How to make your hair supple and shiny. Effective hair mask with cognac

Every woman would like to have beautiful, strong and healthy hair. Unfortunately, however, hair is very easy to damage and ruin. Hair health, for example, is significantly negatively influenced by factors such as climate, temperature and frequent use of various devices - hair dryer, tongs ...

With the abuse of these devices and lack of care, the hair becomes dry, faded, brittle, with split ends and even begins to fall out.

Therefore, today we will tell you how give shine to hair... And for this you need the simplest natural products that you probably have in your kitchen.

7 natural remedies to add shine to your hair

Of course, you can easily buy shampoos, mousses, foams, masks and conditioners. Many of them will indeed have an immediate effect, however the best products are always the most expensive.

Not everyone is ready to spend thousands of rubles on imported vehicles or going to the salon. Therefore, in our article we will tell you about natural and budget alternatives, which effectively moisturize and help give shine to hair.

1. Beer

This product will help restore the beauty and shine of dull hair.

It's very simple to use:

  • Pour beer into a container and let it dry for a few hours.
  • After that, apply beer to your previously washed hair.
  • After 20 minutes, apply your regular conditioner and then rinse your hair with cool water.

2. Apple cider vinegar

This simple but very effective remedy is great for helping you to get rid of the effects of paint or other chemical abuse. Vinegar will restore damaged and dull hair health, strength and shine.

  • Mix water and in the proportion 50/50 and stir well.
  • Use as a hair rinse after your main shampoo.
  • Apply this product to your hair, leave it on for 2-3 minutes, then wash off with warm water.

3. Bee honey

Perhaps you have already heard that bee honey has many beneficial effects on our body. Therefore, it is actively used both in folk medicine and as a beauty product.

After all, honey helps to heal our body, improve the skin, and also has a beneficial effect on damaged hair. Components that make up honey help to add shine and softness to hair. You will see - the result will not be long in coming!

To prepare a honey-based treatment mask, you only need honey and water:

  • Mix 3 tablespoons of honey with a little warm water.
  • Stir well until smooth and massage gently onto hair and scalp.
  • After 20 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water. To achieve quick results, repeat this procedure regularly once a week. Hair will thank you!

4. Lemon juice

9. Fruit

Some fruits, such as banana and mango, contain special ingredients that are ideal for treating damaged hair.

This is why banana and mango products are so popular. as a natural conditioner which not only restores the hair's lost shine and vitality, but also acts as an emollient and helps to make hard, damaged, hard-to-comb hair soft and silky.

How to prepare such a hair mask?

  • Combine the mango and banana pulp in a blender and add a little almond oil and one teaspoon of honey to the resulting mixture. Mix everything thoroughly again.
  • Pour the mass from a blender into a cup or other container, apply a mask on clean, damp hair and leave on for 5-10 minutes.
  • After this time, wash off the mask with warm water.


So, we introduced you to the most popular and effective hair conditioners based on natural ingredients.

If your hair has lost its natural shine and vitality, do not rush to the salon or buy expensive imported products. First, try to solve the problem simple, inexpensive, and most importantly - natural ways.

We hope that our tips will be useful to you and very soon you will become the happy owner of luxurious, full of life and shine hair that arouses envy in women and admiring glances from men!

Beer, castor oil and rainwater are famous folk remedies for beautiful and healthy hair.

Beautiful, amber in color, with a thick white foam, in summer - cold, straight from the refrigerator. What are we talking about? Of course about beer. Everyone knows the health benefits of Golden Drink, but not everyone knows about its benefits for strengthening hair.

Beer is rich in vitamins and minerals, it is good for oily hair, for weak, damaged and thin hair. In addition, this intoxicating drink will help you style your hair.

Beer styling lotion

Wash your hair, dampen your hair with a 1: 1 mixture of beer and water. Then, style your hair as usual.

Beer mask for brittle, inelastic hair

Mix the egg yolk with 1/3 cup of beer. Apply the mask to the entire length of your hair, wrap it with a towel and let it soak for about 20 minutes. Then wash your hair with shampoo.

Mask to restore shine and healthy looking hair

Combine 3 tablespoons of light beer, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 2 yolks, and 2 tablespoons of whipped cream. You can slightly heat the ingredients before applying the mask. Apply the mask to your hair for 20 minutes, you can use a shower cap and wrap your head in a towel. Then rinse your hair thoroughly.

Regenerating beer rinse

The rinse gives hair shine, refreshes and leaves curls soft.

Mix 1 glass of water and 3 glasses of beer, then rinse your hair with this liquid after washing.

Note: The beer must be opened for about 30 minutes before use so that the gas is released. To avoid the beer smell, do the procedures in the evening, in the morning there will be no trace of the smell.

Beer mask to strengthen hair

An excellent remedy, Catherine Zeta-Jones's recipe for the growth of beautiful and healthy hair.

WITH preparation method: add two tablespoons of honey to half a glass of beer (125 ml).Apply the mixture to your hair, wrap with a towel and rinse after 10 minutes.

The effect of the mask is wonderful! Honeyand beer nourishes, strengthens, soothes and restores hair roots, prevents hair loss, relieves irritation and cleanses the scalp.In addition, the products regulate the work of the sebaceous glands and, therefore, the hair is much less oily.

Firming egg shampoo

To prepare the shampoo, combine two egg yolks, one white, a teaspoon of honey and the juice of one lemon.If your hair is very dry, you can add a tablespoon of vegetable oil. ANDUse as normal shampoo - apply on head, massage into hair and rinse thoroughly.Experts recommend eggs mainly for fine hair.


A light, nutty-scented remedy is the best medicine for depleted hair. It is no coincidence that it is called liquid wax: amino acids and fats envelop the hair in a thin layer and strengthen it. The oil is quickly absorbed, does not clog pores, removes stickiness and dullness of hair, gives it a beautiful shade and makes it elastic.


It has a beneficial effect on hair along its entire length, nourishes and moisturizes, therefore it is ideal for healing damaged dry hair. The almond complex normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous glands, fights dandruff, and eliminates itching.


The high concentration of saturated polysaccharides and organic acids, vitamins and minerals makes hair shiny, soft and healthy looking. From sea buckthorn oil hair grows, bulbs are strengthened. In case of loss and seborrhea, the product is rubbed into the roots. May cause allergies, burning sensation.


Obtained from the seeds of the "iron" tree. This is perhaps the most expensive herbal product from Morocco. The oil is rich in omega acids and vitamin E, which provide effective care for problem hair. It reanimates their structure, prevents hair loss, moisturizes and makes them elastic. They are treated with seborrhea and dandruff.


Fatty acids and antioxidants act in a complex way: they nourish and strengthen the hair follicles, make the hair soft, shiny and elastic. For curly hair, linseed oil gels are especially helpful. Combines with other ingredients and can be used with shampoo and balm.


The saturated fatty polyacids of the oil are essential for damaged and thinned hair. Apply full length or split ends, but do not rub into roots and scalp to avoid clogging pores. Coconut remedy perfectly removes dandruff, refreshes hair. Suitable for everyone, but it should be used with masks or balms.


Has a viscous consistency, enhances hair growth, strengthens them, eliminates dryness and damage at the ends, moisturizes and adds shine. The treatment course of masks guarantees the restoration of damaged hair after aggressive dyeing and perm. The product is often used to care for eyelashes and eyebrows.


The product is extracted from peach seeds, which are rich in fatty acids and useful microelements. It works great when applied to brittle and dry hair, and can quickly restore strength and elasticity to it. Peach oil nourishes and moisturizes, relieves scalp irritation. Only dry hair can be treated with heated oil in its pure form, in other cases it is better to dilute it.


A high percentage of antioxidants have made this oil a universal remedy for all hair. It is easily absorbed, damaged hair after its application regains its beauty, elasticity and strength. When rubbed into the scalp, the product removes excessive oiliness and itching. It is used in pure form and in mixtures.


Wheat sprouts are rich in protein, copper, zinc, sulfur, thanks to which the hair becomes strong. Using oil, you can cope with dandruff, fragility, hair loss. The natural remedy contains many vitamins that help the hair to remain beautiful, healthy and elastic. It can be combined with jojoba oil to treat seborrhea.

Avocado oil
The unique composition of vitamins and minerals makes the oil similar to human lipid subcutaneous tissue. Penetrating easily into damaged hair, it restores its structure, activates growth, nourishes and moisturizes, eliminates fragility and dandruff. With it, the hair becomes energetic and acquires a natural shine.


Due to the high concentration of mineral paraffins, the product literally envelops the hair in a dense layer. To wash it off, you have to apply shampoo several times. But the effect is obvious: the hair is healthy, elastic, shiny, thick and strong. The extract obtained from Indian amla is greenish in color and can dye blonde hair. The oil dries oily hair, protects against baldness and dandruff, and gives liveliness and shine to dry hair.


The extract is obtained from the sebaceous tree, which contains a lot of saturated fatty acids. The solid oil has to be heated in order to apply to the hair along its entire length. Without making them heavy or salting, it nourishes them, strengthens them, makes them hardy. With its help, you can get rid of excessive dryness and brittleness, stop the process of loss. The oil is combined with other ingredients.


Tropical tree nuts are rich in palmitic acid, a powerful antioxidant. Being absorbed, the oil cleanses the hair well, nourishes it, and makes it alive. The cutting ends bounce back very quickly. With frequent use, the hair begins to shine, becomes light and fluffy, acquires a beautiful golden hue.


Obtained from apricot kernels, where there are many different acids and vitamins. By absorbing into the hair, the oil removes dryness and provides protection. It gives the hair a splendor, returns shine and elasticity to the hair. Effective for all types: greasy hair is enough to lubricate at the ends, on dry hair should be applied from the roots along the entire length.


A piece of frozen fat is rubbed into the hair roots, activating the growth of the bulbs. Thin, brittle and weakened curls gain firmness. Unruly curls are smoothed and softened with this product. Cocoa butter is used for hair loss, to give it shine and a beautiful shade.


The colorless liquid with a characteristic odor contains many oxygenated organic compounds. The essential agent quickly penetrates the hair structure, nourishes and moisturizes, gives elasticity, tightens the pores on the scalp and balances the sebaceous glands. There are contraindications: skin wounds and an allergy to camphor.


Astringent with a tart odor, rich in omega acids and zinc, prevents hair loss and breakage, promotes rapid hair growth, nourishes and cleanses. The drug perfectly relieves inflammation on the scalp, is extremely effective for excessive grease and dandruff. To obtain a lighter consistency, it must be mixed with other oils.


Sesame (sesame) oil contains glycerides, fatty acids, and a lot of calcium. When applied to the scalp, the viscous liquid quickly tightens wounds, removes excessive oiliness, restores elasticity and shine to dry and weak hair. It is often used to protect hair when swimming in the sea under the bright sun.


They are obtained from cedar nuts, where the unique amino acid arginine is found, and there are many phospholipids that supply fats at the cellular level. The oil is heavy and very fatty, it is used in conjunction with lighter products. For dry and brittle hair, it gives shine, softness and fluffiness. Ideally protects ends from splitting, restores structure against hair loss, stimulates hair growth.


Mustard oil is an excellent remedy for strengthening hair and fighting hair loss. Frequent use of this oil will help accelerate hair growth several times and achieve thick and lush hair. In addition, it has a clear bactericidal effect and it is recommended to add it to hair masks that are designed for several days of use, since mustard oil is an excellent natural preservative and prolongs the shelf life of cosmetics.


Hair loss, hair growth, improved silkiness and elasticity, increased hair density, hair moisture.


Restores hair structure, hydration, growth, hair loss


It is used for hair growth as it increases blood circulation in the follicles. Also, ginger oil nourishes and completely restores the hair structure, increases its density and strength of the hair shaft. In addition, ginger oil makes hair shiny and smooth by smoothing out damaged hair scales.

Laurel oil

With their loss and weakening of hair follicles. It has a stimulating effect on the scalp and helps to eliminate and prevent dandruff. Also, laurel oil improves tone and restores the structure of lifeless and damaged hair.

For what I love masks from the Workshop of Olesya Mustaeva, it is for their versatility and practicality, but first things first.

The first hair product from this brand was a conditioner balm with broccoli oil, which I liked so much that I, as a true hair maniac, firmly decided to try other means at all costs. The Arsenal has been replenished with the Ona Inaya indelible cream, Rose, Mona and Aloe Vera and Amla masks. I will tell you about the latter in this review.

  • What do we have?
Amla hair mask
  • What can it do?
Restores hair structure, saturates with moisture, increases shine and elasticity. Removes static. Facilitates combing.

This is exactly what my hair needed, since in the last month I have resorted to hot styling too often, and, despite proper protection and care, the hair dryer and curling iron are doing their job.

Of course, my hair was not a dry washcloth, but their condition did not quite suit me. I wanted more softness, smoothness and elasticity.

Before / After photos will definitely be, but for now let's look at the product itself.

The mask is contained in a 120 g dark plastic jar. With my wasteful use, this amount is enough for me for a month (I apply it 1-2 times a week).

The jar has an easily twisted and unscrewed lid, as well as a protective film inside.

All information about the product is indicated on the back of the label: composition, methods of application, expiration dates, manufacturer's contacts.

The composition of the mask is excellent! A lot of moisturizing ingredients are what hair needs in summer, because during this period it suffers from a lack of moisture.

Deionized water, quat ester based on stearic acid and cetearyl alcohol, glycerin, D-panthenol, amla oil, delta-gluconolactone, lactic acid, stearamidopropyl dimethylamine, vitamin F, glyceryl stearate, phenethyl alcohol extract, ethylhexylglycerol, extract , thyme extract, raspberry extract (fruit), needles extract, tocopherol mixture, beta-sitostyrene, squalene.

Especially in the composition I was attracted by Amla oil (of course), nettle extract and squalene - the eyes immediately fell on these components.

  • Amla oil has recently gained unprecedented popularity, and it is no coincidence: it has excellent moisturizing properties, preserves pigmentation (prevents premature gray hair), restores hair structure, makes it smooth and shiny.
  • Nettle is one of my favorite ingredients. At one time, I regularly rinsed with this herb, so I advise: if you have dark hair, be sure to take a closer look at the miracle remedy! Nettle perfectly regulates the work of the sebaceous glands, strengthens the hair and makes its color a little richer.
  • Well, squalene is probably familiar to many. In summer, this substance is also very useful for curls (and not only in summer), because it prevents moisture loss and protects the strands from the adverse effects of the environment.

The mask looked like semolina with lumps: D.

The structure seemed to me not entirely uniform, but this did not in the least interfere with its distribution through the hair.

  • The color of the mask is pleasant - mint blue;
  • the aroma is not harsh, it seemed to me similar to the aroma of some kind of cream, with barely perceptible herbal notes;
  • the consistency is creamy (it is not for nothing that the product is called "cream-mask"), oily and a little "slippery".

But now it's time to talk about versatility: the mask can be used not only as a mask, but also as a conditioner. It is very convenient when one product can replace two at once.

For its intended purpose (as a mask), the manufacturer advises to apply the product to clean, damp hair for 5-10 minutes, as a conditioner - for 3-5 minutes.

How do I apply masks?

  • The first and most important rule is that I apply the mask only on clean, slightly damp hair, because

a) dirty hair has a film of grease, dust and dirt. It interferes with the good penetration of the mask into the structure, and just these grease, dust and dirt are also absorbed. We don't need that.

b) clean hair is free of film and other "charms", the shampoo scales are raised, which means that the mask will work much better.

  • After washing, I wrap my hair in a towel for 5-10 minutes to remove excess moisture. Otherwise, the structure will only be filled with water, and the components of the mask will not be able to work properly.
  • I apply the mask to the length from the ears. As a rule, the hair above is sufficiently nourished with sebum, which is distributed during brushing, so additional moisture is often not required. In addition, I have an oily scalp, and if I apply the mask to the roots, there will be a guard.
  • I wrap my hair in plastic wrap, then in a towel to keep warm, and forget about my head for at least 30 minutes. If it's the weekend, I can put on the mask for the whole night.
  • I wash it off with lukewarm water.

I apply this mechanism to absolutely all masks.

What effect did I get?

Bomb, fire, chic, shine, class! You can pick up many more similar words to describe the result. :)

In other respects, what am I saying and saying, you better see for yourself!

The DO hair is not shiny enough, and this is taking into account the fact that I applied a little broccoli oil to it.

Hair AFTER - there is not a single indelible product on it, but how shiny it is! They livened up, look elastic and silky, do not electrify at all and are easily combed. One feels that the strands have become heavier (in a good way) and more nourished.

A few more photos after:

The mask definitely deserves attention! I strongly advise you to take a closer look at it. He does his job perfectly!

I wish you beautiful and healthy hair!

The fair sex, in conditions of poor ecology and persistent stress, mostly experience serious problems with hair. Its quality is deteriorating by leaps and bounds. This is fragility, and the loss of the original natural structure, and shine, and excessive stiffness, thinness, and hair loss. A lot of trouble is given to women by the deterioration or even loss of hair elasticity. From this material you will glean information on how to return this indicator of the health of curls to the proper level.

The essence of the problem

What is hair elasticity? To answer this question, one should remember elasticity as such. The general characteristic of this indicator is as follows: the ability to deform under the influence of the outside and acquire its original shape without visible changes. In principle, "elasticity" is synonymous with the word "elasticity". Everyone is well aware of the use of both terms in relation to human skin. Well, if we talk about hair, curls are elastic, which can, when stretched, return to their previous length without any damage. I must say that this ability is only characteristic of hair with an integral structure, a normal degree of moisture.

How to tell if the hair is not elastic? It’s as easy as shelling pears! Such curls have increased fragility, the slightest stretching leads to the rupture of hairs, you cannot definitely call them obedient. Great care is advised when handling such hair. This is especially true for styling, curling and coloring hair. The reasons for the loss of elasticity by the curls and a significant deterioration of it can serve as aggressive external influences, which negatively affected the structure of the hair. Such negative influences include, first of all, hair burnout in sunlight, straightening and curling by chemical methods, and lightening. The situation is aggravated by the lack of the necessary and timely treatment of the curls affected in this way.

You are able to independently determine the level of elasticity of your own hair. To do this, conduct a special test. Moisturize your hair well, select small strands on the occipital, parietal and temporal areas. Pinch each strand to be tested on both sides with your fingers and gently stretch. After letting go, observe and draw conclusions. If the hair breaks easily and does not acquire its original length, the level of elasticity of your curls is quite low, and therefore they need to be restored with medicinal products and procedures. If there are no breaks, the hair needs intense moisture. If the hair returns to its previous length and there is no damage during stretching, it can be considered that the sounded indicator is normal.

Proper hair care

Let's say that your hair has not passed the elasticity test for "five" and does not even deserve a solid four in this regard. The question arises: how to treat such curls? There are many ways to solve this problem, but the best results can be achieved by using them in combination. Proper hair care is of paramount importance. Check out the basic principles of its implementation:

  • Avoid shampooing every day. By following this recommendation, you will allow your own hair to naturally produce in the right amount of fats that give the curls their natural silkiness, elasticity, softness and shine.
  • Forget about hot hair styling. She, by the way, dries curls, provokes split ends, makes hair unruly, brittle, visually turns into a stack of straw. Try to let your hair dry on its own.
  • Dyeing and curling is not for you. If you really want to give your curls elasticity, give up on chemical hair treatment. By dyeing or curling them, you contribute to the weakening of the hair, damage to the structure of the latter.
  • Use shampoo and conditioner for your hair type, preferably professional or organic. Also, leave both products on the strands for five minutes each time you wash your hair. This will maximize the effect of your cosmetics.
  • Moisturize your curls. As mentioned above, the elasticity of hair is highly dependent on the content of a particular amount of moisture in the strands. For excellent, high-quality moisturizing of hair, macadamia base oils, argon, for example, are suitable.
  • Take vitamins. Yes, it is also very important for restoring or increasing the elasticity of the hair. Purchase a special vitamin and mineral beauty complex for curls at the pharmacy, or consume vitamin E, omega-3 capsules inside.

Health food

When we want to get rid of a disease, we most often act from the inside, taking certain medications. The same applies to hair that has lost its elasticity: it is very important for them to receive nutrients from the outside, because only useful additives are few.

For this purpose, include in the diet foods rich in amino acids. Our hair is formed by protein, the level of its elasticity and firmness is largely determined by the presence of collagen fibers in the proper amount, therefore nutrition should be appropriate. Amino acids are found in fish, animal liver, fruits and vegetables.

To restore the hair structure, you should adhere to a menu in which, one way or another, dill, leaf lettuce, vegetable oils, and Bulgarian pepper are present. Antioxidants, carotenodes, Omega-3 and Omega-6 PUFAs, trace elements work exclusively for the health of your curls!

The elasticity of the hair is also maintained at a high level by products that contain certain minerals, namely silicon, zinc, and sulfur. The first one you will find in buckwheat, pistachios, oatmeal; the second - in sunflower seeds, peanuts; the third is in radish and beef.

Effective masks for hair elasticity

Despite the fact that the nutrition of the curls from the inside should be at the forefront in achieving elasticity of the hair, great attention should also be paid to the use of various cosmetic beauty products that can eliminate the problem.

Beer. A pleasant-tasting alcoholic drink is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. It contains especially a lot of phospholipids and vitamins of group B. From the point of view of the effect on hair, beer is able to give the hair not only elasticity, but also splendor and shine. Use a great mask: Whisk 1 raw egg yolk, mix with 1/3 cup of drink and apply a homogeneous substance to the hair along the entire length. Then wrap your head with a towel, wash with shampoo after 20 minutes.

Eggs. As a rule, not the whole egg is used to restore the elasticity of the curls, but only the yolk. This part contains proteins, lipids, sugars, PUFAs, as well as biologically active substances, minerals and lecithin. Try the egg mask recipe: Mash 2 boiled yolks with 2 tbsp. burdock oil, add the same amount of mayonnaise. Apply the mixture to the roots of your hair and spread over the entire length of your curls. After 30 minutes, wash off the composition with warm water, use shampoo.

Aloe vera. You can apply fresh juice with the pulp of the plant to your hair, or buy the extract from the store. It is good to add essential oils to it, which give elasticity to the hair: ylang-ylang, patchouli, neroli, sage. For base oils suitable for mixing with aloe vera, choose broccoli, hemp and burdock oils.

If you trust branded cosmetics, choose care products with silk particles and proteins in the composition to improve the elasticity of the curls. Health to your hair!

Ponomarenko Nadezhda

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