How to weave French braids from your forehead. French braid: how to weave, photos and videos. Side French braid with bun

Recently, among the fair sex, because of the variety of options and beauty of forms, the "French braid" has become especially popular. And although this type of weaving did not appear at all in France (the earliest mentions were found on rock paintings in Algeria and they are more than six thousand years old), there are several versions of why the braid is called "French". One of them says that for the first time a certain French stylist widely advertised and launched this method of weaving to the masses, putting it in opposition to the "English braid". According to another version, in the eighteenth century, a court hairdresser braided the hair of majestic persons in a similar way in the Palace of Versailles. Which one is true is not important. The main thing is that the "French braid" suits everyone and looks great on the head of any woman.

Weaving French braids (classic version)

The essence of weaving any of the variants of the "French braid" is the addition of additional strands to the main strands of the braid from the free mass of hair.

The classic version is created as follows:

  • Hair should be brushed carefully. Owners of liquid hair are advised to first make a bouffant on the front of the head.
  • It is necessary to separate a small section of hair above the forehead and tie it with an inconspicuous silicone rubber band.
  • On each side of the central strand, you need to separate one more, and the same size.
  • Make a binding by throwing the side strands onto the center strand, as for a simple braid.
  • On the next binding, you need to add hair from the free hair mass to each side strand. It is necessary to grab the strands on the sides and parallel to the height of the braid.
  • In a similar manner, braid until you run out of loose hair (about to the base of the neck).
  • Next, you need to braid the braid to the end and secure with an elastic band.
  • The silicone rubber band on the top strand must be disguised under the hair or carefully cut off with thin nail scissors.
  • You can leave tight weaving, or you can add splendor. To do this, you need to slightly lower the bottom elastic and stretch the parts of the braid along the entire length.
  • In order for the hairstyle to look neat for a long time, you can spray it with varnish.

To make any braid bright, original and festive, it is enough to add decorations, for example, a colored shiny ribbon.

A few tips for choosing a ribbon:

  • The tape should be soft (no metal frame inside).
  • The optimum width is 1.5 centimeters.
  • Before use, it is advisable to wash the tape so that the color does not fade and dye the hair.

How to weave (two of the simplest of the many possible options):

  • A "French braid" with a ribbon is woven in the same way as a classic or voluminous version, but instead of a central strand, a ribbon is used. It needs to be fixed with an invisibility selected to match the hair under one of the upper strands.
  • After dividing the hair into strands, from which the "French braid" will be formed in the future, it is necessary to tie a ribbon to the middle strand. Both ends of the tape must be equal and necessarily much longer than the hair (otherwise the tape may not be enough). Ribbon halves are added to the side strands. After that, a "French braid" is braided, only you need to try to shift and add strands so that the tape always stays on top. It is best to first transfer the hair, and then put the tape on top of it.

French braid "Fishtail"

Among other variations of the "French braid" for its eccentricity, the "fishtail", aka "spikelet", deserved special love for the weaker sex. It can be straight, and oblique, and tight, and lush, with a combination of other elements, for example, ordinary braids, bunches, plaits or tails.

How to weave a French fishtail braid:

  • Clean and well-combed hair should be divided into two equal parts with a parted in the middle.
  • The French version of the Fishtail starts from the forehead, while the usual version starts at the base of the neck.
  • To form a weaving, it is necessary to separate small (conditionally equal) strands from the edge of each part of the hair and alternately throw them to the other side.
  • Thus, the "fishtail" is braided along the entire length of the hair, and at the end it is fixed with an elastic band or hair clip.
  • Decorate with flowers to give your hair a French charm.

The classic version of the "French braid" looks a little flat and does not always suit those women who have thin hair. However, stylists and hairdressers have found an excellent solution to this problem - this is the "reverse French braid". It is also called "inverted" and "voluminous".

When creating a "braid vice versa", they are guided by the same principles as in the classic version, but only the side strands are placed not on top of the central one, but under it.

The "inverted French braid" is often used in conjunction with a variety of buns. The bundle can be formed from the braid itself or assembled separately, and can also be located above and below the braid.


  • The first step is to weave the "French braid in reverse" (one or two at will). It can start anywhere in the head (forehead, neck, behind the ear, and so on).
  • The braid is woven to the desired place and fixed (with a silicone rubber band or invisible hair color).
  • Then a bundle is formed (braids, plaits are twisted or a donut is used).

The "French braid" looks very interesting, not braided straight, but on the side or in a zigzag. That is, weaving should not begin at the forehead, but behind any ear. Then weave not down, but diagonally. If a zigzag is planned, then having reached the edge, it is necessary to turn the weaving in the opposite direction. The rest of the execution technique is no different from the classical version or "braids vice versa".

How to braid yourself two French braids

Such a wonderful weaving as a "French braid" will look great in a double copy. This option, for its originality, beauty and practicality, will especially appeal to young girls. After all, it can be done for school, and for a walk, and for a party, and on a date.

  • You will need two mirrors, which must be set against each other so that if you look into one of them, you can see the back of the head in the other.
  • Divide hair vertically into two equal sections.
  • Temporarily remove one part to the side and stab it so that it does not interfere.
  • From the second part, form a "voluminous French braid", moving from top to bottom and tie with an elastic band.
  • Free the second part and do the same with it.
  • Fluff up and decorate the braids.

Refined and sophisticated young ladies will love the "French braid with bows". This hairstyle will look great with an evening dress or a wedding dress.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • It is necessary to separate a small amount of hair from the forehead and tie it so that it does not get in the way.
  • From the remaining hair, you need to braid the classic "French braid" to one side.
  • Secure the finished braid with an elastic band.

  • Then the left hair must be combed and moistened with water so that it does not frizz.
  • A hairpin must be threaded into the first ring of the finished braid.
  • Separate a thin strand from the mass of free hair, moisten, form two rings, one of which is threaded through the hairpin and pulled through the braid.
  • Hide the remaining tip under the hair.

  • Separate another thin strand and do the same steps, but only in the next division of the braid.
  • So with all the hair left.
  • Correct hair and spray with varnish.

And lovers of loose hair can come in handy "French braid". For example, to create a romantic hairstyle, which hairdressers call "French Falls". In it, the hair is woven into a braid and directed downward in such a way that it really resembles jets of water.

Weaving order:

  • Weaving starts from the temple like a regular braid.
  • Three strands are separated. The lower one is placed on the central one, then the upper one is placed on the central one.
  • Lower again, then upper.
  • Now a small strand is separated from the free hair above the braid and placed there, while their ends (upper and additional strands) remain hanging down.
  • Further, the lower strand is thrown over the hanging one, which takes its place.
  • The top strand is thrown over again.
  • Now you need to separate a small strand under the oblique and throw it on the upper one (just like the lower one before) and so on.
  • This pattern is used to braid all the hair around the head (from temple to temple).
  • The ends of the "waterfall" can be left straight or curled.

It is not for nothing that the people from time immemorial say "the braid is a girl's beauty", because it is able to make any lady a little more beautiful, graceful, prettier, more romantic and feminine.

French braid: video

It is difficult to imagine the creation of a unique stylish modern look without a French braid, which has many ways of original weaving. The French braid is truly one of the most popular hairstyles in the modern world. If you like the elegant look created by the French braid, you will look equally great at any event, be it a celebration or a business meeting, a party or an everyday walk in the park.

Let's take a closer look at the basic techniques of weaving French braids - reverse and classic weaving, around the head, “waterfall”, zigzag, “fish tail” and a couple of openwork ones.

And step-by-step photos and videos of weaving French braids, both on the model and on herself, will invaluable help us figure this out.

The history of the emergence of French braids

Today, it is still not known for certain where this method of weaving originates, just as the history of the origin of its name remains a mystery. Perhaps the author was precisely a Frenchman, hence the name - French braid.

How to weave a French braid?

Today, a great variety of techniques and methods of weaving, French braids, are known, but their basis is the same - the French classic braid. It is woven both with traditional methods and with the use of new tricks of experienced weaving masters.

The opinions of hairdressers and self-taught amateurs differ as to which hair is best for braiding. Professionals are convinced that the secret to successful braiding is clean, dry hair. Lovers, on the other hand, are sure that the braid will hold and look excellent the next day after shampooing.

If your hair is unmanageable when braiding, then leave it a little damp, or resort to the help of hair styling products. Various mousses, gels and waxes will make curls more manageable and soft.

How to weave a French braid correctly, it is possible to learn from the step-by-step instructions (photo + diagram). By looking at the diagram, you can clearly see what your next steps will be. You can see such schemes below in our article.

French braid weaving pattern

In order to weave a braid, you will, of course, need a comb and an elastic band.

First, comb your hair carefully so that there are no tangles. Then divide them into three equal strands. Pick up the divided strands. You hold the last two strands in your hands, and the middle one should remain free.

Then we put the right strand on the middle one, and it already becomes extreme. With the left hand we hold 2 strands, the leftmost strand with two fingers - the ring and little fingers, and the central one - with the middle finger. At this time, the thumb prevents the strand from falling out, and the index finger is in a straight position.

Your braid will be tight and strong if you hold the strands tight and control the tension during braiding. Throughout the entire braid, control the tension on the strand.

The whole process of weaving consists in alternately crossing all the strands in the order described above, and you will repeat such manipulations exactly as long as your braid is completely ready. If such a description of the actions seems difficult to you, then just remember the order - the right strand to the middle one, the left strand to the middle one and imitate weaving with your hands.

After braiding the whole braid, comb through the remaining end well and tighten with an elastic band.

So that later beginners can repeat braiding on their own hair, it is worth advising them to start training on familiar or ordinary ribbons.

Braid at the back of the head

A French braid on the parietal region with grabs is woven according to the following pattern:

  • The first thing you do is take a fairly large lock on the crown.
  • Then divide it into 3 identical strands by entering the index and middle fingers.
  • Begin alternately shifting the extreme strands to the middle one on the left, then on the right.
  • So far, the principle of weaving is exactly the same as the classic version of weaving braids.
  • Thus, having completed two weaves, add thinner ones from the sides to the main strands.
  • When the braid reaches the level of the base of the skull or the free side hairs run out, you can either fix the braid at the achieved level, or continue braiding to the end of the hair length.
  • You can fix the finished pigtail with a tape or elastic band.

Check out the photo with the result of this weaving method.

The method of weaving braids with the selection of strands from different sides is called weaving with a pick-up. This braiding method creates more sophisticated and sophisticated variations of braids.

Spit vice versa

This type of weaving of a classic braid has become in demand over the past few years. Weaving such a braid is a little more difficult than the classic one, and the distinctive features of this braid are originality and style.

The difference in weaving a classic braid and a French braid, on the contrary, lies in laying the side strands not on the middle one, but under it. The very principle of weaving is the same. Preparing to start creating a hairstyle is the same as in a regular French braid.

Let's consider in stages:

  • The first thing we do is separate three strands from the rest of the hair.
  • We shift the extreme strands alternately under the middle, then left, then right.
  • Having completed several weaves in this way, we select thin side strands and put them under the middle one.
  • We repeat weaving until we reach the base of the skull.
  • Now you can either fasten our pigtail by pulling it with a ribbon or elastic band, or continue weaving, but no longer picking up the side strands.

Braid on the side

An ordinary classic braid does not have to be braided strictly vertically in the center. It all depends on creativity and skill level. However, the technique for creating such braids remains the same.

So, the French braid on the side or obliquely, you guessed it, is braided not directly in the center, but slightly to the side. You can use both the classic weaving method and the reverse French weaving technique.

The only difference is that such a braid originates from one side with the curls picking up just above the temple and weaves through the back of the head to the other side.

Braids with ribbons

To create such a styling, any weaving option is suitable, where at a certain stage a ribbon is added to the weaving process. Everyone chooses the stage and the tape for himself personally, taking into account his preferences and tastes.

Such an addition will add sophistication to the image, emphasize your individuality, and add solemnity.

Braid bezel

The braid around the head (sometimes called -) is very popular not only among Slavic girls, but all over the world. This styling rejuvenates and refreshes a woman.

Therefore, it is not for nothing that a braid wrapped around the head has become one of the most beloved hairstyles of Russian and Western celebrities. A very cute hairstyle that will appeal to all fashionistas, complementing their image with romance and tenderness.

To get a beautiful headband-shaped braid, you follow these steps:

  • Separate part of the hair along the growth line - parting from ear to ear.
  • So that nothing bothers you, pull the rest of the hair, not involved in weaving, with an elastic band.
  • When creating such a hairstyle, the technique of weaving a reverse French braid is used, i.e. side strands fit under the middle one.

A distinctive feature is that thin strands for weaving into a braid are picked up from only one, lower, side.

A few tips that might be helpful:

  • When weaving the headband for yourself, make sure that the braid is located as close to the parting as you did.
  • To prevent the strands from falling out during the weaving process, first use wax or mousse.
  • After the free strands for weaving into the braid have ended, it remains only to secure it with an elastic band. If you prefer to do without fastening, then moisten your fingers and hair ends with hairspray and, squeezing them for a couple of minutes, fasten them.
  • Loose previously collected hair. Your original look is ready!

One more final of creating a hairstyle "headband" - the pigtail is braided to the end, and the base of the previously made tail is wrapped around it. The tip can be secured with bobby pins, or hidden under a beautiful elastic band.

If you form a bun from the tail, the base of which is also braided with a pigtail, you will get another hairstyle with an oblique rim.

Spit waterfall: how to weave it?

This hairstyle will look equally great on both long hair and not so. Lightness and simplicity make the hairstyle the best option for those girls who do not like curls of hair constantly falling on their face. Amazing styling for young girls.

How do you create this splendor?

  • First of all, you should make a horizontal parting from ear to ear. The weave should be loose enough.
  • A characteristic feature of this braid is the fact that not only strands are woven into the braid, but also released.
  • Having started weaving, you add new thin ones to each strand. At the same time, you release a part from the downward strand, so the thickness of your pigtail remains unchanged.
  • After completing the hairstyle, the braid must be secured. And original hairpins or invisible hairpins will help you to do this.
  • If you have a little more time, then you can complicate the waterfall. To do this, after completing the weaving of one braid, another horizontal wide strand is taken below, which in turn is divided into three equal thinner ones. From them you weave the second tier of the "waterfall" so that in the final your hairstyle is more airy, and you curl the lower loose strands into curls.

Braid zigzag

This is an original stylish way of weaving a traditional braid, which will give the image of its owner uniqueness.

To get a beautiful even "zigzag", follow our recommendations:

  • Make a vertical even parting on the side.
  • From a strand taken from the "thin" side, make three and start weaving, gradually shifting to the "thick" side.
  • Having reached the opposite side, smoothly turn the weaving, ceasing to pick up the strands from the side where you are turning.
  • You can make as many turns as the length of the hair allows. If the length of your hair does not allow "swinging", then after reaching the base of the skull from free hair, make a bun.

Openwork braid

The most common way to weave wedding hairstyles. Hairstyles are incredibly lush, airy, which fills the whole image with unique lightness. Initially, this braid does not have to be woven tightly with clear contours.

To create an openwork braid, nothing special is required from you. At first, simply weave the back braid, not pulling the strands tightly so that it remains soft. When the braid is ready, gently pull thin strands out of the side strands, creating the braid volume, delicacy and airiness.

We have considered the basic principle of capturing fishnet braids, but there are others. You can familiarize yourself with them in more detail in the video master classes, which in the future will allow you to easily construct unique bright hairstyles with a minimum of time spent.

Features of weaving a French tail braid

Not all girls are able to braid their hair out of their loose hair. In addition to the fact that they crumble, it is also difficult to put stubborn strands into a beautiful, even hairstyle.

To make it easier for yourself, you can collect your hair in a high ponytail, and then braid it in one of the many ways.

In the video tutorials, you can get acquainted in all details with weaving a braid from a tail.


Such a braid looks most impressive on absolutely straight hair, so if your hair has even just a slight curl, you should first pull it out with an iron.

To get an incredibly beautiful "airy spikelet" hairstyle, you must:

  • Take a thin strand over any of the temples and weave.
  • In the process of weaving, the strands are woven only from the larger side.
  • It turns out a thin pigtail, going down from the temple, over which the lock was taken.
  • The main thing in this weaving is lightness, and you can weave from the side, and in the middle and from the tail.

Braid fishtail

"Fishtail" looks unusual and original both as part of a more complex hairstyle, and separately.

The peculiarity of this weaving, which all his fans need to know, is that this weaving is performed from two main strands with the gradual addition of auxiliary thinner ones.

What's the difference between braiding yourself or someone else?

If you figured out the scheme and the fundamental principles of weaving braids, then you can easily do it on another person, and on the first try you will get a satisfactory result.

Naturally, braiding someone else is much easier because there are a number of advantages:

  • Hands can be held in any position convenient for you;
  • Freedom of action with both hands;
  • You can immediately see the complete pattern of weaving;
  • In the course of movement, you have the opportunity to immediately eliminate the disadvantages of weaving;
  • You can easily tighten the braid, or, on the contrary, weaken it - it is very easy to control the tension of the strands;
  • As long as you finish the braid to the right place, your hands will never get tired.

To get a similar result on yourself, you need the following:

  • install two large mirrors opposite each other;
  • for successful braiding of hair, practice is necessary to “fill your hand” and be able to do such a hairstyle quickly and without hesitation;
  • in order not to make useless movements, a comb and other necessary items should be near you;
  • hands must be sufficiently trained so that they do not get tired of creating even one pigtail on themselves;
  • the help of loved ones will not be superfluous if they are ready to help;
  • as a workout, it is better to do such a hairstyle not on clean hair, otherwise the curls will crumble, and you will not achieve a good result.

Another difficulty in weaving a braid for yourself is that you have to completely trust your hands - at this moment they and your eyes, from which you cannot observe the whole picture, but only see part of it.

Who would have thought that the usual braid known to everyone from childhood in modern times will become a fashionable hair styling. In addition, it is at the heart of many hairstyles for more or less long hair. The braid adorned not a single charming head of the bride, since, resorting to the help of decorative elements - ribbons, hairpins, rhinestones, hairpins with original heads and even fresh flowers, it seems possible to create an unforgettable elegant image.

Perhaps, among the most significant advantages of such styling, it is worth noting the ease of creation, which eliminates the need to resort to the help of other people. And the variety of weaving techniques opens up horizons for endless experiments on your image. The only obstacle in your path is fantasy.

The impressive variety of French braids will make you look chic in any situation. A hairstyle with the most ordinary braid can be either the simplest and most modest, or chic, attracting the eyes of others. Everyone can learn to weave French braids for herself, there is absolutely nothing complicated about it. Of course, first you should master the simple options, and only then proceed to the creation of masterpieces.

Weave the most common French braid

    • We comb the hair thoroughly;

    • We collect a small part of the hair from the forehead into a ponytail and fix it with a small elastic band for convenience;

    • We take a lock on both sides of the tail being formed;

    • And we begin weaving by alternately shifting the side strands from side to side over the middle;

    • Having made the first bindings, we begin to add the curls remaining on the sides to the weaving;

    • We finish in this way to the end and fix the tip with an elastic band. We cut off the elastic band dressed at the base and our pigtail is ready.

On clean hair, braids look much more spectacular and this is a fact. Although many girls prefer to weave braids on their hair that is not the first freshness, because it is easier that way. To curb the fluffy freshly washed hair when weaving, just moisten your hands with water before weaving and run along the strands.

You can add originality to an ordinary French braid by straightening the strands in just a couple of minutes.

    • We spray the hair with varnish;

    • Starting from the crown of the head, we pull up the strands of weaving one by one, we do it evenly and very carefully;

    • We take a few invisible ones and pin up the upper elongated strands with a wave.

    • In this simple way, we get a completely different, light airy look.

Alternatively, you can braid such a braid to the side. Or make a pair of shy braids.

Such a recently popular inversion braid is woven no more complicated than usual. The main thing here is to understand the principle, and of course to get a handle on it.

    • We take part of the hair from the forehead and divide it into three even strands;

    • We make the first bindings, as in weaving a regular braid, only if the extreme strands there lay on top of the middle one, then everything is the other way around, weaving the extreme strands under the middle one;

    • We make hooks and weave to the end in the same way, fix the tip with an elastic band;

    • The braid is ready for eversion.

You can also get strands out of it and make it airy, braid a few or on the side, or with a rim. There are many options.

French braid weaving options

We look at interesting weaving ideas and look for inspiration. French braids are beautiful, easy and simple.

A waterfall of long hair is an adornment of any woman, be it a little fashionista, a young charming woman or a lady of Balzac's age. But it is simply impossible to constantly wear them loose, in the winter you have to wear hats, in the spring a strong wind can sweep away any curls, and in the summer heat you want coolness. In all these cases, braiding comes to the rescue. There are a great many options for braids, but now let's talk about how to braid French braids.

About the first braids and not only

Hair has been braided in braids since the earliest times. The ancient Slavs believed that a long and thick braid was an indicator of good female health. In general, in Russia, one could learn a lot from the braids. The girl with one braid is unmarried. A girl with a braid, in which a bright ribbon is woven, is a bride. A hairstyle of two braids meant that the woman was married.

Do not think that braided hair was worn only by Slavic women, European women also competed in the length and beauty of braids. In those days, when the Catholic Church began to persecute women especially zealously, forcing them to constantly wear hats, very unusual hairstyles arose: braids braided at the temples, braids decorating the forehead, snail braids covering the ears. So women could demonstrate the beauty of their hair, contrary to church canons.

But the appearance of French weaving is hidden in the darkness of centuries. Even on the rock paintings in the caves of Algeria, women with similar hairstyles are depicted, you can see such weaving on ancient Greek statues, these braids are described in ancient Chinese manuscripts, noble women were given very complex and high hairstyles.

What is this "French" braid?

A description of a hairstyle with this name appeared in an American women's magazine at the end of the nineteenth century, with the light hand of a publisher, and this braid began to be called French.

It seems that braiding French braids is not difficult at all. Maybe so, but first you need to practice properly. It is best to ask a friend with long hair to let you learn weaving on her. After a few hair styling sessions, you can become a true braiding pro. Only after such training will it be possible to braid your hair yourself, and there is no need to think about complex styling. You can create a real masterpiece from your hair at any time.

So what is a French braid? This is a weave of three strands of hair, the hair should be pressed tightly to the head, the braid itself is slightly pulled to one side.

There are options when the braids are woven, as it were, the other way around, decorate the head like a wreath or have a zigzag shape.

Everything you need to braid

Needed: a great desire to learn, a little time and accessories for hair care. It is worth talking about the latter in more detail.

Classic French braid

Starting to learn the weaving technique, the first step is to master the classic version, it is the easiest to perform. It is worth remembering that the hair must be washed and combed thoroughly before braiding, the braid looks good only from clean, well-groomed hair.

  1. Classic weaving goes all over the head, to the very back of the head. Bangs are woven into the braid, if any.
  2. Such a braid is woven from three strands, which means that you need to divide part of the hair into three identical bundles. You need to start braiding right from the forehead, holding the braid with your thumbs and forefingers, gradually adding the rest of the hair, alternately grabbing it from both sides with free fingers. At the end of the process, you should get a tightly braided braid that goes all over the head.
  3. The whole difficulty lies in grabbing the same strands, which is why training is needed.
  4. At the end of braiding, you need to secure the hair with a ribbon or hairpin. The best fastening is obtained from rubber bands.

How to weave a French classic braid - video tutorial

Back braid and wreath

Having learned the classics, you can try more complex ways of weaving braids. For example, learn how to weave a pigtail the other way around, or an inverted French pigtail. Hair, as in the first case, must be washed and combed properly. The difference between such a braid is that it is woven as if from the inside out, and this gives the hairstyle great pomp and volume.

  1. Apply a little mousse to the prepared hair so that the hairstyle retains its shape better.
  2. Divide the mass of hair into three strands, from where the braid should start.
  3. The strand on the left must be wound under the middle one, followed by the right strand.
  4. Add some hair again on the left side, winding it under the middle strand, repeat the procedure on the right.
  5. Weave all the curls in this way. At the end of the hair, you can make a simple braid, but with reverse braiding.
  6. To give the braid a special splendor, you need to grab the ends of the hair with your left hand, and with your right hand evenly pull out each woven strand, creating the desired volume.

From such weaving, you can create a lot of options that will give a new look to long hair every day. A pigtail that wraps around your head like a wreath is the best option for playing sports or going to the beach. Its creation is not very different from weaving, on the contrary, although there are some nuances.

  1. Such a braid should be started not from the middle of the head, but from the temporal part. You should choose which side to start with.
  2. Take a lock of hair growing at the temple and divide it by three.
  3. Weave in the same way as described earlier, alternately adding hair on the left and right sides, trying to grab the strands evenly. The braid should clasp your head as if.
  4. Weaving should be carried out until the entire mass of hair is in the braid. Secure the end of the braid with an elastic band.
  5. Hair fastened with an elastic band must be removed under the beginning of the hairstyle, pinning them with invisible ones.

Weaving braids around the head - video

Most stylish hairstyle

Often on the street you can find girls with two pigtails, braided in this way. But such weaving is perfect for young girls who want to give their appearance a certain tomboy style. Two French braids will emphasize individuality, add charm, and help to change the image of any of their owners.

How to braid 2 French braids:

  1. Divide the entire mass of hair in half, prepare one part for weaving, fasten the other with a hairpin so that it does not interfere with the process.
  2. Braid one side in the classic way or in a reverse braid, secure the ends of the hair.
  3. Proceed to weaving the second braid, adhering to the same style in which the first was performed, secure.


  • If you split your hair into a side parting, you can create an even more interesting version of this hairstyle.
  • Another unusual way: dividing the hair into unequal parts, the braids will be different in volume, which will give every girl who dares to do such a hairstyle a special charm.
  • Sometimes, starting the weaving of two braids, they are combined into one at the back of the head. This hairstyle looks not only stylish, but also adds some severity to the created image.

French braid: how to weave with bangs

For many women with long hair, the question often arises, is it possible to braid such a braid if the bangs are cut? Of course you can. In the classic version of weaving, the bangs should be tucked into a braid, but there are ways to make the hairstyle more unusual, leaving hair on the forehead.

The French braid is a popular, versatile, timeless hairstyle. A wide variety of views will create an unrivaled look. Such a braid is not difficult to weave for yourself. How to weave unusual braids in different versions will be described in detail in this text.

Braiding a French braid is much easier for another person than for oneself: the braiding process is fully visible, if necessary, mistakes are easy to correct, hands are in a comfortable position and do not get tired. Making your own braids is not an easy task. It will take attention and some practice.

Weaving accessories

To weave a French braid, you will need the following tools and tools:

  • comb with fine teeth and a pointed handle for easy separation of strands;
  • massage brush for combing;
  • clips, tapes, elastic bands;
  • hairpins, invisible braids;
  • hairspray and wax for fixing the finished hairstyle.

How to weave a French braid correctly?

Weaving pattern of a classic French braid

The French braid (how to weave in the classic version will be discussed in this section) is based on the execution of an ordinary braid.

Step-by-step recreation of the weaving pattern for an ordinary braid:

A French braid with hooks is woven like this:

  1. Highlight a significant lock of hair on the parietal part. Divide equally by three.
  2. Make 2 weaves as described in the previous description.
  3. Then begin to weave the side strands in turn from each edge and one for each weave.
  4. Continue this alternation until all the hair falls into the hairstyle.
  5. Now you can fix the braid with an elastic band or continue braiding to the ends of the hair using the classical method.

Self-weaving back braids

To weave a French braid, on the contrary, you will need:

  • hairbrush;
  • water;
  • Polish for hair;
  • elastic.

Execution technique:

How to braid two braids

Before creating a hairstyle, consisting of 2 braids, comb the hair well, moisturize, separate with a central parting. The braids are weaved in turn. The non-working half of the hair is pulled together with an elastic band.

Weaving technique:

For a neat braid, the amount of hair you grab must be the same.

Hair should be pulled tight throughout the entire work. The second braid is performed in the same way.

Two French braids can be combined into one, it is done like this:

  1. Two separately braided braids are secured with bobby pins at the base of the neck.
  2. Without removing the hairpins, pick up the right strands of both braids with one finger.
  3. With your other finger, grab both left strands.
  4. Remove the hairpins, complete the braiding with an ordinary braid, combining the hair of both braids.

A hairstyle of 2 French braids is suitable for owners of thick hair from 30 cm in length. French braids will be appropriate both in an everyday look and in an evening dress.

Braid on the side

A braid on the side is a great hairstyle option for those who like to collect their hair.

Suitable for owners of long and medium length hair.

Execution order:


French braid-waterfall is an original evening hairstyle with many options.

Especially suitable for thin hair lacking volume.

To create a braid in one direction:

  1. Comb your hair, mark the parting.
  2. Separate a lock of hair from the front of the head, start weaving a simple braid, but with each crossing, release the lower strand and replace it with a new one taken from above.
  3. Twist the braid to the desired length.

The spit-waterfall is woven from 2 sides like this:

  1. The hair is combed, separated.
  2. According to the previous description, the 1st braid is performed, at the back of the head it is pulled together with an elastic band.
  3. The 2nd braid is braided symmetrically with the 1st braid from the opposite side of the head.
  4. Braids are secured with one elastic band at the back of the head.


An inverted braid looks more luxurious than a simple braid.

As a hairstyle, it is ideal for thin hair, braided according to the following scheme:

  1. An insignificant strand is highlighted, divided by 3.
  2. The braid is braided according to the standard braid method, only the extreme strands are not superimposed on the central curl, but are located under it.
  3. Loose hair gradually weave into the hairstyle.
  4. When all the hair has been pulled in, continue weaving the back braid.
  5. Put an elastic band on the free ends.

Openwork braid of elastic bands

Braids woven with elastic bands are very simple to perform. The secret is that the tiers of the weave are fixed with an elastic band. Such a braid keeps its shape for a long time.

An openwork braid made of elastic bands looks amazing on long hair.

Operating procedure:

  1. Combined hair is tied into a ponytail.
  2. The outer strands are tied with an elastic band, slightly stretched.
  3. Connect the outer strands again and fix.
  4. The actions are repeated until the end of weaving.


The French braid (how to weave in a volumetric version, will be analyzed further) can be located in the middle, on the side, or braided diagonally. It is recommended to weave using the inverted braid method.

Step by step execution:

  1. The 1st working strand is highlighted and divided by three equally.
  2. An inverted braid is braided with a pick-up of lateral curls. The extreme strands fall under the middle one. Unoccupied hair is picked up and woven into the hairdo.
  3. When the braid is braided to the final, secure with an elastic band.
  4. Gently draw out the edges of the intertwined strands.

With ribbon

French braid with a ribbon is an original festive and casual hairstyle. In order to braid a French braid with a ribbon, you need to separate the working strand with a horizontal parting. Attach the tape folded in half over the invisible parting. The working strand is divided into 3. Start weaving the inverted braid.

The tape is located between the strands. The strand closest to the center lies under the tape. The extreme strand goes down, loose hair is added to it. The tape goes down. Repeat the algorithm of actions on the other side. Essentially 2 back braids are braided at the same time. In the same order, the braid is woven without including the strands.


The French braid (how to weave in a fancy zigzag version, will be described in this paragraph) has many interesting varieties. First, comb the hair and mark the parting on the side. Weaving starts from the temple and goes in a horizontal direction. The initial strand is divided into 3. In the process, loose hair is captured exclusively from above.

Having brought the work to the opposite side of the head, the braid is unrolled and continues to weave in the opposite direction. Continue to weave in the same way until the end. Secure the unbraided ends of the hair with a barrette. The longer the hair, the more zigzags you will get.


In a French braid, bangs are braided, the rest of the hair remains unused.

The hairstyle looks elegant and elementary to create.

The working strand is separated from the side of the forehead, the rest of the hair is collected in a ponytail. A highlighted lock of hair is braided into a classic french braid. Weaving the braids continues to the opposite ear. The end of the braid is stabbed with invisibility and hides under the loose hair.


A spikelet in the style of weaving a French braid is performed according to the following description:

The French braid in the Spikelet version is suitable for women of any age and is comfortable to weave.

Fish tail

Braid Fishtail is suitable for owners of hair below the shoulders. Such a spectacular hairstyle is appropriate in any circumstance.

Weaving technique:

  1. 2 working strands are collected from the top hair.
  2. On the left side, the 3rd strand is highlighted in thickness like the first 2, crosses with the nearest 2nd strand (the 2nd strand passes from below) and is combined with the hair of the 1st strand.
  3. On the right, select the 4th strand and similarly connect with the 2nd.
  4. You need to continue such actions until all the curls are woven.
  5. Once you reach the neck, continue to braid your hair using the pull-over technique.

Hairstyles with French braids

Hairstyle name Execution technique Who suits
"Bows" The hair is divided into 2 halves. Several thin strands are separated on each side, the rest of the hair is braided with a classic french braid. The separated hair is passed in loops between the strands of the braid, forming bows. For owners of medium length hair.
Braid from bottom to top The braiding starts from the hair on the bottom of the head. The hair is combed forward and braided from the bottom up. Having reached the back of the head, they continue weaving with a simple braid. Twist the braid. Decorate with accessories. Evening hairstyle for long hair.
Wedding fishnet braid A classic french braid is weaved or a braid, on the contrary, while the strands do not need to be tightened too much. Fix the end of the braid with a hairpin. Draw out the side strands of the braid. Sprinkle hairspray on the hairstyle. Decorate with flowers and rhinestones. For women with long hair

Accessories for weaving French braids

When creating hairstyles with braids, use the following accessories:

The French braid is the most popular hairstyle for long hair. There are many different ways to weave a French braid. A variety of weaving variations and versatility allow you to form excellent hairstyles for all occasions on the basis of a French braid.

Article formatting: Oksana Grivina

Video on how to weave a French braid

Weaving a French braid for yourself: