What was the name of the fairy-tale character princesses. Disney Princes: description and photo

The Disney film studio has created a huge world of fairy tales that many generations are in love with. Cartoon characters are very different from each other neither appearance nor characters. Below are the top facts about the Disney princes, their stories and photos.


The first film adaptation of the fairy tale about Cinderella was released in 1950, and the project has not lost its popularity to this day. Later, viewers saw two animated continuations of the story.

One of the key characters of the tape is one of the Disney princes - Charming. In the first animated picture, this hero was shown only a few times, so almost nothing is known about him.

We remind you that Charming is the owner of brown eyes and dark hair. The prince's skin is light, he himself is tall with broad shoulders. In the cartoon, he first appears in a scene with his father the king. He returned from a trip, and now his dad, the ruler of a fairy-tale land, asks Charming to think about the family. Soon he meets Cinderella at the ball.

One of the main features of the prince is the same attitude towards all the inhabitants of the kingdom, regardless of their status and position. The guy also believes in true love, which his parents had, so he hopes to experience such a feeling himself.

"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"

Disney princesses and princes are controversial characters in many ways. Often viewers criticize their actions, stories, accusing the creators of implausibility. A lot of mixed reviews received a couple from "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs". This is due to the fact that the prince and princess did not know each other, but only saw each other once before he saved her from witchcraft.

We remind you that the prince first appears in the cartoon when Snow White sang near the well. He was driving past the castle and heard a beautiful voice that made him stop. At first he listened to the girl's song, and then he began to sing along. The appearance of a stranger frightened the princess, and she ran into the house. Then the prince began to sing a serenade for Snow White, which made her go out onto the balcony.

The name of the hero was never mentioned in the cartoon, but it is known that the prince's name is Ferdinand. He has blond hair and blue eyes.


Many are so in love with fairy tales that they buy dolls of Disney princes, princesses and other heroes. One of the most beloved and bright couples are the heroes of the cartoon "The Little Mermaid".

The beloved of the princess of the underwater world becomes a human prince named Eric. The guy has broad shoulders and muscular arms. He is the owner of thick black hair and blue eyes.

In everyday life, Eric looks the same as all ordinary sailors, which is very unusual for a prince. The guy differs from others with a sincere and kind character. For the first time he appears before the audience on the ship, where his birthday is celebrated. Soon a storm begins and the ship crashes. Eric rushes to save his dog, as a result of which he himself falls into a trap. This is witnessed by the little mermaid Ariel, who pulls the guy ashore.

"Sleeping Beauty"

Disney princes in cartoons are always very brave and ready to do anything to save their beloved. This is exactly what Philip is from Sleeping Beauty. He faced the terrifying witch Maleficent, battled her dragon and other servants in order to be with Aurora.

We remind you that the parents of the prince and princess agreed that their children would get married when they were still very young. After Aurora was hidden in a small house in the forest, the lovers never saw each other. A new meeting took place when the girl was preparing for her 16th birthday. Of course, they did not recognize each other, but fell in love.

Philip has brown eyes and blonde hair. Little is known about his character, but the cartoon shows that he is very stubborn, always standing his ground. In addition, he is incredibly brave and strong.

"The beauty and the Beast"

Not all Disney princes show themselves noble from the very beginning. Some were never kind, but were able to change for the sake of love. It's about Prince Adam from Beauty and the Beast.

The guy was always narcissistic and judged others by their condition. Once a poor woman came to his castle and asked for shelter, but, of course, Adam did not accept the beggar woman. Unexpectedly for him, the old woman turned into a young woman, who, as it turned out, owned magic. She turned Adam into a beast and all the courtiers into objects. The sorceress said that only sincere love can remove magic, otherwise the prince will forever remain a monster.

Adam completely lost hope of salvation, since there was almost no time to search for his beloved, the spell can only be removed until the last petal from the witch's rose falls. Despite the complexity of the task, Adam managed to change, and also achieve mutual love from a simple girl named Belle. We remind you that Adam has blond hair and blue eyes.

"The Princess and the Frog"

Another Disney prince who wasn't perfect from the start is Naveen from the cartoon story The Princess and the Frog. The guy's parents refused to give him money, because he did not know how to earn it, as well as manage it.

Meanwhile, the guy does not want to hear anything about work, he raves about music. One day, an evil sorcerer decides to deceive the prince. He promises him wealth, but instead turns Nun into a frog. Then the guy goes in search of the princess, whose kiss can bring him back to his former life. The prince meets Tiara, whom he takes to be a princess, and asks her for help. However, the plan does not work and the girl also becomes a frog.

Initially, they were positioned by the creators as a standard of beauty and integrity. But the ideals of beauty, like morality and values, tend to change over time. This publication will attempt to analyze the evolution of not only the appearance of cartoon characters, but also their moral values ​​and aspirations throughout the Disney studio. So, Disney princes.

"Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs" Prince Ferdinand (1973)

In this cartoon, the prince without fuss plays the intended role of the possible betrothed of the main female character and does not show much activity. Fascinated by the charming singing of Snow White, languishing in the castle of her evil stepmother, he falls in love with the beauty at first sight.

This practice of developing relationships has been common in studio projects for a long time. Disney princes, whose names sometimes did not even sound in the cartoon, initially did not have a fine mental organization.

Further, the hero appears in the frame only after the unfortunate stepdaughter is in a crystal coffin. The miraculous kiss does its job, and to everyone's joy, Snow White is resurrected. The lovers go to Ferdinand's kingdom.

Such a reduced participation of the prince is explained by purely technical reasons. The fact is that in all the sketches, for some unknown reason, he turned out to be stooped. The prototype was the movie star of the 70s - Douglas Fairbanks, and professional dancer Lewis Hightower served as a live model. The latter impressed the entire creative team of creators with beautiful muscular legs. In addition, Snow White was drawn with his dance partner, Marjorie Belcher.

Handsome from "Cinderella" (1950)

The beautiful but bland hero from Cinderella was called Charming. He does not have a name as such, but his role is more memorable than that of his predecessor. According to the story, in honor of his return, the father-king arranges a magnificent reception, a ball, where the hero falls in love (also at first sight) with the beautiful Cinderella.

By the way, many Disney princes do not live in the same area with their future betrothed, but come or go, or travel in search of happiness. The ending is known to everyone: the hero will find his runaway lover on a graceful shoe, despite the intrigues of a cruel stepmother and evil sisters. This character was voiced by Michael Douglas, and the choreographer Ward Ellis became the prototype. It turns out that the early Disney princes in real life all had something to do with the choreography.

"Sleeping Beauty". Prince Philip (1959)

All Disney princes before the appearance of Philip were exceptionally peaceful, the hero from Sleeping Beauty was the first to take up the sword. Before pulling his beloved out of the arms of a lethargic sleep, he endured a fight with the sorceress Maleficent. In this animated film, the prince was portrayed by the lead actor of Space Patrol, Ed Kemmer, who had to wield a sword on wooden stands in the climactic battle.

"Mermaid". Eric (1989)

The appearance of this cartoon marked the revival of the studio, and in it the character of the prince was no longer an extra. Fortunately, the creators did not thoroughly follow the literary original of Hans Christian Andersen, removing a fair amount of tragedy from the story. Eric owes his dazzling appearance and brilliant smile to film actor Joshua Finkel.

"The beauty and the Beast". Enchanted Prince Adam (1991)

Many Disney princes, whose list exceeds a dozen, were originally enchanted. Among them is Adam - the key character of the cartoon. The whole plot is built on the story of the development of his relationship with the sweet beauty Belle. The prototype of the hero was the actor Peter Hastings, who has nothing to do with the drawn character (outwardly). He was responsible for the pantomime and facial expressions of Adam in those moments when the prince was in animal form. Both incarnations of Adam were voiced by Robbie Benson, to his voice (in the guise of a beast), the creators, for greater persuasiveness, imposed the growl of a wild animal.

The fake Prince Ali Ababua from Aladdin

Ali Ababua is the only fake prince on the list of beloved Disney princesses. He only took on the form of a prince in order to win the heart of the beautiful but wayward Jasmine. Despite the intrigues and tricks of the evil vizier Jafar, the lovers overcome all difficulties and quarrels. Initially, the creators tried to draw Ali from Michael J Fox, but later they added features of rapper MC Hammer and Tom Cruise to his image.

"The Princess and the Frog" Navin (2009)

Naveen is another proof of the fact that many Disney princes have been transformed into not the most pleasant animals. The first two-dimensional cartoon did not live up to the expectations placed on it. The prince of the kingdom of Maldonia, Naveen, a careless fan of jazz, by the will of fate ends up in New Orleans. A spoiled young man, admired by others, is unable to win the heart of a simple black waitress (by the way, the first African-American princess in Disney cartoons). Relationships between the characters develop according to the classic rom-com scheme. The character was voiced by Bruno Campos, familiar to the viewer from the role of Quentin Costa in the series Body Parts.

New rules of the game

The proof of the ingenuity of the creators of the cartoon "Frozen" is the character of Prince Hans Westergård. This beautiful tale primarily tells about the sisterly love of two princesses - Elsa and Anna (there is a girl and their girlish fears and dreams in the center of the story), but there are also feelings for the opposite sex in the tape. And first the false ones, then the real ones. In the finale, only an idea remains from Andersen's familiar fairy tale, but the authors of the cartoon expanded it significantly and designed it in a very original and bright way. Prince Hans acts as a negative hero, the main villain. The antagonist was voiced by television actor Santino Fontana.

Snow White, Rapunzel and Anna are the princesses created by the Disney studio who have won the hearts of hundreds of millions of girls from all over the world. It is these characters that annually become for them the standards of style, sophistication and beauty. You can name at least 10 princesses that are iconic in the history of cartoons.

Anna- This is one of the latest princesses, which was created by the Disney animation studio. She came to the audience from the cartoon "Frozen". The girl does not have sparkling dresses, like her own sister. However, she has something more important, this is a sense of style and taste. This allows the young Princess Anna to mix stylish bright shades of blue and burgundy in her outfits, which is quite difficult to achieve in real life. However, it is Anna, like a true professional stylist, who wears such a colorful outfit. And the green dress, which is also in the arsenal of the princess, allows you to create a thin and sophisticated silhouette, which always favorably emphasizes the fragility and sophistication of a girl, even from a cartoon.

- another fashionista from the world of Disney. There are three primary colors in her outfit. These are red, blue, yellow shades. It seemed that in the fashion world it is extremely difficult to create a stylish and elegant outfit from these colors. But Snow White does it with ease. And the collar with which her dress is trimmed only improves the image. It makes the outfit complete. It is these colors that make the ensemble of the princess and her whole image as a whole incredibly positive and cheerful.

It is exactly that cartoon girl character who wears exclusively a dress of a delicate pink hue. The uniquely long hair of the princess is considered her exquisite decoration and fashion accessory at the same time. It is Rapunzel in the Disney world that is an incredibly strong and feminine character. Her outfit in pink and purple colors not only does not irritate, but, on the contrary, emphasizes all the attractiveness of the little brave heroine.

Jasmine from the animated series "Aladdin" appears before the audience in seductive oriental pants, which were traditionally worn in the harem. The character is very sexy and colorful. Through most of her outfits, Jasmine reveals her tummy. However, due to the fact that she lives in a country with an incredibly hot climate, this does not look defiant or loud. The princess, on the other hand, is one of the most stylish Disney characters. In many ways, numerous accessories help her to create interesting images, one of which is a live, real tiger.

Aurora from the cartoon "Sleeping Beauty" is a truly happy princess. After all, she was lucky to have three godparents at once who love bright colors. That is why Aurora is not limited in choosing the most stylish, luxurious, feminine outfits. Despite the fact that many cartoon critics considered this picture frivolous, the princess was remembered by millions of young fashionistas who began to take an example from their favorite character.

Appears on the screen both in bright pink suits and in army uniform. And, everything goes to her unusually. The beauty of a princess is that she knows exactly how to wear and match clothes. The Chinese Girl is one of the most stylish Disney princesses, especially when it comes to creating and showcasing versatile everyday ensembles. Mulan uses a wide variety of colors and feminine, unusual accessories in her outfits.

belle from the cartoon "Beauty and the Beast", even being limited in funds, appears before the audience in a chicly simple and concise blue dress that emphasizes her graceful waist. However, the golden dress becomes a landmark for the princess, which is incredibly luxurious and royally solemn. However, in it, Belle does not lose her naivety, attractiveness and cheerfulness. There are other elements in the image of the princess, for example, a cape with a hood. It also favorably complements the image of a girl and emphasizes her fragility.

Ariel, who is the most famous Mermaid in the world, can undoubtedly claim a place in the list of the most stylish cartoon Disney princesses. The heroine is distinguished by refined taste and sense of style. Ariel wears modern dresses, among which her purple outfit sets off her red locks especially advantageously.

Tiana from the cartoon "The Princess and the Frog" lives in the 20th century. She differs from all Disney heroines in that she has at her disposal a mass of the most modern and stylish outfits. That is why very often she appears in bold ensembles that are loved by little spectators. The princess is not afraid of experiments, which allows her to always remain unsurpassedly fashionable. Everything Tiana wears fits her perfectly.

- exactly the heroine from Disney cartoons who never ceases to fall in love with herself, even being in an ugly and old uniform, made in boring and gloomy colors. The secret of her attractiveness lies not only in the use of bright accessories and wearing incredibly colorful shoes. Her stunning appearance, sweet and shy, which strikes with openness and good nature, makes any Cinderella outfit stylish and incredibly beautiful. That is why this princess can be safely called one of the most beautifully dressed in the history of animation.

Official Disney princesses, from left to right: Ariel, Pocahontas, Jasmine, Belle, Rapunzel, Aurora, Cinderella, Tiana, Mulan and Snow White.

List of Disney princesses - with names and images of princesses.

Disney princesses are familiar to girls from all over the world: dolls and many accessories, stationery, with the image of princesses are produced, as well as children's magazines (Princess World, etc., where the main characters are exactly familiar from cartoon princesses). And coloring books.

Although there are many female characters in Disney cartoons, including those of royal origin, the official list of Disney princesses is a solemn line, which includes only: Snow White, Mulan, Aurora, Belle, Tiana, Rapunzel, Ariel, Cinderella, Jasmine, Pocahontas, and Merida. Anna and Elsa from Frozen have long been considered Disney princesses among fans, but they did not enter the official lineup immediately after their appearance on the screen. The rest of the heroines are unofficial princesses.

21 Disney princesses.

  1. Cinderella (Cinderella) from the cartoon Cinderella, industrious
  2. Bell (Bell) from the cartoon Beauty and the Beast,
  3. Mermaid Ariel (Ariel) from the cartoon The Little Mermaid,
  4. Jasmine (Jasmine) from the cartoon Aladdin,
  5. Snow White (Snow White) from the cartoon Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, cheerful in nature
  6. Aurora (Aurora) from the cartoon Sleeping Beauty,
  7. Rapunzel (Rapunzel) from the cartoon Rapunzel: Tangled, bold
  8. Tiana from The Princess and the Frog, serious
  9. Merida from Brave
  10. Mulan (Mulan), Fa Mulan ( Fa Mulan) is the main character of the cartoon. A smart, resourceful girl. Went to war instead of her father.
  11. Pocahontas ( Pocahontas), a romantic multi-story about the daughter of an Indian chief, a noble girl Pocahontas, who lived in complete harmony with nature.
  12. Anna of Arendelle - blond hair
  13. Elsa from the Kingdom of Arendelle (Elsa of Arendelle) - with blond hair
  14. Moana (new 2016), a Polynesian princess from Oceania

In total, there are already quite a few main princesses.

Disney princesses based on the cartoon Frozen (Frozen) appeared in 2013: Anna from the kingdom of Arendelle (Anna of Arendelle) - blond hair and Elsa from the kingdom of Arendelle (Elsa of Arendelle) - with blond hair. They did not immediately enter the official list.

You can also highlight other princess heroines who are not included in the official list, but are found in cartoons.

In 2016, a new princess appeared - Elena of Avalor, for the first time Disney introduced among the princesses Latin American.

Elena of Avalor, Disney's first Hispanic princess, 2016. Elena of Avalor is an animated series that will be released in July 2016, thematically related to the cartoon Sofia the First.

In 2016, another princess appears - Moana, this is the first Polynesian Disney princess from the Pacific Islands.

Other Disney characters have also appeared in the merchandise line, but are not considered part of the official Disney Princess franchise.

  • Alice("Alice in Wonderland") - along with other official Disney princesses, was named "Princess of the Heart" in the PlayStation 2 game Kingdom Hearts. Alice is excluded from the official lineup, at least for now.
  • Sofia the First.
  • Waist(Justin and the Knights of Valor).
  • Ding Ding("Peter Pan") - for some time she was one of the official princesses, despite the fact that she was not a princess. It was later decided that she did not fit the "mythology" of the series.
  • Esmeralda("The Hunchback of Notre Dame") - was featured on some franchise merchandise, but is not part of the official line.
  • Giselle("Enchanted") was planned to be added to the ranks of the Disney princesses until the company realized that in this case it would have to pay the actress playing her, Amy Adams, royalties for using her likeness.
  • Kida("Atlantis: The Lost World") - also not included in the official lineup.

Maria (Maariyah), a fan-made Disney princess.

There is also an unofficial princess, invented by one of the fans (India, Pakistan) - Maria (Maariyah). Pothowari Princess (North-West Hindustan: modern day Pakistan).

Disney fans come up with their own imagery, creating interesting characters who could also someday become official Disney princesses.

Actually, Marian is the bride of Robin Hood, she is in the Disney cartoon Robin the Hood (Robin Hood), Lady Marian, but only in that cartoon the characters are represented by animals, and Marian is a fox (and Robin Hood, respectively, foxes). Robin and Marian get married.

We are waiting for new cartoons and new princes and princesses from Disney!


Additions from Karina. They forgot to mention Melody (daughter of Ariel), Megara (or Megan) from the cartoon Hercules), Jessica, Jane (from the cartoon Tarzan and Jane), Wendy (from the cartoon Peter Pan), and daughter Wendy (from the cartoon Peter Pan 2).

From ball gowns to nightgowns, we've selected 30 of the most noteworthy outfits, ranking them from best to worst.

1. Cinderella's ball gown.

True perfection. It's unbelievable how a godmother, dressed as a high school art teacher, could create such a dress.

2. Ariel's classic shell-shaped bra and fishtail of the little mermaid.

3. Lilac dress and flower decoration in Rapunzel's hair.

The dress is the most ordinary, but hair is the dream of any girl.

4. Red bloomers and bodice Jasmine, Aladdin.

Perhaps Jasmine herself would not have chosen this outfit for herself, but this does not mean that he does not suit her. The red color suits her, the jewelry is perfectly matched, and the high tail successfully frames the face.

5. Tiana's fancy dress, The Princess and the Frog.

Green is a complex color, especially for evening wear, but on Tiana its neon shade looks very good.

6. Belle's winter costume, Beauty and the Beast.

Red definitely suits her. Just look how the white edge on the hood frames the face! She certainly looks a little scared, but who would be thrilled at the prospect of spending time with a monster?

7. Lilac straight dress Meg, "Hercules".

8. Bright turquoise two-piece suit for Jasmine.

Few people can wear a wide jeweled hairband, large earrings and a heavy necklace at the same time without looking gaudy. Bravo, Jasmine!

9. Ariel's sparkly dress.

It's amazing how Ariel's father could let his daughter out in such a sexy dress?

10 Merida Navy Dress, "Brave".

A simple long-sleeved blue and green dress looks great with red hair.

11. Alice's futuristic jumpsuit "Mr. Rabbit's House", "Alice in Wonderland".

12. Elsa's dress in the Ice Castle, Frozen.

Pretty pretentious, but impressive considering Elsa made it herself.

13. Alice's blue dress with white apron.

Puff sleeves are a favorite cut of Disney princesses, and the apron makes them look amazing. And the hair is just amazing!

14. Pocahontas short suede dress.

A cute little dress with one shoulder strap, but a massive necklace obviously ruins the look.

15. White and blue for Belle.

Not bad, but looks better on Alice.

16. Ariel in a homemade sail and rope outfit.

Just awful! But it looks like a horror from Comme des Garçons.

17. Belle's yellow ball gown.

Quite tolerable, considering that it was made from an old curtain, but what if you pull the string? Get a mini?

18. Attire of a poor stranger for Jasmine.

The next time you play beggar, leave the massive gold earrings at home.

19. Lilac wedding dress Jasmine.

Here the taste has completely changed the usually stylish Jasmine.

20. Anna's winter costume, Frozen

Too bright and overloaded with details. And what kind of bag instead of a bag?

21. Ariel's pink dress for a dinner party.

For girls over seven, the combination of pink and lantern sleeves is unacceptable, even if you are fooling around.

22. Corset over Ariel's dress.

It's probably very stylish, but guys don't get it. Of course, Eric is confused.

23. Snow White, dressed in an incomprehensible what.

What's with the collar? Does it serve as an antenna?

24. Cinderella nightgown.

Cinderella doesn't want to hear about it, but the fact remains that this is the worst nightgown imaginable. Did she get it out of her grandmother's chest?

25. Ariel's nightgown.

Stop, don't. This is the worst shirt ever.

So where can you go in this dress? That's what happens when you trust all sorts of little animals to sew your own dress. She should be thanking her sisters for tearing this nightmare to shreds a minute later. In it, it was simply impossible to appear in front of people.

27. It's a minute later

Still not suitable for a royal ball, but it is quite suitable for a punk rock tea party.

28. Rosa's festive dress, "Sleeping Beauty"

The two fairies can't agree on what color Rose should be on her birthday, so the dress looks like it's covered in blue and pink paint. A disgusting sight!

29. Troll wedding dress for Anna, Frozen

Grass cape and Swarovski crystals don't go together!

30. Ariel's wedding dress

Everything that Ariel knows about wedding dresses, she learned from the soap operas of the late 80s. You can't imagine worse!