Good birthday greetings to dad. Birthday greetings to dad. Happy birthday to the godfather

Children, regardless of gender and age, usually prepare a poem for dad for his birthday. Here are collected beautiful congratulations from a daughter, son, as well as short poems for the little ones.

Congratulations regardless of the gender of the child

Joy, happiness, luck,
Bright moments in fate -
All this on your birthday
Dad, I wish you!

Anything you want with love
On a holiday I will give you.
Dad, warmth and health!
I love you very much!

I have a lovely dad
It's so good to know.
And dad is even nicer
Happy birthday to congratulate.

Be healthy, energetic,
Mom - a stone wall,
Enterprising, practical.
Be honest with me.

Let the worries disappear
Sadness does not touch the heart
So that you have one smile
He could even move mountains!

Congratulations, dad, happy birthday!
And I wish that day after day
The best was the mood
So that it brings good luck to the house.

The dearest you and the beloved
Be healthy and always be happy.
May this day be unique
A bright star shines for you!

Today is an unusual day -
You were born into the world.
My closest person
You are not dearer.

My dad is the dearest
And the best on earth
Thank you for everything
You give me my whole life!

Be happy daddy dear
Be successful, love.
In all the ways, all over the Earth
Be the Lord we keep!

You are the best dad, no doubt
I will say without concealing:
"Daddy, dear and dear,
I love you so much!".

The bravest, the strongest -
This is my favorite dad!
He knows everything, he knows everything
And it helps me in everything.

Happy birthday, congratulations
Daddy my dear
Let the years do not change -
Stay young!

Let health not fail
May you always be lucky in everything
May happiness always find
And the trouble is the opposite!

Daddy daddy daddy
Happy Birthday to You!
I will hug you tight
And I will tell you in love:

You are the best dad in the world:
And you will console, and you will understand
And in trouble "stretch out your paw"
And you will go to feats!

I wish you happiness
And always be healthy.
Let all the bad weather go away
I will love you forever!

Today is dad's birthday.
I hasten to congratulate you.
Good luck, happiness, mood
I wish, sincerely loving!

You are my hero from a children's fairy tale -
Reliable, brave, mischievous.
Yesterday I was rolling a stroller -
Now we are walking with the whole family.

For years, dad, don't look.
You are always the best for us!
Let all the sorrows be behind
Will remain like clouds in the sky.

Let health not let you down
And it will be strong for all years.
In all matters - always lucky.
And at home - sunny weather!

Dad, I'll tell you
That you are the best on earth.
I am proud, father, of you,
Although we argue sometimes.

Let it be tight sometimes
We will always understand each other.
We will embrace in love.
Happy Birthday to You!

The salad is ready, the cake is ready, the side of the jacket is ironed,
It remains only to wait for the clock to show five.

Tonight, by seventeen o'clock,
For the holiday, guests will gather to us.
Everyone will congratulate dad on his birthday ...
It's just an awful long wait until five!

And then there are temptations all around:
Candy in a vase - ugly beckon!
A handsome cake is calling from the fridge
All in roses, inscriptions, well, simply, the highest grade.

And by its smell, and by its appearance beckoning,
As if he says: "Hurry up eat me!"
Of course, I didn't eat the cake ...
I just took it out to see it ...

But my finger, without my consent,
I thought of committing another disgrace:
Corrected the rose, removed two bows,
And I almost licked the inscription to the birthday man ...

Then suddenly my mother came up to me from behind me:
- My friend, I see the program has begun for the holiday.
And at that very moment, the key turned quietly:
Well, here ... the hero of the occasion has finally returned from work.

Goose bumps crawled over me and my eyes dropped,
And mom and dad, laughing, had terribly fun.
The father patted the shoulder and said: “Our son is an artist!
After all, a cake maker would not have decorated a cake in a pastry shop! "

Who can move the closet heavy?
Who will fix the sockets for us,
Who will nail all the shelves,
Who sings in the bathroom in the morning?

Who is driving the car?
Who will we go to football with?
Who has a birthday?
My daddy's!

Happy birthday daddy!
I fly to you like a bullet
I'm in a terrible hurry
I'm afraid to be late for you!

Because on this day
Getting up early is not lazy at all.
When you open your eyes
The first I can say:
- Happy birthday, hurray!
It's time to celebrate the holiday!

For you from plasticine
I blinded the car yesterday.
Mom didn't forget either
And I bought you a bag
I didn't let you get into it,
But there is definitely something there!

Look down quickly:
Your surprise under the bed!
Accept gifts
Kiss and hug us!

I don't know what to wish you big
Not yet aware of what everyone wants!
I want you to earn a lot,
So that I have enough for toys again!

I also wish you to love your mother -
Then I will have my brother!
I will love him, I will bring up,
To be like you, dad!

My grandmother revealed a big secret to me yesterday,
That dad was also once eight years old.
He, like all boys, sometimes played naughty
And he jumped like a monkey, and got deuces.

I was lazy while charging, I didn't wash my face
And he often drew devils in a notebook.
I'm terribly surprised by my dad's secret
After all, it is for this that he scolds me.

Dad, my dear,
Happy Birthday to You,
Congratulations today
Your daughter, loving.

Do not be sad, my dear,
That the years pass.
I will be next to you
Dad is cute, always.

Just don't be sick, I ask
Be happy, dear.
Know you are the best of the dads
And I'm proud of you.

My dear dad, congratulations.
How good it is when you are.
I don't know better than daddy
I am your daughter - it is an honor!

May dreams come true
Health is enough for years.
May you be the best
And let happiness not leave!

Everyone knows that I am a Princess
So my dad is the King.
You are my engine of progress
My idol and my hero!

The strongest, the most honest
The smartest and most dear.
And if the daughter is lovely -
Only you are to blame!

Dad, I love you, I hug you tight
Happy birthday, I sincerely congratulate you!
Daddy, your goodness just delights
And warmth gently warms your soul.

I am glad that your daughter is immensely happy.
Happy birthday to the whole family to dad!
I wish you long years, vigor and strength,
So that every new day brings joy!

Short poems for dad's birthday

Daddy, I love you,
Many hugs,
Happy Birthday to You

I hasten to hug you as soon as possible -
Dear daddy, happy birthday!
With all my heart I want to wish -
So that life is like Sunday.

May every day be without fuss,
Eyes sparkled to be happy.
May dreams come true
Trouble with bad weather go around the house!

Thank you dear daddy
What have you got to me!
I love a clear smile
She is like the light in the window!

I want you to be happy
Successful and healthy!
You are the most wonderful
And the best of fathers!

Dad has a birthday
My dad will be proud:
I'll bake cookies
Or maybe a cake.

I hope, dear readers, you were able to choose the right piece for your unique head of the family. Unforgettable moments in the circle of those closest to you!

What could be better for a dad than a congratulation from his own child. Words of love, gratitude, wishes of health and all the best - I just want to add something else, but the children still have little experience. Our task is to help you in this matter and learn how to wish your dad a happy birthday as beautifully as possible.

Happy birthday to dad from his daughter

Dads and daughters always have a trusting and warm relationship. Each father always treats his daughter with trepidation and tries to do everything possible so that his beloved child does not need anything. The daughter's father's love is not immediately understood, but as they themselves become more mature, then it comes to the understanding that the father treated his beloved daughter differently from his son.

It is customary to give a present to dad on his birthday. Surely every daughter knows what he wants and what daddy can be happy about. Of course, a gift is good, but you still need to congratulate your daddy on his birthday. What words to choose? Here the daughter should think about how she can independently compose a congratulation for dad in poetry or in prose. The main thing is that it conveys all your feelings.

Here are examples of beautiful congratulations to dad from his daughter:

  • Dear Daddy! I sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, wish you not only on this day, but also every day of the year to be in a great mood. On this special day for you, I want to wish you good luck in life, let there never be a reason for sadness, the path in life is all developing. Harmony, prosperity, happiness and love. May there always be peace and happiness in our home and in our family. Thank you for those happy moments that you gave me. I love you very much, happy birthday, dear daddy!
  • My beloved and dear daddy! From an early age I remember your strong arms, I remember how you supported me in difficult times, taught me to be strong and not give up. And now, thanks to you, I have achieved a lot. I wish you that everything will be fine with you, then I will be fine too. I wish you strong health, strength, more happy moments! Your baby.
  • On this sunny and warm day, I wish you that there will always be spring in your soul. I wish you good health and let it be contrary to nature, and every year your health only grows stronger. Let everything work out in life, let there always be a good mood, love and prosperity in the family. Remember that you can dream all your life and fulfill your cherished dream! Happy birthday, my dear and beloved daddy!

Happy birthday greetings to dad from his son

Dads and sons always have a special relationship. From the first minutes of their lives, dads take the initiative to raise their son into their strong male hands. It is always more difficult for boys to express their feelings to their father, but on their birthday they need to get together and say the most intimate words and sincerely wish their father a happy birthday.

How to wish your dad a happy birthday:

  • My dearest person, I congratulate you on your birthday. I wish you long happy life and good health. I appreciate your concern for me and I know that only you can teach me all the wisdoms of life. You are my hope and support, I am proud of you. Happy birthday!
  • I hasten to congratulate you on this significant date. My wishes will be brief: only good health, only long years of life, only confidence, happiness and positive!
  • Today is a special day - your birthday. And I wish you that you will always have a good mood, so that there will never be any reason for sadness in our house. I want you to never get sick and to be a good fellow, I am grateful to you for your father's upbringing, I love you very much. Happy day, my dear and beloved!

Happy birthday, dad!
Long, long years.
Let the joy come
In your every dawn.

Let the days be golden
They walk slowly.
Crazy money
The accounts are growing.

Let luck know
Where to find you.
Anything you want
Will execute.

Health will be strong
And the heart is young
The soul is childishly light.
You be the fate we keep!

Happy birthday my dad
The best and dearest,
The bravest, the strongest
Kind, smart and handsome!

Dad! Always be healthy
In a cheerful mood.
" Happy Birthday!" - I will shout.
Daddy, I love you!

My dear, beloved daddy, accept my congratulations on your birthday! Thank you for being there. Thank you for the given life, for upbringing, moderate severity, advice. I wish you never to grow old in soul, to remain always young, perky and cheerful. So that your health never leaves you, work was always a joy, and our love and care with mom added to you confidence that you are the best husband and dad. Happy birthday!

Dad, happy birthday
And I wish you strength and patience
Long years, health and good luck,
To be an optimist, and not otherwise.
Let everything turn out easy and simple,
And only good people meet.

Dad, dear, beloved,
Happy birthday, dear!
Let the diseases go by
The farthest side.

So that you always get enough sleep
And met the day with a smile,
So that you don't swear with your mom,
He was not sad and did not grumble.

May success be with you
Let there always be strength
Let at least a small miracle
Happens sometimes!


Strong in spirit, strong in body,
The master is everywhere and in everything.
The coolest, the most daring.
How much fun is in it!

This is Dad. He is a protector
And reliance on the ages.
He will help - just click.
So good is his hand.

All the same energetic
All the same fighting.
You are an advisor, you know, an excellent one.
You are my beloved dad.

Be happy all the time
Kind, brave and healthy!
Let your pockets be full
The warmest, most tender words.

Let the other dear trouble
They will pass by from you.
Celebrate every victory
The beauty of earthly minutes.

Happy birthday, cool dad!
Happy birthday dear!
You are a huge reward.
You are my beloved dad!

Daddy beloved, dear, dear,
Happy birthday to you, dear!
I wish you health, love.
I beg you, take care of yourself!

I also wish you success and kindness.
So that your life is interesting.
So that all the sorrows are bypassed,
Well, so that your eyes shine with happiness.

May life be full of happiness
Health is getting stronger every year
And there will never be clouds
Above yours, dad, the firmament.

I wish you a birthday
I want you the longest years
And never lose heart
Live in peace and harmony with your mother.

Let everything be: friends, deeds,
Wealth, joy, respect.
Cheerful, dad, always be.
I love you! Happy Birthday!

Dad, happy birthday
You mean so much to me.
And on your holiday I am with great excitement
Choosing the best words.

I wish you happiness and health,
Joy, good luck, long, long years.
May they always avoid adversity,
And the Lord will save you from troubles.

And I also wish to smile more often,
All perceiving with an easy soul.
And do not rush to be ashamed of your gray hair,
For me, you, dad, are forever young!

Happy Birthday
In the world of a better father.
Strength, health and patience
I wish without end.

Let things go well
At work and at home.
Let life fulfill it soon
Your old dream.

The sea of ​​prospects will open
Let fate be in front of you.
I wish you happiness and warmth
My dear daddy.

My dad is the most beautiful of all!
I really love your laugh
For advice - only to you,
I trust myself.
Dear one, be healthy
And forget about the gray hair,
Dance on your birthday
Break away from your soul
Fortunately, let the road lead
Let there be many joys
Have a papule dear.

Birthday is a holiday with its own special mood, meaning, traditions and history! Thousands of years ago, friends and relatives gathered at the birthday man on his birthday, because, according to pagan beliefs, this day annually symbolized the transition from the world of ancestors to the world of the living, and evil spirits could steal a person's soul. It was believed that the only way to protect the birthday person is with kind words, wishes and ritual offerings - gifts.

In this section you will find a large number of birthday greetings in verse and prose: funny birthday greetings to friends and girlfriends, romantic greetings to loved ones, official greetings from your boss and colleagues, grateful birthday greetings to parents and many other birthday greetings.

I always love you and remember
You are the best - my father
So that you are happy and satisfied
Today is a holiday - the crown of affairs!

Daddy, dear and beloved
Birthday celebrates its own.
Be our love you kept,
During the day under the sun, at night - under the moon.

So that you don't know what fatigue is,
To make life smile at you.
So that everything always works out
You have in your strong destiny.

Dad, you are an example of imitation for us,
He warmed everyone with his care.
And wishes sound from the heart,
On this day from your beloved children!

I'm daddy's daughter, everyone says so
We are very similar, I love you,
And I will tenderly give flowers
It's just that, dear dad, I adore you!

I congratulate you, dad!
And to the beat of all the words spoken,
I wish you many years
Following in your footsteps.

I will say "thank you" to you now,
For teaching life.
And friendship is real strength,
And appreciate the beauty of love.

You are an example for me in many ways.
It is worthy to become such as you.
Have a calm answer to everything
And do not give up anywhere.

Always go hard towards the goal
To the horizon, beyond him.
To love and believe intimately
In a simple quality - "good".

Good luck, joy without an edge,
Everything that doesn't exist yet.
Father, I congratulate you,
Health for three hundred years.

Although we do not always get along with you, dad, you should know that I have no one closer and dearer than you and never will! On your birthday, I wish you a good mood, welcome guests and a fun celebration!

How I miss you, father,
But we don't care about all the distances today,
From the morning on your day from the sun a warm light,
Live always, be happy, good dad!

Dad is dearer to all of us,
There is no one in the world
We all congratulate now,
We love you! Children!

Dad, you don't have better
You walked with us in the park,
As always for your birthday
I wrote a poem for you!

Daddy, dear, happy birthday!
May happiness flow like a river
Let the adversity blow away with the wind,
Let your hand not falter!

We wish you from the whole family
Health - live cheerful
Love of fortune and fate,
Go through life cheerfully!

My dad, you are the strongest
Kind, sweet and dear!
I will thank you
Be healthy, my golden!

Records 1 - 20 from 30

Daddy beloved, dear, dear,
Happy birthday to you, dear!
I wish you health, love.
I beg you, take care of yourself!

I also wish you success and kindness.
So that your life is interesting.
So that all the sorrows are bypassed,
Well, so that your eyes shine with happiness.

Happy birthday, dear dad.
Be healthy, strong, strong.
For warmth and care
Thank you.

Be the same: seemingly strict,
Well, in my heart - very kind.
I wish to be happy
And years of life long, long.

You are a reliable support
You are an example to fathers and families.
Do not lose enthusiasm in your soul!
Dear dad, happy birthday!

Happy Birthday Daddy! I wish you with all my heart good health, long life, family happiness, success in work, many joyful moments and pleasant impressions in life. Let your sense of humor not leave you, and luck always smiles. You are the best in the world, you are our support and support.

Happy birthday my dad
The best and dearest,
The bravest, the strongest
Kind, smart and handsome!

Dad! Always be healthy
In a cheerful mood.
"Happy Birthday!" - I will shout.
Daddy, I love you!

Happy birthday, dad!
Long, long years.
Let the joy come
In your every dawn.

Let the days be golden
They walk slowly.
Crazy money
The accounts are growing.

Let luck know
Where to find you.
Anything you want
Will execute.

Health will be strong
And the heart is young
The soul is childishly light.
You be our destiny!

Dear dad, my good,
How much we are alike with you.
I congratulate, loving,
Happy Birthday to You!

Amid worries, among labors,
In a long line of years
And in moments of vanity -
Always be happy.

And in deeds you victories,
And healthy long years
Strength, energy, goodness,
Moods - with a bang.

Let the family be strong
Friends will be faithful
Blessings, prosperity, good meetings.
Promise to take care of yourself!

Since childhood, I am proud of you
I strive to imitate you.
You are ideal for me
You gave me a lot in life.

Daddy, I love you
And thank you for everything.
You are always by my side
My daughter doesn't need more.

I wish you on your birthday
Long happiness, without edge.
Strength, health, a lot of laughter
And in all matters of success!

World, blue sky,
Home of a warm dear
Understanding, patience.
Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday, the best dad in the world! In life, you are my friend, support, protection, mentor, support and example. All my achievements, victories are your merit. I am proud to be your daughter. I love and wish you good health, long life, fortitude, inexhaustible charge of energy, joyful occasions. Always remain the same cheerful, caring and smart, my ideal.

My dear daddy!
The very best, dear.
The smartest and funniest
And with a perky character.

I congratulate you
Happy birthday, loving.
You are poems from your daughter
Keep it in your heart.

Good health,
Inspiration with love
Happiness with your beloved mom
So that everything is normal in the household.

So that you are our family comfort
So he took care of it, like a jewel.
So that you don't drink for no reason,
So that he always loved his wife.

May the Lord protect you
From bad weather and adversity!

Dad, happy birthday
Happy holiday.
Every moment
Let it be beautiful.

Let it not be superfluous -
Trouble, anxiety, slander.
I wish you personal happiness
Strength and health!

I want to wish you a happy birthday
His own father!
And I want to wish a lot
Health, happiness for him.

I want you to always be in shape,
He loved, shone with joy.
So that you never know grief
And he forgot about sorrows.

I also wish good luck
Warmth, luck, kindness.
More joyful moments
Less evil and fuss!

Happy birthday my dad
The best and dearest.
Be happy for many years
Having lived life without any troubles.

May it always be full of worries
Business is a big cycle,
Have time and rest
Well, at least just a little bit.

Dad, you're the best I have
I know for sure
You are so alone in the world
Well, I am your glorious son!

Happy Birthday! I wish you to remain as strong, courageous, responsible and courageous! So that the years do not affect your health and you, as before, were a good example and remember that you will always be an example for me to follow and the main advisor in life!

I congratulate today
My dad,
In this life, I'm with you,
Very lucky.

The best father in the world
Definitely not to be found
You are support and support
In the path of life.

Do not be sad and do not be sad
Daddy never
Rejoice and smile
Always be happy!

I catch myself thinking that over the years
I try to copy you in everything.
Sometimes mirrors do not distinguish us,
And I am proud that the copy is yours.

Happy birthday today
And I sincerely thank you for everything -
For education, wisdom, for patience,
For the fact that I stand firmly on my feet!

And I want you to be proud of your son.
I strive to protect everything that you gave me.
You raised a man from a boy
And for me he became an example in life!

In our state, in the kingdom of the divan
The best, very wise king rules.
He is completely at home with his rebelliousness.
The console keeps the heart like the holy grail.

We wish him loudly with our hearts
To rule for a long, long time, to be on top.
Let the treasury be full of it gold,
So that happiness is even in the hustle and bustle.

And of course the rest will be in the Maldives,
So that love "cupids" sang in the soul.
After all, people like dad are superbly beautiful,
You will not find any more in the world.

He is our king from heels to crown.
And together with this - on this day of the hero of the day.
The princes and the pharaohs rejoice with an exclamation.
Being such a dad is definitely a gift!