When does the belly begin to grow during pregnancy (second)? Photos by week, reviews of expectant mothers. Additional growth factors of the abdomen during pregnancy

Thoughts about pregnancy often lead to the appearance in the subconscious of a picture depicting a expectant mother with a big belly, where the baby is comfortably located. Having decided to give birth to a second child, every woman is puzzled by how much earlier than the first time, she will start corresponding changes in appearance, and when the belly begins to grow during the second pregnancy.

What explains the woman's interest in the volume of her belly?

Such questions arise for several reasons:

  1. It’s interesting when people around him find out about a woman’s pregnancy.
  2. By the time when the tummy was designated, one can judge whether the pregnancy is proceeding normally.
  3. Some of the size and shape of the abdomen hope to find out the sex of the unborn child.
  4. Every woman wants to know at least approximately in what month she will need special clothes.

General features of carrying a second child

All this is very important for the expectant mother. It is necessary to figure out what exactly affects the period when the belly begins to grow during the second pregnancy.

Photos of women expecting the long-awaited birth of a baby and being at the same time show differences in volumes. During the first pregnancy, on average, an increase in the abdomen falls on the 16-18th week. Slender lovers of tight-fitting clothes are "declassified" at once. But those around them may not be aware of the changes in the position of a magnificent woman until she goes on maternity leave, that is, almost until the 25th week. It turns out: despite the fact that the uterus increases in everyone according to the same laws, outwardly it manifests itself in different ways.

Why is the belly bigger the second time?

There are several more reasons that affect the increase in the abdomen in circumference and, as a result, a change in the appearance of a woman:

Anatomical specifics of a woman giving birth again

All of the above is fair and objective. And yet, the scenarios for the development of the first and second pregnancy are different. The first childbirth brings irreversible changes to the female body. This fact allows us to highlight the reasons that affect the change in the circumference of the woman's abdomen.

Wanting to know when the belly begins to grow during the second pregnancy, you should not take into account the reviews of mothers who have already given birth again. As well as when carrying the first child, for each pregnant woman, the timing of the appearance of the tummy can vary significantly. However, mainly during the second, it will become noticeable earlier by about 4-6 weeks, that is, others will be able to rejoice at the changed position of the woman a month faster.

The reason for this is that the uterus after the first birth does not return to its original state, which is quite normal. Therefore, in thin women, the tummy will begin to be seen at 12 weeks. And let friends and relatives in its shape vying with each other to argue about the gender of the baby who is to be born!

Location of the uterus

In addition, it is impossible to say unequivocally when the belly begins to grow during the second pregnancy (a photo by week helps to see a tangible difference in the increase in volume).

But changes in the position of the abdomen will certainly affect the timing. The uterus will now be located much lower than in the first pregnancy. As mentioned above, during the first pregnancy, the muscles of the pelvic floor, abdominal wall and ligaments were severely "damaged" before and during the first birth, and are no longer so vigorously holding the abdomen. On the one hand, this makes it easier for the pregnant woman: she is less bothered by heartburn, nothing hinders breathing. On the other hand, the lower spine and pelvic bones suffer. A bandage can help here, which can only be bought on specialized sites or in a pharmacy. And only the one that the doctor advises.

Everyone has it differently: reviews of pregnant women

When the belly begins to grow during the second pregnancy (reviews of women can become an invaluable source of information), many also note the differences in the shape of the belly. On the forums they write that basically, for the owners of a narrow pelvis for the second time, it sags more and looks shallow, and it drops much later. This discourages those who like to tell fortunes on the sex of the child according to the shape of the abdomen. None of them can assume that it is not a girl who comfortably develops in the rounded belly, which greatly increases the mother's waist, but, on the contrary, a male baby.

The mothers themselves claim that it is more difficult for them, who are pregnant for the second time, to hide their position, since the belly becomes noticeable earlier than the first time. This is confirmed by the women themselves. They admit that when the belly begins to grow during pregnancy, the second baby becomes the object of congratulations a whole month earlier.

Negative experience of a previous pregnancy

It happens that the previous bearing of the fetus is interrupted, and the woman does not manage to give birth to the baby. It is no coincidence that, worrying about the current baby, the mother, being in the early stages, will look forward to changes in her own appearance, and at the next appointment she will ask the doctor when the belly begins to grow in the second pregnancy after a miscarriage. Usually, there are no differences in the volume and timing of the appearance of the abdomen depending on the outcome of previous pregnancies.

Mandatory visits to the gynecologist

Women try to figure out when the belly begins to grow in the second pregnancy. And their desires are not always associated with the desire to find out the gender of the child or to acquire the appropriate clothes on time. The doctor is very interested in this information, whose attention to pregnant women should in no case be neglected. To give birth to a healthy baby, you need to regularly attend the receptions of the gynecologist leading the pregnancy, where he will feel the tummy, measure it with a tape and a special device.

And all the above signs will help him not in guessing the sex of the child, but in deciding how the pregnancy is proceeding, are there any reasons for concern and a threat to the baby. This was the first time and it will be so in all subsequent pregnancies. Every mom, regardless of whether it happens for the first or second time, should go through this period under the supervision of a doctor: take tests on time, observe the diet and physical activity.

A few words in conclusion

If the changes taking place in the uterus correspond to the accepted norms, neither the size nor the shape of the abdomen will in any way affect the health of the mother and her baby, and even more so will in no way affect his gender.

For parents who are impatiently waiting for the birth of a baby, it does not matter at all whether it will be a boy. And when the belly begins to grow during the second pregnancy with twins, there is definitely no limit to the happiness of expectant mothers and fathers. By the way, this happens quite early, and it will not be difficult to guess why. And yet, the main thing for parents is to help every baby be born healthy and on time.

During pregnancy, each woman's body undergoes changes that are common to everyone and individual for each individual woman.

These changes include hormonal changes in the body, instability of the psyche and mood, changes in the work of internal organs and changes in metabolic processes.

An obvious symptom of pregnancy is an enlarged abdomen. In the process of bearing the fetus, the belly grows gradually, with constant acceleration.

How the belly grows during pregnancy

For all girls, the belly increases in different ways, and that is why in this matter you should not rely on the experience of any friends and acquaintances.

The dynamics of the increase in volumes can tell the attending physician about many features of the woman's body, because this process is responsible the most important reproductive organ of the female body is the uterus. The increase in this organ is primarily associated with the development of the embryo.

In the classical course of pregnancy, the uterus should significantly exceed its weight before pregnancy (approximately 10 times), increase in size, a thicker bloodstream should develop in it and amniotic fluid should appear.

Oxygen is supplied to the embryo through the blood if the abdomen is small, then the fetus does not have enough oxygen, hypoxia (oxygen starvation) begins, this condition is dangerous for the embryo.

If the tendency to enlarge the abdomen is not within the boundaries of the usual indicators, then this may indicate abnormal amounts of amniotic fluid and sometimes even an ectopic pregnancy.

A pregnancy such as an ectopic is very dangerous for a woman's life. Such a pregnancy usually does not lead to the formation of a fetus.

With this pregnancy, the fetus begins to develop outside the uterus., often in the fallopian tubes. The reason may be that the egg did not leave the tube and did not attach to the placenta.

An important indicator of an ectopic pregnancy is that in this case, the size of the woman's abdomen increases, not corresponding to normal indicators. That's why in the presence of an ectopic pregnancy, as a rule, an abortion is performed.

How quickly the belly grows during pregnancy

All the fair sex are very individual, but there are fairly reliable statistics stating that a visually noticeable increase in volumes occurs at 4-5 months of pregnancy.

So, at a 12-week period, the fetus has a length of 5-6 cm with a weight of only about 30 g. And at a 16-week period, the fetus reaches a size of approximately equal to 12 cm, and in weight it can reach 100 g.

Also, if ultrasound is carried out for a short time, then it is possible to notice that the fetus will occupy almost the entire internal cavity of the uterus, and the amniotic fluid will be practically absent. At a later date, the fetal waters will occupy a significant space.

At what week of pregnancy does the belly begin to grow in thin girls?

An increase in the size of the abdomen in slender women can be seen at 16 weeks. During this period, the fruit has a mass of approximately equal to 100 g.

In thin girls, the belly is visible for short periods., this is due to the fact that the capacity of fat deposits is small. This is why the growth of the abdomen becomes visible.

At what week of pregnancy does the belly begin to grow in obese girls?

Fruiting of overweight girls becomes noticeable much later. Pregnancy can be hidden for up to 25 weeks, and this is a fairly substantial period.

This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that the thickness of the fatty tissue is large, and it is capable of hiding the position for a long time.

When the belly begins to grow during pregnancy

The process of enlarging the abdomen is dependent on:

So, for example, if the fetus is placed in the uterus in close proximity to the spine, then the abdomen may become visible a little later. It should be borne in mind that many have increased gas production during pregnancy.

Remember that it is impossible to establish the exact date in which week of pregnancy the belly begins to grow.

When the belly begins to grow during the first pregnancy

Often during pregnancy for the first time, the belly grows slowly. Growth becomes visible by 14-16 weeks. This phenomenon depends on the fact that during the first pregnancy, the muscles of the press are strong and elastic, it is able to hide the fetus for a sufficient time.

Same way in primiparous women, the abdomen has a characteristic ovoid shape. Under the breast, the belly is more convex and pointed towards the top. This is also due to the elasticity of the muscles.

To make sure at what week of pregnancy your belly begins to grow - keep a diary and visit your doctor regularly.

When the belly begins to grow in the second pregnancy

With repeated pregnancy, the belly appears much earlier. than during pregnancy for the first time. This can often be explained by the fact that the muscles are weakened, they are less elastic than before childbirth.

Also, with repeated pregnancy, the belly takes on a saggy shape. It differs significantly from the belly of a primiparous woman. Such a belly is one palm below the chest and one palm above the pubis.

Such shape and location are determined by weakened abdominal muscles, the state of the uterus and some other factors.

Also, if a repeated pregnancy happened after a short period of time after the previous one, then the muscles of the abdominal cavity will not be able to fully recover and the abdomen will look a little saggy.

When the belly begins to grow during pregnancy with twins

If a woman is pregnant with twins, then her the position may become noticeable as early as 4 weeks of fruiting... But such a rapid increase in the abdomen can also confirm polyhydramnios, a large fetus, or chorionepithelioma.

Chorionepithelioma is a neoplasm that develops from the tissues of the placenta. It is a formation consisting of small bubbles.

Growth of the abdomen during pregnancy by months

The growth of the abdomen is gradual. The most important effect on this process is the growth of the uterus.

Before pregnancy, the weight loss of a nulliparous woman is no more than 100 g, and by the end of pregnancy it can reach 1000 g. Also, the weight loss increases up to 500 times.

In parallel with the increase in the term, the amount of fetal waters increases. In the early period, the fetus occupies almost the entire uterine cavity, the amount of fetal fluid is very small.

The size of the uterus corresponds to the size of a chicken egg in the first month of pregnancy, the entire space in it is occupied by the ovum, the amniotic fluid is practically absent. Pregnancy at such a short time is visually invisible.

The fertilized egg has a size of 22 mm in 2-2.5 months. And the uterus reaches the size of a goose egg, the amount of amniotic fluid becomes equal to 30 ml. In some pregnant women, it is possible to notice an increase in volumes at this time.

By three months, the length of the fetus can be up to 7 cm. The mass can be up to 25 g. The size of the uterus is approximately equal to the size of the head of a newborn baby, and the volume of fetal fluid becomes equal to 0.1 liters. The fundus of the uterus can be felt through the abdominal wall during this period, it rises to the edge of the pubic articulation.

It is impossible to know for sure at which week of pregnancy the belly begins to grow. It is only possible to roughly calculate this individually for you.

By four months, the length of the fetus can reach up to 12 cm, weight - 100 g. The bottom of the uterus will rise, now it will be located at an equal distance from the navel and the pubic eminence. The volume of fetal waters will increase to 0.4 liters. The abdomen during this period of pregnancy is quite clearly visible.

By five months, the fetus can reach 26 cm, and by weight up to 0.3 kg. The embryo is already developing genitals, and it is possible to determine the sex of the unborn child quite reliably. The fundus of the uterus continues to rise, now its level will be approximately 2 fingers higher than the navel.

By six months, the length of the fetus can reach 30 cm with a mass of 680 g. The bottom of the uterus rises to the level of the navel. The woman's belly is already quite visible, since the mass of the fetus reaches a fairly large mark. Also the waist increases by about 20 cm.

At 28-30 weeks (7 months), the uterine fundus rises 3 fingers above the navel, the weight of the fetus can be 1.2 kg with a corresponding length of 35 cm. At this time, the belly is quite noticeable.

By thirty-two weeks, the bottom of the uterus will be located at an equal distance between the navel and the xiphoid process (the shortest and narrowest part of the sternum). Fruit length can be 42cm with a corresponding mass of 1.7 kg.

At 37-38 weeks, the abdomen acquires its greatest volume. The fundus of the uterus rises to the costal arches and the xiphoid process. The volume of fetal water is 1-1.5 liters and at that time it is maximum.

By the time of forty weeks, as a rule, the fundus of the uterus descends and is established between the navel and the xiphoid process at the same distance. During this period, the volume of fetal waters sharply decreases, from about 1.5 l to 0.8 l. In the event that a woman is postponing a child, then the volume of fetal water may be less than 0.8 liters.

The body weight of a full-term baby at the time of birth is at least 2.6 kg and no more than 5 kg, and the body length should be between 48 and 54 cm.

Be careful! It is necessary to very carefully monitor the growth process of the abdomen and all accompanying processes, since a belly that is too small or too large can indicate various pathologies.

If the abdomen is smaller than normal, then this may indicate fetal malnutrition. A phenomenon in which embryonic growth is delayed. Also, slow growth trends in volumes may indicate a lack of water.

Causes of low water:

  • hypertension;
  • preeclampsia;
  • diseases of the excretory system of the embryo;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • other factors.

Same way inconsistency with the parameters may indicate pathology of the uterus... If the position of the embryo is transverse, then the abdomen may be below normal in size. With such a presentation of the embryo, birth is impossible in a natural way.

If the abdomen is more than normal, then this may indicate polyhydramnios. The usual volume of fetal water is approximately 2000 ml, and the volume with the phenomenon of polyhydramnios can even reach 12 liters. Such a pathology, most often, can occur due to diabetes mellitus.

But a large size can also indicate multiple pregnancies, but it should be borne in mind that such a pregnancy is quite dangerous. The risk of all sorts of complications increases. The abdomen can enlarge rapidly if a large fetus develops.

Factors affecting the growth of the abdomen during pregnancy

Growth in the size of the uterus (uterus)

The size of the genital organ increases throughout pregnancy. Before pregnancy, the weight of the uterus corresponds to no more than 100 g, and by the end of pregnancy it increases to 1 kg. The internal cavity can be enlarged up to 500 times.

Uterus is pear-shaped at the beginning of pregnancy, and by three months it increases up to 3 times and becomes more rounded.

Already in in the third trimester, the uterus becomes ovoid. Over the entire period of fruiting, a dense network of blood vessels develops in the uterus and the oxygen regime increases.

Embryo growth process

Throughout the entire period of gestation, the embryo is constantly growing. Body weight and length are constantly increasing. All systems develop in it, especially the circulatory system.

Interesting fact! A pregnant woman does not feel the presence of a fetus inside her in any way until it starts to change position and push.

Increase in the amount of amniotic fluid

During pregnancy, the amount of fetal fluid is constantly increasing in uterus. Their presence is extremely important for the development of the embryo.

With anomalies such as polyhydramnios and oligohydramnios, you should carefully monitor the course of pregnancy... This is necessary in order to prevent possible developmental pathologies.

Weight gain

Many pregnant women put on significant weight gain. And this affects the size of the abdomen. The more the woman has gained weight, the larger the belly will be.

Presentation - the position of the embryo in the uterus (uterus)

If the ovum is attached to the anterior wall of the uterus, then the abdomen will be larger compared to the position of the ovum, which is attached closer to the spine.

Hereditary indicators

Heredity has a great influence on the process of carrying a child.

If the woman's relatives noticed the appearance of the belly later, then it is most likely that the woman herself will notice the growth of her belly too late.

Body type

Growth, firmness and muscle strength, and body weight have a significant effect on abdominal enlargement.

Strong and elastic abdominal muscles are able to hide pregnancy for a long time.

How the belly begins to grow during pregnancy: photo

The growth of the abdomen is an important indicator of the normal course of pregnancy. Therefore, it is important to monitor this process.

If the belly grows too quickly or, conversely, slowly, then it is worth undergoing an additional examination in order to exclude the development of pathology.

In this video, you will find out in which week of pregnancy the belly begins to grow.

This video will provide you with useful information regarding belly changes during pregnancy.

Gynecologists adhere to the average indicator when the belly begins to grow during pregnancy. This period falls on 4 months, at 16 weeks.

Women think they know why the belly grows during pregnancy. They associate this with the embryo.

In fact, taking into account the individuality of the growth of the abdomen, the gynecologist can determine the nature of the course of pregnancy.

Medical indications

The process when the belly begins to grow in pregnant women is associated with several factors:

  • the rate of growth of the embryo;
  • enlargement of the uterus;
  • an increase in the volume of amniotic fluid.

Gynecologists and scientists believe that it is impossible to determine at what stage of pregnancy the belly of a particular patient begins to grow.

In doing so, you can study the factors affecting the degree of growth of the abdomen. This will make it possible to roughly calculate the time of manifestation of this phenomenon.

Gynecologists believe that during the first pregnancy, the belly will begin to grow less quickly than during subsequent conceptions. This phenomenon is associated with the elasticity of the muscles of the peritoneum.

During the second and subsequent conceptions, a large belly is actively growing. How long does this phenomenon last? The period of abdominal enlargement starts from 6 weeks.

The growth rate is influenced by the anatomy and physique of pregnant women. If the tummy began to grow quickly, why is this happening?

A similar phenomenon is observed in women with a narrow pelvis. This occurs in the first weeks of the second trimester.

If pregnant women have a wide pelvis, the belly should grow later than in the previous case. To understand at what time the belly begins to grow, an ultrasound scan is prescribed to determine the location of the embryo.

If it is located at the back of the genital organ, the belly will begin to grow slowly. When will it be seen? Pregnancy will be noticed during 6 months.

The period when the belly begins to appear is influenced by the size and number of embryos. At what week does the belly begin to appear with twins?

This period falls on the 11th week of pregnancy. In what month does the uterus stretch very quickly? A similar clinic is observed at 5-6 months.

By 32 weeks, if pregnant women have twins, the uterus reaches its largest size. To prevent problems with late gestation, it is recommended to use a bandage.

Embryo size

To find out where the belly begins to grow during pregnancy, an ultrasound is prescribed for weeks. With its help, the parameters of the fetus of the ovum are determined. How long can this be done?

It is allowed to identify the ovum in the 1st month of pregnancy, 2 weeks after its development. Most often, the diagnosis is carried out at 5-7 weeks of pregnancy.

Where is the embryo during this period of pregnancy? Its location is the uterine cavity. At this time, the egg has a diameter of 4 mm.

How long and how weekly does the fetus begin to grow? Gynecologists identify generally accepted indicators of embryo development throughout all months of pregnancy:

  • at 8 weeks, the diameter is 22 mm;
  • at 12 weeks, the embryo is 7 cm long and weighs 25 g. The uterus is filled with an egg;
  • at 16 weeks, the length of the fetus is 12 cm, and the weight is 100 g;
  • Where does the belly grow from for 20 weeks? This is due to a very rapid stretching of the muscles of the uterus against the background of fetal development. In this month, its length is 26 cm, and its weight is 300 g;
  • at 24 weeks, the fetus lengthened to 30 cm, and the weight increased to 680 g;
  • when the length of the fetus reaches 42 cm, and the weight is up to 1700 g, the gynecologist gives the woman 32 weeks.

Under the influence of some factors, deviations from the gestational age are observed.

Uterus size

Why does the uterus always grow in pregnant women? In the first period of pregnancy, the uterus resembles a pear. Where does the belly grow from during pregnancy, starting from the second month?

This is due to the development of the fetus, the formation of the skeleton. Pregnancy in the second half proceeds with a rounded uterus, and in the third trimester, an ovoid shape is observed.

When does the belly start to grow at a rapid pace? This period occurs in the last trimester. The volume of the uterine cavity increases 500 times relative to its original size.

During the specified period, the muscle fiber lengthens and thickens very quickly. At 7 weeks, the vascular network of the uterus increases.

To determine the value of the above parameters, obstetricians use external research methods. To do this, you will need to measure the amount of standing of the fundus of the uterus.

When this organ does not extend beyond the pelvis, the value of the parameters is determined by conducting a vaginal examination. This can be done during any week of pregnancy.

When is the height of the state of the uterine fundus determined? This is done at every examination by a gynecologist. At 4 weeks, the size of the uterus is a chicken egg.

Pregnancy at 8 weeks is determined by the size of the uterus in a goose egg. When does the size of the uterus begin to grow, reaching the upper limit of PM? This period occurs at 12 weeks of gestation.

When can you feel the uterine fundus through the anterior wall of the peritoneum? This can be done at 12 weeks. When is the uterus located between the navel and the pubis? This arrangement is noticeable for 20 weeks.

After the indicated period of pregnancy, the uterus drops below the navel. The belly begins to grow rapidly. How does the belly grow during pregnancy after 24 weeks?

In subsequent periods, the uterus is located at the level of the navel. Where does the height of the uterine fundus decrease from? Such a clinic is observed with the transverse finding of the fetus during pregnancy. In this case, independent childbirth is impossible.

The parameters of the genital organ may differ from the norm if multiple pregnancies are detected. This phenomenon carries a high risk of developing various complications.

How does the belly grow during pregnancy with increased polyhydramnios? In this case, it can grow against the background of an excessive amount of amniotic fluid, which exceeds the norm by several liters.

A similar pathology during pregnancy often develops in patients with diabetes. Where does this pathology come from?

This is due to impaired absorption of sugar, Rh-conflict pregnancy. The condition in question requires constant monitoring by doctors.

The belly can grow faster than normal if the fetus is large. This phenomenon is a consequence of a genetic nature, diabetes.

In such conditions, urgent treatment is required. Such changes are associated with different growth rates of the main indicators of the uterus.

In case of identified deviations during pregnancy, a comprehensive examination is shown. Such a clinic indicates that the pregnancy is pathological in nature.

Amniotic fluid

The amount of amniotic water begins to increase unevenly. In the first period of pregnancy, the volume is 30 ml, and at 14 weeks this figure begins to grow to 100 ml.

Pregnancy at the last stage is characterized by the amount of water in 800 ml. If the pregnancy is postponed, the abdomen decreases against the background of a decrease in the indicator in question.

Pathological parameters

The abdomen should grow during pregnancy, taking into account the above parameters. If he begins to show pathological signs, an unscheduled ultrasound scan is required.

In the first stage of pregnancy, the uterus cannot be felt through the peritoneum. If during this period it grows, not corresponding to the average parameters, there may be an ectopic location of the embryo.

If the abdomen with the uterus grows excessively, the patient may have a swelling. In this case, the fetus dies. To save the woman's life, surgery is indicated.

Later, the rate of increase in the uterine day may lag behind. This phenomenon is observed with malnutrition. In this case, the fetus appears with a weight of less than 2600 g.

Low water can also provoke deviations in the size of the uterus. This deviation is typical for women with hypertension, infection, inflammation, preeclampsia.

Normal forms

Considerable attention is paid to the pregnant woman in the second half of the gestation period. In this case, the doctor examines the abdomen, its shape. If there is a normal pregnancy, the belly is ovoid.

For polyhydramnios, a spherical abdomen is characteristic, and for a transverse presentation - an oval of the corresponding shape. The abdomen takes on a specific shape in the 3rd trimester.

This is especially noticeable in women in labor with a narrow pelvis:

  • during primary childbirth - it acquires a sharp end built up on top;
  • during subsequent childbirth - it has a saggy shape.

Some women believe that the shape of the tummy can determine the characteristics of the course of pregnancy. But scientific data and studies have not confirmed this fact.

It has been proven that the tummy will be noticeable to others only by the fifth month of gestation. In this case, the growth of the embryo begins earlier than this period.

Therefore, gynecologists advise all expectant mothers in this special period to be more attentive to themselves.

Uterine growth and stretch marks

It has been proven that the skin in the abdomen is stretched, taking into account the increase in the period of bearing the baby. But will this process pass without traces for a woman?

Stretch marks mean damage to the skin. The extent of this process depends on the rate of growth of the uterus. But dermatologists believe that the characteristics of the mother's skin lead to the appearance of stretch marks.

Naturally, the likelihood of their appearance increases several times when the fruit is impressive in size. Rapid weight gain or polyhydramnios are prerequisites for the appearance of stretch marks.

Scientists have proven that the determining factor is the elasticity of the fibers in a given area of ​​the body.

To prevent the appearance of striae, especially during the period of intensive enlargement of the uterus, which occurs in the last stages of gestation, it is recommended to use means to improve the condition of the skin.

This group includes special cosmetics for expectant mothers, which include vitamins E and A, as well as components that improve the blood circulation of the skin.

Since the skin of pregnant women is dry, the use of moisturizers is indicated. Also, such formulations will prevent the appearance of stretch marks.

Additionally, massage is prescribed, which at the same time will improve blood circulation in the abdomen.

The massage is performed according to the following method: stroking the abdomen in a circular motion, while pinching the skin along the entire periphery of the uterus.

If the doctor has confirmed the threat of miscarriage, massage is contraindicated. Otherwise, against its background, the tone of the uterus will increase.

If, during the next examination by a gynecologist, the above abnormalities and pathological conditions are revealed, the pregnant woman is included in the risk group.

She may be offered to go to the hospital for storage. If the deviations are amenable to therapy, the patient maintains rest at home. Against the background of the deterioration of the condition, a second examination is carried out.

Useful video

Every woman knows that her body will change significantly during pregnancy. The chest will grow, the belly will enlarge and be rounded, the waist line will be smoothed, and the weight will be added. Most of all, expectant mothers pay attention to a growing tummy. How does a woman's figure change during pregnancy?

Abdominal enlargement rate

First of all, a pregnant woman should remember one simple thing: it is not the belly that grows by itself, but the uterus along with the baby. Developing in the womb, the child gradually gains weight and gains in height. The uterus is a muscular organ, and it stretches to accommodate the changing size of the fetus. Following the uterus, muscles, ligaments and skin are gradually stretched. From the outside, it seems that a woman's belly grows, although in fact her whole figure is changing: chest, waist, hips, buttocks and other parts of the body.

The growth rate of the abdomen will be uneven at different stages of pregnancy:

I trimester

For up to 12 weeks, the uterus, together with the embryo, is in the pelvic cavity and does not go beyond the pubic arch. At 4-5 weeks of gestation, the uterus reaches the size of a chicken egg, at 8-9 weeks it resembles a goose's egg in size and shape. For a period of about 12 weeks, the uterus reaches the edge of the bosom.

At the end of the first trimester, no visible changes in the figure occur. In some women, the waistline is slightly blurred, the hips are rounded, and the chest is enlarged. The abdomen in most cases remains flat, invisible under normal clothing. There is a slight increase in weight. In case of severe toxicosis, on the contrary, loss of body weight is possible.

II trimester

Starting from 16 weeks of pregnancy, an attentive observer may notice some changes in the figure of the expectant mother. The growth rate of the abdomen will depend on the gradual enlargement of the uterus:

  • 16 weeks - the uterus is located midway between the pubis and the navel;
  • 20 weeks - the uterus is 2 transverse fingers below the navel;
  • 24 weeks - The uterus reaches the navel.

After 16 weeks, the doctor begins regular measurements of the height of the fundus of the uterus (VDM) and the circumference of the abdomen. Normally, the BMR should increase by 1 cm every week. An insufficient increase in WDM indicates a possible delay in fetal development. Too high location of the uterus occurs with polyhydramnios.

Abdominal circumference is a fairly variable sign. There are no strict standards for measuring coolant. The lateral size of the abdomen will depend on the woman's initial weight, dietary habits and physical activity during pregnancy. It is important that every week the coolant increases by a few centimeters compared to the previous examination.

At 16 weeks of gestation, the uterus is above the pubic arch. The tummy protrudes slightly, and many women have to switch from tight clothes to blouses and loose-fitting dresses. At 20 weeks, the tummy becomes noticeable, there is a definite roundness in the navel area. At 22-24 weeks of gestation, the belly clearly protrudes forward. It will be possible to hide the growing tummy at this time only under very loose clothing.

III trimester

After 24 weeks, the uterus continues to grow rapidly:

  • 28 weeks - the uterus is 2 transverse fingers above the navel;
  • 32 weeks - the uterus is in the middle of the distance between the umbilical ring and the xiphoid process of the sternum;
  • 36 weeks - The uterus reaches the xiphoid process of the sternum.

Many women find that their belly grows unevenly. For a period of up to 22-24 weeks, it is barely guessed, but then it grows and becomes unambiguously rounded in almost one or two weeks. Such changes are associated with a spurt in fetal growth and rapid stretching of the uterus during this period. Most women during this period have to change their wardrobe and completely switch to loose-fitting clothes.

What determines the growth rate of the abdomen?

The growth rate of the abdomen will not be the same for different women. Several factors affect the rate of change in the figure of the expectant mother:

  • number of previous pregnancies and births;
  • number of fruits;
  • the size of the fetus;
  • fetal position;
  • amniotic fluid volume;
  • food habits;
  • physical activity during pregnancy;
  • individual characteristics of metabolism;
  • original height and weight;
  • the condition of the muscular corset of the anterior abdominal wall.

During the first pregnancy the tummy grows more slowly. This is due to the fact that muscles and ligaments are stretched gradually, getting used to changing conditions. In pre-pregnant women, the belly becomes noticeable only after 24 weeks. During the second and subsequent pregnancies the belly is rounded and protrudes already after 20 weeks.

The growth rate of the abdomen is also influenced by the initial body weight of the woman. The thin ones expectant mothers tummy becomes noticeable much earlier than women who are prone to overweight. At the same time, the uterus increases equally quickly in those and in other women. The difference lies only in the external perception of the figure. Changes in the size of the abdomen are noticed more quickly in thin women, while the rounded tummy of fat ladies becomes visible much later.

The visual perception of the size of the abdomen also depends on the height of the woman. Tall and thin enough expectant mothers for a long time do not notice any special changes in the figure. Often, the belly of such women seems small, which entails unnecessary anxiety for doctors and even leads to an incorrect diagnosis. Conversely, in short women, the belly seems huge, especially when the growing fetus is large.

The shape and size of the abdomen is also affected by the condition of the muscular corset of the abdominal wall. In women involved in sports, the abdominal muscles are stretched rather slowly. Their tummy becomes visible after 26-28 weeks, especially during the first pregnancy. In expectant mothers leading a sedentary lifestyle, a rounded tummy appears much earlier.

The number of babies in the womb also affects the size of the abdomen. With multiple pregnancies, the belly of the expectant mother will be significantly larger than that of a woman expecting one child. The size of the fetus also affects the shape of the abdomen. With developmental delay and low fetal body weight, the woman's belly will be small (less than the required size at this time). A large baby, on the other hand, will cause a woman's belly to grow rapidly. Too large a stomach also occurs with polyhydramnios (excess amniotic fluid).

The size and shape of the abdomen is also influenced by the location of the baby in the uterus. If the baby is in a transverse or oblique position, the abdomen will increase mainly in circumference, while the height of the fundus will lag behind. You can clarify the location of the fetus during an ultrasound scan.

The mother's eating habits also affect the size of the abdomen. Addiction to flour, fried and fatty foods leads to rapid weight gain and a significant increase in the proportion of adipose tissue. In such women, the stomach will appear larger due to the rapid increase in subcutaneous fat.

Thus, big belly occurs in the following situations:

  • multiple pregnancy;
  • large fruit;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • overweight;
  • poor nutrition and low physical activity.

Small belly may indicate such conditions:

  • low weight and height of the fetus, due to genetics;
  • delayed fetal development;
  • transverse or oblique location of the fetus in the uterus;
  • lack of water;
  • underweight women.

The doctor will be able to find out the exact cause of possible deviations after examining the patient.

Ask hundreds of pregnant women when their tummy began to grow, and you will get all kinds of answers. 8 weeks, 9, 10, 12 weeks, 15 or 18 weeks - the range is so wide that it seems impossible to find a middle ground. Some even call the terms funny from the obstetric point of view. On the Internet, you can find reviews on the forums, as if already at 2 weeks the stomach began to bulge and round out.

Unlike their wards, obstetrician gynecologists know very well when the belly of pregnant women begins to grow. But the exact dates, nevertheless, cannot be named anyway, since the rate and severity of such physiological changes depend on a large number of different factors.

The abdomen can also bulge forward in a non-pregnant woman, but during the period of gestation, this happens for completely different reasons. With the course of pregnancy, the size of the fetus, the volume and weight of the uterus, the amount of amniotic fluid, and all this together lead to the formation of a round tummy, characteristic only of pregnant women, increases all the time. Since all the described processes occur predictably, and not spontaneously, doctors can name the approximate time when the belly of pregnant women begins to grow. On average, it is 15-18 weeks, but people around begin to notice the pregnancy of a woman from the twentieth week.

However, it is quite normal if, already at the 13th week of pregnancy, women begin to notice the outsiders, or, on the contrary, when at 5 months the belly is only slightly rounded, as if the woman had just had a hearty lunch. Because the size, volume and growth rate of the abdomen is influenced by multiple factors.

So, during the first pregnancy, the tummy is most often shown only by 16-18 weeks, because before this time the abdominal wall "tries" to restrain its bulging with its muscles.

If the placenta is attached to the back of the uterus, then the tummy will remain invisible to the eyes of others for longer. Consequently, when fastening along the front wall, the woman's special position will become noticeable earlier.

There are other factors that affect the physiological parameters of pregnant women, and we will talk about this a little later.

But before 12 weeks, the belly (in the conventional sense) still cannot grow, obstetricians say. Because only by this time the uterus, together with the fetal bladder and the embryo inside, begins to rise up and go beyond the pelvic ring. Before that, it is located below the pubic bone and simply cannot grow forward, "into the stomach."

Throughout the first trimester, it remains deep in the pelvis and simply does not reach the abdomen, and therefore cannot bulge forward in order to be noticeable. This happens with the beginning of the second trimester, when the uterus rises up into the peritoneum - now the gynecologist will begin to measure its standing height and abdominal circumference, since both of these parameters are of great diagnostic value.

If it seems to you that already at 4-5 or at 6-7 weeks a tummy is visible, then the reason for this is most likely disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract: bloating, stool retention, and others. It is possible that the expectant mother is simply unable to assess the situation objectively, and sees what she wants to see, and not what is in reality. In addition, the accumulation of fat, which is necessary for the nutrition of the baby, begins. And many expectant mothers have an increased appetite, which is why they start to eat more - and, of course, the belly grows too.

Be that as it may, many mothers admit that already at 9-10 weeks they have to wear clothes for pregnant women, because the zippers on the pants no longer fasten ...

When the belly begins to grow during the second and third pregnancy

Obstetricians note that during the second and subsequent pregnancies, the tummy becomes noticeable a little earlier than during the first - on average two weeks, that is, already at a period of 14-16 weeks. This is due to the fact that in women who have already given birth, the abdominal wall is stretched by a previous pregnancy, it is not as elastic and elastic as in those who have not yet given birth. She is unable to hold the uterus protruding from the inside for a long time and, under her pressure, it is fed, stretching faster and easier. For the same reason, women who go in for sports and have a trained abs stay slim longer.

The larger the fetus, the more likely it is that the belly will appear earlier and will have a larger circumference than women carrying tiny babies.

It is quite logical that when carrying a multiple pregnancy, the volume of the abdomen also begins to increase earlier. Already at 12-14 weeks, it can become rounded, since the uterus with several fruits enters the peritoneal region earlier. But still, the difference is often more noticeable in the later stages, when babies begin to actively gain weight before birth.

When the belly begins to grow during pregnancy in thin and overweight

Completion, physique, massive bones, the thickness of the layer of subcutaneous fat, the presence of excess weight - all these factors affect the size of the abdomen and the timing of its appearance in pregnant women.

So, it is believed that pregnancy in overweight women remains unnoticed longer than in thin women. On a flat or sunken belly, the changes occurring inside it will be seen faster than behind the "pad" of fat. However, in practice, this does not always happen: many thin women do not observe any changes in their figure for several months from the beginning of conception, and even then they have a small belly. This is because not only this factor determines the rate and degree of belly enlargement. As we have said, the embryo can simply be deeply planted.

Also, the size of the pelvis also affects the timing of the appearance of the abdomen. Obstetricians say that with a narrow pelvis, pregnancy does not go unnoticed for long - the tummy quickly becomes visible.

Whenever a tummy appears in your case, you have no reason to worry if you regularly visit a gynecologist, undergo all scheduled consultations and examinations. An experienced doctor can suspect any deviations and inconsistencies in size during a routine examination. So just enjoy your special position, because this time will fly by very quickly ...

Especially for - Margarita SOLOVIEVA