Blush brush: an overview, how to choose and how to care? Makeup brushes set. Best lipstick brush. Which brushes to choose

Many people think that in modern conditions painters do not use a brush for a long time and all work is carried out using a spray gun, which allows you to apply paint to the surface to be painted. Even despite the convenience of using such modern equipment, a paintbrush is an indispensable tool. It can be used to paint corners and various elements of small sizes. Such painstaking procedures are impossible without this tool.

The paint brush is an indispensable tool for painting

Application area

The most widespread paint brush is for household work. In particular, it is most often used for such work:

  • applying glue for wallpaper;
  • painting walls, doors or floors;
  • painting window frames and other structural elements;
  • painting garden benches;
  • renovation of worn-out furniture of different sizes.

The latter direction of using brushes is becoming more and more popular. When used correctly, a paint brush will allow you to restore furniture, or vice versa, make it look older or more sophisticated. For example, you can paint on the surface in the form of trees, marble or other patterns.

Modern professional brushes have a fairly simple design. The main part of the product is the handle, on which the working surface is fixed with the help of a bandage, which looks like a long bundle of pile.

To correctly apply the paint and varnish material, it is necessary to blot the brush into the paint and transfer it to the surface. In this case, for an even distribution, there must be pressure on the brush. The effectiveness of the painting depends on the appearance of the work surface.

The final result will depend on the correct application of paint with a brush.

Preparatory stage

Once you have purchased a paint brush, it is not recommended to start painting right away. If the tool is not prepared, too stiff bristles can leave streaks in the areas to be painted. To avoid this, the brush should be immersed in the water-based solution for about one hour. All this will lead to the fact that the bristles of the tool will become larger and softer, making it easier to apply the composition to the surface.

If you want to apply oil paint, then keep the brush dry. However, even then, streaks of protruding bristle hairs may remain. To permanently eliminate them, you should first work with the tool on a hard brick or plaster surface. Before this, the round brush is moistened with paint and varnish or water. This will smooth out the protruding bristles and result in a smoother paint application.

Brush care rules

The brush, like other tools, can gradually wear out. Therefore, in order to increase their service life and maintain the quality of paint application, you should adhere to some maintenance rules. For example, when painting, the enamel brush needs to be rotated to wear evenly. It is also recommended not to apply too much pressure, so as not to lead to increased wear of the product.

To increase the service life, you should adhere to the rules of brush care.

After each stage of work, a synthetic round brush should be suspended over a container of water, without touching the bottom. This is necessary so that the pile does not bend or become unusable. The brush can also be hung in the paint container that you are using. If you are working with wooden tools, it is best not to dip them in water-based liquid to prevent hair loss.

After completing the painting work, it is recommended to rinse the painting tool in kerosene to completely eliminate paint residues. After that, the brush is washed in soapy water until the water stops staining. Then the instrument should be hung for further drying and stored in this state.

Classification of brushes

The main types of paint brushes differ in the following ways:

Beam shape:

  1. Flat brushes are the most common among professional painters. They are distinguished by an elastic working part, which is convenient to use when working with liquid and thick formulations. With these brushes, you can paint both wide and narrow elements of the house. In this case, it all depends on the width of the bristles. A feature of the flat brush is that it collects paint well and easily gives it away when carried over the surface.

The flat brush is the most common painting tool
  1. Round brushes are used for special jobs where flat tools are inconvenient to use. For example, a tool with this bristle shape can be used to paint a U-shaped profile or work in hard-to-reach areas of the house. In addition, the round brush is an excellent option for painting window sashes. To work with such a tool, you must use sufficient pressure.

Work area size:

  1. Narrow brushes have a beam width of 1 to 3 cm. They are well suited for working with thin elements, painting pipes, hard-to-reach places, as well as for applying decorative patterns in the form of trees. With their help we draw any decorative elements.
  2. Medium brushes are used to paint doors, furniture and other elements of the house. They have a working width of 3.5 to 6 cm.
  3. Wide painting tools are often used to paint floors, walls, ceilings, roofs and other large areas. The beam width of such models reaches 10 cm, which makes it possible to quickly process large areas.

Pile material:

  1. Natural brushes are made from materials such as badger or cow hair, pig bristles, and so on. In each bundle, the hair has a split structure, therefore, its working surface easily absorbs the paint and varnish composition. In addition, natural bristles are very soft and pliable, which greatly simplifies the dyeing procedure. Basically, tools made from natural materials are used to work with oil paint or drying oil.
  2. Synthetic products also absorb paints and varnishes well. A good quality synthetic flat brush has good hair splitting. An important advantage of synthetic brushes, in comparison with natural ones, is their higher wear resistance. In general, they are more suitable for working with water-based paints.
  3. Combined brushes are becoming more common lately. Their bristles combine both natural and synthetic bristles. Therefore, such products have a hard work surface that absorbs paint well.

Synthetic brushes are more durable


  1. Hand-held types of paint brushes (PK) are the most common, as they are used for applying primer, glue, and painting areas of a medium-sized house. This type of instrument can have a bundle of both round and flat shape. The category of hand-held brushes includes radiator or corner brushes, with which it is easy to paint the edges of batteries.
  2. Flat brushes (CP) can be considered one of the most versatile. They can be used for painting surfaces of various sizes, applying adhesives and making decorative finishes.
  3. The fly brush has a wide beam, so it is convenient for it to work on large surfaces. Mainly, the handwheel brush is used for washing ceilings and walls, priming large surfaces, and applying whitewash. The working surface of such a tool is often located on a handle up to 20 cm long. However, for convenience, most models have removable mounts that allow them to be attached to sticks up to 2 meters long. This makes it easy to work with such a brush even on the ceiling.
  4. Flange brushes (CF) are distinguished by a working surface made of drawn hair. Such bristles are very flexible and soft, which makes it easier to work with the surface. They are mainly used for finishing paint, which allows you to hide the traces of paint left after working with a hard brush.

  1. Maklovitsy (KMA) are distinguished by the fact that the bun is made of natural horsehair in combination with synthetic materials. Typically, these brushes have a rectangular shape that resembles a brush. Maklovitsa are mainly used for applying wallpaper glue or mortar. At the same time, they are used less often for painting, since due to the stiff bristles they collect too much paint.
  2. Panel brushes (KFK) are tools that have a relatively narrow working surface up to 2 cm. They are used to apply paint in the form of narrow stripes (panels). Also, the paneling tool is suitable for painting corners and areas at the junction of two shades. This category includes a fiberglass brush.
  3. Brush products (SCHT) are also called cross-cut brushes. This type is used in order to give a textured texture to the painted surface. To do this, a fresh layer of paint is treated with such a brush to give it an original decorative relief.

When choosing a brush, you need to know that each of them has its own technical characteristics. Moreover, for each stage of work, you may need several types of tools.

In particular, for painting the main surface, a swing brush is better, and for hard-to-reach areas of the house - a synthetic round panel brush. Therefore, when choosing, you should first of all be guided by what kind of work you are going to carry out.

When choosing a brush, you need to take into account the technical characteristics of the paint

In addition, it is recommended to pay attention to the material from which the handle is made. The wooden handle is lighter and cheaper. However, the plastic handle, although it is more expensive, is durable and wear-resistant.

In addition, it can be quickly cleaned of paint. If you are looking for a durable tool, it is better to choose the brushes with the beam fixation using a brass element that does not lend itself to corrosion.


Thus, brushes are used for almost all painting work. When choosing them, you need to focus on their technical characteristics and scope.

Brushes are an obligatory component of a women's cosmetic bag and a make-up artist's case. In cosmetics stores, you can see many brushes that differ from each other in shape, size, material of manufacture, price. They are sold both individually and in sets of 6, 12 and even 20 pieces. For novice makeup artists and young girls who are just starting to get acquainted with make-up, the choice of brushes is not an easy task. We have prepared for you an interesting and useful overview (encyclopedia?) For each type of cosmetic brush. After reading this article to the end, you will know:
what makeup brushes are needed;
which you can do without;
what are the principles to choose a brush;
the best makeup brushes - what kind of nap should be;
how cheap brushes differ from expensive ones;
how to use them correctly.

Brushes for applying cosmetics. What is it for what?

Make-up can be done even when there is not a single brush in the arsenal. Use your fingertips to apply foundation, eyeshadow, and blush. But such a make-up is unlikely to look decent, because one of the main rules of makeup is careful shading. It is, perhaps, completely impossible to make blurry contours with the pad of your finger. If your goal is to learn how to apply makeup correctly, quickly and easily, you will have to get some brushes.

The shape, length and width, material, level of elasticity or fluff of the brush have a direct relationship with its purpose. It is not for nothing that the foundation brush has a synthetic, tightly gathered bristle; often flat. Due to these qualities, it allows you to conveniently apply the cream to the face and distribute it evenly.

Types of face makeup brushes

For the base

As we just explained, a foundation brush is made from synthetic bristles, but why not natural bristles? The fact is that natural bristles have scales (similar to human hair), which retain some of the cream on them. This means that when the foundation is transferred to the face, it will lie down with "gaps". Synthetic bristles are more elastic than natural bristles. In addition, the villi are in close contact with each other, which makes the brush even more elastic. All these properties prevent the liquid texture from sticking to the brush. With the use of a special brush, the cream is applied and distributed perfectly, as a result of which the complexion is evened out without "gaps" and excess of funds on the skin.

A more comfortable brush has been created for thicker foundation. It resembles a kabuki (we will talk about it later), from which the top was cut off. It is called flat top. Such a brush is also made of artificial fiber, tightly pressed against each other.

Another base brush that appeared on the market not so long ago is made in the form of a brush. Its advantage over other types is its comfortable handle.

For concealer

Creamy correctors mask acne, post-acne, bruises under the eyes. When applying them to small defects, accuracy is important, which will be provided by a special brush - small, flat, narrowed at the tip. A concealer brush designed only for concealing the under-eye area looks twice as large.

Advice: it is better to choose the smaller brush, as it can gently paint over both small pimples and bruises. It is difficult to cover minor imperfections with a concealer with a large brush.

For powder

Loose and compact powders are best applied with a fluffy brush with natural fibers - they will not damage the already applied foundation with concealer, provide light coverage and fixation.

Inexpensive powder brushes (which are best not to use) are also fluffy, but made from synthetic fibers that can ruin the creamy texture. The brush is hard, which is why it is not very pleasant to touch the face with it. Another "minus" of them is the impossibility of evenly covering the face with powder (in one area of ​​the powder there may be too much, on the other it may not get at all).

Professional powder brushes - large, fluffy, soft and pleasant to the touch. They can be small (road options); with a rounded tip or even. A popular type of powder brush is kabuki. It is very thick and has a short base. This brush is recommended for use with mineral makeup.

Is it possible to do with a sponge (or puff), which comes with a set of powder? Sponge will not provide light, uniform coverage. It is better to use a brush to create high-quality makeup. The sponge is intended for local powdering of the face in areas where oily sheen appears (when it is not possible to powder it with a brush).

For blush

Dry blush can be shaded with a powder brush. It is easier for beginners to do this with a special blush brush. The ideal solution is a fluffy, natural long pile, slightly beveled. The brush does an excellent job not only with shading blush, but also with darkening the cheekbones with a bronzer. Professionals prefer kabuki for beveled or rounded blush.

Often, the blush comes with a compact brush. Due to its flat shape, it is rather difficult for it to gently and moderately apply the product to the cheeks. This brush is only needed to touch up makeup throughout the day.

For bronzer

The flawless brush resembles a smaller version of a simple powder brush. It is flat, fluffy, with a rounded cut. Advanced make-up artists use it to work out the cheekbones and temples with a dry bronzer. Flowerss also does a pretty good job of dusting and blushing.

For highlighter

The natural bristle fan brush will provide a very precise and delicate coverage of the brightening or shimmering highlighter (dry) over the cheekbones, under the eyebrows, along the bridge of the nose, above the lips. Often it is also used to brush off the crumbling pollen from the shadows from the skin. What material should the "fan" be made of? A natural bristle is desirable, but if you do not plan to use the highlighter often, then you can buy an inexpensive synthetic fan brush for testing.

Eye makeup brushes

For applying shadows

To transfer shadows to the eyelid, it is customary to use a special brush - small, flat, made of natural material. The pile can be very short or long, and its tip is even, rounded, beveled. Not everyone is needed for one person's eye makeup. If you are not a beginner makeup artist and are choosing a brush for yourself, start from the size and shape of the eyelids: if the brush is too long, the shadows will crumble when applied.

For shading shadows

Blending eye makeup brushes can help smooth out the gradation of shades. Without such a brush, it will not be possible to beautifully shape the eyelids with shadows, even in unpretentious daytime makeup, and even more so - in smoky eyes.

The brush should be with an elongated bristle; natural, round and slightly fluffy. The denser the hairs are, the easier it is to nullify the borders of the applied shadows.

There are many shapes and sizes of shading brushes: with a slant cut, thin bristles, barely rounded, etc. At the time of purchase, consider the shape of the eyelids, as well as eye makeup techniques of interest. For beginners, we advise you to buy a universal blending brush Sigma E25 or MAC 217 (they are very similar):

For the experienced makeup artist, Sigma has developed the E40 brush, with which you can add finishing touches after careful blending. Photo:

The barrel-shaped and densely packed brushes are designed to draw and blend shadows in the crease of the eyelid.

For eyeliner

For drawing arrows with liquid eyeliner and shadows, 2 types of brushes are common:
1. Conical, thin, with tight-fitting villi.
2. A small and very flat brush with an oblique cut.
The material is artificial.

For eyebrows

When shading eyebrows, use the same brush with which the arrows are drawn (brush number 2, which we wrote about above). The thinner the brush, the more natural the drawn eyebrow hairs will look.

Brushes with small plastic teeth or flat bristles are helpful in combing and styling unruly eyebrows.

For applying makeup on lips

Gently cover your lips with lipstick and gloss with a flat, small synthetic bristle brush. For small lips, use a small, pointed brush. It takes a long time to cover large lips with it, so brushes are sold wider and with an elongated bristle.

What brushes a beginner should have: the minimum set

So, what makeup brushes are definitely worth buying for every girl using makeup:
flat brush for foundation;
small brush for concealer;
fluffy powder brush;
beveled brush for blush and bronzer;
flat brush for applying shadows;
brush for shading shadows;
flat and beveled brush for eyeliner contour and eyebrow shaping;
small flat brush for lipstick and gloss.

Quality, price, firm

It is impractical to buy a set if you are not a professional. High quality brush sets are expensive, and most of them won't be useful in the early stages of creativity. In cheap kits, all brushes are made of synthetics and will not last long. Better for the student is the purchase of several basic brushes from trusted firms. Over time, you can expand the collection, buying only those models that are necessary. MAC and Sigma makeup brushes are the best according to MUA and beauty bloggers. The brands EcoTools, Real Techniques, Zoeva, Everyday Minerals have positive reviews.

A few more words about brush nap

We have already analyzed in detail which pile is better - natural or synthetic. To find your way around a beauty store, remember:
natural bristles - for dry textures (shadows, powder, blush, bronzer);
synthetic bristles - for liquid textures (foundation, concealer, eyeliner, lipstick).

But natural tassels are different depending on the fur used in the production. So, the best eye makeup brushes are made from sable, marten, columnar, pony, squirrel bristles. The smooth, soft fur of these animals does not stretch or injure the thin skin of the eyelids.

Now you know which makeup brushes you need to buy and which ones you can save on.

Video about which brushes each girl should have:

A flawless visage is unthinkable without experience, high-quality cosmetics and properly selected brushes. The latter play an almost decisive role in creating the perfect make-up. Brushes allow you to apply cosmetics to your face accurately and accurately.

What are the best makeup brushes

Brushes of the best quality - with natural bristles, sable is considered the most "luxury". However, they are not very practical. Synthetic-bristled brushes not only cost less but last longer. In addition, they are easy to clean and do not absorb cosmetics as intensely as natural brushes. The latter are best used only for applying dry products - eyeshadows, powder and blush. Synthetics are ideal both for applying products with a liquid texture and for mineral cosmetics.

To assess the quality of the brush, you should run your hand over its pile at least 15-20 times, while sharply lowering it. A good brush shouldn't lose a single hair

Brush handles can be made of ceramic, plastic or wood. The latter option is preferable, since the tree is more pleasant to hold in your hands, it looks beautiful. Among other things, this material is environmentally friendly.

Pile stuffing can be weak or dense. Quality brushes usually have a very dense padding, while the hairs do not stick out on the sides and have an even cut.

Makeup brushes: what for what

The foundation brush is usually medium in size and flat at the base. It is simple to use: the product must be applied in a circular motion from the center of the face to the hairline.

The powder brush has an impressive size. It is round at the base and fairly densely packed. Its pile is approximately three centimeters long. It will allow you to evenly distribute the loose powder over your face. To do this, you need to dip the brush into the powder, lightly shake off the excess by tapping on the edge of the tube with the product, and then apply it to the skin with hammering movements. Do not smear the powder over your face, hammering in will provide a more even application.

Applying a foundation with a brush, you will significantly reduce its consumption in comparison with the "finger" method of application

The blush brush looks like a powder brush. However, it is smaller in diameter, and its shape resembles a dome. It can also be used when applying bronzer. It is not difficult to use it: it is enough to dip the brush into a cosmetic product and slide it over the apples of the cheeks.

The contouring brush is flat and has a slightly beveled bristle. It serves to correct the oval of the face. With this brush you can apply blush, bronzer to the hairline on the forehead, the protruding part of the cheekbones and the wings of the nose. This should be done with stroke-like movements.

The lip brush is small and has a pointed tip. It is used for better application of lipstick or gloss: it paints over even the smallest cracks on the lips. Moreover, the brush will help you to use your lipstick more economically.

The fan brush outwardly fully justifies its name. It is designed to wipe off particles of makeup from the face. The brush will easily allow you to brush away the crumbling shadows without smearing them.

The kabuki brush resembles a shaving brush in its appearance. It has a wide, short handle and a barrel-shaped shape. It will be the perfect companion for the application of mineral powder. Kabuki blends it perfectly.

Eyeshadow brushes are thin and flat at the base, with hairs varying in length. These brushes will allow you to evenly apply eyeshadow to the eyelid, blend the border of application and add color accents in the right place. Their pile should not be too thick and long, otherwise the shadows may crumble during application.

Many women suffer for years using the included brush to apply blush. But using it is pointless. It's like eating the first course with a fork. If the blush on the face looks unnatural, then the whole "make-up" will look comical.

Choosing a quality brush

We go to the store. Our task is to choose a wide brush with natural bristles. With its help, you can evenly apply the decorative agent. This means that the makeup will be as natural as possible. When using a quality tool, you will hardly be able to overdo it. However, one must approach his choice wisely.

Despite the large number of online stores, you shouldn't blindly purchase a set of makeup brushes. To understand whether a tool is suitable, you need to personally inspect it, estimate the width, check the quality of the hairs.

Natural and synthetic bristles

What should you consider first when choosing a set of makeup brushes (including blush)? This is a pile. It can be natural or synthetic. Each of them has its own characteristics and advantages. Now we will tell you about them.

The main advantages of synthetics are economy and durability. In addition, it does not require special care (easy to clean). Synthetic brushes are great for creamy, oily and viscous textures. Such cosmetics will clog and glue the natural pile. But they can't beat synthetics.

Natural bristles are soft and delicate, which makes it more beneficial to the skin. For the manufacture of such brushes, sable fur, squirrels or a column are often used. This pile is characterized by fluffiness and porosity. It is more suitable for dry and loose blush.

It should be noted that there are also mixed brushes in which natural bristles are combined with synthetic ones. They are recognized due to the fact that the artificial pile will always be lighter. These brushes are recommended for oily blush.

Pile hardness and density

These characteristics should directly depend on the cosmetic product you choose. The denser the brush is filled, the more particles of the cosmetic product it will capture. This is undesirable for too bright and dark blush. Bright cheeks are considered bad form even for evening makeup.

Dense and tough bristles work well for light blush and pastel shades. It is most convenient to apply ball decorative products with a wide fluffy brush. For a compact blush, a soft natural bristle is preferred.

What are the shapes of brushes

So, we have decided on the materials. Now you need to understand what shape the blush brushes should have. This is also important for perfect makeup. There are several of the most versatile brush shapes. They will be discussed below.

Round brushes great for feathering blush, as well as perfectly camouflaged feathering of borders. However, she will not succeed in making thin lines. What is the main task of such a brush? In a uniform application of the product to the selected area of ​​the face.

Beveled brush for blush - a real salvation for the ladies. The special cut of the pile allows for well-defined lines. With this brush, you can accurately apply blush, draw verticals, create borders, highlight accents and emphasize all the necessary nuances. Also, a tool of this shape will provide a soft feathering.

Fan brushes are no less demanded product. The special structure, softness and elasticity of the pile - all this allows you to successfully complete makeup and remove excess blush, without damaging the work performed. This sophisticated fan fancies the face, removing all the excess particles of crumbling decorative cosmetics from it.

Popular firms

When thinking about how to choose a blush brush, all girls face one important problem. Each manufacturing company offers its own ideal product, which in fact can be very disappointing.

To purchase a high-quality and comfortable brush, first you need to familiarize yourself with the main products that the cosmetics and services market offers. But, leaning towards one choice or another, you need to understand that each tool has an individual pile structure and its own unique nap cut, which allows you to apply blush in completely different ways.

BrushesMAC- This is a great option for both home use and professional makeup. The hairy part of the tool has a radial cut, forming a circle shape. The pile keeps its shape perfectly due to the density and elasticity of each hair. This, in turn, is very convenient in the process of applying cosmetics. When using a brush of this brand, the blush is applied in an even and thin layer, regardless of the direction of movement of the tool.

BrushesBobbi Brown are especially popular. And all thanks to the soft bristles and rounded shape. This tool allows you to apply the optimal amount of blush and distribute it evenly over the selected area.

"Avon" beveled blush brush... It is not hard to guess what is the peculiarity of this tool. It is a beveled pile shape that allows you to perfectly accentuate your cheekbones. The brush is soft and skin-friendly. Its pile is made from natural materials. The concentration of hairs is sufficient to achieve the desired cosmetic effect.

What else do beautiful ladies need to know? They spend a lot of money on the purchase of brushes. Of course, they want the tools to last as long as possible. It all depends on the quality of the pile from which the brush is made. Before buying a product in a store, we carefully examine it. It doesn't matter if it's artificial or natural. The main thing is that the hairs are firmly attached to the handle. Be sure to sniff the pile. It should not emit an unpleasant chemical odor.

What else should you pay attention to? Check if the pile is falling, if there are any “holes” or “bald spots” in the brush. This is a very important point. The pile should be dense, thick and soft - only thanks to these qualities, you can make an ideal visage.

If we talk about hypoallergenicity and the quality of materials, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to check this in a store. These characteristics appear over time, after several uses. But in order to avoid unpleasant surprises, it is best to choose brushes from reputable manufacturers and brands. And the price and quality should be pleasantly combined with each other.

Brush care

The frequency of instrument maintenance is determined by their intended use. Powder and blush brushes are washed once a week (as needed). To prevent the pile from falling out, the tool must be handled with care, while washing the base requires special care. If suddenly it loosens, then it will be problematic to perform precise movements and strokes.

How to wash a blush brushright

Makeup tools must be kept clean. Today, there are a large number of special liquids for washing brushes. Thanks to their use, it will be possible to quickly and inexpensively clean everything. The liquid is simply applied to a napkin and the nap is wiped with it. Whenever possible, only professional cleaning products should be used to clean all tools.

If no product is available, the blush brush can be washed in another way. A small amount of warm water is poured into the palm, a little special product or shampoo is added there. The resulting solution must be slightly foamed and rinsed with a brush there. As a result, the pile is thoroughly washed under running water. When the cleaning agent is completely washed off, the villi are slightly squeezed out without disturbing their shape.

How to dry your brushes properly

The tool has been washed. The brushes should then be dried away from various heat sources. We place them horizontally. Be sure to put a towel on the surface, and wipe the handle dry.

Under no circumstances should you put undried tools in a glass, as water will get on the base and fasteners, which will lead to the destruction of the adhesive base. The most favorable conditions for drying brushes are gradual drying, without using high temperatures. Remember this.

How to use the blush brush

When performing makeup, you need to understand that applying blush, like other decorative cosmetics, is a conditional rule. The whole process is individual for each girl and the characteristics of her face.

However, make-up artists do not get tired of repeating that the blush line must be smoothly laid from the ear cavity to the nose (it is cut off without completing it). There are basic criteria for "sculpting" different types of faces:

  • Elongated. The look will be most harmonious if the blush is applied in a horizontal line from the middle of the nose to the middle of the ear.
  • Round. The line should be drawn from the ear downward, thinning it. With this trick, the face can be visually made narrower.
  • Triangular. In this case, all lines should expand towards the center of the face. At the edges, they are made narrower (the cheekbones are expressive).
  • Square. A line of blush is drawn to the nose obliquely from the ear cavity.

The choice of a brush for blush depends not only on the quality of the make-up made, but also on the time it takes to complete it. Therefore, it is worth taking this issue seriously. If blush in a cosmetic bag can be inexpensive, then the brush must be of high quality (from a reputable manufacturer). Simple tips will help you make the right choice. Your task is to purchase an instrument that is optimal in terms of price and quality ratio.