How to wash the drawing of henna with hand. Energetic massage with olive oil. How to wash off the hen after staining eyebrows at home

Henna is a means that women use for different purposes. In addition to staining hair, the Tattoo Henna uses popularity. Mehendi is an oriental decoration way that has won the love of many well-groomed beauties. The body decoration method used in ancient Egypt. With neakkurat staining or loss of attractiveness, the picture may need to withdraw the huN from the skin. You can do this in different ways.

How to remove the freshest tattoo henna

Some girls paint the body alone at home. If you need to remove a small part of the pattern or wash away the tattoo just made, you can simply wash the skin with warm water with soap. The dye will not have time to frozen, and the traces of it does not remain. If the tattoo did the master in the cabin, the methods of getting rid of henna can be asked for it.

Fresh mehendi can be erased with alcohol-containing substances

Suitable vodka, alcohol or cosmetic lotion on it. They need to moisten a cotton swab and go through the pattern. It should be remembered that similar means dried the skin: after their use it is desirable to moisten the body with cream.

The usual vinegar acts no worse than alcohol. It is enough to lose the body of the body with a pattern with a cloth moistened in the liquid, and then wash it with water. Traces from the pattern will not remain.

Important! It is impossible to use vinegar in pure form - it will only fix it. It is better to take 3% and 9% vinegar. The more gentle the skin, the weaker the solution should be.

Although the drawing of henna is erased from the body in two weeks, it can be bored much earlier. Tatto remains also do not attach attractiveness. Remove their harder than the fresh tattoo. We will need radical methods.

Hot bath

During the sprinkling of the skin, it is easier to remove the skin from it. During the process, it is desirable to rub a plot with a drawing rigid washcloth. To achieve results, you will need to take a warm bath several times.

Antibacterial soap

Husy tattoo in the hands holds long. The epithelium there is gentle and sensitive, deeply penetrates the dye into it. If you try, you can erase the drawing and from this area. It is enough to rinse your hands under hot water with antibacterial soap. At the same time you can use a toothbrush. The skin will become whiter and cleaner.

Salt bath

Sea salt is a famous savior if you want to remove an unwanted track from Henna. For hands with a pattern or noted, you need to make a salt bath. In the tank with warm water dissolve several tablespoons of the sea salt, they lower the limbs to ten minutes. The tattoo on the other side of the body is removed by putting the compress on it, moistened in a saturated solution of sea salt. It is fixed with a transparent film and withstand for half an hour.

Fast removal methods

If there is no important event and time on the nose, the remedy prepared at home. It will take food soda and lemon juice. They are mixed in equal proportions and lubricate a drawing with a cotton swab for ten minutes. After the clutch of the rod with a washcloth.

Important! Lemon juice in pure form can strengthen the color of the henna. It is only necessary to use it in combination with other substances.

For a better effect, you can use the body scrub. The cream must be distributed according to the remnants of the henna, to rub them well, rinse the body with water and wipe dry. After preferably lubricate the skin with a nutrient cream. Although the scrub completely and will not remove the hen, it will make it noticeably lighter. The tool is suitable for people with sensitive skin.

Vegetable oil is another good helper in the fight against traces of henna. It is heated in the microwave or on a water bath, wet your cloth or cotton, apply them to the drawing. Cool the body of the body of the food film, after a quarter of an hour wash the oil with soap.

Well launders hu nu hydrogen peroxide

It follows several times to wipe the place with Mehendi by a washcloth moistened in hydrogen peroxide. If necessary, repeat the procedure until the drawing is completely disappeared.

Dental powder is another known tool that is used if you need to quickly get rid of the henna. The brush is wetted with water, applied to the powder. A drawing, pre-moistened with cream, rubbing circular motions.

No less effective mixture of olive oil and brandy. Ingredients are taken in the same proportions, which are determined depending on the value of the tattoo. The liquid is applied to Mehendi, after an hour wash off hot water.

Alternative methods

If not one of the above-mentioned funds was found in the house, it is possible to use a ray oil, a liquid for removing varnish, micellar water. They will get rid of henna on their hands, eyebrows or other parts of the body.

In the event that nothing helps, it's time to turn to aggressive substances. These include:

  • A mixture of peroxide, ammonic alcohol and water. Liquids are mixed in proportions 1: 5: 5. The resulting solution is applied using a cotton disk on the skin, after time - washed away.
  • 10% ammonia solution. He will remove the hnu in a matter of minutes. It is enough to moisten a cotton swab in the substance and impose it to the drawing. Ten minutes later, rub the wash place and rinse the remains with warm soapy water.

When applying funds, it is necessary to remember that they can provoke redness of the skin, abrasions, allergies. Before the procedure, it is advisable to test the test to check the skin reaction. To do this, you need to apply a small part of the substance on the wrist and withstand fifteen minutes. Specialists categorically do not advise several means at the same time. They caution that the use of a wiper, solvent, gasoline and washing powder can give an unpredictable effect.

When staining with the help of the girl, the girls are often faced with ugly spots on the skin of the head. You can prevent them if you lubricate the hair growth contour, ears and neck:

  • fat cream;
  • vaseline;
  • wax.

It is better to wear protective gloves on the hands.

Mask made of clay - an effective means with a henna. Clap containing abrasive substances is used to exfoliate the top layer of the epidermis. An excellent effect gives a combination of vegetable oil and blue clay. The oil is heated, it is bred in it clay to a porridge state and thickly lubricate the blurred area. After time, there are massage areas, washed with warm water. The procedure can be repeated several times until the henna is completely disappeared.

Simple, but no less productive way - the use of fat cream. It is necessary to lubricate Mehendi with a thick layer of any body cream, face or hands and leave it for half an hour. After washed with water using a sponge. After the first procedure, half the drawing will disappear.

After handling the hand to the means to remove the henna they need to be thoroughly wash with soap

Original way to wash off the hnu from the body - to bust the drawing with a cigarette ash. It needs to be applied to a cotton disk and lose them a polluted area.

Girls, ready to risk, can try to lose mehendi Penza. Before this body needs to be sprinkled with hot water. The top layer of the skin will be removed, but it is impossible to rub too much: you can damage the epidermis.

Whatever tool is chosen, you should remember the elementary safety rules. It is necessary to comply with the time of the excerpt of funds prescribed in the instructions. Then remove the hu can be possible without consequences.

To wash off the hnu from the skin at home and make it so that it does not have a trace left, you can use various means. It is possible to remove Mehendi and the stain from the henna, for example, with the help of sea salt, a lotion on an alcohol basis and various solutions, such as a 10% ammonia solution. To solve this problem, you can also prepare a solution from food soda and lemon juice, olive oil and brandy.

Henna removal methods from leather

Almost all modern hair paints, including Henna, are sold complete with protective gloves so as not to stain their hands during head staining. In addition, the drawing of henna is very popular, such an execution technique is called Mehendi. The feature of the tattoo is that it can be quickly erased only for ten days from the date of its application, then it is extremely problematic.

Loading Indian Huna from hand, eyebrows, the following ways will help:

  1. 1. Hot water. Dispasse the pattern of the drawing in hot water and rub it with pimpes, without applying special efforts, otherwise the abrasion cannot be avoided. If the first time it did not work out to erase the spot, it is better to try it again the next day.
  2. 2. Sea salt. It is usually sold in the form of large crystals, so it will first need to be chopped in a coffee grinder, but not to the state of the powder. The skin needs to be slightly moistened with water, pour the salt pinch, slightly to lose. Manipulations are recommended to repeat no more than two times if the trail has not completely disappeared from the first attempt.
  3. 3. Lotion on alcohol basis. On your cotton swab to apply a small amount of means, lose the plot with a pattern. So step by step, wasting cotton, you can quickly withdraw Mehendi.
  4. 4. Tooth powder. Water toothbrush and mock it into powder. Turn the stains on the moistheld skin with a circular movement, without applying special efforts. Squeeze in one day of Honu, which managed to penetrate the deep layers of the skin, is quite difficult. Therefore, if you didn't like the drawing or left the paint stain, it is necessary to drop them immediately, without harm to the skin.
  5. 5. Olive oil and brandy. They are mixed in equal amount depending on the size of the pattern or the area of \u200b\u200bcontamination. The composition is applied to the skin, wash off after 60 minutes with the help of the household soap.

Also, a safe way is considered to use a rayan oil or water-resistant makeup fluid. Mixed in any of these tampon means will be able to remove the hnu from hand, leather or eyebrows.

What to linse the green leather, furniture, floor and clothing - fast and efficient ways

Aggressive methods

If Mehendi did a specialist, he will tell you how to wash it off the skin with the skin. It is not worth experimenting at home in order to wash off the stain with aggressive compositions. This can lead to sysades, redness of the skin, in the worst case, one of the components can manifest an allergic reaction. Therefore, before using at home, one way or another, you need to test the sensitivity test. This will avoid unnecessary traumatization of the skin.

Below the listed methods will help you quickly get rid of paint:

  1. 1. Big sodium and lemon. In a deep bowl, pour out 2 tablespoons of food soda and add lemon juice. As a result, a thick paste should be turned out to be applied to the skin area with a pattern. After 10 minutes, rinse under running water with a washcloth. If after that there were small, slightly noticeable traces, they can be laundered by a body scrub.
  2. 2. Solution. For its preparation you need to mix 1 tablespoon of ammonia with 5 such spoons of hydrogen and water peroxide. Prepared solution with a cotton disk apply to the skin. After 10 minutes, washed under running water with antibacterial soap.
  3. 3. Ammonia solution 10 percent. It is abundantly mixed with a cotton disk and slightly lose the skin area from which you need to remove a stain or mehendi, wash off. For a better result, if a stain of a small size, put on it a moistened tampon in this solution so that the henna is a little removed. In 5-7 minutes to lose and wash off. Usually, with the help of this method, it is possible to quickly get rid of an undesirable drawing. After removing the henna from the skin, it is necessary to apply a moisturizing cream with a thick layer, because some means dried the skin.

To remove mehendi or paint stains, gasoline, wiper, acetone, solvent and washing powder cannot be used. These funds have high toxicity. You can not use all the home methods at the same time, you need to choose something one.

Henna has an interesting and rich hint, long holds, so the billment is so popular among women. But sometimes the result of painting does not please, the question often arises - how to wash off paint with eyebrows? Simple and affordable tools will help quickly remove Heno from hairs and skin at home.

The main advantage of painting the eyebrows is a long-term result, safety - the method is suitable for pregnant and lactating women. A whole month of hairs will delight perfect views, beautiful natural color. But not always staining passes successfully, sometimes the result is very unpredictable, especially if the procedure is a woman holds at home.

The main problem when painting the eyebrows of the henna house - not only the hairs, but also the skin around, remove the paint is not immediately. Therefore, before the bioatuta, you need to know how to prevent pigment from entering skin cover, effective methods of flushing the paint composition.

Means to prevent staining of henna skin:

  • fat cream, you can use children's - it should be applied with a thick layer on the skin around the eyebrows;
  • beeswax is a small amount of beekeeping product in a water bath, in a warm form to distribute around the painted hairs.

These products will help create a kind of contour, sketch before painting, even if the henna falls on the skin, it will not be able to penetrate the fatty film.

Despite the fact that Henna is a natural component that has many positive feedback, there is a biothatuage and some contraindications. It is forbidden to carry out painting in the presence of bacterial, fungal lesions of the skin, after any surgical intervention, microdermabrasion. Negative consequences may occur if a woman often visits the solarium, applies tapers, has a very dry or sensitive dermis. Allergies, hemolytic anemia - with these diagnoses of Henna is contraindicated. The procedure is not carried out in the presence of deep wrinkles and scars.

In the absence of contraindications after painting, the negative reactions rarely appear - sometimes easy redness, swelling, itching, but everything passes within a few hours. There is no restrictions on the billment - it can be done every 2-3 weeks, as paint is flushed.

What can biotatuy ruffle? After painting, it is necessary to use only organic cosmetics, it is not necessary to carry out the procedure before traveling to the sea - salt water reduces the duration of the paint 3 times. Lovers of baths and saunas should choose for staining more resistant products - natural dyes are poorly tolerated. High humidity. If skin covers are very fat, then the correction will have to do more often.

How to wash off the henu after staining eyebrows at home?

If the result of the billitation does not like, you can try to quickly wash off the paint. Experts are not recommended to wet painted hairs, so frequent washness will help make the color less saturated, and soon and completely get rid of it. Henna does not tolerate fatty drugs, so it is possible to remove it after staining the eyebrows possible by any oil of plant origin - sunflower, olives, from flax seeds. Apply it in the hairs should be daily, keep at least a quarter of an hour. To wash it, it is better to use a cotton disk impregnated with alcohol. The oil is replaced by a fat cream.

Well removes the consequence of an unsuccessful bioetuate economic or alicate soap - it needs to be carefully applied to the hairs, leave until complete drying, washed off by massaging movements. According to reviews, with the help of this simple method, it is possible to remove the paint in 2-3 days.

Henna rapid removal methods

Some funds will help quickly wash off the hnu with eyebrows, but at the same time they are not always safe, can cut the skin, provoke the appearance of allergic reactions. Such radical methods of flushing should be used only in very extreme cases.

How to quickly remove the henu after staining:

  • Professional funds - almost all of them are not intended for the use of the house. The solutions effectively remove the coloring pigment with hairs and leather, but at the same time have a high cost, sharp smell, rather aggressive. You can not use removers without a marlevary bandage.
  • Clean the eyebrows painted by henna, return the natural color will be released using a 10% ammonia solution. It should be applied to a cotton disk, processing the hairs twice a day until the effects of the unsuccessful bioetuage disappear.
  • It is possible to quickly remove the henna using hydrogen peroxide - it clarifies the hairs well, but you need to keep it no more than 5-7 minutes, otherwise your eyebrows can become quite whites.

Any aggressive tools for flushing paint cannot be used if there are scratches, wounds, inflammatory processes. In this case, it is better to use not so efficient, but more secure methods.

How to wash off a huhu from the skin?

After the billitage at home, skin covers around the eyebrows are often painted, it will not be possible to remove them with water. Scrubs and peelings, massage with sea salt can help, but they act slowly, the likelihood that the remedy will fall into the hairs.

Lightening the HUNU will be released by any cosmetic composition that contains alcohol, you can use high-quality vodka. You need to wipe skin cuts several times a day, but still a long time on the dermis will be attended by yellow stains.

A good bleaching effect has vinegar - it is bred in equal proportions with water, apply on a cotton disk, carefully wet the skin. Lemon juice effectively and more carefully affects, use it as well, only water is not bred.

Based on lemon, you can prepare whitening paste - to dilute 5 g of soda 3 ml of lemon juice, if necessary, add some water. Cashier should be rather thick, it should be distributed using cotton wands in painted areas, take a horizontal position, wash off a mass after 5-6 minutes of water temperature.

Sometimes the curl is used to remove the henna - this agent use hairdressers with a chemical haircut of hair. It must be neatly with the help of a cotton stick to the painted areas of the dermis, wash off after 3 minutes. The method is effective, but can negatively affect the state of the skin.

How to avoid negative consequences after removing Henna?

Most home remedies act on the skin rather aggressively, which can cause dryness and peeling. To avoid this, each time it is necessary to apply a thick layer of a fatty, moisturizing cream to the dermis, any cosmetic oil.

It is categorically imputed to remove the henna acetone, gasoline, solutions for washing dishes or windows - these produced can and will bring coloring pigments, but at the same time they will cause irreparable harm to the skin, eyes, eyebrows.

Any remedy can not be intensively rubbed into the skin, if it falls into the eye, rinse with them with a large amount of warm water. Advanced the consequences of the unsuccessful billment is easy, but it is better to carefully choose the coloring composition, be sure to make an allergic sample. You can paint a small piece of hair - the result will not quite like that on the eyebrows, but will help get an idea of \u200b\u200bcolor intensity.

Biotatuzhu is a popular procedure that allows you to paint your eyebrows into a beautiful color. But if the shade turned out very bright, or the skin was painted - simple remedies will help to quickly wash off the paint. To avoid negative consequences after using Henna, it is necessary to take into account contraindications.

The color after henna is obtained bright, the curls when painting are not damaged, but, on the contrary, is to be treated. However, this natural dye has one significant disadvantage - the redhead is for a long time entrusted to curls. How to wash off the henna so that the skin of the head is damaged, will it allow this home condition, and what is the wash suitable for this? There are many methods to remove the rim. They will help to cope with this task as professional washes, so folk remedies.

What is hena

Henna is a natural dye. Get it from Lovevian leaves, plants, which is common in the countries of the Middle East and North Africa. Two types are used in cosmetology for staining and treating hair: color and colorless powder.The first paints and dwell, the color is holding up to 2 months, but it all depends on the structure of the hairproof. With the help of colorless henna, the hair is not stained, but adopted.

Washed off Lee Hnna

To bring the pigment after painting henna is very difficult, but with a huge desire to do it possible. The most important thing is to know what is more suitable for washing the natural paint. The thing is that the powder of henna does not destroy the natural structure of the Kudrey, and very tightly envelops the hairs outside, which is why other dyes do not fall inside. However, get rid of red-colored color is quite real as in the conditions of the salon and home.

How long is henna

Before starting to wash the paint, you need to understand how much it is washed off with the hair. The result depends on the peculiarities of the hair, from how soon after staining will be flushed. Often remove the natural pigment of the henna is possible only to repeat the procedure. It must be remembered that using natural and aggressive substances, there is a risk of drying braids or skin. After such components, it is important to use moisturizing agents. It should also be understood that in the process of removing paint on the hair there may be a green shade.

With hair

After painting hair, it follows it during the first two weeks. After this time, a larger amount of washes will be required that is not very good. Immediately after painting, the hnu was washed with shampoo: up to 4 times in one reception. Such a measure partially remove the redhead. Maximum withdrawing Henu from the hair will help tools, some need to be applied in the complex. After washing off, the alkali is recommended for curls to feed oils, which will also partially remove the color.

With skin

Often after staining hair, paint remains on the skin. It is ugly and not aesthetically. It is possible to erase the hu from the skin with the help of acetic acid, divorced in equal proportions with water. Painted places are moistened in the solution with a cotton swab. To remove the henna, the lemon juice is often used, which covers the evaporated areas of the skin. The most gentle and useful way is an ordinary face scrub. Application is the same as when using it as a cleansing mask. The number of procedures depends on the degree of pollution.

It is much more difficult to cope with Mehendi - a tattoo made with the help of Iranian henna. Remove the tattoo in a couple of days possible:

  1. Hot bath: Strongly sparkled place with tattoo rubbed a rigid washcloth. Returns several times.
  2. Wash the huhu from the skin will help the antibacterial soap and toothbrush.
  3. Sea salt dissolved in warm water. Hands need to be kept in a salt solution until the water cools down.

It happens that it is necessary to erase the henu with his hands. You can quickly withdraw Mehendi with a more radical method. Soda is mixed and lemon juice to the consistency of thick casher. All this is applied to the plot with a pattern, the length of exposure is not more than 10 minutes. Additionally, you can massage the tattoo with a sponge. If the paint remains after flushing, you can apply the hand scrub.

Than rush it hu

In order to remove the hatch from the hair, professional and folk remedies are used. The choice is based on personal preferences. Special washes make it faster, but they can harm more. Most of the compositions have a special formula that protects curls, but their cost is high. Natural substances are less aggressive, but not so effective. However, the washing of paint with a solution of alcohol or economic soap can negatively affect the hairproof.

Professional means

Professional henna washes have two forms: acidic and blonde (consists of discoloring powder, shampoo, water and 3, 6 or 9% oxidant). Acid flushes paint without much harm to hair, driving removes dark pigment, but removes the color faster. With blonding, not only the most resistant paint is washed off, but also natural hair color. The interval between the procedures is 2 weeks. After repeated use, hair is completely discolored.

Acid professional hens washes are used in salons and home. It can be emulsions, balms, shampoos. The most common are as follows:

  • shampoo Paul Mitchell - washes off red color from the first time.
  • emulsion to remove persistent paints Decoxon - red color brighten on the tone.
  • protein Balsam Salers returns natural color;
  • esthelle emulsion - removes hen several times, but after washing the curls are yellow, so it is necessary to staining;
  • hAIR vegetable means does not harm the structure of the hair, requires multiple use.

Folk remedies

Often the question is asked, whether Henna is washed off with folk remedies? The answer is positive, the difference is that special means will make it faster. People's methods of removal of henna suggest the use of oil masks, vinegar, kefira, alcohol, sour cream, coffee, onion, household soap, soda, lemon juice, pepper tincture. Some of them, for example, containing alkaline or acidic substances, wash off the henna for a couple of receptions. Keffer, oil, sour cream, but to achieve the maximum effect, will have to repeat them repeatedly.

Recipes for Henna washing at home

Folk remedies are capable of coping with a red pigment paint. To completely remove the redhead, it is sometimes necessary to carry out at least 10 procedures. On the other hand, the use of natural masks can align the surface of the hair, making them smooth and shiny, to treat not only the hair, but also the scalp. Wash off the henn by folk remedies is allowed in two or three days.

Oil mask

Get rid of natural dyes perhaps with oil masks. Recipe simple. This is done as follows:

  1. The roots and the entire length of the brain are lubricated with olive and burial oils mixed in equal proportions. The head is wrapped at first a hat for the soul, then a towel. You can warm the hairdryer.
  2. Everything is withstanding 2 hours. If you need to slightly remove the redhead color, it will be enough for 30-50 minutes.
  3. It is washed off with a shampoo for oily hair, rinse with acidic water.


A good effect gives a table vinegar. He not only eliminates Ryzhny, but also makes hair softer. 10-12 liters of water will be required 4 tbsp. l. vinegar. For 15 minutes, the curls are wetted in solution. You can simply omit the head into the water container. Next, you need to thoroughly rinse curls with your shampoo. It is recommended to rinse them with the same acetate solution (you can not take already used).


There are several recipes with kefir to wash off paint. It is clear that it will not be possible to completely get rid of red-colored, but it is possible to lighten the braids for a couple of tones. In the first case, the shade is adjusted with warm kefir. Approximately 0.5 cup of kefir (it all depends on the length of the hair) heated in the microwave. Temperature should be a nice skin of the head. Each strand is carefully lubricated with kefir, the head is insulating. After 1-1.5 hours was washed off with shampoo.

The second way is tougher. For him, it is necessary: \u200b\u200b200 g of fat kefir, 2 tbsp. l. soda, 2-3 tbsp. Spoons of vodka, you can use a strong tincture (it will wash more rims). This sequence is:

  1. Mix all the ingredients to a homogeneous consistency.
  2. With the help of a sponge, a mixture of kefir and soda apply to the hair along the entire length. It is advisable to give a smaller solution on the roots.
  3. Wrap your hair in the package (the mixture will be flown, so it is desirable to apply it, tilting the head, and in the same way to wear a package).
  4. Heat, withstand an hour.
  5. Wash hair, apply a nutritional mask. Hairdryer do not dry.


Alcohol perfectly removes paint with Kudrey. Alcohol (70%) is applied on the hair for 5 minutes. This will reveal the scales of the hair, lavsti powder to be removed faster. It is not washed away and is not erased. Further, hot oil is applied to all curls, it is possible a castor, rapid, and oil mixtures. Hell need to warm well. After 2 hours of cutting the mask very thoroughly, rinse all the shampoo.

Sour cream

How to wash off the huhu with sour cream? The method resembles the process of flushing with kefir. For masks need fatty, warm (fit better hair) and the proceed (acid well removes the yellowness) sour cream - it is applied throughout the length. It is desirable to insulate the head. The duration of the impact of the composition on the curls is from 35 to 60 minutes. Everything is washed off with a shampoo for fatty hair.


Redhead oscillation is easily adjusted with coffee. However, it is necessary to understand that the coffee does not wash it, but simply repains curls by making them darker. Often, black henna is used for this purpose. A mixture of ground (soluble) coffee and henna in a ratio of 2 to 1 is applied over the entire length of the hair. Exposure time - depending on the desired shade. Wash your head in the usual way.


How to wash off the henu with the help of an ordinary onion bows? The process is not complicated. From the purified bow, the juice is squeezed, which are lubricated hair along the entire length. It is important to apply onion juice on the roots: it activates the hair onions, thanks to which braids will not only grow well, but will become much thicker. Very good after the entire procedure to make a mask with honey, you can still use yolk and yeast.


Despite the fact that in each set with dyes are protective gloves, the skin is dumping. Skin covers are fairly easy to traumat, so it is impossible to use strong chemistry to eliminate the residues. It is better to take another substance that has a more gentle effect on the dermis. How to wash off the skin from the skin so as not to injure it, consider below.

Before proceeding with the solution of the problem, than you can wash off the hnu from the skin, we describe the means that are strictly forbidden to use for this purpose. To remove an unsuccessful or boring tattoo, women resort to the most incredible ways. Parties are frequent when the skin of the face, the bodies received severe injuries, the inflammatory processes began.

  • petrol;
  • wiper;
  • kerosene;
  • acetone;
  • washing powder;
  • means intended for cleansing household surfaces.

Means containing bleach and solvents can cause chemical burns

Effective Henna Removing Methods

Facial decoration, body henna using Mehendi technology has long been known. It was used by Indian women. Surprisingly, the tradition has reached us. Mehendi, if compared with the well-known tattoo, there are certain advantages:

  • incomprehensible drawing is easily washed off;
  • the faded pattern is easily replaced.

Henu Our women use not only to apply a temporary pattern on the body, but also for painting hair. This natural substance gives the hair a nice redhead, and the hair structure remains unharmed.

Specialists for the question of how to quickly wash off the huhu from the skin, advise to take advantage of special means. They may not afford not to themselves because of the high cost of drugs. These funds are sold in the tattoo salons, hairdressers, specialized stores.

Despite the fact that the drugs are expensive, they provide instant cleaning of the henna from the body. They have a peculiar unpleasant smell. It is worth using them with care due to the risk of developing allergies to any of the chemicals that is present in the preparation.

Such means most often contain ammonia, so caution should be taken

Wash the hnu from the skin of the hands is easy, but still make efforts will have to. To this end, it is preferable to use specialized products, but it is not always at hand. There are cases when rinse mehendi is needed in one day. This will help the following funds.

Hot water. It is most often used to eliminate paint from the body. It is enough to dial hot water (it should be as hot as possible) and to fall in it treated with a henna body. To wash it off, use soap washbasin (it should be tough). A contaminated area should be lost well. It is possible to completely remove the natural tattoo in 2 - 3 bathing.

Hot water can also remove stains on the epidermis, which remained after dyeing the hair. To do this, take a clean sponge, lay it with soap, moisten in hot water, rub a carefully every spot on the face. This method is quite difficult to wash off the hu, but if the procedure of cleansing is carried out in a timely manner, you will not need a lot of time and time.

Fresh mehendi on the skin has an orange color, so if you need to remove traces of henna, it is better to do it before the paint absorbs and become brown

Soda + lemon. This method is low-cost and help remove the boring drawing quickly. The mixture for removing the natural dye is prepared from food soda and citric acid (it is bred by water), which can be replaced with lemon juice. From these substances, we prepare a thick paste, which is then applied to the pattern, withstand 10 minutes, we wash the area with warm water with soap (it is desirable to use the washcloth). If there are barely noticeable stains, they can be eliminated by any of the methods described below.

Antibacterial soap, economic. This cosmetic is endowed with bleaching effect. With it, you can cope with a stain of a plant pigment, which was inaccurately put on the skin.

When painting hands, henna should be laid through the brush, thoroughly rub them with a toothbrush (you can use old). Special attention should be paid to the nail zone, fingers.

Tip: Soap will act more effectively if the process of cleansing from stains to carry out a brush. This method of removal of stains is perfectly combined with steaming in the bathroom.

Using a brush and soap you can get rid of Mehendi, who lost its brightness

Dentifrice. A bleaching effect can be used to eliminate fresh pigment. The procedure is carried out simply: wet the toothbrush with water, moisten it in powder, trite wet dermis with a stain of henna. But if the pigment was very much in the skin, this method will be useless.

Sea salt. With this tool, it is good to bring a natural dye from the top layer of the epidermis. In order to whiten the hands after painting, passing them in hot water until the fluid is completely cooling. The drawing will be marked noticeably. To bring the spots usually several procedures are required.

Note: Salt is sold in the form of large crystals. To avoid injury to the skin, it is recommended to grind through a coffee grinder. The main thing is not to turn the seaside salt into the powder. Indeed, in this case, the means will lose all its abrasive abilities and there will be no sense from the procedure.

After you crushed the sea salt, moisturize the dermis, apply a little salt on it, gently rub. Let's gradually add water. The procedure should be performed until it dissolve the crystals. If the stain still remains the trace, wait a bit, repeat the entire procedure.

Salt is one of the best ways to purify henna

To eliminate pigment from the neck, shoulder, thighs are recommended to apply a salt mask. In the process of its execution, the specified sequence should be followed:

  1. Wash a piece of dense tissue with a concentrated sea salt solution.
  2. Wet cloth attach to stains.
  3. Fraw wrapping.
  4. Rock all after 30 - 60 min. Using warm water.

Vegetable oil. This means should be used only in warm form. Oil must be warm up on a steam bath. The cleansing procedure is quite simple:

  1. Apply a tampon on mehendi.
  2. Watch the treated food film zone.
  3. Wait for half an hour, wash off the skin with warm water with gel, shower cream.

Oil carefully affects the pigment and remove the hen for several receptions, but the skin of the hands does not suffer

Cosmetic scrub. Clear the upper layers of the epidermis easily with the scrub. You can eliminate mehendi by treatment with a scrub, massing them for 10 to 15 minutes. Movements should be light, circular.

The maximum effect can be achieved if you combine this method with steaming. After the scrubbing, the epidermis with a moisturizing cream should be mitigated.

Hydrogen peroxide. Despite the fears of many girls, hydrogen peroxide is safe. It contributes to the rapid elimination of henna from the epidermis. The cleansing procedure looks like this:

  1. Wash your cotton disk, a piece of flavors peroxide.
  2. Apply for a few minutes to the pattern. Usually 5 - 7 minutes.
  3. We are waiting until Mehendi is rascis.
  4. We wash off running water. It is advisable to use soap.

Ash cigarette. The ashes use the cooled. A wet wadded disk is dipped into it, Mehendi rubs.

Olive oil and cognac. We prepare the remedy from equal parts of brandy and oil. The mixture is applied to Mehendi, withstand an hour, wash off warm water.

Alcohol lotion, vodka. It is possible to use any means that have an alcohol in its composition only subject to the absence of damage to the dermis. If there are wounds, cracks, the cleansing procedure will be accompanied by a strong cigarette.

The cleaning procedure begins with applying vodka, lotion by means of a cotton disk. Then the skin is rubbed. The procedure should be repeated several times.

The alcohol copes perfectly with the henna stains, but at the same time he dries the skin, so after the procedure it is necessary to apply a fat cream

To eliminate natural dye in the form of henna on the face, it is not always possible to use popular methods that confirmed many times their effectiveness. To wash off Hu nu's eyebrows, other areas of the house should be followed by the following rules:

  1. It should be extremely attentive when choosing a means to eliminate henna on the skin of the head, because the substance can get into the eyes. Cleaning a face from a biootuate can be lotions, oil compositions. With frequent hair coloring, it is desirable to use a special cosmetic agent that removes waterproof makeup. It will have a less pronounced effect, but the advantage will be its safety for your skin.
  2. To avoid hitting the henna when painting hair on open areas of skin, follows these areas (whiskey, ears, forehead) to apply fat cream. After painting, the skin treated with bold cream rubbing a cotton disc. It is better to use the most fat, thick cream. It will protect the skin from the penetration of natural dye. So, you will spend less strength to cleanse the skin, time.
  3. When the method tried by you did not bring the expected result, do not lower your hands. Try another method of eliminating paint residues at home. Only at the same time recommended between procedures to withstand 24 hours. This pause is necessary to prevent injury to the epidermis.
  4. After you removed the hen any of the methods described above, skin cover should be treated with moisturizing cream. This procedure helps to restore the regenerative abilities of the dermis.
  5. It is likely that the removal of henna stains or mehendi from the skin will not succeed in one procedure. Do not get upset. Use the tool again or two and the positive effect will not wait a long time.
  6. Henna is quite easy to rinse, if you do it immediately after entering the pigment to the skin. Even after washing simple water and the trace will not remain. It is more difficult to eliminate old spots, because the pigment has already heavily eaten.

In order not to spend the forces, nerves, time to purify the henna from the skin, it is better to warn random pigment staining. This is certainly possible when painting hair. But if you made mehendi, get ready for long work. And it is better to make a tattoo from proven masters and carefully pick up the drawing so as not to look for the appropriate way to remove mehendi from the skin.