What is the main holiday from Buddhists. Buddhism - holidays, traditions, customs. Buddhist holidays. Buddhist Calendar and Buddhist Religious Holidays

Buddhist holidays are events, full of kindness and joy. Every year Buddhists all over the world celebrate many holidays and arrange festivals, most of which are associated with important events from the life of the Buddha or various Bodhisatv. Dates of holidays are installed according to the lunar calendar and may not coincide in various countries and traditions. As a rule, on the day of the festival, the laity go to the local Temple of Buddhists, in order to last in the morning to bring foods and other objects to monks, as well as to listen to instruments in morality. Daytime may be devoted to helping poor, walking around the temple or stupa as a sign of reverence of three jewels, mantras and meditation declamination. The most important Buddhist holidays are briefly described below.

In different parts of the earth, this holiday falls on different dates. In the countries of Tharavada (Thailand, Burma, Sri Lanka, Cambodia and Laos), the new year is celebrated on the day of the full moon of April and is celebrated for three days. In the tradition of Mahayana, the new year, as a rule, begins in the first full moon of January, and the main part of Tibetan Buddhists celebrates him in March. In the countries of South Asia, on this day, it is customary to pour each other with water.

Holidays in the tradition of Tharavada - Vesak (Buddha Day)

Some Buddhist holidays are of particular importance and are carried out with a big scale, for example, Vask - Buddha Day. In the full moon of May, Buddhists around the world celebrate the birthday, enlightenment and departure of the Buddha (with the exception of a leap year, when the holiday falls at the beginning of June). The word "Weak" is used according to the name of the month on the Indian calendar.

Magha Puja (Sangha Day)

Magha Puja is celebrated in the full moon of the third lunar month and may have to visit February or March. This sacred day serves as a reminder of an important event from the life of the Buddha, which occurred in the early period of his activities as a teacher. After the first shutter in the rainy season, Buddha went to the city of Rajagach. Here, without prior arrangement, 1250 args (enlightened disciples) returned, in order to express the guide to the teacher. They gathered in the monastery of Veruvan, along with two senior students of the Buddha - Honorable Saripurati and Moggalane.

Buddhist holidays in the traditions of Mahayana - Wambana (day of ancestors)

The followers of Mahayana celebrate this holiday from the beginning of the eighth lunar month by his fifteenth lunar days. It is believed that the doors of hell open on the first day of this month and spirits can move to the human world for two weeks. Food offerings made during this period may mitigate the suffering of ghosts. For the fifteenth day, Ulamban, people visit the cemeteries to make it offended by the late ancestors. Some Tharavadin from Cambodia, Laos and Thailand also celebrate this annual event. Japanese Buddhists have a similar holiday called Obno, begins on July 13, it lasts 3 days and is dedicated to the birth of the family ancestors in new bodies.

Birthday Avalokiteshwara

This holiday is devoted to the ideal of Bodhisatatvia, embodied by Avalokiteshvara, which personifies the perfect compassion in the Mahayan tradition of Tibet and China. The holiday falls on the full moon of March.

Bodhi Day (Employment Day)

On this day, the enlightenment of Siddhartha Gautama, who became a Buddha was taken to honor. As a rule, Buddhists celebrate this important holiday of the eighth of December, reciting mantras, sutras, meditating and listening to the teaching.

There are other Buddhist holidays that have different scales and their unique specificity. They can take place both annually and have more frequent periodicity.

Buddha teaching It originated in the middle of the i millennium to the new era in India. Nevertheless, over the centuries, Buddhism is organically in Russia. Significantly influenced the culture and customs of Central Asia and Siberia, assimilating the elements of brahmanism, Taoism, etc. In Buryat-Mongolian culture, it is closely connected with shamanism, the basic principles of which, such as the desire for harmony with them and the world (Nature), did not interfere at all, And, even more, painted with new bright colors ancient customs and culture. Buddha's life became known in ancient Russia in the text "Tale of Varlaama and Joasafe." Tsarevich Joasaf, whose prototum served as a Buddha, became the Christian saint (his memory is celebrated by the Russian Orthodox Church on November 19). In the XIX - early XX centuries. Russia has become one of the largest centers for the study of Buddhism. At that time, sources were published and archaeological excavations of Buddhism monuments in Central and Central Asia were carried out. On the territory of the Russian Federation Buddhism is distributed in Buryatia, Tuva and Kalmykia (in the latter - state religion). One of the classical schools of Buddhism is the most extensive - the Tibetan "School of Virtue" (Gelug, Zhoshchoshniki). The founder of Buddhism is a real historical personality. Siddhartha Gautama was born and lived in Northern India. Researchers believe that the years of his life - 566-473. BC. Other name- Shakyamuni - directly connected with the place of birth and related relations between the future Buddha. He was born in the country of Shakyev - a small provincial state where the Klan Shakyev dominated. Siddhartha's father was Rajan - a member of the ruling meeting, consisting of representatives of the military aristocracy. It is worth noting that later Buddhist tradition considers him Raja (king), and Siddharthu - Prince, but in the country Shakyev, the board was built on the republican type.

The life path of the prosperous Siddhartha Gautama, who grew up in Nege, has changed after he, secretly leaving the palace, where he was worn and fencing from "unnecessary information", a narrowing of the torment of patients, the disgrace of old age and the appearance of a rappy corpse. He realized that there was nothing unchanged, and happiness could not be eternal. Siddhartha decided to look for the way to get rid of suffering. After various experiments and prospecting truth that did not bring the desired result, he plunged into a state of deep concentration, sitting under the sacred tree. At the forty-ninth day, Siddharthi consciousness absolutely enlightened, and he gained the state of the Buddha. He realized that in any field of space could not be achieved stability - eternal bliss, because in nature there is nothing eternal in nature, and faith in the reality "I" - the eternal soul, which acquires new birth, is unfounded and is meaningless. He also opened the highest absolute knowledge, eliminating the causes of suffering, and this truth of Buddha Shakyamuni decided to convey to living beings. It is worth noting that the very concept of "Buddha" means "enlightened" and, accordingly, is not the name of a particular deity. The word "Buddha" can be used in a plural and can also be written with a small letter. There is also a concept of Siddhi - the extraordinary abilities of Buddhist monks and Lam. This is a concept - the memory of the first Buddha - Siddhartha.

In the center of Buddhism as a philosophical system is the doctrine of " four noble truths ": There are suffering, its reason, the state of liberation and the path to it. In the course of the development of Buddhism, the cult of Buddha and Bodhisattvi ("enlightened", mentors, rituals, who accompany the knowledge of the Dharma (teachings), appeared, appeared in the development of Dharma (teachings). One of the most important prayers - the prosperity of the desire to "take refuge", sounds like this: "Namo Buddha, Namo Dharma, Namo Sangha" - "I am taking a refuge in the Buddha, I take a refuge in the teaching, I take refuge in the community" . Today in Russia, in accordance with the law on freedom of conscience and religion, there is a so-called traditional Sangha Russia. The head of this organization is Pandido Hambo Lama Dama Ayushev - he is part of a confessional religious council under the President of the Russian Federation. But, taking into account the Besyatitsa made by the Epoch of Atheism in the administrative scheme of Buddhist monasteries and communities, many Buddhists do not recognize the existing Sangha really traditional. The laws of the Russian Federation allow you to officially register any traditional Buddhist communities, and therefore today there is a sufficient number of Sangh, many of which are truly true to the historical traditions and culture of Buddhism. Buddhist philosophy reveals the principles of being (causal relationship, which exists independently of our knowledge of it), and all his efforts are aimed at ensuring that the person lives in this world is conscious, in harmony with nature, space, individual people and humanity as a whole . For each perfect case - both good and bad, people are responsible in fullness, every actual moment, apparent reality, is a kind of shadow of past achievements or the consequences awaiting in the future. Today's Buddhist scientists often say that the era of Buddhism as religion, and all religions in general, remained in the past - the future for scientists and their accomplishments. But one way or another, the right view of ourselves and their actions, harmony with them and the outside world - harmless existence are the goals of each Buddhist. At the achievement of the same goals, the festive Culturebuddhism.

A man with a "western" warehouse of the mind may seem strange images of defenders and deities in frightening hypostasses. At the same time, it is worth understanding that, on oriental logic, the more terrible the defender face, the most likely, the defender is able to defeat evil or sin. As for the tanok, in which Buddha and Bodhisattva depicted, here it is extremely rarely a sad expression of the face - most often the face smile and calm. To understand the meaning of Buddhist holidays You should also move away from the usual installation - "Today is a holiday, and, it means we must rejoice and relax." On holidays, strict restrictions on the behavior of people are superimposed. A person must even carefully monitor himself, as it is believed that these days the power of all deeds, physical and mental, increases 1000 times. The consequences of perfect negative actions increase in 1000 times, but they also increase their achievements in the performance of good, good deeds. During major Buddhist holidays, you can close to the essence of the exercise, to nature and the absolute. The celebration of each date wears, first of all, clearly practical characterand aimed at creating a clean space in the temple, in the houses of Buddhists, in their souls and bodies. This is achieved by committing rites, reading mantras, extracting sounds from various musical instruments, the use of symbolic colors and religious items. All ritual practice has the strength and property of quantum field effects on people participating in the festival, cleaning and restoring their fine structure. On such days, it is customary to visit the temple, make the Buddhas, teacher and community. However, it is possible to become a member of the celebration and being at home. To do this, you need to have knowledge about the internal sense of the holiday, respectively, mentally tune in and turn on, so in a single holiday field that covers all interested in it. The results of such interaction will be even higher than meaningless and inactive presence at the ceremony. In Buddhist ritual tradition, the lunar calendar is adopted. Due to the fact that the lunar calendar is almost a month shorter than sunny, the date of holidays, as a rule, are shifted within one and two months, and are calculated in advance on astrological tables. In some Buddhist countries there are discrepancies in calculation systems. In addition, in Buddhist tradition, the first month of the year is the first month of spring. Most of the holidays fall on the full moon (15th day of the lunar month).

The main holidays of Buddhists are:

  • Sagaalgan - New Year
  • Dunhar-Khural - Calachakra Holiday
  • Donchod-Khural - Birthday, Enlightenment and Parisy Buddha Shakyamuni
  • Maidari Huhural - Maitrey Circles
  • Lhabab Duisen - Buddha's descent from the sky
  • Zulu-Khural - Day Nirvana Buddha Tsongkapy.

Also marked Birthday of Dalai Lama XIVBut he is not a canonical holiday. At the same time, this holiday is fixed - Dalai Lama was born on July 6th. In the Buddhist lunar calendar, there are also days for special prayers - days of movement, Lamp Ningbo and Mandala-Shiva, which are held every eighth, fifteenth and thirtieth lunar day, respectively. There are also days for special reverence of some deities, for example, Balrimina - the owner of magnificence and happiness, or Lusa - the owner of water. For every day, the calendar astrologers are calculated a combination and investigation of the day - marked days for hair cutting, taking medicines, a prosperous road or a successful completion of litigation. It should not also forget that almost all the peoples professing Buddhism are erected in the rank of holidays and special rituals such events as a transition from one age group to another, building a new home, wedding, funeral and others.

Dates of holidays for 2015.

In the countries of the East, where Buddhism is a state or one of the main religions, Buddhist holidays are included in the local national and cultural and religious tradition and are perceived as its indispensable component.


Among the holidays, now considered Buddhist, there are those that did not originate to Buddhism. First of all, this refers to the celebration of the New Year, whose coming in one form or another, noted all the peoples of the globe long before the world religions arose, incl. Buddhism. The holiday of the New Year was saturated with an ancient magical symbolism, his appointment - to provide in the coming year wealth, fertility, prosperity, in other words - the welfare of the people and the state. It is quite natural that over time this holiday was built into the Buddhist festive calendar system and was saturated with Buddhist mythological and ritual content.

The Chinese, Tibetans, Mongols, Vietnamese, Buryats and Tuvintsy celebrate the arrival of the New Year in the 1st spring new moon along the lunar calendar. Since the lunar year is shorter than sunny about a month, the new year's offensive does not have a fixed date and can fluctuate within one and a half months (from the end of January to the first decade of March). Calculate this date in advance in astrological tables.

The Chinese, celebrating the New Year, from all the gods of the Buddhist Pantheon, are distinguished by Guanin - the female manifestation of the Bodhisattva Mercy of Avalokiteshwara. It is her image that put in their home altars, she brings victims and raise prayers, asking for a gracious and indulgent to the owners of the house. All other New Year's rituals in the Chinese are associated with their traditional reform and values \u200b\u200bformulated by Confucianism and Taoism.

The Japanese from 1873 live in the Gregorian calendar and, like us, celebrate the New Year on the night of December 31 on January 1, and then walk for another two weeks. However, among numerous rituals, Buddhism elements are insignificant: 108 bell strikes on New Year's Eve and lamps lit to the face of the gods in Buddhist temples. The holiday of the New Year remained from the Japanese at their essence, they are met at home, and in the morning of January 1 they come to worship the deities in the Shinto Temple.

New Year in Tibetans, Mongols, Buryat and Tuvintsev are also at the heart of a people's holiday. In Tibetsev, he became Buddhist since the beginning of the XV century, when the founder of the Gelug School - the Great Buddhist figure and the reformer Tszonhava developed the charter of his school and the rules for the Buddhist holidays in the monasteries. It was he who timed to the folk new year Buddhist holiday MONLAM (Great Prayer) In honor of the victory of the Buddha Shakyamuni over false devices and the commitment of them 15 wonders in the city of Shravashi. Since the Mongols, Buryats and Tuvuntsy followers of the same School Gelug, as well as Tibetans, then in the first two weeks of the New Year daily in the temple, a service is held in honor of one of the 15 wonders of the Buddha.

MONLAM - 15 Wonders Buddha

In Buddhist literature, the descriptions of these miracles are preserved. Shortly after the Buddha started preaching his teaching, he had many students. Six monks - ascetov, who left the students who became followers of the Buddha, hated him for it and everywhere where they could, mock and demonstrated over the new wonders themselves and demonstrated to the people who were capable of. Buddha did not pay attention to them, but once his disciples asked teachers to post these false teachers, because they cause evil to people and there are no rest from them. And Buddha agreed. The place was chosen - the city of Shravashi, where he created his 15 wonders: one miracle per day, creating worldwide glory.

- 1 "The number of the first spring moon, he stuck his toothpick in the ground and a huge tree grew out of it, which covered with his branches, the whole sky was closed, the sun and the moon. It hung fruit like vessels that accommodate five buckets of water.

- 2 "The number of the first moon of the Buddha on both sides of themselves produced high mountains with forest trees growing on them. In the mountains, the right hand from the Buddha, people were collected and harvested by wonderful fruits, and animals passed from him on his left hand.

- 3 "The number of the first moon of the Buddha rolled his mouth and spat water to the ground." She turned into a huge lake. In the midst of it, many wonderful lotuses have grown, with their light the whole world and filled with his fragrance.

- 4 "The number of the first moon in the will of the Buddha from the water of the lake rang out a voice that preached the sacred teaching.

- 5 "The number of the first Luna Buddha smiled, and from his smile the light was scattered in three thousand worlds; Everyone who fell in this light, became blessed.

- 6 "The number of the first moon all followers of the Buddha knew each other's thoughts, virtuous and sinful, and also learned about the reward and retaliation, which for it expects.

- 7 "The number of the first Luna of the Buddha his species opened in all those gathered a sense of reverence and aspirations for the sacred teaching by showed himself in all his heavenly greatness. He appeared surrounded by the rulers of the whole world, their suits and noble people. All this time, the false teacher was completely powerless to make any miracle; Thoughts were confused, the languages \u200b\u200bof numbness, the feelings were suppressed.

- 8 "The number of the first moon of the Buddha touched the right hand to the throne on which she sat, and suddenly there were five terrible monsters who destroyed the seats of false teachers, and the terrifying deity of Vajrapani, who had arisen with them, was inflicted by their vajrah - weapon like lightning. After that, 91 thousand former admirers of false teachers moved to the side of the Buddha and accepted the spiritual title.

- 9 "The number of the first Luna Buddha introduced himself to all the surrounding heaven to heaven and so preached the sacred teaching to all animal beings.

- 10 "The number of the first Luna Buddha became visible simultaneously in all the kingdoms of the material world and preached his teaching.

- 11 "The number of the first moon of the Buddha turned his body into a neglighted light, which filled with his radiance thousands of worlds.

- 12 "The number of the first moon he let the golden beam from his body and highlighted them all the kingdoms of three thousand worlds. Who touched this light, perceived the teachings of the Buddha.

- 13 "The number of the first Luna Buddha emptied two beam from his navel, which rose to the height of seven sages; At the end of each beam, the lotus flower has grown. From the middle of each flower, two reflections of the Buddha came out. They, in turn, let the two rays ending the lotus, of which new reflection of the Buddha appeared. So it lasted until the flowers and Buddha filled the whole universe.

- 14 "The number of the first moon of the Buddha made his will a huge chariot that reached the world of gods. Together with it there are still many chariots, each of which was one reflection of the Buddha. The radiance that came from them was filled with light all the worlds.

- 15 "The number of the first Luna Buddha filled all the vessels in the city. She had a different taste, but, who tasted her, people felt pleasure. Then Buddha touched the hand of the Earth, and she turned around, showing the suffering that lovers of pleasure were undergoing in the regions of hell. They saw it embarrassed, and Buddha began to preach his teaching of the gathered. So within two weeks of the 1st New Year's month in Buddhist temples, services were conducted with the description of these miracles.


Opetovsky is the feast of the Weak, which is celebrated in the second week of the 1st year old. This is a single date for all countries of the Buddhist world. On this day there were three great events in the life of the Buddha: his last earthly birth, enlightenment and immersion in Nirvana. Between the first and the last event, 80 years have passed, he became enlightened at 35 years old, but all this, according to the traditional buddha biography, occurred in one day. A whole week, the monks tell in the temples about the life of the Buddha, a solemn procession, depicting the theatrical versions of these three events of his biography, are moving around the temples and monasteries. Not only the monks, but also laity take part in processions and temple services.

Circles of Maitrei

In the middle of the second summer moon, the temple holiday is held in the sequence of Maitrei. Maitreya - Buddha of the upcoming world period. This is called in Buddhism that the segment of the time comes after the end of the period of the "government of our world buddha Shakyamuni". On the day of this holiday from the temple, the sculptural image of Maitrei is deposited from the temple, put it under the calender on the chariot, in which again the sculptural image of the horse is green. Surrounded by crowds of believers, the chariot slowly makes a detour around the territory of the monastery, moving through the sun. Crowds of believers on both sides of the road move together with the process, periodically committed the knees of the statue of Maitrei. One group of monks leads in motion the chariot, others go ahead or behind it, reading prayers. The service lasts all day.

Mystery of Tsam (Cham)

Mystery of Tsam (Cham) was held annually in Buddhist monasteries of Tibet, Nepal, Mongolia, Buryatia, Tuva. In the practice of the temple ritality of the Tibetan schools of Buddhism, she was introduced by a great magician and teacher of Padmasambhava (VIII century). Even within the same country, this mystery could be performed in different calendar terms - in the winter, in others - in summer and be different in the genre. In some cases, it was a dance pantomime, in others - a play with dialogues, which provided 4-5 actors, finally, it could be a grandiose theatrical presentation with 108 participants (108 - a sacred number in Buddhism), which in costumes and masks, sufficiently heavy By weight (one mask could weigh up to 30 kg), played the action, whose heroes were the characters of the Pantheon of Tibetan Buddhism and the characters of the People's Mythology (in Tibet - Tibetan, in Mongolia and Buryatia - Tibetan and Mongolian). The execution of Mysteria pursued several goals at once, and in different monasteries, focused on different things: the intimidation of the enemies of Buddhism, the demonstration of the celebration of true teachings over all the false teachings, a way to pacify the evil forces to ensure the coming year to be prosperous, preparing a person to see what he sees after death on Ways to a new reincarnation. They performed specially trained monks who were initiated by specially trained monks; A few days before the holiday they were supposed to be for several hours in a state of deep meditation. Casual people among the actors could not be. Suits and masks had every monastery, carefully keeping them from one presentation to another. When something came into disrepair, replaced with careful observance of the necessary rites. Buddhists of Mongolia and Russia, the latest executions of the Tsam were recorded at the end of the 20s of the 20th century. The processes of the revival of Buddhism now in both countries are provided for by the revival of the Tsam, but this is a long and difficult thing.


In the monasteries of the northern branch of Buddhism, combining the features of Mahayana and Vajrayan, there are two more holidays, unknown by other directions of Buddhism: Duinhor and Dzul. The first one is celebrated in May and is associated with the beginning of the preaching of Calachakra - one of the important components of the Vajrayana philosophy. Kalachakra - literally "wheel wheel", one of the most esoteric concepts of the Buddhist tantra. The time of its formation is considered to be the century, the place is the mythical country of the Shambala. The holiday in the temple gather those who are available philosophical depths of Buddhism.


Dzul is a holiday dedicated to memory (Nirvana's Day) founder of the Tibetan school Gelug - Reformer and Philosopher Zhonhava. It is called the holiday lampad, because On this day, thousands of oil lamps are lit on the occurrence of darkness inside and outside the monasteries. They are quenched with the onset of dawn. The monks read prayers, believers of the laity make it offering the temple with money, food, things. They celebrate it annually on December 25th.

Buddha's descent from the sky to the ground

The NomeBoyadian holidays applies to the descent of the Buddha from the sky to the Earth. His time: the end of October - November. The essence of the holiday is as follows. Living in the appearance of the Botchisattva in the sky of the stew (the 9th level of Buddhist space, where all the bodhisattvs live, before they become Buddha) Buddha Shakyamuni realized that he was time to make the latest rebirth among people on earth. He chose his earthly parents to the ruler of the people of Shakya Shuddatnu and his wife Maya. In the appearance of a white elephant (one of the sacred images of Buddhism) he entered his future mother's side and was born Tsarevich. After 29 years of happy life in the palace, he went to search for truth, opened it for himself for 35 years, sitting under the bodhi tree, and became enlightened, i.e. Buddha, and began to preach his teaching. Buddha's decision to gain the last earthly birth and open the "path of the Buddha" - this is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthis holiday.

Holiday in honor of the Tooth Buddha

And finally, another holiday marked only by followers of Theravada - the South and the earliest branch of Buddhism is a holiday in honor of the Buddha's tooth. It is carried out only in one place - on the island of Sri Lanka, in the city of Kandy in the temple of Dalad Maligawa, where this main relics of Buddhism is stored. The holiday lasts two weeks (time of it: the end of July is the beginning of August), it includes temple services, solemn processions with elephants, one of which is lucky for a casket with a tooth, processions of musicians, dancers, singers. The rule of the Kandian kingdom ruler is considered to be obligatory, because The ownership of the relic gave the right to occupy the throne of this state. Now the same functions are performed by the head of the local administration.

The legend that went to the foundation of the holiday, such. At the time of cremation of the Buddha's globe, one of her participants snatched his tooth from the funeral fire. For eight centuries, he was kept in India, but in the IV century, in connection with the Interc Wars that began in India, the tooth was decided to take a safe place - to Sri Lanka Island. They built the temple in his honor and, as local legends say, he has been kept here since then, and the holiday in his honor is held annually. These historical chronicles are contrary to this statement, in particular, one of them affirms that in the XVI century. The Buddha's tooth was captured by the Portuguese, got into the hands of the Catholics fanatics and was publicly burned, and that the fake was stored in Kandy. However, for any religion myth is more important than historical reality. Therefore, still, annually at the end of July, tens of thousands of people, believers and tourists go to the city of Kandy to look at this amazing relic - the only material confirmation that the Buddha ever lived on Earth.

Of course, this is not a complete list of Buddhist holidays. There are a lot of them: every country and every temple have their own, but those that are listed here, perhaps, can be considered the most important.

In accordance with Buddhist calendar 8, 15 and 30 of the number of each lunar month
the investigators of good and unlawful acts increase 100 times.

Encyclopedia "Peoples and Religion"

Vesak Opetovsky is the feast of the Weak, which is celebrated in the second week of the 1st year old. This is a single date for all countries of the Buddhist world. On this day there were three great events in the life of the Buddha: his last earthly birth, enlightenment and immersion in Nirvana. Between the first and the last event, 80 years have passed, he became enlightened at 35 years old, but all this, according to the traditional buddha biography, occurred in one day. A whole week, the monks tell in the temples about the life of the Buddha, a solemn procession, depicting the theatrical versions of these three events of his biography, are moving around the temples and monasteries. Not only the monks, but also laity take part in processions and temple services.

Circles of Maitrei In the middle of the second summer moon, the temple holiday is held in the sequence of Maitrei. Maitreya - Buddha of the upcoming world period. This is called in Buddhism that the segment of the time comes after the end of the period of the "government of our world buddha Shakyamuni". On the day of this holiday from the temple, the sculptural image of Maitrei is deposited from the temple, put it under the calender on the chariot, in which again the sculptural image of the horse is green. Surrounded by crowds of believers, the chariot slowly makes a detour around the territory of the monastery, moving through the sun. Crowds of believers on both sides of the road move together with the process, periodically committed the knees of the statue of Maitrei. One group of monks leads in motion the chariot, others go ahead or behind it, reading prayers. The service lasts all day.

Mystery of Tsam (Cham) Mystery of Tsam (Cham) was held annually in Buddhist monasteries of Tibet, Nepal, Mongolia, Buryatia, Tuva. In the practice of the temple ritality of the Tibetan schools of Buddhism, she was introduced by a great magician and teacher of Padmasambhava (VIII century). Even within the same country, this mystery could be performed in different calendar terms - in the winter, in others - in summer and be different in the genre. In some cases, it was a dance pantomime, in others - a play with dialogues, which provided 4-5 actors, finally, it could be a grandiose theatrical presentation with 108 participants (108 - a sacred number in Buddhism), which in costumes and masks, sufficiently heavy By weight (one mask could weigh up to 30 kg), played the action, whose heroes were the characters of the Pantheon of Tibetan Buddhism and the characters of the People's Mythology (in Tibet - Tibetan, in Mongolia and Buryatia - Tibetan and Mongolian). The execution of Mysteria pursued several goals at once, and in different monasteries, focused on different things: the intimidation of the enemies of Buddhism, the demonstration of the celebration of true teachings over all the false teachings, a way to pacify the evil forces to ensure the coming year to be prosperous, preparing a person to see what he sees after death on Ways to a new reincarnation. They performed specially trained monks who were initiated by specially trained monks; A few days before the holiday they were supposed to be for several hours in a state of deep meditation. Casual people among the actors could not be. Suits and masks had every monastery, carefully keeping them from one presentation to another. When something came into disrepair, replaced with careful observance of the necessary rites. Buddhists of Mongolia and Russia, the latest executions of the Tsam were recorded at the end of the 20s of the 20th century. The processes of the revival of Buddhism now in both countries are provided for by the revival of the Tsam, but this is a long and difficult thing.

Duinhor. In the monasteries of the northern branch of Buddhism, combining the features of Mahayana and Vajrayan, there are two more holidays, unknown by other directions of Buddhism: Duinhor and Dzul. The first one is celebrated in May and is associated with the beginning of the preaching of Calachakra - one of the important components of the Vajrayana philosophy. Kalachakra - literally "wheel wheel", one of the most esoteric concepts of the Buddhist tantra. The time of its formation is considered to be the century, the place is the mythical country of the Shambala. The holiday in the temple gather those who are available philosophical depths of Buddhism.

Dzul Dzul is a holiday dedicated to memory (Nirvana's Day) founder of the Tibetan school Gelug - Reformer and Philosopher Zhonhava. It is called the holiday lampad, because On this day, thousands of oil lamps are lit on the occurrence of darkness inside and outside the monasteries. They are quenched with the onset of dawn. The monks read prayers, believers of the laity make it offering the temple with money, food, things. They celebrate it annually on December 25th.

Buddha's descent from the sky to the ground The NomeBoyadian holidays applies to the descent of the Buddha from the sky to the Earth. His time: the end of October - November. The essence of the holiday is as follows. Living in the appearance of the Botchisattva in the sky of the stew (the 9th level of Buddhist space, where all the bodhisattvs live, before they become Buddha) Buddha Shakyamuni realized that he was time to make the latest rebirth among people on earth. He chose his earthly parents to the ruler of the people of Shakya Shuddatnu and his wife Maya. In the appearance of a white elephant (one of the sacred images of Buddhism) he entered his future mother's side and was born Tsarevich. After 29 years of happy life in the palace, he went to search for truth, opened it for himself for 35 years, sitting under the bodhi tree, and became enlightened, i.e. Buddha, and began to preach his teaching. Buddha's decision to gain the last earthly birth and open the "path of the Buddha" - this is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthis holiday.

Holiday in honor of the Tooth Buddha And finally, another holiday marked only by followers of Theravada - the South and the earliest branch of Buddhism is a holiday in honor of the Buddha's tooth. It is carried out only in one place - on the island of Sri Lanka, in the city of Kandy in the temple of Dalad Maligawa, where this main relics of Buddhism is stored. The holiday lasts two weeks (time of it: the end of July is the beginning of August), it includes temple services, solemn processions with elephants, one of which is lucky for a casket with a tooth, processions of musicians, dancers, singers. The rule of the Kandian kingdom ruler is considered to be obligatory, because The ownership of the relic gave the right to occupy the throne of this state. Now the same functions are performed by the head of the local administration.
The legend that went to the foundation of the holiday, such. At the time of cremation of the Buddha's globe, one of her participants snatched his tooth from the funeral fire. For eight centuries, he was kept in India, but in the IV century, in connection with the Interc Wars that began in India, the tooth was decided to take a safe place - to Sri Lanka Island. They built the temple in his honor and, as local legends say, he has been kept here since then, and the holiday in his honor is held annually. These historical chronicles are contrary to this statement, in particular, one of them affirms that in the XVI century. The Buddha's tooth was captured by the Portuguese, got into the hands of the Catholics fanatics and was publicly burned, and that the fake was stored in Kandy. However, for any religion myth is more important than historical reality. Therefore, still, annually at the end of July, tens of thousands of people, believers and tourists go to the city of Kandy to look at this amazing relic - the only material confirmation that the Buddha ever lived on Earth.
Of course, this is not a complete list of Buddhist holidays. There are a lot of them: every country and every temple have their own, but those that are listed here, perhaps, can be considered the most important.

    In accordance with the Buddhist calendar 8, 15 and 30, the number of each lunar month of the consequences of good and unlabliggy acts increase 100 times.

Eneshtein called the Buddhist teaching "the most scientific religion", which is especially clearly manifested in the tradition of her holidays. The denying existence of God as the Higher Creator, Buddhists deeply honor the laws of nature and spiritual mentors. Following this principle, the main holidays of Buddhism are devoted to Siddhartha Gautama Buddha.

Gautama, known as Tsarevich Shakyamuni, lived in the VI century BC. e. In the north of India. Siddhartha was born in a royal family. At the age of 29, he left the luxurious palace forever, going to search for truth. After becoming ascetic, he wandered for a long time to reveal the secret of deliverance from human suffering - diseases, old age and death.

At the age of 35 during a long meditation under the sacred tree of Bodhi, he reached enlightenment and became referred to as the Buddha, which translates from Sanskrit as a 'awakened'. The remaining part of the life path Buddha Gautam devoted a peaceful preaching of his teaching.

Customs of Buddhist celebration

The philosophy of celebration differs in Buddhism from other religions inherently. This is not the time of lush meals and rest from the work of the righteous, and first of all a tense spiritual work.

True Buddhists believe that the karmic reward is intensified in significant days thousands of times. In the same amount, the force of both good and negative thoughts increases. Therefore, this is the best moment for meditation and philosophical reflection. It is believed that religious unity during solemn ceremonies contributes to the achievement of enlightenment.

Another aspect, typical of the holidays of Buddhism, consonated by the Christian tradition. We are talking about ritual chioplost - moral and physical. In the days of religious celebrations, Buddhists carefully remove their dwellings and monasteries. Such actions are not ordinary general cleaning, but a special priesthood. The process of purification is accompanied by singing mantras, the extraction of musical sounds, which are designed to harmonize the surrounding space.

Among other traditions, you can allocate:

  • visiting temples;
  • participation in ritual ceremonies;
  • donations of gifts to monasteries;
  • offers of monks and teachers;
  • completing good deeds.

Celebration time

Religious holidays in Buddhism are celebrated on the lunar calendar. Their dates are calculated on special tables of lama astrologers and change annually. Since the ancient times, Buddhists believed that energy was intensified during the full moon, so many holidays fall on the full moon.

List of Buddhism holidays

  • Weak - birthday, enlightenment and care to Nirvana Buddha;
  • Buddhist New Year;
  • Monlam - the memory of 15 wonders committed by Buddha;
  • Maidari Huhral;
  • Mysterius Tsam;
  • Turning the teaching wheel;
  • Birthday of Dalai Lama.

Strict regulations, what holidays in Buddhism should be coped strictly, does not exist. Ritual preferences depend on school (Mahayana, Theravad, Tantra) and from the historical traditions of individual countries.

The listed list is not full. In particular, in Tibetan Buddhism, unknown to other currents of Dzul is celebrated - the day of commemoration of the philosopher Zhonhava.

Asol Perajara, celebration in honor of the Buddha's tooth celebrate only supporters of Tharavada in the only temple on the island of Sri Lanka, where this amazing relic is stored. Lush celebrations last two weeks and include processions with festively decorated elephants. On one of them, a casket with a sacred tooth is pronounced around the city.

The main holidays of Buddhism

About the most significant dates in the Buddhist world worth telling more. To the question "What is the most important holiday in Buddhism?" You can answer unequivocally - weak. It symbolizes three sacred events at once: the birth, enlightenment and the death of the Buddha. According to believe, Gautama was born, gained the gift of enlightenment and went to Nirvana to the second full moon of the year. It usually falls for the last day days.

Vesak celebration lasts over a whole week. In the monastery communities serve special prayers and lush ceremonies are arranged. Houses and temples with love decorate lanterns, alive flowers and burning lamps, which symbolize the light of the Great Buddha compassion. People commit a pilgrimage come to monasteries to faith meditation and listen to the stories of the monks. Agricultural workers these days are banned as a sign of mercy to all earthly beings, including domestic cattle.


The new year in the Buddhist tradition is celebrated in the first new moon of spring. Due to the differences in the 17th schools of various schools in countries such as Mongolia, Tibet, Kalmykia, are found in different times.

On the eve of Saughan, dear lamas-astrologers announce predictions for the next year. In the monasteries are made a prayer-friendly deities. The most beloved goddess is Sri Davie. She patronizes the ancient Tibetan capital - Lhasa.

The belief was preserved here that Sri-Devi under the New Year examines its possessions to make sure whether the residents were well prepared for her coming. To earn the mercy of the goddess and enlist its location for a year, it is recommended not to go to bed all night: pray in the temple or pronounce mantras at the home altar.

The festive feast of tradition should include dishes from white products. This period of the year is associated with the massive advent of the cattle. It becomes a lot of milk, hence the name Sagalgan, which is translated as a white month.


Prayer Monslas begins with the first dawn of the new year and read 15 days in a row. The holiday is dedicated to the memory of fifteen wonders created by the Buddha. The story states that several monks left their former askets teachers to join the supporters of the Buddha. The monks of his monks began to polilize the teacher, refuting his holiness.

Buddha indifferently applied to all ridicule, but the disciples simplified it to demonstrate the visible evidence of their power. In the Indian village of Shash Buddha, 15 days in a row committed wonderful acts, after which the glory about him was separated worldwide.

After the end of the solemn prayers, the monks pass exams for a higher sanitary. On the last day of the holiday, which always falls on the full moon, make 15 figures from the fuel oil depicting the wonders of the Buddha. They are exhibited for Furnishing in Dácanov.

Maidari Khural

This holiday is devoted to the embodiment of Maitrei Buddha at the end of times. His board is associated with a blessed era of prosperity and bliss, when people on Earth will live 84 thousand years.

Many pilgrims in the monasteries are flowing on Maidari-Khural. From the temples, the sculpture of the Buddha Maitrei, which is climbing on a richly decorated chariot. The procession accompanied by numerous believers is slowly bypass the walls of the monastery in the direction of the sun movement. This event and is reflected in the title of the festival - the sequestration of the Buddha Maitrei.

The ceremony is often interrupted by the sutch and ritual tea drinking, so it continues all day. In completion, a table with abundant treats is served, the gifts of the monastic community are brought.

Mystery Tsam

Some researchers believe that the roots of the ritual action of the Cam should be sought in the ancient shamanic rites. In the temple practice of Northern Buddhism, her great teacher of Padmasambhava (VIII century) was introduced. Mystery in Mongolian, Buryat, Tibetan monasteries is particularly common.

The rite is a pantomime executed by lamas in the frightening masks of docks (keepers). Characters play ritual action, making a dance in a circle, gesticulating hands. Every year, the executable mysteries pursued several tasks:

  • faster and remove evil spirits from followers of Buddhism;
  • demonstrate the triumph of true creed;
  • show the presence of a deity in the visible world;
  • prepare a person to visions in posthumous wandering, which accompany him towards rebirth.

The mission of execution of the Cam is entrusted to the monks who have received a special dedication. A few days before the start of Mysteri, they will fast and plunge into deep meditation.

Turn the teaching wheel

The most important holiday in Buddhism, celebrated on the fourth day of the sixth lunar month. It marks the day of the first sermon Buddha Shakyamuni in the Indian Province of Sarnath. The first teachings from the mouth of the Buddha heard five ascets, who later became his loyal disciples.

The main action of the celebration is bypassing the temple with the sculptural image of the Buddha Maitrei, which is accompanied by reading special sutors and playing ritual musical instruments. The spiritual task of the ceremony is to bring the reign of Maitrei Buddha reign.

Dalai Lama Birthday

The list of Buddhism holidays will be incomplete without mentioning a memorable date, the only one, calculated by the sunny calendar. Every year on July 6, the Northern Buddhists celebrate their spiritual leader's birthday in the exile of the Dalai Lama XIV. The fate of this amazing person is a living illustration of Buddhist dogma. It is considered the last physical embodiment of the buddha compassion.

His predecessor kept an indication where to look for his rebirth. It was there, after the death of Dalai Lama XIII, a search group of monks went. Born in the poor family of peasants 2-year-old boy Tenzin Gyzo was found by special signs, on which the new reincarnation of the Dalai Lama is determined.

Then followed a series of special tests, during which the boy had to find a thing belonging to him in a past life. With success, passed the test, on February 22, 1940, he was erected on the throne of Dalai Lama.

This is only a small tolika from the great meeting of holidays and rituals existing in Buddhism. Less significant celebrations are devoted to the deities, holy and patrons, revered by individual schools, monasteries and communities.