Gems. The history of jewelry craftsmanship. World mining of precious stones and gems, deposits

Precious stones are minerals (mainly crystals) that are colorless or have a uniform, beautiful color, moderate tone, high transparency, high hardness (6-10 on the Mohs scale), bright luster and high ability to scatter light. In this case, the stone must be wear-resistant, resistant to fading and the effects of moderately aggressive environments.

These stones are high quality raw materials and are mainly used for cutting.

Ornamental stones include some transparent, translucent, translucent and opaque crystals, mineral aggregates, rock massifs and other stone formations with various inclusions and various patterns. Ornamental stones are used both in jewelry and for the production of carvings. It can be of different shapes and sizes figurines, figurines, vases, busts, massive decorative elements for facades and interior decoration of living quarters, etc.

Determination of the value of an ornamental stone is spontaneous, with a couple of no clear edges. It is clear that it should be an order of magnitude lower than precious stones. But let's take as an example or! Quality beads made of bright green jade, with a uniform color and rare dark specks, can cost tens of thousands of dollars. Well, how can such a stone be called ornamental after that ?! Or a semitransparent jadeite cabochon with an even grassy green color starting at $ 500 per carat ?! How do you like this ornamental stone?

Hence the conclusion - all stones can be divided into groups and by importance. But in no case should you determine the value, the value, relying only on what group the mineral is in. IMHO.

There are many classifications of gemstones. Each has a common underlying principle. But there are also differences. Various factors influence the construction of mineral orders: fashion trends, demand, the development of old deposits, or the discovery of new ones, etc.

Below is the most common classification of precious stones, which is already 30 years old, and it is successfully used in Russia and the former USSR among amateurs and professionals.

The first group: jewelry (precious) stones, gems

First order: diamond, emerald, ruby, sapphire blue.

Second order: alexandrite, noble black opal, noble jadeite, pearl, sapphire (orange, purple and green).

Third order: aquamarine, noble spinel, demantoid, noble white and fire opal, topaz, rhodolite, adularia, red tourmaline.

Fourth order: amethyst, tourmaline (blue, green, pink and polychrome), chrysolite, zircon, beryl (yellow, golden and pink), turquoise, noble spodumene, pyrope, almandine, chrysoprase, citrine.

The second group: jewelry and ornamental, colored stones

First order: lapis lazuli, jadeite, jade, malachite, aventurine, charoite, amber, rock crystal, smoky quartz, hematite (bloodstone).

Second order: agate, amazonite, colored chalcedony, cacholong, heliotrope, rhodonite, rose quartz, opaque iridescent feldspars (belomorite and others), iridescent obsidian, ordinary opal.

The bulk of jewelry ornamental stones is used to make souvenirs, figurines, and various kinds of handicrafts. And not a large percentage of such stones are used in jewelry.

* Calculations are based on average data for Russia

Trade in valuable minerals and precious stones is to some extent similar to trade in jewelry, however, when working in this area, one does not have to compete with a huge number of jewelry stores, so this area can be considered quite promising and interesting. There are really enough opportunities here to start a successful business, and the correct organization of work allows you to interact with a considerable number of consumers, while focusing on a very different contingent of people. In general, an entrepreneur who does not want to enter the jewelry market, and in most cases it is already oversaturated, can do this.

First you need to register as a business entity. To formalize as an individual entrepreneur in most cases is not advisable, it is much better to open your own legal entity, and here it is better to opt for the form of a limited liability company, because here, as in the case of individual entrepreneurship, a simplified taxation system is available, which involves transferring in favor of the state no more than 6% of income or 15% of operating income as taxes. The registration process will not take too long (but longer than registering an individual entrepreneur), the amount of the state fee will be 4 thousand rubles. In general, there are no restrictions on the legal form, therefore, if a small store is opened and a too serious enterprise is not planned, you can limit yourself to individual entrepreneurship, but here you have to bear responsibility with your own property. However, it must be said that one more bureaucratic issue needs to be resolved. For operations with precious stones, including for their retail trade, you need to obtain permission and register with the Assay Office. To do this, you need to collect the following package of documents:

1. Notarized copies of constituent documents (constituent agreement and charter or regulations) or a copy of the passport (for individual entrepreneurs).

2. A notarized copy of the certificate of state registration.

3. A fresh copy of the notification of the territorial statistics body.

4. An extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities with codes of the types of activity being registered according to OKVED or an extract from the USRIP.

5. A notarized copy of the certificate of tax registration of an object with an indication of its identification number (TIN) or a copy of the notification of registration of an individual.

6. Notarized copies of documents certifying the ownership of premises for carrying out operations with precious metals and precious stones (on the basis of ownership rights, operational management, lease, sublease).

7. Originals of registration documents previously issued by the inspection (certificate with a special registration card) - if any.

In general, there are no particular difficulties in this direction, the decision on registration is made relatively quickly (within ten days), and there are no special requirements for an entrepreneur. The only thing you need is special equipment for storing precious stones, it can be fortified safes, and the room itself must be serviced by some kind of private security organization. But in any case, an entrepreneur who is engaged in such a business is taking all possible measures to protect his store, so the level of security in such outlets is really good, and registration at the Assay Office comes down to a simple formality. If it is not possible to independently engage in obtaining permission and registering, it makes sense to contact a third-party office that offers registration services. The cost of operating such a company is unlikely to be too high (it is not such a complicated process as, for example, obtaining a medical license or registering with the FSB), and an entrepreneur who encounters such a thing for the first time will be able to get at least advice from specialists. Summing up, we can say that in a month or two it will be possible to resolve all bureaucratic issues, and there are no serious obstacles here.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Next, you need to find the location of your store. Here, the best choice is passable places, but you need to understand that most often this kind of jewelry and simply products are bought by wealthy people, so it makes sense to think about opening a store in an expensive quarter. Ordinary people also buy jewelry, but interesting minerals and beautiful jewelry made from precious stones, as well as simply cut precious stones, are still bought either by really rich residents of the city or by collectors. The latter are generally ready to spend a lot of money on the purchase of stones and minerals. But in order to interest them, you need to have in the assortment really rare, beautiful and unique specimens. In accordance with this, the place of work is also determined, because an enthusiastic collector will go to the other end of the city, if the store offers him a really good thing, but if something unique is not at his disposal, then it is more expedient to focus simply on rich people, and here it is best to choose the city center as your location. For a start, a relatively small store may be enough, here the limit is 30-40 m 2, and in an average city the rental price will be 20-30 thousand rubles, but you need to understand that it is very difficult to name the exact cost, because it depends on a huge number of factors ... It is the city of work itself that affects it the most (in megacities, rent is always more expensive) and the location in it. In a small settlement, on the other hand, it will be possible to save on rent, but the question is, is there any point in starting work at all in a city that is not in a big city? Next, you should take care of the internal arrangement of your premises, here it should be noted that you will need to buy impenetrable showcases, shelves, purchase several good safes, it is advisable to connect all this to the alarm system. Even a small store will have to be equipped for an amount of at least 100 thousand rubles, for a large outlet you will need many times larger amounts, in addition you need to order the installation of a security system. There is still about 50 thousand rubles, plus some time will be needed to install and set up the entire system. In addition, you can order a design project for yourself, for some types of store this is relevant, but often it is a waste of money. If an entrepreneur decides to do this, then he should count on 1.5 thousand rubles per one square meter of premises.

After that, you can start looking for suppliers of products. In general, it makes sense to find private jewelers, that is, specifically those who are engaged in the engraving of materials, you should not go directly to the suppliers of raw materials, they will supply minerals that are not suitable for sale to the end consumer. Although there are people who are interested in directly extracted minerals and uncut stones, their number is too small to be guided by them. Cooperation with private jewelers-masters will allow us to supply products to order, which increases the popularity of the store in the eyes of consumers. It makes no sense to find simple jewelry suppliers who work with familiar jewelry stores - usually their assortment does not include products that are specialized for the store. At the same time, you need to understand that in small cities and even in some large cities there may be problems with suppliers, the goods are not very popular, so there may not be local suppliers, and then you need to order them in another city. There are many offers on the Internet, and after spending some time negotiating and searching for suppliers, you can find the best-priced offers without spending too much on transportation costs. However, some types of stones can only be supplied from other countries, where there are natural deposits.

The next step is to find personnel for your store. At first, an entrepreneur can work at his own retail outlet himself, after that, when the size of the store increases, it makes sense to hire several sellers, but to begin with, you can generally do only on your own. It is advisable to look for people who have already held similar positions, but it is even better to find those who are well versed in precious stones. And you need to understand that these should be reliable people, whose financial responsibility is not intimidated. Further, if an entrepreneur intends to work on the implementation of projects to order, then he should think about hiring a jeweler who will be engaged in cutting precious stones and processing minerals. As already noted, you can enter into cooperation with already working jewelers, usually this is much easier and does not require additional investments from the entrepreneur, and the buyer will still pay for the work of the master - the cost of this work is initially included in the price of the product. However, all business processes that are not related to making a profit by the organization should be outsourced. This includes bookkeeping, for example, as well as the already mentioned security services. Today, in almost any city there is at least one private security organization, which will be ready to carry out the necessary work in the room, and then start servicing its client. This assumes not only an alarm, but also the presence of an employee at the facility, and there are usually high-level guards on duty. In fact, guarding a store of minerals and precious stones is similar to guarding a jewelry store (unless it is a store of exceptionally cheap minerals, everything is somewhat simpler here). In this regard, the price of such services is high - from 50 thousand rubles a month, although depending on how valuable objects have to be protected and what level of the security system is installed, the price can change not only upwards, but also downwards. It also makes sense to have, if not in the state, then simply as a partner of a competent lawyer, because the turnover of some precious stones is limited, and certificates are required for the sale of certain types of stones and minerals. Only an accredited gemological laboratory has the right to issue such a certificate, and although obtaining such a certificate is the concern of the manufacturer, you still need to understand all the intricacies of the legislation, because in extreme cases, even criminal prosecution may follow for the sale of jewelry without a certificate. Everything is much easier if you have to work with so-called "nominal" items, that is, with actually jewelry - set stones. But the store specializes specifically in the sale of stones, and not simple jewelry.

Especially it is worth considering the features of certification if it is supposed to be engaged in cutting on the basis of your enterprise. In general, if a store is a simple intermediary, then it needs to verify the authenticity of the certificates of incoming products, and if it also carries out the work itself, then it is necessary to hire an experienced jeweler and cooperate with a gemological laboratory, checking incoming stones and receiving certificates for cut ones. Yes, the equipment of an additional jeweler's place will cost at least 50 thousand rubles - this is how much the Chinese cheapest machine for such work costs, and sometimes this amount is many times more if you need more professional equipment or machines for working with some complex types of stones.

Ready-made ideas for your business

The cost of the products of such a store varies greatly, because there are both relatively cheap and very expensive precious stones, as well as semi-precious ones. Minerals also cost differently, there are some types of them that, at their price, may well be comparable to a precious stone. In general, the cost of a carat of the same gemstone can vary greatly depending on other indicators: color, clarity, cut quality, as well as weight, and usually the cost grows disproportionately, that is, two identical stones, but with a minimum difference in weight, can have a difference in price 1.5-2 times. However, you need to understand that in addition to the initial cost of the stone, a very considerable margin is established for such products, which is formed due to the fact that it is necessary to pay for the work of the master who engraves, and then also to make a profit for the entrepreneur himself. Usually, a store of minerals and precious stones sells both relatively cheap products and very expensive ones, expensive ones are sold very rarely, and a constant income is formed due to cheap ones. Additionally, you can trade in some products, including those made simply from precious metals, without the inclusion of stones. For jewelry, the margin is 100-200% (yes, a very high rate), with precious stones it is more difficult, their final cost for the consumer is usually calculated individually for each stone, because a rare stone (especially a type that is not mined in Russia) can be sold with a very large margin already the owner of the store. The cost of the jeweler's work included in the payment usually varies little within the same type of stone, but its rarity and purity can greatly affect the final price. At the same time, relatively common stones are sold with a small margin. But even 20% with a stone cost of 20 thousand rubles brings the entrepreneur 4 thousand income, and a stone worth 20 thousand in rare stores even belongs to the middle price category, usually to the lowest. However, as already noted, it can be unprofitable to trade in exceptionally expensive stones, because they are not bought in sufficient quantities every month to cover the costs. However, in expensive stores, the margin is orders of magnitude higher, because they sell unique goods.

For the store to become popular, you will have to at least create your own website, this will allow many consumers to learn about new products and generally be interested in the store's offers. Having created a website for 50-100 thousand, you can count on a sharp increase in the number of customers, so you need to immediately think about such a development. You can also create an online store where people can immediately order products, including those for an individual project. Considering that this niche is not as busy as selling simple jewelry, we can say that this line of business is very profitable. The disadvantages include volatile demand, and in particular periods of crises can seriously affect the number of purchases. Therefore, you need to very accurately study the situation on the market, because there is a lot of trade in luxury goods, and in this regard, form your own assortment.

Matthias Laudanum
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People adorn themselves with precious stones since ancient times. Then the extraction was spontaneous. People have learned to extract natural stones especially not so long ago. Mining and selling jewelry brings in a lot of money for businesses.

What are the types of deposits

Rare, beautiful minerals belong to jewelry. There are not so many of them, the most famous are diamonds, sapphires, topazes. A large group is made up of ornamental minerals that look no less beautiful and are used to make jewelry.

Each mineral has its own deposit, depending on the composition of the surrounding rocks. As a rule, the development of these deposits has been going on for several hundred years, new deposits are rarely discovered. Famous places for the extraction of gemstones:

  • Yakutia and Namibia - diamonds;
  • Iran - turquoise;
  • Pakistan - rubies;
  • Sri Lanka - sapphires and rubies;
  • Ural - topaz.

There are three types of deposits: mine workings, open pits, placers. In the latter case, minerals are separated from rocks in the process of erosion, they are carried away by streams of water. The extraction of stones in placers is carried out by the method of manual washing.

Mine workings are underground mines in which precious stones are extracted with the help of manual labor. First, an exploration mine is built to determine the quantity and quality of the minerals.

- is the development of minerals and minerals in the layers of rocks. As the quarries are developed, they dig deeper and deeper. The largest quarry is located in Chile, its size is 3x4 m, the depth is 850 m. The largest diamond deposit in Russia is located beyond the Arctic Circle, it is the Udachnoye quarry.

Mining enterprises

As a rule, a deposit is discovered by accident, without the use of technical means or scientific base. Scientists are specifically looking for only the most expensive stones - diamonds. A mining enterprise is being built on the site of the deposits of precious stones.

Types of mining enterprises:

  • Mines - large enterprises for the extraction of minerals underground or open pit;
  • Mines - mines and quarries for obtaining gems;
  • Mines are hand-dug mining mines.

Available methods of mining precious stones

Methods for the extraction of semi-precious stones have remained almost the same as in ancient times. With the help of shovels they dig a mine, rocks are lifted in baskets on ropes. Usually, work begins next to a river in which rocks can be washed. In the process of washing, workers find 1-2 gems per basket with rocks. After that, the process is repeated from the beginning. Seekers sell their finds at auctions or local markets. Specialists process them and hand them over to stores.

Gems without impurities are valued on the market. Only a specialist can determine this. He carries out pre-processing and cutting of minerals. For example, sapphires are heated to create a beautiful hue. The master must know the properties of stones in order to distinguish a jewel from a fake.

Booty in Sri Lanka

In Sri Lanka, stones are mined by hand. Of the automatic means, only pumps are used that pump out groundwater. Mines are dug right in the rice fields. Excavators and other equipment are not used, as they leave behind lakes and swamps.

Sri Lanka is famous for the fact that the entire island contains a huge amount of minerals. It contains half of the known types of stones that are used for jewelry. The development is carried out by private searchers under a special license, it must be paid for annually.

Primitive mining methods

The easiest way to mine gemstones is to collect placers along mountain rivers. Crystal growths are on the surface and can be seen in rock crevices. They are knocked down with a hammer and chisel, in some cases jackhammers and explosives are used. Explosives are rarely used as they can damage valuable minerals.

Another method is mining at the mouth of the river. It is specially accelerated so that the water flows faster. The workers stand in the water and stir up the bottom with long poles. Light sandy components are carried away by the water, while semi-precious stones remain at the bottom.

The hardest way to get gems is by building deep mines. They are dug with special equipment, floors are built so that the walls do not crumble. The entrance is covered with a shelter from the rain. Groundwater is pumped out by pumps. Natural stones lie in a sandy layer, in which mining is carried out. Horizontal workings are located several meters underground.

Explosive use

Mountain adits are built in hard rocks using explosives. This method is costly in time and effort, so they resort to it if there is confidence in the deposits of precious stones. Usually, the extraction of gems is combined with geological exploration and the extraction of other minerals.

The main problem of all mines and mines is theft. They not only bring losses to prospectors and miners, but also reduce the price of gems in the market. Therefore, serious companies are carefully guarded their mines.

The development of precious stones is carried out in rocks, river estuaries and in open ground. In some countries, independent mining is prohibited, only industrial enterprises can do this. Other countries allow such fishing with the purchase of a license.

Video: Mining of precious stones in Sri Lanka

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They say that happy people look at the sky, and sad people look at their feet. We dare to assure you: many people have become happier precisely because they carefully looked at their feet, and did not look at the clouds. We not only urge you to follow their example, but also explain what exactly you need to pay attention to and where to walk in order to find a real treasure among ordinary stones: diamonds, amber, gold and even meteorites.

site draws your attention to the fact that the legislation of each country restricts the activities of prospectors for minerals and precious metals in different ways. Therefore, before you go in search, find out which appropriation of finds will not be a violation of local laws.


Where can I find: The most affordable option is to go to the Baltic Spit. Amber is mined along the entire length of the Baltic coast in Poland and the Kaliningrad region. There are deposits in other places, for example, in Ukraine in the Rivne region, in the Dominican Republic, in Burma, but only in the Baltic Sea you will be offered an excursion that includes collecting amber on the shore and in the worked-out land of the quarry.

It is better to go in late autumn, winter or early spring. After the storms, amber begins to move. Strong waves wash away the amber-bearing rock and throw heaps of driftwood and algae ashore, in which you will have to rummage to find amber. Seasoned hunters do not wait for the amber to be thrown onto land. They enter the icy water, catch out accumulations of driftwood and algae with large nets, carry the wet heap to the shore and carefully sort it out in search of pieces of amber. It is believed that the most productive storm is short-lived, because a lingering storm will simply carry all the washed amber back to the sea, and it will be possible to get it only if you have a diving suit and good cold tolerance.

The most expensive and rare specimens of amber are pieces with insects, small animals, fry, blades of grass, trapped in the resin millions of years ago. Such inclusions are called inclusions. And the value of such finds often exceeds the value of diamonds.


Gems and metals can be purchased at every jewelry store. But you will not find meteorites there, because they are much less common, which means that they are much more pleasant to possess. Large meteorites, forming funnels, fall very rarely, and small ones more often. And it's worth trying to find them.

Where can I find: People who have made searching for meteorites their hobby advise beginners who have not yet acquired a metal detector to start searching from flat roofs.

Yes, that sounds strange. But the fact is that on the roof you will not be distracted by objects of terrestrial origin, and it is there that you can find many micrometeorites. Do not disregard the holes under the gutters, which could have gotten meteorites during heavy rain along with streams of water. Examine your findings. All meteorites have a "melting crust" - a thin layer of melted substances that make up a "guest from space", and regmaglipts - small depressions located along the entire surface of the meteorite body. These are the main, but far from the only signs. Experts, for example, workers of the meteoritics laboratory of the GEOKHI RAS, will help you to finally determine the origin of the finds.


If you think you are lucky, then try your luck in search of the hardest mineral on our planet - diamond. Although it's not just luck, of course. Flushing the diamond-bearing rock in a special sieve is not an easy job, which may not pay off. Therefore, tune in not to the find of the century, but to an unusual adventure, which you will tell your friends about for a long time.

Where can I find: The only diamond quarry in the world, "Crater of Diamonds", open to visitors, is located in the United States, in the state of Arkansas. Any stone found is yours. So keep your eyes open and do not miss the gem: it can easily mislead you with its modest appearance. Rough diamonds are nothing like the sparkling diamonds we are used to seeing in jewelry stores.


Now that you have learned how to handle the schlich pan while flushing diamonds, it's time to go for gold.

Where can I find: In principle, you can find gold or find a nugget in any other country, but Australia has the most loyal laws in relation to free miners.


If you cannot get out in search of gold and precious stones, then do not despair, because even an ordinary, at first glance, cobblestone can hide an unimaginable beauty.

Geodes are cavities in rocks, "overgrown" from the inside with crystals of such minerals as emerald, amethyst, agate, chalcedony, crystal, topaz, opal. This list is far from complete, but the most attractive geodes contain these minerals. To find a geode, look for rounded stones with small bumps and growths that resemble cauliflower inflorescences. They can be of any size - from small pebbles to huge boulders. The most "promising" stones emit a dull sound when tapped. Such stones must be split or sawed, and then one side must be polished in order to more profitably emphasize the inner beauty of the stone.

Where to look: Everywhere.

Bonus # 1: sometimes gems fall from the sky

However, sometimes there is no need to look for treasures. They will find you themselves, literally falling on their heads from the sky, as happened in Hawaii in early June 2018, during the eruption of the Kilauea volcano. The sharp and powerful ejection of lava caused the surroundings to literally fall asleep with small green crystals of olivine. Usually olivines are found inside lava flows, but during sudden lava outbursts such an interesting anomaly can be observed.

No one knows when precious stones were first discovered, but people have admired them since ancient times. For thousands of years, jewelry has been worn to protect against spirits and disease. Even today, some people believe in the special power of stones. We find the first mention of precious stones in the Bible. In the 28th chapter of the book of the Old Testament, it is said about a body plate worn by a tall church minister, Aaron. The plate was adorned with 12 precious stones. The ancient Egyptians used precious stones in ornaments and decorations. They were skillful in the art of gem-cutting and their designs on the stones have survived to this day.

The Egyptians carried amulets known as scarabs. These were precious stones cut in the shape of the sacred Egyptian beetle. It was believed that the one who wears the scarabs is protected by good spirits. In ancient times, different gemstones varied in color. The name "ruby" was given to all precious stones of a red hue. All green stones were called emeralds, and blue ones were called sapphire.

Later it turned out that some gems were harder and more durable than others. It became obvious that the value of a stone depends not only on color, brightness, rarity, but also on its hardness. For example, a diamond is considered today the most precious, because in addition to its splendor, it also has the greatest hardness of all stones. Many stones are called precious. But in reality, this name refers only to the four most valuable stones - diamond, ruby, emerald and sapphire.

other interesting facts:
The longest stone arched bridges. Yuchaokhe Bridge. The Yuchaohe Bridge in Henyang, Hunan Ave., China, has the longest stone-arched span. Its length is -120m.
The largest number of clown reprises. Charlie Kings. The most inventive clown was Charlie Kings. Speaking with his father in 1927-37. at the Circus Medrano, Paris, he has invented over 700 different reprises. At the Blackpool Tower Circus, UK, he worked 40 seasons in a row, never repeating a reprise in any one season.
The largest frog. Goliath frog. Goliath frog (Conraua goliath), caught in April 1989 by a resident of Seattle, pc. Washington, USA, by Andy Kofman in the Sanaga River, Cameroon, weighed 3.66 kg.
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia has the lowest cancer death rate per 100,000 inhabitants per year, accounting for 6 deaths.


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