How to make a horse with your own hands? We make a textile horse. Various options for making horses with your own hands, a lot of ideas, as well as job descriptions

Figurines of horses are made from a mass of materials. They are embroidered, molded from clay, forged from metal, glued from paper. But needlework masters do not stop there and are looking for more and more new ways to create crafts. In this article, we will introduce you to the techniques for making a horse figurine from papier-mâché and felt. Stock up on the necessary attributes for work and create with us.

We make a papier-mâché horse. Preparation of materials

For work, you will need wallpaper, flour, paper (newspapers, notebooks), a brush, petroleum jelly or baby cream, water. First you need to make a paste. Soak one large spoonful of wallpaper paste in water. Boil the same amount of flour with boiling water. Mix both solutions. The consistency of the paste should resemble sour cream. Tear the paper into small pieces. Knead the plasticine in your hands to make it soft. Now you can proceed directly to the process of making crafts.

The process of making a horse figurine

How to make a craft? The horse must first be molded from plasticine. Then lubricate the whole animal figurine with petroleum jelly or cream. This is necessary so that later the paper easily moves away from the plasticine base. Wet the paper in water and decorate the whole figure with it. Attach the next layer of material with a paste. Lubricate all paper elements with a brush, aligning them and expelling excess air. Alternate layers made with water and paste. Their total number should be 8-10. Next, a horse (craft), made using the papier-mâché technique with your own hands, must dry completely. After the product, cut in half, remove the plasticine, and again glue the two paper parts back to back. Apply the last layer of paper on top. After the figure dries, paint it with paints, cover with a layer of acrylic varnish. Here is the completed horse! A craft made with your own hands can serve as a souvenir, a children's toy. It can also be used as a decoration for a Christmas tree, a pendant in a car.

Horse (craft). With our own hands we sew a toy from felt

To make a soft toy in the form of a horse, you will need the following materials: felt fabric, needle, filler (cotton wool, synthetic winterizer), satin narrow ribbon, paper, pencil, pins, decorative elements (beads, beads).

On paper, draw the silhouette of the animal and cut out the figure. Transfer the template to the felt, folded in half, pin with pins. Make two identical parts from the fabric. Sew eyes - beads on each blank, embroider a mouth, nose, hooves. Cut the ribbon into pieces, burn their edges with a lighter. Fold each satin piece in half and sew the resulting eyelet ends to one of the felt parts in the head and back area. This way you can shape the mane. Now sew both halves of the toy with stitches, leaving a small opening. Stuff filler through it. Sew up the hole. That's all, the work is over, the soft horse is ready!

How to make a paper horse step-by-step master classes for children. A paper horse on clothespins, a jump rope horse, a bookmark horse and an origami paper horse are simple and quick.

How to make a paper horse

Today we will make a horse with the children. In this article, you will find four workshops for making this fun toy with your children:

  1. Paper horse on a clothespin x: we make a horse with preschool children.
  2. The horse is a jump rope. We make a toy for games with children.
  3. Horse - Bookmark. Master class for children of senior preschool and primary school age.
  4. Horse - mask from paper in the technique of origami.

Master class 1. Paper horse on clothespins

Materials and tools for making toys - horses

To make a toy you need:

  • thick white cardboard
  • paint stamps acrylic,
  • yarn,
  • bamboo clothespins,
  • hole puncher.

How to make a horse with children: a step by step description

Step 1. Cut out the piece of horse from cardboard according to the template.

Step 2 Stamp paint the part on both sides. Move the stamp from top to bottom abruptly, imitating wool fibers.

Step 3 Draw an eye, a point on the nose (nostril) and a bridle.

Step 4 Make a few 2-3 holes in the mane area and one in the tail area with a hole punch.

Helpful idea. I have a homemade hole punch - a part of a nail is welded to one side of the inside of the pliers, on the other side a hole is drilled to size. You can see this tool in the photo.

Step 5 Cut the yarn for the mane and for the tail.

Step 6 And at this stage we will learn to knit knots. Using a crochet hook, pull the yarn through the holes and tie knots.

Here the mane is ready!

Step 7 Tie the tail in the same way.

Step 8 And the last step - the horse needs legs! Let's take clothespins. They can be painted in the same color as the horse itself. And you can leave them as they are. Pin the clothespins to the body of the horse. And the toy is ready!

Clothespins allow our paper horses to stand on their own.

Here are the horses the children got.

Here we have such a hippodrome!

When making paper horse crafts with children, remember the verses that describe its appearance, stroke the mane and tail, tap with clothespins and hooves. Poems will help you in making crafts with children:

Jump-jump, jump-jump,
Tail and mane sideways.
How smooth is
You are my horse.
I will brush
To make your hair shine.

Click, click, click, click!
I am a gray horse!
I will knock with a hoof,
If you want, I will!
Look how beautiful I am
Nice tail and mane.
Click, click, click, click!
I am a gray horse!

The foal will ask the horse:
"You tell me, my good,
Who has such a mane?
Who grows so beautiful?
And answer for him:
"You, my sweet, yoke-go!"

I love my horse
I will comb her hair smoothly,
I stroke the ponytail with a scallop
And I'll go on horseback to visit.

Creative task for children

What other animals can be made using cardboard and clothespins? And to use knotted yarn?

Master class 2. Horse - bookmark for paper books

In this video master class, you will see how you can very quickly and easily make a horse - a bookmark for paper books. The horse is made from a small square of paper using the origami technique. It can be done very simply and quickly. And you can use such a horse not only as a bookmark, but also for decorating a festive table and at home.

The video is in English, but it shows the manufacture of a horse in great detail step by step, so everything will be clear. Very simple and original! This horse will appeal to both adults and children. Video by Leyla Torres.

Master class 3. Horse - rope

And now we will make an unusual horse - a toy. This is a horse - a "jump rope" for children's games, that is, a horse on a stick. The horse is made from a piece of pipe - insulation for pipes, fabric and paper. The base of the horse is made of a soft pipe bent in half, the horse's hairstyle is made of fabric. And the eyes, nostrils are made of paper, which is attached to double-sided tape. The author of the video is SamodelkinA.

Master class 4. Horse - origami paper mask simply and quickly

Another great idea is a paper horse mask. The video shows in detail how it can be done. The mask is made using the origami technique, and its manufacture is accessible even to children and beginners in this technique. Video author: Origami 4ik.


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Recently, workshops on making soft toys, various crafts, animals and gifts have been very popular. You can make products practically from all improvised items, most importantly, a little imagination and a desire to create something unusual.

If you have a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bdesire, but with a worse fantasy, then let's start crafting together. For example, let's talk about how to make a horse with your own hands using various materials. Perhaps the tips that will be given below will lead you to your own interesting idea.

We make a horse out of paper and buttons

You need to start training with the simplest products and materials, so now we will make a horse out of paper, and to decorate it we need buttons, as well as glue, scissors and some wire (you can replace it with fishing line or strong threads).

Let's start making the figurine:

  • On an A4 landscape sheet, draw a horse, and depict the animal so that the body, tail and mane are one, and the legs are separate. If it’s difficult to draw on your own, then find an image in a children’s book or coloring book;
  • Cut out the parts of the animal along the outline. To make the product more durable, stick pieces of a paper horse on cardboard, and when the sheets stick together, you can cut them out again. If possible, buy white cardboard and immediately depict the animal on it;
  • If you are tinkering with a small child, then offer the child to make a mane and tail for the horse. To do this, you can use unnecessary pieces of fabric by gluing them to cardboard. A cotton tail will look very original, in general, everything that is at hand will do: colored paper, candy wrappers, etc .;
  • Now take the horse's torso and attach the legs to it the way you would like them to be when finished. When the position of the limbs suits you, carefully make holes in the cardboard: in the torso and legs;
  • Next, thread a fishing line, thread or wire into a button of the desired size and color, fasten the limbs of the craft.

You have a wonderful horse that will move its legs. You can decorate it at your discretion, making it very original and unique.

The first stage has been completed, now you know how to make a horse out of paper with your own hands, you will continue to create.

We make a plasticine horse with our own hands

Probably, all parents of little fidgets aged 2-3 years old will be interested in learning how to make a horse out of plasticine with their own hands. This process, by the way, is very exciting and can interest both adults and kids for a long time.

For creativity you will need:

  • 2 different colors of plasticine;
  • Toothpicks - 5 pieces;
  • Stack - a special stick that lies in almost all boxes with plasticine;
  • 2 eyes (you can buy special ones or get by with buttons, beads, etc.).

If all the materials for creativity are available, you can start sculpting a horse:

  • Let's make the legs first. To do this, take 4 pieces of plasticine of the same size. Roll up sausages that will expand slightly towards the bottom. In order for our design to stand steadily, it is recommended to insert a toothpick into each leg;
  • Now you can craft the body. To do this, take plasticine, the piece should be larger than you took for the legs, roll up a thick oval. Pull one edge of the resulting "sausage" up, this will be the horse's neck. Insert a small piece of toothpick into it;
  • Now sculpt your head. In shape, it will resemble an egg, slightly narrowed on one side;
  • We pass to the final stage: we collect our horse. Connect the legs to the body, attach the head;
  • In order for the similarity of the figure to be complete, it is important to work out the details. Take two small pieces of plasticine, roll up the balls, flatten them. These will be the nostrils of the horse;
  • From plasticine of a different shade, make two more balls, insert eyes into them: buttons, beads, etc. and fasten on the muzzle of the product;
  • Don't forget to make ears. To do this, form two small flattened "testicles" and fasten on the head;
  • Make hooves with contrast plasticine. To do this, roll 2 balls, flatten them slightly and divide them in half with a stack. 4 hooves are ready, can be attached to the legs;
  • Build a beautiful mane for your plasticine friend. To make it look more like a horse, make notches with a stack along the edges;
  • The final stage is the tail of the horse. For him, roll up a sausage, which will be a little wider to the “priest" of the animal and narrow to the bottom.

Everything, a beautiful plasticine horse is ready, it can be made multi-colored, large or small, decorated with decorative elements. In general, everything is in your hands, create!

We make a horse from plastic bottles

Want to keep your little fidget busy? Make a horse out of plastic bottles with your own hands. Rather, only one container is needed. And the craft itself will not take much time, but the child will be truly delighted and will be able to work with a new toy for a long time, imagining himself as a cowboy or some other fairy-tale hero on a horse.

To get the job done you will need the following:

  • Plastic bottle - 1 pc. (it is recommended to take brown or white color);
  • Material for ears, eyes and nostrils. Suitable cardboard, buttons, etc.;
  • Thick thread for the bridle. It is best to take twine - 1-2 m;
  • Threads that will imitate a mane (choose a color arbitrarily);
  • Scissors, glue and a stick to secure the horse's head.

After all the necessary equipment is prepared, you can start creating:

  • Remove the cap from the bottle and bend the container in half;
  • Take twine or thick thread and fix the bottle in a bent position. This will be an impromptu bridle, it should pass 5–7 cm above the bottom of the bottle and be wound around the neck of the container;
  • Prepare the eyes, ears, tongue and nostrils for the horse. If they are cardboard, then cut out the blanks;
  • Now fix all parts of the muzzle on the bottle, use glue for this. By the way, the bent bottle should be placed with the cork down;
  • Form a mane from threads and fix it to the “head” of the craft;
  • In conclusion, fix the resulting horse's head on a stick and you're done.

Now your baby has a funny horse that you made with your own hands.

Learning to sew a horse

Sewing a beautiful soft toy is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. You just need to stock up on the necessary materials and patience, then everything will work out. What needlewomen do not sew at home, but now let's talk about the horse.

To create it you need:

  • Multi-colored or plain cotton fabric;
  • Knitting;
  • Small buttons, beads or beads;
  • Scissors;
  • Needle and thread;
  • Stuffing material (suitable for cotton wool, synthetic winterizer, old fabric, etc.).

We turn to step-by-step instructions on how to sew a horse with your own hands:

  • The pattern will consist of 3 elements: a torso with a head, ears and legs. True, when transferring the pattern to the fabric, you need to remember that the number of parts will be greater: torso - 2 pieces; legs - 8 and ears - 4;
  • When cutting a fabric pattern, it should be allowed on the seams. Now you need to sew the details from the wrong side. To make stuffing the product more convenient, it is recommended to leave 2 unstitched areas: the place where the tail will be and where the mane is;
  • It is necessary to twist the body and stuff the toy. Then sew up the remaining holes. The body is ready. Similarly, the legs of the horse are sewn and stuffed;
  • All the details are ready, you can collect the toy. As a tail, a bundle of knitting threads is attached to the "ass" of the horse. The horse's mane is also made from them;
  • It is recommended to sew the horse's legs through small buttons or beads, so they will hold on better. Now you need to sew on the ears and eyes.

Everything, the horse is ready, if desired, decorate the product with beads, sequins and other decorative elements.

DIY toy "Sunny Horse". Master class with step by step photos

Master class on making a toy "Sunny Horse" with a step-by-step photo.

Bodnar Svetlana Viktorovna, educator, Gymnasium No. 1551, Moscow.
Description: This master class is intended for children 6 years and older, teachers, parents.
Purpose: acquaintance with the origins of folk culture, a toy, a gift.
Target: Making a horse toy with your own hands.
1. Introduce children to the origins of folk culture.
2. To form interest and needs in the development of Russian traditional needlework.
3. Continue to teach children how to work with fabric.
4. Teach children to roll the fabric into a tube and fold it like an accordion, fasten the joints of the parts with a thread crosswise.
5. Cultivate accuracy when working with various materials and tools. Improve scissor skills.
Folk art should occupy an important place in the work of the kindergarten. Because, through it, children in an accessible form learn the language of their people, their customs, mores. If you look at a folk toy from a pedagogical point of view, you can see that it is based on a subtle knowledge of the child's psychology and affects the development of his mind, feelings, character traits.
The toy that we will make, the horse, was a sacred animal among the Slavs, a symbol of the sun, a good start. In the old days, such a horse was not only a toy, but also a talisman of a person.
Material for work:

1. Cotton fabric 44x26 cm.
2. Scissors.
3. A skein of red threads.

Working process:

1. Cut the fabric into 4 rectangles: two - 22x14cm. and two - 15x12cm. I used fabric in two colors of yellow.

2. Roll up a larger rectangle (22x14cm) into a tube.

3. Cut off the thread and tie the ends of our tube.

4. We get such a tube.

5. Now we take a smaller rectangle (15x12 cm.) And fold it with an accordion (1 cm.)

6. We bend the resulting accordion in half - this is the head and mane of our horse.

7. Then we bend our tube in half - these will be the front legs of the horse.

8. Now we insert the “accordion” part under the fold, separating the muzzle from the mane.

9. We fix the connection with a thread crosswise.

10. We straighten the fan - the horse's mane.

11. We fold the second large rectangle with an accordion (22x14cm.)

12. We place a large "accordion" just below the head, bending in half - this will be the body and tail of the horse.

13. We fasten this connection with a thread crosswise.

14. We twist the second small rectangle into a tube (15x12cm)

15. We fix the ends of the tube with a thread.

16. We bend the tube in half (these are the hind legs of the horse), through the body.

17. We fasten the legs on the body with a thread crosswise, while straightening the tail with a fan.
Our solar horse is ready!

This is my kids favorite toy!
I wish you all creative success!

Important! Linen twine does not like knots very much. You need to choose twine not thin, less than 1 mm, and not thick, not more than 1.5 mm. It is inconvenient to use thin and thick twine for making dolls.

The twine must be taken of good quality, it is the most even. If knots happen, especially in critical places, it is better to fix them with a small drop of glue like Moment Sekunda.

1 To make a flexible horse, you need linen twine, braided copper wire, red threads, a little thin leather, transparent glue, a strip of fur (of your choice), black paint on fabric for the eyes, a strip of leather or braid for hooves, scissors, pliers.

2 We wind linen twine on a book or cardboard to make windings: 30 full turns 32 cm long for the front legs, 30 turns 50 cm long for the head, body, 30 turns 50 cm long for the chest and hind legs, 15 turns, 15 turns long 46 cm for the tail.

3 We cut a wire 40 cm long from one end (hind legs), bend it. Separately, for the front legs, we will prepare a wire 32 cm long of one core (i.e., having previously cut and separated one core, it remains in its whole braid plus in the outer half, cut). We determine so that the head, when tilted, almost touches the ground.
4 We fix the wire for the front legs by tightly winding around the main wire.

5 We take a winding of twine 50 cm and begin to tie. First, just tie with a red thread in the middle so that the knot is inside the dressing.
6 We place the uncut end of the wire in the tied winding and make the first tying already with the wire inside the twine. Tight. Knot below. We pass through the knot a thin strip of the skin selected by you for the bridle.
7 After 3 cm, we make another tight tying with red threads, making sure that the wire always remains inside the twine.

8 We tie the entire winding around the wire. The front legs should be inside the winding. (I missed and did not return, this is unprincipled).

9 Made over the front legs.

10 We wind the winding for the front legs 32 cm onto the wire.

11 We wrap the twine not weakly.

12 We tighten the winding threads with a knot and it is better to fix it with a drop of glue. You can slightly trim if you suddenly get a difference in the length of the legs.

13 We take a winding of 50 cm for the chest and hind legs and throw it over the chest.

14 We wrap the hind legs with twine. The threads should be divided equally on each leg.

15 Keep track of the entire structure. You can lengthen the body, then the back can be wrapped with additional twine.

16 We connect the winding of 15 turns for the tail by passing it through the lower abdomen.

17 Firmly fix the tail with a separate thread.

18 At this stage, the legs can be slightly trimmed, especially if there is an unevenness in them.

19 Trim so that the horse is stable.

20 The body can be additionally wrapped with twine.

21 For the hooves, I took the braid, it is possible and better to take the skin. Cut out the strips on the leg overlap.

22 With transparent glue Glue the hooves to the very bottom of the legs.

23 Align the legs again, make out the tail.

24 Cut out a figure eight for the ears of about 4 cm from thin leather. Either glue the middle, fold it in half, or rewind it with a thin thread.

25 Lightly glue the ears below the top winding.

26 Glue a strip of fur (mane) of your choice just below the ears and all the way to the back.

27 We check the horse on the run.

28 From leather or dense fabric we make a blanket, and from dense leather we make a saddle.

29 The horse is ready.

30 Yoke!