How to celebrate the New Year so that it is successful? New Year's omens and superstitions. How to Attract Health, Money and Good Luck in the Year of the Pig

New Year is a fabulous holiday, when everyone is waiting for miracles to happen, the fulfillment of the most cherished desires. Since ancient times, during the New Year and Christmas holidays in Russia, fortune-telling and rituals were performed for good luck and happiness. 2018 is the year of the Yellow Dog. What will he bring with him, and can you appease the symbol of the year? What are the signs for the New Year 2018 so that money flows and happiness is?

Signs for enrichment

Despite the fact that many argue that money is not happiness, without money, happiness is impossible. That is why everyone seeks not to miss the opportunity to make a wish for improving the financial condition of the family. New Year's holidays are the best time for those who believe in miracles.

Accepts for enrichment, there are many

New Year is a holiday that is associated with a lot of superstitions. This applies to both gifts and clothing, in which you need to celebrate the holiday and dishes on the table.

The oldest omen known to many is to write your desire on a piece of paper, burn it and throw the ashes into a glass of champagne, which you need to drink in the future. At the same time, everything needs to be done while the chimes strike. Such a sign for the New Year 2018 will help you to have money and happiness!

Christmas tree is the main symbol of the holiday

Not a single New Year is complete without the most important attribute - a tree. How the tree will be decorated, this will be the coming year. The more magnificently the New Year's attribute will be dressed up, the richer life will be. You need to hang not only Christmas decorations on the tree, but also coins and sweets.

A tree decorated with bank notes pleases the eye and attracts wealth and prosperity to the house.

We leave debts in the old year

There is such a sign: you need to enter the New Year without debts, so that in 2018 you have money. If you come across a year with debts, it may happen that during the whole year there will be constant difficulties with the return of money. Therefore, it is best to try to pay off your debts the day before, even the smallest amounts.

It is better not to lend money

The most influential sign of the New Year is that you need to organize a meeting with full pockets. It can be both coins and banknotes. It is believed that the higher the denomination of the bill, the better. The relationship between money and a person will help him gain financial well-being for the entire coming year.

It will be considered a bad omen if a person completely spent on the New Year's table and was left without money. This sign speaks of possible waste in the future, big financial problems and debts that will be difficult to repay.

New Year's omens for wealth

Signs for the New 2018, so that money flows and happiness is, have a big role for many, especially for those who believe in miracles. There are many signs that you need to pay attention to on a festive night:

  1. It is not recommended to lend money just before the New Year. This can bode well for a financial collapse not throughout the year.
  2. The opportunity to purchase a discounted product on January 1 will be a great success. This will become a symbol that the year will be happy and rich.
  3. If during a festive feast on New Year's Eve the left hand was combed, it must not be scratched. The hand must be lowered into the pocket, having previously clenched it into a fist, and unclench the fist in the pocket.
  4. Before the New Year, you need to thoroughly clean the house. It is necessary not only to remove all the dirt, but also to throw out old and broken things from the house.
  5. The festive table should be generous and bursting with treats. This sign suggests that the family will live well and richly all year round.

There is a New Year's omen, according to which, under the chimes, you need to put a coin in a glass of champagne. You need to drink the glass to the bottom, and keep the coin in your wallet. This will be a talisman attracting wealth to the owner.

Signs of wealth in the year of the dog

A dog is a friend of man. The coming year should be supportive of the person. In order for him to attract good luck, you need to appease the dog. Treat any yard dog with something tasty, and the New Year will be successful.

It's better to celebrate the New Year in something new.

Signs of wealth relate not only to decorating a Christmas tree with banknotes or laying coins around the house. For the New Year to be supportive, you need to meet it in new clothes. The Year of the Dog should be greeted with green, brown or golden clothing. It is believed that during the holiday you need to change your outfit several times. But if this is not possible, then it is recommended to change at least one thing or jewel.

The dog loves meat dishes. There should be an abundance of them on the festive table. Financial well-being will come to the house of those whose table will be bursting with treats. In addition to meat dishes, the symbol of the year loves sweets. They should also be on the table. In addition, rice and wheat attract finances to the house. The menu must be composed in such a way that there are dishes from them on the table.

At the entrance to the house you need to hang a festive New Year's wreath. Then the year will bring wealth and prosperity to the family.

After the New Year's celebration, you need to appease and treat the brownie. A glass of wine and a spoonful of porridge are left for him. All year long he will patronize the owners of the house and bring prosperity.

New Year's signs for happiness

New Year is a family holiday, when all relatives and friends gather at the festive table. Everyone wants the next year to be the happiest for them, so that all adversity bypasses the house.

For the coming year to be calm and happy, it is important to properly decorate the tree. The star must be worn first, but it must be removed after all other toys have been removed. For decoration, preference should be given to round balls.

Decorate the tree with round balls

The Christmas tree has always been of great importance not only as an attribute of the holiday. Spruce has great vitality. It is believed that when a bad moment in life comes, depression, loss of strength, you need to sit in front of a decorated Christmas tree and remember all the best moments in life. Spruce will transfer part of its energy to a person.

It is considered a good omen in the family if the Christmas tree takes root. This suggests that a new member will appear in the family. You need to remove the spruce from the house no earlier than January 14.

Household signs for happiness

Many New Year's signs relate to simple everyday everyday activities:

  1. On New Year's Eve, you need to take out all the garbage from the house, otherwise it will scare off luck.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to wash on the day of the holiday. This can bring trouble for someone in the family.
  3. All old and unnecessary things should be thrown away or given to other people.

You need to be careful about dreams on New Year's Eve. They can herald events that will characterize the entire coming year.

In the old days there was a kind and good omen. The legs of the table on New Year's Eve need to be entangled with ropes. This sign will help maintain the integrity of the whole family throughout the year. None of the family members will leave home or any fatal misfortune will happen to anyone.

Exactly one minute before the clock strikes, you need to start peeling the tangerine, and put the peel under the tree. If you manage to do all this, the year will be happy.

It is considered a very good omen if you accidentally fall asleep and oversleep the chimes on the night of the holiday. In this case, luck and success will be near all year round. But you need to fall asleep just by accident, if you do it on purpose, the omen will not work.

There is another very interesting and unusual sign for money to be found. If you sneeze on New Year's Eve, this suggests that a person will have success and prosperity next to him all year round. This can cause sneezing on your own. To do this, use aloe juice.

The fun of the feast

You can't cry on the night of the celebration. Such a meeting of the New Year will result in that the whole year will pass in tears and despondency. Therefore, at the table you cannot be sad, quarrel with someone, swear. The holiday should be held in a friendly and peaceful atmosphere.

The most useful gift for your home in the New Year should be a new broom. This will become a talisman and talisman at home. You need to buy a new broom, tie a red ribbon on the handle and put it in a corner. Most importantly, the broom should be facing down. Such a talisman will attract good luck and happiness to the house all year round.

He will accept for the New Year 2018, so that money flows, so that happiness comes to the house, a lot. It is important to meet him with goodness, without evil intentions and despondency, and then the whole coming year will be prosperous and successful.

Many people think about how to celebrate the New Year so that it is the happiest, the most successful, the most - the most ... New Year is a time of miracles, holidays, gifts and magic. This is the expectation of changes, this is the time for the renewal of everything that has become obsolete, and the acceptance of the new into your life.
We want to believe in miracles and the new year - the time when they happen. So let's open the door wider and let these miracles into our lives! In order for a miracle to happen, it is only necessary to observe simple preparations.
I will not tell you now what to wear on New Year's Eve, what dishes to put on the table, where to place the Christmas tree, how to decorate it. The point is not in this, but in how to set yourself up to accept the magic of New Year's Eve. For this to happen, it is necessary to prepare in advance for the meeting with the miracle.

How to celebrate the new year so that your wishes come true?


decide what you absolutely would not like to see in the new year.
To do this, set aside 30 minutes of free time so that no one distracts, and write on paper everything that you would like to get rid of in the new year. Write whatever comes to your mind without stopping, and then, without reading, tear or burn a piece of paper.


write what you would like to see in your life in the new year. And when the list is ready, start preparing for the new year. And now, associate each item of your New Year's wardrobe, Christmas tree decorations, dishes on the table with your desire to have something joyful, happy, kind, in the New Year.

Endow these items with an amazing energy of happiness that is unique to you. Prepare your "cocktail of happiness", which will support, inspire, force in order to get the way you want.


prepare small gifts for your family. And charge them with positive, kind, healing, beneficial energy of health, kindness and love. From the understanding that you give joy, health and love - all these virtues will multiply in your new year several times. If you want a lot of joy - give it as much as possible, if you want a lot of love - give your love, if you want attention - show interest and sympathy.


make yourself the intention in the new year to think only about the good under any circumstances and events in life. The whole truth is that any circumstance can be turned in both favorable and unfavorable directions. It all depends only on our choice - how to relate to it.
If we consider the event as positive, we find ourselves on a favorable offshoot of life, and ... life is good. If, on the contrary, we accept it as the worst dream - everything ... a series of troubles follows.

This means that they themselves have driven their lives to the unfavorable side and, as a result, "trouble does not come alone." Therefore, just practically, it is not profitable for us to think about the bad. We take it as a rule - to admit only those thoughts that are useful to us and help us in the implementation of our plans.


allow yourself the luxury of being yourself and others being different. In order for the fairy tale to enter your home, love yourself, accept yourself with all your "cockroaches" and do not place high expectations on others. Each of us is a diamond of amazing beauty that is waiting to be cut.

Therefore, do not interfere with this process when a sparkling stone of magical beauty comes out from under the hands of the great Master - the Universe. This miracle happens to anyone who intends to receive what is his birthright - to be happy.

At sixth,

realize that the world always cares about you. Therefore - away all doubts and fears, in the new year everything will be as you wish. On New Year's Eve, create for yourself such a holiday as if all your dreams and desires have already come true, and feel those amazing emotions that fill you. The main thing is to remember them and throughout the year remember this state of joy, happiness, fun and well-being.

And the magic will definitely happen - everything that you dreamed of, what you wished for, will surely come to you in the new year.
After all, the world is a huge mirror, and as you look into it, you will see in it. When celebrating the new year, look in the mirror of the world with confidence, with love and a smile, with the thoughts that everything will be as you wish, and in the new year you will receive everything you intended. The main thing - do not doubt that a miracle will happen and it will definitely happen then.

New Year 2019 will be held under the sign of prosperity, love and family happiness. In order for it to be successful, you need to know in advance how to celebrate the holiday. The Earth Pig will take over. The new symbol is the personification of goodness and optimism.

Only those people who work hard will be lucky. The mistress of the year does not tolerate idlers and cunning.

Who is lucky in 2019

The time will be successful for landowners, businessmen. Thanks to their diligence and perseverance, things will go uphill. New projects will bring additional profit and recognition in the team.

The boar patronizes strong families, loves small children. Therefore, in 2019, many will have the opportunity to find a soul mate and find happiness.

How to attract good luck

For the New Year 2019 to be successful, you need to know in advance how to celebrate it. First of all, you should familiarize yourself with the preferences of the Yellow Pig. The Mistress of the Year is a symbol of prosperity and well-being. Special attention should be paid to the New Year's menu. Vegetable, meat, fish dishes should be on the table. We must not forget about snacks, sauces, mushrooms, fruits.

To appease the symbol of the New Year, you should carefully consider the choice of a festive outfit. Clothes in yellow, brown, mustard, olive tones will be the most advantageous option. Do not forget about pink outfits, they will also be appropriate.

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How to attract love

There are signs that allow you to attract love to your home. Particular attention should be paid to the New Year's decor. To find a soul mate soon, you need to purchase paired jewelry. It is important to choose red and pink elements. They can be balls, figurines, Christmas decorations. They must be placed on the same branch.

Heart-shaped jewelry, swans, guardian angels will also help attract love to your home. The main thing is that the figures are paired.

Particular attention should be paid to the decor of the whole house. The figurine with the image of 2 pigs will be a great decoration for your apartment. In addition, you can make a collage of photographs, buy a clay plate. Any items on which the hostess of the New Year will be depicted will bring good luck and love.

How to attract money

There are many monetary traits that will help you gain financial independence. Some of them operate constantly, while others are tied to the holiday. To appease the Yellow Boar, you need to go out with your family for a picnic more often during the year. This will help you take a break from everyday life, gain strength before the upcoming work. If possible, you can go to.

A change of scenery will allow you to improve relations with your soul mate and enlist the support of the patron of the year.

To find out how else you can make it successful, you should refer to the signs.

There are some signs that allow bright colors to come into life. The main ones include the following:

  1. Luxurious feast. It is not advisable to save on the holiday. The Yellow Boar is unlikely to like it. The festive table should be varied and original.
  2. Christmas decorations. You will also have to spend money on the purchase of new toys. Preference should be given to colored balls. The round shape will help protect the house from trouble and scandals.
  3. Tableware. Cracked dishes must be disposed of. It attracts financial losses and unexpected expenses. On the eve of the holidays, it is advisable to purchase a new set.
  4. Christmas tree. It is best to buy a live Christmas tree in a pot. This is a great way to attract well-being. After the celebration, the tree can be planted at the summer cottage and enjoy its beauty.
  5. Money Tree. To get rich soon, you can put several bills in the middle of the spruce. This must be done unnoticed by all household members.

New Year's signs

There are other signs that will help you become happier and more successful in the New Year. The most popular ones are as follows:

  1. On New Year's Eve, the pockets should not be allowed to empty. Be sure to keep a few large bills with you.
  2. A minute before the New Year, a coin must be thrown into a glass of champagne. Under the chimes, you should think only about the good, and put the coin in your wallet.
  3. All debts must be repaid 3 days before the celebration. Otherwise, they will move on to the next year.
  4. On January 1, you cannot borrow money, even if it is small amounts. Otherwise, the financial leak will be observed for 12 months.
  5. If a cat lives in the house, then you can pay attention to the following sign. To whom the animal comes up first after the chiming clock, that person will be more fortunate than the rest. Expects material well-being and success.

What to cook for the festive table

The pig is an intelligent animal, prefers comfort and abundance. Therefore, the New Year's menu must be thought out in advance. The festive table should be varied. We must not forget about vegetables, fruits, desserts. From drinks, preference should be given to fruit drinks, juices, compotes.

It is important to remember that meals should be satisfying. On New Year's holidays, it is advisable to refuse dietary treats. If you want to stick to the right diet, you should take care of the abundance of dishes. The snacks should be different and original.

What not to do on New Year's Eve

How it is worth celebrating the New Year 2019 so that it is successful is of interest to many people. It is not enough to become familiar with the signs that allow you to attract success. There is a list of prohibited things to do. Otherwise, the year will bring many problems and troubles.

  • borrow and lend money;
  • to break dishes;
  • swear;
  • favor other people;
  • taking out the trash;
  • get a haircut;
  • remember your problems.

For the New Year to be successful, it is worth familiarizing yourself with some of the signs. Perhaps they will help you gain financial independence, meet a soul mate, and recharge with positive emotions. New Year's holidays must be met in a good mood, then the hostess of the year will help you achieve incredible success.

How to celebrate the New Year 2018 so that it is successful, what needs to be done for this, what little tricks and secrets should you remember? These are, perhaps, the main questions that worry and disturb each of us who believe in the magic and magic of this holiday. As you know, the owner of the coming year is the Yellow Earth Dog, which belongs to the element Earth, which promises to all of us calmness and poise. Astrologers claim that the year will be successful and prosperous for everyone, many will come to realize family values ​​and relationships, prosperity is expected in all spheres of life. But, in order to feel the positive influence of the owner of the year from the very first days, astrologers recommend that you take the right approach to the celebration of the holiday, or, more precisely, to its organization, which to a greater extent will allow you to enlist the support of the Dog until next year.

How to properly celebrate the year of the Yellow Earth Dog?

According to the eastern Chinese horoscope, the Dog is such an animal that will surely bring peace and kindness to every home and family, the lonely will be able to find their soul mate, the hardworking will achieve great success in their work. The dog is supportive of those who do not sit in one place and are constantly in motion, and, therefore, it's time to go on a trip.

That 2018 became a successful and prosperous year in absolutely everything, astrologers recommend adhering to the following simple but very effective tips that will only benefit everyone. What are these tips?

    1. In no case do not celebrate the holiday alone, the most correct option would be a cheerful and noisy company, in which boredom simply has no place. A fun party can be organized at home and many guests can be gathered, or you can go on a visit yourself.
    2. A holiday with family, relatives and close people, as the Dog is a very loyal and loyal animal, which truly knows how to appreciate loved and dear people.
    3. In no case should you sit all night in front of the TV watching New Year's entertainment shows, since you have to organize your show yourself. In other words, think over in advance the contests and games with which you will please your guests and family, while it will be interesting and fun for you and them. You can also go outside and have fun there, because even strangers and passers-by will not mind having fun in the fresh air.

What to wear?

Another important issue, especially for lovely ladies, is the question regarding their appearance and image, because on this New Year's Eve you want to look like a real queen of the score and catch admiring glances on yourself, even if you celebrate the holiday at home with your family. If you want to please the new owner of the year to the maximum, then the following attributes and things should be preferred.

  • First, the yellow palette. This color, according to astrologers and fashion designers, is able to bring joy and warmth, help get rid of various stresses and depression, is a kind of symbol of romance and tenderness.
  • Secondly, brown and all its shades will definitely bring you luck, prosperity and success this year.
  • Thirdly, orange, gold, beige, ash tones can also be called an acceptable palette.
  • Fourth, bright, red and fiery colors, as well as leopard coloring and prints are absolutely inappropriate for this year's outfit.
  • Fifth, the outfit should be restrained, but at the same time stylish, since the owner of the year categorically denies extravagance. For example. It can be floor-length dresses, discreet trouser suits, carnival outfits. As for men, it is best for them to give up black and gray suits, and try to find an outfit in yellow-brown tones.
  • Sixth, in no case is it recommended to wear very shiny outfits. Ask why? It's simple, since the Dog is considered a rather modest animal.

Where to meet?

You must agree that the choice of a place to meet a holiday depends on many factors. So what options and ideas for the holiday are appropriate and acceptable for this year?

  1. Holiday at home. If you decide to celebrate the holiday at home, then you should prepare well. First of all, everything needs to be decorated with golden tinsel, various decorations, of course, best of all yellow and brown. Agree, the interior decoration of the house should fully correspond to the theme of the holiday. It is also necessary to carefully consider the scenario of the holiday so that no one is bored, and for this, choose various funny contests and games. Simply put, at home you can arrange a party of absolutely any theme, the main thing is to warn your guests and relatives about this in advance.
  2. Travel, trip to warmer regions. This option, probably, will appeal to everyone, since after winter frosts and cold weather, hardly anyone will refuse to bask in the warm sun and sand, bathe in the gentle sea. This idea of ​​celebrating a holiday will help you not only to relax, but also to gain the necessary charge of vivacity and energy, as well as to get acquainted with the customs and traditions of other countries.
  3. . Travel across Russia. Agree, you can spend New Year's holidays in a fun and unforgettable way with us, traveling around the country. The main thing is to choose the right route so that it becomes really interesting for everyone. Where can you go? To Moscow, where a lot of exciting and interesting things await you, to Veliky Ustyug, to the residence of Father Frost, Baikal, where you can enjoy the unique and unique natural landscapes in the whole world.

Seemingly simple rules and tips, so why not actually check their effectiveness and catch your luck, while you do not lose anything at all, and as a result of such preparation, your holiday will become memorable for absolutely everyone.

New Year's Eve is the most mysterious and magical of the year. It seems that it depends on her how successful the coming year will be. And even if this is not at all the case, the traditions of the "correct" meeting of the New Year live for centuries.

People have collected many signs and beliefs related to the preparation and celebration of the New Year. Next, let's take an interest: how to achieve success and well-being by completing at least some of them.

The most important signs

1. It is believed that before the New Year it is imperative to thoroughly clean the house, get rid of unnecessary things. And, of course, the room should be properly decorated to create a festive mood.

2. Also, before the holiday, you must pay off debts.

3. If suddenly someone close to you is in a quarrel, you definitely need to make up so as not to take resentment with you on the New Year.

4. Before you celebrate the New Year, you must remember to spend the Old. It is customary to remember all the good things that the outgoing year brought, and to thank him for it.

5. But here comes the New Year, which is preparing a lot of changes, and this is a reason to change your life for the better! You can draw up a plan of those affairs that it was decided to certainly fulfill in the coming year. The main thing is not to forget to follow it!

6. For New Year's Eve, it is better to prepare a new outfit. Then in the coming year there will be many new things. It is not out of place to remember who is the symbol of the next year in order to win his favor and choose the right color for clothes.

How to make a wish

New Year's Eve is the time when all wishes come true. You can guess them in different ways.

1. As a rule, they write about their dream on a piece of paper, which is then burned. Ashes are poured into a glass of champagne. If you manage to drink everything to the bottom while the Chimes are beating, then your wish will certainly come true.
2. There is another interesting option. For him you need a sprig of grapes. With each blow of the Chimes, you must eat a grape, each time making a guess at will.

In fact, there are quite a few ways to make a New Year's wish, you can even come up with your own. It is not so important how to do it, it is only important to believe that it will certainly come true. But there are several conditions: the desire must be clearly and clearly formulated, well thought out. In addition, you should not think of impossible things or those desires that could hurt others.

So, let's summarize the most important beliefs that must be fulfilled on the eve and on the first day of the New Year.:

For the holiday, each family member should put on a new wardrobe item. Bright and beautiful outfits are considered a symbol of a new stage in life.

To avoid financial troubles in the coming year, you should not borrow large sums of money on the eve of the holiday. To attract wealth and prosperity, it is recommended to end all debt relationships about a week before January 31st.

The dishes on the festive table should be tasty and varied, and the dishes should be expensive and beautiful, it's time to get a service from the sideboard for especially special occasions.

In order for peace and harmony to reign in the family over the next year, quarrels and a showdown on a festive night should be avoided. In no case should you be sad or celebrate the holiday alone.

Signs are forbidden not only to clean, but also to wash directly on New Year's Eve. It is believed that this could bring major financial troubles for family members.

The Scots believe that the visit of a red-haired woman on January 1 promises misfortune, but a dark-haired woman is a welcome guest in any home on January 1. Rumor has it that the arrival of a black-haired man guarantees happiness and good luck for all the inhabitants of the house.

It is believed that if you make one wish with each strike of the chimes, then all of them will come true, and in the same order, one wish per month.

It is better to spend a festive night with family and friends. It should be fun and memorable. But quarrels, resentments and even more tears in the New Year are extremely undesirable. We must forget all the bad things and believe in miracles. Then the coming year will bring a lot of happiness and fulfill all your innermost dreams.

New Year's fortune-telling

New Year's holidays are strongly associated with a miracle, with the anticipation of something new, magical. Many are wondering at this time to find out what fate awaits them in the coming year.
The first of January is not only a date on the calendar, but also a completely new stage in the life of every person. Therefore, it is natural to want to know if our deepest dreams will come true.
In addition, fortune telling is a great way to have a great time with friends.

Basic rules for New Year's fortune-telling

First of all, it is worth deciding on the date. Traditionally, fortune telling should be from December 25 to Epiphany on January 19.
It is advisable to postpone the fortune-telling if the date fell on Sunday or Monday.

Traditional ways

The most common is wax divination..
A little bit of wax must be melted over a candle flame, and then poured sharply into a bowl of cold water.
The figure that appears will tell you what awaits you in the coming year:

  • angel means good news;
  • a dog is a true friend;
  • snake - betrayal;
  • the butterfly symbolizes change;
  • the heart is a deep feeling.

You can tell fortunes on the mirror.
You should take a small mirror, pour water on it, and then, at midnight, take it out into the cold.
Patterns will tell you about the future:

  • circles promise wealth;
  • squares - difficulties;
  • if you see a spruce branch, then hard work awaits you.

For unmarried girls, fortune telling by bread and ribbon is of great interest..
They both put them in a saucepan or a box and take them without looking inside that the first one will come across.
If the ribbon, then next year you will have a long-awaited marriage.
If there is bread, then you will have to spend another year in girls.

An interesting and unusual fortune-telling can be performed with a branch of bird cherry.
It can only be held on December 25th.
You need to imagine an exciting situation or ask a question, and then break off a small branch from the bird cherry tree, put it in a glass of water and put it on the window.
Within 12 days, you should take a glass in your hands and think about the question asked or the situation presented in a positive way.
If, after this period, the twig has bloomed, success is sure to await you.

The essence of the next fortune-telling is to pour water.
One of the two glasses should be filled to the brim with water.
Next, you need to try to pour liquid from a full glass into an empty one.
If you manage to do this and spill less than three drops of water, the wish will come true. If a puddle forms, unfortunately not.