How to mend wool heel socks. How to mend wool socks. Special darning for jerseys

A hole in the toe or heel is one of the most common "damage" to the sock. It happens that there is no thread of a suitable color at hand - for example, in the country or on a trip. This life hack is about how to sew knitwear with a seam in which the thread from the front side is not visible, so you can use any color. In addition, special tools are not needed here, as in darning. Please note: this method is not suitable for too prominent places. It is rather a life hack for quickly fixing something that is torn.

You will need:

Hand needle;

Sequence of work:

1. Thread the needle, make a small knot. Do not turn the product inside out. Thread the needle through the hole, inside out, and leave the knot in there.

2. Begin to sew up the hole, grabbing one or the other of its edges in turn. Proceed as shown in the diagram.

3. When you have finished sewing, pull the thread. Pull until the thread goes into the seam, making it invisible from the right side, but not pulling the seam. You can always stretch the seam to the sides to straighten the thread a little. Pull the needle inside out and secure the thread.

More clearly - in the video:

2. How to sew up a burst line with a blind seam: a master class

In this case, the blind seam from the previous life hack is also used. A detailed master class on how to complete this seam,.

The method is suitable for repairing a burst or torn machine line where it is not very convenient to sew up a hole from the inside out. For example, you can sew a hole in the lining, in an inner pocket, and so on. By the way, the same seam can be used to repair a torn-off hem of a trousers or skirt.

You will need:

Hand needle;

Sequence of work:

Follow the seam as shown in the photo or in the diagram from the life hack above. At the end, carefully secure the thread.

More clearly - in the video:

3. How to sew a small hole on knitted knitted items: a master class

We have already written about how to discreetly sew up a small hole in thin knitwear (master class with video). The same master class is about how to repair thicker knitwear, for example, knitted sweater, pullover, sweater. In the same way, you can sew a thick knitted sock or any knitted thing.

You will need:

Thin threads in the color of the thing;

Hand needle.

Sequence of work:

1. Turn the thing inside out. Thread the needle. Begin to cast small stitches across the direction of the threads in the knit. Move up and down, threading all the way to the end of the hole.

2. Now with the same stitches, go perpendicularly along the direction of the knit threads. With each movement of the needle and weave it with the padded stitches, and grab some of the material to be repaired.

3. As a result, the work should look from the inside out, as in the photo below. Secure the thread with a few small, neat stitches and cut the thread. Ready.

Photo and source:

4. How to raise the loops and sew a hole in the knitwear near the seam: a master class

Such a hole near the seam is a fairly common occurrence. This masterclass is about gently lifting buttonholes and repairing a sweater.

You will need:

The hook is the right size;

Threads, in thickness, color and composition, are suitable for the repaired knitwear;

Safety pin.

Sequence of work:

1. Hook up the escaped hinges one at a time.

2. Raised chains can be secured with a safety pin so that they do not run away again.

3. After picking up all the escaped chains of loops, close them with a crochet, successively pulling one loop through the other.

4. Secure the last buttonhole with a needle and thread.

5. Use the same thread to carefully sew up the hole.

5. How to raise the loops and sew a hole in the knitted fabric: a master class

For repairing knitted knitted items, it is good to use a knitted stitch - especially inconspicuous work is obtained if you have the threads from which the item is made. A knitted seam is good when the hole has arisen not due to abrasion, but, for example, due to a catch, when the thread in the knitted fabric is pulled out and torn.

You will need:

A hook of a suitable size (if you need to lift the escaped loops);

Well-fitting threads;

Sequence of work:

1. Crochet the escaped loops.

2. Thread the needle and start to collect the loops as shown in the pictures. A contrasting thread is specially taken here so that the principle of operation is clear.

3. After collecting all the loose loops, pull the thread to the wrong side. Secure it by passing it between the loops of the material, as shown in the photo. Bring the pieces of the torn thread to the wrong side too.

Photo and source:

6. How to mend a hole: three ways

Darning is a classic repair method. Helps with holes in knitwear and fabrics. The degree of invisibility of the repair depends on the size of the hole, the material itself (it is very difficult to make an invisible darning on silk or other delicate fabric) and skill. Most often, darning is used to repair things in less visible places. But it performs its main function - getting rid of the hole.

You will need:

Threads in the color of the fabric;

Hand needle;

- "fungus" or other darning device.

Here is a diagram of the classic darning stitch:

Before starting work, you can run the thread around the hole so as not to stretch the material with the darning. In the process of work, you can not touch this thread and then pull it out.

Special darning for jerseys:

First, the auxiliary threads are pulled with a thin thread, then darning is put along them with a thread suitable for the canvas being repaired.

Another option for darning knitwear:

First, the threads are laid along the threads of the canvas, then darning is performed.

It would seem, what is so difficult in darning a sock, but seeing how socks are darned in various ways ... one involuntarily thinks about the best.

So, let's see, it looks like a completely ordinary sock.
But when zoomed in, we see a hole in one of its parts.
To mend this sock, we need the following materials: the sock itself, cotton thread, scissors, a needle and a light bulb. Yes, just a light bulb (exactly how my grandmother taught me to darn socks, I will share with you in the same way).
Next, we insert this light bulb inside the sock, where the hole is.
Now, with a needle and thread, we need to grab all the empty loops in one direction, one stitch should capture about 2-3 loops so that the sock does not continue to unravel, so be sure not to miss a single one. It should turn out to be a warp of longitudinal threads.
Now we turn the needle and begin to weave with threads in the transverse direction, grabbing each thread with the needle from above and below, in turn, while making stitches along the edges. And so we intertwine until the sock is completely repaired, a kind of net should turn out and the denser the better. Look what I got - the sock looks almost like new.

How to mend wool socks with large holes? Yes, in principle, also, only the darning process itself takes much more time, and in some cases this sock is easier to throw away.

The ability to accurately and beautifully apply stubs on clothes has always been appreciated in the house. Timely minor repairs will help prolong the life of your favorite things.

What of the available means do we need

  • Hole toe;
  • Yarn to match the sock;
  • Needle;
  • Scissors;
  • darning egg (fungus).


1. Instead of a fungus (egg) for darning, you can use any solid object with roundness, for example, a bottle, a wooden egg or incandescent lamps. Place the hole on the darning mushroom and trim the loose strands of yarn sticking out. Pull well the damaged material on the fungus. Now take a long strand of yarn and start the needle.

2. Create a base for correction. Stitch a square around the outside of the hole by threading the needle through four loops away from the edge of the hole and continuing with a chain of stitches on all four sides to attach.

3. Then start from top to stretch the horizontal yarn guide lines from side to side across the entire hole area. Present the threads tightly in several rows while pulling the edge slightly at the same time. Horizontal threads, starting from 3 depth engraving from the intact surface of the toe.

4. The end of the thread should be in the lower right corner and further down your path, in the upper right corner of the darning place. Thus, the thread with the needle is carried out in the vertical direction tense horizontal rows from above and copy the lines on the existing (undamaged) cycle.

5. Next, reaching the hole, use the previously created horizontal guides. In the horizontal direction, pull the thread through the tense series, and pass the needle and thread under the nearest vertical row, return, go the needle through the last loop and bring it out under the working thread.

6. It should be borne in mind that when moving from top to bottom, creating a loop, take the needle should be below the leader line. In this direction the vertical columns go with the stitch down to the bottom of the square and make a 3 stitch buttonhole for the entire eyelet farther from the edge of the hole.

7. The needle and thread are then passed through the guides at the top of the square. And starting from the top, secure the stitch in place, work from the second pillar.

8. In this order, scratch the entire surface of the damaged area and on the fingers. The result should be a very smooth, well-groomed and beautiful darning.

This method is similar to the Swiss (V-shaped) plug with some modifications. Loops in Swiss darning stitches are performed starting from the bottom of the hole, and here, from top to bottom, from the guides (horizontally), threads, yarn.

Warm, cozy woolen socks often save us in the cold season. But here's the bad luck: with such products, the heel quickly wears out over time. Unfortunately, this is the most vulnerable spot of the socks. To make woolen things last a long time, use additional nylon thread when making them. This, even if not for long, will prolong their life. But what if the socks are almost new and the heel is torn? Do not despair and throw things away. Today we will tell you how to fix a heel on a knitted sock and give things a second life.

Method number 1. Jurab backdrop

Any needlewoman who knows how to hold knitting needles can fix a heel in a woolen sock. It's quite simple, you just need to dissolve the torn part and tie a new heel with yarn from which the sock is made or any other to match the product. With a good dexterity, this process will not take long.

To work you will need:

  • 5 knitting needles or circular needles.
  • Yarn matching color and quality.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Dissolve your heel. For this:
    1. Cast on the side loops with a knitting needle. This must be done from two sides. If you have circular knitting needles, use them.
    2. Use scissors to cut one thread and carefully pull it out of the row.
    3. Pull the string and open the heel counter. The loops will remain on the knitting rods.
  • Gather the stitches with the next knitting needle on the back of the sock.
  • Divide them evenly over the four rods.
  • Work the first two rows on five knitting needles without subtraction. And so that there is no hole left between the sides, knit a twisted loop in this place.
  • Redistribute the loops so that there are, for example, 6 on the side rods, and 20 on the rest.
  • On knitting needles with a lot of loops, knit 2 pieces together. On the side knitting needles, do not add or subtract anything. Walk in a circle in this way.

Important! As a result, a new backdrop should be formed on both sides: 1 loop should remain on the horizontal rods, and 6 each on the side ones.

  • Work the next row round and round, decreasing the last stitch on each side of the horizontal knitting rods. There should be 6 stitches on 2 needles.
  • Work half the row more on one needle.
  • Use a knit stitch to join all remaining eyelets. You need to do it like this: remove one from the core, thread a needle with a knitted thread into it. Remove the loop from the second knitting needle, also thread the needle and thread through it.
  • Connect adjacent loops on each side in pairs, finishing the seam.

The back is ready, the sock is like new!

Important! Fewer stitches can be left on the side knitting needles to keep the heel snug.

Method number 2

This method is also suitable for those who have an idea of ​​how to handle different knitting tools. The technology does not have any particular difficulties, but it is imperative to be careful and attentive when working in order to fix a heel on a woolen toe.

To work you will need:

  • 4 needles number 2.
  • Yarn matching color.

Step-by-step instruction

You can easily fix warm and soft socks if you follow these instructions:

  1. Dissolve the lateral and back of the heel.
  2. Assemble the loops for 2 knitting rods.
  3. Cast on several rows up to the level at which you want to form the backdrop.
  4. Divide the loops into 3 parts, for example, 9 + 10 + 9.
  5. Cast on 9 + 9 stitches in the front row.
  6. Remove 1 stitch for the front stitch and knit the first 3-part stitch for the front stitch.
  7. Pull the removed loop through the knitted loop.
  8. Turn knit over and remove 1 loop.
  9. Sew 8 stitches from center and 2 to purl. On each row, a decrease should occur, then on one side, then on the other.
  10. After the heel is closed, carefully sew the heel loops with the toe loops.

Method 3. If the damage is small

If the toe on the heel has just worn out, and there is no hole yet, then it must be darned right away. Darning will prevent the rip from occurring for a while. And using our advice, you will rarely have to buy new things, because you can already deftly and quickly restore their integrity in a matter of minutes:

  1. Insert something round, such as a Christmas tree ball, from the wrong side of the product.
  2. Using a large long needle and a matching tricot thread, gather the loops on the needle and stitch in parallel, first to one side, then to the other.
  3. Then cross-stitch the original longitudinal stitches.
  4. The tip of the needle should go neatly up and down so that the threads are intertwined.
  5. Next, go diagonally with small stitches and then another diagonal.