How to properly manage your internal energy. Refusal to dissipate personal energy. What does life energy management give

Energy should be treated as a material structure. Energy is not only in us, but also around us. As mentioned above, there is the energy of the Earth, the energy of space and bioenergy. You can't work for one of them, it is necessary to use all three energies at the same time. If you work only with cosmic energy, as most people practice today, there is a risk of pumping the upper chakras and leaving the energy of the Earth - our parent, which gives us life, health, food and helps in the restoration of the body. That is, to deprive yourself of stability, grounding, and we cannot see a healthy and strong organism without a good earthly support.

The main thing to remember is that both the Earth and Space and bioenergy are living and intelligent structures.

Practice number 1

Sit comfortably, light a white candle and mentally imagine that energy is concentrated in your palms, which gradually begins to give warmth, and palms feel it. Not everyone will succeed in this practice at once, many will need a lot of time to really feel the warmth, and maybe the heat in the palms. After you learn how to concentrate heat (energy) in your palms, you can proceed to the next stage - the stage of working with your body.

Practice number 2

Before you start, you must mentally set yourself a specific task. Determine which organ or body system you want to direct your energy to and what problem you want to eliminate. The statement of the problem should be extremely clear and understandable.

Further, you give yourself an installation that you do not remove something, do not fight with something, do not heal, but destroy, that you burn and throw away the problem. Give yourself a command: "All the energy went to the left (right) palm, I will normalize the work ..." and pronounce the name of the organ or system with which you decided to work this time. Then put your palm on the projection of this organ and begin the impact. There are organs that cannot be influenced by contact - these are the kidneys and the heart. In this case, the work is carried out only with the left palm through the solar plexus. Put your left palm on the solar plexus, and the command is given in the same way: "All the energy went into the left palm, normalizing the kidneys, or normalizing the heart, or normalizing the pressure." Choose one of three teams. Continue to work until the desired result is achieved. The practice can be repeated many times.

All the practices that I have just introduced you can be strictly applied to fix your own problems, you can only work on recovery own body.

In no case should you use these methods, without the additional ability to expose special protection, to work with another person. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that if you start working with another person without knowing the techniques of special protection, you will inevitably take all his illnesses and problems upon yourself. Therefore, it will be right to start by learning how to restore your body by controlling your energy.

Hello everybody! In order to achieve success and realize all his dreams and needs, a person needs a colossal supply of energy, because in the process of overcoming obstacles a lot of it is consumed, and it is very important to have the skill of developing a person's energy, restoring and recruiting resources for further achievements.

Energy sources

Not only the quality of human life, but also the duration depends on the amount of internal resources. With irrepressible energy, a person achieves a lot, he has many desires, strengths and goals. Remember in the article we said that money is energy? So, an apathetic and depressed person will not be able to attract success and financial well-being. There is simply not enough charge for the materialization of the desired and vital resources to recognize these very desires and interests.

Everything in this world has its sources and does not appear out of nowhere, so I propose to consider options for how it is produced and stored in our body, and its types:


It is so natural for us that we consciously monitor it mainly either when carrying out special breathing techniques, or when we feel a lack of oxygen. Which, entering the brain, activates the body's resources and contributes to the maintenance of its vital functions. And if a person lacks oxygen in the blood - he feels excessive fatigue and powerlessness, then what achievements can we talk about?


Everyone knows that a person consists of 70-80% water, and that this is his basic need, otherwise, in the absence of it, he may die. Its quantity and quality has a huge impact on our physical condition, increasing vitality.


Adequate nutrition saturates the human body with essential vitamins, microelements, macronutrients and other nutrients. The action of food can not only help restore strength, but also harm a person if he does not follow the regime. Then it accumulates in the body, having no outlet and destroying it from the inside, leading, for example, to obesity, as a result of which, on the contrary, activity decreases.


An important source of recuperation is sound sleep. Well, you yourself noticed, right? That, when you didn't get enough sleep, it was very difficult to do work and generally move, think. During sleep, the body rests and replenishes wasted resources.

Physical exercises

The more we move, the more activity and strength we have. It's a paradox, isn't it? Therefore, if you want your energy to be powerful - engage in increasing physical endurance.


  1. Life. That is, what is necessary for full-fledged life is our health and physical activity, which we can receive and support with the help of the above sources.
  2. Creative. And this is our creative part, which helps to find the meaning of life, increase motivation and get a charge of vigor in order to always be in good shape.

Boosting methods

1 bad habits

It is very important to get rid of bad habits and addictions that take not only time, but also your health. Then the activity falls, and there can be no talk of any activity and emotional upsurge. In addition to tobacco, alcohol and drugs, it is important to control the amount of caffeine, as well as drinks that artificially increase performance. After them, yes, there is a surge in activity, but resources are spent too traumatically for the body, depleting it, which over time will lead to health problems.

You can read more about bad habits of a person here:.

2. Meditation

You can talk a lot and for a long time about the positive effect of meditation on the body, I have outlined the main points in the article Here I will say that this is a very powerful type of practice that prolongs life and strengthens health, in addition, it affects the emotional state, giving satisfaction and calmness. Focusing on your breathing helps you to use your lungs to the fullest so that you can benefit from every inhalation and every exhalation.

Absolutely anyone can meditate, for this it is not necessary to sign up for group classes and prepare your body. You can start on your own by learning at least one technique for beginners, and devoting at least 10 minutes a day to doing it, you will already feel the results and changes in your condition for the better.

3) get some rest

In the pursuit of success, sometimes we make a huge mistake - we forget that it is important to give ourselves the opportunity to relax, and not work until the strength completely leaves. If you pay attention to quality rest, your resources will never be depleted. Therefore, set aside enough hours for sleep so that you do not have to artificially increase your activity. Be sure to take rest breaks while performing voluminous tasks, and even more so, do not neglect the vacation.

4.Increase energy

Perhaps if you define your goal, the dream to strive for. This will be an excellent motivation for actions, the performance of which will be strength, and with fatigue, you will feel a pleasant languor, and not powerlessness and exhaustion. You can find your way, so that you can walk along it with pleasure, without losing your health and strength, with the help of the exercises that are set out in the article "There is no point in life, what to do: the most effective methods of solving the problem."

Have you noticed that sometimes after communicating with someone, you simply do not have the strength? Or when the same person periodically provokes a quarrel or just spoils the mood at every meeting? The so-called energy vampirism is really capable of weakening one in order to please another. Try to communicate with positive people, after contact with whom the mood simply rises and there is a desire to live and enjoy life.

6 do what you love

Then questions about increasing energy and how to manage it will not even arise. A great example is children, who sometimes surprise with the fact that they expend an enormous amount of energy during the day, recovering in a short period of time. And we sometimes look at these energizers with envy.

And the secret is that they realize their interest as they arise, they rarely have to fight and keep themselves in manifestations, this is usually done by their parents. Therefore, it is important to learn not only to distinguish between your desires, but also to act.

7 make time for outdoor activities

You may not even notice where the negative energy goes, giving space for pleasure, relaxation and a sense of happiness and fulfillment in life. In addition, fresh air in the park or at the sea has a very positive effect on our health.

8 harmony reigns in this world

If you achieve its sensation by opening a chakra or realizing your purpose, it will be great, but it is important to understand that a fulfilling life and development depends on the correct distribution of energy. There is a law that states that the interaction between the organism and the environment must be preserved. That is, in order to receive something, I have to give something. And so in a circle.

If there is a failure in one direction, when a person begins to be greedy, refusing to give, or vice versa, withdraws into himself, refusing to receive, huge problems arise in life and health. Those people who have understood this law live and prosper with overwhelming success. For example, you can look at my article in which you will find that the richest people on the planet have been doing charity work all their lives, even in those moments when they themselves were starving and did not have a roof over their heads.

9. Nutrition

It should be useful and complete, so that it is for your benefit, and not vice versa. Review your diet, and be sure to include in it those foods that contain natural vitamins and substances that our body needs. Eat proteins, fats, grains, vegetables and fruits, dairy products, and try to exclude fast foods and processed foods that are only harmful.

10 get a pet or hobby

Sometimes, in overcoming any obstacles in the implementation of our plans, we forget about what gives pleasure. Each person is different. Think, remember, with the help of what you experience joy? Are you feeling affectionate with kittens? Do you like to draw or collect jigsaw puzzles? Or do you just feel blissful when you take a hot bath alone to classical music?

Not necessarily something large-scale, consider and bring into your life all the little things that can inspire and relax you. Then your determination and activity will grow steadily.


That's all, dear readers of my blog! Do not forget to subscribe to blog updates, so as not to miss new articles and important news. Bye Bye.

Good day, our dear readers! Irina and Igor are writing for you again. It's not a secret for anyone that everything in our life is saturated with energy flows. Life itself is a kind of energetic message.

And in the life of any person, his performance, mood, well-being and feeling of strength directly depend on how he manages his life energy.

Today in our article we will talk about how to properly distribute life energy.

Why learn to properly distribute your energy?

In the world, probably, not a single case is known when a person in a state of depression would have achieved success in anything.

That's right, successful people are almost always cheerful, full of strength and new ideas, they prefer to act rather than reflect on the negative aspects of the matter. All of them are great at controlling the time they spend on certain activities, and also remember to allocate time for energy recovery, inspirational activities and just relaxation for the mind and body.

If your lack of strength is primarily due to your inability to prioritize and organize your time, then you need to master the methods. Time management techniques will help you in mastering planning, which you can master thanks to one of the video courses:

  • "Master of time - highly productive time management according to Evgeny Popov's system"
  • "Time management, or how to improve your efficiency"
  • Free online video course “Setting and achieving goals. How to achieve results in any business? "

But most often, the reasons for the loss of vital energy are the presence of internal negativity associated with dissatisfaction with yourself, the presence of destructive relationships that literally empty your life channels, as well as the desire to control everything around, dissatisfaction with the imperfection of the world around you also takes a huge part of your strength.

In order to achieve success and improve your own, you need to learn to manage your energy flows, and for this you need to learn how to maintain strength, restore energy flows and increase them.

Conservation of forces

With the preservation of your strength, everything is simple - you just need to eliminate the factors that take it away.

So, first of all, you should learn to accept yourself as you are with all the imperfections and shortcomings. There are no perfect people!

Just like the world around you - it is imperfect, does not correspond to your "desires", but you should learn to accept it as such, then your energy flows will not go into negative and be poisoned by negative emotions.

Paulo Coelho wrote in one of his books:

We are never what others want us to be. We are what we ourselves want to be. The easiest way is to blame others. You can spend your life sending curses to the world, but our successes and failures depend entirely on ourselves. Trying to stop time is a waste of energy

It is more difficult to protect yourself from the negativity that comes from outside, for example, when communicating with friends or colleagues.

You need to learn to recognize relationships that "suck" your energy field and try to avoid such people.

As a rule, such people try to lead you to negative emotions, some kind of scandal or conflict, or they try to shift the burden of their own problems onto your shoulders, trying to evoke pity and sympathy for themselves. Such relationships should also be disposed of.

Recovery of energy flows

In order to learn how to restore energy flow, you need to know its sources.

Sources, or so-called energy channels, are our body, mind, soul and emotions.

If in the middle of the day you feel great physical fatigue, this indicates that the energy of the body is running out, that you need to switch to using another energy source, for example, to meditate, thereby starting to use the energy of the soul, or to communicate with pleasant people, which activates the energy of emotions , or read a book that will help activate the energy of the mind.

Thus, you will give your body a rest and replenish its energy supply.

Developing a system of values ​​in yourself aimed at a positive perception of yourself and the world around you will also contribute to the growth of your vitality.

Increase in energy

Increasing your energy flow is possible in the case of constant focus on and improving your own skills and abilities.

In addition, a huge supply of vitality brings with them new positive impressions and vivid emotions.

Such emotions can give you a new or a small trip to nature or the countryside, or communication with animals.

Also, replenishment of your energy channels is possible through involvement in any kind of creativity, which will give an outlet to your emotions and fill your life with positive impressions. It can be anything: painting, modeling, knitting, music, dancing, embroidery or something else. "Lazy people live longer: How to properly distribute life energy" .

Do you have any secrets to replenish your own energy channels? Share your experience with us.

Communication with positive people is also one of the methods of replenishing vitality, in our blog you can always find supporting articles or get a positive charge in the comments! See you soon!

Best regards, Irina and Igor

The ability to properly distribute and restore one's energy provides a person with the opportunity to be effective and successful in life. Each of us has a source of personal energy that fills us, but many lack it due to unreasonable use. Let's take a look at 6 Secrets of Managing Your Personal Energy Properly to Relieve Feelings of Emptyness and Fatigue.

1. Regular recovery.

There are loops that cannot be ignored. Activity should alternate with sleep, fasting with food intake, work with rest. Even our heart, which works throughout our lives, is at rest most of the time. The cycle of contraction is followed by a cycle of relaxation of the heart muscle, which lasts longer. It is the same with personal energy - without regular recovery, it is impossible to observe stability.

After each expenditure of energy, restoration should follow, and this is the only way to always have the strength - mental and physical, necessary for a full life.

2. Reasonable distribution.

Personal energy should not be misused. If you first start to waste it on unimportant things, a deficit is formed, leading to a decrease in personal effectiveness in various areas of life. Reasonable distribution of personal energy is to assess your energy potential adequately. You will not be able to complete your monthly work plan in 1 day, and if you try to work for wear and tear, you will soon feel burnout and will not be able to be productive. Use your energy consistently, distributing the amount of work for each day, based on your capabilities.

3. Refusal to dissipate personal energy.

Many people periodically live such days when they do not have time to do anything, but in the evening they feel tired, as after hard labor. This is due to the fact that a person allows his personal energy to dissipate into unnecessary things, and exhaustion comes absolutely imperceptibly. Stop wasting your personal energy uncontrollably on things that are of no use. It is important to identify what is draining you and depriving you of energy and eliminate that from your life.

4. Simplification.

A large amount of personal energy is expended by a person to complicate simple things. You can save a lot of time, energy and effort if you learn to simplify everything you encounter. Emotional energy most often suffers from complication. In order not to feel exhausted, you should not worry, complicate the situation with your guesses and negative thoughts.

5. Stress management.

Stress steals energy from a person, depletes his potential, forcing all organs and systems to work for wear and tear. At the moment of a stressful reaction, a huge release of energy occurs, due to the acceleration of metabolic processes. If this energy is not used for good purposes, it causes destruction in the human body. Therefore, it is important to choose the right relaxation techniques and learn how to channel stress energies in the right direction.

6. Healthy, balanced diet.

One of the most important energy recovery measures is nutrition. Thanks to a balanced diet, you can get all the necessary substances that will keep the body and brain in good shape. The best way to stay energized at all times is to consume plenty of raw vegetables and fruits, which are best absorbed and high in vitamins and minerals.

Alexander Kichaev “Contact energy. The principles of aikido for self-improvement, building a career and setting destiny ", - SPb:" Ves ", 2013

The author of the book is a well-known Russian psychologist, coach, brand consultant, founder of the International Association for Psychotechnology (IAP), a member of the Yoshinkan Aikido Federation of Russia (FAYOR). V book he presents his scenario-energy coding (SEC) methodology, which has been successfully tested in work with business leaders, politicians, as well as in family counseling.
Combining the principles of aikido and the achievements of modern Western psychology, Alexander Kichaev suggests
a practical guide that will help you solve problems in various areas of life - personal, related to health, self-realization, career and business.
You will learn how you can control the energy of your thoughts, body, life. You will master the skill to bring your psychoenergetics back to normal - and hence your health. By fulfilling the suggestions described in the book, you will open access to your inner energy resources.

How to set your destiny for a long, bright and happy life

We'll start with the vital issues that will become the main conceptual pivot of this book. So, is it possible to increase the duration of our life, and how is this related to fate? What is the energy of fate and how to manage it?

Let's imagine our life as the road along which we move, and its length is 100 life meters. To make it easier to imagine this measure of measurement, in which there is both time and space (length, width, height, depth), let's conditionally define that 1 full-fledged life meter is 1 year of life, and (again, conditionally) 10,000 kilometers (forward, backward, up, down, sideways).

So everyone is invited to overcome the 100-year milestone (and there is evidence of this), having lived more than 100 life meters of life's path, fate - the distance between points A (the moment of our arrival in this world) and B (the moment of departure to another world). It would seem that everything is simple: to the start - attention - march! Drive forward and do not turn anywhere, and you will get where and when you are destined to.

Ready! They shouted a frightened, indignant, joyful greeting to the world in the hands of an obstetrician-gynecologist, a midwife, a shaman or someone who was honored to be near at that moment. Have a look around! Comprehended!

But fate is both a road and a life-mobile that moves along it, and a goal. And the energy of fate is the fuel that allows us to move forward, to meet fate. Let's move! And this is where troubles begin ... Someone has problems with fuel - not enough, poorly fueled, or fueled with some kind of hellish mixture. Someone has an unregulated engine, weak brakes, a jammed steering wheel. Someone does not know how to drive, or does not know the traffic rules. Someone does not have the correct route map, or does not know how to use it. Someone spends energy on steep climbs for the sake of drive, someone on slipping through bogs. Someone wastes time spinning in circles in pursuit of ghostly targets. Someone rolls down, because they did not calculate the engine power. Someone has broken down and is wasting fuel because it is forbidden to turn off the ignition yourself. Someone at full speed crashed into a wall or flew ... into the abyss - on purpose (tired of all this!) Or through carelessness, stupidity. Someone, just as arbitrarily, quietly, turned off the engine (why do I need all this!), And now it is slowly turning from a figure into a background ...

On the route, of course, there are ascents and descents, and bypass routes, and excursions to interesting places, and rest stops, and points of preventive examination. But we either don’t know about them (a map and route sheet are lost somewhere), or we don’t know how to use it, or we know, but we want to move in our own way, where we want (it’s more interesting!).

As a result, only a few units overcome 100 lifemeters or more. The rest, for various reasons, stop somewhere on the floor (a quarter, a third, three quarters) of the way and sink into oblivion.

It turns out that in our life-mobile there is not only an engine running on the energy of internal combustion. There is also a solar battery and a sail that use the energy of external forces, allowing you to save internal resources. However, the majority, alas, do not know about their existence or do not have the skills to use them.

So, having learned to optimize the receipt and consumption of energy, we can significantly increase the quality and time of our stay on the path of life?

And what awaits us at point B? Why go there? After all, you want to live not only for a long time, but also happily, richly?

This is what we will deal with in our book ...

Aikido principles

Now let's talk about aikido, the principles of which are based on the management of energy, both our own and those of others. In life, this manifests itself as the ability to pacify one's own pride and anger and neutralize the opponent's strengths, as well as to use one's weaknesses and his advantages for the benefit of oneself and common interests.

The goal of aikido charismatic communication is not destruction, but the conquest of superiority, not the destruction of the enemy, but victory over him by avoiding the fight - victory without a fight. Aikido-based strategy aims to provide protection against unprovoked attack from a competitor. The ultimate goal in the framework of aikido strategy is not to destroy the attacker, but to neutralize him and gain the ability to control his actions, as well as in his own self-improvement. It is important to learn to control yourself, to dose your strength and energy. As a result, the enemy will be neutralized, but he will not be seriously damaged. At the same time, the ethics of relations is strictly observed, according to which our position is the position of Good, and Good must still be with fists ...

One of the forms of manifestation of aikido strategy in our life is the transition from competition to cooperation through the coordination of interests with opponents and the conclusion of appropriate strategic or tactical alliances with them.

Aikido is a modern Japanese martial art founded by Morihei Ueshiba (1883-1969). Translated from Japanese, the word "aikido" means "the path of harmony of KI (vital energy, internal energy, soul)." Aikido is a holistic system that combines philosophy and technique of movements (actions).

Aikido technique is based on several important principles:

Balance (centering energy), which is achieved by maintaining the balance of body parts and multidirectional movements.

The defensive nature of the actions;

Fast change and variety of tactics and techniques;

Movement in a circle (unsoku), which allows you to be on the side, then behind the enemy, quickly leave the line of his attack, and then neutralize;

Using the energy (force) of the attacker against himself, as a result of which the attacker loses balance (decenters the energy);

A sudden advance taken from the techniques of working with a sword (tegatana - "hand-sword").

A new term will be introduced in our book - aikido-ho. Ai - harmony, ki - vital energy (inner strength, soul), do - the path, ho - charismatic communication (according to the first two letters).

In my trainings and consultations, this term stuck, I think, and you will quickly get used to it.

Thus, aikido-ho is the art of inner harmony and conflict-free charismatic communication in life and in business, based on the principles of aikido.

The main secret of aikido is the ability to center your inner life energy and control the forces of external influence. If inner strength is the most subtle energy and penetrates everywhere, then how to manage it and keep it inside the body? How can you use it to strengthen your body, spirit and increase your ability to influence others?

The more inner strength, the more focused the consciousness in the flow of this force, the more effective the energetic impact. However, in ordinary sports or social martial arts, the internal force released outside the body does not go beyond its physical boundaries. Another thing is the energetic impact of the master. Let's call it MCE (Social / Combat Sports Master) for the sake of simplicity.

How does the internal force of the MCE work under energetic influence?

Energy impact

To begin with, let's define what is an energy impact, an energy blow? This is an aggressive effect on our psyche: an open insult to us or hidden manipulation, when they are trying to weaken us, entangling us with a sense of guilt, through which our energy is taken. This is flattery, which is a good energy sucker for energy vampires: we are overwhelmed with ambition and vanity and readily spend our vitality in order to, having received another portion of doping for ambition, solve someone's problems.

And if the first case resembles the communication of a spider and its victim, then the second is the classic "friendship" of a fox with a crow ...

There are two types of energetic impact: direct and contextual.

Imagine you are at a meeting.

It turns out that your partner (client, employer, boss, friend) is delayed. Are you waiting. 5 minutes, 10 minutes, half an hour ... Finally, he (she) appears. You start communicating. You were seated with your back to the door, in a not very comfortable, wobbly chair under a freezing air conditioner (near a red-hot radiator). Your interlocutor is located opposite, his chair is higher, stands in front of the window, so that his facial features are not very distinguishable in the backlight, and even the sun's rays impudently climb into your eyes from behind (option: the lamp on the table is "accidentally" directed at you).

Your interlocutor smokes (cigarettes, cigars, hookah, weed) and obviously does not save on eau de toilette (perfume, cologne).

Every now and then the victorious (sad, thuggish) melody of his phone sounds. Someone constantly comes into your room, solving some questions with your interlocutor. At these moments, your eyes stumble upon weapons hung on the walls: knives, sabers, brass knuckles, pistols, guns (bared heads of animals with horns and fangs or paintings with scenes of violence). There is nowhere to put your bag (briefcase), the papers lie on your lap, slide to the floor ...

Surely you have had something of this "non-gentleman" set for "communication" in your experience. I call it: the impact of the context, a kind of a kind of artillery barrage from the arsenal of many MCEs. Remember what happened to your energy at that moment? Usually, in such cases, centering is lost, the energy is blocked or, on the contrary, boils, overwhelms you (irritation, panic, numbness, etc.), and, therefore, controllability of the vital force is lost.

Now about the direct impact. When energetically acting directly on the body or other physical object, the centered internal energy of the MCE seems to spill out and becomes either soft or rough, hard, and when it meets an obstacle, it strikes it. Either the entire frontal surface of the body, or a certain vital point of the victim. I have seen such non-contact energy shocks when the energy was applied at a distance.

For example, I tried to train ... on cats: having tuned in to a nearby object, mentally began to stroke it, feeling the warm and soft fur, and when the cat, under the influence of my gaze, began to stretch and bend its back, I understood - it worked. Then I "stroked" her against the grain, and the reaction was already different ...

MCE, acting, inflicting an energy blow, focuses consciousness on the enemy with its thought, therefore, the flow of internal force to the object of the impact passes like thin jets of air. In an object, energy is instantly accumulated in a confined space, which causes great pressure inside matter. If this pressure is greater than the resistance force, destruction occurs. After all, the inner strength provides a connection between the elements of matter. That is why it happens that MCE, striking a pile of bricks, breaks not the top one, but some of those that are below or in the middle.

Let's take a look at how the accumulation and strengthening of vital energy occurs.

How to strengthen and balance psychoenergetics?

Our life force obeys the law of pulsation, when in a normally functioning system the flow of energy alternates in centrifugal and centripetal directions, causing either tension or relaxation. And getting stuck in any of the phases is fraught with malfunction of this system. Someone feels constant weakness - his life force has dried up or blocked, someone has a lot of internal energy - they managed to release it or spend it carefully. But at the same time, someone has “uncontrolled”, liberated energy every now and then strives to break through in the form of hysteria or aggression, while for someone it is balanced and spent optimally, without tension, and at the same time there is a feeling of a powerful resource, strength ...

Nuclear physics studies ways of releasing energy in the nucleus. What is the human energy core? Where is it located? How to get to it? How to release energy?

This core is in the Unconscious of a person (which is a tunnel connecting with the energy flows of the Universe). For most of us, energy is blocked by restraining attitudes, and therefore we feel our strength in tiny fractions of a percent. But the one who managed to unblock the internal energy controls his state, realizes his power and influences those around him.

Our body is endowed with a unique opportunity - to independently regulate its functions, but consciousness interferes with it, considering itself responsible for all processes in the body and trying to control them. By filtering incoming and outgoing information, our consciousness, just in case, prevents our energy exchange with the outside world.

And yet we are trying to strengthen the energy. How?

Many do this with the help of such dubious antidepressants as alcohol, cigarettes, coffee, drugs, extreme sports, etc.

But they give tone, relieve stress blocks only for a short time and at the expense of "eating" the body's resources. And in the future, an unbalanced body needs more and more doping, which forcibly activates internal processes - thereby the human body wears out several times faster.

And few people use external, natural amplifiers of our energy potential: the energy of the Sun, Earth, water, fire, plants, animals, art. The energy of the egregor, to which it is possible to connect. And this energy can be fed endlessly ...

The received or released energy becomes an inner force - Yang - known in Taoist philosophy as the masculine principle.

Internal strength is thinking energy (after all, there is pure consciousness inside it), therefore it obeys the essence (spirit) of a person and is the core of the energy body. And, unfortunately, for most of us it is not spent very efficiently and is often lost in internal conflicts between our Unconscious and Consciousness, which exposes numerous blocks - a kind of checkpoint that should keep our energy under control

Directions and strength of energy flows

Consciously, with the help of his essence, a person is able to direct inner strength both inside the body and outside it. It is important to learn to coordinate your energy: to center, sublimate it. Someone concentrates and uses it in sex, someone in business, in creativity, creating or destroying, narrowing or expanding their inner and outside world ...

The interaction between consciousness and inner strength usually does not allow it to go beyond the boundaries of the energy body, or cocoon, the size of which is determined by the boundaries of consciousness. The wider the consciousness, the larger the cocoon.

Perhaps, in this place I will give the floor to the character with whom I have already communicated in my past books - is it you, dear reader, or someone speaking on your behalf ...

Reader: But if we communicate with someone, there is an exchange of energy, which means that we have every chance of losing energy, giving our own and receiving nothing in return?

Our energy is lost when we deal with energy vampires, or are infected with an energy virus (which we will talk about later), or when we deliberately inflict an energy blow aimed at destroying some energy or physical object. Since energy does not appear out of nowhere and does not disappear anywhere, but only transforms from one type into another, then in this case, the internal force is spent on the destruction of bonds within “our” or “alien” matter or energy.

And the amount of energy spent on solving certain problems does not always give an adequate effect. Therefore, it is not only the direction of the energy flow that matters, but also the strength of its flow ...

Our energy is like air. There is nothing lighter than air: it effortlessly goes everywhere, flowing around all obstacles. There is nothing more powerful than air: but a strong and fast gale wind can break and destroy a forest, spending an enormous amount of energy on this. A high-pressure compressed air stream can cut all trees like a sharp blade, and a minimum of energy will be spent.