Good comments on girlfriend's photos. We make beautiful compliments to girls' photos. A few basic rules

The girl you like uploaded her photo. But what to write to her so that she drew attention to you? This question is difficult to answer in one sentence. After all, not everyone can decide which comment to write to a girl. But there are some simple principles by which it is necessary to select such comments.

How to find a good comment for a girl?

To write exactly what she likes, you need to analyze all of her photos. In particular, if she posts photos without makeup with a bright smile, then it is necessary to emphasize her beauty and naturalness. At the same time, you should not do it in such a way that it was somehow vulgar and ambiguous.

If she posts pictures where part of her chest or legs is visible, then this is a sign of sexuality. Write to her that she is sexy. But don't squeak directly about sex.

Also look at the general psychological profile of the girl. Someone likes emoticons, someone poems, someone dry compliments without show-off and flattery.

Examples of comments to a girl's photo

To help you fantasize better about this topic, here are some examples of good comments:

  • Such a beauty that I cannot breathe;
  • Nice and charming girl;
  • I am ready to love you forever;
  • Your beauty is just space;
  • Your smile is like a luxurious gift.

In this case, it is possible to emphasize with the help of a commentary the peculiarities of the girl's appearance or the peculiarities of the situation where she is. You can even write a verse. But don't write too much. Otherwise, you will look boring.

Daring comments

Sometimes you just need to draw attention to yourself. But you cannot do it just like that. To do this, you need bold comments that will challenge the lady, as it were.

And here are some of them:

  • You are beautiful, but one breast is larger than the other;
  • No, I would have done a different hairstyle for you;
  • I alone see "it" in the background;
  • Damn, this point on the dress spoils everything ...
  • It's dangerous to expose your ass like that, actually.

Such unusual comments can attract a girl and even force her to write to you. But don't get into an argument or quarrel. Say you just wanted to get attention and start dating. If you start to really explain why you wrote this, then nothing good will come of it.

What comments are better not to write?

There are a number of comments that it is better not to write to girls. These include: "I would have inserted, blown, put in, and so on.", "Thank you, distorted," and so on. Girls do not like any perverts terribly.

Also, don't write too delightful comments. If she realizes that you really admire her, then she will become proud. And you will be lower than her in psychological status. Nothing will come of it.

Some say that you can only get a girl's attention by insulting her. But it's not right. You can just get blacklisted and that's it.

Before commenting on a girl's photo, think carefully. See if you look like a fool. See if your review is going to be overly trivial. Then you will definitely achieve your goal.

A collection of beautiful compliments for a girlfriend (100 options), designed to be placed under the photo. They can also be used for no reason at all, just like that. The words are written in prose, for those who want to express pleasant things in their own words. All names are used only for convenience of presentation, do not forget to replace them with the one you need.

If you want to say something pleasant even more succinctly, in one word, then (the largest in the network) for a girl is also on our website. And if you need words characterizing her as a good person, then there is.

The texts can also be found in a large selection.

  1. Your charm is unusual - an incredible mixture of European chic with oriental mystery.
  2. Natasha, you are a real lady and a walking pheromone at the same time.
  3. You are the brightest star on the path of every person who meets you.
  4. Knowing you is my great luck in life.
  5. Svetlana, in this photo it is very noticeable that you are a deep personality, and not just a beauty and charming woman.
  6. One has only to see this photo, it is immediately clear that this person in front of you is something special, rare and unforgettable.
  7. Even being gloomy suits you. In this look, you look bewitchingly dangerous, insidious and insanely alluring.
  8. "Gray Mice" will lose sleep when they see this picture. It is impossible not to envy such a blatant, alien charisma and energy.
  9. In this photo, the eyes turned out to be especially expressive: transparent, radiant, shining. They penetrate right into the heart.
  10. Passionate, domineering and charming woman! Such a girl must correspond to be next to her.
  11. Your versatility never ceases to amaze. I see you romantic and tender, then suddenly - temperamental and hot ... and in this photo you turned out to be completely adventurous.
  12. You must be a witch. And your eyes are witchcraft, and - thoughts, and - views on life. Not a girl, but a witch's potion.
  13. Girls are different, but your main feature is that you do not leave anyone indifferent, friend. And this is great.
  14. You are amazingly skillful in emphasizing both character and femininity. Trying to learn from you, dear.
  15. Oh, there has always been a mass of eroticism in you, but here a mass of luxury peeps out of you, interspersed with an abyss of eroticism.
  16. Breed, nobility, grace ... Len, you are a very dear girl and you should know about it.
  17. Sexuality is not something that everyone is trying to show. This is something that cannot be hidden. And you have plenty of it, Katya. But what is there ... it just impudently climbs out of you even if you put on sackcloth and wrap yourself in a burqa.
  18. Your decisions, even in the photo, are always very bold. As well as you yourself! It always fascinates me about you, friend.
  19. Looking at your pictures, every guy wants to conquer you.
  20. Your talent to smile when it's difficult - amazes me and commands respect.
  21. When you look like that, any man will lose his mind, believe me.
  22. I feel that my life is good. Because she has a friend like you!
  23. Your soul is as beautiful, pure and light as your outstanding appearance.
  24. You are the most disinterested, bright, positive and dear person on Earth, my friend!
  25. You are the best friend in the world. Real! Thank you for keeping so many of my secrets. I can't imagine my life without you.
  26. Even if we fall in love with one guy, it will not ruin our friendship ... because I will give him up to you!
  27. I'm glad I have such a resourceful friend. You have amazingly out-of-the-box thinking, full of original ideas. Communication with you cannot be exchanged for any other high.
  28. When I look sad and gloomy into your sparkling eyes, they always reliably bring me back to life. You are the magic pill of immortality.
  29. Olya, you are just a fountain of vivacity, energy, freshness and love of life.
  30. You know, it's impossible to get out of your orbit. There is such an atmosphere of kindness, warmth and love around you ... Therefore, all people are drawn to you.
  31. Once seeing you like this - a night without sleep is guaranteed for anyone.
  32. Well, what are you - sweet!
  33. Looking at you, every man has only one thought in his head: "Nature knows how to create masterpieces!"
  34. You do not need to try on other people's images, pull on what does not suit you and adapt to someone else, friend. Because you are perfect, unique and extraordinary. To those like you, let others adjust, copy and discuss every step.
  35. You are a constant metamorphosis.
  36. You have a refined taste, so I believe your opinion, and in these photos you once again proved that I am not mistaken about you.
  37. You are so sweet that it is impossible to be angry with you for a long time.
  38. Your culinary skills are unique and your gastronomic experiments are always successful. If I were a man, I would already be standing with a ring on my knees near your door.
  39. A friend, such a pedantic, impeccable, luxurious hostess can no longer be found in the whole world. Promise that you will not cheat me with your goodies - no sane person can live without them.
  40. You know how to take a photo that grabs the soul.
  41. It seems to me that you were simply born to evoke the strongest emotions in people. Thanks to this ability, you cannot be forgotten!
  42. You are a walking, outspoken and straightforward aphrodisiac.
  43. Today you are smooth, vague and promising ... A hypnotizing image.
  44. Irishka, your aura, energy is my drug. And not only mine. And it is impossible to stop using it. Promise that you will take care of yourself! I won't find another such potion if something happens to you.
  45. An understandable, predictable and uncomplaining woman is definitely not about you. From a girl like you, anyone's blood will boil.
  46. Oh, here you can clearly see that it is not a companion for the goddess that suits you, but a servant of the witch.
  47. You are strong, courageous, wise and luxurious ... You have everything to be happy and you will become it. I believe in you!
  48. What a delicious chocolate you are. Someone will drop drool to their knees very soon.
  49. You cannot leave anyone indifferent, this is your "ce la vie" and this is great.
  50. I am glad that you decorate my life, bring peppers into it and make it boil. Only with such a friend do you feel alive.
  51. I am awarding you the title of Mega Lady today. You deserve it.
  52. I am sure that not only men's wallets will tremble from you, but hearts as well.
  53. My dear, our friendship is the elixir of good luck and luck. Thank you for being there.
  54. This photo told me that my purest diamond finally has a decent setting. Congratulations on this useful purchase.
  55. Even if you are all hung with all the gold at once, then even then it will be impossible to call you tasteless.
  56. You certainly don't need to use a love spell, perfume with pheromones, magic powders and other slag to attract attention. You are a concentrate of all the best in a girl. And the main thing for me is your ability to be friends.
  57. It is from you that I learn to spit on conventions and live by my own rules. Thank you for giving me such a friend!
  58. In this photo, it is especially obvious that you are not only beautiful, but also smart.
  59. Impeccable taste, memorable style and a sea of ​​charm. I love your pictures.
  60. How do you manage to look so fantastic as if you spent the whole day with a beautician and stylist.
  61. You look like a million.
  62. If a girl is beautiful, then she has many fans. If she is also smart, then there will be a lot of talk about her. But if she is also charming, then she turns into a legend. Friend, you have already reached the highest level and will soon become a legend.
  63. You have a very piercing, just magical look.
  64. In this photo you are real.
  65. Yes, not only men will want you, but also women. I love it.
  66. You look dazzling and you carry yourself with dignity.
  67. Very sexy, just mesmerizing.
  68. Delicious. So tempting that even me drooling, even though I'm not a guy.
  69. Here you are as beautiful as a movie star.
  70. I look at you happy and I myself become happy. Thank you for the positive, friend.
  71. You yourself are like the sun and in the photo you also shine. Thank you for illuminating my life, dear.
  72. How slender. Just a fashion model. I'm proud of you.
  73. Even a photo conveys your charm, warmth and kindness. That's what a beautiful girl means.
  74. You look gorgeous in photographs in any form and mood. Even the camera adores you!
  75. It is impossible not to admire you. You are an icon of style, beauty and charm.
  76. Your photos are always strongly charged with your amazing energy, I recharge from you like from a battery. Thank you for the inspiration.
  77. Your photos will motivate anyone to feats, even a lazy person like me. You are unique.
  78. Tuned girls cry when they see a nature like yours. And most importantly - everything is different.
  79. The hair is simply unreal. Like a magazine cover.
  80. I will give you a talisman against the evil eye. To guard such beauty and talent. You definitely need him.
  81. And all this beauty without a gram of silicone, botox, plastic, hair extensions and teeth. You're just a fantastic girl.
  82. I am proud of such a friend and never tire of learning from you optimism, charm, love of life and independence.
  83. Probably, there is no second such self-sufficient person like you.
  84. You have enough energy for ten. Even your photo charges me with good.
  85. It is impossible not to admire your radiant eyes.
  86. Here you turned out just like in life: sincere and extraordinary.
  87. An extraordinary person like you is impossible not to notice. You are very catchy!
  88. Your pictures are prettier than the covers of fashion magazines.
  89. Every time it seems to me that you have nowhere else to improve, you surprise me again and again show a new better version of yourself. How do you do it?
  90. In this photo, it is very striking that you are creative and talented.
  91. I am proud that I was fortunate enough to be friends with such a self-sufficient, extraordinary and creative person like you.
  92. Your photos are direct evidence of your uniqueness. In them: angelic beauty, inexhaustible cheerfulness, blatant femininity and off-scale sexuality.
  93. You literally fascinate with mystery and femininity. Femme fatale ... what else to say.
  94. Friend, I enjoy you stronger than your boyfriends ... you are magical.
  95. You look like a fabulous mermaid.
  96. You look very sophisticated.
  97. The figure is simply amazingly chiseled. Your work inspires great respect in me and deserves it.
  98. Looking at you is a pure aesthetic pleasure.
  99. Hey! Miss - a dazzling smile!
  100. Before, I did not understand when they write about someone - “a brilliant person”. Having made friends with you, I fully realized that you are a brilliant person.

Compliments to a friend for a photo will make her smile, but isn't this the most important thing?

Thanks for adding to:

You seem so small, fragile and romantic here. Very nice!

What are you positive! Your smile is contagious, I sit and smile in response to the photograph.

Such a beautiful sky in the photo is simply incomparable with the color of your eyes.

So I look at all these pictures and am convinced that you need to go to a photo model.

A compliment under the photo to a friend

What a nice and sweet smile you have. No one else has one.

You turned out just great here! But in life you are many times better.

You are as smiling here as in life. Your happiness warms me even through photography.

I love to review your photos, they show your original and creative thinking.

Even in dark photographs, you shine, illuminating everything around.

Beautiful compliment to a friend in the photo

You are so photogenic. How many more talents will I reveal in you?

Here you look like a little sleepy bunny, just as pretty and defenseless.

Just one of your posture shows how graceful you are.

After this photo, you can no longer deny your undeniable attractiveness and charm.

You are so artistic! Each of your photos can be viewed indefinitely.

You are here and carefree, and mischievous, and open. It suits you.

How much passion and fire is in this gesture. You're just a femme fatale!

Compliments on the photo to a friend are short

I'm not talking about photography, but only about you: picturesque, incredible, amazing imagination.

So beautifully the sun's rays play in your hair. They make you even more fabulous and blooming, a real fairy.

* * *

I admire your sensuality and femininity, which can be seen even in ordinary photographs.

Any person is pleased to hear sincere words addressed to him. But are compliments appropriate in an aspect of a relationship such as female friendship? After all, this is a very complex and cunning matter, in which an incorrectly chosen phrase, even of a laudatory nature, can turn into a real disaster. To prevent this from happening, you need to know the psychological subtleties of communication between representatives of the same sex.

Women's friendship and compliments: how to combine the incompatible and why is it needed?

Compliments to a friend are always an expression of admiration, special sympathy and sincere approval. All this can be timed to coincide with some special occasion, for example, as a toast for a birthday, or simply and without reason to express gratitude with a single purpose - to please a person, raise his self-esteem and give a piece of his warmth.

Men, despite the nature of conquerors, are not always able to fully emphasize the most important thing. Whether it’s a woman’s business: they understand each other like no one else, they know what a romantic soul lacks in gray everyday life, when to speak in prose, and when in poetry, so that it does not sound pompous, nor too pretentious, nor banal.

Therefore, it cannot be said that compliments from representatives of one sex are less pleasant than from the opposite. But it is important to understand that the motivation can be different: it is one thing when beautiful compliments are said with some personal benefit, and quite another - when they come from the very heart.

Talking to your friend correctly: how to protect yourself from mistakes?

In this aspect of relations, the main thing:
  • not to make a friend unpleasant - no matter how strange it may sound, the lion's share of "praises" simply falls "by" and instead of raising the mood makes the person gifted "blown away" by your words. For example, it is better not to tell the girl: you have recovered, but it suits you so well!

    Even if you really utter such a phrase from the bottom of your heart exclusively in a positive way, because your friend previously dreamed of gaining a kilogram to acquire the desired "roundness" of the figure, at the moment of uttering a compliment it may lose its relevance - remember this.

  • do not look ridiculous and funny, especially if you have a solid reason in front of you - an anniversary, birthday, wedding, etc. In order for pleasant words to really look like that, think carefully about the way you express your thoughts and choose the ideal setting and time.
A list of what you can talk about: a new outfit, make-up, hairstyle. But the beauty of the eyes, teeth, hair and other things should not be stated directly. It is better not to rush into general vague phrases like “how stylish you look today”, but to focus on something specific, for example, as follows:

“Where did you get such a chic outfit? I want something like that too! Can you help? "

In other words, the main thing is to emphasize the individuality of the person, while knowing what your girlfriend is proud of in herself is a huge plus. In this case, do not skimp on comments - it does not matter, in prose or poetry. It is always pleasant to hear from others that a woman values ​​herself in herself. You can safely talk about the important role of a person in the lives of others, in particular yours, about his outstanding abilities or career achievements.

It is a sin to neglect pleasures in a comic and funny way, smoothly moving from negative to positive, for example, saying something like:

You know, you have no "zest" ... you have dozens of "zest", but you are a real cupcake!


“Mother, you are so smart! Just like me! "

But you can do this only if your friend's day has definitely started “on the wrong foot” and everything is in order with her sense of humor.

The best ways to build compliments

The most effective and successful compliments to a friend are not direct, but as if "with a secret", because, you must agree, a surprise is always more impressive than a gift you know about in advance. To say that a girl looks good is too easy. But to disguise beautiful words and present them gallantly is a different effect, more powerful and with a sweet aftertaste. This can be done in several ways:
  • by praising not the friend herself, but someone or something dear to her heart: husband, children, work ( "Your children are real angels!" );
  • through indirect and indirect comparisons with a person who is an authority ( "You are very much like your mother, you are just as strong and purposeful." );
  • using sayings, signs and stereotypes ( "Clutter in the apartment is a characteristic feature of any creative person." ).

An important part of a successful compliment is surprise. The larger it is, the more pleasant it is to hear beautiful words. Thus, you can not only increase the self-esteem of the gifted, but also receive a flurry of emotions from her in return. Praise the part of your friend - whether physical or spiritual - that others are used to overlooking.

As a result, you can recall the words of the famous song: "Let's say compliments to each other ..." With their help, you can make peace and glue the destroyed, generate a new one and find the key to seven locks.

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