What is carbon peeling for? Laser carbon peeling of the face. The consequences can be as follows

Carbon peeling is a relatively new method of fighting the first signs of aging and problem skin.

This technique belongs to laser types of peeling, but at the same time it is skillfully combined with photorejuvenation and is carried out using a carbon amplifier - nanogel. In this situation, the stratum corneum of the epithelium is removed, the skin is smoothed, a healthy complexion returns, and age spots are eliminated.

In addition to the rejuvenating effect, it has a therapeutic effect on the skin, therefore it is recommended for:

  • acne;
  • rosacea;
  • the presence of acne.

How is the procedure carried out?

Before starting, a consultation with a cosmetologist is required. If there is at least some disease indicated in the contraindications, the procedure should be canceled or postponed.

Photo: carbon on the face

If there are any inflammatory processes, they must first be eliminated and only then proceed with the peeling.

It is also worth making sure that you are not allergic to carboxylic acid, otherwise the procedure can lead to completely undesirable consequences.

The procedure is carried out in two stages:

  1. A thin layer of carbon nanogel is applied to the patient's skin, which is designed to prepare the area for laser exposure, during which all dead and keratinized cell layers are exfoliated. At the same stage, the elimination of inflammatory processes occurs.
  2. With the help of laser pulses, the process of photothermolysis is performed, that is, the skin is warmed up at a deep level. This stage promotes the production of elastin and collagen, which are responsible for the elasticity and youthfulness of the skin.

The duration is approximately twenty minutes and the course consists of five sessions, given at intervals of five days.

Features and Benefits

Carbon peeling has a number of undeniable advantages, including the following:

  • lack of pain or discomfort;
  • the result that appears after the first procedure;
  • lack of redness and side effects usual for peeling;
  • lack of a rehabilitation period.
A special feature of the procedure is the presence of a special nanosecond pulse, amplified by a carbon catalyst. It is he who allows you to arrange a kind of "explosion" of carbon cream, located both on the surface of the skin and in the sebaceous glands.

Video: Laser Carbon Cleaning


Carbon peeling is very delicate. Interacting with the patient's skin, it gently exfoliates the dead layers of the epidermis and has a bactericidal effect.

As a result of this type of peeling, all metabolic processes are restored, including lipid metabolism.

What's more, it visibly tightens enlarged pores and has a stimulating effect on collagen and elastin production. Regenerative processes are also triggered at a deep cellular level, which leads to a general rejuvenation of the face.


The indications are the following factors:

  • the presence of fine wrinkles;
  • oily skin type;
  • wilting, loss of skin elasticity;
  • gray and dull complexion;
  • the presence of skin defects;
  • the presence of age spots.


Contraindications to carbon peeling are the following factors:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • the presence of inflammatory processes;
  • oncological diseases;
  • severe and chronic diseases of internal organs;
  • the presence of colloidal scars.

Video: Peeling Procedure

Rehabilitation period

As such, a rehabilitation period is not required. The biggest side effect is mild redness that goes away on its own within a day or two. Accordingly, the patient can continue to lead his usual way of life as soon as the procedure ends.

Experts recommend performing a laser carbon peel at the end of the week, as exfoliation may occur, which also disappears within a day or two. To speed up the regeneration process, you can use conventional moisturizers.

Such peeling does not exclude the use of decorative cosmetics and makeup, but doctors recommend avoiding exposure to direct sunlight for two to three weeks to avoid the appearance of age spots.

Prices for the procedure

The average cost of a carbon peel is:

Frequently asked Questions

Can teenagers do it?

Yes, carbon peels are great for treating typical teenage skin problems like acne, acne and pimples.

Should I do it in the summer?

Like any other type of peeling, it is best done in the autumn-winter period.

Will there be pain during the procedure?

No, carbon peeling eliminates the presence of pain during its implementation.

Is peeling possible after peeling?

Yes, perhaps this is a completely normal reaction of the skin, which begins to renew itself after peeling.

The first thing we pay attention to when we meet is the person's face. Looking at him, you can learn a lot from mood and ending with age. And if the former is very difficult to hide from others, the latter is very possible.

First of all, in order to preserve natural youth for as long as possible and to resort to various procedures less often, you should carefully and attentively treat your skin.

The recipe for eternal youth has not yet been invented, but many cosmetic brands are trying to prove that they have found their own unique anti-aging recipe. Only now, these recipes are overloaded with various chemical additives, silicones and parabens, which not only poorly protect the skin, but also often harm it. When choosing cosmetic products, be careful and read the ingredients carefully.

Women put in a lot of effort to look young and attractive. And modern cosmetology does not stand still. Every year, more and more new methods of returning lost beauty appear. One of these is the carbon peeling of the face.

Method essence

This procedure combines laser cleaning and. A special carbon enhancer called nanogel helps in this matter. The carbon peeling procedure cleans the epithelium from dead cells and tightens it.

The operation helps to shrink and unclog the pores. As a result, the face looks fresh and youthful, its color improves. The method shows good results in getting rid of acne, acne and other skin diseases.

Emergency help when a pimple appears.

Peeling benefits:

  • A painless procedure that does not cause any unpleasant impressions.
  • No side effects and no rehabilitation period.
  • Fast achievement of the result.
  • Multifunctional method (cleansing and facelift at the same time).
  • The procedure has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Disadvantages of the procedure:

Significant disadvantages in carrying out carbon peeling have not yet been found. The only inconvenience for a woman may be the repeated procedure. Not always the desired result can be achieved the first time.

Indications and contraindications

Like all cosmetic operations, peeling with a carbon enhancer has its own indications and contraindications. Let's start with the good.

  • People with problem skin (pimples, acne, comedones, clogged pores), including adolescents.
  • Women with oily skin that has lost its elasticity.
  • Ladies with.
  • People with a dull complexion and unevenness.
  • For women with the appearance of the first wrinkles.

To whom the procedure is contraindicated:

  • Ladies preparing to become mothers and during breastfeeding.
  • People suffering from chronic diseases of internal organs and oncology.
  • For women with inflamed skin.
  • People with colloidal scars.
  • Ladies with allergies to nanogel components.

Procedure for the procedure

The operation takes place in two stages and takes about 20 minutes:

  • Nanogel is applied to the cleansed face, which eliminates inflammation and unclogs the pores.
  • The laser is used to heat the skin to produce collagen and elastin. This contributes to the return of elasticity to the skin.

Rehabilitation and skin care

Another advantage of carbon peeling is the absence of a rehabilitation period. After the procedure, bruises, swelling or injection marks do not remain on the face, as with other methods of exposure.

The worst thing that can happen is a slight redness. It stays on the face for no more than two days. Usually, cosmetic surgery is performed before the weekend so that the face looks perfect by Monday.

The cost of carbon peeling

Usually, to get the maximum effect of the peeling, several operations are performed. The course is about 4-5 procedures. You can repeat the subsequent cleaning no earlier than a week later.

Its cost depends on the clinic you choose, on the number of sessions and on the area of ​​cleaning.

  • Partial face peeling can be done for about 1,500-2,500 rubles.
  • A carbon cleaning of the entire face costs about 4000–4500 rubles.
  • Peeling of the face and décolleté will cost about 7000-8000 rubles.

Reviews of experts

Irina Ivanovna, cosmetologist:“It is not the first year that I have been giving patients a carbon peeling procedure. I like the result very much, like the ladies. This is a gentle cosmetic surgery to rejuvenate and cleanse the skin. It works very well for acne, comedones, age spots, flaking and other problems. This is an opportunity to get rid of the first wrinkles and rejuvenate your face in a few sessions. "

Kirill Timofeevich, cosmetologist:“I can only say good things about the carbon-based facial cleansing method. For several years I have been engaged in various peels and rejuvenations, and this method is more effective for me. Older women are satisfied with the effect of a toned face. And young ladies finally found a way to get rid of problem skin in adolescence. "

Patient Testimonials

Kira, 32 years old:“Not so long ago I visited a beautician in order to improve the condition of the facial skin. I have it oily and with wide open pores. The specialist advised me to use carbon peeling. I was glad that the procedure also rejuvenates the face.

As a result, the oily sheen was removed and the oil content was slightly reduced. But after a few days everything fell into place. I absolutely didn’t like the procedure or the effect. Moreover, the high cost. I won't go to carbon cleaning anymore. "

Olga, 26 years old:“Due to my age, I often perform various cosmetic operations to cleanse and rejuvenate my face. Moreover, my skin has wide and often clogged pores. This time I decided to try carbon peeling on myself. He promised cleansing and rejuvenation: two in one.

The result pleased me. In 15 minutes of painless procedure, my pores became much cleaner and a little narrower. A reddish mark remained on the face, which can be used to determine the operation of the laser. But all this took place in 2 days. After several courses, the face began to look noticeably better. And although the procedure is not cheap, it is worth it. "

I chose a good and expensive clinic. The procedure was almost painless. But it was unpleasant, it smelled like carbon, and the skin was sticky all the time. After 20 minutes, my face was a little pinkish, but matte and clear. The pores have noticeably narrowed and cleared. I was happy with the result, until the oily shine and dirty pores returned after 2 days.

In my opinion, carbon peeling is an unjustified waste of money. "

Irina, 26 years old:“Since the transition period, I have been tormented by problematic facial skin. That I just didn’t try, but, unfortunately, by my 26 years old it was not possible to improve it in any way. A friend advised me to a new carbon peeling procedure. At first I was skeptical, but then I decided.

I can say that after two sessions, my face has become noticeably clearer. The pores have not narrowed, but cleared. The greasy shine is gone. The skin itself has become more elastic. I am still happy with the result, but there are still 2 sessions ahead. Hope I found a way to get rid of acne! "

Evgeniya, 20 years old:“In an attempt to get rid of problem skin, I signed up for a carbon peeling with a beautician. For 20 minutes I felt a little painful tingling and discomfort. Then my skin turned red. The pores seem to have cleared, but they are no longer. The redness went away the next day, and the oily sheen reappeared. And after a few days, the pores were clogged again.

I didn't like the procedure. Maybe it's just not for my skin. I will not repeat it again. "

Ivanna, 21 years old:“I cleaned my face with carbon nanogel 2 times. I love the effect. The skin after the operation does not suffer, only slightly reddens for several hours. But it becomes much cleaner and tighter. A good effect lasts for several months after completing the course. Then it slowly passes. But nothing lasts forever, but the marks from the post-acne quickly disappeared. "

Anna Petrovna, 45 years old:“My daughter signed me up for a carbon peeling, wanted to do something nice before March 8. I do not do such procedures, so I was afraid. As it turned out, it didn't hurt at all. The face after the operation looks several years younger! The husband was delighted. I will definitely go back later after a while. "

Diana, 32 years old:“I did a carbon peel to tame my thick skin with large pores and everlasting shine. After 3 procedures, the face became noticeably better. The pores narrowed slightly and became clean. The shine was gone, but not for long. This is not a bad procedure, but it will need to be repeated often. The effect is not enough for a long time. And it is not cheap. "

Natalia, 44 years old:“I took my 14-year-old daughter to clean leather with carbon. She was terribly complex about acne on her face. After several sessions, the skin became a little cleaner. But the acne did not go away at all. But. I think this is due to age. The daughter is happy even with this. Let's see what happens next. Maybe after a second course it will get better. "

Marina, 40 years old:“I did my face cleansing with a newfangled method with a carbon oxidizer. I can say one thing - it's just awful. Not only did I not notice a special effect, but now every summer my face sunbathes exactly along the line of the laser! Previously, the tan lied down evenly and had a golden color. And now the skin of the face is immediately darker and the transition to the cervical zone is visible, which does not tan so sharply.

In general, I do not recommend this method to anyone! "

Carbon peeling is one of the types of skin rejuvenation and tightening procedures.

The development has gained great popularity and now it is used by cosmetologists all over the world. What it is - we will analyze in more detail below.

What is carbon peeling?

Laser carbon peeling is a type of peeling that uses a laser and carbon nano-gel peeling to remove the upper part of the damaged skin, so that then new, young skin is formed in its place.

Carbon peeling - what it is: it gives the effect of skin tightening due to laser heating and cleanses it of dead cells using a carbon mask.

The process of performing carbon peels is rather unusual. Therefore, before doing carbon rejuvenation, you need to consult with a specialist.

Carbon facial masks are part of carboxytherapy. Their essence lies in the fact that carbon dioxide stimulates the production of oxygen and nutrients. Thus, there is an increased production of collagen, as a result of which the skin itself begins to tighten.

List of carbon peeling effects


  1. People with noticeable facial aging features.
  2. Patients with acne and acne.
  3. Numerous comedones.
  4. If you have oily skin.
  5. To remove age spots (freckles are one of these spots).

Laser carbon peeling is performed for those people who have at least one of the above problems.


There are a number of contraindications for those who decide to do carbon peeling. If you have any disorders related to the skin, then such a procedure is contraindicated.

Such peeling should not be done under the following conditions:

  • Oncological diseases.
  • Carbon peeling is contraindicated in pregnant women and nursing mothers.
  • Intolerance to carbon dioxide. The chemical can cause allergies.
  • Disorder of pigmentation, when the disappearance of pigment begins in certain areas of the skin. The color becomes light and the hair starts to turn gray. This type of disease is called Vitiligo.

If there are scars or tumor-like growths on the skin, the laser can provoke an inflammatory process and after the operation, unformed scars can become larger and cause acute pain in this area of ​​the skin.

Photo: before and after

If you look at the photos before and after laser-carbon peeling, you can judge how effective the procedure is.

How is carbon peeling done?

Carbon rejuvenation is done if, before the start of the session, the patient consulted a cosmetologist and dermatologist, and passed all the necessary tests in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

The steps of the procedure are shown in the pictures.

The process of carbon peeling goes something like this:

  1. The skin is cleaned of settled dust and cosmetics. An antiseptic layer is applied to the selected area, which kills microbes and eliminates all inflammatory processes. Open wounds and pimples can cause severe pain.
  2. The patient is checked for an allergic reaction to the nanogel. If there is no rash, itching, discoloration of the skin, various edema, then you can proceed to the operation.
  3. The antiseptic gel is washed off and the nanogel is evenly distributed. It turns out a carbon mask. At this time, the equipment is being set up. The laser device must sufficiently warm up the mask to remove dead or diseased skin, as well as prevent the laser from burning out the cells themselves. At this stage, glandular blockages, acne, etc. are removed.
  4. At the fourth stage of carbon peeling, the cleaning intensity increases. Under the influence of the laser, two proteins are actively produced - elastin and collagen. In addition, the beam provokes the active production of hyaluronic acid, which fills the voids in the folds and thereby smoothes the skin. At this stage, pigmentation problems are solved, deep wrinkles are smoothed out, and the appearance of the skin is improved.
  5. Then the nel is washed off the face and a protective (relaxation) mixture is applied.

The entire carbon peeling session takes a total of half an hour and can be carried out in any season.


Cosmetologists assure that the soreness could have happened either from the fact that the patient or the doctor did not see the scars or scars, or painful sensations could arise due to improper beam adjustment.

Only warmth should be felt during the operation.

What to do after carbon peeling?

When the carbon facial cleansing is over, some patients begin to neglect the basic rules of rehabilitation. And the effect of laser and carbon fiber can further cause complications if you do not follow the recommendations of the cosmetologist.

Since everyone's organisms are different, they can also respond to the procedure of carbon rejuvenation in different ways. Therefore, the following rehabilitation course is only a recommendation.

Rehabilitation rules

After the procedure, the skin at the peeling sites may blush... This normal process and you should not be afraid.

  1. The main thing for two weeks is to limit yourself from exposure to the sun after 11-00. And also exclude the effects of heat rays (for example, visiting a solarium).
  2. After peeling for 24 hours, the skin is cleansed with mild, gentle products.
  3. The skin should always be moist, do not let it dry.
  4. No cosmetics for 7 days, because it causes skin infection.
  5. After peeling, it is allowed to go to mesotherapy sessions and make masks, but it is forbidden to do grinding and various types of peeling.

Complications and consequences

Complications can arise if the patient does not fulfill all the requirements of the cosmetologist. For example, I came to the procedure with an inconspicuous wound on my face.

You cannot hide from the doctor the timing of pregnancy, or the fact that the woman is breastfeeding at this time.

The consequences can be as follows:

  1. Purulent skin complications. If the patient has hidden or did not notice open wounds at the peeling site. In this case, you should immediately consult a cosmetologist and treat the wound with an antiseptic.
  2. Increased pigment. It may occur if the patient hides her pregnancy. This side effect also appears if the procedure is performed at a transitional age, or the patient has problems with pigmentation. An effective way to avoid problems is to reduce your time in the sun.

A small "stone in the garden" of doctors who do peeling:

If the specialist chooses the wrong depth of laser exposure, or overheats the device, unpleasant sensations may occur on the skin. It will begin to peel off, and edema may appear on the treated areas.

Execution frequency

  • Experts advise doing carbon fiber rejuvenation courses.
  • For minor skin problems, just enough 3-5 sessions laser cleaning.
  • For mature skin with pronounced signs of aging, it is better to increase the course up to 8 procedures.
  • Between peels carbon fiber needs to be done break of 5-6 days so that the skin has time to recover.

Compatibility with other treatments

Laser carbon peeling can be performed in conjunction with the following cosmetic procedures:

  • Fractional thermolysis (better known as Fraxel, the benefits of which we discussed in).
  • Laser.
  • RF lifting - for an overview of thermolifting see

Any of these procedures in combination with carbon cleansing gives a more pronounced effect of rejuvenation and facelift.

Homemade carbon peeling

Sometimes on the forums you can come across a question whether it is possible to carry out carbon peeling at home.

Based on the above information and the recommendations of doctors, we can come to the conclusion that this cannot be done.

Even if you have the means to buy carbon peeling nanogel and laser equipment, the procedure should be under the strict guidance of a cosmetologist.

If you adjust the hardware incorrectly, you can harm your own skin.

Service price

This table shows the average price of carbon peeling in Russia. The cost of services may vary depending on the area, the beauty salon and the dollar exchange rate.

If you want to carry out a comprehensive rejuvenation, then the spa centers may have their own bonuses and discounts.

For a complex procedure, prices for each beauty salon must be checked separately.

There is a lot of information about carbon peeling now. It can be found on the websites of professional beauty salons. This is a truly unique procedure that combines all the charms of mesotherapy and laser removal of old skin.

It is a painless process that does not take too long, without injections and surgery.

The opinions of cosmetologists

Laser carbon peeling has sparked a lot of controversy.

Laser carbon peeling is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures for beautiful and healthy facial skin, which has a rejuvenating effect.

The content of the article:

Modern cosmetology enables women to take care of their skin more effectively, prolonging its youth and restoring freshness. Every year more and more procedures appear, the main purpose of which is healing, rejuvenation and correction of certain skin defects. The main difference between these procedures lies in the method of exposure to the skin and the final result.

Such a procedure as laser carbon peeling, which simultaneously combines exposure to special devices and complex rejuvenation of the facial skin, has become quite popular. This procedure is offered in almost all beauty salons.

Price of carbon facial peeling

This is a complex procedure that is carried out in stages. First of all, it is necessary to undergo a consultation and examination with a cosmetologist, who will determine the area of ​​intervention, appoint a certain brand of carbon mask. The cost of such a service depends on the qualifications of the specialist, the salon in which it is carried out, and the amount of work in each individual case.

In Russia, the price of carbon facial peeling ranges from 3,500 to 20,000 rubles.

In Moscow, this procedure is usually more expensive than in other cities.

In Ukraine, the price of carbon peeling is 600-2000 hryvnia.

It should be noted that the cost of services is the highest in Kiev.

When paying for several procedures at once in the beauty parlor, they can offer various promotional discounts.

In most cases, caring cosmetics that are prescribed after the procedure are not included in the cost of carbon peeling and are paid additionally.

Carbon peeling: what is it?

Thanks to the development of modern technologies, special lasers have been developed that have a unique effect on the skin, removing dead skin cells and acne.

Carbon peeling is a modern procedure aimed at removing all dead cells from the surface of the epidermis, while accelerating the process of cell regeneration. The main feature of this procedure is that two processes are performed simultaneously - photorejuvenation and exposure to the skin with a special laser.

Today it is impossible to carry out this procedure without using a special apparatus. This is a device that emits high-frequency waves that help unclog and cleanse the pores of the facial skin. Therefore, only professional cosmetologists can perform carbon peeling of the face using modern equipment.

The difference between carbon peeling and other methods of cleansing the skin of the face is that, with the exception of exposure to a special laser, in order to obtain the most positive result, a cosmetic gel is applied to the skin.

This gel mask consists of unique particles of carbon dioxide, which is why the procedure is called carbon peeling. The word "carbon" means carbon. At the beginning of the procedure, a nanogel is applied to the skin of the face, after which you need to wait a little so that it can penetrate well into the pores of the skin.

This gel has a unique ability to penetrate as deep as possible into the pores of the skin and absorb all the dirt and slag. Then a laser is used, thanks to which the nanogel particles begin to swell and they literally explode. As a result, the pores are cleared and further unclogged. During this cosmetic procedure, due to the effect of high-frequency radiation, all keratinized cells are evaporated, a stimulating effect on the process of collagen production is exerted, therefore, the skin tone is evened out and a healthy color returns to it.

Advantages of carbon peeling

Like any other modern cosmetic procedure, carbon peeling has a number of positive qualities:
  1. The procedure is most effective and after just one session and application of the nanogel, tremendous changes in the condition and appearance of the facial skin become noticeable.
  2. Thanks to the influence of modern technologies, a slight warmth will be felt during this type of peeling.
  3. The use of nano-gel allows you to cleanse the skin of the face of all impurities, the pores are unclogged, due to which all slag is removed from them. In this case, the large pores are narrowed.
  4. The procedure is completely painless. Most of the visitors to clinics or beauty parlors find it difficult to decide on various types of peelings, for which special devices are used, as unpleasant sensations may appear during the procedure. But in the case of carbon peeling, no discomfort or pain is experienced.
  5. The procedure has a photorejuvenating effect. The use of laser carbon peeling helps to quickly restore youthfulness and beauty to the skin. This result is achieved by smoothing the upper layer of the epidermis, as well as evening out the skin color.
  6. This cleansing method stimulates the collagen production process, therefore, the skin returns smoothness and elasticity.
  7. It has an anti-inflammatory effect. After the first carbon peeling procedure, no additional rehabilitation period is required. Ugly red spots or inflammations do not appear on the skin, which is typical for other types of facial cleansing.

Indications for carbon peeling

  1. Fine expression lines and the first signs of skin aging.
  2. Loss of firmness and skin aging.
  3. The presence of enlarged pores, including their severe contamination and clogging.
  4. Oily skin is the main indication for carbon peeling. This procedure helps to tighten the pores, thereby reducing the intensity of the sebaceous glands.
  5. The presence of acne, wen, subcutaneous acne.
  6. Dull complexion.
  7. Skin pigmentation - photoaging or freckles. After the first session, this problem is solved by about 40%.

Contraindications for carbon peeling

  1. The procedure is prohibited during pregnancy and lactation. The fact is that during the exposure to the laser, the nanogel heats up, which can provoke a sharp surge in hormones, as a result, skin pigmentation begins.
  2. The presence of individual intolerance.
  3. If there are acute and chronic inflammatory processes on the skin of the face. For example, epilepsy, diabetes, tuberculosis and other dangerous diseases.
  4. If you have drug or alcohol dependence.
  5. In the case of a recent stroke, poor circulation or the presence of a pacemaker.
  6. Facial skin oncology.
  7. The presence of keloid scars, which, when exposed to a laser, can become inflamed and cause unpleasant painful sensations.
  8. Colds like herpes.
  9. Allergy to carbon dioxide, therefore, you first need to conduct a sensitivity test - a small amount of nanogel is applied to a closed area of ​​the body.
  10. Disturbance of melanin metabolism. As a result, after the procedure, new formations may appear on the skin of the face.

How is the carbon peeling procedure performed?

  1. First, you need to consult with a cosmetologist, who should carefully examine the skin and determine the presence or absence of acne, inflammation and other signs of colds.
  2. If there are inflammatory processes, you first need to undergo a course of treatment, after which a carbon peeling procedure can be performed.
  3. In case of allergic manifestations, the doctor prescribes the use of special medications that eliminate these reactions.
  4. Approximately 5-7 days before the procedure, it is not recommended to carry out other types of facial cleansing that have a strong effect on the skin.
  5. A few days before the planned visit to the beautician, it is not recommended to steam the skin of the face.
  6. At the preparatory stage, an allergy test is carried out - a small amount of nanogel is applied to the bend of the elbow and left for 15 minutes. If during this time unpleasant sensations do not appear, you can carry out the procedure. In case of severe redness and itchy blisters, carbon peeling is strictly contraindicated.
  7. Then the skin of the face is wiped with an antiseptic, due to which all weak inflammatory processes are removed. The antiseptic gel helps to kill germs and cleanse the skin of makeup residues.
  8. After cleansing the skin of the face, a special nano-gel is applied, which contains carbon. The product is black in color and helps to remove all keratinized cells. Nanogel is not applied to the area around the mouth and eyes.
  9. Now you need to wait a while, as the gel should dry out.
  10. As soon as the nanogel has dried, a laser treatment is performed, during which the skin is effectively cleansed of dead cells and dirt. At this stage, special glasses must be used.
  11. Then photomolysis is performed, during which collagen is produced, which contributes to the accelerated restoration of skin elasticity and the return of a healthy complexion, as well as a rejuvenating effect.
  12. After completing the carbon peeling procedure, the skin of the face must be treated with a special antiseptic gel.

Effect after carbon peeling

  1. Already after the first procedure, with increased skin oiliness, the volume of sebum produced is significantly reduced.
  2. Black dots are removed.
  3. The enlarged pores are narrowed.
  4. It has a mild exfoliating effect on dead skin cells of the face and neck.
  5. The carbon peeling procedure has a general bactericidal effect.
  6. The disturbed processes occurring in the lower and upper layers of the skin are brought back to normal.
  7. The process of collagen production is stimulated, which restores the skin's smoothness and elasticity.
  8. The complexion is evened and refreshed, all age spots are removed.
  9. Already after several sessions of carbon peeling, the depth and number of wrinkles are significantly reduced, and a general rejuvenating effect appears.

Rehabilitation period after carbon peeling

The duration of one carbon peeling procedure takes about half an hour, while the initial condition of the facial skin is of no small importance. As a rule, for complete cleansing of the skin and restoration of its beauty, 2–8 sessions are quite enough. There is a break of 5 days between each procedure, if you neglect this advice, you can cause serious harm to the skin, as it must recover before the next session.

In almost all cases, after the carbon peeling of the face, no rehabilitation period is required, but to increase the effectiveness of the procedure, it is worth following a few tips from cosmetologists:

  1. Slight redness of the skin may appear, which disappears on its own a few hours after the procedure.
  2. After completing the carbon peeling, it is not recommended to wash your face for 24 hours.
  3. Do not use any antiseptic gels for two days.
  4. It is not necessary to use cosmetics containing alcohol, as this can cause serious damage to the skin.
  5. For skin care, you can use mycelial water or foam, as these products have a mild effect.
  6. During the first days after the procedure, a fat cream should be constantly applied to the skin.
The carbon peeling procedure is becoming more and more popular and in demand every day. And this is not surprising, thanks to its implementation, you can effectively cleanse the skin, restore its beauty, youth and healthy radiance.

Real reviews of the carbon peeling procedure

Carbon peeling is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures. This is due to its relatively low cost and low trauma. Many clients leave positive reviews about this service.

Olga, 30 years old

I am a cosmetic "maniac" with 10 years of experience. I love all sorts of new beauty treatments, I often pamper my skin. I decided to try carbon facial peeling. However, it is difficult to call it "peeling". I would rather call it "thorough cleaning of pores." The procedure itself is carried out in two stages. A special gel is applied to the face, which is a mixture of petroleum jelly and carbon dioxide. Glasses are put on the eyes, and a laser is passed over the face. The latter allows the nanoparticles of the substance to penetrate deeply into the skin. It didn't hurt me, it was just hot. It is believed that heat exposure also has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, accelerates the regeneration processes. As a result of carbonic cleansing, even stale sebum comes out of the pores of the skin, comedones dissolve, and the relief of the face is leveled. Immediately after the procedure, my skin turned pink, matte and smooth. A more pronounced effect can be felt after a couple of days. All comedones are gone, my face has evened out, the pores have narrowed. However, do not expect the result to last for a long time. This procedure is not therapeutic, but cosmetic, and therefore requires constant repetition if you want to keep the skin clean. In addition, you should not wait for rejuvenation or elimination of pigmentation. Carbon peeling is not intended for this.

Christina, 28 years old

I have been battling acne and skin inflammation for seven years. Finally I managed to beat my acne. But another problem arose - scars and scars from rashes. They didn’t leave and looked terrible. I went to a beautician in the summer, but he said that chemical peeling is not the season to do, so he suggested carbon peeling. I read a lot of reviews about him, everyone praised him, and I made up my mind. They assigned me six procedures. After the first one, I was shocked, because my face began to look even worse: the pores became even wider, the redness intensified, and the skin itself was very greasy. In the evening, the face also began to bake strongly. The beautician assured me that after the next procedures this will not happen and the skin condition will only improve. After the next five sessions, there really was no more burning and redness. But I did not wait for improvement either. The pores remained enlarged, red spots appeared after exercise, pits remained after acne. Now I'm waiting for autumn to go to the trichloroacetic peel and finally get rid of terrible scars and oily skin!

Ekaterina, 26 years old

I have quite problematic skin on my face, I regularly take care of it and carry out a combined cleansing. If this is not done, the pores become inflamed, clogged, and acne appears. Recently, my beautician suggested that I complete my facial cleansing with a carbon peel. The procedure is carried out with the application of black nanogel and light "bursts" of the laser. No discomfort, just a slight tingling sensation. The result is noticeable immediately after the procedure: my tone evens out, the skin becomes lighter. Since I have an oily skin type, light drying is what I need. Sometimes there is slight peeling in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds. But in general, the skin is tightened, it becomes fresh. After a course of such combined cleansing, deep inflammation in the cheekbones disappeared. The black points, however, did not disappear, and the pores remained slightly enlarged. But overall, I am happy with this procedure.

In search of a remedy for rejuvenation, pay attention to carbon peeling: reviews, before and after photos ensured the popularity of the procedure. It is a type of laser exfoliation that removes a layer of dead cells from the surface of the skin. But what ensures such performance?

The essence and features of carbon peeling

Experts in the field of cosmetology claim that peeling will make the face smooth, like a porcelain doll. The principle of action is based on the treatment of integuments with a laser, and you will not feel pain.

Carbon facial cleansing was evaluated by patients with oily skin prone to acne and blackheads. If you complain that enlarged pores spoil your appearance, peeling will also solve the problem. After the first visit to the beautician, the skin will become smoother, firmer and more tender.

In the process, the face is treated with a carbon gel that penetrates deep into the pores. The doctor then traverses the desired area with a laser beam. It interacts with carbon particles, as a result of which it destroys dead cells and sebaceous plugs.

The peculiarities of the procedure include its ability to produce a lasting effect. As part of a study conducted by American dermatologists, 104 women were interviewed. They got rid of photoaging with carbon peels. According to the patients, after completing the full course, the results remained for 2 years. If women visited the salon to maintain the effect, the improvement lasted longer. As for the side effects, which include pigmentation and the risk of scars, none of the patients complained about them.

What are the benefits of carbon peeling

If you suffer from rashes, the use of a laser device will improve the situation: the rays destroy the propionibacterium acne. Since these cause inflammation and acne, the problem will be solved. The work of the sebaceous glands is also normalized, which will reduce the risk of blackheads. Due to its effectiveness, this type of exfoliation is done not only on the face: it is often treated with the back and chest.

In some cases, the hands are also treated for patients so that they do not give out age, and the feet.

Exposure to the light energy of the laser has an additional effect. It stimulates the production of collagen in the deep layers of the skin, thanks to which it gains elasticity. After the course, you will notice a slight rejuvenation.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for carbon peeling include the following problems:

  • freckles and age spots;
  • acne, blackheads, acne scars;
  • rosacea;
  • enlarged pores, due to which the face resembles an orange peel;
  • loss of tone by integuments;
  • first wrinkles.

The procedure performed on the relevant parts of the body also relieves stretch marks. Upon completion of the course, you will notice that you have begun to look younger, your complexion has improved, and scars and other skin imperfections have disappeared.

But even the most effective and gentle procedure has contraindications. These include a number of factors:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • the presence of acute inflammatory processes and wounds on the face;
  • the body's tendency to form keloid scars;
  • the presence of herpes infection, diabetes mellitus, cancer.

How the procedure works

The use of a laser device does not require special training. At the 1st visit, the doctor will assess the condition of the integument, determine whether peeling can be done. He will also carry out a test that determines the individual sensitivity to substances.

During the procedure, a carbon gel is applied to the face and this mask is left for 15 minutes. Then the doctor uses special equipment and treats the area with a laser beam. It interacts with carbon gel, which allows you to concentrate energy in the epidermis. Roughly speaking, the particles of the deposited substance seem to explode under the action of a laser. When the beam moves along the skin, dead particles, impurities and sebum plugs are exfoliated. You can process the face, neck, chest: this will allow you to get a comprehensive rejuvenation.

The client's eyes are covered with special glasses during laser cleansing.

The procedure is almost painless, but men with small bristles complain of discomfort. To avoid them, you need to take care of the removal of excess vegetation in advance. If necessary, patients are offered local anesthesia, although this affects the cost of the procedure. Most clients prefer to be patient as the tingling sensation remains light.

How to care for your face after peeling

The pluses of the option include the absence of a long recovery period. The skin will be in order in 1-2 hours, and you will return to your current business. But you need to take care of the care:

  1. Skip the evening wash. After cleansing, the beautician applies an antiseptic and protective mask to your face, so it takes time for them to act.
  2. Use the care products recommended by a specialist. He will advise you on what antiseptic to wipe your face with for 2 days.
  3. Avoid using retinoic acid or glycolic acid products. Funds with alcohol fall under the ban: since part of the epidermal cells is removed from the skin, it does not need an aggressive action.
  4. Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun in the near future. It is important to follow this rule, since the procedure is all-season: it can be carried out even in summer. But you should not expose your face to direct rays. When you go out in the sun, use a cream with a UV blocking filter.
  5. Avoid scrubbing, and after cleaning the neck, chest, back - using hard washcloths.

The risk of complications with such cleaning is small: if problems arise, it is due to neglect of the recommendations. If you want to learn more about carbon peeling, watch the video with the patient's story:

Frequently asked Questions

Laser carbon peeling of the face is a simple procedure, but customers still have doubts. You can ask the cosmetologist for an explanation, because he will make corrections for the specifics of your case. If you forgot to clarify the nuances, check out the answers to frequently asked questions.

  1. How many sessions do you need to get the result? The speed of recovery depends on the characteristics of the skin and its original state. Some patients get rid of external defects after 2 procedures, others need 6-10.
  2. How Often Do Peels Do? During the main course, the break between sessions is 2-3 weeks. The break is enough for the production of collagen and elastin to increase, and the doctor can see the result. To maintain the result, maintenance peels are done every 1-3 months.
  3. What side effects can there be? If you look at the before and after photos of those who have chosen carbon peeling, you will see that the skin is not injured during the procedure. Some complaints arise only of slight redness and itching, but the symptoms disappear within 60 minutes.
  4. Which peel is better to do: carbon or chemical? Cosmetologists continue to debate this topic. Both methods work, but the difference lies in safety, reliability, and effectiveness. The experience of specialists in their use speaks for chemical peels. But the technique remains the decisive factor. After all, the result depends on the knowledge of the cosmetologist: he applies the solution and independently draws a conclusion when it is time to use a neutralizing substance. If he hurries and flushes off the acid early, the result will be unsatisfactory. And if the active substances penetrate too deeply into the skin, clients get burns. Laser exfoliation benefits from predictability. The doctor acts on the integument with a certain intensity, set by the settings of the equipment. Of course, the main condition for success will be the competence of a specialist.

Remember that the chosen cosmetologist should willingly answer questions in a language you understand. If he uses unfamiliar terms, feel free to clarify their meaning. After all, the specialist is interested in you correctly presenting the final result!

Carbon peel price

It got worse after carbon peeling

Users on women's forums generally praise the procedure. But some turn out to be restrained in the reviews: you will even find assurances that after carbon peeling, the appearance of the skin has deteriorated.

Cosmetologists do warn that new acne may appear on the face after exfoliation. This is due to the fact that earlier the layer of keratinized cells hid part of the inflammation. When the dead scales are peeled off, the pimples appear on the surface. The appearance of these defects would have occurred without peeling, so you just need to wait: the situation will soon change, and you will see improvements.

Another reason for the deterioration is the beautician's mistake. If he violated the instructions, neglected the test for individual intolerance or did not take into account contraindications, new rashes may appear.

It is not uncommon for a rash or age spots to occur because patients neglect follow-up care. Using cosmetics that are not suitable for your skin type does not go unnoticed. The cause of acne and blackheads also plays a role: if they are one of the symptoms of the disease, cleaning will solve the problem only temporarily.

Customer reviews with photos before and after

Among the clients who did carbon peeling and posted before and after photos, there is also blogger Dani Kirkova. She has been struggling with acne for a long time, so she evaluates the advertised methods personally.

Then I talked to the doctor again: he made sure that I understand what result can be achieved. Then I lay down on the couch and the nurse treated the skin with gel. She acted carefully and several times passed through the same place so that the composition was evenly distributed.

Then they put on safety glasses and stuffed my ears with tampons. Those are needed so that the loud sounds emitted by the device do not cause discomfort. In the process, I smelled a slight burning smell, but I was not scared. The doctor warned that it could occur: it is not the skin that burns, but the carbon in the gel. True, it was a little painful, but I preferred to be patient than to undergo anesthesia.

As the face was exposed to the laser beam, a cooling and soothing mask was applied to the face. It was so nice!

In conclusion, a sheet mask was waiting for me: with its help, the doctor toned up the integuments and protected them from ultraviolet radiation. I liked the result so much that on the way home I constantly touched my face with my hands (which broke the rules of leaving).

Initially, I did not have any complaints about the condition of my skin, but it became even better. On the plus side, I include the fact that the facial hair has disappeared. You can forget about hair above the upper lip or on the chin!

Ulipups 02/19/2018

The procedure took place in several stages:

  1. They put a plastic cap on me, took off my makeup. I also liked that the areas of the face were treated with different means, depending on the presence of dryness and peeling.
  2. The skin was treated with a special black gel. I saw it in the photo, but I thought the texture would be dense. To my surprise, the remedy turned out to be easy and pleasant.
  3. They put on my safety glasses. Usually, protective cotton swabs are placed under them. But I have extended eyelashes, so I had to do without additional funds. After all, the cilia would then be wrapped in cotton wool!
  4. The beautician began to treat the face with a laser, and he warned which zone he would now tackle. He stroked over the forehead, chin, over the lip, cheeks and nose. I felt tingling, but they were more unusual than unpleasant. Discomfort was pronounced when treating the area above the upper lip.
  5. The rest of the product was removed with cotton wool soaked in micellar water.

There were no skin injuries, and the doctor said that I can immediately apply makeup and go about my business. I did not have redness or peeling, and I saw the improvement immediately. I liked the cleaning more mechanical!