How to make a paraffin hand bath at home. Paraffin therapy for hands at home. What is needed for therapy

Find out how to properly carry out paraffin therapy for the face and body at home, especially the choice of material, contraindications and recommendations.

Paraffin therapy: description of the procedure

This procedure is a fairly effective and easy-to-use method that allows you to quickly restore freshness and attractiveness to the skin. But to carry it out, you will need to purchase a special paraffin, as it has a moisturizing and softening effect. That is why it helps to quickly and easily cleanse the skin of dead cells, it has a rejuvenating effect, and the process of epidermis restoration is accelerated.

One of the main advantages of this procedure is that it can be used for any part of the body, especially if the skin needs additional toning and nutrition. Most often, paraffin therapy is performed to treat the skin of the hands, including in areas where signs of cellulite appear.

The effect after the procedure will be noticeable after the first session. Paraffin therapy is very simple and gives only pleasant sensations, so it is easy to do it yourself at home. To do this, you need to purchase cosmetic paraffin, which should not contain artificial colors and synthetic substances.

The ideal option would be to use paraffin made from essential oils, including other natural substances. It is these formulations that have a more effective effect on the skin.

During the procedure, molten paraffin is applied to the skin, which is recommended to be melted in a water bath. It is important that the container with paraffin wax is completely dry, since even a drop of water can provoke a severe burn.

Paraffin begins to melt at a temperature of 54 degrees, has a very low thermal conductivity, so it has a rather slow heat release.

The benefits of paraffin therapy

Regardless of which part of the body the cosmetic paraffin is applied to, the skin has the same effect:
  1. After the melted paraffin is applied to the skin, its temperature slightly rises. As a result, additional space appears between the cells, due to which the nutrients and vitamins contained in paraffin are absorbed much easier and faster.
  2. There is an increase in sweating, therefore, toxic substances and toxins contained in skin cells are removed to the surface.
  3. After the paraffin is applied to the skin, a thin film forms on its surface, preventing the evaporation of moisture, which is absorbed by the cells as a result.
  4. Toxins are not absorbed back, so they are easily removed from the skin surface.
  5. In the area of ​​application of the agent, there is a stimulating effect on the blood circulation process, due to which the healing of abrasions is accelerated, the damaged areas of the epidermis are restored much faster.
  6. After the temperature of the paraffin decreases, its volume also decreases.
  7. As a result, the skin is smoothed, puffiness is removed.

Contraindications for paraffin therapy

These types of cosmetic procedures are considered thermal compresses. Paraffin therapy is very effective, but it is forbidden to use it for such problems:
  • the presence of abscesses on the surface of the treated skin;
  • a large number of warts on the body;
  • the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • telangiectasia;
  • diagnosis of diabetes mellitus;
  • rosacea;
  • hypertrichosis;
  • tumors;
  • hypertension.

What is needed for home paraffin therapy?

To carry out such a pleasant and useful cosmetic procedure yourself at home, you will need to prepare the following tools in advance:
  • paraffin, which is sold in cosmetic stores or pharmacies;
  • polyethylene gloves, if paraffin therapy is carried out for the hands;
  • gauze wipes to cover your face;
  • terry towel;
  • film, if paraffin therapy is carried out to combat cellulite;
  • paraffin bath;
  • a brush with which the product will be applied;
  • scrub;
  • flat spatula for applying paraffin;
  • moisturizing cream.
It is not necessary to use special baths for paraffin therapy, as they can be replaced with any other container. You can purchase a complete set for the procedure at a cosmetic store or pharmacy.

Paraffin therapy: carrying out the procedure at home

You can carry out this procedure yourself, since this does not require any special knowledge or skills. The main thing is to strictly adhere to the instructions and the result will be no worse than after an expensive procedure in the salon. The fact is that in a beauty salon you need to pay not only for the materials used, but also for the work of the master.

At home, the paraffin therapy procedure is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. First, the paraffin is heated in a steam bath.
  2. After the paraffin turns into a liquid, you need to properly prepare the skin of your hands - the varnish is removed from the nails, then the brushes are thoroughly washed with soap, and a scrub is used.
  3. Apply a nourishing cream to the skin, which enhances the positive effect of paraffin.
  4. Place your hands in a container of melted paraffin wax.
  5. Wait about 10 seconds, but no more.
  6. Take your hands out of the container and wait until the skin dries on its own.
  7. Repeat these steps 7 times, as a fairly thick layer of paraffin should form on the skin.
  8. Without removing the paraffin from the skin, put on plastic gloves on top, then terry gloves. Thanks to this, the warmth remains much longer and the positive effect of nutrients on the skin is enhanced.
  9. The compress is removed after about 30 minutes.
  10. Apply a nourishing cream to the skin and wait until it is completely absorbed.
It is recommended to carry out the paraffin therapy procedure for the skin of the hands once every two months. If the skin is very dry or damaged, 4–5 sessions will be enough for its complete restoration. Paraffin therapy helps to quickly get rid of the problem of dryness, small cracks are removed, and an attractive appearance returns to the skin of the hands.

Instructions for paraffin therapy

In order for the paraffin therapy procedure to bring only benefits, it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations:
  1. Paraffin is heated to 80 degrees.
  2. The skin must be degreased, but you cannot use alcohol-based products.
  3. The composition is applied to the skin with a special spatula.
  4. If paraffin therapy is used to combat cellulite, it is imperative to use a film for wrapping.
  5. Cover your legs with a warm blanket.
  6. Lie in this position for about one hour.
  7. If dizziness or a feeling of severe weakness is felt ahead of time, you need to immediately remove the paraffin.
  8. After completing the procedure, a nourishing or moisturizing cream is applied to the skin.
  9. For maximum benefit, it is necessary to undergo a full course of paraffin therapy, consisting of 10-15 procedures.
  10. To enhance the effect of paraffin, you can additionally massage your feet.

Cold paraffin therapy for hands

  1. You need to use only the type of cosmetic wax that has a low melting point. The consistency of this product resembles a thick cream.
  2. Paraffin is easily applied to the skin and spreads with gentle massage movements.
  3. Before the procedure, the skin must be cleaned of dirt and dust, a scrub is used to remove dead particles.
  4. The skin is wiped dry with a soft towel to keep it perfectly dry.
  5. The prepared paraffin is applied to the skin with a special brush. One layer is enough.
  6. Then put on plastic gloves, and terry gloves on top.
  7. Leave the paraffin wrap on your hands for 20 minutes.
  8. After the specified time, carefully remove the paraffin and lubricate the skin with cream.
The effect of such a procedure will be noticeable instantly, because for a fairly long period of time the skin remains perfectly smooth, soft and velvety. You can use the cold paraffin therapy procedure on different parts of the body, there are practically no restrictions. But the exception is the skin of the face.

Paraffin therapy for facial skin

  1. In this case, paraffin therapy is used for rejuvenation. Performing it regularly will help restore a healthy appearance and youthfulness to the skin of the face. As a result, the skin becomes elastic and soft, fine expression lines are smoothed out.
  2. The paraffin mask perfectly moisturizes the skin and restores the correct water balance. After using it, puffiness and lethargy are instantly eliminated.
  3. After applying this type of mask, the oval of the face is tightened, small mimic wrinkles are smoothed out.
  4. It is recommended to make a paraffin mask before peeling or face massage.
  5. It is rather difficult to do this procedure on your own, so you will need an assistant, since the paraffin must be applied in layers to the skin of the face. And at this time, you need to lie down, completely relaxing the muscles of the face.
Paraffin therapy for the face is carried out according to the following scheme:
  • the skin of the face is wiped with a tonic that does not contain alcohol, otherwise burns will remain;
  • any nourishing cream is applied to the skin;
  • the paraffin is straightened in the steam bath;
  • very quickly, using a brush, liquid paraffin is applied to the skin;
  • paraffin should be applied along the massage lines - from the chin towards the forehead, the area around the lips, eyelids and nose is not processed;
  • the first layer is applied to a gauze napkin, which must be prepared before starting the procedure, in which holes are made for the nose and eyelids;
  • several layers of paraffin are applied on top of the gauze;
  • then a terry towel is placed on top;
  • wait 20 minutes, while trying to completely relax;
  • remove the mask and apply a moisturizer to your face.
If paraffin therapy will be used to rejuvenate the skin of the face, it is imperative to take into account its initial condition. To obtain the desired result, you will need to complete a full course of 5-15 procedures. Do these masks once every two days. Benefits are brought not only by a paraffin mask, but also by special gymnastics for the skin. If you apply an integrated approach, you can forget about the problem of skin aging for a long time.

Paraffin therapy for feet

  1. This procedure can be performed on different parts of the legs.
  2. This is one of the most popular ways to combat the signs of cellulite.
  3. It is recommended to use not only paraffin, but also plankton, sea mud, vitamins, algae and minerals.
  4. It is not necessary to select all components separately, as you can purchase a special mixture with paraffin.
  5. This procedure will help to significantly reduce the amount of body fat.
  6. Thanks to paraffin therapy, blood microcirculation improves, the correct water-salt balance of the skin is restored.
  7. The body is cleansed of accumulated toxins and other harmful substances, the skin becomes more elastic, elasticity increases.
It is extremely rare, during such a procedure, dizziness may appear. In this case, you must immediately interrupt the procedure. But such unpleasant sensations appear very rarely and indicate that the paraffin has been kept on the body for too long. In the future, it is very easy to avoid such symptoms - keep the paraffin on the body for the specified time and do not exceed it.

After using this cosmetic procedure, there is a noticeable improvement in the skin, the problem of puffiness and fine wrinkles is eliminated. Subject to regular paraffin therapy, the skin becomes velvety and soft, and the general condition of the body improves.

Video instruction on how to do paraffin therapy at home:

Paraffin therapy is an excellent treatment for face and body. Cosmetic paraffin contains useful additives that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, eliminate dryness and cracks, and alusen also acts as an anti-inflammatory component. With the help of paraffin, you can treat joint diseases, conduct relaxation sessions for yourself. Is one of the most popular self-care methods. After all, hands are exposed to various negative influences quite often.

How paraffin works on the skin

Paraffin baths in just a few sessions will make the skin of the hands perfect, velvety, well-groomed, help to cope with dry skin and heal even deep cracks. Baths are best done before a manicure. A particularly good effect can be achieved by adding cosmetic fragrances and essential oils to the composition of the bath. In addition to the therapeutic result, inhaling the pleasant scent of rose or mint, you will receive a psychotherapeutic one. Stress, nervous tension, anxiety and fatigue will go away.

Advantages of paraffin baths

Paraffin hand baths are used to nourish and moisturize the skin. Hot paraffin normalizes lymph flow, thereby relieving swelling, provides increased blood flow to the skin, smoothing it and rejuvenating it. The skin, being under a layer of warm paraffin, intensively gets rid of toxins, and absorbs beneficial nutrients through the open pores. Due to the tightening effect, the skin color is leveled, its tone improves, wrinkles are smoothed, and intensive healing of cracks occurs.

Paraffin therapy is used if the skin of the hands is very rough and chapped, with frostbite, pain in the joints of the fingers, with arthritis, with flaccid lifeless skin, after intensive work.

Contraindications for paraffin therapy

There are contraindications for paraffin baths:

  • diabetes,
  • hypertension,
  • heart failure,
  • epilepsy,
  • infectious diseases,
  • skin diseases.

Before carrying out the procedures, ideally, you need to consult a cosmetologist. But if this is not possible, then independently take into account the characteristics of your body. No contraindications? Feel free to embark on a course of paraffin therapy. The course consists of 5-15 procedures. One bath is carried out every 5-6 days. Paraffin therapy has no age restrictions.

Paraffin bath at home

For home baths, you need to purchase a special cosmetic paraffin. Paraffin wax, with or without additives, fragrances, is sold in beauty salons and cosmetics stores. You should know that for one procedure you will need at least 2 kg of paraffin.

  • You need to melt the paraffin in an enamel container in a water bath. Place the paraffin wax in a high-rimmed bowl. Make sure that no boiling water gets into the composition. In cosmetic stores, you can buy a special container for paraffin baths.
  • While the paraffin is in the water bath, prepare your hands for the procedure. Wash them off, treat your skin with a mild scrub and apply a moisturizer.
  • Before the bath, check the temperature of the paraffin wax on the back of your hand. It shouldn't be scalding. Add a few drops of any essential oil to the composition.
  • Dip your hands in paraffin wax. Hold in this position for a few seconds. Remove your wrists from the container for 10 seconds. During this time, the paraffin will harden slightly. Repeat the procedure again. Continue until a thick layer of wax forms on your hands. Put on your hands a plastic or special cosmetic bag, and on top of it a terry mitten. After half an hour, remove the paraffin by picking it up by the edge with your fingernail or wooden stick. Paraffin has a beneficial effect not only on the skin of the hands, but also on the nails and cuticles.

For subsequent baths, never use paraffin a second time. The used composition loses all its useful properties. For each procedure, you must purchase a fresh portion of paraffin.

For those who can hardly stand high temperatures, there is a special cold cream - paraffin. It should be applied to the skin with a soft brush. All other actions are the same as for the hot procedure: application, bag, mitten. Cold paraffin is good for the skin, it improves its condition, heals cracks and rejuvenates.

After a course of paraffin therapy, your hands will become renewed, young and beautiful. It is an indispensable tool for those who take care of themselves.

The appearance of the hands is reflected not only by significant physical activity, but also by the negative effects of temperature factors, severe irritation by aggressive detergents and even health.

Only competent care and regular cosmetic procedures allow you to keep your pens in order and preserve their youth.

Simple but quite effective procedures include hand baths, which you can easily do yourself at home.

Hand baths at home: to do or not to do?

Trying to give their hands a beautiful and well-groomed look, women resort to the most intricate procedures and the use of expensive cosmetics. But you can achieve excellent results from cosmetic procedures in an easier way, using hand baths available for home use.

Such manipulations are a real salvation for the fair sex who are faced with the problem of dryness and peeling of the skin. In addition, the baths are capable of:

Moisturize and nourish the skin;

Help get rid of wrinkles and sweating problems;

Soften and remove the keratinized layers of the skin;

Open the sebaceous glands;

Strengthen local lymph flow and blood flow;

Relieve fatigue;

Treat joint pain;

Remove accumulated toxins;

Strengthen and heal nails.

But sometimes homemade hand baths can be harmful. It is not advisable to do such procedures:

If you have cuts and wounds on your hands;

If the hands are affected by dermatological diseases;

With diabetes mellitus;

Women with dilated blood vessels and blood clotting problems;

With increased pressure, with the exception of emergency baths;

In the presence of viral skin lesions and purulent inflammation.

It is also necessary for women with a large number or unusual moles on their hands to approach the baths carefully. In such situations, it is advisable to consult with a dermatologist in advance in order to exclude the possibility of degeneration of such marks. Paraffin baths are not recommended for pregnant women.

Paraffin hand baths at home: recipes

Fashionable paraffin baths do not have to be done in expensive salons. Such procedures can be easily carried out at home.

For such baths, only pure refined paraffin... A cosmetic medical component in the form of paraffin for baths can be purchased at any pharmacy chain. Keep in mind that for one procedure, you will need about 200 grams. hardened material.

It is prohibited to use ordinary or church candles, or other decorative paraffin souvenirs for cosmetic procedures. Such raw materials have not undergone special cleaning and can harm the skin.

To prepare the paraffin for baths, it will have to be dissolved. Ideally, for this you need to use special heating baths that can evenly heat the paraffin and maintain the desired temperature.

But you can also use a simple method to melt paraffin in a saucepan or in a water bath. Never use the microwave to heat paraffin wax. Microwaves are capable of destroying the structure of paraffinic molecules.

Choose the type of wax depending on the purpose of the procedure. So paraffin with the addition of peach oil is suitable for sensitive skin. And for regeneration and restoration, use paraffin with chocolate. However, even a pure product without fragrances and additives shows quite good results after hand baths.

Hand baths at home: recipes

For home baths, a variety of ingredients are used in the form of oils, salt, herbal decoctions, vegetable or fruit juices, and soda.


Helps fight brittle nails and flaking. In heated corn and almond oils in a volume of 60 ml, you need to drop vitamin A and lemon juice 5 drops each. It takes about 15 minutes to keep your hands in this mixture.


Salt strengthens nails and helps prepare hands for a manicure. It is necessary to dilute a spoonful of salt in warm water, to which you can add tangerine oil. The procedure takes 15 minutes.


Chamomile tea promotes wound healing and helps to rejuvenate the skin. Brew chamomile flowers about 2 tablespoons in half a liter of boiling water. After cooling down, hands must be lowered into the broth and kept for about 7 minutes.


This bath helps to strengthen the nails. After warming up about 120 ml of olive oil, add to it the juice squeezed from fresh lemon (10 drops). Fingers are kept in such a mixture for up to 7 minutes.


Soda baths help to eliminate stubborn dirt, disinfect and soften the skin. To make a homemade bath, you need to mix a spoonful of baking soda with liquid soap and dissolve in a liter of warm water. After that, you need to add a spoonful of ammonia to the resulting composition. Such a bath is carried out for about 20 minutes.


Cabbage helps soften skin, reduce inflammation and strengthen nails. You will need sauerkraut juice, to which you need to add kefir in the same amount. This procedure should take up to 10 minutes.


The product has a moisturizing effect. Stir a spoonful of starch in a small volume of water, then add about a liter of warm water. The duration of the bath is 15 minutes.

Paraffin baths for hands at home: a sequence of actions

The procedure for carrying out paraffin baths is not complicated, but it requires compliance with a certain proven technology:

1. First of all, prepare the paraffin wax for the procedure by heating it to a liquid consistency in a heating bath or just steaming it.

2. Wash your hands thoroughly and remove any nail polish or protective covering from your nails.

3. Additionally, scrub the skin on the hands. This will get rid of dead particles and increase the effectiveness of the paraffin procedure.

4. Dry your hands with a soft cloth and gently apply moisturizer to act as a protective layer.

5. Give a warming hand massage. It is impossible to lower unheated hands into a hot composition. This can damage blood vessels.

6. Check the temperature of the melted wax. It should be pleasantly warm without burning the skin.

7. Dip the handles into the prepared melted paraffin wax and remove them immediately.

8. Wait about 10 seconds for the film to freeze and repeat the manipulation.

9. It is necessary to dip your hands into warm paraffin several times to form paraffin gloves on the hands.

10. Wear protective cellophane gloves or cling film over the handles.

11. Wear warmer fabric mittens or wrap the handles over the polyethylene gloves.

12. Withstand paraffin gloves on hands for up to 20 minutes.

13. At the end of the procedure, remove both pairs of gloves and remove the paraffin with wet wipes.

14. At the end of the procedure, apply your favorite nourishing cream to cleansed hands.

It is not recommended to use used paraffin wax for repeated procedures.

To really benefit from hand baths, perform procedures when you do not plan to do household chores or go out into the cold in the near future. The ideal time is evening when you can safely devote time to yourself.

After baths of a therapeutic or contrast nature, it is imperative to apply a nourishing cream only to dry skin. If desired, the final stage of the procedure can be done with a massage using a special cream or oil.

To achieve maximum results, healing hand baths must be carried out at home at least three times a week. The treatment course of procedures lasts about a month.

As for paraffin baths, it is enough to do them once a week. With dry skin, it is allowed to repeat paraffin procedures after 4 days.

In order for paraffin baths to have an effective effect, use only high-quality products to apply a moisturizing protective layer under paraffin. In fact, the pens will receive exactly those components as nutrients that will be applied directly under the paraffin.

Take care of your pens, carry out regular cosmetic procedures and manipulations, use folk and natural ingredients, and the result in the form of beautiful well-groomed pens will not disappoint you.

Paraffin therapy for hands is a very useful and pleasant procedure that tones and rejuvenates the skin. With the help of such a cosmetological effect, you can return your hands to their former beauty and elasticity. In addition, paraffin therapy is allowed not only in the salon, but at home.

Getting to know the procedure

What is paraffin therapy - this question interests many women who want to experience all the benefits of this procedure. The action of paraffin therapy is to nourish and rejuvenate the epidermis. In addition, due to this procedure, excess moisture and toxins are removed from the body. Particular benefits from the effects of paraffin can be obtained during the winter season, since during this period the skin needs special care. Thanks to the gradual and deep warming of the handles, you can get a healing effect and physiological pleasure.

The paraffin treatment procedure for hands has a number of advantages, the main ones of which are:

  1. Strengthening the skin, the ability to heal cracks in the hands.
  2. Restoration of tissues of the epidermis of the hands, which are damaged due to mechanical factors.
  3. Reducing pain if a person has problems with the hands.
  4. A tangible effect immediately after one procedure - paraffin baths for hands have a powerful thermal effect.
  5. Ease of technology implementation, pleasant sensations during the application of paraffin to the skin.

On video paraffin therapy for hands:

What are paraffin hand baths? And how do they affect the skin? During this procedure, blood flow increases significantly, thereby enhancing the functioning of the capillaries. Acceleration of microcirculation and lymph flow guarantees the delivery of nutrients to the skin. As a result of this, sweating increases, and when a film of paraffin hardens on the hand, the moisture cannot evaporate and is absorbed back. The fluid is redistributed in the body: the molecular particles of water are sent to the skin from the blood and lymph. You can read more about the trays.

The paraffin hand mask provides excellent hydration for nails and cuticles. The nail plates receive significant moisture, stop breaking and exfoliating. A paraffin hand bath is a great way to restore firmness and radiance to your skin.

The action of liquid paraffin is described in.

How do they do it in the salon

Doing paraffin therapy in the salon is a simple and affordable option. The technology consists of several stages. Description of the procedure:

  1. Preparatory process... Wash your hands with glycerin soap. Then apply a special disinfectant. Be sure to remove jewelry from your hands. Then smear your hands with a cream that will have a relaxing, lymphatic drainage, anti-aging, nourishing effect. Sometimes the cream is fixed with a special collagen-based thermal lotion.
  2. Paraffin application. First, you need to make sure that the cosmetic paraffin does not cause a negative skin reaction. For this, the hot paraffin mass is applied to the open area of ​​the body using special brushes. Every 10 seconds, you should regularly dip your hands in the paraffin bath and then remove them so that the wax can harden and form a crust. After that, you need to put on plastic bags or special gloves for 15-20 minutes. After this time, the bags should be removed and the solidified substance removed.
  3. Fixing the result... At the final stage, the skin of the hands is covered with a nourishing cream and a massage is performed.

A hot bath in paraffin therapy will have a beneficial effect on the epidermis, return it softness and elasticity at the same time.

Home therapy

Many women are interested in how to do the procedure. To carry out such technology at home, you will need:

In addition, you will need a soft chair to completely relax during such a procedure.

The video tells how often you can do paraffin therapy for your hands:

Contraindications for cosmetic procedures

Carrying out cold paraffin therapy for hands

There is also cold paraffin therapy for hands, which has a low melting point of the substance. The consistency of such a substance is creamy. It is easy to apply to the skin and spread with massage movements. The peculiarity of the impact is the ability to retain body heat. At the same time, the substance contains a high level of active ingredients that moisturize and nourish the epidermis.

Advantages of the "cold" method:

  1. Saving time, since the cosmetic substance does not need to be warmed up before starting the procedure.
  2. You don't need any additional equipment, so you don't have to spend money on buying a heating bath.
  3. The procedure is much more hygienic, because each client has its own portion of the cream. In addition, since in this case you do not need a bath for paraffin therapy, the risk of catching any infections is automatically reduced (you do not have to dip your palms into a common container).
  4. Suitable for people suffering from arterial hypertension and varicose veins.
  5. It has a cooling effect, which is especially important in the hot season.

From this article you will learn:

  • how paraffin therapy of the face, hands and feet is carried out,
  • how to choose the right bath and cosmetic wax.

Paraffin therapy for hands and feet, face - is widely used by cosmetologists to achieve good hydration of the skin, improve its condition, and also as an addition to manicure and pedicure procedures (to improve the condition of nails). This is not an expensive service - paraffin therapy for hands, the price in the salon will be only about 500-800 rubles.

In this article we will tell you what results this beloved paraffin therapy can achieve. How to carry out paraffin therapy of the face at home, as well as hands and feet, and how to choose the right cosmetic paraffin for paraffin baths.

Paraffin bath for hands: photo

Why is everyone's favorite paraffin therapy used in cosmetology -

Paraffin therapy has been used since the 1930s - initially only for the treatment of diseases of muscles and joints. Paraffin has a very high heat capacity, i.e. it is able to absorb and retain a large amount of heat for a very long time. The deep exposure to heat allows blood to flow to the heated areas, which can reduce joint pain and relieve muscle spasms.

Moreover, in cosmetology, to improve the condition of the skin, not ordinary, but special cosmetic paraffin with the addition of oil extracts is used. Such paraffin perfectly moisturizes the skin, making it soft and smooth. Paraffin therapy for legs, arms and face due to deep heating and increased blood flow allows to achieve the following effects -

  • deeply moisturizes the skin,
  • opens pores and promotes the elimination of toxins,
  • soothes and smoothes the skin,
  • perfectly heals skin cracks,
  • helps to calm and relax facial muscles,
  • promotes deeper penetration of cosmetic products into the skin,
  • improves skin condition in psoriasis and eczema.

Sometimes beauty salons or spas are offered paraffin wraps - when the patient's body is completely covered with warm paraffin and then wrapped in a warm cloth to help keep warm for a longer time. It is believed that this kind of procedure has a very beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole and even helps to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Paraffin bath for hands and feet - how the procedure goes

A paraffin bath for hands and feet is a procedure in which the limbs are immersed in a container filled with heated paraffin to deeply moisturize the skin of the limbs. Hands or feet are dipped into the molten paraffin bath several times: each new time after the previous layer has hardened to create the next paraffin layer (usually 3-5 layers are made).

If you have dry skin on your hands or feet, or if your skin is cracked, then a paraffin bath for hands and feet is an excellent solution to these problems. Cosmetic paraffin in a molten state creates an air and waterproof film on the skin, which promotes the penetration of oils contained in the cosmetic paraffin itself - into the deep layers of the skin.

Paraffin therapy for hands and feet: video

Therefore, paraffin baths for hands - reviews confirm this - are very well suited for soothing and healing cracked skin, especially in the autumn-winter period, when the effects of weather conditions adversely affect the condition of the skin of the hands. And it is not at all necessary to go to the salon for this, tk. it is very easy to make paraffin hand baths at home.

Both in the salon and at home, the procedure will be exactly the same. In the salons of paraffin therapy for hands, the price ranges from 500-800 rubles per procedure. All you need is to purchase a paraffin bath once, and periodically replenish your supplies of cosmetic paraffin. Below we will describe in detail how to make paraffin baths for hands or feet.

Paraffin therapy at home - what is needed for this

If, in principle, you really like the paraffin therapy procedure, but you do not have time to constantly visit beauty salons, then you can arrange a salon at home. Hand paraffin therapy at home requires just a few things:

  • A bath for paraffin therapy for hands and feet - you can buy on the Internet for relatively little money (from 2500 rubles).
  • Cosmetic paraffin - you can also buy it on the Internet or in a pharmacy. For cosmetic paraffin, the price in a pharmacy starts from 220 rubles per 450 ml. To start using a paraffin bath, you will first have to fill it with 1.5 kg of paraffin, and then add as it is consumed.
    Typically, 450 grams of paraffin is enough for 4-6 hand treatments or 2-4 foot treatments.

1. Paraffin bath for hands and feet - which one is better to choose

Many may have quite reasonable questions - how to choose a paraffin bath, what you need to pay attention to when buying, how a comfortable bath for paraffin therapy should look like. So, a good and comfortable paraffin bath for hands and feet should -

  • Have adequate volume and size
    so that you can freely lower your arms, elbow, or feet into it. So, a volume of 1500-2000 ml is usually sufficient if you are going to use the bath only for hands. For the legs, more volume is already needed, but again it all depends on your build.
  • Have a quick heating function
    in different baths, the heating time of paraffin is different (from 1.5 to 4 hours). Of course, the faster the paraffin heats up, the more convenient and better for you.
  • Have a paraffin heating indicator
    as well as a thermostat to maintain the desired temperature.
  • Have a filter at the bottom
    to collect unwanted particles and facilitate cleaning of the bath itself, as well as a bath lid so that you can store the cooled cosmetic paraffin directly in it.
  • Be resistant to rollover
    it is best to attach it to a tabletop or floor using suction cups.
  • Have an affordable price
    on the Internet, paraffin baths for hands and feet can be bought in the range from 2,500 to 4,500 rubles.

Which paraffin baths we recommend
On the Russian market, the choice of paraffin baths for home (and not for salon) use is small, and is represented by only a few manufacturers, most of which are of unknown origin. We have noted for ourselves 2 models, the manufacturers of which provide more or less complete characteristics, and which are quite convenient for home use -

  • (fig. 4) -
    this is a paraffin bath from a French manufacturer at a price of about 4000 rubles).
  • (fig. 5) -
    from a Chinese manufacturer, at a price of 2500 rubles.

Both baths warm up the paraffin in 1.5-2 hours, have a volume of about 2000 ml, with a minimum paraffin level of 1500 ml. Also, these paraffin baths are equipped with thermostats that allow heating and maintaining the temperature of the paraffin within 52-70 degrees.

2. Which cosmetic paraffin to choose -

Cosmetic paraffin is made with the addition of oil essences, various fragrances, dyes. Therefore, choosing which cosmetic paraffin to buy depends on your personal taste, aesthetic and olfactory preferences. Often additional aroma oils are added to cosmetic paraffin: lemon, jasmine, peach, aloe, rose, green tea, lavender and others.

Most often, cosmetic paraffin is sold in a 450 ml package. This volume is enough for 4-6 procedures. However, keep in mind: in order to carry out the first procedure, the paraffin bath must be immediately filled with about 1500 ml of paraffin.

Important: if you are going to do paraffin baths for hands at home only for yourself, then after the procedure, paraffin can be added back to the bath and reused. And if someone else (besides you) uses a paraffin bath, then the paraffin removed from the skin must be thrown away. Sometimes the manufacturer of cosmetic paraffin writes whether or not this type of paraffin is suitable for reuse (website).

Paraffin therapy at home - a method of conducting

First, warm up the cosmetic paraffin in a bath to the required melting point (50-65 degrees). Modern paraffin baths are equipped with special sensors that heat the paraffin to the desired temperature and turn off the heating. Cosmetic paraffin from different manufacturers may have different heat capacity, and therefore the heating temperature may differ slightly (the recommended temperature is indicated by the manufacturer in the instructions).

Thus, it will not be possible to overheat the paraffin. But just in case, check the temperature of the heated paraffin wax on the back of your hand - you should feel warm, but not scalding. The sequence of your further actions -

  1. Remove all jewelry and jewelry from your fingers.
  2. Thoroughly wash and dry the skin on the treated area. Keep in mind that the clearer your skin is, the longer you will be able to use the same wax for subsequent treatments.

  3. Skin surface treatment with cream. In general, this stage is performed only at your request, and is not mandatory, because cosmetic paraffin already contains oils that moisturize the skin. The advantage of pretreatment with cream is more in the fact that the hardened paraffin will then be easier to remove.
  4. Relax your arm or leg and slowly immerse it in a paraffin bath with heated liquid paraffin for 10 seconds. Lower your hand slowly and carefully, without touching the sides and bottom of the tub, so as not to burn yourself (fig. 11-12).

  5. Take your arm / leg out of the bath and wait a few seconds for the paraffin to harden and stop dripping.
  6. Lower the limb back into the bath and remove it after a few seconds.
  7. Repeat until the arm / leg is covered with several layers of paraffin (usually 3-5 layers).
  8. After that, wrap the limb with cling film or put a plastic bag on it (Fig. 13).

  9. Wrap the limb in a terry towel on top to increase the duration of the heat effect.
  10. Rest this way for about 15-30 minutes, imagining how the skin on your hands (or feet) becomes soft, tender and moisturized.
  11. After 15-30 minutes, simply remove the frozen paraffin from your hand or leg. You can put it back in the tray for use next time (fig. 14). Next, enjoy the moisturized and delicate skin of your hands or feet.

How to make a paraffin face mask correctly -

Important: for the procedure, only a special cosmetic wax is used specifically for the face, intended specifically for home use. It is necessary to carefully read the instructions for the wax, and pay special attention to the temperature to which it needs to be heated.

Facial paraffin therapy: video

How is the procedure performed

  1. The skin of the face and neck must be cleaned with a special cleaning agent. Thorough washing will ensure that dirt, dust, and makeup will not clog pores or cause inflammation.
  2. Before the paraffin face mask is applied - reviews of some cosmetologists recommend applying a cosmetic cream or lotion to the skin, which will help to additionally nourish the skin with useful substances. You can also add your favorite cosmetic and essential oils to the paraffin itself, which will have additional effects on the procedure.
  3. Heat the wax in a paraffin bath to the desired temperature. Before applying to the face, check the temperature of the paraffin wax. To do this, it is recommended to apply heated paraffin to the back of the hand - it should be pleasantly warm, but not hot.
  4. Warm paraffin wax is applied to the face with a special brush, along the massage lines, avoiding the eyes, mouth and around the nose, so that you can breathe freely during the procedure. Start applying the paraffin wax from the middle of your chin, working up to your cheeks and ears. The chin is covered with the very last.
  5. Usually 3-4 layers of paraffin are applied, and as a result the paraffin mask for the face should be about 5 mm thick. The paraffin wax can be too runny and drip, so use old or unnecessary T-shirts during your procedure.
  6. Typically, a paraffin facial mask should remain on your skin for 10-15 minutes or until it hardens completely. Then it is carefully removed from the face in whole or in parts, starting from the chin.
  7. After the procedure, it is recommended to apply a moisturizer to the skin. In winter, after the procedure, it is not recommended to go outside for an hour.

Paraffin therapy: indications and contraindications

We have discussed above what the use of paraffin therapy in cosmetology can achieve. Also, this method is also used to treat the following diseases -

  • inflammation of the joints (arthritis, bursitis),
  • dislocated joints,