How to determine the state of health by the face. Beautiful face skin - healthy face skin

Pretty face, isn't it? Clean, firm and healthy skin, absolutely free of any defects. Are you upset that you have such healthy skin never was and never will be? Do not. Her beauty is the achievements of Photoshop, and here you are thanks to our tips for proper skin care you can achieve that your face will be fresh, clean and beautiful.

General information about the skin:

In order to maintain healthy skin, despite the harmful effects of extreme environmental conditions (cold air, hot sun, etc.), and what is there, age - you need to know this:

Let's not be cunning, we often treat the skin to our skin in a very simplistic way, without proper reverence. We think, here is the heart, or there are kidneys - yes, this is important, they should be monitored. And the skin is that, the skin is not a priority. But this is about one and a half meters of living tissue. Twenty percent of the total weight of a person. And for that matter - the largest human organ.

The skin is made up of three main layers. The upper layer of the skin - the epidermis - protects the skin from the penetration of water into it and from the evaporation of body fluids through the skin. The cells of the epidermis die off every day and gradually slough off from the surface of the skin. Under the epidermis is the dermis, go directly to the skin. It is formed by layers of elastic elastic fibers that give it strength, in addition, it contains blood vessels, nerve endings, hair follicles and sweat glands. Subcutaneous adipose tissue is the deepest layer of the skin. It consists of loose adipose tissue, and therefore the skin retains heat well. Each sweat gland in the skin contains a tube surrounded by cells that produce sweat. Sweat rises along a tube to the surface of the skin and exits through the pores. Sweating is one way to keep your body temperature constant. In addition, with sweat, toxins and other substances are released that cannot be excreted by the kidneys, lungs and the digestive tract. Thus, sweating helps to expel disease from the body and slows down aging. Prolonged exposure to wind, heat and cold is harmful to the skin, as it loses moisture, dries, cracks and ages. The skin is divided into several types: dry, oily, normal. Each skin type needs its own care.

Our skin is like a natural protective shirt. Incredibly strong and durable. The very first line of defense of our body. Thanks to the sebaceous glands, it is covered with a thin layer of the most valuable natural emulsion, which softens, gives elasticity and shine. However, with oily skin, that is, with an excess of sebum, the pores are often clogged, which leads to acne. Therefore, it is very important to take care of the cleanliness and freshness of your skin!

In addition, by the condition of the skin, one can judge the health of the internal organs of our body. No wonder doctors have a saying: "Skin diseases are treated in the intestines." According to many dermatologists, all sorts of skin diseases are the eruption of the toxic contents of our body from the inside out. It's like an attempt to get rid of the accumulated toxic substances. Therefore, cosmetologists, when contacting them about "imperfections" of the skin, first of all look for internal causes, and very often this is really a consequence of any disease, for example, metabolic disorders. With a violation of water metabolism, puffiness appears on the skin of the face and the eyelids swell. Yellow heels on the eyelids - fat metabolism is impaired.

In conclusion, we can quote the words of the French scientist-gerontologist François-Marie Burlier: "Reasonable hygiene, taking care of body cleanliness, skin care is the best anti-aging remedy."

And now here are some tips for proper skin care:

  • Strawberry is one of the most powerful folk remedies for skin care. To remove freckles, birthmarks, wrinkles and blackheads, it is recommended to make lotions from the juice of fresh strawberries or mashed berries before going to bed.
  • Modern scholars believe that Orange stimulates the formation of collagen fibers, which in turn improves skin elasticity and prevents the appearance of wrinkles. Introduce oranges into your diet, and you will not have to worry about the beauty of your skin.
  • To improve skin condition, mix 50 g olive oil, 100 gr lemon juice and 200 gr honey... Take the resulting mixture on an empty stomach in a dessert spoon.
  • Castor oil ... To smooth and soften the skin, lubricate your face with castor oil slightly warmed in a water bath once every 2-3 days. By massaging your face with warm castor oil, you can get rid of fine expression lines.
  • For normal skin type it is good to use the following mask: mix 1 tablespoon of ground oatmeal with 1 tablespoon of milk and juice of 1 orange. Apply to face and keep for 20 minutes, then rinse.
  • Mask from Marlene Dietrich : Beat the egg white into a foam, mix with a glass of sour cream, add the juice of a small lemon, 50 grams of vodka and a tablespoon of glycerin. Apply the resulting cream to the face immediately after the bath, hold for 10 minutes and rinse with warm water. The cream is perfectly absorbed, refreshes, nourishes and brightens the skin. Store the remaining cream in the refrigerator.
  • For dry skin it is recommended to wash face with infusion of petals roses: pour 2 tablespoons of petals into 1.5 cups of boiling water and let it brew for 1 hour.
  • Dry skin a mask of the following composition will give a healthy look: 20 g of lemon juice, 10 g of beeswax, 10 g of spermacet and 5 g of medical alcohol. If you can't find spermaceti, replace it with an equal amount of nourishing cream. Apply the mask for 20-30 minutes every other day.
  • Nourishing mask ... Stir 1 egg yolk well with 100 g of sour cream, add the resulting mixture to the previously carefully chopped lemon peel and leave in a closed vessel. After 15 minutes, add 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil to the mixture and stir well. Apply the prepared mask in a thick layer to the skin and leave to dry. It is better to wash off the mask with an aqueous solution of parsley. Then apply a cold towel to your face for a few seconds, making a cooling compress. This mask quickly tones the skin, so it is recommended in situations where you need to look good after a working day, for example, you have to go to the theater or guests.
  • At dry skin very useful mask using avocado... Avocado is the leader among vegetables in terms of fat content. Make this mask: mix 2 teaspoons of avocado pulp with one teaspoon of honey, a spoonful of yogurt and lemon juice. Hold the resulting mixture in a sealed container in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Apply on face for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  • For dry skin faces - Take in equal proportions lime blossom, chamomile flowers, mint leaves, rose petals or rose hips. Grind and pour boiling water in a 1: 2 ratio. Boil and then cool. With the resulting broth, you can rinse your face or make a mask that you keep for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.
  • For dry skin - Take 350 grams of berries grapes, knead. Heat the resulting gruel in a water bath to 37 0. Remove from heat and leave to infuse for 2 hours. Then squeeze out the juice - on average, you get a glass of juice. Add 1 tbsp to the juice. a spoonful of honey and half a spoonful of salt. Beat the resulting mixture in a mixer, strain and pour in 100 grams of vodka. Pour the resulting lotion into a suitable bottle and keep in the refrigerator. Shelf life is 4 months. After rubbing the face lotion, leave it on the skin for 2 hours, then rinse with cool water.
  • For dry and normal skin persons: 2 tbsp. mix tablespoons of flour with whipped egg white and one teaspoon of honey. Apply the resulting mass to the face for 10 - 15 minutes. The mask is recommended to prevent the appearance of wrinkles.
  • For oily skin - Take in equal doses St. John's wort, sorrel leaves, calendula flowers and coltsfoot leaves. Grind well and pour the resulting collection with boiling water in a ratio of 1: 2. Boil and cool. Apply the mask for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  • At oily skin type it is recommended to wash face with slightly acidified cool water. In no case should you wash with hot water, it causes increased sebum secretion.
  • For oily skin you can make a lotion: insist 5 tablespoons of yarrow in 2 liters of water for 20 minutes.
  • Good whitens skin face mask made of red currant berries and honey. Mix a handful of unripe berries with 1 tsp. honey, knead well and apply the resulting mass on the face for 30 minutes. Wash off the mask with lemon juice diluted with water.
  • Will help rejuvenate sour milk products - sour cream, cottage cheese.Not suitable for oily skin.
  • B Be careful when using citrus juice. Skin irritation may occur. First, apply the mask to the bend of the elbow, and if irritation does not arise, you can safely use the mask.
  • For whitening effect wipe your face 2 times a day with a solution of 6-7 tsp. drinking soda for 1 glass of water.
  • Brew with 1 cup boiling water 1 tbsp. l. root parsley, keep on low heat for 20 minutes, cool, mix with the juice of 1 lemon and wipe your face in the morning and evening.
  • Finely chop a bunch of greens parsley, squeeze out the juice and mix with an equal amount of unboiled milk. Apply the resulting liquid in the same way as almond milk.
  • Strong whitening action lemon and cucumber juices are applied to the skin. With this juice, you need to wipe your face daily, but you need to be careful with lemon juice, as mentioned above.
  • For removal of dead particles use skin orange scrub for the face: mix 2 tablespoons of semolina with 1 tablespoon of orange powder (grind the pre-dried orange peels in a coffee grinder) and 1 tablespoon of oatmeal or barley flour. Before use, dilute the resulting scrub with facial milk, apply to the skin and rub it with light finger movements.
  • Another one scrub mask: Mix 1 tablespoon of rice flour with 1 tablespoon of cosmetic clay and add a couple of drops of olive oil. Dilute with a little water and apply on face. Leave the scrub mask for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water and apply a nourishing cream.

Daily care:

  • Cleansing the skin with olive oil: The most useful and simple remedy for evening face and neck cleansing is olive oil. Moisten a cotton swab with oil and cleanse the skin along the massage lines.
  • For any skin type: mix 25 g of alcohol, 25 g of boiled water and 100 g of a little warmed up honey. Stir until smooth. Apply the mask to your face and keep it on for 7-8 minutes. It has a cleansing, disinfecting effect, softens the skin.
  • Lotion from lily flowers... Lily flower lotion is very helpful as a preventative against wrinkles. To prepare the lotion, pour a glass and heel over one crushed lily flower and 2-3 parsley leaves. Insist for half an hour, strain and add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of glycerin. You can store it in the refrigerator. Wipe your face with lotion 2-3 times a day, and once before bed.
  • Honey water... Dissolve a spoonful of honey in two glasses of water. The resulting honey water wash your face before going to bed for a few minutes, then rinse your face with warm water without soap. Honey water gives the skin freshness, nourishes it and makes it velvety. Suitable for all skin types.
  • Contrast herbal compresses : 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of herbs with a glass of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. For oily skin use St. John's wort, yarrow, calendula; for dry and normal skin, take hawthorn, ginseng, sage, or mint. Heat half of the broth, cool the other. Alternately dip a cloth napkin in them and apply to the face for 5 minutes.
  • At age spots on the face, mix 3 parts of fresh milk and 1 part of pure alcohol and rub this mixture into the skin of the face at night.
  • Squeezed out of half lemon mix medium-sized juice with 15 g of vodka, 100 g of fat milk, 10 g of sugar. With the resulting composition, wipe the skin daily.

  • Lemon juice - 50 g, boiled cold water 25 g, camphor alcohol - 10 g. Mix the composition and use for daily cleansing of the face.
  • For sun protection and chapping liberally grease the face with a small amount of raw egg yolk. When the yolk dries, wash it off with soap and water.
  • For relieving edema and skin irritation, brew a handful of rose petals with 1 glass of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. With cold infusion, wipe the skin of the face 2 times a day.
  • For remove wrinkles : mix in 1 tbsp. raspberry leaves and linden flowers, brew with 2 cups of boiling water and insist, wrapped, for 30 minutes. Pour the infusion into ice cube trays and freeze. With ice cubes of infusion, wipe the skin of the face at night. Read more about using ice for facial care..
  • To return skin firmness and freshness: mix 1 tbsp. l. cottage cheese and 1 tsp. sea ​​salt (you can buy at any cosmetic store) and apply the mixture on your face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water and rinse your face with cold water. Do it 1-2 times a day.
  • For fading skins and- mix 50 grams of grape juice and 50 grams of raw milk. Apply the resulting composition to the face and keep for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  • Rejuvenating cream- Mix equal amounts of crushed grape seed powder and honey. Apply the resulting cream in a thin layer to the skin. After 5-7 minutes, wash off with cool water.
  • Perfectly whitens, nourishes and cleanses the pores of oily skin mask of mashed pulp 1 ripe tomato applied to the face for 15-20 minutes.
  • Raspberry Purifying Mask : Take half a glass of ripe raspberries, squeeze through cheesecloth. Add a tablespoon of cream or two tablespoons of natural milk to the resulting mass. In the resulting mixture, moisten gauze and apply on face and neck for 15 minutes, then remove and rinse your face with mineral water.

Beer masks to maintain healthy skin.

Beer masks are suitable for all skin types. They are applied to cleansed skin for 5-10 minutes, then washed off with cool water.

  • For any skin type... Take egg yolk, add 2 tbsp. l. beer, beat into a lather and apply on face.
  • For dry skin... 2 tbsp. tablespoons of beer, 1 teaspoon of olive oil and 1 tbsp. honey. Stir and apply the resulting mixture on the face.
  • For oily skin... 1 tbsp. a spoonful of beer, a teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 tsp. honey. Stir and apply to face.
  • From wrinkles... Grate raw potatoes on a fine grater, add 3 tbsp. beer and 1 egg yolk. Stir, apply on face and cover with a gauze napkin on top.

Of course, now there are a huge number of cosmetics that help preserve healthy skin, giving a rejuvenating effect, tightening the skin. We are not in any way saying that we need to give them up, but all this costs money, and not small ones. Of course, for yourself, you don't need to spare money, but why not combine modern creams with the wisdom of our grandmothers, who managed to look great without any expensive cosmetics, thanks to proper skin care.

the beauty 21

Greetings, dear blog guests! I'm glad you are here, because I recommend only proven and natural methods for solving problems. My advice will work for both teenage girls and mature women.

Your main task is to believe that the methods are actually effective, because only then will you be motivated to work on yourself until you achieve the desired result. You will find the first steps to flawless skin.

Healthy facial skin is the dream of almost every woman. But the bitter truth is that with each new day, a woman notes certain not entirely rosy changes on her face. There are many questions about the beauty and health of the body. Why are bags under the eyes, dark circles formed, what is the reason for the appearance of the next one? But sometimes our face is attacked by a whole batch of these terrible culprits of women's suffering!

Age-related changes are especially distressing. We all understand perfectly well that aging cannot be avoided, however, I can assure you that it can certainly be delayed. Having learned all my beauty secrets, you will have a chance to find beautiful and delicate skin without clearly visible wrinkles, because a healthy skin is less prone to age-related changes.

The main secrets of your skin health

1. Replace black tea and coffee with herbal teas. Chamomile tea, tea with mint, nettle, lavender, rose hips, burdock roots, calendula are considered to be especially beneficial for the skin ... you should opt for the type of herbal tea that will bring you real pleasure. Teas have different indications for use and contraindications, therefore, before using this or that type of tea every day, you should carefully read its properties, study the instructions for use, and even better consult a doctor.

Herbal tea is truly an amazing drink that heals the skin from the inside out. It becomes cleaner due to the fact that most herbal teas are good at removing toxins from the body, accelerating cell regeneration, and purifying the blood. For example, tea with nettle purifies the blood, and then the skin itself. Chamomile tea - against dryness, moreover, improves complexion, relieves puffiness from the eyelids when applied externally.

Rosehip tea - contains many vitamins, which, no doubt, have a positive effect on the skin, keeping it youthful and beautiful. Tea with ginger - gives velvety. Mint tea is suitable for any skin - it takes good care of normal skin, improves oily condition, relieves dry dryness. Lavender tea - heals wounds. Calendula tea - reduces irritation, cleanses the surface.

2. Diet for blooming skin. Do you want your face to shine with health and keep youthful for a long time? Do you want to see rashes anymore? Then I recommend that you stick to the special one. Within a week, you will notice an improvement in your skin condition.

During the diet, it is strictly forbidden to eat foods with a high glycemic index. You can find a list of these products on the internet. They are also called foods containing light (empty) carbohydrates. They contribute to the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the body, the skin ages faster, becomes tough and inelastic. Eating foods with a low glycemic index has a positive effect on the condition of the skin.

The diet must include high quality protein (fish, chicken, turkey, beef, eggs). Protein foods should be supplemented with foods with a low glycemic index (vegetables, herbs, salads).

As a dessert, you should eat a serving of berries every day. Berries are rich in antioxidants, blueberries are in the first place in preserving the beauty of the skin, and then all the rest: raspberries, cranberries, viburnum, lingonberries, cherries, strawberries, red and black currants, etc. In the winter season, you can buy frozen berries, they almost fully retain all their properties. Berries can be added to natural unsweetened yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir, porridge.

I would also like to note one delicacy for sweet lovers. Cut the apple into wedges and sprinkle with cinnamon. Cinnamon has the ability to bring blood sugar levels back to normal, therefore, the risk of inflammation on the skin is reduced, plus the spice has a wonderful aroma and taste.

Eat a handful of soaked pumpkin seeds once a day, they are antibacterial and contain many beneficial substances for which the skin will thank you.

Regular massage also helps to improve blood circulation and also helps to relax, which is also very important for maintaining beauty and youth. And the face massage directly helps the pores to open and cleanse of dirt. After the massage, the complexion improves and edema disappears. Facial massage should be done very carefully, thoroughly studying all its subtleties.

Train yourself to live an active life, even when you are watching TV, try to do some kind of exercise, such as stretching. Do exercises often in which the head will be below the level of the legs, try to perform the exercise familiar to everyone from childhood - "Birch". This exercise is essential for good blood supply to the upper body.

Ancient Hindus have long noticed that standing upside down is good for your health. And as you know, a healthy body preserves the beauty and youth of the skin for a long time. Beginners should perform the exercise "Birch" once a day for 1-2 minutes, gradually increasing the time to 8 minutes. The untrained should start only after consulting an instructor in order to avoid injuries and bruises.

Find out the important:

4. Say no to bad habits! If you want to stay beautiful and young as long as possible, then it doesn't hurt to know that excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages accelerates the aging process of the whole body, this is due to the fact that alcohol dehydrates the body. Alcohol also raises blood sugar levels, resulting in skin inflammation.

Smoking interferes with oxygen and nutrient saturation of cells.

Drinking coffee increases the level of cortisol in the body, therefore, the mode of accelerated aging starts, and premature wrinkles appear on the skin.

Long-term exposure to the sun without sunscreen can cause pigmentation, early wrinkles, and cancers on the body.

5. Goodbye stress! Separately, I would like to add a few words about the destructive effect of stress on the skin of the face. leads to very rapid withering. Under the influence of the stress hormone cortisol, the skin becomes oily, pimples and blackheads can often appear on it. Stress can even cause itchy skin on the face and other parts of the body. How to deal with it and become a more stress-resistant person, read

Beautiful facial skin is the result of continuous daily work on yourself. By constantly observing several rules for caring for your skin, you can achieve amazing results and not only get healthy, radiant skin, but also maintain its firmness and elasticity.

So, the simple rules for beautiful skin:

1. Do not overuse hot showers. The fact is that hot water destroys the protective layer of the skin and this leads to its drying out. Water procedures in hot water are allowed no more than 10 minutes.

2. You need to drink plenty of water. Water is the source of life, skin cells are composed of it, which is why for the skin to be beautiful, the cells must be filled with water. The daily allowance for an adult is 2 liters. This amount of water should be consumed not only in summer, but also in winter.

3. Proper nutrition- the key to beautiful skin. It is worth limiting your diet from excessively fatty and spicy foods. It is advisable to eat steamed food, as well as stew. Fried foods are not recommended. The vitamins that we consume with food are very important for maintaining good skin condition. Vitamin E is found in peanuts, sunflower oil, eggs, almonds, butter. Vitamin A is very beneficial and can be obtained by consuming foods such as carrots, pumpkins, oranges and tangerines. And liver, walnuts and almonds, which contain biotin, can be found in walnuts, almonds and liver.

4. Keeping the skin clean. Before going to bed, you should completely remove makeup; washing your face with soap is not recommended, as it dries the skin. It is better to use special cosmetics to remove makeup. And one more rule: you need to use only your own cosmetics. Hair is a source of dirt on your face and should be removed from your skin. You cannot touch your face with your hands, since it is the hands that catch a huge number of microbes, and once on the skin of the face, they can cause inflammatory processes, that is, the appearance of acne.

5. Cosmetic procedures have a beneficial effect on the skin, they are chosen according to the type of skin: dry, mixed or oily. They can be carried out both at home and with a professional in the salon. However, the procedures should not be overused. For example, it is recommended to do face cleansing or deep action mask no more than 2 times a month.

6. Home remedies for the face very helpful. These include various masks made from fruits and vegetables with the addition of olive, castor oil. Such masks saturate the skin with vitamins. They can be done 1-2 times a week.

7. Healthy sleep. The norm of sleep for an adult is 8 hours a day, only a slept person will look fresh, lack of sleep can provoke the appearance of early wrinkles.

8. Fresh air. The more fresh air your skin gets, the better it looks.

9. The choice of cosmetics must be approached responsibly. Preference should be given to proven products with natural ingredients. People with sensitive skin should be especially careful when buying cosmetics. It is also not correct to use the same type of cream at different times of the year. The fact is, for each season there is a cream that takes into account the need for moisture in summer and winter.

10. Increased blood circulation in the skin. Good blood circulation has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, as the blood brings nutrients and oxygen to the cells. With the help of cosmetic procedures such as compresses and steaming, it is certainly possible to increase it, but it is much better to increase blood circulation throughout the body. This will be helped by physical activity on the body and facial massage.

11. Quitting bad habits. A healthy lifestyle, which provides for the absence of alcohol and tobacco, allows the skin to maintain its youth longer, to be fresh and fragrant.

Our appearance reflects how we feel. When we look at the face of another person, we already decide in our head whether to approach him or, on the contrary, bypass him and not touch him. Thus, with someone you want to make a close acquaintance, and sometimes it happens that looks repulsive. At first glance, the face provides a wealth of information about how we feel. But what does the physiognomy say about us when we do not express emotions? As it turns out, the face says a lot more about us than you might imagine.

What signals does the face send us

  • how our features of character and temperament are reflected on the face;
  • how the symptoms change the face and why it becomes unattractive from the point of view of society;
  • how .

But the most important signals that a person gives us are related to health.

The face is like a biological shield, and we read what is written on it. We are always interested in what the person tells us. We are attracted to healthy-looking faces. We avoid those who look sick. Think about the sensation you may have experienced while riding the train or bus near someone who looked sick. The question of what makes a face healthy in our eyes is the most interesting one.

There are many historical examples of people who changed their facial appearance to appear healthier. Issues such as the effect on our face shape or the smoothness of skin texture play a role in how attractive we look. In fact, complexion seems to be the most important issue for us.

Issues such as the effect of BMI on facial shape or the smoothness of skin texture play a role in how attractive we look.

In the photographs, the lighter areas show where the skin of healthy people is brighter (left), redder (middle photo), and yellower (right).

What do the shades of yellow and pink on the face say?

Previous research has shown that fair-skinned, pink and yellowish faces are considered healthier. This indicator was the same in all ethnic groups. There is a connection between the physiological processes of a person and the complexion: for example, fair skin absorbs more vitamin D. A more rosy complexion indicates that the blood is saturated with oxygen and circulates quite well in the body.

It turns out that the yellowish color of the skin indicates that its owner has a diet enriched with fruits and vegetables. The organic pigments in these foods, known as carotenoids, are extremely beneficial to health. Thanks to carotenoids, the skin is radiant. Interestingly enough, tanning also increases the yellowness of the skin, and the face then takes on a healthy look. It is worth mentioning that the yellowness caused by the presence of carotenoids in the body is better for health than the yellow skin tone after a beach or tanning bed. The secret to a healthy appearance isn't just about eating more fruits and vegetables. It's much more complicated.

What signs of the disease are visible on the face

For example, dark circles under the eyes or (redheads), bother a lot of people. It is enough to find out on the Internet how often people search for answers to burning questions in the Google search engine. Both under-eye circles and rosacea definitely affect the overall complexion.

How complexion differs in people of different nationalities

In his study, article author Alex Jones asked observers to rate health status based on appearance. He also asked to compare the complexion in different photographs and determine where there are signs of well-being and where are signs of illness. For comparison, we used images of people of different nationalities, including the inhabitants of the Caucasus. There is evidence that yellowish, pink and fair skin tones are considered healthy in people of other nationalities as well. It seems that regardless of race, such skin tones are considered attractive by all peoples.

Research has shown that a yellow complexion is indicative of good health, as evidenced by previous observations. Light skin under the eyes and rosy cheeks play an important role as well, according to the survey. Although, in this case, the opinions of scientists are contradictory. A couple of years ago they stated that.

What surprises came from the study

During the experiment, the scientists carefully changed the complexion in the photographs, lightened the skin under the eyes and made a blush on the cheeks. And in other images, they darkened the skin under the lower eyelid and added a greenish tint to the cheekbones. Accordingly, the respondents during the experiment clearly voiced who looks better and healthier.

One photo speaks of excellent health. The other, on the contrary, indicates ailments.

Interestingly, when the researchers changed the color of the skin in other areas of the face - for example, lightened the cheeks and added redness under the eyes, or darkened the cheeks and added green under the eyes - they were in for surprises. Considering the huge amount of research that showed that fair skin and pink complexion always look beautiful, the result of the experiment surprised the author of the article. Facial health signs are light skin just under the eyes and rosy cheeks. In other places it is perceived differently.

Let's say pink cheeks are an indicator of health, but on the contrary, not.

In a final study, experiment author Alex Jones determined that pink cheekbones and light skin under the eyes strongly indicate wellness. But the dark skin under the eyes does not make anyone healthy. The same goes for pale cheeks with a greenish tint. This always indicates illness.

Not surprisingly, beauty products such as concealer and blush are very popular with women as they improve complexion in areas that matter most to health assessments. However, getting a good night's sleep and exercising regularly will help improve your complexion.

Anyone who has ever held a small child in his arms knows that he has incredibly delicate, smooth, velvety and beautiful skin.

It is pleasant to look at such skin - it is radiant, you want to touch it. Skin health baby is obvious.

Why is she like that? But because the skin is a mirror image of the internal health of the body and the impact of external factors on it.

It's just that the baby's skin is still young. The child's body is still clean, the organs are working correctly, the child does not receive harmful food (and if he suddenly does, it immediately reflects on the skin), and the influence of the external environment is still minimal.

So it becomes clear why, after using, for example, a mask, it is customary to say “skin like a baby's”. Of course, you can't buy a ticket for childhood, but knowing the common truths, you can keep your skin youthful and attractive for a long time.

What determines skin health

In general, all factors affecting the health of the skin can be conditionally divided into two groups:

  • those that depend on the person and
  • those over which people have no influence.

So, what people are powerless against: heredity, age, gender.

1. Heredity- the most powerful and most important factor that determines the condition of the skin from birth.

For example, dark skin is denser and more elastic, signs appear on it later and they are not so visible. Pale skin, on the other hand, is very thin and vulnerable, is afraid of the harmful effects of sunlight and requires careful protection.

2. Age changes- a natural process that has its own characteristics, which often do not depend on heredity. Young children have delicate and incredibly sensitive skin. In adolescents, especially during periods of hormonal changes, the skin can become problematic. The skin of the elderly is thin and easily vulnerable.

3. Much to the regret of women, men's skin"Arranged" better. It is more resilient, elastic and ages more slowly.

It must be remembered that the success of the "company" depends on proper care and maintenance, therefore the factors below are completely in the hands of a person.

Healthy skin secrets

1. Healthy gut - healthy skin ... This is axiom number 1. A well-functioning gut ensures a radiant appearance, healthy skin and a good complexion.

2. One is treated, the other, as you know, is not. Exposure to any medications negatively affects the condition of the skin, causing all kinds of allergic reactions. In addition, drugs affect the liver, which is the body's most important filter.

3. What a person eats is 100% reflected in the general condition, well-being and, of course, appearance. With proper nutrition, your hair will be thick and shiny, your teeth will be healthy, your nails will not be brittle, and your skin will be clean.

4. Regular physical activity and sports improves blood circulation, the skin receives more beneficial trace elements and breathes better.

5. Obligatory rest and sound sleep guarantee great well-being and delicious appearance.

6. The result of abuse of sunbathing will not keep you waiting long. The skin will lose moisture and age faster.

7. Thorough and regular skin care is the key to its health and attractiveness.

Healthy facial skin: effective care

For proper skin care and effective results, it is necessary to correctly determine its type.

Often, women literally understand at the level of what type their skin belongs to -

  • oily,
  • dry,
  • normal
  • combined.

Care products, selected according to skin type, have a lasting effect and allow you to achieve the desired results in the shortest possible time.

The main points of healthy skin care are: cleansing, moisturizing, maintaining the right level of moisture, protection from ultraviolet rays.

The minimum cosmetic kit should be a cleanser and protectant, moisturizer and toner or thermal water. The toner removes makeup residues and cleanses the top layer of the skin, restores the natural moisture balance and has an antibacterial effect.

Depending on the type of skin and its condition, several times a week it is necessary to carry out cleansing procedures: light or deep peeling, masks. Cosmetics today are represented by the widest assortment, but sometimes masks and scrubs prepared at home turn out to be no worse. Mother Nature owns simple and magical recipes for beauty.

Healthy skin is one of the most important components of your health.