Calendar-thematic planning “Shoes. Complex - thematic planning in the middle group. Clothes, footwear, hats

Date, day of week Monday
17.11 Direct educational activities

Morning Compilation of descriptive stories "Our clothes" Ts .: to enrich children's ideas about the purpose of clothes, remember the name of its parts, color and material from which it is made.
Word game "One - many" Ts .: learn to form nouns denoting items of clothing in the plural. (hat, jacket, shirt, boot). Working in a corner of nature: caring for indoor plants. Ts .: to acquaint children with a new way of keeping plants clean (cleaning the leaves with a dry brush), to form the appropriate skills. Discuss which leaves of which plants should be cleaned in this way. Situational conversation "What do we have for breakfast today"
Ts .: draw the attention of children to food; form an idea of ​​the benefits of breakfast.
Individual work to educate the culture of food. (With Valya, Nastya, Liza)
Album for viewing "Clothes" Ts .: To activate in the speech of children and clarify generalizing words on the topic "clothes", the names of clothing items, its details.
Game "Dress up a doll" (paper doll and a set of clothes for her)
Ts .: create conditions for play activities. Conversation with parents "Child's clothes in late autumn"
GCD (group) P. Acquaintance with the objective world. Topic: A journey into the past of clothing (O. V. Dybina Acquaintance with the subject and social environment; middle group, p. 48). Ts .: to acquaint children with the purpose and functions of garments necessary for human life. Learn to establish connections between the material and the way of using garments; bring to the understanding that a person creates items of clothing to facilitate life. Develop the ability to navigate the past of clothing. (Wed-va: smart doll, needles, threads. Fabric, buttons, scissors, doll in a skirt made of leaves, doll dressed in skin, samples of various fabrics, a large piece of fabric, modern clothes, paper silhouettes of dresses, colored pencils .) Musical.
Walk Observing the sky in the fall. Ts .: develop observation, coherent speech. Conversation with children on the topic: “Who came in a new jacket today? Why?" Ts .: draw the attention of children to each other. Teach children to see the connection between changing weather conditions and the choice of clothing. To activate the speech of children. Ind. work with Kolya. Game exercise "Catch, throw" C. To exercise children in throwing the ball upward with two hands and catching it. Develop dexterity, coordination of movements. Subv. game "Find your color" Ts .: to train children in running, orientation in space according to color modules. Did. game "Who is wearing what?" Ts .: to develop children's observation, visual memory, to activate the dictionary on the topic "clothes"
Independent activity with portable material:
Equipment for cleaning the territory - rakes (shovels), brooms, buckets, garbage bags.
Ts .: create conditions for self-employment; to form the ability to select inventory in accordance with the tasks of the work. Evening Sr. game "Family" Play situation "We wash the clothes" Ts .: to teach children to carry out conditional object-specific actions specific to the role. Puppet theater: Ukrainian folk tale "Rukavichka". Ts .: develop the ability to follow the course of events, remind the heroes of a fairy tale. Contribute to the prevention of emotional stress.
Awakening gymnastics
Exercise "Speak correctly" Ts .: encourage children to repeat the words after the teacher (names of clothing items), changing the pace and volume, to develop attention.
Bi-ba-bo dolls for theatrical play based on the fairy tale "Rukavichka". Invite parents to participate in the exhibition of joint crafts, drawings and applications "Autumn fantasies"
Plan of educational and educational work for the day
Date, day of week tuesday
18.11 Directly educational activities
(subgroup, individual) Educational activities in regime moments Organization of a subject-developing environment for SDD Interaction with society
Morning Viewing illustrations accompanied by the teacher's story "Who sews clothes" Ts .: to acquaint children with the profession of a seamstress, with the items he needs for work. Indus work with Valya, Cyril. Liners - "Pick up a suit" Ts .: develop visual perception. Did. game "Dress up a doll" Ts .: teach children to choose the right items of clothing for a doll, dress it in the required sequence Finger gymnastics "Clothes"

Replenish the corner of role-playing games. Sewing machine (to repair)
A new set of clothes for a doll - a boy.
Ts .: to contribute to the emergence of a role-playing game and the development of a game plot. Day
GCD (group) Speech development Topic: Sound culture of speech: sound Ts. (Gerbova V.V. Development of speech in kindergarten: middle group, p. 35)
Ts .: to train children in the pronunciation of the Ts sound (isolated, in syllables, in words), to improve the intonation expressiveness of speech; encourage the differentiation of words starting with the sound C, focusing not on the meaning of the word, but on its sound.
Physical development. (L. I. Penzulaeva, Physical culture in kindergarten: middle group; p.41, lesson number 28)
Ts .: exercise in walking and running in a circle, walking and running on toes; landing on bent legs in jumping; in rolling the ball. (Wed-va: balls, cubes, tambourine, cords) Walk Observation of the behavior of a crow. Ts .: continue to acquaint children with seasonal changes in the life of birds; develop the ability to recognize and name a crow among other birds; develop observation skills. Subv. game "Bird and cat" Ts .: develop the ability to jump on two legs over an obstacle, land on bent legs. To educate children in self-confidence, to increase the expressiveness of movements.
Labor assignment: collecting twigs for crafts. Ts .: to bring up in children a positive attitude to work, a desire to work, to encourage them to fulfill the assignment in a timely manner, to bring the work started to the end. Indus work with Valya, Cyril on the development of movements. Exercise "A bird is jumping" Ts .: exercise in jumping on toes. Did. game "Mittens and gloves"
Ts .: to form in children ideas about how mittens differ from gloves; promote the development of coherent speech.
Independent activities with external material: a dolls stroller (or sled), dolls dressed for the season, steering wheels, magnetic game "Fishing"
Ts .: to form the ability to organize their leisure time, to contribute to the prevention of nervous tension.
Evening Did. game "Whose Thing?" Ts .: to train children in the coordination of possessive pronouns with nouns and adjectives. Wed-p. game "Family" Play situation "Stroke the laundry" Ts .: to expand children's ideas about caring and respect for clothes. Encourage attempts to independently select attributes and organize a play environment. Game "What does Masha want to do?" Ts .: to clarify the ideas of children about some labor activities; about materials, tools and equipment required for work. (Wed-va: Masha doll, pictures or real objects - dishes, sewing machine, washing machine, iron, linen, watering can, shovel, etc.) Awakening gymnastics (after sleep) Walking along the path. (massage and tactile mats)
Guessing riddles on the topic "clothes, shoes"
Ts .: develop logical thinking, activate the names of objects and elements of clothing in speech.
Board-printed games. Lotto "Clothes, footwear, hats"
Game "What a seamstress needs to work"
Ts .: develop curiosity, contribute to the emergence of a desire to reflect the knowledge gained about the work of a seamstress in role-playing games.
Plan of educational and educational work for the day
Date, day of the week Wednesday
14.11 Direct educational activities
(subgroup, individual) Educational activities in regime moments Organization of a subject-developing environment for SDD Interaction with society
Morning Conversation “Why do we need clothes?” Ts .: Expand and concretize ideas about clothing, its purpose, the details of which it consists. Did. game "Divide into groups" Ts .: develop the ability of children to group pictures according to the purpose of the objects depicted on them, use generalizing concepts (clothes, shoes, etc.) in speech, develop thinking, vocabulary.
Ind work with Kolya did. game "Name what color" (Wed-va: pictures depicting items of clothing of different colors) Ts .: to consolidate knowledge of the main colors (blue, yellow, white) and their shades (blue, orange, gray). Finger gymnastics "Clothes"
Ts .: clear pronunciation of the text and execution of movements, the development of fine motor skills.
Clothing stencils
Coloring pages.
Did. game "Draw the missing details" (sleeve at the shirt, buttons at the jacket or shirt) Day
GCD (group) Modeling. Topic: Different fish. (TS Komarova, Visual activity in kindergarten; middle group; p. 36, 42). Ts .: to consolidate knowledge of the techniques for making oval-shaped objects (rolling with straight palms, modeling with fingers); to consolidate the techniques of pulling, flattening when transferring the characteristic features of the fish; to teach to designate with a stack of scales (Wed-va: toy fish, applique and drawing "Fish", plasticine, modeling boards, stacks).
Physical development. (L. I. Penzulaeva, Physical culture in kindergarten: middle group; p.41, lesson number 29) Repetition
Ts .: exercise in walking and running in a circle, walking and running on toes; landing on bent legs in jumping; in rolling the ball. (Wed-va: balls, cubes, tambourine, cords) Walk Observation of the teacher's work: we cover the plants for the winter.
Ts .: to enrich children's ideas about caring for plants; to cultivate the desire to help adults, to be useful. Subv. game "Catch with a ribbon"
Ts .: to exercise in running, to develop in children the ability to catch up, not grabbing and not pushing each other, to run in different directions. Develop the ability to navigate in space.
Ind. work with Ilya exercise with the ball "Throw and catch" Ts .: exercise in throwing the ball up and catching it with both hands. Labor assignments: "Let's hang up to dry wet mittens."
Ts .: continue to develop self-service skills in children. Teach children to carry out individual assignments in accordance with the instructions.
Independent activity with portable material: sports attributes - a rope, a ball, hoops, equipment for work.
Ts .: to encourage children to use various sports attributes in motor activity.
Evening Labor. errands: we wash doll clothes. Ts .: to form in children the ability to wash small items of doll clothes, to encourage the desire to bring things to an end.
Reading the fairy tale by Ch. Perrault "Little Red Riding Hood"
Ts .: encouraging children to follow the course of events, empathize with the heroine, form ideas about the dangers.
C-r game "Clothing store" Play situation "A new store has been opened" Ts .: to enrich and systematize the play experience of children, to encourage children to use knowledge about the items of clothing and their purpose in the game. Continue to acquaint children with the labor of the seller, speech structures. Sedentary play - speech with movement “Shirt Ts .: encourage children to pronounce the text accompanied with movements, activate the names of clothing details in speech
Samples of different types of tissue for examination and examination.
Clothes hangers for organizing role-playing games.
Ts .: to contribute to the emergence and development of role-playing games. Plan of educational and educational work for the day
Date, day of the week Thursday 20.11 Directly educational activities
(subgroup, individual) Educational activities in regime moments Organization of a subject-developing environment for SDD Interaction with society
Morning Did. game "What is made of what?"
Ts .: continue to acquaint children to distinguish the materials from which various objects are created (fabric, paper, wood, iron). Encourage children to use appropriate adjectives in speech, to combine objects into groups. Ind. work with Cyril did. game "Find a Pair" (Wed-va: items of clothing - gloves, socks, mittens) Ts .: to consolidate the ability to compare objects by purpose, appearance. Situational conversation about the benefits of morning exercises.
Ts .: formation of a culture of health in children; preservation and strengthening of health. "Magic box" with items of clothing for viewing and trying on. (hats, skirts, sundress, gloves, handkerchiefs)
Ts.: To arouse in children an interest in different things, a desire to try them on, to consolidate knowledge about the purpose of items of clothing.
GCD (group) FEMP. Topic: “Let's play. Count to 4 "(Pomoraeva I. A., Pozina V. A. FEMP: middle group p.24)
Ts .: consolidate the ability to count within 4, introduce you to the ordinal value of a number, encourage you to answer the questions “how much?”, “Which one?”, “In which place?”; exercise in the ability to distinguish and name familiar geometric shapes: a circle, a square, a triangle, a rectangle; to reveal, with specific examples, the meaning of concepts quickly, slowly. (Wed-va: a pyramid with rings of different colors, ropes, exercise sticks, rudders with images of geometric shapes, boxes, colored pencils, colored ribbons according to the number of children.
Physical development (L. I. Penzulaeva, Physical culture in kindergarten: middle group; p. 43, lesson 30)
Ts .: repeat walking with assignments; stepping over; exercise in jumping and rolling the ball in a forward direction. (Wed-va: ball, tambourine). Walk Observing the snowfall. Ts .: continue to acquaint with the phenomena of nature; to form cognitive interest, the ability to observe the world around.
Subv. game "Homeless hare" Ts .: to form the ability to navigate in space, to act in accordance with the rules of the game. Ind. work with Valya, Yulia exercise "Catch the hoop" Ts .: develop the ability to roll the hoop in a given direction, follow it, adjusting the speed of movement. Labor assignment: hanging feeders on the site. Ts.: To educate a respectful attitude towards birds. Self-service. Practical exercise "Dressing by yourself"
Ts .: remind children of the sequence of dressing and undressing; cultivate independence.
Independent activities with portable material: children's shoulder blades, natural material for decorating buildings, dolls dressed for the season, steering wheels, attributes for role-playing games.
Ts .: to form in children the ability to spend time interestingly and usefully, to establish game interactions with peers.
Evening Did. game "Autumn clothes" Ts .: to encourage children to use generalizing concepts in speech, give a description of items of clothing and their parts, compare items of clothing according to different parameters (purpose, appearance, belonging). Consideration of illustrations for the work of KI Chukovsky "The Miracle Tree" Ts .: to form the ability to determine the name of the work from the illustration; to activate the names of items of footwear and clothing in the speech of children Sr. game "Shop" Game situation "In a shoe store". Ts .: acting as a participant in the game, demonstrate to children ways of role-based interaction between the seller in the shoe store and the buyer. (Wed-va: children's shoes, 2 pairs of adult shoes, slippers and boots for the doll, attributes for the game). Did. game "Masha is confused" Ts .: to encourage children to find items of clothing according to the description, to form the ability to compare and contrast, to draw conclusions.
Board-printed games - bingo, dominoes, the game "Who needs what for work?"
Ts .: create conditions for play activities.
Corrugated paper, multi-colored napkins, glue, children's drawings for independent artistic activities. Ts .: to make children want to make a frame for their drawings using the "Napkin Applique" or "Facing" technique. Organization of the exhibition "Autumn Fantasies"
Plan of educational and educational work for the day
Date, day of the week Friday
21.11 Direct educational activities
(subgroup, individual) Educational activities in regime moments Organization of a subject-developing environment for SDD Interaction with society
Morning Did. game "Which one?" Ts .: continue to acquaint children with the ordinal value of a number, encourage them to answer the question "Which one is in a row a red dress, a blue dress, etc." Ind. work with Julia, Liza game task "Draw a pattern of geometric shapes" C.: exercise in the ability to alternate figures (square and circle) in the correct sequence; continue to acquaint with the concept of "pattern", to develop attention, fine motor skills. Consideration of Vasnetsov's illustrations for the Russian folk tale "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka" Ts .: pay attention to the clothes of the characters, expand children's ideas about what clothes people used to wear. Greeting game “We wish you health” Ts .: to expand children's ideas about the meaning of the word “hello”, to enrich children's ideas about health and the experience of communicating with adults Clothes for dolls, washed, hangers for hanging clothes.
Ts .: to promote the emergence of labor activity.
Albums for viewing "Clothes", "Shoes", "Hats"
Ts .: to contribute to the consolidation of the knowledge gained and to activate the vocabulary on the topic. Day
GCD (group) Drawing Decorative drawing "Sweater decoration" (TS Komarova, Visual activity in kindergarten; middle group; p. 40,) (Wed: cut out from thick paper sweaters of different colors; strips of paper by the size of the cuffs , necks, sweater elastic bands, gouache paints, brushes, a can of water, a napkin (for each child)
Ts .: to consolidate the ability of children to decorate a piece of clothing using lines, strokes, dots, circles and other familiar elements; decorate paper-cut clothes with decorated stripes. Learn to choose colors according to the color of the sweater. Develop aesthetic perception, independence, initiative. Musical. Song about mom. Dance with handkerchiefs. Game "Guess the melody" (melodies of familiar songs, melodies from cartoons) Walk Excursion to the laundry. Conversation with an employee in the repair and washing of linen. Ts .: continue to acquaint children with the work of kindergarten workers, show the importance of their work, tell that not only people wash and sew with their own hands, but also with the help of special machines; to form a respect for bed linen, towels; foster respect for the work of adults. Labor: garbage collection at the site. Ts.: Encourage children to maintain order on the site (collect garbage in a bag, sweep the path and benches from sand (snow)), foster a desire to bring things to an end. Subv. game "Birds and a cat" Ts .: increase the physical activity of children, encourage them to act on the signal of the teacher, develop the ability to concentrate and switch attention. Ind. work with Kolya and Sasha exercise in pair "Throw and Catch" Ts .: exercise each other in throwing and catching the ball, develop the strength and accuracy of the throw. Situational conversation on the topic: "How to make peace?" Ts .: to form social and communication skills in children, maintain friendly relationships, find ways to reconcile and get out of conflict without a fight. Ind. work with Valya, Kirill to develop self-service skills. Game task "Who will put on his boots faster" Ts .: encourage action, develop interest in tasks of a competitive nature. Independent activities with portable material: dolls dressed for the season, a broom, buckets, shovels, waste material for playing with snow (or sand).
Ts .: to form the ability of children to usefully spend their leisure time, to encourage children's attempts to use waste material in games (jars and bottles of yoghurt, disposable plastic dishes, lids, corks).
Evening Did. game "They brought toys to us." Ts .: to encourage children to correctly guess the timbre of musical instruments; to consolidate ideas about children's musical instruments and their sound. (Wed-va: musical toys - a pipe, a bell, a musical hammer. Reading N. Nosov's story "Patch" C: encourage children to listen carefully to the work, correlate with illustrations; answer questions about the content. Develop a sense of humor. game "Atelier." Computer presentation "What a seamstress needs to work" Ts .: to acquaint children with the tools and materials that a seamstress uses in his work.
Guessing riddles on the topics "clothes, shoes, hats"
Ts .: develop logical thinking.
Board game "Pick up patches for carpets"
Independent activity in the sports corner.

Topic: “Clothes. Shoes. Hats"
PURPOSE: To acquaint children with the types and details of clothes, shoes and hats, to connect clothes with the seasons.

Group, subgroup
Organization of developing
environment for self
activities of children (centers
activities, all rooms
Work with
Give advice
fix with
children names
types of clothing
spring, winter,


activities in
regime moments
Conversation: "Tramp
the wind is the weather
twirls ".
To shape
children's performances
about the relationship
weather events and
Fashion magazines.
Guessing riddles about
At the forefront of activities
post illustrations with
various decorations.
Didactic game: "On the contrary".
Pictures with items of clothing
(the dress is long, short).
Develop the ability to compare
objects in size (length,
width), match
adjectives with nouns
in gender, number, in the selection of antonyms.
Didactic game:
Develop auditory
attention (on a word,
clothes, children
they say -
1. Development of speech. Conversation: "What are fabrics for"
Tasks: To acquaint children with the properties of tissues, to help determine their characteristics; give an idea of
history of a needle, to teach to understand the meaning of objects, to orient in the past and present, to develop a logical
thinking, quick wits; to give an idea of ​​the need for a person to create household items.
2. Physical culture. According to the plan of the physical education instructor.
3. Drawings: Lecture notes on drawing "House of Models". Program content: Introduce children to work
artist fashion designer. Teach children to create their own clothing models using the proposed templates, create
own design in the design of clothes. To develop an aesthetic taste, a sense of beauty. Bring up
interest in the world around us, to draw the attention of children to the fact that art surrounds us everywhere. Delivers
joy to people.
Didactic game: "Game of riddles".
Develop coherent speech, thinking.
In order to educate culturally
hygiene habits and skills
improve skill quickly
undress and dress neatly
fold your things.
Work. act: rake
snow in heaps. To shape
the ability to shovel snow.
Suggest children for
games hockey sticks and pucks,
big balls.
work with girls.
Exercise in
jumping ability
on one leg.
Didactic game:
"A game of riddles."
Develop a liaison
speech, thinking.
Outdoor games:
"The Hunter and the Hares".
Develop accuracy
speed, attention.
people: what are they
dressed? People now
worn in winter
Learn to reason.
AG "Sewing on
different sewing
typewriters "(ddd)
PG "On Monday
I cut. " Development
fine motor skills

II half of the day Recreational gymnastics after sleep.
Artistic word:
On a winter morning from frost
Birch trees are ringing at dawn.
All lakes are mirrors
Made of green glass.
V. Suslov
P / game: "Homeless hare" - development
running, the ability to jump on two legs.

"Speech therapy
work with children
the task of a speech therapist.
I / R on FIZO:
jump over
snow path.
Didactic game:
"How we dress."
Consolidate knowledge
children about clothes.
Sign: in September
and the leaves on the trees
don't hold on.
Self service
continue to work on
reinforcement in children
the habits of
helping peers.
Game moments:
ribbons, flags,
tubules for
wind detection,
search tubes
sun in the sky.
Work. assignments:
collect snow in piles.
Outdoor games: "Lovishka",
"Run to the named tree."
Develop speed, attention,
dexterity, memory.
work with children:
exercise children in
ability to throw
ball to each other from
Hearing a fairy tale:
tailor ".
perception of a fairy tale.
Role-playing game:
"A family".
To improve
verbal communication of children in
game activity.
To shape
reconcile their
actions with actions
Ask to sew
theater for
nursery rhymes:
"Zaykina fur coat"



Joint activities of an adult and children
taking into account the integration of educational areas
Group, subgroup
Conversation: "The invention of the needle." To acquaint
children with the evolution of a needle from antiquity to
our days.
With the aim of fostering cultural behavior
remind children how to behave during
meal time at the table.
Individual work
with Tolya, Ruslan.
Didactic game:
"What, what?"
train children in
activities in
regime moments
Didactic game:
“Let's find out from what
made the dress and
costumes, who are they
made where they come from
appeared ".
Organization of developing
environment for self
activities of children (centers
activities, all rooms
Illustrations with
the image of clothes.
Album sheets, patterns,
stencils (clothes),
colour pencils.
Working with parents
Offer to show
children like
with a needle.
1. Development of speech: Topic: "Clothes for Katya?"
Purpose: O.O. "Cognition" to broaden the horizons of children with knowledge about the history of clothing, to acquaint with professions
people who make clothes, enrich knowledge about the properties of materials, consolidate the names of fabrics, develop
the ability to establish causal relationships.
2. Musical lesson. According to the musician's plan.
3. Modeling: Summary of the modeling lesson "Girl in winter clothes"
Program content: Arouse in children a desire to convey the image of a girl in a stucco image. Form skill
highlight parts of a human figure in clothes (head, fur coat expanding downward, hands, transfer them in compliance
proportions. Develop aesthetic perception. Cultivate interest in sculpting.
Observing an inanimate object -
examining birch. The birch is very
beautiful, white trunk, she is slender.

I / R on FIZO: jumping
on two legs with
moving around
II half of the day

prevention of flat feet.
"Speech therapy hour"
work with children
notebooks of speech therapist. AG,
DG, PG with all
Mark the weather conditions with children
I / r with Andrey,
Round dance: "In the field
the birch stood. "
Artistic word:
“... Birches, white birches,
And you live in Polyudski.
To me your sighs, yours
And your joys are close. "
Chukovsky K. "Miracle
Shoe classification
by seasons.
Didactic game:
P / game: "The sea is worried" -
development of coordination
movements, imagination.
Work. errands: to row
snow around the birch.
Game situation "Away
at Moidodyr's »Form
the habit of following
the purity of your body. Learn
children wash after sleep,
without splashing water on the floor.
Outdoor games:

in the evening. Develop ability
observe, analyze to draw conclusions.
Mark, Gleb.
Fix with children
count to 5 and back.
"It happens - it does not happen" (with
ball). Develop
coherent conversational
Reading the story of Ushinsky K.D. "How
the shirt has grown in the field. " To give
idea of ​​plant
the origin of the fabric.
clothing, subject
pictures on the topic
D / i: "Atelier" Treniro
skill to classify
bed clothes for the season
to a certain sign. Develop
ability to coherently opi
shoot an object, an image
wife in the picture.
Designations: AG - articulatory gymnastics, PG - finger gymnastics, DG - breathing exercises.

Joint activities of an adult and children
taking into account the integration of educational areas
Group, subgroup
D / n: "Let's dress the doll for a walk."
Develop the ability to find shades
darker or lighter.
D / and "Finish
offer". Exercise
in agreement
numerals with
activities in
regime moments
Name the clothes and shoes
on children. Anchoring
knowledge about clothes, its
parts. Revitalization
"Owl". Develop
attention, responsiveness.
"Looking for a stick" to develop
navigate in
S.R.I. "Atelier": plot
"Selection of material". Learn
children need to be prepared
necessary conditions for the game,
assign roles using
substitute items.
Board games.
Organization of developing
environment for self
activities of children (centers
activities, all rooms
In order to educate culturally
hygiene skills and
ability to continue to monitor
so that children carefully
washed their hands with soap and dry
wiped off with a towel.
conversations with parents
at their request.
Working with parents
Ask parents
help make
attributes to the plot
role-playing game:
1. Development of speech.
Topic: "Clothes"
Purpose: Expansion and clarification of children's ideas about clothing.
Form children a clear, differentiated idea of ​​various types of clothing, their purpose and

application, properties and qualities of various materials. Activate the children's dictionary with words - names: clothes,
types of fabrics, professions associated with tailoring.
2. Application. On the topic: "Winter clothes, shoes and hats."
Tasks: To consolidate the ability to stick objects over the entire area, to use glue.
3. Physical education According to the physical education instructor's plan.
Observing the snow. To shape
understanding of the dependence of seasonal
changes in living and inanimate nature,
expand vocabulary, develop
coherent spoken language.
Outdoor games:
"Owl", "To the named
run to the tree. " Develop
agility, thinking,
I / r with children,
exercise jumping
through the bumps,
moving forward.
II half of the day
Wake-up call. Hardening. Gymnastics after
"Speech therapy hour"
work with children
notebooks of speech therapist.
Formation of cultural
hygiene skills:
exercise "Clean"
(watch your external
Read a poem:
“Though it is cold in winter,
We don't want to go home!
Skis, sleds and skates
These are winter days!
The pond froze over and became a skating rink
The snowdrift became a snowman.
Holiday, tree, lights!
That's how winter days are! "
Experience "Transfer
sun bunny "
Purpose: show on
example as possible
multiple reflection

Observing the behavior of birds (sparrow
and a pigeon) .Clarify and supplement
children's ideas about familiar birds,
their behavior. Raise caring
attitude and interest in birds.
P / N: "Fishing rod"
develop the ability
jump high (with
Staging a nursery rhyme: "Zaykina fur coat".
The use of finger theater.

Play exercise:
"Tell me which one?"
Train skill
light and image
Learn with children
proverb: "Nightingale
the moon sings, and the crow
croaks all year round. "
D / i: "Guess what
bird". Develop
ability to recognize
bird and description.
Modeling clothes
on dolls. Learn to circle
along the contour (pattern),
fix names
parts of clothing.
view, cleanliness of clothes):
Portable material for games
In the snow. Experimenting
snow (change
forms). Narrative games by
the choice of children.
P / N: "Paints" to develop
attention, running.
activities in centers
activity. Snow games
"Building a house".
Designations: AG - articulatory gymnastics, PG - finger gymnastics, DG - breathing exercises.

Joint activities of an adult and children
taking into account the integration of educational areas
Group, subgroup
Conversation: "How fabrics are weaved and threads are spun."
Form ideas about
manufacturing of fabrics. Conversation with the show

I / r with children.
Comparison of strips by
words: long,
longer, short,
activities in
regime moments
D / And "Name affectionately"
Ability to select
words in clever caress.
Form. Revitalization
Working with parents
Organization of developing
environment for self
activities of children (centers
activities, all rooms
Duty in the corner
nature: shape
skill is correct
set arrows on
nature calendar.
Bring up
a responsibility,
1. Development of speech: Lecture notes: "Description of winter clothing"
Purpose: To continue to consolidate the skills of composing a descriptive story according to the scheme and model of the teacher. Expand,
to activate vocabulary on the topic "Clothes". Exercise in the formation of relative adjectives from
nouns and verbs using prefixes (from the verb - to sew). Develop logical thinking, attention, memory,
fine motor skills of the fingers. To bring up neatness, neatness, respect for clothes.
2. Music. According to the music director's plan.
3. Design: Origami "Jacket and pants for Petit". Purpose: to teach children to fold clothes out of paper.
Observing the length of the day
repetition will take, sayings and
proverbs. Solving riddles.
D / and "Think it yourself". P / and "Flies - not
flies ”,“ Owl ”.
I / r by fine art: fix
the ability to draw a trunk
trees (Ruslan, Valera,
Exercise on
clothes, shoes and
hats (on
based on guesses and
Labor activity
(collective) to collect
heaps of snow to create
DIY outdoor game
"Faster to the places." Target:
build skill
act on a signal.
II half of the day
Wellness gymnastics after sleep,
"Speech therapy hour"

walking on massage paths with a view
prevention of flat feet.
Didactic game: "The third extra"
Develop observation skills.
I / r with children:
exercise jumping
on two legs.
Nosov N. "Patch"
Learn with children
I will accept: “If the cat
in the winter around the room
runs, it will be
Outdoor games:
"Jump Catch"
develop running speed.
"Fishing rod" to develop
ability to bounce
on two legs in height.
P / and "Relay in pairs". Exercise children
running in pairs, teach to run without touching
skittles. Develop attention, dexterity,
coordination of movements, ability
react to the actions of a friend.
D / and "Goryachoholodno". Teach children
use their knowledge of names in the game
trees, develop curiosity,
resourcefulness, intensify speech.
D / and "Name three
subject ".
Exercise children in
grouping of items
on a given basis,
highlight a feature, by
to whom
drawing snowflakes.
Sensory games "Assemble
beads "," Identify by touch. "
Designations: AG - articulatory gymnastics, PG - finger gymnastics, DG - breathing exercises.


I am
Joint activities of an adult and children
taking into account the integration of educational areas
Group, subgroup
Morning exercises. Five minutes
health: breathing exercises
("Pump", "steam locomotive").
albums with
depicting the times
of the year
activities in
regime moments
Conversation about the right
nail care. Target:
healthy lifestyle skills
Organization of developing
environment for self
activities of children (centers
activities, all rooms
Labor organization
activities. "Beautiful
serving the table "
keep teaching children
serve yourself
Work with
1. Development of speech: Abstract lesson

thematic planning on this topic " clothing". Calendar plan for the month of February 2 junior clothing". Main tasks of the week

  • Thematic planning on the topic "Winter clothes" v the younger group. Topic: "Winter clothes". Final event: Role-playing game "Shop". Purpose: To establish the simplest connections between objects. "Class =" title "> Thematic planning on the topic "Winter clothes»...
    Sizonenko Elena Thematic planning on the topic "Winter clothes" v the younger group. Topic: "Winter clothes". Final event: Role-playing game "Shop". Purpose: To establish the simplest connections between objects.
  • Calendar- thematic planning (junior group) on ...
    calendar- thematic planning in second the younger group on the topic " clothing- Form initial ideas about clothes... - Consolidate knowledge of similarities and prospectively - thematic planning for the month of October on the topic "Autumn" ...
  • Calendar - thematic planning v the younger group ...
    Info lesson ›Preschool education› Other methodical materials ›Calendar - thematic planning v the younger group " clothing, shoes junior Topic of the week: " clothing, shoes, hats. " Purpose: To expand children's ideas about things: clothes, shoes ...
  • thematic planning for a week in second the younger group. Topic of the week clothing, shoes". Monday 15.01. Morning gymnastics complex number 7. Morning: Cognitive development ... "class =" title "> Calendar thematic planning for a week in second...
    Victoria Rumyantseva Calendar thematic planning for a week in second the younger group. Topic of the week clothing, shoes". Monday 15.01. Morning gymnastics complex number 7. Morning: Cognitive development ...

  • Calendar- thematic planning(younger group) on the topic: Complex - thematic planning on this topic " clothing". Calendar plan for the month of February 2 junior group number 3. Regime moments. Topic of the week clothing". The main tasks of the week.
  • Calendar- thematic planning for October at ...
    Calendar- thematic plan for the teacher for all grades. Objectives: To consolidate the knowledge of the names of the subjects clothes, shoes, hats and their parts, the generalizing word " clothes"; Teach children to choose clothes by season; Activation and enrichment of the vocabulary.
  • Approximate planning educational and educational ...
    This planning corresponds to thematic planning in 1 the younger group. Viewing the contents of the document "Approximate planning educational work in I the younger group on the topic " clothing"».
  • tatiana vasilenko
    Complex thematic planning in accordance with FGT. Theme "Clothes", senior preschool age


    Group: medium senior Subject: « CLOTHES» GOAL: Form children's ideas about clothes, its types, parts clothes.

    Form children's ideas about the origin story clothes.

    Develop the speech of children, expand vocabulary.

    Strengthen the ability of children to work with schemes.

    Teach children to generalize, classify, systematize.

    Teach children to take care of their clothes.

    Foster respect for clothes.

    Final event: "Fashion show"

    The date of the final event. 02.11.2012

    Responsible for the final activity: educator -

    Day of week: Monday

    Morning: Health, Cognition, Socialization, Communication

    Morning exercises

    Didactic game "Learn by description".

    Target: Teach children to recognize peers by description of their appearance (clothes, eye color, hair).

    Experimenting with fabric.

    Target: To form children's ideas about which fabric gets wet faster, which fabric breaks faster, wrinkles. Material for experimentation: a basin of water, scissors, iron. Different types of fabric

    Outline « clothing»

    Conversation "Who makes clothes

    Questions: - How is it made clothes? (they sew it, knit it) Who comes up with clothes? (fashion designer) Who sews clothes? (tailor, seamstress. Who cuts clothes? (cutter)- From what they sew clothes? (made of fabric. Which factory is engaged in sewing clothes? (at the sewing room. Which factory makes the fabric for clothes? (at weaving)

    Consideration of various clothes

    Cards: "Connect pictures"

    Silhouettes clothes cut into several pieces.

    Organization of the developmental environment

    Pencils, paints, brushes. Silhouettes clothes for painting.

    Interaction with families of pupils

    Ask the parents to equip the group with fashion magazines. Excursion to the store with parents clothes

    offer to make a cardboard doll together with the children (for girls - a doll-girl, for boys - a doll-boy) and 2-3 subjects paper clothes for her.

    Target: To involve parents in the educational process at a preschool educational institution on the topic « clothing» .

    Directly educational activities

    Cognition, Socialization, Communication- Psychological training on the psychologist teacher's plan

    Cognition, Socialization, Communication, security: Reading fiction literature: Reading L Con "Linen", Bianchi "How the shirt grew in the field"

    Walk: Health, Safety, Socialization, Communication

    Shop excursion clothes.

    Target: Introduce children to the variety of departments in the store clothes: top, sports, festive, children's, men's, women's departments clothes, underwear.

    Questions: - What is the name of this store?

    Why? - Who works here? - What departments are there in this store?

    2. Outdoor play "Color dashes".

    Target: Teach children to find in their clothes named as the leading color, quickly respond to the signal, running over to the opposite side of the site.

    Solving riddles about clothes.

    The educator's story "How did clothes»

    S. p. the game "Shop"

    Work before bed: cognition

    Examining scraps of tissue

    Target: To acquaint children with the types and names of fabrics (chintz, nylon, fur, flannel, silk, etc.)


    Invigorating gymnastics

    Listening to Russian folk song "Spinning" edited by T. Lomova

    Consideration of illustrations of which clothes were worn by our ancestors.

    Target: Continue to expand children's understanding of history clothes, its varieties, social purpose, old names of some items clothes.

    Questions: - What an illustration corresponds to our time? Why?

    Show the picture where clothes just started to appear.

    Didactic game "Cut pictures" (clothes)

    Target: Teach children to assemble a whole from 6 to 9 parts

    The game "Name it in one word"

    Making attributes for the game "Studio"


    Outdoor play "Ball school" teach children to hit the ball on the floor with forward movement.

    observation: clothes of passers-by.

    Alina Chuprova
    Calendar-thematic planning "Shoes"


    GROUP: II junior.

    THEME OF THE WEEK: « Shoes» .

    GOAL: Give a concept « Shoes» ; about its diversity, purpose.

    FINAL EVENT: Exhibition shoe.

    Weekly tasks, taking into account the integration of educational areas:

    Continue to teach children to participate in joint outdoor games and physical exercises for a walk; circle, find your place when constructing; to fix the throw and catch the ball. Strengthen the ability to roll plasticine with straight and circular movements. Give an idea of ​​the use shoe... Improve constructive skills, construct new buildings using previously acquired skills. To consolidate the skill of accurately gluing ready-made forms. Develop the dialogical speech of children; develop the ability to guess riddles. Form the ability to paint without going beyond the contour. Anchor the names of items of clothing and shoe... Continue to develop interest in books, look at drawings in familiar books. Strengthen the knowledge of children for what people need shoes, distinguish between male, female and children's shoes... To foster a respectful attitude towards the work of adults. Train your memory with poems. Continue to compare the two groups items: where more, where less; compare objects in length and label the results with words. Strengthen the ability to compose a short story with the teacher, answer questions with a complete sentence.

    Organization of a developing environment for independent activity of children


    TUESDAY 5/11/2013 Morning: Morning exercises. Examining pictures with a picture shoe.

    Di Show and name.

    Di "Collect the picture".

    To consolidate the ability to glue ready-made forms on a sheet of paper Timofey T., Dasha S. Conversation: "What is it for what?".

    Introduction: board games, colored paper, glue, pictures with images shoe.

    Ask parents to bring shoes for the decoration of the exhibition.

    Individual conversation with the mother of Polina L. "Adaptation of a child in kindergarten"

    Invite parents to mom's school.

    FEMP "Comparison of objects by length"(- conversation, - the teacher's story, - showing, - explanation, game "Colored balls").

    Construction "Shelf for shoe» from large building material (- conversation, - examination of geometric figures (cube, plate, - teacher's story, - showing, - explanation, game "Who what shoes);

    Musical and artistic activities Po plan muses... the head.


    Watching the trees. Sweep the path leading to the lot. N / a "Birds in their nests", "Find where it is hidden", "Find your house".Exercise in catching the ball Anya B., Lisa T. Situational conversation about the structure of a tree, foster a respect for nature. Remote material: buckets, rakes, panicles.

    work before bed. Reading a fairy tale of the children's choice.

    Continue to reinforce the skill of placing neatly shoes near the cots in the bedroom.

    Evening: Recreational gymnastics after sleep, walking on "Massage" paths.

    Breathing Exercises Game - Situation "Brave tailors" Strengthen the ability to use a handkerchief Role-playing game "House. A family"(show, explanation, conversation).

    Introduction: clothes, shoe, chairs, wardrobe with clothes, shelves with shoes.

    Walk Observing plants and shrubs (any tree and shrub is a living creature)... Pruning and tying tree and shrub branches.

    P. / i "Catch the Bird", "Multi-colored leaves", "A winding path"... Strengthen with Danya M., Yaroslav D. to run at the signal of the teacher, without looking back.

    Mode Joint activity of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

    Interaction with parents / social partners


    subgroup Individual Educational activity in regime moments

    WEDNESDAY 6.11.2013 Morning: Morning gymnastics. Reviewing fashion magazines. Di Whole and Parts.

    Reinforce the ability to carry a chair correctly (Timofey T., Kirill N.) Situational talk: "Features of the appearance of clothing, its details".

    Introduction: fashion magazines; di Whole and Parts... Suggest Nikita N.'s mom to fix the name shoe at home.

    Consultation with the Pope of Slava B. "Physical activity in the life of a child"

    Remind parents to make a portfolio of a preschooler.

    Communication activities (speech development): "Guessing riddles".

    (- a surprise moment; - a poem; - conversation, - riddles, show, personal example, the game: "What's superfluous?")

    Motor activity on teacher's plan


    Cat Watching Collect Fallen Leaves

    N / a "The sun and the rain", "From bump to bump", "Swan geese" Exercise Xenia F., Artem Z., walking on a gymnastic balance beam. Observing people who got off public transport

    Detachable material: dolls dressed for the season, buckets, rakes, panicles.


    Consolidate the skill of unbuttoning shirts

    Evening: Recreational gymnastics after sleep, walking on massage paths. Breathing exercises.

    Di "What is blue?" To consolidate the rules of conduct in the group with Nikita N., Yaroslav D. Role-playing game "A family" (We buy new shoes for our daughter) (show, explanation, conversation).

    Introduction: shoe, dolls, bags, wallets.

    Walk Sparrow watching. Note the characteristic features of a sparrow.)

    Sweep up the sand in the gazebo

    N / a "Dash - catch-up", "Cat and Mice", "Sparrows and the car"... Exercise Ksyusha P. in jumping rope.

    Mode Joint activity of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

    Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children

    Interaction with parents / social partners


    subgroup Individual Educational activity in regime moments

    THURSDAY 7.11.2013 Morning: Morning exercises.

    Di "Who is cleaning what?"

    Reading an excerpt from the tale of K. Chukovsky "Moidodyr"

    Fasten jumps in place on two legs with Slava B., Timofey T.

    The teacher's story about the profession of a shoemaker

    Introduction: D / i "Who is cleaning what?";

    fairy tale by K. Chukovsky "Moidodyr"

    Consultation with the grandmother of Artem O. "The role of morning exercises in a child's life".

    A conversation with Angelina B.'s mother about the girl's clothes on the street.

    Conversation with Kirill N.'s mother about table behavior.

    Productive activity (application) on teacher's plan

    Communication activities (LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS) "Our little legs are walking ..."(- conversation, - poem - show, - experience, - game « Shoes» )


    Watching the rain

    P / and Cat and Mice ", "Sparrows and a cat", "Get in the circle" Sweep the table, benches Reinforce the ability to march with Nikita N, Topic Z. Situational talk: about the change of weather (show the simplest connections between phenomena in nature).

    Detachable material: dolls dressed for the weather, buckets, rakes, panicles.

    work before bedtime Reading p. n. with. "Chanterelle with a rolling pin"

    To form basic knowledge of behavior in the bedroom.

    Evening: Recreational gymnastics after sleep, walking on massage paths. Breathing exercises. Di “Pick up your clothes and shoes» Strengthen the ability to hold a pencil correctly with Lisa T., Dasha K.

    Role-playing game "Repair shoe» (show, explanation, conversation).

    Introduction: fabrics, shoe, tools.

    Walk Observing the Sky (features of the autumn sky)

    Collection of colorful leaves

    N / a "Bird in the nest", "Find your house", "At the Bear in the Forest".

    Strengthen with Lisa T. the ability to catch the ball with both hands.

    Mode Joint activity of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

    Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children

    Interaction with parents / social partners


    subgroup Individual Educational activity in regime moments

    FRIDAY 11/8/2013 Morning: Morning exercises D / i "Colored drops". Conversation: “Decorations for shoe» To consolidate the concept of a circle, a square, a triangle with Lena M., Slava B.

    Watching a video "How do shoes»

    Introduction: desktop - printed games, video. Consultation for parents: "Crisis in three years"

    Talking to parents about the benefits of naps.

    Consultation for parents: "Outdoor games with children in the family"

    Communication activities (speech development): memorizing a poem "At Mashenka's ..."

    (- a surprise moment; - a riddle; - a conversation about shoe; - show, - personal example, - game "Who what shoes» )

    Musical and artistic activities plan muses... the head.

    Motor activity in the air by teacher's plan.


    Cloud Watching Sweep the table and benches in the area

    N / a "The sun and the rain", "From bump to bump", "Swan geese"... Strengthen the ability to walk in circles with all children. The educator's story about clouds and clouds. Remote material: buckets for collecting leaves, shovels, rakes, cars.

    work before bedtime Reading p. n. fairy tales "The Man and the Bear"

    Strengthen the skill of taking off tights before going to bed

    Evening: Post-sleep wellness exercises, massage paths, breathing exercises. Di. "Wonderful bag"... Reinforce the ability to hold a pencil correctly with Kirill N., Ksyusha P. Role-playing the game: "Hospital"

    (show, explanation, conversation).

    Introduction: tools, medicines, pills, clothing and shoes for the weather.

    Walk watching the wind (learn to determine the direction of the wind)

    "Cleaning in the gazebo"

    N / a "Catch me", "Cat and Mice", "At the Bear in the Forest"... Strengthen the skill of walking on a gymnastic balance beam with Timofey.


    “Mashenka has new boots on her legs.

    Tanya will dress up in a brand new dress.

    Katya has hats, shoes and slippers.

    The trousers fell right into Petya's hands. "

    Phys. a minute:

    The game "Let's go for a walk"

    Improvisation of movements.

    “We take off our slippers,

    We put on hats

    Scarves, pants,

    Boots, coats,

    We put on jackets -

    Ready for a walk! "

    We don't go outside

    Neither summer nor winter.

    But not a step without us,

    When you get home.


    We always walk together

    Similar as brothers

    We are at lunch - under the table,

    And at night - under the bed.


    Two brothers

    Can't part:

    In the morning - on the road

    At night - on the doorstep.


    Not shoes, not boots, the legs are very hot.

    We run in them in winter: in the morning - to the kindergarten, and then - home.

    (felt boots)

    Thematic project: « Shoes»

    What they know What they want to know What needs to be done to find out

    I have boots.

    Kirill N. What is shoes?

    Danya M. Let's ask the teacher.

    Mom bought me new sandals.

    Timofey T. What is male shoes?

    Anya B. Let's ask adults.

    Yaroslav D.

    There is a lock on the boots.

    Kirill T. What is bast shoes?

    Sasha A. Let's read it in the book.

    Mom's shoes have beads.

    Lisa T. What are the parts shoe?

    Dasha S. On TV.

    Nikita N.

    My shoes are red with flowers.

    Angelina B. What are varieties shoe?

    Polina L. I'll ask my mother.