How to get a guy's attention. Real Tips for Getting the Attention of a Boy You Like How to Get the Attention of a Boy You Love

The schoolgirl liked the guy, but she is completely confused, because she does not know how to attract his attention. Standard situation, maybe it's time to learn some female tricks?

How to attract the attention of a boy: there is a contact!

If the couple is not familiar, simple steps should be taken to establish the first contact.

And for dating you need a worthy occasion, so you need to carefully consider a further strategy:

  • First of all, you need to collect more information about the guy you like. Particular attention should be paid to his hobbies: sports, love of music;
  • It is advisable to replenish your own knowledge in this area. Of course, it is difficult to become a professional in an unfamiliar field in a short time, but the main thing is that the girl can at least keep up the conversation on this topic;
  • However, you can get his attention by doing the opposite. If a guy prefers to spend time at the monitor, a request to install a couple of programs will be a good reason to get to know each other;
  • At the same time, you should not pay too much attention to the guy, standing out from the crowd. You have to act naturally. Constantly looking at his face, being nearby, you can scare away the future gentleman.

If the acquaintance took place, you don’t need to immediately hang yourself on the guy’s neck, demonstrating your own feelings, especially at school. Many guys in their teens remain too shy, and you need to be careful with them at first.

For example, having established contact, the couple continues to be good friends and things do not move from a dead center. It is possible that the boy also has tender feelings for his girlfriend, but is embarrassed to say so.

Therefore, the girl needs to take the initiative into her own hands, gently showing the guy that his courtship will not be rejected:

  • Being in the same company, you can make eye contact with the boy, but as soon as he catches the girl’s gaze, immediately lower your eyes and smile mysteriously. Then, you need to look at the guy again and try to hold his gaze. This is enough to show your interest.
  • There are a number of gestures that, on a subconscious level, will help you attract the attention of a member of the opposite sex. For example, you can lightly run your fingertips along your neck, straighten a stray strand, shake your hair, play with a chain, or run your finger along a pencil or the rim of a cup.

How to keep a boy's attention on a first date

In order not to be shy during the first date, you can try the modern method of psychological adjustment of the body, affirmations.

You need to constantly repeat a few carefully worded phrases with a positive attitude. For example: “I am beautiful, smart, attractive. Any guy is happy to date me. I am perfection".

For a date to be successful, you need to choose the right place. Of course, you can just go to a party at school with a boy who has attracted attention, but in this case, the couple will be surrounded by too many acquaintances, and loud music will interfere with communication.

For the same reason, you should not plan your first date at the same time as attending a football match or a rock concert.

To get to know each other better, you need a calm environment, devoid of annoying loud sounds. The best option would be a walk in the park area or a cozy small cafe.

It is not enough to attract the attention of the boy you like, it is important to keep him.

Many girls already make a fatal mistake on the first date, focusing the conversation on their own problems, as well as interests. However, even when showing interest in a guy, one should not ask questions too meticulously, it is better not to touch on topics that may cause discontent in a conversation.

When you like a boy, you must be correct and in no case make plans for a long-term relationship. Over time, it will become clear whether the couple is suitable for each other or not. Too frivolous behavior should be avoided.

Hello friend! Dedok Yurik is glad to welcome you to our beautiful site. For the first time or again, it doesn't matter. I am sure that after reading this article, you will love to read some more useful materials from this site. Anyway, now I'm here to help you deal with a pressing problem.

So, you're interested in which one you like, am I right? Then I really have something to tell you about. No, of course, I myself never pursued the goal of pleasing the boys, but the girls tried to get my attention. It was a long time ago, and since then a lot of water has flowed under the bridge, but common truths have remained unchanged over the years. Therefore, I can easily tell you how to attract the attention of a classmate, how to attract the attention of a stranger at school, and in general, what to do to please a boy.

How to Get the Attention of a Boy You Like

How to attract the attention of a boy in such a way that he is really interested in you? You must understand that, in general, you can force him to attract attention by some ridiculous and stupid act. But it is unlikely that the guy will want to build a relationship with you from this. I suspect that you are interested in how to attract a boy to yourself precisely for further building relationships. In this case, you will need to learn a few things:

  1. You must look good. After all, how to attract the attention of a boy if you are dirty, untidy, etc. Each of us loves aesthetic beauty, and even if appearance is not the main thing for someone, it still remains the defining moment at the initial stages of acquaintance. Especially when it comes to a guy who doesn't know you. However, if you are interested in how to attract a classmate, this does not mean at all that you can “score” on appearance. You still have to take care of yourself, wash your hair regularly, take care of your clothes, etc. Understand that a beautiful wrapper adds a special charm to even the most delicious candy. I hope you understand what I mean;
  2. You need to know how to get a guy's attention with a conversation. Immediately after the appearance, the guy will appreciate your mental abilities. And if you have nothing to offer him in terms of conversation, then your whole plan is doomed to failure. No, this does not mean that you need to chat incessantly. I tell you that you should be able to keep up the conversation, talk even on those topics that are completely uninteresting to you. Don't be shy, don't be shy and be yourself. This will help you understand for yourself how to attract the attention of the one you love.

In principle, a neat appearance and sociability is all you need. Next, I want to tell you not about how to attract a boy to me, but about where it is better to do it. And the options here are, in fact, darkness. It can be either some kind of school event, or a trite desk. Sit next to him, start a conversation, ask how he is doing, what he is interested in, etc. Try to fish out more information for yourself, but do it unobtrusively. Your task is to find as many points of contact as possible, in order to use them for your own purposes. In the course of a deeper conversation, you will perfectly understand how to attract the boy you like.

A great place to get acquainted will be a playground or a school yard. The main thing is not to approach him when he is surrounded by friends. With them, he can behave completely differently than alone. Wait until he is alone, and only then act, while do not even try to attract the attention of a boy in his company. If you yourself don’t want to approach, and you think that it’s the guy who should take the first step, then use the “special tricks” that any girl has in her arsenal. How to lure a boy? Yes, just look at him and wink. He will not leave this gesture unnoticed, I guarantee you that.

You like the guy. Or you have long been in love with a boy who does not notice you. What can be done to interest a man, make a guy fall in love with you, please a boy whom you love for a long time and unrequitedly?

Try 14 ways to get HIS attention.

How to get yourself a boyfriend boy, to whom you are not indifferent? We must act!

Of course, you can wait for whole days, weeks and months for the water to flow over the stone itself and your beloved man to become interested in you ... But if the expectation of his attention to you has been going on for a long time, and a miracle does not happen, then it’s enough to sit still, wiping trendy pants - it's time to take decisive action in the fight for your place in the sun - i.e. next to a guy who really like you!

Love, sympathy, attraction, passion are such subtle matters that are difficult to distinguish from each other. But if you feel something serious for the boy - something that excites your blood, confuses you and makes you blush, then most likely it is love! And you have to fight for love! At least - to give up without a fight, even without trying to become interesting for a lover, is impossible - this is a crime against oneself.

You know, I have always adhered to the rule in life - it is better to do and regret than not to do - and also regret! After all, if the result is the same, then why not take a chance - why not at least try to make your life better, happier? What if everything works out and you can interest this guy, manage to intrigue him in person and he will become your official boyfriend?

Well, if nothing works out, then it’s not fate - the main thing is that you made every effort to please this boy, and if it didn’t work out, then it’s even better. This means that in the near future you will definitely meet YOUR man - the one who is destined for you by Heaven. And already having experience (albeit negative, but so valuable) behind you, it will be much easier for you to build relationships with him.

Love for the first time is always a difficult question. If you fell in love with a guy, and he doesn’t even look in your direction, then the situation can actually be changed. If you think that you are in a unique situation, then you are very much mistaken - most people went through this at school or college, at their first job.

It’s just that some men are such specific people in themselves who don’t notice anything at all except their hobbies – what they have been interested in since childhood. For example, radio engineering, cars, computers, programming or study.

Even if the boy is interested in other girls, but not in you, it's okay, even this situation is fixable.

You just have to make it clear to the guy you want to fall in love with you that you are interested in him - after all, it is possible - and even most likely, because of your modesty or incomprehensible behavior, he does not even suspect about your sympathy!

So, let's get down to the process of learning how to please the guy you love. All you have to do is to choose from the 14 methods below, the ones that are most suitable for you, and try each of them in life. Perhaps your attempts will be a little awkward and even ridiculous, but believe me - if you are destined to fall in love with this boy, then this will happen if you make at least a little effort.

How to please a guy, a man

  • 1 Secret. The first thing a girl needs to understand in order to seduce a man, to conquer a guy, is that men love ACTIVE women.

In nature itself, it is laid down in such a way that not even the most beautiful or smart, but the most active (but not stupidly active!) And purposeful animals always get more food, attention from their parents and create pairs with the strongest individuals of the opposite sex.

Just remember newborn kittens - a cat mother most often licks the kitten that is the most nimble - he gets more milk. And if the cat family lives on the street, then compassionate passers-by take the most agile cat to their home. While his more passive brothers and sisters are malnourished and do not receive maternal caresses, and are forced to vegetate all their lives on the street.

This natural law also applies to people.

If you are not sure about your beauty, attractiveness, intelligence, abilities, etc. - then it doesn't matter. It does not matter if you are an active and purposeful girl who knows how to set goals and go towards them. Even if now you are not the most active girl, start pushing yourself from today's quality, become more active, wake up from sleep and start acting.

Let you make many mistakes - don't be upset if something doesn't turn out the way you wanted. This is fine. And it’s even wonderful: after all, a lot of mistakes means a lot of experience, and a lot of experience always leads to victory in a question that interests you.

What should be your activity? Yes, in everything! Do not sit still and do not watch TV at home in the summer - but walk, walk, sign up for a sports club or be like a tennis court, walk down the street and look at men's stores along the way, such as household and computer equipment, a car dealership, sporting goods, a bookstore .

Even if you don't meet a boy there that you want to fall in love with you, you can make acquaintances with other guys that you like and with whom you want to keep in touch and communicate.

If you graduated from high school, vocational school or technical school and sit at home, do not work, then go to study further at an institute, university or academy - for a day or correspondence course: there you can meet many good guys who will be able to dispel your longing and boredom for an unrequitedly beloved man . And, perhaps, he will see how purposeful you are, become interested in you and fall in love with you. After all, men love strong women! Didn't you know?

Be active in terms of physical activity - stay at home less, walk more; in terms of making new acquaintances - be open to communicate with new guys and girls, but be careful - do not get into bad company; in terms of maintaining pleasant communication for you - with a guy who you like as a man, or with whom it is just nice to chat and have fun.

  • The second secret of how to please a guy is that in fact, relationships with men are difficult to create and maintain.

You will have to make a lot of effort, time and energy to fall in love with a boy who you care about. But everything that is most precious in this life comes at the highest price - you have to pay for happiness. But don't overpay!

I recommend implementing the tips below in life, not stepping over yourself and your principles, but trying to interest a man in such a way as to remain yourself. If a loved one demands radical changes from you for his sake, then such a relationship is unlikely to become happy - after all, most likely he does not truly love you, otherwise he would have allowed you to be yourself.

What to do to interest a boy

  • 1. In order for a boy to like you, you must first of all like yourself. That is, if you want to fall in love with a man, fall in love with yourself first. Love yourself. If you know what a cool and wonderful girl you are, then bringing it to a guy will be easier than a steamed turnip.
  • 2. Always be confident in what you say, think and do. People love confident people - they attract you like a magnet. And the guys like the positive attitude towards life of the girls - it attracts them very much. Develop your self-confidence.
  • 3. If you are unsure of yourself, then you constantly doubt yourself, do not do the things that you want to do. But the guys feel your doubts and insecurity in their own words, deeds - they literally feel your bad attitude towards them with their skin. Men don't like girls who talk about themselves all the time, talk about their problems over and over again, or who can't stand up for themselves.

Be yourself, but don't be selfish and negative. Try to think and act positively, smile more and avoid showing your own insecurities in public.

  • 4. Get his attention. To get a guy's attention, you must first give him yours - that is, be the first to show attention to him. This is not as difficult to do as it seems. Although your lack of experience in such matters may make you feel awkward and embarrassed - but we agreed to fight for love, right?

So don't be afraid to look at him - don't hide your eyes. If he sees that you are looking at him, then he does not immediately look away - make an effort and look into his eyes, look into his soul for a few seconds. Smile with the corners of your lips to let the guy know that you like him, let him notice the sparkle in your eyes, and only then look away.

  • 5. Do not hide your face or turn it away from him when you pass by the boy you want to fall in love with you. If you accidentally met on the street, stairs, or you just pass by him, look in his direction, say “Hello!” with a smile. or even “How are you?”, ask a question to the point (for example: “Do you know in which audience the lecture will be now?”).

Don't hide from a boy you want to like, because if you turn away from him, he may think that he is unpleasant or unsympathetic to you. Make it easier for the guy - subtly show your interest in him, greet him, ask a question, keep up a light conversation ... and you yourself will not notice how the boy you have suffered for so long will like you ....

  • 6. If you have common topics for conversation, offer to continue the conversation. Just take your time and do not impose - act delicately and very carefully.

So, you are no longer afraid to look into the face of the guy you want to fall in love with you, do not turn away and do not pretend to be touchy from other civilizations - you even say hello and from time to time exchange a couple of phrases. Fine.

Now find common topics for conversation - find common ground that the guy and you like equally strongly, and when you have to interrupt the conversation, for example, go to a couple, arrange to meet him later: “Come on, you tell me about string theory today after couples at McDonald's , I'm very interested!"

Or just show interest in getting to know each other further: “It’s so interesting to communicate with you - I didn’t even suspect before how much you know. Can you tell me later where you can learn to drive a car? And then I want for a long time, but I can’t ... "

The main thing is not to lie, show interest in those topics that are really interesting to you.

Do not rush the guy - men at an early age usually mature for a long time before the need for rapprochement. That is, do not impose yourself with your conversations and rationalization proposals, if he simply does not have time for this right now - he needs to hurry. Give him time to get used to you.

In general, your maximum task at this stage of the relationship is to become his friend.

  • 7. A good sense of humor allows you to fall in love with boys and guys for one or two. Humor is always useful in relationships - and he is the first assistant to please a man. You can prepare a funny joke or a funny anecdote, a wise aphorism or a witty phrase in advance.

But it will be better if you just insert your playful remarks at the right moments - not malicious and in no way malevolent, but simply if you make fun of yourself in a conversation, smile a lot and joke.

Men easily fall in love with cheerful girls with a great sense of humor. Develop this character trait in yourself - to be witty. And for this you just need not be afraid to be (look) funny - in order to joke well, you need to be relaxed and ready for the fact that they can laugh at you too - this is normal!

How to make a man fall in love with you

  • 8. Flirt with him! In general, I do not like the word "flirting", because. it scares me - to be honest, I was always afraid to flirt.

Therefore, I will say in other words - to please a guy, to fall in love with a man, PLAY with him!

Play cat and mouse with him, smile, intrigue, ask riddles, use female flirting techniques to take your relationship from the "I'm just your friend" zone to the "Yes, I'm your best friend - and your girlfriend at the same time."

In order not to get stuck in the status of his best friend, but to become his girlfriend, show the boy that you are interested in him.

  • 9. Go closer. When the boy liked you and he is already almost in love with you - seize the moment, do not miss the love! Show him that you like him as a man, that you are interested in him as a woman, and not just a friend.

Take your time with this until you get to know each other well and there is trust between you. As soon as the guy began to trust you, it is easy for him to joke with you, communicate, which means that it is no longer difficult for a boy to fall in love. It is necessary to act - but carefully so as not to frighten off the "prey".

Touch his hand or face if the moment presents itself, and say something that will make him think about you for the rest of the day, intrigue him.

For example, if you're running in the rain to a stop, casually grab onto his arm to keep from falling and say, "Your arms are SO STRONG!" He will then wonder all day if you only liked his hands, or if you generally consider him a strong and very sexy man.

  • 10. Dress to please a man, to fall in love with you from the first dress. I mean girls never know what to wear to get boys interested.

The most correct answer is DRESS COMFORTABLY so that you feel comfortable in clothes next to your lover.

If you are dressed in uncomfortable clothes, then the guy will feel this discomfort on your part and can take it personally. After all, you can’t explain to a man on a date or after meeting that you put on a too tight bra or that the dress rubs under your arms. So dress comfortably.

To fall in love with a guy, you should not dress too provocatively and sexy. Yes, of course, revealing clothes will draw his attention to you - but nothing more.

  • 11. Subconsciously, many serious boys avoid girls who dress too brightly and defiantly, because. they are looking for a serious girl for a long-term relationship. And such a frivolous form of clothing makes them doubt your female fidelity, devotion and even decency.

Dress nice but comfortable. If, in order to interest a man, you change your jeans for a dress, he will notice this and appreciate your work for him.

But don't go overboard and don't dress like a stripper - which is so easy to confuse with a prostitute or other lady of similar behavior.

Usually such simple clothes as jeans and a shirt or a T-shirt (but with a breast in a bra!), a skirt with a blouse, a dress work.

Too sexy and provocative clothes can work against you - and turn the guy away from you altogether.

  • 12. Find out what a guy likes, what a man likes to do - and share his interest. After all, if you want to spend more time with this man, you must know how he lives and breathes. Moreover, you should share his hobbies and, ideally, be passionate about what your loved one likes.

Look for real points of contact between you - these works will pay off handsomely.

  • 13. If a man is interested in films, games, music, sports, cars, computers, making money or any other hobby, then you should also join this topic, find a way to get closer to him in this matter.

After all, the common interests of women and men bring together - and fall in love. And the lack of common themes and hobbies is divisive.

Find something in common that unites your hobbies - something that can become a bridge between your hearts. After all, understanding in some important issue generates trust, and trust breeds love.

  • 14. Be careful. Act carefully. Haste in matters of the heart is never a wise decision. Now you already know how to please a boy, to interest a man, how to make a guy fall in love with you - you already know how to make your loved one notice you, you know how to become his friend - and girlfriend.

But do not rush to fulfill all these points headlong. Chat with a guy not to seduce him, but to better understand - maybe he is not the one you need? Let your communication be two-way - and mutually enriching, get to know each other gradually, without initially setting a super-goal to achieve his love. Then it may turn out that you just don’t need his love. Maybe he is a tyrant, or a womanizer, or just a frivolous person?

You have already received 14 tips on how to make a guy fall in love with you. But still, hand on heart, I will say that the successful outcome of winning a man's heart depends not only on you, but also on whether this boy is destined for you by God, by fate.

With the help of these methods, you can check if the guy you like, but who hasn't noticed you yet, can like you. But this does not mean that it is necessary to establish a serious relationship with him if, in the process of communicating and getting to know each other, something in him will greatly alert you.

Do not use these techniques for selfish purposes - after all, deceit and calculation at the beginning of a relationship usually turns against a deceiver.

And don't use these tips on how to win a man to hurt him without having the goal of being with him. Any pain inflicted on another comes back to you - not immediately, over time. Therefore, do not launch this boomerang if you are not ready for a full-fledged game.

In general, I want to say that if a guy likes you, then even the slightest effort will be enough on your part to interest him and fall in love with each other. Sometimes even a fleeting friendly nod is enough to move the iceberg in a relationship and start a new love.

So, in order to please a guy, a girl must love herself, be self-confident, attract his attention with a look, say hello and do not turn your face away, try to start a dialogue and become his friend, laugh often and show your great sense of humor, flirt, touch him, dress to please the man you love - nice and comfortable, but not hypersexual, share his interests, get involved in something together, and most importantly - take your time!

Wanting to attract the attention of a guy, girls are capable of much. It is important to think over your own actions, otherwise you risk frightening off the object of passion. How to lure a young man into your own networks and keep him on the hook? Let's figure it out together.

How to get a guy's attention: step by step instructions

Step 1. Simulate a situation where you need to walk past him. Straighten up, do not take too wide steps, hold yourself confidently. No need to slow down or step like in the army, go calmly. A guy should appreciate you in all its glory, from developing hair to a beautiful outfit. The ideal option: you go towards your friend and sincerely smile at her (you can persuade a friend to make such a move with a horse).

Step 2 Now it is important to show interest. Catch his eye, do not take your eyes off for a few moments. Know the measure, do not stare, smile with restraint and expect further developments. When the gentleman approaches, say "Hi!" While continuing to smile modestly. This way you will make it clear that you want to start a conversation.

Step 3 Take care to create the right first impression, there will be no other chance. Be friendly but not intrusive, keep your distance. Make the conversation easy and pleasant without exhausting pauses. Relax it and play a joke on yourself, but do not go too far, so as not to get too hard. Create the impression of a pleasant and easy-to-communicate interlocutor.

Step 4 Let the guy know that you are open to communication. Stay confident, don't slouch, and keep your head straight. Do not hide from the interlocutor by crossing your arms over your chest. Stop fixing jewelry or hair, they're fine. Relax and enjoy the first communication with the object of adoration.

Use tactile contact, gently touch his arm, lean forward as if you didn't hear what he said. A start has been made, keep looking into the eyes, do not look away, this is a sign of disinterest.

Step 5 Move on to a full-scale operation called "Flirting". Feeling calmer than a few hours ago? Great, now play a little prank on your opponent and let him reciprocate. Show that you are okay with self-irony. Keep touching his hand as you laugh, but don't squeeze, just touch as if reflexively.

Lick your lips, play with your hair and make a languid look. You should not talk about sympathy, forbid yourself to come close to the guy so that communication is kept easy and relaxed. Don't laugh out loud, speak in a soft and quiet voice, let him lean in to hear exactly what you're saying.

Step 6 Work on your emotional state, the positive mood should continue throughout the meeting. Show your own uniqueness, stay natural and not defiant. Keep communication on a cheerful note, do not talk about what you do not like, talk about pleasant things.

It's too early to share information about a dead grandmother or a terrible minibus. Discuss your favorite movies, hobbies and pets, infect him with enthusiasm. Do not argue, keep a balance between starting a conflict and expressing your own opinion. Continue a positive dialogue, find common ground and similar hobbies.

Step 7 Now you need to make sure that the guy invites you to a romantic meeting. During the conversation, you have already identified common interests, it's time to use them. Inform that a musical group (you both should like it) is playing a concert at the end of the week. If the guy said that his favorite dish is sushi, casually mention the opening of a new Japanese restaurant. At this stage, you can compliment the interlocutor, showing true intentions.

You can turn the situation around and clearly hint that you don’t know what to do on the weekend, but don’t become too intrusive, leave the lane for acceleration. The object of adoration noticed you, you communicated productively and entrenched in his memory. It remains only to wait for an invitation to a date, which will soon follow.

Can't get the attention of the guy you like? Stay natural and relaxed, carry yourself confidently and smile openly. Show your individuality, share your impressions and look for common ground. Start flirting only when you notice mutual sympathy. Keep the young man on the hook with a positive mood, discussion of interesting topics and tactile sensations!

Video: how to get a guy's attention