How to disguise bruises under the eyes. How to cover up dark circles under the eyes

Hello my dear readers! Tell me, who among you did not wonder how to cover up bruises under the eyes? It happens that you wake up in the morning, and they are right there. And you start frantically rummaging through your makeup bag, sorting through a suitable corrector, foundation or concealer. But the effect is not what you want. Let's look at the most common mistakes in applying these cosmetics and how to make eye makeup correctly.

There are many reasons for the formation of dark circles under the eyes. And in order to understand how to quickly deal with them, I propose first to consider the most common mistakes that even celebrities make.

  1. To give freshness to the face, many makeup artists advise choosing corrective products a tone or two lighter. But this rule is not suitable for the correction of bruises or dark circles under the eyes. Due to this “masking”, the defects visually become even larger.
  2. After applying a corrective, do not powder abundantly under the eyes. If there are facial wrinkles or you have a rich facial expression, then all this will be imprinted on the eyelids. Wrinkles will visually look more expressive.
  3. Do not apply black eyeliner around the eyes, especially if the corners of the eyes are slightly lowered. Because of this, the effect of "crying eyes" occurs. And the face will look a little sad
  4. Many focus only on tinting eyelashes. But in vain. If you have bluish circles under your eyes, focus on the top of your makeup as well. By the way, now it is very fashionable to make eyebrows more expressive and thick. Don't pinch them! In Asia, eyebrows are specially tinted abundantly, drawing attention to them. And nothing can be applied to the eyes at all. Slightly tint the lips, and the face is fresh and young. Therefore, your eyebrows should be graphic and well defined.
  5. Excessively lined eyes. This draws attention to the eyes and visually enhances the effect of "crying eyes".

We are not the only ones who sin with the wrong make-up. Many celebrities make the same mistakes with makeup. For example, Pamela Anderson or Britney Spears.

Look. Instead of putting on light makeup and hiding imperfections, women do the opposite. They draw more attention to this part of the face.

How to choose a good decorative tool

Let's look at the main basic tools that can mask bruises under the eyes. How to choose the one that works best at home?

Means for adjustment:

  • Tone cream- corrects the complexion of the face, neck, giving matte, well-groomed. Hides imperfections. Now there are special foundation creams that hide even spots from rosacea, vitiligo and other imperfections. Dermablend from Vichy proved to be very good. Look.
  • – denser texture, distributed with a brush. The best concealer for dark circles under the eyes is peach or yellow.
  • Corrector- dry concealer. More suitable for masking pimples or small bumps.

Many write that it is necessary to purchase foundation and concealer separately, since they differ in texture density. But now, corrective tonal products contain enough pigments to completely remove bruises under the eyes. Therefore, even a good tonalnik can paint over dark circles.

The general rule for choosing any means is the same: Use a yellow or peach pigment on the area to cover bluish skin tone. It neutralizes the bluish tint of the color. It will also help neutralize the redness that is caused by rosacea or angioma. And for soft white skin, pick up a light beige concealer.

How to properly mask at home

Masking bruises is a simple matter. We stock up on the necessary funds, and boldly into battle 🙂 Before applying makeup, be sure to use a good moisturizer around the eyes from lack of sleep. It will tighten the upper layers of the skin, give a smoother surface for the application of corrective agents. Better to use cream with caffeine which has a tonic effect.

It is undesirable to apply the cream in the eye area with the index finger: we have the strongest one. Apply without name, moving along the lower eyelid from the outer corner to the inner

Apply foundation to your face with a special brush or fingers. If you work with your fingers, first apply the composition to the back of your hand. The heat will make it a little easier to work with the foundation, and then apply the product to your face. Spread with patting gentle movements from the inner corners of the eyes towards the outer.

And yet, you need to fix the makeup. The main difficulty in this case is choosing the perfect powder. Often the powder you use on your face may not work. It rolls up in places of wrinkles and emphasizes them even more.

Therefore, I do not recommend using matte powder. A translucent loose powder is best here. Blend it with a special brush. Do not try to apply a generous layer of powder in the hope of "whitening" the bruises. Such powder is not intended to cover them. It only gives completeness to the makeup and fixes the concealer or foundation.

You can even mix foundation with concealer. This is done to avoid the difference between the masked area and the rest of the face.

In the life of every girl there is a moment when dark circles in the periorbital region begin to spoil her appearance. Waking up in the morning, women react to this problem in different ways: some are used to it, some are very worried and want to quickly get rid of it with improvised means. The question involuntarily arises: how to cover up bruises under the eyes?

Possible Causes of Dark Circles

The thin skin of the eyelids contains very few sebaceous and sweat glands, has no subcutaneous tissue, so it is prone to drying and rapid fading. Various factors contribute to the deterioration of the condition of the eyelids:

  1. Congenital anatomical features, when the venous network is located superficially, creates strong blackouts.
  2. General fatigue. Bruising occurs from fatigue, usually found in the morning. On weekdays, bruises can be observed from sitting in front of a computer for a long time at work. If blueness is found after sleep, then this may be due to an incorrect position of the head, insufficient blood supply to the face. After giving birth, a young mother may not sleep at all.
  3. Diseases. Dark circles can signal problems with the kidneys, thyroid gland, heart and vascular system. May be a symptom of anemia.
  4. Mechanical impact on the periorbital region. This can be either a blow inflicted by a hard blunt object, or a blow to the head, for example, on the floor at the moment of loss of consciousness. After an injury, the eye area may have different shades, because larger vessels are damaged from the impact and hematomas develop, which gradually fade.
  5. Inadequate nutrition. The female gender loves to diet. Depriving themselves of valuable food components, they get bruises under their eyes.
  6. Bad habits. From alcohol and smoking, blood circulation is disturbed, the saphenous veins of the lower eyelids expand and black shadows appear. After immoderate alcohol intake, every second woman has bruises.
  7. Exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation. Causes aging of the skin, especially its thinned areas. The skin of the eyelids becomes dry, wrinkled and dark circles appear faster. Do not give up on glasses to protect against the sun's rays.

A child may bruise for the same reasons. From childhood, you should find out the causes of dark circles, take timely measures to correct them.

How to quickly remove bruises at home

If the problem arose from lack of sleep and it is accompanied by bags under the eyes, then folk remedies can help.

tea bags for eyes

Pre-brew tea, cool and lightly squeeze the bags. After that, put on your eyes and lie down with them for 15 minutes. Tea bags perfectly eliminate puffiness of the eyelids.

Masks with grated potatoes

Potatoes contain starch, which has bleaching properties. It is also rich in antioxidants, which allows you to refresh the delicate skin of the eyelids. You will need 1 raw tuber, which must be grated on a coarse grater and put the resulting slurry on the eye area. Leave on for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Refreshing mask with cucumber

It is necessary to cut the cucumber into circles. It is better to pre-cool them in the freezer, you can drop a drop of Vizin on each slice. Put cucumber discs on your eyelids, wait 15-20 minutes.

Recipe with toothpaste

Apply evenly to the periorbital area. Aged for 10 minutes, brings a cooling effect. These methods narrow the blood vessels, the blue becomes less. A teenager is often forbidden to use cosmetics, they have to use homemade recipes.

Corrective agent

When lotions with tea and other folk methods do not help a girl, then it is necessary to use decorative cosmetics:

  1. Concealer, which has an optimal consistency for the delicate skin of the eyelids, well hides any imperfections. The concealer glides on the eyelids and doesn't roll. Apply with a brush or fingers.
  2. Corrector with a firm consistency. Available in the form of a masking pencil. His pigmentation is weak, which will not help mask a strong blue.
  3. Foundation cream. There is a huge color palette that allows you to choose the right shade and effectively hide imperfections. The product has a creamy consistency, allows you to mask mild bruises. Minus - it can emphasize wrinkles in the eyelid area, especially if you fix it with powder on top. Tonalka can complete the correction with a concealer.

For each cause of dark circles, an individual selection of cosmetics is required. It is believed that concealer leads the list of concealers.

How to choose the shade of masking products

The color of the eyelids should be assessed in detail in order to better cope with the problem:

  • purple appears from lack of sleep, after tears, it is well masked by yellow concealer;
  • red-blue places from a blow are better amenable to correction with orange hues;
  • dark blue circles well eliminate blue shades.

Important! There is a misconception that you should use shades that match your skin tone. It turns out that the shortcomings become even more noticeable. Corrective cosmetics should be a tone lighter than the natural complexion.

The process of disguise

If a bruise occurs during an injury, it is necessary to provide first aid - apply ice for 10-15 minutes. If the victim intends to be at home that day, you can apply an ointment from hematomas and leave it overnight. If a person goes to work the next day, then you can’t do without cosmetics:

  1. It is necessary to clean the skin with personal hygiene products (foam, washing gel). After that, you can make a compress.
  2. Apply moisturizer.
  3. Use the concealer with your fingers: from the inner corner of the eye to the outer. You can perform a light massage in order to normalize blood circulation and lymph outflow.
  4. Make sure to evenly apply corrective cosmetics. If the blue has disappeared, then you can do without foundation. If not, then with a brush, the cream is applied over the concealer and shaded well.
  5. Fix the result with matting powder, evenly distributing it with a large brush.
  6. Apply a primer (base) under makeup.

After masking, you can apply shadows, eyeliner. Eyelashes well dyed with mascara will distract attention to themselves, no one will pay attention to other shortcomings. Lips painted with red lipstick will cause the same effect, and a shimmery highlighter on the cheeks will support this illusion.

How to get rid of bruises forever

You will need the services of a beautician. The salon performs the following procedures:

  1. Fillers are injections of hyaluronic acid. The desired result can be achieved in a day. The effect lasts up to 1 year.
  2. Mesotherapy is a method of general rejuvenation. A cocktail of drugs and vitamins is injected into the middle layers of the skin using injections or a mesoscooter.
  3. Biostimulation is the use of low-frequency electric current to improve blood circulation and regenerative processes in the skin. In a week of procedures, you can feel the effect.
  4. Blepharoplasty is a procedure that corrects the shape of the eyelids with a laser. There are no scars left after the operation. The beauty of the eyelids can please for 5 years, after which a correction is required.

You should contact only trusted beauty centers so as not to aggravate the situation.

How to get rid of bruises under the eyes

You can use the same methods as the female gender. Men use dark glasses or a band-aid for camouflage.

To avoid dark circles under the eyes, you need to get enough sleep, give your eyes a rest while working at the computer, make nourishing and vasoconstrictive masks. Morning massage procedures with pieces of ice, which tone the skin of the eyelids, help well. You can turn to professionals: make-up artists, who will accurately select the tone of the corrector, to cosmetologists, who remove the problem in the bud.

Hematomas (bruises) are one of the most delicate problems, especially in cases where they cannot be hidden from society. The process of the appearance of a hematoma is quite simple: after damage to soft, especially sensitive tissues or disruption of the vessels, a blood cavity is formed in the skin mechanically. The human brain perceives information about damage and includes the processes of resorption of the blood clot. Because of this, the color transformation of the site of injury occurs - from a purple-bluish hue to yellowish.

The most "colorful" hematomas are damage to the skin of the face, especially women. The resorption process often takes no more than two days. But at this time, many girls begin to think about how to disguise a bruise under the eye as plausibly as possible.

Most women have become consummate magicians thanks to their daily struggle with the hated bluish circles around the eyes. But all previously used methods cannot always cope with a large-scale hematoma.

Concealer is a good helper

First of all, in such an extraordinary situation, many cosmetologists advise you to attract a high-quality concealer to help you. Yves Saint Laurent, the most famous company for the realization of women's dreams, gave ladies the opportunity to create magic on their own in the last century, using the tool during makeup.

And how to mask a bruise under the eye with a concealer and how to choose the right type?


This tool is produced all over the world in several types, which allows you to optimally choose a concealer for each individual woman and situation. To hide a large-scale and rather pronounced bruise, professionals advise using a stick. This concealer has an inimitable thick texture, the product pliantly lies on any part of the face. You can apply the concealer stick either with your fingers or with a comfortable brush.


How to disguise a bruise under the eye that has already begun to fade? To do this, you can use a cream concealer. It will help to hide small areas of bruises, its dense texture lends itself easily to gentle brush strokes. Before applying, you should stock up on patience and endurance. An excellent result always requires scrupulousness and accuracy. This cream can also hide freckles and even significant skin imperfections, such as small scars.


The concealer pencil has a soft, light texture, which greatly complicates the mission of masking a bruise. Such a tool will perfectly show itself in the case of an almost resolved hematoma of small dimensions. The pencil is insanely easy to use, but its scope is more than noble bruises.


A warm saline compress will gently enhance the resorption process. To prepare such a bath you will need:

  • glass of water;
  • 1 st. l. sea ​​salt.

First you should dissolve in a glass of warm water (not boiling water) a tablespoon of high-quality sea (ocean) salt. During the application of the bandage, you need to monitor the safety of the mucous membrane. After all, sodium chloride can cause a wild burning sensation. Salt dressings must be applied several times a day until complete recovery.


A more effective compress is vinegar. To prepare the product, you need to pour a tablespoon of sea salt with two vinegar. After stirring, three or four drops of iodine should be added to the mixture. As well as with vinegar lotions, it is necessary to tirelessly monitor the condition of the mucous membrane of the eye.

A small conclusion

Now you know how and how to mask bruises under the eyes. We hope that our methods will help you. Good luck!

About the simplest ways to mask bruises under the eyes with the help of special cosmetic techniques, the website will tell today. The appearance of blue "shadows" under the eyes can have a variety of reasons, the degree of intensity of their color is also different - which determines what and. A few tips on choosing a fairly effective cosmetics and how to use it correctly for the best masking result are in this article.

How to cover up bruises under the eyes: the choice of means

When choosing a product that allows you to reliably mask bruises under the eyes, try not to overload the dry and thinned skin of the eyelids with cosmetics.

If you have dark spots under your eyes

Slight darkening under the eyes, resulting from lack of sleep and overwork, as well as the blueness of the skin of the eyelids, due to the translucence of blood vessels from under too thin skin, usually require very light disguise. Sometimes it is enough to apply the usual tonal powder. The presence of reflective particles in its composition is welcome. Well, if you have black circles, read it.

If you have real bruises

To hide bruises of intense, bright color or very dark pigment spots under the eyes, the use of specially created masking cosmetics is required.

Some try to cover up bruises under the eyes with such a remedy as masking pencil. The use of such solid correctors for the skin of the eyelids is categorically contraindicated. Using them, you will not only dry out, but also stretch the delicate skin under the eyes, causing premature wrinkles.

Application foundation for the face - also not the best option: it also dries the skin and makes mimic wrinkles more noticeable. Using a “tonal” as a means to cover up bruises from trauma under the eyes will also fail because such hematomas are simultaneously painted in all tones from blue-black to brown-yellow.

You can try pharmacy cream "Sinyakoff", which is used for the accelerated treatment of such color stains under the eyes. This healing cream also has a tinting effect, as it was created on the basis of theatrical make-up. The site site has already talked about him in an article that appeared as a result of an injury.

But the most modern and effective means of resolving the issue of how to cover up bright bruises under the eyes is considered application of a special concealer for the skin around the eyes. This cosmetic product contains ingredients that improve the circulation of lymph and blood in the capillaries: horse chestnut, butcher's needle, nettle, cola and others. The tool perfectly masks traumatic bruises and age spots, while hiding wrinkles around the eyes and slightly whitening the skin. The concealer is available in a variety of shades, allowing you to correct the blue of any intensity with a normal complexion, as well as the yellowness and brownish shades of chronic hematomas under the eyes. The main thing is to choose the right shade of concealer for your skin color, and sometimes you need to use several shades at the same time.

Concealer - the best foundation to cover up a bruise under the eye

Makeup artists, when advising how to cover up bruises under the eyes, suggest using concealers in a yellowish or light green shade, which give the best result for blue-violet-brown spots under the lower eyelid.

The rest of cosmetics: how to divert attention from bruises?

The ability to hide dark stains on the lower eyelids is not limited to how best to cover up bruises under the eyes - it is also necessary to correct the entire system of applying makeup on the face. ink layer on the eyelashes of the lower eyelid should be minimal, and from arrows on the eyelid it is better to refuse completely or make them very thin.

It is important with the help of foundation to smooth out the transition from the place of a camouflaged bruise to the color of normal skin of the cheeks, on which blush can be applied. This will help to reduce the contrast between the color of the lower eyelid and the too light skin of the cheeks. bright lipstick will accentuate the views of passers-by on your lips, distracting from looking at the darkening under the eyes.

Blue and purple and also brown shadows on the upper eyelids, in the presence of bruises under the eyes, it is better not to use. But, if you often experiment with bright and bold face makeup, you can try, on the contrary, to apply shadows of dark colors in a wide strip on the upper and lower eyelids. Then the bruises under the eyes will seem to be a cosmetic effect specially created by you, and not a flaw or damage to the skin.

Remember that bruises under the eyes, first of all, must be heal, not just mask. Try to find and eliminate the causes of the origin of dark circles under your eyes, be sure to cure the hematoma. And the advice of cosmetologists, how to cover bruises under the eyes help you get out of the house and lead a normal life. Always stay attractive and cheerful!

Rodionova Tatyana - especially for the site

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Bruises and bags under the eyes are a terrible little thing that can ruin the whole look and effort to create attractive image.

It's good that experts in modern cosmetology know how to mask circles under the eyes. In fact, this is an affordable, completely simple procedure that takes five to ten minutes and helping to restore a fresh, rested look.

And the hairstyle will help, here's how to make a donut bun:

Correctors and concealers

Concealers- the most simple concealers designed to hide slight skin imperfections. They can be used in case of a slight lack of sleep, when the swelling that appears under the eyes in the morning betrays a sleepless night.

But if concealers did not help, then you should choose corrector from bruises under the eyes. This is a much more effective tool that can hide almost any imperfection on the skin. It perfectly hides ugly dark circles and at the same time, unlike the previous remedy, does not lead to a grayish skin tone.

The pricing policy of both funds ranges from expensive products of elite brands to more modest options for lesser-known firms. The brand in this case does not really affect the quality, but still you need to take into account some options when choosing necessary means:

  • the tone of the concealer or corrector should be slightly lighter than the natural skin color (by about 1-2 steps), the shades are also selected individually;
  • the concealer is usually a liquid product, while the corrector is more like a creamy shadow, but both products should have a uniform texture without lumps and similar imperfections;
  • Any product should be tested for an allergic reaction before application, as the skin around the eyes is very delicate and can be easily irritated.

Of course, even the highest quality product must be fixed after application to the skin. This is easy to do with just a little loose powder and powder puff. The products themselves should be applied with weak patting movements of the fingers or with a special sponge, in case the skin of the face is very oily.

Replacement of special means

Sometimes a corrector or concealer is simply not at hand, and then you have to use other means. In this case, you need to figure out how to paint over bruises under the eyes improvised means. A light tonal foundation can save, a tone darker than the usual and well-blended standard foundation applied on top.

It is better to refuse powder, since such an amount of tonal foundation will already look worse than a special tool.

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Visually reduces bruising under the eyes black ink and light pencil applied on the inside of the lower eyelid. A cream with a radiance effect, applied as a base for makeup, can also save the situation.

You can somewhat improve the appearance with the help of folk and simple solutions. For example, wipe the face (together with the area around the eyes) with a refreshing tonic and apply a light moisturizer, this will give the skin a well-groomed look and somewhat divert attention from the main imperfection.

In addition, you can wipe your face ice cube from a decoction of useful herbs or pull slices of chilled cucumber before your eyes.