How to make a pleasant husband in bed. How to make a pleasant favorite guy

If a woman loves another person, or is generally in any way, then the desire to please the man, his chosen one, and the question - how to make a man nice and please it, quite a legitarious and normal.

Any woman, if she is experiencing at least some pleasant feelings for their partner, periodically can tweak such thoughts in the head. With some this happens only on holidays, when you certainly need to give something or cook a man, and some women who are happy in relationships are constantly thinking about how to make their chosen one.

And you know what second words Will help to fall in love with a man very fast?

To find out this - click on the button just below and see the video to the end.

Methods and opportunities to make a nice man

We will analyze many options and paths for which the girl can go to her man be satisfied and was surprised. They are actually thousands, and we will talk only about several, but rather interesting options.

1. Prepare a delicious dinner

One of the easiest recipes is to cook for a man with goodies. Here you can be guided by his tastes and preferences, if you know them (you are aware of his beloved dishes), or experiment, or prepare your corporate dish that you consider awesome.

After all, the path to the heart of a man undoubtedly lies through his stomach, so a woman who prepares delicious food for a man, and also makes it with love - will definitely give his feelings through food, and it will be an additional factor that will give a man to you, and will do Its more "home".

Try at the same time cooking something is really original, because if you in your desire to make a man nice, everything for what come up is - it will be a simple scrambled eggs, or his usual diet - it is unlikely to give him a similar surprise a great feeling of joy.

2. Tell me good and kind words

Despite the fact that it is said that it is a woman who loves their ears, men are also a junk on beautiful words in their direction, and very love when these words pronounces a beloved girl. This is simple, and you can not say a completely expensive way to delight your chosen one.

Find the best expressions, say from the soul, thank a man for everything that he does - and in this case it will definitely find a response in his heart. Perhaps even that you do not need to make expensive gifts, and make serious material investments - your smile and sincere thanks will be more than enough for a man to be delighted with communication with you and spent time.

In fact, the best thing you can come up with is to thank a man for his actions. If these are truly real things that he tried, it will definitely be deeply in his soul. And he will understand that he tried not for nothing in vain, and in the future will also come, or even better.

3. To please the man in bed

If you have a close relationship with a man, and there is an intimate connection, then one of the best gifts is somehow surprising a man in bed. Options There are a sea what is called - only use your fantasy, and you will definitely find a way to make a nice partner.

How to find the key to the heart of a man? Use second wordsthat will help you conquer it.

If you want to know what you need to say a man to charm it - click on the button just below and see the video to the end.

Perhaps you will go to some unusual pranks or demonstrate new positions that did not use it before. You can hit a man with a new intriguing linen, or a frank home outfit. Maybe you will make it up by showing an extraordinary ardentity and passion.

It all depends only on your fantasy, and desire. Well, your feelings for a man.

4. Will think about his hobbies

Your man probably has some classes that are fond of him, his hobby, which he is ready to devote a lot of time. Perhaps this particular sport, let's say football or basketball, or can be computer games, or music ... Every person is individual, and here you need to watch concrete hobbies.

In the event that the hobbies are understandable - then choose a gift and make a pleasant man quite simple - you just need to find what is related to his favorite lesson.

Suppose if he loves a sports club - you can give it some kind of souvenir products of the club. T-shirt, mug, souvenir ball, or something like that. If you like computer games - please it with a new box with the last steep hit, or it can be paid to him an annual account in some game service.

Use your knowledge of male whims and hobby - you can find many options how to make a man.

5. Spend together the evening - visiting an interesting event

You can also go with a man somewhere, let's say on a new film that he has long wanted to visit, or the game of his favorite team. Perhaps a man crazy about the musical group, and just that day, in which you want it to please - this group performs in your city. It should be carefully examined by the poster.

Well, and easier option - just spend together the evening, light the candles, create a cozy and romantic atmosphere, and then watch at home a good movie that he likes. This will undoubtedly make him pleasant, especially if you are beautifully dressed, in a good mood, and you will delight it with your energy, emit positive and healthy joyful emotions.

6. Having to give birth to your beloved child

Well, what is there to say - this heroic act of a woman is not what gives pleasant sensations to a man, but should be reached by heaven! After all, children, this is the most beautiful thing that can only be in our life, and for a man feel that he will have a child from his beloved woman - this is nothing to do with the joy and pleasure.

Of course, such a "present" will require much more effort from you than if you just cook dinner, or make a surprise a man, showing it in the underwear after returning from work - but also the emotions that he will call - will be in a hundred times stronger :) )

Just remember that it is necessary to prepare for such an event much in advance - earlier than 9 months old, it is unlikely that it is unlikely to make a conceived :)

7. Pay attention to yourself

A rather unusual point - after all, an article about how to make a man is pleasant, and I'm talking about what you need to pay attention to myself. Yes, but this is really a very important point. After all, the main reflection and joy for a man is his woman. And if she feels good if she looks great, buys a beautiful clothes, makes good makeup - and sparkles and blasts - then the man will be satisfied and in good spirits.

Many women in pursuit of the advice of men - completely forget about themselves, about the care of their appearance, mood, energy. Believe me if you spend the extra two or three days to "bring yourself in order", to deal with your favorite things, to relax in the end and simply be on the sofa - and then surprise the man with his radiant smile and joy - it will make an excellent impression on it.. Especially if you have rushed as a victim to work and back, in an attempt to earn money, then do something very important in your career and so on.

After all, the best gift for a man is his woman, happy, healthy and in a good mood. Do not forget about it.


Remember, there are thousands of answers to the question - how to make a man nice and please it, and it all depends on your imagination and attention to your beloved man.

In some cases, there will be enough whisper on the ear of a languid voice, a couple of nice words - and a man will bloom, and it will be a week that you almost jump from the joy and energy that you handed down. In other cases, you will have to seriously try.

But in any case - if a man is dear to you, he is a close person for you, whom you really appreciate and love, effort will be accumulated. After all, the more we give in a relationship, the ultimately we get more. Even if we do not think about getting anything. Your efforts will return to you a hundredfold - attention and care of a man, his love and heart attachment to you.

There are only a few secret wordsHaving heard that a man will begin to fall in love.

Open the secret that only the units of women know. Click on the button and see the video to the end.

No matter how boring, but everywhere there are rules, they should be followed. If it comes to the moral side, there is a role there, only education, and to a greater extent, the person himself establishes for itself the framework, norms, borders. There is no single ideal model of actions, but there are things that categorically impossible to break, especially if we are talking about behavior in bed.

Each woman dreams to conquer, be passionate with a lover, know how to like, than surprising, alas, not everyone manage to step up this feature of egoism and follow the call of nature. What is the egoism? - The fact is that the girls are configured more romantic, for them, the main thing is to seduce, the guys are also categorically transferred to various types of conditions, ultimatums, manipulations or desire to receive something in return for intimate relationships, it may be a shame.

Sometimes, you can use a similar method, but you need to know, and do not know, and not turn the next sex in ultimatum or blackmail. Carrying out loving on other days, you will not only reject, ignore the wishes, thereby forget that there are many beautiful girls, among them there are certainly those who experience physical attraction to your chosen one; I do not come up with excuses, but just clearly know what to do, how to drive a lover crazy. Similar nuances of Suman, specify the examples:

  1. It is impossible to behave like a turtle, the lover must please, only then, he will be born to you, will miss, crave new meetings. The more time it goes to persuasion, staining, the dull, the erotic fantasy becomes more boring.
  2. To know little, how to behave with a lovelist, how to surprise, or how to satisfy, in addition, you need active actions! Manage yourself as persistent, elegant, charming, graceful kitty, which confidently follows, achieves its goals. We are talking about behavior, and not outfits, with the birth of the novel, on the contrary - it is not necessary to conduct experiments with bright, causing things, especially if you have not yet gained sufficient self-confidence, we are not accustomed to, they failed to fully liberate in front of the lover. Mimic the orgasm is a bad idea!
  3. Understand that you are not an actress of the Great Theater, you should not play the role of depravant, when in fact, full of embarrassment, it looks extremely funny and ridiculous, behave naturally, give you up to feelings, try to open a partner as much as possible. Replay will deliver discomfort not only to you, but also put a young man in an awkward position.
  4. Believe me, if a man is interested in sexual contact with you, it certainly does not notice some small, minor flaws, defects, imperfections. Forget about all unnecessary, including about the complexes. We ourselves inventing their flaws, suffering from them, calm down, the rest may not even notice asymmetric eyebrows, the impermanent upper lip, the moles near the ear, and someone, this, in general, will seem very cute, entertaining, attractive property. Feel free to bolder and relaxed!
  5. Immediately get rid of excess hairpots, the skin should be smooth, tender.
  6. Speak what you feel, admire, admire, but do not focus on some nonsense, do not invent anything, go around without Chusi by type of dignity, disadvantages; Not time to summarize and analyze, but compliments, caress, gentle words are the most.

Right instructions

Romance - Of course, well, but everything should be moderately, you should not get a long-term, tired conversations, distracted by outsiders, unnecessary things, be angry because the partner behaves hastily, it's great, he is interested. You call him, desire, excitement. As a rule, the ladies are difficult to resist the candles, romantics, but the gentleman goes to such steps only for one thing - to drag into bed.

Not always romantic evenings arrange from enormous love, everything is much easier and primitive, just to be taken away and again did not rush hysterics: you do not like me, I don't like me, you only need one thing! It is always necessary to show your need for a worker, it will definitely appreciate it, in the end, the pleasure get both, if not - have the courage to say goodbye, this is not your "product".

The best option to reach out, find a compromise to please your loved one, show the power of feelings, passion, do everything he loves, meet him, immediately attaching with hot arms, so that it does not look like another favor. Without screams, hysterics, scandals, delaying, claims show yourself in all its glory, as you think, after that, I want to wear you on your hands, listen and worship?

How to avoid failure?

When the relationship is only born, it is quite logical: partners carefully look at each other. Exceptions are subject to:

  • Talk about former mistresses, duration of relationships and similar nonsense, why spoil only your time, place, atmosphere of unnecessary information, past "flights" or disappointment?
  • The stiffness pushes on the thoughts that something is wrong happened. Take yourself in hand, the development of the situation depends only on you.
  • If you failed to hurt the perfect marafet - do not make accent on this, do not try, hide, hide, it will attract even more attention, whatever it is, be confident in our irresistibility, young men love confident young lady.
  • Do not rush out of extremes to extremes, imperative question: worse to be coward or too energetic? Be yourself, fight shyness, but do not make yourself a wild fury.
  • Why not imitate orgasm? - Probably because all the subsequent times, you will have to pay for it with a new and new imitation. Do not deprive yourself of pleasure and enter a misleading partner, because he will think that on the right track, but in fact - far from the truth.


Most men's half of humanity does not like when they begin to command. He must feel herself that he is delighted with him. The main task of the lady is to be feminine, to participate in the process, and not to take on the brazards of management, it should be able to be assertive and obey alternately, not to be afraid of new poses, experiments, pay great attention to the Erogenic selected zones.

A huge mistake is distracted by some details, mentally be in another place, reflect on the talked troubles. Command, criticize, point to misses, disadvantages - the last thing; Of course, if you don't care about how further relations will be folded, we can safely humiliate the sense of pride of your lover, and certainly in a short time, he will find the one that will take it with all perfections and vices.

Do not forget about flight and role-playing games, it will make not only novelty, but also a bright range of impressions, emotions, pleasure. Forget about stereotypes, throw out decency from my head, do what you want. It is important to listen to each other, wondering what a person wants specifically here, and now, seduce, get crazy, invent something new, do not stop on the result achieved.

At the beginning of the family life, his wife tries to indulge their husbands as much as possible. But over time, life kills and tender feelings, and the desire to please their second half. It is not necessary to relax, because marriage is a permanent job that requires the maximum forces and returns. Therefore, tips will be useful to many women


First of all, wives should understand the same rule: a man will want to go to the house where he is waiting for and happy to meet, whether from work, from the market or from the shop on the contrary. Therefore, no matter how bad to a woman, always at the meeting you need to give a man to understand that he is long-awaited that without him the life is not interesting and maybe even empty. And if the wife has a bad mood, you can tell a little later about it, but you need to meet a loved one with a smile.



It is pleasant to surprise her husband who can unusual dinner, cooked by his wife's hands. No need to be lazy and every day serve buckwheat with a cutlet. Anyway, time is spent on cooking, but monotony even in eating everybody getting tired quickly. You can try to search simple, but an unusual recipe for cooking a dish. And if it is very lazy, today in supermarkets there is a huge number of blanks for dishes and baking, which also do not use sin.


All women probably know that men love their eyes. That is, they just like it when the lady is well-groomed, dressed beautifully and painted. But when such a woman goes down the street with him under the hand, it is generally the top of bliss. Have a diamond - important for representatives of a strong floor, so if you want to know how to make my husband is pleasant, you just need to follow yourself and always be at an altitude, turning out the views of foreign sneakers.

Common interests

In order to deliver a husband, you can try to ask what he likes to do in his free time. Try to go fishing with him, go to football. And if you don't like all these things, you can at least talk to your husband's favorite topics, it will be nice to anyone.


Wanting to know how to make her husband is pleasant, it is worth paying attention to both the field of family life as an intimate relationship. Most of the representatives of the strong sex will be pleased if the woman does not be afraid to experiment in sex, many will like role-playing games. But the best way out in such a situation will be a simple conversation with your husband, from which you can find out what your loved one wants to bed. And then, at some unexpected moment, just to fulfill the desired one.


When going to make your beloved pleasant, it is worth trying to figure out what a gift to make a husband to please it. An excellent exit from the situation will be the purchase of a long expected thing. It will also be appropriate to present gifts that belong to the hobbies of their beloved. We will delight it and tickets, for example, to karting, paintball, certificate for a parachute jump.

First, do not be too intrusive! If the whole day runs before the spouse in one laundry and constantly ask if it goes to you, then when you take it underwear, it will most likely sigh relieved that it is no longer required to evaluate. Well, if seriously, the woman who itself offers herself, causes much less desire than an inaccessible modest. By the way, obsession here is implied not only in an intimate plan. If you call him several times an hour, it is most likely to be regarded not as anxiety, but as control.

Secondly, do not speak with my husband that you lack passion, right. If in the forehead to declare a spouse that, they say, I miss sex, let's go to bed soon, it will make him feel awkward, and maybe guilt. Translucent hints are another matter. Give your husband to understand that you are experiencing sincere pleasure from his attention.

This is my advice - which I checked.

How to bring a guy crazy in bed is a very common and favorite topic of magazines, brochures and books. There you can read a huge number of tips and recommendations. But very often they are so ridiculous that acting according to them, you are guaranteed to fall into the curiosity situation. In fact, there are no universal guidebooks or guides for women who wished to drive crazy in bed of their beloved. To make a husband or guy who did not sit for a long time at work, and looking forward to home, just to adhere to some tips.

Tip 1. In order for sex with your beloved is still brighter, practice the exercises of Kegel, which not only strengthens the muscles of the vagina, but will deliver a man during sex an unforgettable feeling. This is one of the most effective ways how to bring a man crazy in bed.

Tip 2. Going to visit with your beloved man, do not dress underwear. Of course, it should be done only in a warm course of the year so that such a prank is not turned into health problems. Visiting, when everyone enthusiastically talk, it is easy to whisper into him that there are no panties on you. Believe me, he will no longer think about anything else, and will look forward to the moment of privacy. It is often not necessary to apply this advice, as it plays mainly the effect of surprise. And if your favorite tight with fantasy, then apply this advice is not worth it at all, since the first thought that can come to the head to this news - that you are just sclerotic.

Tip 3. Each man adores oral sex. With it, it will not be difficult for you to drive a guy in bed. You can diversify oral affairs with a piece of ice or warm tea. Do not overdo it, as you can frozen or burn a "friend." From ordinary oral sex will not be refused by any representative of the strong sex. If you are not a supporter of this kind of caress, it is not worth trying, since oral sex should bring pleasure not only a man, but also a partner. Even more men dream of anal sex, because this is the most prohibited zone. With the proper preparation and use of special lubricants, this type of sex will be pleasant not only for a man, but also you.

Tip 4. Ask your beloved, what caress he likes. It is possible, its tender bitterness or erotic massage, moans during sex or the word of love. Many men like short skirts and erotic lingerie. Do not be afraid to experiment, make a novelty and variety to your sex life. Do not forget that everything should be sincerely and with the desire to delight not only a partner, but also for yourself. Make romantic dinners to your beloved, tell the words of love, because men are not less than women like to listen to praise!

bill to the touch should be gentle and alkali. What she is lycussic and gentle that is the stronger your partner is excited.

Why do we change? - B. Because after a certain time we become killing, demanding, tedious, boring and ordinary ladies.

and this is our partners in life scares, repels.

in order that they do not pay special attention to your character, temper and sufficiency and for this and need to bury their mind into bed.

you have to die: in a guest. in the kitchen, and in bed, a whore (no matter how rough it sounds)

how to make a man

1 sample

If a few centuries ago, fragility was considered the main female feature, then today's fair sex representatives are very difficult to call weak. We ourselves drive cars, yachts and aircraft, earn money by taking guidance positions, play football and gambling. But with all this, almost every of us in secret dreams to meet a strong and courageous knight, who will fencing us from all life problems, give flowers and in general - to love before infection. Therefore, as many years ago, the question remains on the agenda "How to bring a man with diminishing for him the only and unique?"a and become for him.

"It is believed that a woman can be conquered, simply when sheltering a couple of compliments. And how are things with representatives of a strong floor? Does anyone know a couple of cherished phrases, after which your prince will be ready to escape with you on the edge of the world? "
Top 5 phrases that reduce men crazy:
"I've never had so good.". Moreover, it is possible to pronounce this phrase not only after rapid sex, but simply after the perfectly spent evening in a cafe or walk in the park.
"You are the most amazing person of everyone who I had to meet." After that, try to confirm your words with some specific examples so that your interlocutor does not think that you flatter him.
"With you, I am ready for any madness!". It should be meaningfully to look at his chosen one and mysteriously smile. However, it is worth saying only with the condition if you really trust a person and do not mind to get a closer acquaintance with him.
"Maybe get to me for a cup of coffee?". Banally, but in the rating of ways to reduce a man crazy this phrase is still leading. However, it acts only if there will be something else in your cultural and entertainment program.
"I love you". Classics of the genre. It is able to drive crazy if you are both tuned to a serious relationship, in any other case, such a manifestation of feelings can scare away.
But these all these options are definitely good as a response to the question: "How to drive a lover crazy?"But how to be if with this person you are together not the first year and you know everything about each other, and even more. What to surprise in this case?
"We have been married for eight years. Recently, I began to notice that our relationship with her husband became more cool - the tenderness disappeared, passion, everything became some things. But at the same time, everyone I know that we love each other. How to bring my husband crazy again and refresh our feelings? "
In fact, even after many years of living together, we have something to surprise your half, just for this you need to have a desire to go beyond the usual way of life and want to make something unusual. Here is a couple of ways that, according to many women, are very effective in such cases.
Get it crazy in bed ... Get a set of incredibly bold and erotic underwear, prepare something delicious for dinner, buy a disk with an interesting film, call your husband to work and ... invite it to date.
Pay more time to each other. Go together to the cinema or in a nightclub, take on the work of the day off and arrange a romantic walk in the nearest park or rink.
The main thing is to always remember that the relationship is daily painstaking work, so they can hardly change for the better simply by making the magic wand. That is why instead of buying spirits that reduce men crazy or aphrodisiacs, it is better to share the time to search for common topics for conversations and new joint hobbies, and instead of reading books a la "How to bring a man crazy?" Try to diversify your family leisure.
After all, in response to the question: "What women are more crazy?" Most male interlocutors without hesitation answer: "The one with which it is interesting to chat and mischievously in bed." Conclusion: By matching this simple requirements, you can be a lifelong and unacceptable goddess for your man.

2- examples - how to start it

Reading love novels or watching movies, we are amazing how this main character managed to make a man just a pair of phrases or gestures? And of course, we immediately rush to look for information about how it is possible to start a man in bed and about what words and phrases are attending representatives of a strong sex, completely forgetting that there is no clear algorithm here, and can not - you remember, What is individual person? Someone is getting kissing in the neck, and someone likes a gentle whisper on the ear on how you would like to climb him into bed immediately. Therefore, you can only understand some common moments that most of all makes men in women, and to deal with how to make a man in bed will have to be independently and with a concrete man.
How to get a man?
Let's figure it out that she caresses a male look and rumor, which makes women desirable.

  1. Clothing that does not hide the attractive bends of the female body. Namely, things are tosing your shape in the right places: Pope, chest and hips. Also attract a male look long cuts on the long skirt, and if in the context there will be periodically to show an elastic band from stocking, then the delights are provided. And there are still very attractive blouses with an unbuttoned button, which threatens to swollen and discover a wonderful view of the hollow.
  2. Men love to dream, and therefore they like to look at the woman when she is semi-blank when it is possible to draw closed parts of the body.
  3. And of course laundry plays a big role and its color. The underwear should be feminine, delightful, lace, and not unknown something semi-self-type, which does not cause any desire. As for the color of the linen, then the first place in appeal is taken by red (raspberry) and black. And the least sexual underwear is blue.
  4. With clothes, it seems to have figured out, we now turn to behavior. All women want to know the words that are breeding men, but the unconditional stimulator does not exist suitable for all men. Therefore, only by samples and errors can find out what words it turns out to start your man. True, it is worth remembering that most of them love clarity, and therefore translucent hints may not give the right effect. But often "stop-crane" breaks from more than frank confessions. Experiment and find the desired tone.
  5. When you have sex, you need to show a man that you also like it, that everything that he does is not in vain. For the lack of reaction on your part (and response and voice accompaniment) can repeat any hunt to repeat exercise. In the end, not only you want to feel sexual and welcome.
  6. Many women are thinking about how to make a man kiss. Everything is simple, you need to find a point in your man in which kisses are most pleasant. Although some express the opinion that the best kiss is blowjob, but this is not the only way to make a man nice. Many gloss from kisses and even light pieces of neck, almost everyone likes touching the stomach between the navel and the genital bodies. Ears, nipples, the inner surface of the hips, fingers - any of these places may have an erogenous man from your man, you can only explore everything with the help of the language and lips.
  7. To make a man sometimes enough to ask your favorite sexual fantasies. If you are able to talk about it, then he will move from the stories with pleasure to action.
  8. As for the situation, we often try to create an intimate twilight, considering it incredibly erotic. For us it may, it is, but almost all men are not necessary for all men, on the contrary, the bright light in the room is preferable to the semirah. Because nothing can excite stronger than contemplating the naked beloved woman.

3 example- how to call your beloved

Sometimes you have to think about how you can call your favorite guy, because I want to call it gently and affectionately, and so that he was nice. In fact, the heroes of American melodmas are not likened, who are not accepted by each other, as "dear, dear", as if the words of others do not know. And other banalities, such as the "bunny" and "Cattle" do not want. So what to do, how can you call your beloved, so that the guy liked it?

"Call me quietly named ..."
Psychologists, giving lessons to proper communication, argue that there is nothing more pleasant for a person than the sound of his own behalf. So why should your favorite be an exception? After all, you can call as much gentle variations on behalf of the guy, will be cute and not so slow, like, for example, "Sweet Pupsik". And some, especially pragmatic individuals will not respond at all to your attempts to compare them with representatives of the animal world and other nicknames, they do not recognize any other appeals at all, except their own behalf. Such a guy on the appeal "Cote" is most likely, or the grimace is dissatisfied with or in general asked: "Do you forget my name?" - Not the most desirable reaction really? So if your guy belongs to such a category of people, you will have to confirm the fantasy and call your beloved, as he likes, namely gentle derived from his behalf.
Call me "gun"!
You do not know what words can be gently called the guy, considering that by name to it everyone can contact him, but do you want something more personal? And who said that it is impossible to find out from the very object of gentle feelings? Let it reveal the secret, what gentle nicknames it will be most nice to hear from your mouth. The main thing to find out this is not a question from the threshold, "in the forehead", but correctly, waiting for a suitable situation. And then the guy can respond inadequately if you sorrify it with a question "Well, how do I call you?", Instead of the usual kisses and words "Hi!".
Well, what should I do, if you scored a courage to find out from your loved one, what does he like, or the moment that appropriate did not turn up? Then try to follow the principle of "contact with others as you want to contact you." Try to dream on the topic of affectionate naming yourself your beloved, what appeal would be the most pleasant for you. Defined? Well, now it remains only to correctly change the end, and see what happened. If you like the result, put experience on your beloved, calling it so looking at the reaction. He liked this? Then no problems. And if the guy is not delighted, apologize and continue to experiment. In the end, it will definitely find a word that suits both, well, or a loved one will not withstand such izhematics over himself and he will say, what kind of gentle words likes most of all. The main thing, going into the world of dreams, do not invent words that may be regarded as rudeness or mockery - it does not like anyone.

Banal but but how nice
Some girls who are fond of thought above the question of how beautiful to name a guy, forget about himself or invent completely unimaginable nicknames. Think, and is it important in this case originality? After all, in fact, nothing new in this world, everything has already ever been to someone, so is it worth spending time on the inventing of an indous word, instead of just enjoying each other's society? And the necessary words will come in response to feelings, by themselves. And let them be old, as the world, let them also turn to each other billions of lovers, but these words will go from the heart, they will be sincere, and this is the most important thing.

4-example-how to make it happy

And why? .. incomprehensible question? The question is as a question. What exactly do you want to make your man happy? Sit and think. Girl, stop flaming with your "Oh, how can I make a happy boyfriend?!" Sit down and think about the same question. Better - silently, since you are a lot here. Won wives dream to make their happy husbands. Interestingly, they consider themselves happy? Or have no one yet said that the main secret of all happy husbands is a happy wife? But more on that later.

Well, now, when everyone is neatly rushed, let's grow out on the topic, which makes the happy every man. Good sex. In the first, last, and in the penultimate queue - no matter how cool. A woman who managed to make a man is sexy happy can tie him to himself for long-to-many years. Does this mean that he is sure to marry her? Not.
For those whom the question of marriage does not care, go to the next question - how to make a man happy in bed? Do not be shy. No, not even so. Do not get together. Frequently and relaxed to respond at the desire of your partner. Pay attention to the fact that I used the word "relaxed", and not "loosely", as it is important. In both cases, you will make a man happy, but in the first you will save His respect, and in the second - maybe not.
In bed, everything is allowed - provided that you both want it. The bed is the only place where a woman can and should obey the whims of a man - if these whims do not humiliate it and do not cause her pain. Dear wives! First of all it applies to you. Like this?! That's how. Want to make your husband happy in your married bedroom - reread the last two phrases. Or do you think that men secretly run to their mistresses due to the fact that those cakes in Kiev juicy?
Why do I write all this? Because I am very suspected of what your question "How to make a man happy?" (or "How to make a happy guy?") In fact, somewhere very deeply, the question hurt "How can I keep it near myself?" Or am I wrong? Here you see ...
I specifically started from the question of sex, because without rich sexual relations to make a man completely happy - alas! - Not sure it's going to happen. True, there is this oddity. The wife almost always can keep her husband with good sex. However, even an incredibly sophisticated mistress in sex is unlikely to force a man to leave the family. Why?
Because not only sex makes a man happy. For happiness, you want to have many other little things. What? Deliciously covered table? Yes, it goes without saying. No one thought to forget the famous "Path to the heart of a man ..." Shed home? It is truth too. Washed and well-headed things? Necessarily. Calm? Yes, because on the scream to make your relationship with happy, definitely, it will not work: almost no man can withstand scandals. And it's all?
Then read this: "Men love them to be worn. After all, the soldiers sometimes - the best proof of love ... "Balzac was amazingly knew the soul of a woman. But it was not worse than he studied the soul of men. A woman who is capricious with the mind, as if by the way, can make a man much happier than that that obediently and probably follows him shadow. And how sad that in his desire to make her beloved happy, the woman so often fear to think about those tiny trifles that make it happy.

Indulge yourself. Listen to what your heart asks you. Yes, a girl or a woman who is self-denial, as a kind missionary, trying to make a happy boyfriend or a man, can give rise to a sense of gratitude to himself. But is this thanks, at the same time, and happiness? I doubt.
At the very beginning, I have already mentioned where it is necessary to look for a magic key to the secrets of all happy husbands. If you forget - I repeat again: men adore those women who love themselves. Therefore, think, first of all, about how to make a happy yourself - good. And a man? A happy man will make it in itself - even if you didn't think about it at all.

5-example - what women are doing with men

The truth of one sage that the woman's neck, and the husband head, in the modern world gained such an obviousness that few people are taken to argue with her. However, not everyone knows the details of the subtleties in the relationship between such different representatives of the two floors. What should be able to do a real woman who wants to find a strong half of humanity from their feet? Reply to this question and at the same time find invaluable experience you can with us.

Women in relations with men
"You are a woman and you are right," said one great one. And indeed, to understand what is happening in the heads of the beautiful half, the power of the strengths of this world is trying many centuries. And women between those have long come up with many ways to learn how to manipulate men. And I must say, most of it works fine. The fact that men are doing for women have long time to write love novels and entire adventure stories. But think that all women are causary and use their second halves for personal purposes only, it would be wrong. The thing is that men and women have differences not only in the gender, but in all means for psyche and behavior. And there are situations in which without female tricks just can not do. Any spouse is for a man not only the mother of his children and the custodian of the hearth, but also supporting, support, the perfect advice and the best friend. That is why it is believed that the woman makes a man strong. She is his second mother, takes it with all the shortcomings, directs his thoughts and actions in the right direction. But how it happens, deserves a separate conversation. So let's figure out how and with what a woman affects a man.
Manipulation of a man
What should a real woman do to achieve their own and to direct the thoughts and actions of a man in the right direction? Receptions that strong half of humanity willingly pecks, there is plenty. But we will analyze only the most effective ways to correctly manipulate a man.

  1. Sleepy, weak and helpless. Such a role to any man will have to taste. For the fact that he was considered the strongest, first, male and so on, he will turn the mountain and get the stars from the sky. True, there is one nuance - it will only make a really strong man. And weak, having heard that he is a real man and alpha male, generally ceases to do anything.
  2. Lest or compliments.Contrary to the problem that women love ears, it turns out that the strong floor is not completely against hearing the flattering words in their address. Thanks to the pair of affectionate words, almost any man "melts" and will be ready for everything, as they ask for everything.
  3. Jealousy. Another excellent way for which many women enjoy is a flirt with other representatives of the male population. The feeling that his favorite spends time with someone else can cause rabies in a man, and he will begin to prove that he is better, stronger, more tender and more attentive.
  4. The keeper of the hearth.In order to finally bind to the man, the wives often resort to such manipulations as a daily statement that a man would have long been mired without it, died from hunger and was unemployed. Not always such a way acts, but in most cases a man really begins to believe that without woman he would have achieved anything and drowned in dirt and poverty.
  5. Scandal. One of the most frequent ways to achieve its goal is a scene with tears and hysteries, which none of men normally transfers. And in order to stop it rather, they are ready for anything.

There are such a quantity of female manipulation for today that it is time to create a whole encyclopedia, dedicated to the fact that women do with men. The insightful and intelligent representatives of the strong floor know most of these techniques and prefer to immediately make compromises in order to avoid unnecessary nervousness. However, and truly wise women are not so often resorted to their techniques. After all, to achieve your own, do not necessarily arrange scandals, hysterics, depict victim or trembling lan. So that the man is sensitive and attentive, it is quite enough to maintain him, be moderately independent and tender, and of course let him understand that he is the best and loved one.

6-right-how to do so he missed

If the guy misses you, then this is one of his love. Only here how to know whether the guy misses, and if there is no way, how to make you miss your loved one? Need mysterious magical rites or need to just change their behavior a little?
How to make the guy missed? Magic will help!
Wanting something to change in your life, we begin to search for ways to achieve the goal and very often pay your eyes towards magic, considering it the least costly way. But this is not quite so - any magical effect requires voltage of will, as well as concentrations during the entire process. So if you burn a candle, wanting to wander the guy, and think about the dumplings lying in the freezer, then the maximum that can be obtained from such actions is a desire to eat. Therefore, before starting the action, it is necessary to clearly imagine the image of what should happen as a result of the ritual. Moreover, it is necessary to submit a future time, and the present, as if the desire was already fulfilled. In addition, to create love magic follows in the growing moon, and its intention to carry out the ritual to keep in secret from all.
So how to make a favorite guy miss? You need to take any thing that has visited him. On this thing 9 times you need to read a plot: "I spell you (the name of your loved one), your thing with me, your thoughts about me. Pulling to me, let me be bored for me, you will get joy only when you are with me. " The conspiracy thing needs to be hidden at home so that she does not come across anyone to his eyes. After the ritual is held, you need to stop thinking about the execution of desire, considering that everything has already happened. Well, in order for the guy to get bored, you need to see for several days with him.
How to make a guy miss: psychology
If you feel wary to all magic "pieces", then you should turn to psychology. She also knows how to make the guy bored.
Do everyone remember the dogs of Pavlov with their conditional instincts? Similar and with people can be done. If a person enjoys, he is all forces to strive to repeat the actions that lead to such a result. It seems that everything is clear, the guy is fine with you, without you he misses you. Therefore, it runs up with all my feet to become good again. True, there is one problem - you are not the only woman on earth, and therefore it is "good" a man can get from any other. So what to do that the guy missed you? It is necessary that all the pleasant moments of your relationship are imprinted in his memory, so that the process of obtaining pleasure is associated with you. NLP for this purpose advises to buy a favorite "anchors" - to create a connection between a pleasant moment and your person. Such as an aroma that you are fragrant into your first date, the song that played the most romantic moments for your couple, the words that you whisper to him in the ear during orgasm, etc.
How it works? For example, he hears music, recalls that under this melody you passionately kissing, and then he heard periodickly, in general, this music in his thoughts is associated exclusively with you. Memories go further, he understands how he was perfectly then with you and how not very good now. In short, the guy begins to miss you.
Many girls try such a way to cause a lovely toasting guy how to ignore his calls, avoiding some time meetings with him. The way is really good, but only if the guy's girl has already managed to "hook". And here you need to be afraid to move - if the girl will not give a long time of signs of interest, then the guy for her "hunt" will stop - unpromising projects are not needed by anyone.
How to understand that the guy misses?
Understand that the guy misses you is quite simple. He constantly shows his desire to be all the time next. For example, it often calls, reports reports, and at the meeting constantly looks into the eyes, trying to touch as often as possible. And also seeks to spend free all free time together, says that he cannot wait for the next meeting.

7-example support for difficult minute

Life does not consist of one holidays, trouble happens to everyone, and so important in a difficult moment to hear the kind words of support from loved ones. And no matter how much they say that "men do not cry", they also periodically require our support.

How to support your beloved man?

  1. Often a woman, noting a change in the mood of her husband, does not think about how to support him. And the point is not in the ladies of insensitivity, just many of us immediately begin to suspect a husband in treason, losing sight of the moment that there may be a mass of other reasons for its strange behavior. Therefore, it is necessary not to arrange scandals and make complaints based on suspicions, but to gently and unobtrusively find out what actually happened.
  2. When all at home is good, it is much easier to cope with life troubles. Therefore, in a difficult minute, a man will never help home comfort. Do not be lazy to pamper his favorite food, offer to take a relaxing bath with aromatic oils and make a massage. You can also offer him a walk for your favorite places or make a gift that he has long wanted. So a man will understand that you care about him and whatever happens, you are near. Support for business more often comes to male consciousness better than words.
  3. Show ingenuity in solving the problem. Your husband may not see the exit from the situation that you will see. Therefore, ask for everything to tell and think how to fix the situation, perhaps it is your wise advice will help her husband to overcome difficulties.

Words support to your favorite man in a difficult moment
One desire to help a man, little, you need even true words to support your beloved pick up. Because a careless word, even if spoken of the best motives, you can make the opposite effect.

  1. Men do not like when the ladies climb with their advice when no one asks them. The same applies to sympathy. The man will most likely perceive it as not as complicity, but as pity (that is, he is pity in your eyes). And this will hit the male pride and pride. Thus, you not only do not support your man, but will cause aggression in it. Therefore, in a difficult moment, saying "my poor, unfortunate" is not worth any course. It is better to tell me what you believe in it, you know that he can handle everything, because he is so smart, talented, resourceful, in general the most. Do not insist on a detailed and thorough story of his problems, I asked unobtrusively, and enough. When he wants - tell himself.
  2. Favorite female habit - criticize a man, give him "priceless" advice at the moment when he does not ask for it. Men tend to consider that they are able to solve everything on their own, they vitally need to be the best. And when you give an impaired advice, you thereby express doubts about male independence. Nothing amazing that such behavior is so angry with men. And if he also has trouble, then with its inappropriate comments you definitely provoke a scandal. If it seems to you that a man behaves incorrectly, better to tell him about it ("I would like it to be so and so"). And the advice will give when you ask you about it.
  3. There are such words support that in a difficult moment will comfort all the man. This is the phrase "you are not guilty." Men accustomed to keep controlling absolutely everything in their lives, for all what is happening they feel responsible. Therefore, they are characteristic of all troubles to blame themselves. But how many situations that we call the coincidence? In such situations, everything is usually to blame, and all right. It is important to explain to your man, say that there is no guilt in what happened. It will help him stop self-confidence and start solving the problem.

8-example, I want to become a bitch

"I want to become a bitch!" - Here he is, the irrepressible cry of the soul of the desperate girl. Why desperate? Yes, because the bitch wants to be not from "good life." Let's truth in the eyes - a resentment for men, the role of the "second plan", both in the team and in any other company, weakly accuracy, from which it is so difficult to get rid of - all this is tired! We approached a certain feature, we at the limit, I don't want to live, I want to "differently", you want to become another - I want to become a bitch! And if you want, you can try ...

There are no boundaries for perfection
Men like bitchs, such amazon women, bold, temperamental and passionate. Yes, men like the bitch, but not hysterical, "sawing" man and thus sorry, castrating it in moral terms.
About how to become a bitch in various books is a reasonable number of tips. Some tips are distinguished by their disapplication of female nature, feminine psychology and a clear feminism is traced in them. The bitch does not follow such an ideology, it is above it. It is impossible to cut men, thereby we devalue our femininity.

If a person has a consumer attitude to his second half, even the strongest feelings will begin to fade. The ability to give emotions and make a pleasant - here is the key to strong and harmonious relationships.

But how to learn to make it nice to your beloved if men and women "speak different languages"? For this, a girl should not mindlessly project personal desires for a partner, but to understand male psychology.

On the psychology "Strong Paul": what do they like most of the girls

And what young ladies usually use the opposite sex? Of course, it is definitely impossible to answer, because every man has a unique taste and his perception of the beautiful. But there are female features that are attracted regardless of the fashion and trends of time.

Strengthening relationships allow simple, but regular actions towards a partner. It is important to realize that when you give positive energy to the satellite of life, this energy returns in a triple size.

How to prevent errors

The main mistake of women in an attempt to please beloved - perseverance. Everything must be in moderation, even surprises and recognition in delicate feelings. If you care about your beloved, like a child, or 30 times a day call to remind you how you miss, it will make the opposite effect.

Another error is ignoring the partner temperament. If your man is calm enough in the manifestation of feelings, then "calf tenderness" will not get to his taste.

Perhaps the young man does not like gifts or does not need them, but at the same time will be glad to jointly spend leisure at the amusement park. Take into account the features and tastes of your loved one.