or on the lips.

If you decide to accentuate your eyes in a festive make-up, then the shadows need to be matched to the color of the eyes. Choosing the right shade helps to accentuate the shade, and the look becomes lively.

Warm colors are suitable: emerald, gold, brown and peach. For blue-eyed and gray-eyed beauties, cold tones will be a suitable choice: gray, lilac, blue, blue. For blonde hair with a honey tint, light tones are suitable, and ashy beauties are suitable for warm ones. If you are a brown-eyed blonde, then choose shadows in bronze and gold tones, sometimes blue and gray tones are appropriate.

In festive makeup, the emphasis should be on one element: eyes or lips. You cannot do a contrasting make-up, as it looks vulgar.

If the main focus of the make-up is on the look, then the lips are painted with light lipsticks: beige, pastel, light pink.

When creating an accent on the lips, it is important to choose the following lipsticks: coral, burgundy, bright pink, raspberry, red. In this case, the look should not stand out, but the creation of an expressive make-up is required. Light shadows with shimmery particles and black arrows look good with bright lip tints.

Remember that when performing any make-up, and especially a festive one, blondes need to use blush. They make the face look voluminous and expressive. The shade of blush is required to be combined with the tone of lipstick.

Star makeup

Consider a star makeup for blonde girls from Charlize Theron. This beauty grew up in South Africa, she is a fan of the sea and the sun, and in her make-up she uses tones that emphasize tan. Let's try to repeat the California make-up of the actress to bring warm notes:

Sunny foundation effect.

First, apply a foundation to the skin to even out the shade. And on top of it, using a brush, is a masking cream. The latter should suit your skin tone. In order to set the accents of the sun, you will need to use a golden tone blush or powder with a bronzer. Use blush on the cheekbones, and for sun glare, apply powder and bronzer. It should be applied to the temples, the protruding part of the chin and cheekbones in a minimum amount.

Makeup artists advise taking into account the shade of the hair for the correct selection of the color of the base:

platinum blondes need to avoid blush in shades of copper, they stand out too much against the general background. The best choice would be pinkish and apricot tones;
Goldilocks should opt for an average shade between peach and rose;
shades of copper, gold, brown and ocher are suitable for girls with the effect of fading or balayage on their hair.

An important point is skin tone. Pallor can be accentuated by applying pinkish and reddish pigments in the blush. They revitalize the skin tone. If your face is olive shade, then look for blush in the color of coral, brown or peach. And gentle pink tones suit everyone.

To make a sunny make-up, choose a combination of satin shadows, which emphasize the tan, as well as light golden or complex brown. In this situation, a weakened shimmer effect is required so that the makeup does not look vulgar.

First, apply light gold eyeshadow all over the eyelid and the inner corner of the eye. It is also important to apply makeup on the lower lash line. On the outer corner, apply a brown shade, blend, but do not cross the lid.

Californian makeup is perfect for a summer day. Combine matching shades for sunny accents.

In the course of creating a Californian make-up, it is worth trying these combinations for the eyes:

khaki or olive (certainly with a golden shimmer) and brown;
milk chocolate and apricot;
golden and gray. But the last color is important to shade with golden, in order to get a complex tone.

Eyelashes and contour.

For a bold look, outline with a dark brown pencil along the upper lash line from ¼ of the eyelid to the outer corner of the eye, blend. Mascara is required to be applied in two layers.

Eyebrows and lips

It is important to shade eyebrows with a suitable pencil, give them a shape and shade a little.

For lip makeup, you need a natural shade that matches your own pigment. That is, it is important to use natural shades - a profitable option.

But the Californian make-up allows for other, brighter shades that are suitable for fair-haired girls: coral, peach, carrot.

January 4, 2014 11:07 am

Blondes are almost always under the scrutiny of others. In their image, literally everything is discussed - from dress to gait. Therefore, make-up is of particular importance for them, it should be unobtrusive and harmonious. The slightest deviation from the standard - and you can become either a pale toadstool, or a defiant special.

You have to take into account everything - the color of the eyes, hair, dress and stylistic orientation. Let's try to master this art to look perfect.


To create beautiful makeup for blondes, there are little tricks used by professional makeup artists.

  1. Use styles and, they allow you to emphasize natural naturalness.
  2. Discard tonal means of a thick consistency. The ideal option is a transparent primer, a moisturizing BB cream, mineral powder (reflective particles are acceptable).
  3. Light blush is best applied in a transparent layer using a wide brush.
  4. Brownish shades of shadows - for winter blondes, peach - for freckles, pinkish-coral - for very white.
  5. Mascara - brown or gray.
  6. Lipstick - matte light, beige or grayish shades.

If it is difficult for you to figure out the color types and take into account the palette of eyes, hair and outfit at the same time, use these universal tips, and there will be no problems. But if you can, the result can exceed expectations.

To comfort the blondes. According to statistics, blonde hair is thicker than dark hair: there are about 150,000 hairs on the blonde's head, which is 1.5 times more than that of brunettes, and 2 times more than that of brown-haired women.

Depending on the color type

When applying makeup, be sure to take into account the color of the eyes and the shade of the blonde.

For blue-eyed

  1. Makeup for blondes with blue eyes is dangerous because there is always a risk to step aside and make the image either too bright or pale and uninteresting. Therefore, you have to look for a middle ground.
  2. The color type becomes decisive here: a cold blond looks bad with a bright palette, a warm one - on the contrary.
  3. Makeup artists recommend using gray, blue, blue, purple eyeshadows. They will not weigh down the look and will be in harmony with the hair color.

For green-eyed

  1. Shadows can be lavender, peach, pale beige or chocolate.
  2. Mascara - brown or gray. Black is allowed only as part of evening make-up.
  3. Lipstick: for a festive appearance - bright scarlet or pastel with a cherry sheen. For daytime - berry, coral, peach, salmon, raspberry.
  4. But it is most correct to focus on the shade of the eyes (see table).

For brown-eyed

  1. Fair-haired girls with brown eyes are very rare, so they will have to spend the longest time with makeup.
  2. Make-up assumes the maximum, including primer and concealer.
  3. The most winning shades are pastel shades: pink, green, sand, beige. Too light will make the face tired, and pearlescent ones will create a puffiness effect.
  4. It would be nice to draw the eyebrows with a gray pencil.
  5. The eyeliner is black, and it is better to gradually thicken it towards the outer edge. Brown will give the mucous membrane of the eyes an inflamed effect. The line along the lower eyelashes needs to be shaded.
  6. Ink can be either black or brown.

For gray-eyed

  1. Blondes with gray eyes are considered by make-up artists to be the most sophisticated and delicate.
  2. It is better for them to choose warm shades that will make the image soft and airy.
  3. An excellent solution - light beige, chocolate tones, shades of coffee with milk and eggshell, orange-yellow, apricot, salmon, orange-red colors.
  4. You can create interesting combinations with azure blue, apple green and sapphire shades.

If we summarize the information, we get the following table:

Depending on the shade of blonde

Blondes are different, and accordingly, makeup can be very different. What works for ash is unlikely to work for golden hair. It is difficult to determine this on your own, experts know such subtleties. But let's at least try ... The table below contains 13 shades with a description and a suitable palette of cosmetics.

It is interesting. Most natural blondes are born in Sweden, Russia, Finland, Germany and Denmark. 1/3 of Scandinavia have blond hair.

Style directions

Consider a few step-by-step instructions for applying makeup in different styles.


  1. It is recommended to use a primer and concealer to mask imperfections.
  2. The foundation can be taken in shade 1. It is applied all over the face, lips and eyelids.
  3. Light powder with a large brush. Leftovers can be removed with a napkin.
  4. To outline the contours of your face, sculpt (you need a beveled brush) with dry corrector or matte shadows in warm brown shades. In this case, all the grooves are darkened, and the bulges are lightened.
  5. Choose a blush of pink or peach.
  6. Shade the borders with your fingers.
  7. It is permissible to apply very pale, almost imperceptible pink shadows on the eyelids.
  8. Draw an ultra-thin line at the eyelashes with a light brown gel liner. Shade until dry.
  9. Paint over the upper eyelashes in 1 layer with brown ink. The lower ones are undesirable.
  10. Use a pink, coral lip gloss. If lipstick, then only muted tones from berry, salmon, peach or raspberry palette.


  1. Work with primer and concealer.
  2. Take the foundation a tone darker than the skin color.
  3. Powder your face, eyelids, lips.
  4. Light base shadows are applied to the entire eyelid, from the eyebrow itself to its moving part.
  5. Intensely highlight the eyelids with brown shadows with golden glitters. Blend under the very eyebrow. Draw the fold with the same shade.
  6. With a dark brown liner, make arrows along the entire lash line, bending them up. Highlight the outer corners of the eyes with brown or golden shades.
  7. Bright scarlet lipstick and coral blush complete the evening look.

Brown-eyed blondes are allowed to experiment with red lipstick, but don't overdo it.


  1. Blondes usually have light skin, so the foundation should be light pink, pink-flesh, pinkish-white.
  2. Blush - peach or pinkish coral.
  3. It is better to take lipstick from a cold range (for example, pink, plum, purple).
  4. For eyebrows, light brown shimmery shadows or a pencil of the same color, but with sparkles, are suitable.
  5. For eye makeup, you can use blue, gray, silver, light blue, chocolate, bronze shadows in 2-3 layers.
  6. carefully and beautifully drawn with black liquid eyeliner.
  7. The eyelashes are curled and painted over in several layers with black or dark brown ink.
  1. Correct problem areas with concealer.
  2. Create a tone or cream of light and airy consistency.
  3. Apply a liquid highlighter with shimmery particles to the cheekbones.
  4. Powder should match the foundation and blend well.
  5. Light pink blush is applied to the powder in 1 layer.
  6. Comb your eyebrows. For coloring, choose a shade 1 tone darker than the hair color. Use pencil or eye shadow.
  7. Make-up is best created in brown, sand, cream, beige shades.
  8. It is allowed to use no more than 2 shades of eyeshadow.
  9. The brown mascara is applied in one layer only to the upper lash line.
  10. It is better not to use eyeliners and pencils.
  11. Lipstick - soft berry, natural beige, pale pink or soft wine. It will be successfully replaced by a transparent shine.

Be sure to consider the situation for which you are creating makeup. This is the only way you can create a flawless image of a blonde who knows how to handle makeup.

Through the pages of history. The first woman to artificially lighten her hair was the wife of Napoleon III - Empress Eugenia.

Depending on the outfit

Usually, the problem of combining an outfit with makeup arises when creating an evening look in which color mistakes should not be allowed. Let's see what the makeup artists have to say about this.

Red dress

For a red dress, you need to choose soft pastel shades so that the image does not turn out to be too disharmonious and flashy.

  • pink, orange, light coral (for green-eyed blondes);
  • vanilla, beige, pastel (gray-eyed and blue-eyed);
  • dark black, bright red, scarlet, to match the dress (brown-eyed).
  • white, light beige, silvery (wheat, honey, golden blondes);
  • coal black (pearl, ash, platinum);
  • pearlescent, light pink (strawberry, coral).

Blue dress

With the right choice of shades, it is not difficult to create makeup for a blue dress. Those whose color type is winter, that is, platinum, ash and pearl blond with gray and blue eyes, will especially benefit.

  • light beige (for summer color type);
  • plum-burgundy (makeup with dark lipstick will be ideal for "winter").
  • brown, green, ocher (for brown eyes);
  • brown, silvery, beige (green-eyed);
  • peach, pink, smoky (for blue-eyed blondes).

Green dress

There is a myth that green dresses are not suitable for blondes. But if you choose the right palette, those around you will envy the bright and shocking image that will turn out as a result.

  • under the emerald dress - nude (for summer blondes), bright red (for winter ones);
  • under a gray-green dress - neutral pink or beige.
  • plum, purple, golden sand, yellow (summer color);
  • (winter).

Note. The most common mistake blondes make is choosing a green palette for a dress of that color.

Black dress

The black color slims and gives the figure grace. Such a dress will be successful at a party with friends, and in business negotiations.

  • all shades of red;
  • rich burgundy;
  • juicy cherry.

Make-up eye:

  • smokey ice (great makeup option for cold blondes);
  • well visible, bright arrows (black, blue or dark brown);
  • false eyelashes in blue, dark brown or black.

Watch video tutorials, make an appointment with the master, consult with experts. And you will master this difficult art.

How to properly make beautiful makeup at home? About this in our.

Blue eyes and blond curls - the combination is truly gentle, seductive and incredibly beautiful. Young ladies with such an appearance only need to competently emphasize their beauty, and correctly performed makeup can become her faithful assistant in this.

Choosing makeup shades for blondes with blue eyes

When choosing the optimal tones for your makeup, you need to familiarize yourself with the main rules for applying make up for blue-eyed seducers, which will help you study. Blondes, on the other hand, should opt for diluted watercolor shades: pearl, light blue, gray, pale purple, silvery, lilac, pastel pink. For daytime make up, you do not need to get carried away with pearlescent glitters, while for an evening out, they will be an excellent choice. It should be borne in mind that turquoise and bright blue colors are quite rare for gentle blue-eyed beauties.

Blondes should not use black eyeliner, as well as black pencil for their eyebrows. It is most advisable for such young ladies to use gray pencils, and select gray shadows or pencils for the eyebrows. It happens that brown pencils are also suitable for blondes with blue eyes, although many makeup artists do not advise everyone to use them.

Blondes often have light, barely noticeable cilia. Black ink will help solve this problem. However, in order to avoid an overly vulgar look, it is better to paint over with black ink only the tips of the cilia. It is worthwhile to be wary of the blue mascara, which is so popular among blondes. She's certainly good, but only on young girls who are planning on going to a party. Older women are better off buying the classic version.

Choosing a make-up by type of appearance

When choosing the optimal make up, it is extremely important to take into account your type of appearance. So, blondes are usually divided into four main types. For each type, its own specific foundation, its own shadows, eyeliners, lipsticks and mascaras are suitable. So, blue-eyed blondes are:

- With light curls from Mother Nature and pale skin; - With light skin tones, as well as with all known light brown hair tones; - With ashy strands and pale skin; - With dark skin tone and different blonde hair options.

Based on this division, it is required to follow these rules: if you are light-eyed, fair-haired and at the same time light-skinned, then dark tones should not be involved in your visage. You should only use muted and calm tint options. This rule applies to both the eyes and lips. Young ladies with warm notes in the image (light brown hair, dark skin) were a little more fortunate, since they are not forbidden to use brighter, noticeable, warm tones.

It should also be taken into account that blond strands can make the skin tone even lighter than it is. It would be nice to emphasize this golden glow of the skin with cosmetic products of warm, slightly shiny tones. In this case, a liquid transparent base for future visage with reflective particles, which will "highlight" the skin, can become an excellent solution.

Day makeup for blue-eyed blondes

Light-haired "blue-eyed" women will like the barely noticeable, natural Nude Look. It is he who is able to adequately emphasize all the grace and grace of the image, he will also give the appearance freshness and innocence. The main requirement of Nude makeup is a little makeup and no flashy heavy colors. Before you "put on" this look, make sure that your skin becomes perfect - without acne, rashes, unevenness, etc.

After the base is applied to the skin, it will become a little porcelain and doll-like. A light blush tone can add a healthy glow. The darker shade of the brow pencil will make the look more expressive. It is better to use one mascara for the eyes, otherwise the image may turn out to be too bright and unsuitable for a day trip. When choosing mascara, do not forget about the color type. Dark brown mascara is suitable for the cold type, and black for the warm type.

If shadows are still involved in the makeup, then the following tones are suitable: amber, peach or shades of champagne. All of the above tones will emphasize not only the eyes, but also radiant curls, as if illuminating the face visually.

Evening make up for blue-eyed blondes

Evening make up requires your special attention. Girls with such an appearance can instantly turn into a nondescript person who will be associated with a gray mouse. Also, do not forget about the caution of using bright colors, so that the image does not give off vulgarity.

If you nevertheless decide to apply bright colors, then you will only need to use mascara, in this case it is better to forget about the eyeliner. If we talk about the palette of shadows, then it can include the following tones: brown, maroon, golden, light pink, dark blue, blue. If shadows will not be used, then graceful arrows can be drawn.

Skin tone has to be just flawless. Blush in the evening visage should be barely noticeable. Well, the final touch will be the sponges. If arrows are chosen for publication, then you can apply a juicy, bright lipstick, for example, red.

Makeup for blue-eyed blondes: photo

Blond curls have always been in fashion, and their owners are especially loved by men. Indeed, fair-haired girls seem to be shrouded in an aura of innocence, purity and naturalness. Therefore, make-up for blondes must be done carefully, without overusing dark shades. Let's start from the very basics.

Natural makeup for blondes for every day

Today, without natural make-up, nowhere. Especially daytime makeup in beige and brown tones goes for owners of blond curls.

  1. Even out the skin tone by applying concealer to the eyelids, and a persistent fluid foundation on the face. Where necessary, we use a corrective agent. Powder the face with loose matting powder.
  2. We outline the eyebrows with a gray-brown pencil. You can put a transparent gel-styler on top. Make the bend of the eyebrow with light beige paints.
  3. We work on the entire upper eyelid with the color "vanilla". Apply matte brown shades to the outer corners of the eyes and the fold and blend. Use a brush with the same shadows along the growth line of the lower eyelashes from the outer corner of the eyelid to the middle of the eye.
  4. Using a chocolate pencil, draw an arrow on the upper eyelid.
  5. We focus on the inner corners of the eyes and the line of the lower eyelashes using a white pencil.
  6. Apply black mascara to the eyelashes.
  7. Correct the shape of the face with a bronzer, applying it under the cheekbones, on the temples and the corners of the lower jaw. On the back of the nose - light powder, on the wings - bronzer.
  8. We outline the lips with a beige or pale pink pencil, and cover them with lipstick of a similar shade.

As you can see, beautiful makeup for blondes is very simple to perform.

Bright makeup for blue eyes of blondes

Classic eye makeup for blondes is designed to highlight their color. We offer you makeup for blue eyes, making them deep blue.

  1. We achieve a perfectly flat face with the help of persistent cream powder, mower and corrector.
  2. Draw the eyebrows with a gray-brown pencil. You can highlight them with a gel of the same color.
  3. We apply a base under the shadow.
  4. We outline with a gel eyeliner or a well-sharpened black pencil of the eye along the growth line of the lower eyelashes. We draw a corner on the outside of the eyelid, connecting it with a fold, which we also emphasize.
  5. Blend the eyeliner with shimmery blue shadows.
  6. We work on the space above the eyeliner to the very eyebrow with a pale blue matte color. We apply it to the entire movable eyelid.
  7. Apply light blue sparkles to the area of ​​the moving eyelid.
  8. Using an eyeliner-felt-tip pen, draw the growth line of the upper eyelashes.
  9. Apply 2-3 coats of black curling mascara.
  10. Touching the cheeks with a brush dipped in light pink blush.
  11. Apply a neutral gloss to the lips.

With this makeup, blonde girls will always be in the spotlight.

Makeup for blondes in the style of Marilyn Monroe

For make-up in the style of a fatal Hollywood diva, you will need three shades of shade: vanilla, dark beige and warm purple, a porcelain tint, strawberry blush and, of course, red lipstick.

  1. "We make" a flawless face.
  2. We outline the eyebrows with a beautiful arc using a brown pencil.
  3. As a base, apply the vanilla shade to the very eyebrows.
  4. Select the crease of the eyelid with light purple shadows, and mark the outer corners of the eyes with a dark beige style. Feather the borders.
  5. We draw bold "cat" arrows with coquettishly curled ponytails with black eyeliner. If desired, you can outline the lower eyelid, but no more than 1/3.
  6. Thoroughly paint over the eyelashes with black ink and glue the fluffy false eyelashes.
  7. We smile at our reflection in the mirror and apply strawberry blush on the protruding apples of our cheeks.
  8. We outline the contour of the lips with a red pencil (one tone darker than the lipstick).
  9. Apply a bright red lipstick with a brush.
  10. We complete the image with a mole drawn in brown pencil between the corner of the mouth and the wing of the nose.

Don't forget to curl your hair.

Smoky makeup for any blonde eyes

We offer you evening makeup for blondes in brown tones, which will suit both brown and green or blue eyes.

  1. Take a thick brown pencil and completely circle the eyes, lifting the outer corners up.
  2. Cover the eyelids with a makeup base.
  3. Take soft dark brown shadows on a wide brush and blend the previously made eyeliner to the crease, mixing them together.
  4. We cover the entire movable eyelid with shimmering shades of “dark gold” or “bronze” shade.
  5. We fill in the growth lines of the upper and lower eyelashes with anthracite matte shadows, paying special attention to the outer corners of the eyes. Shading.
  6. Lighten the curl of the eyebrows with pearly shades of pearl.
  7. Draw the inner area of ​​the lower eyelid with a black pencil.
  8. We draw eyebrows and dye eyelashes.
  9. Highlight the cheekbones with a bronzer, apply blush on the cheeks of the color of your tan.
  10. It is better to cover the lips with a balm or natural gloss.

With these makeup tutorials, blonde girls can experiment with their looks and always look stunning.

  • Blond beauties with natural hair color should consider the shade of the eyes. For girls with dyed hair, it's best to match the color palette with the skin tone.
  • A rule to remember: the lighter the hair, the softer and calmer you need to choose colors. This mainly concerns eyeshadow and lipstick.
  • Blondes are divided into cold and warm types. It also influences the composition of the color range of cosmetics.
  • Don't overdo it with a dark brow tone. It is better for fair-haired girls not to use black for eyebrow shaping at all - makeup artists prefer different shades of brown.

How to determine your color type for a blonde

Stylists distinguish two types of appearance: "warm" and "cold".


The warm type is characterized by peach or yellowish undertones of the skin. Eye shades range from pale blue to brown and even black. Often girls with this color type have freckles.

But it is better to refuse black, hot pink, pure white and cold purple.

This color type includes: Jennifer Anniston, Nicole Kidman and Candice Swanepoel.


The cold type includes girls with light blond, ash and blond hair. Their eyes are pale blue, olive or gray. Porcelain leather, milk.

Such girls are pale gray and sky blue, golden, chestnut gray colors. They will favorably emphasize the aristocratic pallor of the "cold" beauties and help to make a competent accent on the eyes. The blush should be selected in light pink tones, and transparent gloss or dull lipstick should be applied to the lips.

Bright apricot, as well as pearlescent shades of light shadows are best left to representatives of other skin tones and hair colors.

The "cold" color type includes: Charlize Theron, Cameron Diaz, Elle Fanning, January Jones and Cara Delevingne.

To check exactly which color type you belong to, there are several tests.

  • Jewelry. If it seems to you that you look better in gold jewelry, not silver (it's not about taste preferences, but about what really gives your skin radiance and freshness) - then you belong to the "warm" color type. And if you notice that your skin is in harmony with silver and platinum - you are the owner of the "cold" type.
  • Vein color. Take a closer look at the color of the veins on the inside of your wrist. Do you see bluish hues? Then your skin is most likely of a cold color type. If you see greenish tones - you are a "warm-skinned" representative of the fair sex. Of course, there are no green veins. We see them this way because we look through the yellowish skin, which creates such an effect.
  • Solar test. Does sunlight give your skin a bronze tan or does it immediately burn and redden? In the first option, you can be classified as warm, and in the second, as cold.

Essential makeup kit

Makeup for blondes is impossible without the following arsenal of cosmetics:

  • Before applying accents, you need to carefully prepare the skin, so prepare a primer, highlighter, powder and blush.
  • If you want to accentuate the eyes - prepare the eyeshadow of the desired shades, eyeliner or eyeliner.
  • You can use dark shadows instead of the eyeliner.
  • Any makeup for fair-haired girls will seem incomplete without the use of mascara or false eyelashes (the latter more likely refers to the evening make-up options).
  • If you decide to accentuate your lips: prepare a lipstick or lip gloss of a suitable color.
  • You should also buy sponges, cotton swabs and milk or micellar water to correct inaccuracies during the application of cosmetics.

Rules for applying perfect natural makeup for blondes

It should look natural and not arouse suspicion that you spent 5 hours in front of the mirror, even if it really is. Fair-haired girls have skin, eyebrows and eyelashes of appropriate tones. Therefore, blond beauties always have the risk of overdoing it with the application of cosmetics, making it vulgar and repulsive. To end up with not a painted doll, but a captivating image, you need to listen to the golden rule of makeup artists: focus either on the eyes or on the lips.

  • Without sufficient skin preparation, any make-up will look bad. Therefore, make-up artists advise to carefully prepare the face for applying cosmetics: cleanse the skin with foam or gel, apply a toner and moisturizer, and only then start creating it.
  • Then you need to apply on a foundation or primer, and only after that - mask redness and small vessels with concealer and matte your face with powder. For all stages of application, experts advise the use of mineral products. After all, such cosmetics not only suit any color and type of skin, but also do not contain parabens and preservatives, and also do not cause allergies.
  • The next step will be to apply a beige shade of shadows to the surface of the eyelid (for daytime makeup, you can use both matte and pearlescent textures, but the latter are better to be applied not so actively, but rather as an accent on a separate area).
  • After that, we proceed to the "cherries on the cake." Depending on what you decide to focus on - lips or eyes, you should choose further actions.

Captivating look: focus on the eyes

Daytime eye makeup for blondes: you can choose not to use eyeshadow at all, or cover your eyelids with a nude or beige-pink tint. In order to make the look visually "wide open", you can apply ivory shades under the eyebrow line and on the outer corner of the eye. Eyes can be drawn with a gray or brown pencil. Mineral eyeshadow, if wet, will do the job just as well and help you draw a neat arrow.

But the black graphic arrows are not suitable for everyone. Due to the light color of the eyelashes and eyebrows, it is necessary to use mascara and pencil. But even here it is better to give preference to chestnut and graphite shades. If you decide to pay attention to the eyes, you should find out which shades are suitable for different shades of eyes.

Makeup for green-eyed blondes

For green-eyed beauties, all shades of brown are suitable: from golden chestnut to chocolate. In addition to this option, a combination of olive with gray or brown will be successful. Lavender, copper and mustard and metallic tones look quite advantageous. But blues and hot pinks are best avoided.

Makeup for a brown-eyed blonde

Blondes with brown eyes are very rare. Therefore, when creating it, it is important to emphasize this feature with suitable shadows. The choice should be stopped on peach and golden sand. Greens, lavender, nutty and pale pink tones will also look good. Ink can be black or brown. But it is better to refuse from blue or other bright color, which is sometimes used by blondes with light shades of eyes. As well as bright lipstick if you have a rich, deep eye tint. But if the eye color is rather light brown - feel free to use not pale pink, nude or beige lipstick, but brighter colors.

Makeup for gray-eyed blondes

Most of the fair-haired women have this particular eye tint. Such girls should stick to calm colors, because the combination of blond hair and gray eyes definitely creates a gentle girlish image that is easy to break with the wrong combination of tones.

Choose your foundation especially carefully - your hair color brightens your face a lot, so too light tone can turn you into a porcelain doll, and in this case it is not a compliment at all. However, creating a sultry mulatto with a self-tanner or a dark tonal is also not worth it.

For a better framing of the eyes, makeup artists advise using shades of sky blue, olive, silver and lilac shades. Do not forget that this eye color is often referred to as "chameleon". This means that it absorbs other tones and changes its original color depending on the lighting, outfit and many other details.

Makeup for a blue-eyed blonde

In general, such a make-up will not differ significantly from the option for gray-eyed beauties. It is also advised to choose the most natural colors of the foundation. The color palette of the eyeshadows is also similar: chestnut, purple, gold and sand tones. But the blue color is best avoided. It can discolor your beautiful eyes and make them look faded. Therefore, be guided by the tone of your hair. If they are almost ashy, use silver and gray eyeshadows.

Selection of lipstick or gloss: we focus on the lips

Blond girls can use both glossy and matte lipsticks. Mostly makeup artists recommend pastel shades of pink, pale peach and even beige. Sheer gloss and balms with or without a shimmery effect are also popular. But bright lipstick colors are best left for an evening look and brighter makeup for blondes.

How to choose the best makeup for blondes

Competent make-up, correctly selected shadows and lipstick and clean skin are not the key to success. The work of even the most experienced makeup artist will go down the drain if you use low-quality cosmetics.

Stylists around the world have preferred mineral products for several years now. There are good reasons for this:

  • No allergies. In the composition of such cosmetics, you will find exclusively natural ingredients that will not aggressively affect the delicate skin of the face.
  • Mineral products do not clog in pores and do not accumulate in wrinkles, which means that nothing will harm your skin or accentuate age-related changes.
  • Thanks to minerals, cosmetics absorb excess oil on the surface of the skin, and also dry out pimples, tighten pores and even protect against harmful sun exposure.
  • Due to the peculiarities of the mineral composition, even forgetting to wash off the makeup, you do not need to worry about inflammation and pimples that may appear the next day. Experts say that mineral cosmetics will even benefit if worn for a long time. We do not urge to forget about micellar water and foam for washing, but everyone sometimes has protracted gatherings with friends or night walks.
  • Mineral cosmetics will suit any skin type and will help to highlight the advantages and hide the flaws of even problematic and sensitive types.

Make-up for a blonde, selected in accordance with the peculiarities of the color type and shade of the eyes, made with high-quality cosmetics, can transform a blonde beauty and make her a real magnet for admiring glances and compliments. And even an inexperienced girl can master a simple application technique. This video talks about creating a make-up for a blonde and will help consolidate the knowledge gained, and also clearly demonstrate the main stages of applying cosmetics.