70th birthday gift for mom. Decorative and memorable gifts

Mom is the dearest and closest person. Children at any age want her to be happy and smile, especially on her birthday. 70 years is a very touching anniversary, so you need to choose a gift for your mother for this date with trepidation and love.

At 70 years old, it is very difficult to ask a birthday girl what she would like to receive for her anniversary. Most likely, she will say that she doesn’t need anything and shouldn’t waste her money. But under no circumstances should mother be left without congratulations, so you need to use your imagination and be observant in order to choose the best gift.

Universal gifts

There are things that will be useful to any person and will definitely not cause disappointment to the hero of the occasion. Win-win options are:

  • the set of dishes is beautiful and practical, it will delight the birthday girl for a long time and inspire her to new culinary feats for her family and friends;
  • a gift set of coffee or tea - for long conversations over a cup of aromatic drink;
  • household appliances - if the ones you have are already outdated;
  • a beautiful notebook - for recording the most important and urgent matters;
  • — a set of stationery for writing letters to distant friends.

Such gifts are not very expensive, but usually everyone likes them and will certainly come in handy around the house.

Useful gifts

If mom doesn’t like trinkets, then a 70th birthday present should be as practical and necessary as possible:

  • a warm, cozy blanket, wrapped in which you can while away the evening reading your favorite book or watching a movie;
  • bed linen or bath towel with a beautiful pattern;
  • electric massager - for birthday girls who have health problems;
  • a comfortable rocking chair - comfort is highly valued in old age, so it will definitely be appropriate as a gift;
  • a set of bathroom accessories - small little things that make it so easy to transform the interior;
  • a table lamp or floor lamp will fill the room with soft light;
  • a beautiful shawl made of thin cashmere that protects from the cold wind in bad weather,
  • Warm slippers made of natural material, in which it is convenient to do household chores.

The thrifty birthday girl will appreciate such gifts for their functionality and will be happy to use them in everyday life.

Gifts for the soul

If the hero of the occasion has a hobby, choosing a gift for her seventieth birthday is not at all difficult. The main thing is to decide what she will really need for her hobby:

  • a set of yarn - for avid knitting lovers;
  • a cookbook with interesting and unusual recipes - to spoil your children and grandchildren with new delicacies;
  • collector's editions of books by favorite authors for book lovers;
  • a flowering plant in a pot - an addition to the collection of a home greenhouse;
  • a set of gardening tools for the new summer season;
  • painting by numbers - for creative pastime;
  • a ticket to the theater for an interesting performance or concert of your favorite performer.

Mom will be pleased that her children are not indifferent to her hobbies. And such gifts will definitely inspire her to new achievements.

Give Memories

70 years is a respectable age, and sometimes it is very difficult to keep many events from the past in your head. You can make this task easier and give memories for your anniversary:

  1. A large photo album in vintage style with the most expensive photographs: from the birthday girl’s childhood to the present day.
  2. A digital photo frame with photos loaded into it - like a more modern version of a photo album.
  3. Video with touching and funny family moments.
  4. Family tree. You can trace the history of the family yourself, and also turn to the archives for reliable information. Such a gift is unique in that it will be of interest to subsequent generations of the family.
  5. Mom's autobiography. It’s a great idea, especially if you have the opportunity to contact a publishing house and publish it in a small print run.

All this is truly dear to older people. Such gifts are sure to touch the birthday girl and make her 70th birthday memorable.

Presents for advanced mothers

They say that at 70 years old, few people need modern gadgets. It is not true. There are many devices that are difficult to live without at any age:

  1. A laptop or tablet, especially when family and friends live far away and see each other very rarely. Skype or other applications are an indispensable means of communicating at a distance.
  2. A coffee machine or juicer with a clear and user-friendly interface for preparing the birthday girl’s favorite drinks.
  3. An electronic tonometer is a necessary thing for monitoring your health.

Such surprises will greatly please your mother, and she will certainly appreciate the care of her loved ones about her.

Birthday on the road

If a mother is very active at 70 years old and never sits in one place, it is not necessary to give her any things or household items. You can send her on a trip to coincide with her 70th birthday:

  • an excursion to another city or a weekend tour to Europe - the main thing is to choose interesting and not very tiring routes;
  • a trip to a sanatorium or holiday home - to take a break from household chores and improve your health;
  • a trip to my mother’s homeland with the whole family is a touching and emotional journey into the past.

Before making such gifts, you should consult with the birthday girl. Perhaps she has some plans of her own for this time, and the trip will be inappropriate.

Mom's birthday at 70 should be the most joyful and happiest day. And children can do this. You need to drop everything and free up time for your loved one.

The attention of children is the most important thing for all parents. You can start small. From the very morning it is so nice to congratulate the birthday girl with a bouquet of your favorite flowers and enjoy breakfast with her, without rushing anywhere. And throughout the day, free her from household chores, taking upon herself all the preparations for the family celebration in honor of the anniversary.

The 70th anniversary is a time when life enters a new direction, becoming calmer and more measured. You no longer need to get up before dawn and run to work, take your children to kindergarten and school. Now is the time to pay attention to yourself and get more rest.

Therefore, a gift to your mother for her 70th birthday should show all the love and respect for her, and also emphasize that she is not only a mother and grandmother, but also a woman. Therefore, the most expensive gift for a mother will be the attention and care of her family.

If the mother herself does not admit what gift she would like to give, she will have to choose on her own, taking into account the preferences of the loved one herself. To simplify the choice, consider gift ideas for mom by category:

  • long terry robe and warm slippers. Yes, it is advisable to choose a long robe to cover your legs;
  • scarf or shawl. How nice it will be to wrap yourself in such a gift while sitting in a chair on a cold winter evening;
  • juicer or dryer. Mom will definitely appreciate such a gift if she likes to tinker in her summer cottage and make preparations for the winter;
  • perfume. A woman at that age definitely has her favorite scent. And the fact that she now spends more time at home does not mean that she no longer needs anything;
  • a book by your favorite author, which must have large font and more illustrations;
  • if your mother is a supporter of healthy food and tries to cook everything with her own hands, you can safely give a bread maker, a slow cooker, a steamer, or a yogurt maker;
  • transformable ladies handbag. A true housewife will never return empty-handed from a market or store, so such a gift will be relevant and useful;
  • gardening tools are simply indispensable for those who like to dig in the ground at the dacha or at home;
  • rocking chair. Very beautiful, and also environmentally friendly, rocking chairs made of wicker. In them, mom can while away the evenings reading her favorite book or doing handicrafts;
  • an electric fireplace will give you a feeling of comfort and coziness, and it does not require firewood at all;
  • radio player. Such a gift will take its place in mom’s kitchen. Tune in to her favorite wave and she will be happy;
  • casket for needlework. Most likely, mom has some hobbies in needlework. Maybe she knits or sews, or maybe she embroiders with beads or ribbons. By presenting a box or suitcase with little things for needlework, give her a lot of positive emotions;
  • needlework kits. Here, too, it all depends on what type of needlework the mother is interested in. Now there are many different kits on sale for various techniques;
  • floor lamp or sconce. Such a gift will be very useful, because vision at this age is no longer what it used to be;
  • Is your mother a lover of baking and often spoils her family with all sorts of goodies? She will definitely appreciate a set of silicone baking molds;
  • porcelain. This could be dishes, a box, a brooch, figurines;
  • thermos. A very useful thing for women at this age. Surely grandma likes to brew various herbs for treatment. Or maybe she just likes making herbal teas. You can take a thermos with herbal tea with you to gatherings with neighbors near the entrance;
  • jewelry with natural stones. Each age has its own specific jewelry. Jewelry made of gold or silver with natural stones is more suitable for this age group. Bracelets, pendants, medallions, earrings, rings - all this can be given as a gift for your 70th birthday;
  • live flower in a flowerpot. You need to buy the flower in advance and transplant it into a beautiful flowerpot. To make your gift original, you can choose a flowerpot with automatic watering;
  • if mom lives in a private house, you can give solar-powered garden lamps;
  • A good gift would also be a garden awning, folding chairs, a swing or a bench, but only for a private home or cottage. You can also choose a set of wicker garden furniture.

Unusual gifts

These are gifts that can please and surprise the birthday girl:

  • various amulets. There are many of them on sale now. The gift will please the grandmother, who firmly believes that objects have magical powers;
  • hourglass of original shape;
  • a set of bed linen. To surprise the birthday girl, you can choose a set with a 3D effect. This certainly didn’t happen in her youth;
  • digital photo frame. Grandmothers love to look through photo albums. Therefore, you need to upload more photos into the photo frame, and especially photos of your beloved granddaughters, then the hero of the day will be delighted;
  • a case for glasses with initials on them is a real source of pride;
  • discs with melodies of the birthday girl’s youth in original performances. When choosing such a gift, you need to make sure that there is a record player in your mother’s house. If it is not there, then it is also worth donating;
  • an icon embroidered with a cross or beads in an original frame. It’s good if such a gift is made with your own hands, then it will be especially valuable for mom;
  • a heating pad placed in a knitted case with the initials of the birthday girl is not only a practical, but also a very original gift;
  • small fountain. Mom will be able to enjoy the quiet rustling of the water, because... at this age people do not like silence very much;
  • a massage pillow will allow the birthday girl to relax and relieve tension from her shoulders at any time;
  • electric sheet - will warm up a cold bed before bed;
  • umbrella with a developing pattern. An original and much needed item;
  • a collage of family photographs with a mandatory wish for the birthday girl;
  • painting. It’s good if it is drawn or embroidered with your own hands, because this is a manifestation of care and attention;
  • mother's perfume of youth. Of course, it will be very difficult to find such a scent, but it’s worth a try;
  • cups on which pictures appear under the influence of hot water;
  • genealogy book. Such a gift will require careful preparation.

You will have to collect photos of relatives, paste them into a book and make appropriate notes.

  • The last page is definitely about mom with an original wish;
  • cake with a photo of mom in her youth. That’s something, but my mother certainly doesn’t expect such a gift, because in her youth a photo could only be printed and placed in an album or frame;
  • photo book with family photos. Order an original design or develop it yourself, and then print it and make a binding. A real book, only text and illustrations about the family and the birthday girl herself;
  • a newspaper whose publication date is mom’s birthday. A page from this newspaper must be framed, but one of the notes must be about mom and contain her photo.


These are gifts that can give your mother maximum positive emotions:

  • certificate for service in a beauty salon. Manicure, pedicure, hairstyle, makeup - my mother allowed herself to do all this for a long time. Name days are just the occasion;
  • slide show. Write down a selection of photos of the birthday girl from an early age to the present. It's good to add music and text;
  • video postcard. For such a gift you will need the help of all relatives, former colleagues and friends;
  • order a presenter. It will not only give you a good mood, but will also be able to amuse and excite everyone present;
  • musical congratulations on my mother’s favorite radio wave;
  • The sand show is not only very beautiful, but also very exciting. Maybe it will be a master class on painting a picture with sand;
  • A ticket to the theater is a great reason to take your mother out into the world and remember her youth. Alternatively, maybe a movie ticket to an old movie;
  • a quest game in the “native” places in the life of the birthday girl, where she lived, studied, worked, etc. At each point, a small quest and a gift will await her, and at the finish line - the main prize - a meeting with family;
  • song. The text of the birthday girl’s favorite song needs to be rewritten in other words so that it turns out to be a new song about mom. During the festive banquet, distribute the texts to all guests, and then have everyone sing the song together to a soundtrack;
  • a ticket to a dance in the style of “who is for...”. Why not remember your youth?

Whatever the gift, the most important thing is that it must be chosen and presented with all your heart. Only then will he please the birthday girl and be the best. And be sure to complement the gift with flowers, because a beautiful bouquet is a must and the best gift for a woman at any age and status.

Mom is the closest and dearest person to whom we try to bring as much joy as possible. After all, your soul becomes calmer when a smile appears on her face. And an excellent opportunity to express gratitude to her for her love and attention is a worthy birthday gift.

70 years is the age when life becomes more serene and peaceful. You no longer have to wake up early and go to work, take your children to kindergarten or school. At this time, you need to spend more time on yourself and get more rest.

Many people ask the question of what to give their mother for her 70th birthday. Therefore, the gift should emphasize all the love and recognition for her, and also remind her that she is first and foremost a woman. The most pleasant surprise for a mother is, naturally, the care and attention of her children and loved ones.

You can ask your mother what kind of gift she would like to receive, but not everyone will answer this question. In this case, you will need to select the gift yourself.

Choosing a gift

What to give your mom for her 70th birthday? First, let's look at traditional gifts. That is, gifts that are beneficial. These could be:

  • A long (ankle-length) warm robe and slippers.
  • Perfume. A woman at this age definitely already has her favorite scent, and it will not be difficult to decide on the choice of brand.
  • Women's transforming bag. A woman never comes from the supermarket empty-handed. Therefore, such a thing will be very useful.
  • But this is only if the hero of the day is interested in knitting, embroidery or sewing.
  • Thermos. The gift is suitable for mothers who like to infuse various medicinal herbs or teas.
  • Fresh flowers in a pot.
  • If your mother lives in her own home or has a dacha, then a set of wicker furniture would be an excellent gift.
  • If the birthday girl likes to spend time in the garden beds, then you can please her with gardening tools.

We give impressions

What to give your mom for her 70th birthday to impress? For example, this could be a certificate for visiting a beauty salon. Everyone needs a haircut, nail and skin care. Remind your mom that she is a woman and that at any age she needs to take care of herself. You can also order a song on your favorite radio. A good gift option is a ticket to the “Who cares for...” discotheque. Let him remember his young life. As a gift, you can compose a song to music that your mother likes, and remake the text in your own way. Then she will definitely be impressed.

Unusual gifts

What unusual gift to give your mother for her 70th birthday? After all, I really want to surprise her. Consider these gifts:

  • Surely at that age my mother already wears glasses. You can give her a glasses case with her initials or simply with an unusual design.
  • An electric samovar with an unusual painting will delight every tea lover.
  • Hourglass of unusual shape.
  • A stone that suits mother. This will be a talisman against the evil eye and evil spirits.
  • Electrically heated blanket. A very original and also useful thing.
  • You can present a bottle of good stuff in gift wrapping. It will be appreciated.

Present from my daughter

What to give your mother for her 70th birthday from her daughter? A blanket, blouse or shawl is very suitable for these purposes. Also a great gift would be a cell phone, preferably a simple one so that mom can easily figure it out.

Medical devices will be useful gifts for health: electronic thermometer, tonometer, glucometer. You can buy a tourist holiday at sea and give the trip to your mother. At the resort she will be able not only to have a great rest, but also to receive treatment.

A beautiful vase or set of porcelain dishes will be a wonderful gift. an exquisite chandelier, a painting or even a set of bed linen will bring comfort to your home.

For the kitchen, you can give a set of fondue, pots and pans, a cutting board with congratulations, an apron with her portrait.

Gift from son

What to give mom for her 70th birthday from her son? This question can arise even in the most attentive and loving child. But gifts that help run the household are always nice. These gifts can be:

  1. A multi-cooker-steamer that will help you prepare healthy food for the whole family. An electric meat grinder or blender greatly simplifies cooking in the kitchen. Or you can give a coffee maker. Then mom will enjoy freshly brewed coffee on cold evenings.
  2. Washing machine. It will save mom time and effort. Or a vacuum cleaner is a very useful gift, especially if there are pets in the house.
  3. Juicer. Freshly squeezed juice is very beneficial for the elderly body.
  4. Large plasma TV or home cinema. Mothers cannot always afford such things, and a birthday is a great occasion to please a loved one.
  5. A set of glasses for champagne, liqueur or whiskey. Will always be used for any special occasion.
  6. Electric fireplace. You can sit near it with your family, drink tea and tell different stories.
  7. A fan with a few functions. Since women at this age often suffer from stuffiness, such a thing will come in handy.

Original gifts

What to give to your mother for her 70th birthday, who has everything? In this case, you will have to surprise her, and sometimes this is not so easy.

What kind of gifts could these be:

  • Digital photo frame. Women these years often like to review pictures. Therefore, you can upload more joint photos of your grandchildren and children into the frame.
  • or beads. It’s great if this gift is made with your own hands, then mom will be pleasantly surprised.
  • Decorative fountain. The sounds of water have a calming effect.
  • A cup into which you pour boiling water, and a pattern or picture appears on it.
  • Cake with a photo of a young mother. Such a gift will definitely be extraordinary.
  • Exotic fruits that she had never eaten before.
  • An electronic candle that lights up with a gentle shake and goes out when you blow on it.
  • A set of selected tea or coffee in elegant packaging.

Congratulations and flowers

What is a touching gift for your mother from her daughter for her 70th birthday? Well, of course, the most touching thing will be that the whole family and friends will gather at the festive table.

Mom will be very pleased if her children do the treats for the table and decorate the holiday. A touching gift from a daughter can be a poem or song of her own composition about her mother, or a congratulation with words of love. You can arrange fireworks in honor of the anniversary, launch sky lanterns. This will definitely touch a mother's heart.

When wondering what to give, don't forget about flowers. A favorite bouquet will always be pleasant, regardless of her age and status.


Now you know what to give your mom for her 70th birthday. Photos of some interesting ideas for clarity are presented in the article. To make your mother’s holiday truly unforgettable, surround her with warmth and affection on this day. The gift must be given from the heart. Put all your love and care into it. Everything should look perfect: the gift itself, its packaging, and invited guests. Then mom’s 70th birthday will be the best holiday in her life.

Mom is 70... It’s a serious anniversary: ​​living seven decades is not a leap of faith. How can you please your most beloved and dearest person on this date? What should you give your mother for her 70th birthday?

How not to hint at an honorable age with a gift, but at the same time draw attention to the joy of the past years, a kaleidoscope of memories, a large piggy bank of life experience? We will try to help you choose the most suitable one for dear mommy!

To choose the perfect gift for your 70th birthday, you need to show considerable imagination, a sense of tact, and a thorough knowledge of the hobbies and preferences of your beloved mother. To make the task easier, we decided to divide the gifts into such unique categories - see the table.

Traditional gift Of course, a considerable proportion of readers will decide not to experiment and stick with a classic gift. What it could be, a gift for my mother’s 70th birthday:
  • Rocking chair (massage chair).
  • A set for gardening or gardening, if this is mom’s favorite hobby: gardening tools, an awning, a folding greenhouse, a gazebo, a barbecue set.
  • Fresh flowers, rare, beautiful, but unpretentious house plants.
  • Comfortable home clothes - terry pajamas, cozy slippers, warm robe.
  • A scarf, shawl or other comfortable, warm and beautiful knitted product.
  • A transformable bag - both for a walk and for groceries.
  • Gifts that make kitchen life easier, but the instructions for which are simple for an elderly person - a multicooker, microwave oven, bread maker, juicer, blender, thermos, etc.
  • Humidifier/air ionizer, fan, air conditioner.
  • Collectible porcelain, antiques, paintings, panels or other handmade decor.
  • Electric fireplace, bio-fireplace, comfortable heating pad, warming slippers.
  • Music player with radio (including one stylized as a gramophone or gramophone).
  • Favorite perfume.
  • Decoration is made only from natural stones and precious metals. You can choose a talisman, a cross, or a stone, which, according to legend, has healing, magical properties.
  • A collectible variety of your favorite wine, coffee, tea. This also includes honey, chocolate, and spices.
  • A collection of reproductions of a beloved artist, music CDs of a favorite artist, a collection of films, recordings of concerts, a series of books by a favorite writer or poet.
A gift with a twist How about giving something bright and special, but also useful? Take a look at this list:
  • Electrically heated blanket.
  • Electric samovar.
  • Unusual bedding (for example, with a 3D effect).
  • Genealogy book, tree.
  • An unexpected thing from her youth.
  • Personalized gift - book, glasses case, mug, pillow, box.
  • An unusual keychain, a doll-amulet, a pillow-toy, a set of handmade figurines.
  • An unusual and rare item for her collection, if mom has been collecting something for a long time.
  • A handmade item - a pictorial painting, a landscape embroidered with a cross, an icon woven with beads.
  • A collage poster with photographs dear to the heart, a film about the birthday girl, a show of congratulation slides.
  • An exclusive cake, made to order especially for my mother's anniversary.
  • Electronic photo frame, e-book, tablet, camera or video camera.
Touching gifts Impressions and emotions are what remain with us in our memories for the rest of our lives. Maybe it’s worth giving something from this list to your mom? See:
  • A creative evening, a performance, a concert, where performers, singers, actors are beloved grandchildren. The performance can be filmed - mom will watch it often. Only the action needs to be well thought out and rehearsed.
  • Inviting a professional - a singer, a musician playing a musical instrument, a toastmaster to a celebration, artists organizing a sand show, a fire show, launching fireworks.
  • Congratulations on her favorite radio or TV channel.
  • A large bouquet of mother's favorite flowers.
  • Hire a luxury car and take mom on a tour of the city - to all the places that were so memorable to her. And in conclusion - a festive dinner at the most favorite restaurant of her youth.
  • Visit to a beauty salon. Often, women of golden age do not find time for previously favorite cosmetic procedures. Correct the situation! Together with your mother (and this is important - in this unfamiliar world she needs a reliable guide), visit a beauty salon, where a set of caring procedures will await her. And at the end, so that she, as before, feels like a beauty!
  • A visit to a theater premiere, a retro film, an interesting exhibition, a historical museum with exhibits from the era of her youth, a concert of her favorite performer.

Advice! When choosing this or that gift, be sure to take into account the state of your mother’s health and her usual lifestyle.

What kind of gift could it be?

And here we have described more specifically what can serve as a present for mother’s anniversary.

Budget gift

Unfortunately, no one is immune from the fact that budgetary difficulties will arise right before mother’s anniversary. We offer you a selection of gifts, the price of which will not hit your wallet too much, and they themselves will delight the dear birthday girl. What to give your mother for her 70th birthday here:

  • Products made of cashmere, natural wool - scarf, shawl, sweater, gloves, socks. You can knit this with your own hands.
  • Stone garden, amazing indoor plant, money tree.
  • Inexpensive but functional equipment: ionizer, heating pad, fan, shoe dryer, lamp, music player.
  • Home clothes.
  • Favorite dish, set of delicacies, fruit basket.
  • A collage of photos, a video about your mother, a poem in her honor, composed by you.

Craft gift

Many mothers, upon retirement, develop a favorite hobby that they now have time to pursue. Some embroider, some knit, some find themselves in floriculture or gardening, some write books and articles, some devote themselves to reading interesting books...

It’s easy to choose a gift here - based on what mom is interested in and what she still doesn’t have. As a last resort, you can present a certificate to a store somehow related to her hobby.

Here’s another option – to introduce you to a new and interesting hobby:

  • Felting wool. The easiest way for a beginner is the so-called wet felting - you need wool, mesh, a special film and a special composition to consolidate the result.
  • Embroidery. Floss, canvas, hoops, embroidery patterns, convenient needles, hooks, confidants.
  • Confectionery art. From a new recipe book to equipment, utensils for preparing unusual dishes, invitations to master classes, classes at a culinary school.
  • Scrapbooking. An interesting and beautiful hobby, the results of which are masterpieces.

Unusual gift

To surprise your mother after she has walked the path of life for so many years, you need to try very hard. But we still think that something from this selection will definitely not leave her indifferent.


  • Drawing-montage “Historical portrait”.
  • A favorite book with a unique, personalized cover.
  • The newspaper or book “The Truth about the Birthday Boy” is a fascinating story about the bright pages of her life with illustrations from the family archive.
  • Portrait of words on canvas.
  • Portrait-montage “Photomosaic” (composed of hundreds of small photographs).
  • Order "For the Capture of 70 Years".
  • Tabletop biofireplace.
  • Family photo album with personalized exclusive cover.
  • Gift set of different varieties of honey.
  • Custom designed pillow – photo, text.
  • Weather forecaster.
  • The book "Pedigree of your family."
  • A personalized desk calendar, where the hero for each month is one of your family members.
  • Blanket with sleeves.
  • Personalized kitchen apron to order.
  • Tree of wishes.
  • Oscar "For the best role of mother."
  • Florarium.

  • Silver icon "Guardian Angel".
  • Terry bathrobe with custom embroidered text.
  • Bonsai fountain.
  • Japanese kindergarten.
  • Exclusive personalized jewelry box.
  • Electronic weather station.
  • Flower in a jar for growing.
  • Poems in honor of mother.
  • Stone jewelry box.
  • Massage pillow.
  • Gift set “Favorite products from the USSR.”
  • Convenient trolley bag.
  • Aroma lamp.
  • Box for a needlewoman.
  • Set of terry towels with custom embroidery.
  • A book for conveniently recording culinary recipes.
  • Picture made from Swarovski crystals.

Advice! The video in this article will help you choose an interesting, original gift.

Liana Raimanova

Choosing a gift for your beloved mother for her 70th birthday is not an easy task. Through a present, I want to express my love and respect and also pleasantly surprise the hero of the day. What can you give your mother for her 70th birthday?

Before you start looking for an anniversary gift for your mom, consider some important details:

  • Consider the interests and wishes of the mother. Be attentive to her preferences; perhaps some household item has become faulty, and you can buy a replacement.

Usually people at such an old age are quite open and talkative, so finding out about her desires will not be difficult

  • Focus on gifts that have useful properties. At such a respectable age, the birthday girl value comfort. Make your mother's life easier by buying her modern technology (for example, a robot vacuum cleaner) or the necessary medical device.
  • Complete the gift with a heartfelt card, a fragrant bouquet of flowers or sweets.

Ideas for practical and original gifts for mom for her 70th birthday

Of course, you can, without hesitation, present your mother with a certain amount of money as a gift, but usually parents value more the children’s time spent on purchasing the desired gift than its material value. If you have no ideas, you can easily choose something from the list, focusing on your mother’s preferences:

  • A trip to a sanatorium (boarding house) in the CIS countries. A wonderful opportunity to send mom on vacation. Take into account the mother’s chronic diseases and her food preferences and feel free to choose a place of recovery with the range of spa services you like. The medical staff of the sanatorium will help you choose the appropriate procedures (ozone therapy, lymphatic drainage, etc.) so that your mother receives the greatest health benefits from her vacation. In addition, the resorts also offer entertainment: attending various master classes, film shows and live music evenings. After such a trip, mom will return relaxed, emotionally unloaded, peaceful and charged with new strength.
  • Indoor plant. A laconic indoor flower not only pleases the eye, but also decorates any room. The hero of the day will not be able to pass by such plants as fatsia, heptapleurum, dracaena or araucaria. These “interior” flowers grow quite high and create an incredible atmosphere of sun, comfort and harmony around them. It would be a good idea to provide your mother with recommendations for caring for your home flower.

Houseplant as a gift for mom for her 70th birthday

  • Home massage chair. Such a desirable purchase is guaranteed to please your mother at an advanced age. A massage therapist is not always nearby, but such a chair can relax muscles, tone the body, improve blood circulation and normalize sleep. It is better to consult a doctor before purchasing. Modern models are equipped with innovative systems: vibration massage, heating, anti-stress program and even 3D.

Gift for mom's 70th birthday: massage chair

  • Handmade soap. An aesthetic and original gift. Thanks to the huge color palette and variety of shapes, you can create a real masterpiece. This gift is also useful because it consists exclusively of natural ingredients. Using this organic soap, your skin will become much softer and enriched with nourishing oils. And what a wonderful smell it has. Such a gift can be made at home. For the holiday, you can order such medicinal soap in the shape of a heart, a balloon, a piece of cake or your own painting.

Handmade soap as a gift for mom

Think over the clothes and accessories of all family members (you can choose one tone or style of clothing) so that the large family looks original and harmonious in the photographs

  • Household appliance item. For those who love culinary experiments, a blender with various attachments (for meat, vegetables and even dough), a toaster (for frying bread without oil), a modern iron with steaming technology, or an air humidifier with ionization will be a good help.
  • If your mother lives in a private house, a hammock, rocking chair, garden swings and wicker outdoor furniture.
  • You can give your daughter a fluffy scarf or blanket made of natural cashmere, a personalized bathrobe, a carved jewelry box, glasses with beautiful frames, a bottle of her favorite perfume, a tea ceremony set, or a rare edition of the author she reads.

A scarf or stole as a gift to mom for her 70th birthday from her daughter

  • A piece of jewelry would be a stunning gift from my son. Every mother dreams of receiving such a solid gift. For example it could be gold ring with amethyst gemstone. Jewelry with it is distinguished by aristocratic restraint and classical tradition. It is difficult to take your eyes off such a magnificent soft pink mineral. Elegant and simple! And it suits both formal outfits and everyday looks.

Gold ring with amethyst, Maskom(price on the link)

And, of course, don't forget about flower bouquet!

A celebration prepared “in secret” will give you pleasant emotions of admiration and pride for your children. Gather all of your mother's closest and favorite people in secret, decorate the room with balloons and prepare a custom-made cake. Such a warm atmosphere will contribute to the celebration at the highest level.

Please your mother with a gift from the above ideas and be sure to be personally present at such an important celebration. After all, the most important thing for her is that you are nearby.

What to give your mother for her 70th birthday

17 April 2018, 15:42