What medications can pregnant women take for varicose veins? What to apply to your legs for varicose veins during pregnancy. These infusions can be used for compresses

Varicose veins are a disease of the veins, expressed in the expansion, lengthening, tortuosity of the veins with subsequent disruption of blood flow due to pathological changes in the venous walls and valves. Various forms of varicose veins observed in 38% of women, and in 90% the appearance of varicose veins is associated with pregnancy. This pathology is diagnosed in 40% of pregnant women.

The first signs of varicose veins are observed already in first trimester of pregnancy.

Women complain of heaviness in their legs, fatigue when walking, and the appearance of spider veins. Dilation of the veins, which occurs at the beginning of pregnancy, constantly progresses.

The disease is aggravated by an increase in the volume of circulating blood, a growing uterus, and an increase in body weight– all these factors lead to a slowdown in blood flow and increased pressure in the veins.

If in patients outside of pregnancy the first signs of varicose veins develop several years after the onset of the disease, then in pregnant women this process is significantly accelerated.

The clinical disease is manifested by the following symptoms:

  1. Tired legs syndrome: a feeling of heaviness in the limbs, aggravated by prolonged stay in an upright position, and decreased by resting in a lying position with legs raised up.
  2. Cramps in the leg muscles, occurring at night in the legs covered with a warm blanket.
  3. Feeling hot and stagnation in the legs when sitting for a long time.
  4. Swelling in the area of ​​the foot and lower leg.
  5. A venous pattern often appears on the skin of the legs, or tortuous elastic trunks of veins appear.
  6. In evening time severe itching occurs in the lower leg area, mainly on the front side. The skin in these areas is dry and prone to peeling.

Varicose veins are common during pregnancy complicated, phlebothrombosis, bleeding, eczema, varicose ulcer. Itching of the skin of the legs, as a rule, precedes the formation of eczema, which, with constant scratching, leads to the development of a trophic ulcer.


The appearance of varicose veins in pregnant women associated with a deficiency of the hormone estrogen and an increase in progesterone. This hormonal imbalance has a relaxing effect on the vascular wall.

In addition, progesterone in high concentrations suppresses hormones synthesized by the pituitary gland, which tone smooth muscle fibers.

Unfavorable factors influencing the development of varicose veins during pregnancy are an increase in the volume of circulating blood and compression of the retroperitoneal veins by the growing uterus.

Progressive weight gain with increasing pregnancy, it affects the increase in pressure in the veins and slows down the speed of blood flow.

Photo of varicose veins of the legs


A preliminary diagnosis of varicose veins is made based on an external examination of the pregnant woman and her complaints. Using instrumental diagnostic methods, the nature of the disease is determined.

The following diagnostic methods are used:

  1. – a method that combines Doppler ultrasound and two-dimensional ultrasound scanning of veins. The procedure is performed with a special sensor in a lying position. This method allows you to obtain information about the condition of the subcutaneous and deep veins.
  2. Phlebography– X-ray contrast diagnostics, based on the study of the condition of the veins using X-ray control and the introduction of a contrast agent. Allows you to identify defects and lumens of the vein, the presence of blood clots.

The main method for diagnosing varicose veins is ultrasound angioscanning; X-ray contrast venography is used in rare cases.

Varicose veins on the legs during pregnancy: what to do?

In the first trimester of pregnancy, treatment of varicose veins includes only elastic compression and vitamin therapy. Medications are contraindicated in the early stages; drug therapy begins in the second trimester of pregnancy.

Compression underwear

With the help of compression treatment, venous outflow in varicose veins is normalized, pathological venous emissions (reverse blood flow) are eliminated, and microcirculation is improved.

Elastic compression in pregnant women with varicose veins should be used constantly, As a result, only high quality knitwear is selected, with the help of which optimal pressure is created in the veins of the lower extremities.

Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to correctly distribute pressure along a vein using elastic bandages, so their use is only indicated for short-term treatment, for example, after sclerotherapy.

During pregnancy special medical knitwear is used– tights, stockings for varicose veins, 2nd degree of compression, and in case of severe disease – 3rd degree of compression. At the initial stage of varicose veins, when the disease is expressed by heaviness in the legs and passing swelling, it is enough to use stockings and stockings of the 1st degree of compression. More details You can familiarize yourself with the selection of compression underwear.

Drug therapy

When treating varicose veins during pregnancy on the legs, medications prescribed only from the second trimester of pregnancy, since many of them have contraindications for use in early gestational stages.

Preparations from the phleboprotector group are used in tablets for oral administration and ointments for topical use.

These medications increase the tone of the venous wall, improve microcirculation, reduce capillary permeability, and prevent the development of inflammation.

Effective tablets for varicose veins:

  1. "" - a drug with the active substance rutin. It should be used in a course of 1 month, 2 capsules per day.
  2. "" is a drug of synthetic origin based on diosmin. Used to eliminate symptoms of varicose veins and prevent complications. Used internally, 1 tablet, for a course of 1 – 1.5 months.
  3. “Venarus”, “” are absolute analogues based on diosmin and hesperidin. Take courses of 1 - 1.5 months, 2 tablets per day.
  4. "" is a solution of plant origin containing bioflavonoids and horse chestnuts. Apply 15 drops orally three times a day.
  5. "" is a herbal preparation containing rutin and extracts of other plants. Take 1 capsule twice a day.

Other drugs with anticoagulant and antiplatelet effects are not prescribed during pregnancy. Their use is advisable during childbirth to prevent bleeding and thrombosis.

Creams and ointments

Tonic preparations - gels, ointments and creams for external use have a rapid local decongestant and analgesic effect mostly due to auxiliary components that have a cooling and distracting effect.

The active ingredients of most ointments are heparin and rutoside, which penetrate the layers of the skin and have an anti-inflammatory and venoprotective effect.

These are creams and ointments:

  • "Hepatrombin";
  • "Venolife";

The drugs should be applied in a thin layer to the affected veins, moving from bottom to top, and then use compression stockings.

Surgical interventions

Surgery performed for complicated varicose veins– acute thrombophlebitis and phlebothrombosis.

In this case, a crossectomy is performed (ligation of the veins at the junction of the great saphenous vein and the deep one) under local anesthesia.

If there is a high probability of developing thromboembolism caused by the patient a vena cava filter is installed, According to indications, an operation aimed at plication of the inferior vena cava is performed. In this case, the question of emergency termination of pregnancy is usually raised.

Read more about the methods and types of surgery.

Traditional methods

Gymnastic exercises

To stimulate venous outflow, you must perform the Mikulin exercise daily:

  • in a vertical position, rise on your toes, lifting your heels off the floor by 1-2 cm and sharply lower yourself. Perform 30 times, rest, repeat 3 times;

Another modification of the exercise:

  • perform in compression garments: standing, raise your heels one by one from the floor at an angle of no more than 45o, as if imitating walking in place, keeping your toes on the floor. Start with 10 minutes, gradually extending the exercise time to half an hour.

In the evening, after a hard day, lie on your back, lift your leg up, lightly shake your foot, perform circular movements with your foot, then do the same with the other leg. Repeat 10 times for each leg. More details Read about doing gymnastics.


How to avoid varicose veins? Since the cause of varicose veins during pregnancy associated mainly with hormonal imbalance still in a pre-pregnant state. It is important to eliminate hormonal imbalances at the planning stage.

Typically, hormonal disorders manifest in women with the following symptoms:

  • mastopathy (pain in the mammary glands);
  • seborrhea;
  • acne;
  • pain on the first day of menstruation;
  • severe premenstrual syndrome.

If these signs are present, you should visit a gynecologist-endocrinologist before pregnancy to correct hormone levels.

You should also avoid factors that contribute to the appearance of varicose veins.– prolonged stay in an upright or sitting position, severe weight gain (normal weight gain during pregnancy should be no more than 15 kg), deficiency of vitamin C and B3, a large amount of animal proteins in the diet.

Prevention of varicose veins during pregnancy:

  1. Spend at least 1 hour a day for walking at a moderate pace.
  2. Consume plenty of fruits and vegetables, as well as juices (sources of vitamin C).
  3. Rest with your feet up.
  4. During sedentary work Every hour and a half, perform the Mikulin exercise for 5 minutes.
  5. Limit your intake of simple carbohydrates to avoid constipation.

The most effective prevention of varicose veins is movement, since the calf muscles physiologically work as “pumps” when walking, normalizing lymph and blood flow. You should walk 1 to 3 km daily to avoid varicose veins.


If preventive measures are taken, varicose veins during pregnancy usually do not cause complications, however, the possibility of their development cannot be excluded. Most complications occur during childbirth and the postpartum period, especially if the woman suffered injuries (ruptures) to the birth canal when expelling the fetus.

When bleeding, the body triggers a protective mechanism of blood clotting, as a result of which a blood clot forms in varicose veins with slow blood flow, and as a result, thrombosis and thrombophlebitis develop.

If pathological conditions occur in the postpartum period, women are prescribed antiplatelet and anti-inflammatory infusion therapy. The issue of surgical intervention is decided individually.

Pregnancy is the most wonderful time in a woman’s life. But, unfortunately, it is often complicated by such an unpleasant and even dangerous disease as varicose veins (VV).

According to statistics, every third pregnant woman faces the problem of spider veins and venous nodules, heaviness and rumbling in the legs. As long as these symptoms are not complicated by thrombophlebitis, embolism or other acute conditions, they can and should be treated.

How to choose the right ointment for varicose veins during pregnancy, and what you should pay attention to during treatment: we’ll look at it in our review and video in this article.

Principles of local treatment of varicose veins

When talking about varicose veins, in medicine it is more often referred to as damage to the lower extremities. Although there are other localizations of the disease (damage to the internal vessels of the esophagus, pelvis, rectum or anus), for obvious reasons their local treatment is not carried out.

Ointment is a soft medicinal product that is applied to the skin or mucous membranes for therapeutic purposes.

Depending on the method of preparation, consistency and ratio of the active and main substances, it can be classified into:

  • cream;
  • gel;
  • pasta:
  • liniment.

Ointment for varicose veins during pregnancy has the following effects:

  • strengthens the venous wall;
  • restores impaired functioning of venous valves;
  • reduces thrombus formation, improves the rheological properties of blood;
  • eliminates swelling of soft tissues;
  • promotes the healing of trophic lesions on the skin and mucous membranes.

Which ointment to choose?

If you notice symptoms of varicose veins, do not delay contacting a medical specialist - a phlebologist. The doctor will be able to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the condition of the venous system and draw up a plan for further treatment.

In addition to general measures, a diet aimed at reducing blood viscosity and taking venotonic drugs, local treatment is of great importance in the treatment of varicose veins.

How to choose the right ointment for varicose veins during pregnancy? Distinctive features of popular representatives of this broad pharmacological group are noted below.


Venoruton (Switzerland) is available in the form of a gel for topical use. The active ingredient in the drug is the organic substance rutoside, which is a chemical tax of vitamin P.

Actively absorbed through the skin, the drug has an effect at the cellular level: it reduces the permeability of cytoplasmic cell membranes, being an antioxidant, it fights the damaging effects of free radicals.

As a result of regular use:

  • the tone of the veins increases;
  • swelling of the lower extremities is significantly reduced;
  • pain disappears.

Important! Despite its good tolerability, the drug is not recommended for use by women in the first trimester of pregnancy. Starting from week 13, these restrictions are lifted.


Troxevasin is one of the most popular external agents for the prevention and treatment of venous insufficiency. It contains troxerutin (one of the chemical analogues of vitamin P) and bioflavonoids.


Venitan (Slovenia) is a product made from horse chestnut fruits. When used topically, it has a positive effect on the vascular wall, has venotonic, anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory properties.

Due to the low ability to be absorbed into the bloodstream, there are no restrictions on the use of the drug during pregnancy. Venitan is not prescribed for open wounds and trophic disorders.

Ginkor Gel

The active components of the natural preparation Ginkor Gel are extract of Ginkgo biloba and one of the chemical analogues of rutin. They help reduce the permeability of vascular walls, increase the tone of dilated veins and reduce the severity of edema. Ginkor Gel can be used at any stage of pregnancy without fear of harming the baby.

Heparin ointment

A heparin-based product is a popular ointment for varicose veins during pregnancy. Its action is based on reducing blood clotting and preventing the formation of attached blood clots, which can cause serious complications such as thrombophlebitis and thromboembolism.

In addition, Heparin ointment improves the trophic properties of tissues and normalizes metabolism in the cells of the vascular wall. Anestezin, which is part of the drug, eliminates discomfort and pain in the lower extremities. This ointment also has a pronounced therapeutic effect for trophic disorders of the skin of the foot and leg.

Lyoton 1000

Lyoton 1000 is a modern anticoagulant, decongestant and anti-inflammatory drug against varicose veins. Heparin, which is part of the cream, prevents excessive thrombosis and inflammatory lesions - phlebitis and thrombophlebitis. Also, timely use of Lyoton ensures the prevention of trophic disorders.

Note! Contraindications for treatment with Lyoton 1000 are individual intolerance to the components of the drug, non-healing trophic ulcers and violation of the integrity of the skin.


Hepatrombin is another local remedy based on heparin, but its effectiveness is slightly higher due to the content of additional components - allantoin and dexpanthenol. These medicinal substances enhance the effect of heparin, and also improve tissue nutrition, promote damage healing, and prevent the development of edema and trophic disorders.

Vishnevsky ointment

Balsamic liniment (according to Vishnevsky) is a complex preparation based on tar, castor oil, bismuth salts, and xeroform. The history of using this ointment for varicose veins during pregnancy goes back several decades.

The medicine is excellent for treating skin with trophic ulcers and other tissue nutrition disorders. It has the following properties:

  • antiseptic;
  • wound healing;
  • astringent.

The instructions do not prohibit the use of Vishnevsky ointment at any stage of pregnancy.


Ichthyol ointment is an anti-inflammatory agent for topical use. The active ingredients in its composition are sulfur compounds.

In case of illness, the drug provides:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiseptic;
  • keratoplasty;
  • healing;
  • local anesthetic.

Average prices for topical drugs:

Despite the fact that many of these products can be bought in over-the-counter departments of pharmacies, it is advisable that a specialist select an ointment, gel or cream for varicose veins for pregnant women.

Cosmeceuticals in the fight against circulatory disorders

In addition to pharmaceutical drugs, cosmetics can reduce the manifestations of varicose veins and alleviate the condition of a pregnant woman. Of course, they will not cope with serious symptoms of venous insufficiency, but they will help remove heaviness and rumbling in the legs at the end of a hard day.

The mechanism of operation of most cosmetic products is based on the action of cooling and tonic components - menthol, camphor, propolis extract, cedar resin, plant extracts and dexpanthenol.

Popular cosmetics that help reduce the initial manifestations of varicose veins include:

  • cream-wax “Zdorov”;
  • anti-varicose cream "Venorm";
  • cream-wax “Mama-comfort”;
  • cream-wax deputy “Granny Agafya’s Recipes” (for pregnant women);
  • gel "Venosal plus".

Medicinal and cosmetic ointments are only one of the stages in the treatment of venous valve insufficiency. Complex therapy of the disease includes following lifestyle and nutrition recommendations, exercise therapy, and taking venotonic drugs.

Conservative and, if necessary, surgical methods of treating pathology will normalize the functioning of the vessels of the lower extremities and forever forget about heaviness in the legs, venous nodules and edema.

Women suffer from varicose veins several times more often than men. During pregnancy, latent pathological conditions or a predisposition to such conditions in the body of the expectant mother become aggravated, leading to the appearance of the notorious stars and webs on the legs.

There is a popular myth that varicose veins are almost an obligatory companion for all pregnant women. However, many women calmly carry a child, unaware of the possibility of congestion in the veins. In others, the disease manifests itself only in later stages or with repeated pregnancies.

What do you need to know to successfully resist it, and how to safely treat it?

Statistics inform that with signs of varicose veins Faces up to 50% of expectant mothers, most of them in the later stages. The main “culprits” of illness during pregnancy are:

  • Changes in hormonal balance. The content of the hormone progesterone, necessary for successful pregnancy, increases in the blood of a pregnant woman. Progesterone reduces the tone of the muscle walls of the uterus, and at the same time the walls of blood vessels.
  • Increased circulating blood volume(up to 1.5 times), which increases the likelihood of stagnation.
  • Pressure of the growing uterus on the deep veins, as a result of which blood circulation in the legs and pelvic organs is disrupted.
  • Changes in blood chemistry, primarily the growth of fibrinogen. This is an important factor in the blood clotting system, the change in which increases the risk of blood clots. The blood becomes more “viscous” and its flow through the vessels is difficult.

All these factors can manifest themselves only slightly at the beginning of pregnancy, but progress closer to childbirth. Varicose veins manifest themselves most clearly in the last months.

Indirect factors of varicose veins in pregnant women may include:

  • Genetic factor. If there were women in the family suffering from varicose veins, they almost certainly passed on the predisposition by inheritance.
  • Increase in body weight, especially rapid weight gain (the circulatory system does not have time to adapt to the stress).
  • Low physical activity.
  • Poor nutrition, insufficient fiber intake.

Blood flows in to the lower part of the body and limbs along large vessels, and this is where varicose veins begin. Veins do not provide adequate blood flow and timely return to the heart. Congestion occurs, pressure in the veins increases, bursting them from the inside and deforming them.

Symptoms and diagnosis

The disease can signal itself without yet manifesting itself externally:

  • Swelling of the legs, especially the feet, progressing in the evening. Shoes become tight.
  • Night cramps in the legs, feeling of heat, fullness, tingling, discomfort.
  • Skin pigmentation on the legs.

In late pregnancy Varicose veins can appear not only on the legs. Pregnant women suffer from dilatation. It is also the cause of such intimate problems as hemorrhoids.

With progression of the disease under the skin of the lower extremities specific spider veins appear, the legs are dotted with a network of capillaries. Varicose veins can affect larger vessels, and the pattern of the veins becomes more distinct; bulges and nodules form under the skin.

The diagnosis is made based on the clinical picture and the patient’s complaints by a specialist in venous disease: a phlebologist or a vascular surgeon.

Safe treatments

Varicose veins can greatly darken the period of bearing a child. Not only is it unnecessary to put up with it, but it is also fraught with complications.

The main treatment for varicose veins during pregnancy is aimed at preventing thrombosis and ensuring good blood circulation. First of all pregnant The following useful points should be taken into account:

Pregnant women with problem veins are advised to wear special compression stockings. To prevent the disease, compression class No. 1 is recommended; with pronounced signs of varicose veins, it can be increased to No. 2. Elastic compression improves blood circulation several times, keeping veins toned. Before purchasing stockings, be sure to take measurements of each leg in the morning, before swelling appears.

Medical stockings for varicose veins in pregnant women will have to be worn throughout the entire pregnancy, including childbirth, and for some period after the birth of the child.

For more useful information on this topic, watch the video:

List of drugs

In addition to compression stockings, exercises and healthy lifestyle recommendations The doctor may also recommend medications.

Local preparations are available in the form ointments, creams and gels, applied directly to the affected area of ​​skin, usually 2-3 times a day. Since they penetrate only to a limited depth, they have no effect on the cause of the disease.

Phlebotonics for oral use have a general venotonic effect, reduce the permeability of vascular walls, and increase their elasticity. The duration and regimen of treatment are determined by the doctor and the instructions for the drug.

What not to do?

The use of any medications for varicose veins during pregnancy should be taken with the utmost seriousness. This is not the case when you can self-medicate. Any remedy must be prescribed by a doctor. Only a specialist will be able to select the right combination of drugs that will give maximum effect with a minimum of side effects.

  • prolonged exposure to the sun,
  • visiting a sauna or steam bath,
  • cosmetic procedures that cause microtrauma to the skin (peeling, hair removal with hot wax, etc.).

Qualified treatment and compliance with all recommendations allows you to achieve good blood flow compensation in a short time (up to 1 month) and prevent the progression of the disease.

When is an urgent need to see a doctor?

Varicose veins are not dangerous in themselves, and mostly cause inconvenience due to cosmetic defects. However advanced cases are fraught with very serious complications, often requiring urgent medical intervention. The most formidable of them include:

  • . Formation of a blood clot in the lumen of a vein. The site of the thrombus is hard to the touch, painful, with hot skin. When there is pronounced swelling.
  • . Blockage of both the pulmonary artery itself and its branches may occur. In the latter case, diagnosis is difficult, since there are no obvious symptoms. Caused by blood clots in the veins of the legs or pelvis.
  • . Condition preceding thromboembolism. It is treated with anticoagulants (blood thinning drugs), and elastic compression is mandatory.
  • Trophic ulcers. Inflammation of the skin, bones and tendons due to the destruction of blood vessels. A long-term process that is aggravated by diabetes mellitus.

These pathologies may be associated with various infections, such as erysipelas, etc.

During pregnancy you should especially listen carefully to changes in your body. A general or local increase in body temperature, thickened painful areas on the skin, a change in its color, severe swelling are reasons to urgently consult a doctor.

If a diagnosis of varicose veins is established, observation by a phlebologist is indicated throughout the entire pregnancy.

If the veins are in good condition and the disease did not manifest itself in any way before pregnancy, all signs will disappear after childbirth. The most effective way to prevent varicose veins in pregnant women is a healthy lifestyle coupled with simple recommendations for vein tone.

Pregnancy imposes restrictions on the treatment tactics of the disease, therefore Conservative treatment methods are usually used varicose veins Surgical methods of intervention are postponed until after childbirth, unless there are serious medical indications for such.

Pregnancy is probably a wonderful period for any woman, because she is looking forward to the appearance of another important person in her life. But it is at this moment that various diseases worsen or appear. For example, according to statistics, varicose veins affect 30% of pregnant women. The legs swell, swell, hurt, and varicose veins appear on them, which significantly darkens the joy of future motherhood, because this is a disease that needs to be treated.

Pregnant women, especially in the 1st and 2nd trimester, should not take many medications, including those for varicose veins. Therefore, often the solution is various creams, ointments and gels against varicose veins, which can be used without fear during pregnancy. However, not all such remedies will be harmless to the health of the unborn baby. In this article we will talk about which ointments for varicose veins can be used by pregnant women.

  • Remedies for the disease allowed for pregnant women
  • Ointments for varicose veins on the legs for pregnant women
  • Creams for varicose veins for pregnant women

Gel, cream, ointment for varicose veins during pregnancy

Treatment of varicose veins involves complex therapy: taking special medications internally, using external agents, massage, and certain sets of exercises. But most of the methods can only be used when the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding has passed. But you can take various gels and creams for varicose veins during pregnancy, although not all of them. Treatment of varicose veins at an early stage will be most effective.

Ointments for varicose veins, approved during pregnancy, act in a certain way. They should strengthen blood vessels, increase the tone of veins, improve blood circulation, dissolve blood clots, increase elasticity, eliminate pain in the legs and relieve swelling.

For a cream to prevent varicose veins during pregnancy to work properly, it must contain certain components that affect the health and beauty of the legs.

Heparin, which can regulate blood clotting, is included in many ointments for varicose veins during pregnancy. By promoting blood thinning, this substance will eliminate pain and relieve swelling. Troxerutin will help increase the tone of the veins, which will prevent them from expanding even more. Horse chestnut extract has anti-inflammatory, tonic, protective properties, and it can also relieve swelling. Horsetail extract strengthens and tones veins, making them more elastic. In addition to these substances, various products, including leg gels for varicose veins during pregnancy, include certain vitamins and minerals. Vitamins A, E, B1, B5, C have a beneficial effect on veins, strengthen the immune system, and improve metabolism.

Many products (gels, creams, ointments) against varicose veins for pregnant women are based on plant substances, because just such drugs will be the safest for the body of the pregnant woman and the fetus. Basically, drugs that are used externally serve to prevent and prevent the disease. They will keep the veins in good shape, eliminate pain, fatigue and swelling. But after the birth of the baby, you need to contact a specialist who will prescribe further treatment using drugs used internally. In any case, before using the gel for varicose veins, pregnant women should consult their doctor, who will give a list of approved products for a particular woman. Some drugs cannot be used in the first trimesters of pregnancy, while others, on the contrary, are not recommended in the third trimester. In addition, allergic reactions caused by certain components are possible, in which case the doctor will prescribe another drug. For advice, you need to contact not only a gynecologist, but also highly specialized specialists - phlebologists. However, before applying ointment for varicose veins during pregnancy, be sure to read the instructions for the product. There will probably be information about the possibility or prohibition of using the product for women in an “interesting situation.”

There are many gels and ointments for varicose veins that can be used during pregnancy. The most popular and effective of them are: Lyoton gel, Mama Comfort cream-balm, Troxevasin gel, Diclofenac, Venolife, etc. They can be either combined (made from plant components and chemical compounds) or completely natural.

What ointments for varicose veins are possible during pregnancy?

The cheapest and at the same time effective remedy for the disease is heparin ointment. From the name it is clear that the active substance here is heparin. A small tube of the drug costs around 70 rubles, but is not inferior in effectiveness to more expensive analogues. The composition also contains anesthesin, which eliminates pain. This ointment for pregnant women for varicose veins of the legs can thin the blood, eliminate inflammation and swelling. To relieve symptoms or prevent disease, use the product twice a day for at least a week. Despite the fact that heparin does not penetrate the placenta, and therefore does not negatively affect the development of the fetus, pregnant women should use the drug with caution. If used frequently, heparin may not have the best effect on the health of the unborn baby.

The drug Troxevasin, used externally, is also on the list approved for expectant mothers. It will eliminate swelling, inflammation, and pain. The active ingredient is troxerutin. The product costs about 200 rubles and is used twice a day.

Cream for varicose veins for pregnant women

What cream can be used for varicose veins during pregnancy? Surely the one released specifically for pregnant women is better. One of the most popular drugs is a product called Mama Comfort. It relieves swelling, pain, fatigue, but is mainly suitable as a preventive measure. This cream against varicose veins for pregnant women contains extracts of horse chestnut, grapes, mint oil, and troxerutin. Some note that, with regular use, the symptoms of the disease are not only eliminated, but their reoccurrence is also excluded. The drug, which strengthens blood vessels and improves blood circulation, costs approximately 400 rubles. Apply twice a day with light massaging movements.

Gel for varicose veins during pregnancy

Lyoton - a gel for varicose veins can be purchased by pregnant women if there is no tendency to bleeding or other disorders. If there is a threat of miscarriage, the product should not be used. The active substance here is also heparin. The product improves blood circulation, prevents clots from forming, strengthens veins, and relieves pain. The drug costs approximately 300 rubles per package. Apply twice a day for 1-3 weeks. In some cases, a specialist may prescribe the use of the drug for more than a month. It is important that the product does not get into open wounds or mucous membranes.

Diclofenac can be taken only in the first trimesters of the “interesting situation”. This ointment or gel for varicose veins during pregnancy is used as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic that eliminates heaviness in the legs. The product, which costs only 40 rubles, is applied to the skin three times a day.

Venolife gel for varicose veins for pregnant women is considered safe, it can be used not only by those who will soon go on maternity leave, but also during breastfeeding. The active substances neparin, troxerutin, despanthenol will eliminate swelling, improve blood circulation, and tone the walls of the veins. Apply a thin layer topically to the affected area, lightly touching neighboring areas. They are used three times a day for a course of three weeks, sometimes doctors extend the period of use.


Signs of illness

There are several main symptoms of varicose veins in pregnant women:

  • In the initial stages, varicose veins manifest themselves in the form of evening swelling, a feeling of fullness, and pain.
  • Then the vascular network begins to be visible through the skin.
  • In the later stages, when the veins are already swollen, night cramps appear.

Advanced varicose veins are fraught with the appearance of trophic ulcers, thrombophlebitis, gangrene and deep vein thrombosis. The outcome of such complications is often incompatible with life.

Disease prevention

If your relatives have varicose veins or you notice the first signs of the disease, you need to start preventing varicose veins in pregnant women. This way you will stop the development of the disease and will be able to avoid complications.

Prevention consists of the following simple actions:

  • Avoid putting increased strain on the veins. With prolonged immobility, the blood stagnates in them, causing them to expand.
  • Rest lying down with your legs elevated so that they are above the level of your heart. This stimulates blood flow and reduces swelling.
  • Lead a moderately active lifestyle. Slow walking is useful. During movement, the lower leg muscles pump blood upward through the veins, removing excess stress from the walls of the blood vessels.

It is especially difficult if varicose veins began during pregnancy - what to do if you are forced to sit for a long time? Every hour, take a five-minute break to walk on your toes and heels. Sedentary foot warm-up is also very useful. Perform exercises 10-20 times:

  • Feet together. Raise them on your toes, straining your calves, and lower yourself.
  • Pull your toes toward you, placing your weight on your heels.
  • Roll from toe to heel and back.
  • Alternately press your feet on imaginary pedals on the floor.
  • Spread your legs to the sides, knees straight. Rotate your feet clockwise and counterclockwise.

Varicose veins and pregnancy are often associated, because the growing uterus creates increased stress on the vessels. This leads to an increase in venous pressure and poor circulation. To reduce the negative impact, wear a bandage during the day. To avoid squeezing the inferior vena cava at night, sleep on your right side.

Treatment of an illness in an interesting position

Before treating varicose veins during pregnancy, an ultrasound of the veins is performed. This is the most informative examination method. With its help, information is obtained about the stage of development of the disease, the presence of blood clots, the condition of venous valves, and vascular patency.

Gentle methods are used to treat pregnant women. Surgery or sclerotherapy is used as a last resort if there is a threat to the life of the expectant mother. In the first trimester, avoid any pharmaceutical drugs, using preventive methods for treating varicose veins during pregnancy.

Preventive methods

Wearing compression hosiery is especially popular. It prevents the development of the disease. By stimulating the outflow of blood, it normalizes venous pressure.

After the examination, the doctor will select therapeutic knitwear for you with the required degree of compression. Stockings should be put on in the morning before you get out of bed, and removed only in the evening. Phlebologists recommend giving birth in jersey. This will help reduce the peak load that the vessels experience and prevent the appearance of new diseased veins.

Contrast dousing of the legs will help relieve pain and reduce swelling. Water procedures are an exercise for blood vessels, increasing their tone and elasticity. Treatment of varicose veins during pregnancy with a contrast shower stimulates blood circulation and promotes the resorption of blood stagnation.

During the day and evening, use gentle stroking movements to massage your legs from toes to thighs. A massage will relieve muscle tension, improve blood flow and allow you to fully rest at night.

Keep your bowel movements regular. Chronic constipation increases venous pressure and contributes to the progression of varicose veins.

Food or go on a diet

To effectively treat varicose veins during pregnancy, you need to balance your diet. Under the influence of hormones, the blood thickens. To prevent blood clots, you need to drink up to 3 liters of fluid per day. The basis should be clean water. Juices, fruit drinks, compotes are allowed.

Remember: if symptoms of nephropathy (toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy) appear, reduce fluid intake to 1.5 liters per day. Its progression is fraught with more serious toxicosis. In most cases, this ends in emergency delivery via cesarean section.

Eating foods containing iodine reduces blood viscosity. These are seafood, seaweed, fish, spinach, eggs, milk, broccoli, cereals, onions, beets, and champignons. The following have anticoagulant properties: celery, garlic, tomato, cherry, cranberry.

Excess weight gained since conception increases the strain on the veins. Therefore, avoid sweet, fatty foods. In addition, sugar helps thicken the blood.

Drug treatment

Detralex is used to treat varicose veins in pregnant women. This is a plant-based venotonic drug. It restores vascular tone, simulates blood circulation, improves lymphatic drainage, and removes swelling. As a result, heaviness and pain in the legs decrease, and cramps disappear. Analogues of this drug are Venarus, Venozol.

Troxevasin is an anti-inflammatory venotonic. It normalizes vascular tone, promotes tissue regeneration, strengthens the walls of veins. When using a gel or ointment for varicose veins for pregnant women, blood circulation improves, swelling decreases, and cramps go away. Its analogs are Troxevenol and Troxerutin.

Aescusan is produced based on horse chestnut. It tones blood vessels, strengthens the walls and prevents fragility of veins, stimulates metabolism. The hyaluronic acid contained in the composition has a tonic effect.

When taking the drug, burning, swelling, and pain decrease. Escusan is prescribed in the form of a gel and ointment for varicose veins during pregnancy. Similar effects of drugs: Escuvit, Aescin, Venoplant.

Phlebodia 600 is available in tablet form. The drug reduces congestion in the veins, stimulates lymphatic drainage, and relieves inflammation. As a result, the pain and swelling that occurs in the evenings becomes less. The medication is stopped 2 weeks before the expected date of birth.

Lyoton gel is produced on the basis of heparin, a natural anticoagulant. It thins the blood and prevents the formation of blood clots. It can be used not only during pregnancy, but also during lactation, since heparin is not excreted through breast milk.

It quickly relieves pain symptoms, relieves inflammation and swelling. In addition to Lyoton, heparin-based drugs are produced: Gepatrombin and Trombles.

A quite popular cream for varicose veins during pregnancy from grandmother Agafya based on horse chestnut and lemon balm. It prevents veins from dilating. Thanks to the cooling effect of lemon balm, pain and fatigue quickly disappear and swelling of the legs decreases. The cream strengthens blood vessels and stimulates blood circulation.

Doctors often prescribe Venorm. It contains extracts of chestnut, sweet clover, calendula, oil and lanolin. It is effective as an adjuvant in the treatment of varicose veins. The cream prevents inflammation, relieves pain, and tones blood vessels.

Varicose veins after childbirth

It is difficult to predict what will happen to varicose veins after pregnancy. If competent treatment was carried out in the initial stages, then there is a high probability that after the load is reduced and the hormonal levels stabilize, the veins will “hide”.

In advanced cases, if the doctor’s recommendations are not followed, childbirth will only aggravate the manifestations of varicose veins. The situation is complicated by the fact that many drugs approved during pregnancy (with the exception of heparin) cannot be used during lactation. The operation is allowed to be performed only six months after childbirth.


What are varicose veins

This is a vein problem that is characterized by dilation of blood vessels, often in the legs. Standing upright and walking increases pressure on the lower body, so the veins may swell and take on a bluish-purple or violet hue. For many people, varicose veins are simply a cosmetic defect. However, it can cause pain and discomfort in some people. Sometimes an illness signals a risk of circulatory problems.

How to detect varicose veins? It's not difficult to do this. It is worth paying attention to the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of spider veins on the legs and feet;
  • pain in blood vessels;
  • burning or throbbing;
  • swelling, heaviness in the legs and ankles;
  • muscle cramps, spasms, especially at night;
  • dry, itchy, thin skin around the affected vein.

Varicose veins develop when the small valves inside the blood vessels stop functioning normally. Blood begins to stagnate in the veins, causing them to swell and expand. What signs contribute to the problem:

  • female gender (men are less likely to suffer from the disease);
  • family history;
  • elderly age;
  • overweight, obesity;
  • sedentary lifestyle, work;
  • pregnancy.

Medicines for varicose veins

Effective medications for varicose veins of the lower extremities help relieve symptoms, soothe inflamed vessels and relieve the patient from pain, swelling, and possible complications. What actions should be taken to successfully treat the disease:

  • wear compression stockings;
  • use an anatomical pillow (Varifort) according to the instructions;
  • perform physical exercises;
  • avoid standing on your feet for long periods of time, especially in heels;
  • take effective medications for varicose veins on the legs.


Doctors consider these drugs as an effective and safe medicine for relieving chronic venous insufficiency. Phlebotonics are natural or synthetic chemicals obtained from plant extracts. They increase blood circulation, reduce inflammation, swelling, relieve tension and heaviness. However, you should not use these medications for a long time to avoid side effects.. Which phlebotropic drugs for varicose veins are the most effective:

  • Antistax;
  • Diosmin;
  • Troxerutin;
  • Venoruton;
  • Troxevasin.

Antiplatelet agents

Anti-inflammatory medications help relieve pain and swelling. To treat varicose veins, the following tablets for veins on the legs are often used:

  • Aspirin;
  • Reopoliglyukin;
  • Cardiomagnyl;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Trental;
  • Tirofiban.

Blood thinner medicine

In the pharmacy you can find medications that can quickly thin the blood, reduce inflamed veins, relieve swelling and discomfort. However, they provide only a cosmetic effect. What remedy for varicose veins can be used at home? The list is presented below:

  • Aspirin C;
  • Chime;
  • Venitan;
  • Pentoxifylline;
  • Warfarin;
  • Phenilin;
  • white willow bark.


Varicose veins are a disease that is accompanied by swelling of the legs. To get rid of it and feel lighter, you should take safe medications or drink herbal infusions. They remove excess fluid from the body, accelerate lymph flow and relieve inflammation. What decongestant medications should you take:

  • Detralex;
  • Phlebodia;
  • Venoruton;
  • Aescusan;
  • Lyoton;
  • Hepatrombin;
  • Antistax.


To get rid of the venous network on the legs, you should use a comprehensive treatment. Medicines containing antioxidants increase the elasticity of vascular walls, strengthen them, help speed up the outflow of fluid, and reduce the risk of recurrence of the disease. Which means are considered the most effective:

  • grape seed extract;
  • Escin (horse chestnut);
  • Ascorutin;
  • Venarus;
  • Ginkor Fort;
  • vitamin A, E in capsules.

Tablets for varicose veins

The most famous and frequently prescribed medicine for varicose veins is Venorex. It supports the health of blood vessels and capillaries, helps reduce fluid retention in the lower extremities. The tablets contain horse chestnut seed extract, which relieves pain, swelling, and improves blood circulation. However, there are other pills for veins and blood vessels that can relieve symptoms:

  • Venofors;
  • Detralex Avenue;
  • Venotex;
  • Venarus;
  • Glivenol;
  • Wobenzym;
  • Troxevasin;
  • Phlebion;
  • Aescusan;
  • Phlebodia.

Injections for varicose veins on the legs

Many doctors prescribe medication to patients for varicose veins. However, there is another method that helps get rid of the vascular network. It's called sclerotherapy. What is this method? Treatment involves injecting a solution (often saline) directly into a vein. The liquid irritates the vessel, causing it to collapse and the blood to clot. Over time, the vein turns into scar tissue, which quickly heals.

Sclerotherapy is performed by a dermatologist or surgeon in a clinic. The number of injections administered in one session depends on the size and location of the veins, as well as the general health of the patient. In most cases, a specialist injects a solution or fine foam using a thin needle. Sometimes doctors use medications such as Ethoxysklerol, Fibro-Vayne. During this stage, a person may experience mild discomfort and cramping. The painful state lasts about 1-2 minutes. The procedure itself takes approximately half an hour.

Not all patients agree to this method of therapy because of the high price and the achievement of only a cosmetic effect. Also, after sclerotherapy you cannot:

  • take hot baths;
  • make compresses;
  • go to the bathhouse, sauna;
  • be exposed to direct sunlight.

Cream for veins and blood vessels

Many people prefer to use gels, ointments, and creams to treat varicose veins. These drugs have shown their effectiveness and ease of use. Products with a pleasant texture are easy to apply at home, and you can also buy them at the pharmacy without a prescription. What other medications help get rid of varicose veins:

  • Varesil;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory creams, gels (Diclofenac-gel, Fastum-gel);
  • Venosan;
  • Venolife;
  • Sophia;
  • 911 with leech extract;
  • Varicobooster;
  • Lyoton;
  • products based on horse chestnut extract (Venosal Plus, Aescusan).

Ointment for varicose veins

Most heparin-based ointments and creams contain vitamins and nutrients that promote normal blood circulation. They are suitable as a prophylaxis for varicose veins or in the treatment of the disease at the initial stage. However, the advanced problem requires the use of more effective drugs. What ointments for varicose veins can be bought at the pharmacy:

  • heparin;
  • Hepatrombin;
  • Troxevasin;
  • Heparil;
  • Vishnevsky ointment;
  • Menovazin;
  • Indomethacin;
  • Diclofenac.

Folk remedies for varicose veins

Blueberries and horse chestnut are two of the most popular folk remedies for the treatment of varicose veins. They are often included in various ointments and creams that improve blood circulation and relieve inflammation. As for blueberries, they can be taken fresh, brewed into teas and infusions. How else can you treat varicose veins at home:

  1. Apple cider vinegar. It should be applied undiluted to the veins, gently massaging this area.
  2. Olive oil. Mix equal amounts of oil and vitamin E. Massage your feet with the warm mixture for several minutes.
  3. Garlic. Chop six cloves of garlic and place in a jar. Add the juice of 3 oranges and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Leave for 12 hours. Apply the solution to the veins, wrap in cotton cloth and leave overnight. The procedure must be repeated daily for several months.

Price for medicine for varicose veins

Many people suffer from varicose veins. Before consulting a doctor, they try to cure the disease on their own, using creams, ointments and other effective medications. There are a huge number of remedies for varicose veins that help relieve symptoms, relieve pain and swelling. However, the price of drugs can be both low and very high. The approximate cost in Moscow can be found in the table:

How to choose a medicine for varicose veins

Most people who have discovered signs of varicose veins go to the pharmacy to choose a gel or ointment to eliminate the venous network. However, improper treatment can lead to negative consequences, so you should seek help from a doctor. He will prescribe medications that will help not only eliminate the symptoms, but also cure the disease. What anti-varicose medications does the specialist prescribe:

  • anticoagulants;
  • antioxidants;
  • phlebotonics;
  • decongestants;
  • disaggregants.

Video: medications for varicose veins on the legs


Daria, 38 years old

I work as a sales manager, so I have to sit in the office for a long time. Recently I noticed that my legs began to swell and spider veins appeared. The pharmacy recommended heparin ointment. I’ve been using it for a week now – it has become much easier, and I’m pleased with the price. The only negative is the fat content, but this can be easily dealt with. The main thing is that it helps!

Nadezhda, 41 years old

For a long time I used gels and creams against varicose veins, but over time they stopped helping me. I went to the doctor and he recommended Detralex. After the course of treatment, the heaviness went away, the spider veins on the legs decreased, and the legs began to swell less often. Thanks to the effective medication, I can lead an active lifestyle and wear skirts.


How do the symptoms of the disease manifest themselves?

When women develop varicose veins during pregnancy, symptoms often appear first on the skin in the form of vascular patterns or spider veins, which occur due to the accumulation of blood clots in small veins. Such visible manifestations do not deform the skin and are not felt upon palpation. Subsequently, the vessels begin to bulge, disrupting the skin texture and forming small nodules.

Severe varicose veins during pregnancy cause women pain, pulling, and constant fatigue in the legs. Women experience a feeling of heaviness after walking and evening cramps in the calf muscles. It often spreads to the pelvic organs. The risk of spreading the disease increases in parallel with the enlargement of the uterus.

Varicose veins of the vena cava during pregnancy appear with an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. This pathology is manifested by pain and discomfort, which intensify as the fetus gains weight. In women, upon examination, there may be pigmentation of the skin on the legs, a distinct venous pattern and swelling. Symptoms worsen after standing for a long time.

How dangerous is it during pregnancy?

What are the dangers of varicose veins during pregnancy? Violation of the tone of the veins indicates that the woman’s body cannot cope with overload. In advanced cases of varicose veins of the vulva, complications may occur during childbirth: rupture of the vein wall, which can lead to large blood losses. The disease can be complicated by the formation of blood clots and the appearance of thrombophlebitis. The danger is that a blood clot can break away from the vessel wall and pose a threat to the life of the mother and fetus. Therefore, expectant mothers should consult a doctor at the first signs.

Can varicose veins of the genital organs occur during pregnancy?

The genitals at this time suffer from expansion and pathological changes in the walls of the veins. This brings the expectant mother not only discomfort, but also anxiety and a feeling of fear. The main reason lies in hormonal changes. Progesterone, which is responsible for preserving the fetus, affects the venous walls to ensure normal blood supply to the growing fetus.

Varicose veins of the labia

Varicose veins of the labia in pregnant women can occur due to obstructed outflow of venous blood due to the pressure of the uterus on the vessels. The main manifestations of the pathology are the appearance of a vascular pattern, dry skin, and discomfort. The expectant mother may feel itching and soreness in the labia area. Symptoms worsen during bowel movements or prolonged sitting. As the disease progresses, the symptoms include enlargement and deformation of the labia, as well as protrusion of veins. At first, a nodule appears soft to the touch, which increases over time. All this can be complicated by bleeding during childbirth, so depending on the stage of the disease, doctors raise the question of performing a cesarean section.

Varicose veins of the perineum and vagina

Varicose veins of the perineum during pregnancy are manifested by enlargement of the labia, a feeling of fullness and burning in the perineal area. A woman complains of pain and discomfort when walking. On examination, there is a noticeable swollen saphenous vein and swelling of the perineum. By the end of the first week after the baby is born, symptoms begin to disappear. After a month, the diseased vein returns to normal.

Vaginal varicose veins cause a lot of problems for women during pregnancy. The disease can be complicated by pelvic vein thrombosis, the diagnosis of which is complicated by its similarity to the symptoms of urinary tract diseases and manifestations of gastrointestinal diseases. Varicose veins of the vulva can manifest as burning and pain during urination, defecation, and sexual intercourse. After childbirth, only 2-10% of women have damaged veins; in other cases, reverse development of the altered vessels occurs.

Varicose veins of the uterus

The clinical manifestations of this disease can be disguised as various gynecological pathologies. For example, varicose veins during pregnancy can manifest as endometriosis or inflammation of the appendages. Sometimes women experience signs of cystitis, colitis or inflammation of the hip joint. One of the main reasons is insufficiency of the valves of the ovarian veins, which lead to reverse outflow of blood and increased pressure in the vessels of the pelvic organs. Predisposing factors for the onset of the disease are previous chronic gynecological diseases, hormonal contraceptives, kinks of the broad ligament of the uterus, and smoking.

Varicose veins in the groin area

In most cases, pathology of the veins of the genital organs accompanies inguinal varicose veins during pregnancy. The disease is visually manifested by a venous pattern in the groin and swollen veins. A woman complains of dull aching pain in the lower abdomen, which can radiate to the lower back. If varicose veins in the groin of pregnant women are combined with vaginal and uterine varicose veins, severe distension appears in the perineum.

In the later stages, this disease can cause thrombophlebitis of the cervix, bleeding, inflammation of the vagina, appendages, and uterus. The appearance of nodules, cyanosis and swelling on the mucous membrane and skin of the perineum should be a reason to conduct an examination of the expectant mother to reduce the risk of complications during childbirth.

Varicose veins on the legs

Varicose veins on the legs cause many problems during pregnancy. Stable blood flow is complicated by increased load. The walls of blood vessels become thin and loose. This leads to the fact that the vessels cannot cope with the outflow of venous blood and begin to expand. In the first stage of the disease, superficial veins appear. Later on the dilated veins, soft extensions appear through the skin in the form of nodules. Women notice the appearance of swelling and heaviness in their legs in the evening, which disappear by morning.

In the later stages, when the disease begins to progress, nagging pain and cramps appear. The skin becomes dry, itching and flaking appear. In advanced cases, venous insufficiency is manifested by a violation of tissue trophism and the appearance of trophic ulcers and inflammation (phlebitis).

The formation of blood clots in a vein poses a threat to a woman’s life. A detached blood clot can enter the blood vessels of the brain or pulmonary artery and cause a stroke or pulmonary emboelism. A complication of the disease can be rupture of the node followed by bleeding. If the disease progresses to the second or third stage, pregnant women are under close supervision of a gynecologist and phlebologist.

Varicose veins of the pelvis

Varicose veins of the pelvis during pregnancy are also called female varicocele. The disease manifests itself as chronic pain in the lower abdomen, which intensifies after exercise. The pain may radiate to the perineum and lower back. The disease develops due to the pressure of the uterus on the vessels of the retroperitoneal space. The main cause is due to reflux of blood through the ovarian vein.

The diagnosis is made after an ultrasound. At the first stage of the disease, a slight increase in the venous plexus is observed during examination. The second stage is manifested by total varicose veins of the ovarian plexus. At the last stage of the disease, the diameter of the vein exceeds 1 cm.


If women develop varicose veins during pregnancy, treatment should only be prescribed by a specialist. Independent use of ointments and tablets is unacceptable, since even the most “harmless” drugs can cause irreparable harm to the fetus or cause unwanted allergic reactions.

Treatment of varicose veins in pregnant women is usually carried out conservatively. The main goal of therapy is to normalize venous outflow. For this purpose, compression stockings or elastic bandages are prescribed. A woman needs to alternate physical activity and rest, give up heels and uncomfortable shoes. Exercises in the pool and walks in the air are effective. It is recommended to monitor the condition of the intestines, as constipation contributes to the progression of the disease.

A phlebologist should explain how to treat varicose veins during pregnancy and what a woman should do. Only a specialist selects drug treatment. Some medications can be taken from the second trimester. In advanced cases, when complications arise that threaten the life of the mother, surgical intervention is indicated. In order to prevent a blood clot from entering important vessels, a vena cava filter (trap) is installed in a hospital setting.

How to treat varicose veins during pregnancy?

In addition to elastic compression, physical therapy and diet, doctors prescribe medications. To increase vascular tone, the drugs Glivenol, Venoruton, Ginkor Forte, Troxevasin, Detralex are prescribed. All drugs have an angioprotective effect, normalize capillary permeability, reduce swelling and pain, convulsions, and improve tissue trophism. In the first trimester, you should be careful when taking medications. In addition to angioprotectors, vitamins C, PP and calcium gluconate are prescribed. Local preparations improve microcirculation and have a phlebodynamic effect.

Venoruton gel is effective from the fourth month. The drug increases venous tone and prevents the walls of blood vessels from damage. Venitan cream has a similar effect. Gepatrombin cream reduces the severity of edema, prevents cramps and fatigue. Lyoton, Heparin ointment, Essaven, Troxevasin have a similar effect. All medications are prescribed only by a doctor; independent use is unacceptable.

Preventive measures

Prevention of varicose veins during pregnancy should be carried out by every expectant mother. Good habits should include walking, which strengthens leg muscles and improves blood circulation. Pregnant women should avoid prolonged exposure to the sun. It is recommended to exercise regularly and visit the pool.

To prevent complications, women should take a contrast ascending shower in the abdomen and perineum. To unload the venous system, you need to perform exercises while lying down. Effective exercises: “birch” stand, “scissors” and “bicycle” leg exercises. Breathing exercises help blood flow through the vessels and strengthen the abdominal muscles.

Pregnancy can cause dysfunction of even healthy veins. The cause is excess weight, hormonal changes in the body, and deterioration of blood flow.

In the initial stages, a woman may feel constant fatigue and heaviness in her legs. As the disease progresses, local swelling occurs, and a convex vascular network appears on the legs and thighs. It is at this moment that ointment during pregnancy for varicose veins can become a good lifeline.

Late stages are characterized by convulsions, attacks of severe pain, and the formation of large nodes. Thrombosis and other unpleasant consequences are possible. Often the disease continues after the birth of the child.

Thoughtful therapy combining oral medications with external agents can help. Self-medication is excluded.

Many medications that are effective for varicose veins are not suitable for pregnant women.

Active components entering the blood can adversely affect the condition of the fetus.

When choosing a drug, other chronic diseases of the pregnant woman are also taken into account.

For example, many drugs are prohibited for diabetes, heart or kidney failure.

The safest drugs include ointments and creams. They are applied to the skin 2-3 times a day, rubbing until completely absorbed. Cream for varicose veins for pregnant women should contain only safe ingredients.

Which ointment to choose for varicose veins during pregnancy? For the initial stage, light water-based products are suitable; for more pronounced varicose veins, thick, fatty ointments are needed.

The doctor calculates the course and dosage, usually the treatment lasts 2-4 weeks, then a break is taken. If necessary, the course can be resumed or the cream for varicose veins during pregnancy can be replaced with another one.

Most ointments and creams for varicose veins during pregnancy have a complex effect.

They are capable:

  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • increase the outflow of lymph, relieving swelling;
  • prevent blood clots;
  • improve blood flow;
  • relieve heaviness and pain;
  • prevent seizures.

In addition, external products solve the aesthetic problem. They reduce intravascular pressure, veins become less prominent and noticeable. Anti-varicose tights, knee socks or stockings will help enhance the effect..

The best means

Depending on the active components, ointments and products are divided into groups:

  1. Venotonic. The most extensive group, including drugs with horse chestnut extract, troxerutin, prednisolone. The drugs strengthen the walls of blood vessels, prevent their ruptures, and make the venous network less noticeable. Phlebotonics relieve heaviness and prevent night cramps.
  2. Blood thinners. Includes components that improve blood flow and prevent thrombosis: heparin, diosmin, hesperdin. Drugs included in this group are contraindicated for hemophilia and other blood diseases.
  3. Anti-inflammatory. Non-steroidal drugs that prevent edema, thrombophlebitis and thrombosis. Relieves pain and heaviness, improves lymph flow. Contains diclofenac, indomethacin and other components. Can be used together with drugs from other groups.
  4. Calming. This category includes light water-based creams and gels. The drugs have analgesic, decongestant, softening and regenerating effects. Contains hyaluronic acid, dextpanthenol, lidocaine, extracts of mint, lemon balm, chamomile.

Troxevasin ointment is also often used during pregnancy for varicose veins, which is quite effective, but its use requires consultation with a doctor.

Now you know what to apply to your legs for varicose veins during pregnancy, but are there any contraindications for these drugs?

Contraindications and side effects

During pregnancy, external preparations are chosen especially carefully.

Contraindications include:

  • diabetes mellitus and other chronic diseases in a severe stage;
  • trophic ulcers and extensive skin damage;
  • chronic dermatitis and psoriasis;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • individual allergic reaction.

Ointments and creams are applied 2-3 times a day, the skin should be clean and dry. In case of overdose, slight local swelling, itching, and redness of the skin are possible.

In some cases, a burning sensation, dizziness or nausea may occur. If unpleasant symptoms appear, the course of treatment should be interrupted and the drug replaced with another, more suitable one.

External medications are the safest option for treating varicose veins during pregnancy. Ointments and creams for varicose veins for pregnant women on the legs can be supplemented with oral medications, vitamin preparations and compression garments.

The complex effect will help prevent the development of the disease and avoid unpleasant complications.

We hope our article was useful to you, and you now know which leg cream for varicose veins for pregnant women to choose and which ointment for varicose veins on the legs during pregnancy is the safest. Be healthy!