How to remove wax from a candle from clothes at home. Fighting Wax Stains: Hot and Cold Ways

Every housewife needs to know how to remove wax stain, because it can ruin the appearance of both clothes and interior items. The trail from a molten candle can be removed in several ways that are safe for the damaged thing and human health.

How to remove wax stain from clothes?

To start removing dirt from clothes, you need to find out the nature of its origin. Before you remove the wax from the candle, you should determine whether it is natural or artificial. Each of them has its own characteristics:

  1. Natural wax consists of organic material, therefore it burns out completely and leaves less pronounced marks on the fabric - it is easier to remove them.
  2. Its artificial analogue - paraffin, consists of mineral oils that emit soot when melted. The paraffin leaves behind, which is not easy to remove.

How to remove depilatory wax from clothes?

The hair remover blend is even more complex, often containing essential oils and dyes to aggravate the problem. In this situation, it is not immediately clear how to remove the wax from the fabric, because it becomes even harder when it comes into contact with water and cleaning agents. You can display it in one of two ways:

  1. Depilatory products are afraid of oil, so paper towels impregnated with it are often included in the kit. They also leave slight stains on clothing, but are easier to remove with hot water and powder. Immediately after you manage to remove the stain from the wax with their help, the thing must be washed immediately.
  2. Coping with the remains of the depilatory mixture is even easier if you use a hydrophilic oil. It is a cleanser that has an oily texture but turns into milky on contact with liquid. It can be used like a regular laundry gel.

How to remove candle wax from a dress?

This piece of clothing is often decorated with lace, appliqués and other decorative elements, therefore it can be considered that it is made of delicate fabrics. Even knowing how to remove candle wax stain, you should act as carefully as possible:

  1. First, the dress must be held over the steam to make the paraffin melt.
  2. Then remove the loose pieces of wax by hand, rub liquid soap or washing gel into the fabric and soak for at least 10 hours.
  3. Hand wash and dry.

How to remove wax from jeans?

For their production, a thick cotton fabric is used, which is not afraid of washing in hot water or concentrated cleaning agents. Deciding how to wipe candle wax from jeans requires first assessing the extent of the contamination. A small stain can be removed with cotton wool or a napkin dipped in white spirit or gasoline. The big one is to process with a piece of ice and cut with a knife, and then wash it by hand or in an automatic machine.

How to remove candle wax from pants?

This wardrobe item can be made from natural or blended fabrics. Synthetic material cannot be ironed at high temperatures, so it’s not hard to figure out how to remove candle wax from your pants — purely by washing. Cotton trousers can get rid of the stain with a hot iron:

  1. Before processing, it is necessary to examine the label of the pants in order to understand what heating temperature will be optimal for them.
  2. The trousers should be placed on the ironing board with the dirt facing up and covered with blotting paper.
  3. It is required to gently iron the dirty area with an iron through the paper and immediately remove it. The manipulation may need to be repeated several times to remove the stain permanently.

How to remove wax from a jacket?

If such a stain remains on the fabric of the outer garment, it gives an advantage when cleaning. For sewing jackets, a water-repellent material is used that poorly absorbs any liquid - and this also applies to dirt. Experienced housewives who are familiar with how to clean wax from a Bologna jacket know two proven ways to remove a stain:

  1. If the paraffin has not yet dried, you can simply blot it with a paper towel, without pressing it too hard against the fabric. When the remaining wax is dry, remove it with a nail file or knife.
  2. Dried wax can be easily removed in a regular washing machine if you add a little liquid to the powder to remove grease from dishes.

How do I remove wax from my coat?

The difficulty in removing dirt from this product lies in the fact that it can easily lose its shape - depending on whether tweed, cashmere, suede or leather was used to make it. Since it will not be easy to clean the wax from the fabric due to its high density, the procedure will be as follows:

  1. First, you need to check the reaction of the material to the cleaning agent in an inconspicuous area - for example, near the seam on the inside of the product. For this role, ammonia or a mixture of soda and dishwashing detergent is suitable. With a cotton swab, the liquid is applied to the fabric for 10-15 to make sure that the coat does not change color during cleaning.
  2. Before removing the wax stain, the area around it is generously moistened with warm water.
  3. The contamination is treated with a cleaning liquid and rubbed vigorously with a hard bristle brush. Remains of the stain are washed off with water when rinsing.

Removing wax stains

Removing traces of paraffin or its natural analogue on furniture and textile interior details is difficult because it is not always possible to wash them or dry-clean them - both physical and material. There are times when wax stains on the fabric have to be removed in a very unusual way - with the help of turpentine or alcohol. This technique works on materials such as:

  • velvet;
  • velours;
  • suede leather;
  • artificial and natural fur.

How to clean wax from carpet?

More often than not, paraffin stains remain on the flooring - they can get there during a romantic dinner or with friends. When deciding how to clean the wax from a tufted carpet, every effort should be made to keep the fibers thick:

  1. The affected area is first treated with a steamer or soap solution to soften the hardened mass.
  2. When the wax begins to melt, it is removed with a pre-prepared paper towel with quick movements so as not to smear the edges of the existing stain.
  3. If, after that, traces on the coating still remain, the affected villi must be carefully cut off with scissors.

How do I clean wax from a sofa?

It will not be possible to trim or remove the stain from the upholstery of the sofa in any other way, so you will have to solve the problem without washing, soaking and scissors. The most relevant recommendation remains how to clean the sofa from candle wax:

  1. The stained area must be wiped with a piece of ice so that the oil mixture hardens.
  2. Large pieces of the resulting crust are chipped off with a knife.
  3. Stain marks can be removed with a nail file or melamine dish sponge.

How to remove wax from a tablecloth?

A decorative dining table drapery is easiest to roll up and place in the fridge freezer to freeze the dirt. An alternative to cold wax stain removal is an ice pack to be placed over the tablecloth. After a few minutes, it can be easily scraped off with a dull dining knife. The following methods will also be useful:

  1. Cleaning with solvent. It is important to know how to remove the wax stain so as not to harm the tablecloth: you cannot wash it in a solvent, you just need to moisten the pollution with a cotton pad dipped in acetone.
  2. A white tablecloth can be cleaned of paraffin using hydrogen peroxide, but remember that using it on colored fabric is prohibited. The liquid should be poured over the stain for several hours, then the fabric should be washed as usual.

Candles can create a romantic or festive atmosphere by filling your surroundings with soft light and warmth. But they can cause stains that are difficult to get rid of. You can dry-clean the item, or you can read tips on how to remove wax from clothes and try to remove the dirt yourself. Knowing what substance the candle was made of, taking into account the presence of coloring fillers in it and the peculiarities of the fabric, you will choose a suitable recipe for yourself and return things to their original appearance.

The main problems of candle stains

If you notice a hot drop falling on your clothes, do not try to wipe it off with your hands right away. This will cause you to burn yourself. And besides this, you will only ensure by your actions a more extensive penetration of traces inside. First, you just need to carefully remove the wax from the candle from the clothes with a napkin, trying not to sway the surface, so as not to rub the substance into the fabric even more.

Now it is important not to rush, but to let the drop harden. Once the wax has “grabbed”, you can easily remove it from the fabric by prying it off with a sharp knife. But there will remain one more problem - how to remove the wax stain, or rather the greasy residue that will remain at the place of pollution. If this area is small, a normal wash may be sufficient. If not, then you will have to use one of the tips below.

The next difficulty lies in the fact that the candle can contain various additives (dyes, fragrances), which can leave even more permanent marks. And to eliminate them, you will need more serious methods and chemicals.

What is the Difference Between Paraffin and Wax Stains

Paraffin and wax are used to make candles. But these substances are different in origin. Wax is a natural product based on compounds of fatty acids and higher alcohols of animal or vegetable origin. Paraffin, on the other hand, is a product of oil refining and basically contains carbon and hydrogen.

Given the chemical composition of these products, it's safe to say that removing wax from fabric is much easier than removing wax from clothing.

You can remove paraffin from clothes using refined gasoline. Make sure in advance that the treated fabric will not deteriorate from contact with gasoline (test on a small inconspicuous area). Place a cloth or paper napkin from the inside out and moisten the stain with a sponge dipped in gasoline. After a while, it will dissolve. The stained area can be sprinkled with chalk and left under pressure for 1.5 hours, and then with a brush, brush off the remains. And sometimes, washing in hot water may be enough.

Cold ways

To remove wax from delicate garments, you need to minimize the heat that can damage the material. Sometimes it is enough to pack the item in a bag and put it in the freezer for two hours. Cured dirt can be cleaned off without leaving a trace.

If the stain has already significantly eaten into the fabric, you can apply dishwashing gel to it and leave it overnight, and then wash it in the usual way.

You can also wipe away candle marks from leather surfaces. Let the substance dry completely, and then remember this area and shake off the residue. To avoid grease stains, wipe them with a cotton pad dipped in soapy water.

Hot methods

The main tool for dealing with candle stains is the iron. Spread out an old towel and spread paper napkins on top of it. Place a cloth on top and iron the affected area with an iron heated to 50 ° through the napkin. Change the napkins on both sides until the grease is completely gone. Then, wash your clothes in the usual way.

Remove wax from clothing, steam can help. After removing the main dirt, position the fabric so that steam passes through it. This can be done with an iron. Or you can fix the cloth over a pot of boiling water. For an effective effect, 20 minutes is enough, after which the clothes can be washed. Sometimes a hot air jet from a hair dryer will suffice.

There is another method that works well for getting rid of such contaminants. Stretch a cloth over a suitable container and pour boiling water over exactly the candle marks. It is important that water penetrates the fabric. After a few minutes of constant exposure, the thing can be washed.

Chemistry and folk remedies

You can remove paraffin from clothes not only with gasoline, but also with alcohol or turpentine. These fluids will dissolve the dirt without harming the fibers of the fabric. Wipe the area and leave a cotton pad soaked in the product on it for half an hour. Use a powder or soap to wash the item completely.

If you use hydrogen peroxide, you can clean the wax from your clothes. You need to pour it directly onto the dirt, then pack the thing in a bag and leave it in a dark room for an hour.

It will be much easier to wash the wax from the candle (including those made from delicate materials) if you pre-treat the stained fabric with ammonia. One tablespoon of ammonia must be diluted in one liter of water. Carefully treat stains that will disappear under its influence. Then, wash your garments well in the usual way.

There are many situations where you can stain your clothes with wax. Scented candles, which are popular now, only increase the risks. To remove wax from clothes, you need to use one of the proven methods, taking into account the type of material.

On a note

  1. You can start removing paraffin only after it has completely hardened. The substance is quickly absorbed and friction on a fresh stain will increase it. It is best to blot the wax while it is still hot with a napkin.
  2. For the production of candles, a material with a dense and oily texture is used. It does not dissolve in water, so you cannot remove the wax with a regular wash.
  3. The longer the paraffin remains on the fabric, the deeper it penetrates the fibers and the larger the oil stain. Therefore, you need to act quickly.
  4. The effect of the solvent and stain remover must first be checked on the seamy side or on the belt, so as not to break the color and not get streaks.
  5. Often, after removing the wax, an oil residue is visible on clothing. You can remove it using known means against greasy spots. If the thing is dry, then the print is sprinkled with talcum powder and left for half an hour. The powder is shaken off and the contaminated area is washed. Dish gel, vodka or alcohol will successfully remove the stain. It remains only to wash the thing in the usual way.
  6. White clothes made from natural fibers can be soaked in "Whiteness" to eliminate candle marks. The area with an imprint on a colored fabric is soaked in vinegar for half an hour. In case of severe contamination, a small amount of citric acid is added to it.
  7. It is better to remove wax remnants from the fabric with a toothbrush, because its villi are the smoothest and do not violate the structure of the material.

Removing wax from natural fabrics

From natural materials such as cotton, linen or calico, wax is easily removed. This will require an iron, a piece of cotton cloth, and regular napkins. Spread the product with drops on the surface with the wrong side up. Put several napkins under the contaminated place, also close it on top with napkins and then with a cloth. Run over the stain with a hot iron heated to the maximum allowable temperature for the type of fabric. Turn off the steam. The wax will melt and be absorbed into the underlying material. If traces are still visible, then the paper should be replaced with a clean one and repeat the steps.

When the wax is colored

The hot iron method is not suitable for colored candles. At high temperatures, the dye is absorbed into the fabric and is almost impossible to remove. Use a commercial stain remover or one of the following methods to remove colored wax from clothes and tablecloths.

  • Leave the item in the cold and scrape off the hardened mass. Treat the trail with brown, and then with a mixture of salt and citric acid to remove streaks. Wash off residues with water and wash clothes.
  • Treat a stain on a light-colored fabric with hydrogen peroxide or a mixture of soda and citric acid.
  • Thick material can be washed with plenty of hot water.
  • In such cases, ammonia helps well and does not spoil the fabric.

Methods for cleaning synthetic materials

For synthetic fabric, the method with a heated iron is suitable, only you need to act very carefully by setting the heating control to the "synthetic" position.

Hot water will help remove candle stains on materials that are not suitable for ironing. The soiled item should be immersed in water heated to 50-70⁰С for 2 minutes. Then remove the remaining paraffin with a clean cloth. Avoid rubbing the stain so that it does not become stubborn. If the first attempt did not bring the desired result, then the procedure should be repeated.

You can get rid of wax prints on synthetics and raincoat fabric with solvents. For example, refined gasoline, acetone or turpentine. Moisten a cotton swab or cloth with the substance and blot the stain. In case of severe contamination, leave the tampon on the fabric for half an hour. Finish by washing your clothes in a warm, soapy solution.

In some cases, alcohol can help remove wax from polyester. You need to dab the stain with a cotton napkin moistened in it several times.

Delicates and wool

Gentle fabrics such as wool, chiffon, silk, satin or organza remove wax droplets with a stain remover for this type of fabric. If the stain remover is not at hand, then you should use a dishwashing detergent. On a woolen dress, apply a few drops of liquid to the stain and leave to dry completely. Wash off the gel and wash the item.

On knitwear and delicate fabrics, you can try to gently remove the hardened wax with a spatula, knife or nail file.

The paraffin on the bolognese coat is also removed by the dish gel. Use a sponge with a detergent composition to wipe the stain and rinse with water until the foam disappears. Blot moisture with a soft cloth or towel.

How to deal with suede and fur

Hardened wax is well removed from fur products. To do this, they need to be placed in a freezer or an ice pack should be attached to the dirt. Gently brush the hardened wax on the villi, moving towards the ends, so as not to damage the fur.

The method of using an iron to remove the wax is also suitable for suede fabrics. Only the suede covered with the material should be applied to the sole of the iron for a short time, but under no circumstances should the iron be applied to it, because the fleecy fabric cannot be ironed. The impact of a hot household appliance on a suede surface causes dents and gloss.

In case of unsuccessful first attempts, it is recommended to make the following mixture. Combine 35 ml of ammonia, 10 ml of wine alcohol and 50 ml of gasoline. Moisten a cotton swab and apply to the stain for 5 minutes. After softening the wax, wipe the stain with a damp cloth. This composition is also used for coats and velvet fabrics.

Steam is a proven remedy for restructuring suede pile. In this way, you can also remove paraffin by holding the item over steam. The soft compound can be easily cleaned with a brush or dry sponge. But rubbing the stain is not recommended, so as not to smudge the wax.

There is another way. It is necessary to stir 1/2 teaspoon on a fleecy carpet. ammonia in 1 liter of water. Apply the solution to the stain with a damp flannel cloth. Gently rub the candle mark several times.

You can also work on wax; on a fleecy carpet, you can also use medical alcohol. It is enough to leave a moistened swab or sponge on the stain for 20-30 minutes.

What to do with wax on a leather jacket

The peculiarity of the leather is that it does not absorb wax, so it is easier to remove.

Cold will also help to remove paraffin from leather clothes. After freezing, the material must be bent right at the point of contamination. The wax will crack and can be easily removed with your fingers. Wipe the shiny mark with a napkin.

If a greasy stain still remains, then wipe it off with ammonia or acetone.

Candle marks on jeans

It will not be difficult to remove wax drops from practical and tight jeans.

  • Place the jeans in a bag and put them in the freezer for 2 hours. Scrape off the hardened paraffin from the fabric and wash with powder.
  • Wash soaking is also effective. Pants are soaked in hot water at 50-60 ° C with powder and kept for half an hour. Then they wash the contamination with laundry soap and send the thing to the machine.
  • Steam trousers for 30 minutes and wash with powder in hot water.
  • Drops from denim are quickly removed after soaking with alcohol and sprinkling with table salt. The effect is achieved after 4-5 times.

Paraffin stains are persistent. The wax on the fabric should be treated with stain remover or dish gel so as not to wash it again. Old blots may not be removed at one time, then the treatment is repeated.

It is not recommended to use ammonia for denim because it spoils the color.

Removing stubborn stains

Old wax prints, when the thing has been in the closet, cannot always be removed without a trace, but it's worth a try. The hardened part is well removed by citric acid. The crystals are distributed over the area of ​​the spot and are slightly moistened from above with warm water from a spray bottle. Soak for 15-20 minutes and collect with a sponge.

An unusual remedy is also used, such as a preparation for removing wax after depilation. The oily composition quickly dissolves the wax on the fabric, and the stain is easy to clean. Nail polish remover has also been used successfully, but it discolors the fabric.

On silk and woolen things, old wax is washed with dish detergent. It is poured onto the stain, covered with cling film and left for a day. Then wash with laundry soap.

If wax ends up on clothes during depilation

The fresh wax mark after cosmetic procedures is quickly removed with warm vegetable oil. Treat the stain with a small amount and leave for 5 minutes to soak. Next, wash off the contamination with dish gel.

If there is no oil at hand, then use special oil wipes, which are included in the set with wax strips. Olive or cosmetic oil is suitable, which is applied to a cotton pad and treated with paraffin wax.

Sometimes wax residues can be found on clothing and surrounding objects. I decided to find out how to remove wax stain from clothes at home with my own hands. Now, having tested many methods, I will share with you the most effective ones.

Variety of methods

Removing wax from a fabric without ruining it is a tricky task. It is imperative to consider the type of fabric to avoid damaging the fibers during the cleaning process.

One-stop solution: 2 ways

The freezing method for removing wax from clothing can be called universal. So, it is almost impossible to spoil a thing.

Instructions on how to clean the fabric from greasy wax stains when frozen:

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Method 1. Frosty weather

If the weather is freezing outside, you can remove the wax as follows:

  1. Hang the laundry on the balcony or outside and leave it on for two hours.
  2. After a while, transfer the still slightly "frozen" things to a warm room and use the blunt side of a knife to scrape off the frozen wax.
  3. Shake off any leftovers.
Method 2. Freezer
  1. Place the wax-stained clothing in a plastic bag.
  2. Place it on the top shelf of the freezer (example in the photo).
  3. Leave the item for 6 hours.
  4. After a while, scrape off the paraffin stain and shake off the residue.

In this way, you can remove the stain from leather, leatherette and fur products.

The stain removal process is best done when the wax has naturally set. If you try to wipe it off immediately, there is a risk of simply smearing it and thereby increasing the area of ​​contamination.

Types of fabrics and 5 ways to remove wax from them

What methods of excretion can be applied to different types of tissues. Details - in the table:

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Method 1. For natural fabrics
  1. Lay the garment on a flat surface with the stained side up so the wax can be easily removed.
  2. Cover the stain with any paper towel (in this case, a bag).
  3. Iron the desired area with a hot iron.
  4. The paraffin should melt and print on the paper.
  5. Replace paper as it gets dirty.
  6. Finally, wash the remaining grease with a regular machine wash.

In this way, flax, cotton and wool can be saved.

Method 2. For fur
  1. Freeze the item (outdoors or in the freezer).
  2. Once the paraffin has set, lightly rub the villi together.
  3. Then lay the garment out on a flat surface and comb out any residue with a thick-toothed comb.

This method is suitable for both natural and artificial fur.

Method 3. Synthetics
  1. Soak the item in hot water for 10 minutes.
  2. Rub it with your hands where it is dirty.
  3. To enhance the effect, you can rub the affected area with a soft brush.
  4. Rinse out the remaining paraffin wax from the synthetics with cool water.

The first time it may not be possible to completely remove traces of wax, so you can repeat the procedure several times.

Method 4. Leather and suede
  1. Remove most of the cured wax from the suede or leather with the dull side of a knife.
  2. Keep the item over steam for two minutes.
  3. Wipe off the remaining paraffin with a soft cloth.

Method 5. Jeans
  1. Put the jeans in a bag and put them in the freezer for 20 minutes.
  2. Take out the thing and rub it well in the place of contamination.

Delicate fabrics: 4 ways to remove wax

Delicate fabrics need to be handled with particular care, the price of excessive exposure is a spoiled thing. How and how to remove wax from clothes in such cases:

Image Recommendations

Method 1. Boiling water
  1. Boil the kettle and place the item in a deep basin in parallel.
  2. Pour boiling water directly over the stain, the paraffin should dissolve.

Method 2. Alcohol
  1. Place a towel under the product.
  2. Pour some rubbing alcohol over the stained area.
  3. Blot any excess with a tissue.

This method is excellent for removing colored wax spots.

Method 3. Detergent for dishes
  1. Pour some dish soap over the area.
  2. Rub the dirt with a soft sponge.
  3. Rinse out any residues thoroughly under running water.
Method 4. Hydrogen peroxide
  1. Place a plastic bag on both sides of the stained area.
  2. Pour peroxide directly over the dirt, cover with a top bag and place in a dark place for an hour.
  3. Check the result and repeat if necessary.

We clean the shoes

If wax needs to be removed from shoes, there are two effective methods:

  1. Mechanical... Use iron and paper, freeze, steam, and the dull side of a knife. Suitable for leather and suede shoes.
  2. Chemical... It is necessary to treat the required area with glycerin (patent leather), turpentine (natural leather), alcohol and ammonia (suede). Finally, you need to remove the remnants of the product with a soft, damp sponge.


We've found that there are a number of different ways to remove wax from clothing. Using the voiced tricks, you can easily remove wax from any surfaces. The video in this article will clearly confirm the words. If you have any questions - ask, discuss in the comments.

Drops of wax or paraffin can easily get onto clothing. How to remove candle wax from clothes? After all, almost everyone keeps wax or paraffin candles at home: they suddenly turn off the electricity, sometimes they can be useful for a romantic date. Candles have not ceased to carry an aura of mystery and romance. Some relax by looking at the candle fire after a hard day's work. For others, this is a great gift for a gala event and its own decoration.

You will rarely meet someone who does not like candle flame. Candles are very different. They differ in color, shape, and aroma. There are wax, paraffin, stearic. The filler is of particular importance, in most cases it is a colorant that can be very persistent. Many houses have multi-colored candles. They decorate the interior of the home, and add charm when a person dines by candlelight. During the burning process, the wax melts and accumulates inside the candle or on the candlestick. Accidental or careless movement and droplets of molten wax may be sprayed onto clothing. The question immediately arises: how to remove the wax? But removing the wax stain is half the battle. Colored candles use dyes. Even if the wax is removed from the fabric, it is possible that traces of candle coloring matter will remain on the fabric.

What to do first

Most often, wax or paraffin gets on clothes during special events or during cosmetic procedures that are associated with its use. This happens quite often. Removing wax from fabric is not such a difficult task. The main thing is not to fuss and act calmly, since the consequences of hasty actions are more difficult to eliminate. There are various ways to remove candle wax from clothing. Above all, do not try to immediately wipe the stain off the fabric with your hands. You will burn yourself. The stain will grow in size - you just smudge it. If you immediately notice a nuisance, initially you can gently remove traces of paraffin or wax from clothing by blotting it with a napkin. You will finish the rest later. But in a hurry, you will have to seek the help of specialists.

Method selection

How to remove candle wax from clothes? Allow the stain to harden before removing the stain. When we remove the wax that has not yet hardened, it is absorbed into the fabric. You make your work harder for yourself. If it's cold outside, hang your clothes on the balcony, in the heat you can put them in the refrigerator. You can just give it time to dry and harden itself. It will take a little time. Then take a sharp and flat knife (or any object that has a flat surface) and gently brush off the surface of the fabric. This is done very simply. Bend the fabric near the edge of the paraffin or wax stain, pry it with a knife, and the task of removing the wax is completed. A trace will remain. Sometimes washing is enough, other times more radical methods will be required.

The next task is to remove the wax stain, i.e. those pieces that remain in the fibers of the fabric. If the candle was colored, then there will also be a colored spot. We act consistently. First of all, remove the remaining wax.

One of the most common methods is to remove residues with an iron.

  1. 1 Find something absorbent in your home arsenal. It can be anything: a piece of cardboard, paper towels. If you're willing to donate a cotton towel, you can use that too. You need to make sure that the material you choose is not dyed or stained. Cardboard or paper towels are best, as they will help ensure that the fabric does not stain unnecessarily.
  2. 2 Place the fabric with the stain between paper towels or whatever you have prepared for this purpose. Install the ironing board and turn on the iron. There is no need to turn on steam. The temperature should be at an average or slightly lower level.
  3. 3 And now it remains to remove the wax stain. Place the iron on a paper towel and circle it continuously over the stain to preserve the fabric. Slide the towels over the stain to help absorb wax or paraffin residues. The towel will absorb any remaining wax stain.

A very similar method using an iron. We take a wet cotton towel. We lay it on the fabric at the location of the wax spot. Cover with a sheet of paper on top. Any colorless will do; blotter is better. With a slightly heated iron, we begin to iron the structure. Residual wax should be absorbed into the damp cloth. The wash will cope with the trace that remains.

This method is not always suitable as some fabrics cannot be ironed or heated. If the stain appears from a colored candle, it is better to use chemical methods after you have removed most of the drops from the wax.

Removal of residues: "chemistry" or other improvised means

A simple wash may not help. Be sure to read what the clothing manufacturer recommends before starting the "operation". There are several ways to permanently remove wax stain:

  1. 1 Boiling water. Take a large saucepan and fill it with water to avoid scalding yourself. Stretch the fabric you want to remove the stain over it. Use elastic or thread to attach the fabric to the top of the pot. Boil the kettle. Pour boiling water over the dirty place. It may not come out the first time. The process will have to be repeated.
  2. 2 Alcohol. Take a paper towel. Pour some rubbing alcohol on it. Without letting dry, rub the removed stain with a towel.
  3. 3 A similar action can be done with gasoline. But alcohol evaporates easily and will not leave an unpleasant odor.
  4. 4 Dishwashing liquid. Take a mild product and rub it into the stain. When you see the dye residue coming off the fabric, rinse it off.
  5. 5 You can rub dishwashing liquid into the stain and let sit for several hours.
  6. 6 Hydrogen peroxide. An important nuance: as long as hydrogen peroxide acts, it is converted into water, and there will be no traces of its use. Pour the liquid directly over the stain, cover with plastic and store in a dark place. After an hour, you can observe the results of the work of hydrogen peroxide.

In any case, it may not work the first time. From the second or third, the stain will disappear without a trace.

other methods

How to remove wax stain? For certain types of fabrics, special methods are used. The easiest way is with leather goods: they cleaned off the hardened wax, wiped it off and that's it, because the wax is not absorbed into the skin.

Wax is removed from suede in a different way:

  1. 1 It should be held over the steam and brushed with a suede brush.
  2. 2 Using ammonia 0.5 tsp. for 1 liter of water. We moisten the sponge and wipe until the stain is removed.
  3. 3 You can try using an iron. But this method requires great care. The product can be easily damaged. We take toilet paper, apply it to the dirt and heat it up with an iron. It is important that there are no traces left.

The velvet is cleaned with rubbing alcohol. It is necessary to hold a cloth soaked in alcohol on the spot for 20 minutes.

For wool and silk, dishwashing detergent works best. It is applied to the dirt, but it must be kept for several hours. Repeated repetition of the procedure is possible. Then wash the product in the machine and it will take on its original appearance.

If, when removing the stain, chemicals were used, which include acid, gasoline, then a solution of baking soda (it has an alkaline environment) will help get rid of the unpleasant odor. Mix 1 part baking soda with 3 parts water. One glass is enough. Apply to the spot of contamination and let dry. After about 60 minutes, carefully remove the baking soda. Sometimes baking soda helps in removing the wax residue directly. The baking soda can also help remove wax stains from other fabrics. It will help remove wax from carpets, sofas, even walls covered with wallpaper.

A solution of hydrogen peroxide helps to cope with unpleasant odors.

Avoid heating it until the wax stain has been removed from the garment, as the wax can be absorbed into the fabric, and it will take much longer to tinker.

We clean up the paraffin

It is much easier to remove paraffin from clothing and fabric. How to remove paraffin wax? To remove the paraffin stain, use refined gasoline.

To remove the stain:

  • we apply a paper towel or white cloth from the inside;
  • moisten a piece of foam rubber in gasoline and apply it to the stain;
  • gasoline dissolves paraffin.

After a while, there will be no trace of the stain. Be careful with gasoline. It is flammable, its vapors are poisonous, and can cause irreparable harm to certain types of tissues. Make sure the gasoline will not ruin the fabric before removing the stain. Drop some liquid where it will not be noticeable, wait a few minutes. Based on the results of the experiment, we decide whether gasoline can be used.

How to clean paraffin wax with chalk:

  1. 1 Wipe the stained area, straighten the fabric around the stain.
  2. 2 Sprinkle with chalk, put a napkin on it.
  3. 3 For an hour, we press everything down with some kind of load, a saucepan of water, for example.
  4. 4 With a brush, brush off the remains of paraffin and chalk.

How to remove a wax stain with a regular wash? Sometimes you can use plain water, without any "chemistry". The soiled thing is placed in hot water, the paraffin dissolves in it. Then it is simply erased. Denim clothes are simply washed in hot water. It is easier to remove paraffin from clothes than wax.

You can use a variety of stain removers, but why waste your money if traditional methods help you easily remove wax or paraffin stain.