How to bathe a newborn boy or girl for the first time? Nail care. Caring for a newborn girl: the baby's women's health is paramount

So, a girl appeared in the family. It seems to be too early to talk about gender differences in education. But there are still differences in caring for a girl and a boy. How to take care of a newborn girl?

The issue of intimate hygiene is the most important here. The anatomy of the female genital organs is such that they are more susceptible to external influences and irritants, the ingress of microbes and bacteria. The mucous membrane of the genital organs of a newborn girl is tender and very sensitive, it can easily be injured. It requires careful and delicate care.

What awaits in the hospital

In addition to positive emotions and frenzied fatigue, a woman will have a lot of worries about caring for a newborn baby. Experienced mothers recommend getting involved in this process already in the hospital. Here you can ask the medical staff for advice, they will show you how to wash the girl, put on a diaper, swaddle, apply to the chest. If these skills are not developed, you will have to master this science on your own at home. Often, mothers who have given birth to their first child experience uncertainty and fear that they can do something wrong, harm the baby. However, a week or two passes - and everything is getting better.

What can alert parents

In the first days and weeks of life, a girl can observe a number of features of the external genitalia and mammary glands. What are they talking about?

  • Plaque in the grooves between the labia. This is smegma - a cream or gray secretion that is produced by the external genitalia. If it is not removed, microbes can multiply in it, which will lead to redness and inflammation. How to remove smegma? With the help of cotton pads and boiled water, without the use of detergents. The lubricant has a dense consistency, so it will be removed gradually, this procedure will take several days.
  • Swelling of the labia. This is due to an overabundance of the female hormone in the girl's body, which she received from her mother. After a few weeks, the swelling goes away.
  • Adhesion of the labia minora, or synechia. It occurs due to excessive secretion and discharge of mucus from the vagina. To prevent synechia, the labia should be regularly parted, washed without soap, dried thoroughly, and also lubricated with cream or sterilized vegetable oil. In small and premature girls, the risk of fusion of the labia is higher. With extensive synechia, the doctor may prescribe a special cream containing the male hormone - estrogen.
  • Swelling and redness of the mammary glands. Associated with the hormonal background. It is not considered a pathology, it disappears after a few weeks. You can not rub the mammary glands, squeeze out the liquid from them. If you find an inflammatory process, severe redness, be sure to see a pediatrician.

intimate hygiene

How to wash a newborn girl?

  • Mom must wash her hands with soap before washing.. After all, an infection in the girl's vagina can get during care.
  • It is advisable to wash the girl with every diaper change. This happens about 3-4 hours later in the day. It is mandatory to carry out hygiene after waking up in the morning and before going to bed at night.
  • Only under running water. You can not wash the girl in a basin. Water should only be running. While washing under the stream of water, put your hand to reduce the pressure. If the feces have dried up, you first need to moisten them, and then wash them off so as not to rub the delicate skin of the baby.
  • Towards the anus. This is done so that the remnants of feces do not enter the vagina, otherwise it can cause inflammation. Hygiene of the external genitalia and anus should be separate. After hygiene of the anus, you need to wash your hands with soap and water, then wash the girl. If you properly wash a newborn girl, you can avoid getting E. coli into the vagina, which causes inflammation of the urogenital area.
  • The perineum can only be washed with plain water. Sometimes for prevention it is worth adding chamomile to the water. Use baby soap when washing after a bowel movement.
  • Don't use a washcloth. Wash the girl only with your hand so as not to accidentally injure the genital mucosa with a sponge.
  • Remove the remnants of the cream, powder in the folds of the labia. They are well cleaned with cotton swabs and sterilized oil. This procedure should be done in the morning and evening.

In the first week of life, a girl may have vaginal discharge. They have the consistency of mucus mixed with blood. Don't let this scare your parents. This discharge is called a hormonal crisis, and it goes away within a few days. Redness, unpleasant odor, purulent nature of the discharge, their duration should alert. In this case, it is necessary to urgently contact a pediatrician or pediatric gynecologist.

Prevention: 5 important points

Caring for newborn girls is not difficult if simple washing rules and preventive measures are followed.

  1. Ventilation after hygiene procedures. This is a prerequisite for protecting delicate skin from diaper rash. First, a newborn can take air baths for 5 minutes. Over time, you can increase them to 15-20 minutes. At the same time, the air temperature in the room should be comfortable so that the baby does not freeze.
  2. Comfortable water temperature. It should not be too hot or, conversely, cold. In the first month, when washing, the water should be warmer, then gradually the temperature can be reduced, especially in the hot season.
  3. Proper rinsing support. Lay the girl on her back on her left forearm so that her head is in the elbow bend. Press it to the body, be sure to hold the crumbs by one thigh, wash with your right hand. At first, it is not entirely convenient to wash the child alone. It's good to have an assistant nearby.
  4. Use boiled water. This condition must be met only in the first two weeks of life. Then you can safely wash the baby under running water from a regular tap. Take care of the purity and quality of water in advance by installing purification filters.
  5. Use a personal towel. Allocate a separate towel for intimate hygiene. First you need to wipe the crotch, and then the ass. In this case, the movements should be delicate, soaking. You can not wipe the inside of the labia, this leads to drying of the vaginal mucosa, violates its natural microflora.

Do not use wet wipes. Intimate hygiene is still best done under running water. Napkins can be used in emergency cases: on a walk, on a trip, in the country. Your child may be allergic to them.

Water procedures

How to bathe a newborn girl?

  • Right after the birth. It is not recommended to bathe the baby in a large bath until the umbilical wound heals. Although many mothers deviate from this rule and from the first days of life they launch the baby into the “big swim”. In this case, of course, the disinfection of the bath is carefully carried out.
  • Bath time and frequency. Up to six months, the baby needs to be bathed every day. After six months, you can do it every other day. Bathing time is selected individually, depending on the rhythm of the baby's life. Most often it is still an evening exercise. Most children sleep well after bathing. But there are also kids who, on the contrary, invigorate this procedure.
  • Duration. You need to look at the state and reaction of the child. In any case, the first bath should not be too long. 5-10 minutes is enough. In the future, a small "swimmer" can spend 30-40 minutes in the bathroom.
  • Immersion in water. It should go smoothly, without fuss and anxiety. In the same way, the girl needs to be taken out, only immediately wrapped in a towel or diaper. For these purposes, there must be an assistant. If you bathe a girl in a small tub, pour water on her legs and tummy so that she does not have time to freeze. Either use a gentle shower jet or pour from a ladle.
  • Washing all wrinkles. A newborn girl often has diaper rash of the labia, priests, neck, elbow joints, popliteal cavities, between the fingers and toes. They must be carefully inspected and washed.
  • Use of detergents. Baby shampoos, gels, soaps are used once a week. On other days, the baby should be bathed in plain water.
  • Adding herbs. It is advisable to add decoctions of string or chamomile to the bathing water. If the child behaves restlessly, you can brew mint, lavender, valerian.

After bathing, if necessary, treat the folds on the skin with baby cream or oil.

How to properly care for a newborn girl? Close attention should be intimate hygiene. All other procedures are no different from the principles of caring for a boy.


Bathing a newborn baby, and especially girls, at first somewhat frightens young parents and is vain. The whole family, including grandparents, often gathers at the bathroom, and everyone strives to give their “wise advice”.

In order to facilitate the bathing procedure, eliminate unnecessary movements and not forget about the important, we will try to systematize the advice of modern pediatricians and experienced mothers so that bathing is as correct as possible.

newborn girl also a child, and you need to bathe her exactly for the same reason as a boy. Sane parents should understand that a newborn baby has nowhere to get especially dirty, so bathing should be distinguished from washing.

Bathing a newborn baby is necessary to a greater extent for health:

  • Swimming allows tone the muscles strengthen , provides hardening, prevents the occurrence and development of various diseases (primarily skin).
  • Bathing should be fun. , cheer up, and also make the child move, spend strength and energy and subsequently eat better and stronger.
  • Bathing also has a certain educational effect. , since daily bathing at the same time forms the child's concept of.
  • But about the task "purges" the child, with whom bathing does a great job, should not be forgotten.

Given this number "utilities" from bathing a child, you need to make every effort to do it regularly and as efficiently as possible.
The quality of bathing is understood as the achievement of all of the above goals. For this you need to know a few simple rules:

  • The water should not be too warm so that the child does not relax, but moves as much as possible. Pediatricians consider the optimal temperature 33-35 degrees . This temperature is suitable for starting bathing, it is quite comfortable for the baby and will not develop a negative reflex to bathing. Although, the lower the temperature, the more beneficial it is for the health of the baby (up to 26 degrees). But you can’t torture a child in pursuit of hardening. You need to focus on his reaction and do everything to make swimming enjoyable.
  • Bathe your newborn every day , ideally before the last feeding. Such a tradition will allow the child to get hungry, tired, and maybe even freeze a little, which means that after bathing, a warmly dressed baby will melt, eat well and fall asleep soundly.
  • In order to achieve a positive result from bathing, it is necessary that its duration was at least 15 minutes , and a few months after birth - up to 30 minutes.

Washing the girl is mandatory before bathing. Why and how to do it right

Given the structural features of the girl's body, it is imperative to wash it before bathing. Although the girl needs to be washed not only before bathing, but also during each diaper change.

Why is it important to wash before bathing, and not immediately lower the girl into the water. This is done so that particles of feces do not get into the vagina and do not cause inflammation.

The principle of washing is the same both before bathing and during a diaper change. If there are feces, they can be removed with a damp cloth, but after that it is imperative to rinse the girl's genitals under running water.

The jet of water should not be directed directly to the genitals, so as not to infect the infection, the water should be directed to the palm of your hand. Wash the genitals strictly towards the anus. You can do this with just your hand, or you can use a cotton swab. During washing, you just need to walk along the folds between the legs, but in no case do not rub, especially in the genital area.

Do not abuse soapfor washing a newborn girl. It is enough to do it once or twice a week. Excessive hygiene can bring not good, but harm. Soap can dry out the mucous membrane of the genital organs, injure it and cause inflammation. In advanced cases, such inflammation leads to fusion of the labia (synechia).

Proper bathing of a newborn girl

The first bath of a girl is best done after heal (dry) umbilical wound, that is, approximately 7-14 days after birth. Pediatricians allow bathing even before the umbilical wound heals, but with the condition of guaranteeing the purity of the water (boiling or filtering). If there is no confidence in the purity of the water, the best first few days after discharge from the hospital are to do with washing and wiping with a damp sponge.

It is recommended to bathe the girl in water without any additives (soap, herbal decoctions, etc.). The use of soap (only for children!) Or decoctions of herbs (sequence, chamomile) is welcomed once, maximum twice a week, so as not to dry out the skin and not achieve excessive sterility.

While bathing, it is advisable to hold the girl with her left hand under her head - the little finger on the neck, the rest of the fingers hold the head. You need to immerse the baby in the water as much as possible, leaving only the eyes, nose and mouth above the water. There is no danger if water gets into the ears.

With the right hand, you need to directly wash the child. Gently walk through all the folds on the body without rubbing them. The child should have their own set for bathing - a sponge, soap and a towel.

  • Bathing a girl is a little different from how a boy should be washed, more information is available.
  • Lowering your baby into the water, be calm so as not to scare the baby, you can familiarize yourself with all the simple rules for the first bath.
  • If your child is cold after a bath, his lip may tremble for a few seconds, but this can negatively affect the baby's body. In we will talk about other pathological causes.

After carrying out hygiene procedures, it is necessary to ensure that the child enjoys the water, moves as much as possible, twitches his arms and legs. That is why it is preferable to bathe a child in a large bath, and not in a baby bath. Although in defense of a baby bath, it can be said that it is easier to provide boiled or filtered water for a small volume, so if there are skin problems, you can bathe in a small bath until the child recovers.

A few words about prejudice

According to many grandmothers, it is imperative to put a diaper on the bottom of the bath. Often no one can explain the meaning of this action.

In fact, in the last century, bathing children was carried out in wooden bathtubs, and in order not to splinter the child, a diaper was laid on the bottom.

Today it is not necessary to do this, and even if the bottom of the bathroom is slippery, you need to understand that the parent is holding the newborn child in his hands, and the slippery bottom will not hurt him in any way.

Procedures after bathing

Drying the child should be done with a soft towel. No need to arrange rubbing, you can only dry the baby with blotting movements. Next, you need to process the folds on the body (including the genitals) with baby cream or special oil.

Water is removed from the ears with cotton swabs, which can be twisted independently and inserted into the ears until the child is completely dry.

What to do if the child is naughty while bathing?

There can be several reasons for the dissatisfaction of the child:

  • The child is hungry. In this case, you can slightly shift the bathing time. You can spend it an hour before the last feeding or an hour after it, so that the food has time to digest a little.
  • Baby is afraid. In order for the child to get used to the environment, you can first lower only his legs into the water. The mood of all those present during the bath should be only positive in order to show the child that everything is fine and he is safe. Smile, tell jokes and poems in a calm voice. One option would be to bathe the newborn with one of the parents.
  • Is the child cold or is he mouth l. You need to try to increase the temperature of the water, try to shift the bathing time a little, that is, spend it earlier.

All of the above reasons are eliminated by trial. Try different options for bath time, water temperature, talk with your child. In a week or two, you will understand what your girl wants, and you will find complete understanding with her.

Bathing is an important part of a newborn's life. Proper implementation of the procedure will bring only health benefits and positive emotions to all participants!

Regardless of what gender you have a baby, it is important to regularly monitor his or her intimate hygiene. That's just the very care of the boy and the girl is somewhat different, since the structure of the genital organs is different for them. How to properly wash a newborn girl? This will be discussed in the article.

How often to wash: looking for a middle ground

Washing a newborn girl should be done regularly, and not occasionally. However, this does not mean that you need to wash the genitals every time you get the opportunity. It turns out that excessive love for cleanliness can play a cruel joke. What can happen with frequent "ablution"?

Colonies of beneficial bacteria live on the skin and mucous membranes of our body. And they are important for maintaining a healthy intimate sphere. When the mother actively, several times a day, washes these places to the child, especially with soap, all the beneficial microflora is washed away. Thus, the genitals of a newborn girl remain unprotected and vulnerable to infection. Washing as "deep" as possible is also unacceptable. The ingress of soap and other care products into the genital organs leads to the development of vaginitis in babies. Since the soap in such cases is not washed out, it irritates the walls of the vagina, causing an inflammatory process.

Therefore, we wash after defecation and during bathing in the evening. Of course, we change diapers in a timely manner, with an interval of 2-3 hours, so that pathogenic microflora does not have any chances for reproduction. Soap, which is, in fact, alkali, and wet wipes are used only for hygiene outside, that is, for the area of ​​​​the external labia.

About water, soap and foams

What is the best wash? Running water is a suitable means for bathing newborn girls. The water should not be "stagnant", especially when you are cleaning your skin of feces. Otherwise, the bacteria, washed off, again fall into the genital area.

If it is not possible to use running water (for example, you are on the road or in the country), sanitary napkins designed specifically for children come to the rescue. It is recommended to wipe the intimate area with one-sided movements in the direction from the pubis to the coccyx. At the same time, the risk of infection in purely female places is minimized.

Soap for children should be "childish", that is, fully adapted to delicate skin

When choosing wet wipes for children, make sure that they do not contain alcohol and all kinds of antiseptics. Pay attention to the age at which their use is allowed. In our case, wipes for newborns are suitable.

Soap, various foams and bathing gels are used, as mentioned earlier, no more than 3 times a week. Since any such cosmetics, even the most pH-neutral, can be harmful if used frequently. Use similar means during the evening exercise.

We focus your attention on the fact that the soap should be for children, preferably liquid, intended for the intimate hygiene of the child. Do not endanger the genitals of a newborn girl using ordinary alkaline soap.

The washing process

Place the baby on the elbow of your bent arm so that the baby rests on your forearm. With your hand, fix it, holding it by the left thigh. This is the most comfortable position for washing from front to back.

Be sure to check the water temperature before starting the process. Do not aim the jet directly at the girl's body to avoid burns.

That's how little girls are washed away

What is synechia

Synechia is an inflammation of the labia minora, leading to their adhesions, or fusion, above the entrance to the urethra. An estrogen-deficient state can provoke the formation of synechiae. However, if you often wash intimate places with soap, put on tight clothes for your daughter, leading to friction in the genital area, synechia may also appear. It is imperative that they be treated. In this case, they turn to a pediatric gynecologist for help.

If synechia appeared

First of all, do not try to separate the labia yourself. If this becomes necessary, as the doctor will tell you, then a procedure is done using special ointments containing estrogens. In rare cases, it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention.

primordial lubricant

After birth, you may see a peculiar cream or light gray coating on your daughter's labia. These are the remains of the original lubricant, smegma. When it is small, no special efforts are needed, it will be absorbed into the skin itself. But dense plaque can be delicately removed with a gauze swab dipped in boiled oil.

Excessive cleanliness is harmful: it can lead to the formation of synechia

Vaginal discharge

In the first week of life from the vagina of a newly born girl, there may be a discharge of a mucous-bloody nature. This condition is called a hormonal crisis in newborns and is not particularly dangerous. It goes away on its own after a few days.

But if the discharge is purulent, and the skin around the genitals turns red, consult a doctor immediately. Normally this should not be the case.

Mammary glands, features of care

Hormonal changes also lead to the fact that the mammary glands of the baby swell, they can turn red a few days after birth. Sometimes there is a discharge that looks like colostrum.

It is forbidden to massage the baby's breasts and try to squeeze out the contents. All that is required of the mother is to make sure that the clothes do not rub in this area. Everything will pass on its own in two or three weeks. If the mammary glands have increased in size, and the redness is pronounced, be sure to go to the doctor.


Bathing a newborn girl (not washing) is not much different from bathing a boy. At first, it is desirable that the water temperature be close to body temperature, that is, 35-36 o C. In the following days, with the active bathing of the baby, you can lower the water temperature by 1 degree every week. Until the umbilical wound has completely healed, the procedure is carried out in a special baby bath. Later, you can go to a large bath. After a year it is desirable to use a shower.


  • running water is the best way to wash the female genital area;
  • soap and other means for washing should not be abused. Once a day, as a maximum, their use is acceptable 2-3 times a week;
  • hygiene products are used exclusively for washing outside, it is better that they be in liquid form;
  • we wash the girl with clean hands, with one-way movements from the abdomen to the pope;
  • after washing, blot the intimate area with a towel, avoiding friction;
  • panties should be free, white, made of natural fabrics;
  • once a year, show the girl to the gynecologist;
  • as you grow up, teach the baby how to properly perform ablution procedures.

Protect your girls by taking care of their intimate health. After all, these are future mothers who, in a couple of decades, will delight you with their grandchildren.

Compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene is an important step in caring for a newborn girl. With improper conduct of intimate hygiene procedures, problems arise from simple irritation to the development of vulvitis, vaginitis and other inflammatory processes.

By the end of the first month, mother's sex hormones are completely removed from the body of a newborn girl, which helped to maintain a protective acidic environment in girls.

In fact, that barrier disappears, which prevented the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria on the genitals of the newborn and the penetration of infections into the vagina. The protective mechanism of the girl will be formed later, during puberty. Therefore, it is so important from birth to monitor the intimate hygiene of the baby.

An integral part of intimate hygiene are procedures for maintaining the purity of the genitals, that is, washing. It is carried out at, with each swaddling, and also after changing the diaper. Change the diaper after every urination or bowel movement.

Before washing, a woman should wash her hands with soap.

Washing when changing a diaper and swaddling

The girl is placed on the changing table, undressed and the diaper removed. Remove stool with a clean paper towel or tissue. After that, they begin to wash the girls.

It is necessary to wash the girl consistently in order to prevent particles of feces from entering the vagina or not to infect the infection:

  • with a wet swab dipped in warm boiled water, wipe the stomach in the direction from the navel down;
  • take another clean damp swab and wipe the outer folds of skin between the legs in the direction from the abdomen down;
  • the baby's legs, holding the ankles, lift up and wipe the perineum from the pubis to the anus with a clean, damp swab. Do it in one motion. If it was not possible to do it in one movement, then for each subsequent time they take a new wet swab;
  • between the large and small labia do not wipe. And in no case do not wash the genital gap;
  • clean the hips and buttocks of the baby with a new swab, swiping in the direction of the anus;
  • wipe the anus, also using a clean damp swab.

    On this, in fact, washing is completed. After washing, the perineum is blotted (you can’t rub it!) With a clean cotton towel (you can use a disposable paper towel). Lubricate the skin and the outer side of the labia majora with baby cream.

    In conclusion, air baths are arranged for 10 - 15 minutes. During air baths, the girl's legs should be slightly apart.

    Intimate hygiene while bathing

    When bathing a newborn girl, washing is also carried out. The genitals are washed with boiled water, the temperature of which should be 36 - 38 degrees. You can not wash the girl in the bath.

    A jet of water is directed from the pubis to the coccyx. In order to remove the remnants of urine or secretions that have accumulated between the labia, the latter are slightly pushed apart and washed with a stream of water from top to bottom. Then proceed in the same way as after washing when swaddling or changing a diaper.

    While washing when bathing, you can use baby soap. It is more convenient if it is liquid.

    It should be used no more than 1 time per week. More frequent use of soap dries out delicate baby skin. If mom noticed dry skin, then soap should be used even less often or completely abandoned.

    In addition, soap should not be allowed to enter the genital slit.

    With irritations, diaper rash, inflammation, accumulation of smegma or other consequences of mistakes in caring for the genitals of a girl, intimate hygiene procedures have their own characteristics.

    An important condition for intimate hygiene, as, in general, for any other, is the good mood of both the girl and the mother. Hygiene procedures should not cause any discomfort to the child and it is desirable that they be pleasant to him.

The quality of care for the baby depends on his health, not only in this period of life, but also in the future. The first 28 days after birth is an important stage during which the baby adapts to new conditions. The issue of hygiene is paramount. Therefore, it is important to know how to wash a newborn girl.

Basic Rules

In the first 2 weeks of a baby’s life, you can wash use only boiled water. Be sure to check its temperature before the procedure, it should not be higher than +37 ° C. It is forbidden to wash a newborn girl in stagnant water, for example, in a basin. First, use a kettle or a watering can, and later the child can be washed under the tap. The skin of the baby is very delicate, so you should refuse to wash with a washcloth. If you notice a white coating in the genital area, do not try to remove it. It is a natural barrier that prevents harmful bacteria from entering the vagina.

Use intimate hygiene products for children no more than 3 times a week. Despite the assurances of manufacturers, these substances can harm the skin. Do not use ordinary alkaline soap. Be careful not to get water into the baby's vagina. In extreme cases, you can wipe the baby's skin with a damp cloth without antiseptics and alcohol. After completing the water procedures, do not put on the diaper for several minutes so that the skin has time to breathe. Choose soft towels made from natural fabrics for your child. Refrain from growing long nails in the first period of a child's life: you can easily scratch the baby. Your hands should also be free of cuts, inflammation, and sores.

In the first 2 weeks of a baby's life, only boiled water can be used for washing.

It is important to be able to properly hold the baby during the procedure. Place it on your left palm with your back so that the head, neck and shoulders of the baby lie on the arm near the elbow. Hold the child's thigh with the fingers of your left hand, and wash it with your right hand. You can also bathe the girl with her back up. To do this, lay her tummy on the palm of your hand, and place your head on the crook of your elbow. When washing, move your hand from the genitals to the anus to reduce the risk of feces entering the vagina.

under the tap

Before you wash your newborn, prepare a clean diaper, cotton pads, towel, diaper, hygiene product and oil, powder or cream. Then wash your hands thoroughly and remove the diaper from the baby.

Soak a cotton pad in water and remove the remaining feces from the baby's skin. Act carefully and make sure that the feces do not get on the genitals. Adjust the faucet and check the water temperature. If you don't have a thermometer handy, just put your fingers under the jet. The liquid should be slightly warm. Place the baby on your arm in one of the above ways, make sure that the baby does not slide down, and bring her to the jet.

Direct the water with your hand so that it flows from the pubis to the anus. First rinse the skin of the perineum and labia, and at the very end - the anus. Wrap the baby in a tight diaper and lay her on the table. Take a soft towel and pat your skin dry. Do not rub it so as not to damage it. If there are any irritations or problem areas, treat them with the remedy prescribed by the doctor. Then put on a new diaper. You can wash under the tap several times a day, the main thing is not to constantly use hygiene, cosmetic and medical products.

On the changing table

It is necessary to wash the girl after each bowel movement. But this process does not always take place at home with a comfortable bathroom. In this case, carry a pack of wet wipes, cotton pads, or plain gauze with you. Before washing a newborn girl, remove the diaper and lay her on the changing table. If you have dry products with you, collect warm water in a container.

Lay the child on his back. Soak a cotton pad in water or remove a damp cloth. Wring out the hygiene product a little to remove excess moisture. Rinse the perineal area first, moving from the pubis. Change the tissue and wash the side skin folds. Take a new disc and lift the girl up by her legs.

Wash the skin folds under the buttocks first, and then the anus area. Remove excess moisture from the baby's skin and, if conditions allow, let her lie down for a while without clothes. Use makeup and put on a diaper.

When changing diapers

Depending on the conditions, wash the child, as was written in one of the previous sections. Do not use soap or intimate hygiene products. The fact is that these substances can disrupt the microflora on the mucous membranes of the genital organs. If the baby's skin is prone to drying out, then after washing, apply a moisturizing baby cream to it.

In some cases, the diaper can cause irritation, on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich, after water procedures, a special powder is applied. Buy a separate towel for the child and do not use it for other purposes. If you are at home, then do not rush to put a diaper on your baby. Let him take an air bath.

Before bedtime

This is the most important water procedure. With its help, you prepare the girl for a long stay in a diaper during sleep. For washing, you can, and in some cases you need to use special tools. It is strictly forbidden to use cosmetics for adults. Also refrain from using shampoo, creams, soaps that contain the components described below.

  • Colors and flavors of synthetic origin. These substances accumulate in the body, and after some time cause micro-poisoning.
  • Sulphates and diethanolamine. They are used to form bulk foam. The components dry the skin and with prolonged use can cause allergies.
  • Chlorphenol triclosan. It is added to hygiene products for an antiseptic effect. The component will destroy not only harmful bacteria, but also the natural protective microflora on the girl's skin.
  • Parabens. These substances are considered carcinogens. With prolonged use, the risk of developing cancer cells increases.
  • Diazolidinil and imidazolidinil. These components are used as preservatives. When decomposed, formaldehyde is released, which is harmful to the human body.
  • propylene glycol. It is used to increase the hygroscopicity of the skin. May cause hives and eczema.
  • Essential oils. They have a pleasant aroma and healing or antiseptic properties. Due to the high concentration, allergies may occur.
  • Phthalate. Used to fix the smell. When accumulated in the body, it can cause the formation of cancer cells, the appearance of infertility and diseases of the respiratory system.
  • mineral oils. They are added to funds to reduce the cost of production. Substances can cause allergies in a child.
  • Ideally, a hygiene product should be hypoallergenic, have a neutral color and acid-base balance, and do not contain aromatic components. Release form - solid soap or gel. Washing a newborn with a liquid cleanser is a little easier. If the soap that you usually use is over, you should not take the composition for adults, it is better to wash the child with plain running water.

If during the procedure you use special cosmetics, then you must thoroughly wash it off the skin. Make sure that soap or gel does not get into the baby's vagina. The skin of a newborn baby is very delicate and sensitive, so a limited number of substances can be used to care for it. If you do not want to risk with soap, replace it with a weak infusion of chamomile or calendula.