How to whiten the nail plate. How to whiten your nails at home - simple and quick ways. How to whiten your nails with toothpaste

A beautiful woman should be beautiful in everything! This is a well-known truth. You can not leave your nails without due attention. You don't have to have a super modern, sophisticated manicure. It is enough that the nails have a healthy and well-groomed appearance.

First of all, you should pay attention to the color and condition of the nails. Even the most accurate manicure made by a professional master will not bring the desired effect if the nail plate itself has a brown, gray or yellow tint. In this case, the hands will not look well-groomed. That is why many beauties are worried about how to whiten their nails and can it be done on their own?

Factors that can lead to yellowing of nails

Nails are sensitive to most changes in the body. If yellowness appears, it is worth listening to yourself, maybe some of the organs in this way gives an alarm. In most cases, such an unpleasant phenomenon is provoked by:

  • fungus of the nail plate - this means that spores are actively spreading under the nail, which provoke the appearance of spots;
  • smoking - not only nails suffer from it, but also skin, teeth;
  • liver and kidney diseases lead to pigmentation of the skin or areas located under the nail;
  • abuse of nail polishes, use of poor quality products;
  • old age - in this period, yellowness is a completely natural process.

Traditional methods of whitening the nail plate

How to restore the whiteness of the nails? First of all, it is worth trying time-tested folk remedies. Such methods are good for their cheapness and availability. You can carry out these wellness procedures at any convenient time.

Salt baths are most effective in such situations. It would be best to opt for sea salt. Due to its composition, such a solution will not only whiten nails, but also contribute to their strengthening. To prepare the bath, you will need 300 milliliters of warm water and one tablespoon of salt itself. In the resulting water, you need to lower your fingers for 10-15 minutes. Next, it is very important to rinse your hands with water and apply a moisturizer.

  • Lemon juice

In this case, you need to take a cotton pad or a piece of bandage and moisten it in freshly squeezed lemon juice. You need to wipe your nails with such a disk several times a day. If you don't have the time or desire to squeeze the juice, you can dip your nails directly into the fruit pulp.

Citric acid diluted in water is also suitable for the procedure. If you need to prevent excessive brittleness of your nails, you can add a little refined olive oil to the lemon juice. Those with sensitive skin should dilute lemon juice with water. You should not abuse such procedures, since lemon juice can dry out the skin and nail plate.

  • Toothpastes

Oddly enough, but this method is popular with modern beauties. An important condition is not to use this nail whitening product more than once a week. The procedure is as follows: the paste is applied to the nail plate, then it needs to be rubbed a little with a brush and washed off with warm water. You can also clean your hands of dirt in this way. For example, toothpaste can help get rid of oil stains.

  • Food water

It will take 50 g of soda mixed with 30 ml of three percent hydrogen peroxide. You should get a thick gruel. This mixture is applied to the nails daily and left for half an hour. Then, the nails need to be rubbed with a brush and thoroughly washed off the composition with warm water. Peroxide can be substituted with lemon, grapefruit, or lime juice. If there are cuts, wounds, abrasions on the hands, it is better not to use this method.

  • Glycerol

An excellent pharmacy tool that can return whiteness to yellowed nails. You need to take a pipette and measure out 5 drops of glycerin and 25 drops of hydrogen peroxide. Next, you need to take a small brush and use it to apply the resulting solution to your nails. After three minutes, hands should be thoroughly washed.

  • Castor oil

This oil should be rubbed into your nails every evening, preferably if vitamins A and E are included in its composition. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to add a couple of drops of tea tree essential oil, any citrus or regular iodine.

  • Olive and vegetable oils

These oils will be useful not only in the kitchen. They are very often used in cosmetic procedures. To whiten your nails, you will need one tablespoon of any of these oils and a teaspoon of lemon juice. This mixture should be rubbed into the nails in a circular motion with a cotton swab. This "mask" is kept for twenty minutes and then washed off with soap. If desired, a nourishing cream can be applied.

  • Apple vinegar

It can be replaced with a regular dining room. 200 ml of warm water will require 10 ml of vinegar. Hands are lowered into the resulting solution for 3-4 minutes. Then they must be thoroughly rinsed with water.

Special cosmetics

If folk remedies do not bring the desired result, you can try special cosmetic products. It can be: varnish, powder, gel, etc.

  1. Effective means include "Beam up" from the "Essie" company. Its main advantage is that yellowness disappears from the nail instantly. Also, they can replace the base for a manicure. Outwardly, it resembles an ordinary colorless varnish, which dries as quickly as possible.
  2. The Swedish company Oriflame produces a similar product in its line aimed at nail care. It is called "Nail Whitener". The product is a rapidly absorbing water-based solution. The product contains lemon juice and aloe vera oil. These ingredients help to whiten and strengthen the nail plate.
  3. The popular manufacturer SEVERINA also produces nail whitening products. Its cost does not exceed sixty rubles. This product whitens, strengthens and has a healing effect on the nails.
  4. To achieve the desired result, regular use of this cosmetic product is necessary. The tool can be used as a base for varnish, as well as for medicinal or prophylactic purposes.
  5. Also, the product of the Mavala company is popular among the beauties. This tool not only hides unwanted yellowness, it can get rid of this unpleasant effect. This is facilitated by one of the key elements - titanium oxide.

All the tools presented are certainly good. But most of the women who seek to give their nails whiteness do it with the help of numerous bleaching pencils. You can buy them both at a pharmacy and in a cosmetic store. Pencils come to the rescue when you need to instantly mask the yellowness. But do not forget about their main drawback: the reason that provokes the appearance of a yellow tint remains. This means that the effect of the pencil is temporary.

Thus, we can conclude: there are an infinite number of means to achieve whiteness of nails. It is most reasonable to fight not only with the external manifestation of the problem, but to look for and identify the factors provoking it. Do not hide yellowed marigolds under a layer of varnish. To solve the problem, it will take a woman only a few minutes a day and her hands will once again shine with beauty and health.

The nails have darkened and you want to restore them shine and healthy look? In our article, you will find 15 ways to whiten your nails at home. We will tell you how to choose harmless products and how to clean the nail plate without damaging it.

Every girl dreams about and does everything possible and impossible to keep them in excellent condition. However, marigolds can lose their beauty under the influence of various factors. To choose the most effective method, you first need to determine the reasons that caused the discoloration of the nails.

Ways to whiten nails at home

We put our hands in a bath of hot water, where we also put a bar of ordinary baby soap. When the marigolds are slightly steamed, and the bar becomes softer, scrub each fingers on the soap so that it clogs under the marigolds. Wait a couple of minutes and then use a brush to rinse your nails with running water.

2. Baking soda

You've probably heard that baking soda is used to whiten teeth. This is not the most beneficial method, as baking soda is abrasive and scratches the enamel, making the teeth sensitive. However, with nails, the situation is much simpler. Dampen a soft brush, sprinkle some baking soda on it and rub your nails.

Advice: if you have burrs, it can hurt your skin, so it's best to use a baking soda bath. Pour warm water into a bowl and add a teaspoon of baking soda. Hold your hands in the bath for about 15 minutes. Soda baths can be safely done once a week - they will not only cleanse the nails, but also strengthen them.

The easiest and cheapest way to whiten your nails at home is to use lemon juice. To do this, moisten a cotton swab with juice and rub it into your nails regularly. You can simply dip your fingers into the pulp of the lemon and hold for a few minutes. You can also add a little olive oil to lemon juice, because this will not only help whiten your nails, but also contribute to their strengthening.

Do you like vinaigrette or herring under a fur coat? Then you are familiar with the agonizing attempts to clean your hands of stains. Professional chefs recommend water with the addition of apple cider vinegar for cleaning hands and nails after preparing foods with coloring agents, because vinegar (like lemon juice) contains an acid that destroys coloring enzymes. Vinegar is not only a great salad dressing, but also a harmless cleaner that will help out if you get stained with beetroot or berry juice. Plus, it's always at hand!

Advice: Never wash your hands with soap after cutting the beets - this will give your fingers and nails a purple hue.

If you live in a city by the sea or you have had a chance to relax in seaside resorts, then you may have noticed that after the beach, your marigolds become lighter. Sea water is rich in minerals and, thanks to its composition, it not only cleanses the nails, but also strengthens them. Among other things, the water contains particles of sand, which provide natural peeling, removing dead cells and dirt from the surface of the plate. If you do not have the opportunity to go to the beach, prepare an analogue of sea water at home. Salt baths will help you with this.

6. Salt baths

Perfectly whitens and strengthens nails with a sea salt bath: dilute 2 teaspoons of salt in one glass of warm water. Submerge your nails in this solution for 15 minutes. After that, wash your hands in plain warm water and rub a nourishing cream or any vegetable oil into your nails. To whiten your nails in this way, do the baths 2 times a week. Apply this method as needed.

Advice: if you don't have sea salt at home, you can use regular table salt.

7. Decoction of chamomile

Always keep a collection of chamomile flowers at home - this is a natural remedy for many ailments and can be purchased at any pharmacy. To whiten nails, prepare a decoction of chamomile: pour a tablespoon of dried inflorescences into a vessel and pour a glass of boiling water, and then hold for 15 minutes in a water bath. You can simply pour boiling water over the collection and leave for 30-40 minutes. When the broth cools down a little, you can make a bath. With your hands in the water, sit like this for half an hour. It is desirable to use chamomile baths for a long period of time (daily for a month). The result will surely delight you: the nails will brighten, and the skin will become silky.

Rub castor oil into your nails to whiten the plate and prevent delamination. Among other things, castor oil helps soften cuticles and strengthen nails. Another effective whitening method is to use the following product: add a few drops of ylang-ylang and jojoba oils to the juice of half a lemon. Wipe your nails with this solution in the morning and evening.

Advice: Essential oils are saturated concentrates that can irritate the skin and should therefore be used in small amounts. Remember that essential oils can dissolve plastic. To prepare trays with oils, it is better to take not plastic dishes, but glass, wooden or earthenware.

Hydrogen peroxide has long been known as a whitening agent and is great for cleaning the nail plate. Take 1 tbsp. l. hydrogen peroxide 3% and add 2 tbsp. l. baking soda. Stir this mixture and apply to your nails. After 2-3 minutes, wash off with water, while lightly rubbing the mixture into your nails. An ideal way or another celebration.

At the pharmacy, you can buy glycerin, which will perfectly whiten your nails and make them healthy. Mix glycerin and hydrogen peroxide in a 1: 5 ratio and apply to your nails. After 3-4 minutes, wash off the mixture with warm water and then you can start.

11. Regular whitening toothpaste

Another little one. In the evening, when you brush your teeth, also try (with a specially designated brush) brushing your nails with your toothpaste. Over time, you will notice that the nail plate has become whiter.

12. Glass nail file

Glass files are a favorite of many for cleaning the nail plate. Specially processed glass has a slightly rough surface, which allows you to delicately remove the remaining varnish when polishing the nail, helping to get rid of wavy irregularities at the same time. Treat your nails once a week, but don't overdo it. And don't be intimidated by the price of glass nail files, because they are made of strong material and will serve you for many years.

Advice: It is better not to use ordinary metal files when sanding the surface of the nail plate, since they create microcracks (where the insidious fungus strives to slip through).

13. Potato or starch gruel

In the old days, hats and lacy umbrellas protected rich young ladies from the scorching rays of the sun, and therefore the now so fashionable tan was considered a sign of a commoner working in the field. Peasant women applied raw potato gruel to their skin, since the substances contained in this inexpensive vegetable make it a natural brightener. It is so harmless that it is used in the modern beauty industry for whitening intimate areas. To lighten your nails, wash the raw potatoes, peel them, and finely grate them. The resulting gruel is applied to the nail plates and kept for 20-30 minutes. Since the gruel will fall off with the slightest movement, it is better to just dip the whole five-piece in a bowl of potatoes.

Too lazy to bother with a grater? Then take dry starch. Dilute it with milk until the consistency of thick sour cream and dip your palms in the mixture for 20 minutes, and then wash them with warm water. You can enhance the whitening effect by diluting the starch with lemon juice instead of milk. If your fingers have abrasions and burrs, then substances based on acid, soda or salt will cause an unpleasant burning sensation, but grated potatoes, on the contrary, will soothe irritated skin.

Advice: since this mixture dries out the skin, it is advisable to apply a nourishing hand and nail cream after the procedure.

14. Cucumber gruel with aloe juice

Be sure to buy yourself a pot of aloe, because this unpretentious plant is simply irreplaceable in everyday life. It not only decorates the windowsill, but also heals cuts, acne, dandruff, fungus, and also whitens the skin and nails! After breaking off a leaf of aloe, cut it open and rub the juice over your nails. After a few minutes, rinse your hands with warm water. A nice bonus: the substances contained in aloe leaves accelerate nail growth. Allantoin, in particular, promotes the separation of dead cells and regeneration. And β-carotene (turning into vitamin A) stimulates tissue growth.

Another popular bleach used in folk remedies is fresh cucumber juice. Like potatoes, it does not cause allergic reactions and soothes irritated skin. Grate the cucumber, add aloe juice to it and put your hands in a bowl for half an hour.

15. Pencils, varnishes, gels for whitening nails

If you have neither the desire nor the time to whiten your nails at home, then you can buy a special pencil, gel or varnish in a cosmetic store. For whitening, it is enough to regularly apply the product to the nails.
Although such cosmetics do deal with the problem, they have a number of disadvantages. Firstly, in small towns you will not find it with fire in the daytime and you will have to wait for delivery from an online store, which is not very convenient if you need to whiten your nails right now. Secondly, the prices of professional products are far from affordable for everyone. And thirdly, cunning cosmetic companies claim that for a quick effect you need to buy some more super-cream, 10 gels, 20 varnishes and a ton of jars. In short, you get the point.

Reasons for discoloration of the nail plate


Frequent use of varnishes leads to the fact that the nail plate becomes more fragile, exfoliates and acquires an ugly yellow and sometimes gray tint. Try to use only high-quality nail polishes and fortified nail polish removers that do not contain acetone. From time to time, just do not paint your nails - so they will be able to "breathe".

If you were unable to remove the remaining varnish with a sponge, take a cotton cloth instead of a cotton swab. After wetting a piece of material in the wash, rub your nails. The uneven surface of the fabric will allow peeling. After the procedure, you must thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water. Darkening can be caused by varnishes of saturated colors (for example, black and red), and therefore stylists advise to apply a transparent base to the nail and only then paint it with colored varnish. The base will prevent the coloring pigment from absorbing into the plate.

Gardening and cooking

After contact with tomato bushes, the hands will quickly turn into an unpleasant yellowish color. If you often have to work in the garden, be sure to wear gloves so that soil and plant juices do not penetrate your skin and nails. Cooking dishes containing coloring components also affects the appearance of the nail plate. The juice of raw beets and red berries turns hands pink, which is not easy to get rid of.

Bad habits and poor nutrition

Bad habits, especially smoking and unhealthy diet, are detrimental to the nails and their condition. The way out of this situation would be to quit smoking, change your lifestyle and diet. A number of products (cottage cheese, fish, etc.) will help restore a healthy look to your nails.

Diseases and injuries

The nail may turn black due to impact or pinching. In this case, you just need to wait for the nail to grow back, and then cut off the damaged section of the plate. Discoloration may be a symptom of a medical condition. If cosmetic procedures and a healthy lifestyle do not give the desired result for a long time, consult a doctor and take the necessary tests. Unfortunately, in this case, folk remedies will have a weak effect. However, do not rush to despair. You may be able to quickly solve the problem by drinking a prescribed course of vitamins.

If the yellowing of your nails is not associated with any disease, we offer several methods that will effectively whiten your nails at home.

In order not to waste time on expensive procedures in salons and treatment of neglected nails, avoid the main factors causing yellowing. Well-groomed nails are the main

Marina Ignatieva

Reading time: 11 minutes


Recently, you have discovered yellow nails on your hands and are looking for ways to get rid of yellow nails? Take your time using varnish to paint over an unpleasant color. In some cases, yellowness on the nails can "tell" about serious diseases, so first you need to find the cause of the yellowing of the nails.

If you are healthy, then yellow nails on your hands or feet will help to cope folk methods of home whitening of nails.

Fingernails turned yellow: causes of yellow nails - when to see a doctor?

In addition to external factors (the use of varnish of dubious quality, household chemicals, etc.) affecting the condition and color of the nails, yellowed nails can be due to internal diseases the human body.

If the nails on the hands have turned yellow, then it is possible that the body contains:

  • liver, lung, or kidney problems;
  • disruption of the endocrine (hormonal), cardiovascular systems;
  • metabolic problems caused by a lack of vitamins and minerals.

Smoking, long-term medication, nail fungus - also causes of yellow fingernails.

In addition, there is such a rare disease called “ yellow nail syndrome ". The first sign of the disease is the color change of the nails to yellow, then lymphatic edema is formed in various parts of the body. With this disease, nails almost completely stop growing. The syndrome of yellow nails in a neglected state is treated for a very long time.

Yellow nails are just the tip of the iceberg - a small part of some big problem. And, if you do not pay attention to this "first bell", then after the yellowing of the nail, it will come thickening and reshaping ... Then the nail will flake which will subsequently lead to complete destruction of the nail plate.

To make sure that everything is in order with the internal organs, or to confirm your guesses about the alleged illness, you need:

  • undergo a fluorographic examination;
  • take a general blood test;
  • visit an endocrinologist.

7 effective ways to get rid of yellow nails and whiten nails at home

After making sure that yellow nails are not the result of a serious illness and your health is in order, you can remove yellowness from nails using home whitening.

But first:

  • change detergents to others or wear gloves when using them;
  • quit smoking (at least for a short time) and see how not only the color of the nails, but also the skin in general, changes;
  • temporarily eliminate nail polishes.

After that, for the speedy and active restoration of the healthy color of nails, you can apply folk methods of whitening nails.

Home remedies for yellow nails:

  • Rubbing your nails with lemon juice
    The most popular, proven and effective method. Lemon juice contains many vitamins and minerals.

    Daily rubbing (3-4 times a day) of the nail plates with lemon juice will help get rid of the yellow color of the nails and saturate them with useful substances.

  • Chamomile decoction
    As you know, chamomile is a good antiseptic. Chamomile flower decoction baths, which contain essential oils and vitamins, will bring your yellow nails to their normal natural state.

    Why you need to brew chamomile infusion: pour a couple of tablespoons of flowers with boiling water (250ml), insist for half an hour. Then dilute with water (0.5 liters) and hold your hands in the resulting broth for 20 minutes.
  • Salt baths
    Baths with the use of sea salt and the addition of various essential oils (tea tree, bergamot, sandalwood, eucalyptus), in addition to whitening, will restore the lost strength of the nails.

  • Nail mask
    To whiten your nails at home using a mask, you will need: grapefruit seed extract (purchased at the pharmacy), olive or sunflower oil.

    Add five drops of grapefruit seed extract to one tablespoon of oil. Apply the obtained composition to the nails approximately 3-4 times a day.
  • Paste
    It is possible to remove yellowness from nails with 2 tablespoons of baking soda mixed with one tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide. The result should be a paste-like mixture that needs to be applied to the nails and kept for about five minutes.

    This is an effective, but not particularly gentle way. Therefore, it should be used very rarely in special cases, when you urgently need to remove yellowness from the nails - and there is absolutely no time for long masks and baths.
  • Berries
    Cranberries, red, black currants, whose chemical composition includes pectin substances, organic acids and vitamins, have a disinfecting and whitening effect. The big advantage of these berries is that berries that have been frozen do not lose their properties after defrosting.

    Mash fresh or defrosted berries with a fork until smooth and apply the gruel to your nails. Soak the crushed berries on your nails for 5-7 minutes and then rinse with water.
  • Whitening Serums
    If you don't want to bother with preparing various masks, pastes and decoctions, you can simply purchase a whitening serum, a ready-made whitening mask, special pencils or whitening tablets that contain citric acid, chamomile and rosemary extracts and help restore the natural color of nails.

    The market offers a fairly large selection of preparations and products for whitening nails, but it is best to purchase them from pharmacies or shops specializing in cosmetics.

Poor nail condition is a signal that informs you about the state of the body warning: something is wrong.

Therefore, before masking yellow fingernails with external influences, you need to heal the body from the inside: saturate with vitamins and minerals .

A discolored nail plate is a problem that many women deal with. Few people know how to whiten nails at home. After reading the article, you will learn about the causes of discoloration, about preventive methods and how to whiten your nails at home.

What makes your nails turn yellow

Before considering the question of how to whiten your nails at home, you should understand the reasons for the color change. There are many factors that cause nails to turn yellow.

  1. Bright varnishes, especially red and burgundy shades, which contain quickly absorbing color pigment.
  2. Ultra-resistant varnishes, gel-varnishes, due to long-term use, oxygen does not enter the nail plate, “oxygen starvation” occurs, due to which the nails change color.
  3. Fungus - in the early stages, stains the nail enamel in a yellow tint.
  4. Nicotine - During smoking, microparticles of tar and nicotine contained in tobacco smoke are deposited on the nails, causing discoloration. Especially quickly, nails begin to turn yellow when smoking in enclosed spaces.
  5. Alcohol - the constant abuse of alcoholic beverages, causes the destruction of internal organs, including the liver and lungs. Disruption of work inside the body, leads to a change in the color of the skin, hair and nails.
  6. Lack of vitamins, iron deficiency anemia - cause a malfunction in the body, leading to discoloration of the skin, dull hair and yellowing of the nail plates.

Prevention of yellowness

Preventing a problem is easier than getting rid of it. It is necessary to remove varnishes from nails in time, using a product that does not include acetone. Before applying long-lasting varnish, you need to use a special base designed to protect your nails.

To preserve the beauty of hands, nails and the good work of the whole body, it is best to get rid of bad habits and start leading a healthy lifestyle. You should stop abusing drinks that contain alcohol, quit smoking, while starting to lead a healthy lifestyle. Include foods high in vitamins and minerals in your diet.

If you are not sure about the reasons for the yellowing of the nail enamel, then before you whiten your nails at home, it will be appropriate to consult a dermatologist, take nail slices, to identify the fungus.

Once a week, it is advisable to give your nails a break from varnish for a few days. If gel polish has been applied, then before re-manicure, you should refrain for about seven days to restore oxygen supply. It is advisable to use a special cream intended for nourishing hands and nails.

How to choose special products

To make your nails whiter, there are special nail whitening products. It is best to buy goods in special stores, or from trusted suppliers. When buying a specialized tool, first of all, you need to pay attention to the composition and inscriptions. Often on the whitening preparations it is written: non-yellowing top, nail whitener. The following are the tools that can be purchased at home to whiten your nails as fun.


If you have no desire to go deep in search of an answer to the question: "how to whiten your nails at home?", Then the simplest solution would be to purchase a special gel or varnish. The varnish is applied after preliminary cleaning of the nail and creation. There are varnishes created only for whitening, and there are those that, in addition to lightening, are able to strengthen the nail plate.

Smart enamels take care of the condition of nails, make them stronger, prevent delamination and protect from external factors. Thanks to the reflective particles, such varnishes look good on the nail plate, they can be used without additional coating.

Step by step use:

  • remove the remnants of the previous coating;
  • do a manicure;
  • push back the cuticle;
  • shake the bottle with varnish;
  • apply the product to each nail, moving from bottom to top, from one edge of the nail to the other;
  • wait a few minutes until completely dry;
  • apply a second layer;
  • let dry.

Whitening pencil

In cosmetics stores, in addition to enamels and varnishes, there are pencils on sale that can restore the previous color of the nail. The whitening pencil contains chalk or white clay. The cosmetic pencil gives a quick, but short-term effect, after washing your hands, the product is washed off.

Step by step application:

  • remove the coating using a liquid without acetone;
  • Wash the hands;
  • apply a vitamin cream;
  • wait for complete absorption;
  • using a sharpener, sharpen a pencil;
  • soak the sharpened edge in water;
  • cover with a pencil, the inside of the regrown nail;
  • moisten a cotton pad with water, wipe off the product from the skin.

comparison table

The table shows the comparative characteristics of varnish and pencil.

Name of funds Pencil Enamel
Speed ​​of fixing the problemInstant whiteningA 10-14 day course is required
Effect durationDisappears after contact with waterLong-lasting on nails
Additional substancesNoVitamins, oils and minerals
Additional effectNoLeveling and strengthening
FlawDoes not heal, only suitable for a yellowed edgeDoesn't have a quick effect

Whitening and nourishing baths

In addition to special tools, you can use baths for whitening the nail plate, although they do not give an instant result, with constant use, nails and skin of the hands will look much more well-groomed and beautiful.


Even grandmothers knew about the chamomile bath. Chamomile is a unique plant that cleanses the nail plate, relieves irritation from the skin, softens the skin of the hands, filling it with vitamins.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • buy dried chamomile flowers;
  • prepare a container with a lid, preferably metal or ceramic;
  • pour two tablespoons of flowers into a container;
  • pour the plant with two glasses of boiling water;
  • to cover with a lid;
  • wrap with a towel;
  • let it brew for 45-60 minutes;
  • separate the liquid from the inflorescences using gauze;
  • pour the broth into a bowl;
  • immerse your hands in the liquid for twenty minutes.

With citric acid

If there is no time to go to pharmacies and look for chamomile inflorescences, then the bath can be done using lemon. Dissolve a teaspoon of powder in a glass of warm water, pour the liquid into a bowl and immerse your nails in it. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.


For a salt bath, it is better to take sea salt, it contains more useful trace elements. For the solution you will need:

  • 25 grams of salt, both regular and sea salt will do;
  • juice from half a lemon;
  • glass of water.

Combine all ingredients in a bowl, stir until the salt crystals are completely dissolved. When the water becomes tolerant, dip your nails into a bowl, keep in the solution for no more than twenty minutes. After the procedure, rinse the solution with running water, and apply cream on your hands.

With oils

For a nourishing and whitening bath you will need:

  • 34 grams - olive oil;
  • Two tablespoons of liquid honey;
  • Freshly squeezed juice of one lemon;
  • Citrus essential oil - three drops;
  • Grapefruit oil - three drops.

Mix all ingredients until a homogeneous liquid is obtained. Immerse nails in the mixture for 20-25 minutes. After the procedure, wash your hands with soap, wipe dry with a towel.


The video shows how to whiten your nails at home.


One of the simplest whitening baths is considered to be soda water. Soda must be mixed with water, observing equal proportions. Keep your fingertips in the solution for up to twenty minutes.

With vinegar

Such a bath is suitable only after an unedged manicure, since any abrasion or the slightest cut can cause a burning sensation and tingling from the acetic acid. For the procedure, you will need to take a teaspoon of vinegar, preferably apple cider vinegar, dilute it in 350 grams of non-hot water. Immerse your fingertips in the vinegar solution for five minutes, after the allotted time, rinse your hands well with water and anoint with a nourishing cream.

Milk bath

Milk is a storehouse of vitamins, even in ancient times, people noticed the beneficial properties of a dairy product. Homemade milk or cream is best for getting rid of yellowness. Bring the dairy product to body temperature, then lower the fingertips, and if possible, the whole palm into a container with milk. The procedure has no restrictions on time and number of uses.

Fast removal of yellowness

All the methods described above are mostly suitable for long-term use, they do not bring instant lightening of the nail plate. Below you can find out how to whiten your nails at home quickly.


The citrus fruit is ideal for quick cleansing of the nail plate. It can be used not only to get rid of yellowness, but also to cleanse nails after the garden. This method requires a whole lemon. It should be cut in half, dug into each half with your nails. Keep your nails in the lemon pulp for ten minutes.


Many berries contain acid that can whiten the nail plate. Strawberries are best, or gooseberries or black currants. The berries should be chopped, turning into a mushy mass, then add 25 grams of soda, if the mass turns out to be very thick, you can increase the amount of powder. After applying to the nail, keep the resulting mask until completely dry, then rinse with running water and repeat the procedure.

Freshly squeezed tomato, lime or cranberry juice is suitable for quick bleaching. Natural juices not only whiten nails, but also nourish the skin with vitamins.

Tooth paste

Any toothpaste is great for getting rid of yellow nails. The paste should be applied to a toothbrush, moistened with water and thoroughly cleaned on both sides of each nail.

Hydrogen peroxide

To create a mixture, you need to mix peroxide and soda, in a 1: 2 ratio. Apply the resulting mass to each nail, walk for three minutes, then wash your hands well. The mask can be applied no more than once every seven days.

Whitening ointment

It is necessary to mix lemon juice with available oil in equal proportions. Next, using a cotton pad, gently rub the liquid into each nail. You can walk with a mask for an unlimited time.

Baby soap

To cleanse the nails, you need to take baby soap, you can use more. Place a bar of soap in water, preferably warm, let it sit for a few minutes, until the top layer is soaked. Then scrape the piece with your nails so that the soap particles go deep under the nail. Pass for a few minutes, then remove residues using a pointed object. The soap brightens and removes hard-to-remove black streaks under the nails.


Oddly enough, ordinary laundry bleach, which does not contain chlorine, will help to give the nails a natural light color. Add water to it before use. It is advisable to use the same amount of water as the bleach. After mixing, the solution must be applied to each nail, after ten minutes, rinse off the remaining bleach.

Other methods

Long-term techniques can be used to add shine, lighten and remove impurities on the nails. The recipes given below do not bring an instant effect, however, the result obtained is fixed for a long time.

Sodium boric acid

Sodium borate mixed with rose petal water can also cleanse nails. To prepare the mask, you need to take the ingredients in a ratio of one to ten. Lubricate nails with a cotton swab for several weeks, until the desired result appears.

Whitening tablets

There are special tablets on the market that people use to clean their prosthetic teeth. If you take several of these tablets and dissolve in a small amount of water, then the resulting solution will brighten your nails perfectly. Keep your fingertips in the solution for 2-3 minutes.

Soda mix

Baking soda can be used to make an excellent whitening mask. To do this, you need to take freshly squeezed lemon juice, in the amount of one teaspoon, add soda to it. Soda should be placed so that at the end of mixing a thick mass is obtained. Apply the paste to the nails using a brush, walk with the mask for five minutes, then rinse off the rest with water.


Glycerin - is able not only to moisturize the skin of the hands, but also to whiten the enamel of the nails. You need to mix five drops of glycerin with 25 drops of peroxide. Having received a homogeneous liquid, lubricate the surface of the nails with it. After five minutes, wash off the product from the nails.


Ylang Oil - Ylang must be mixed with lemon juice and jojoba oil. The mixing proportions must be observed as follows:

  • the first ingredient is 4 grams;
  • the second - 25 grams;
  • the third is 8 grams.

The resulting liquid must be rubbed in twice a day, it is not required to rinse.

Whitening on legs

Toenails, due to various factors, change color. Factors influencing the color change can be varnishes and poor-quality clothing, which paints not only nails, but also skin. In order to give your toes and nails a beautiful, well-groomed look, you can use all the methods described in this article.