Whom it is customary to congratulate on Valentine's Day. Valentine's Day. Traditions and customs. Original Greetings on Valentine's Day

Valentine? Love is in the air, and people confess their feelings. To do this, you don't even need to pronounce the words, you can say everything with an eloquent look, and you will undoubtedly be understood. Romance, flowers, gifts, heart-shaped sweets and burning loving eyes ... Do you know where and when Valentine's Day came to us?

history of the holiday

This holiday has existed for a very long time - more than 1500 years. So, on February 14, Valentine's Day in Europe began to be celebrated somewhere in the 13th century. America joined the celebrations in 1777. The countries of the former Soviet Union discovered Valentine's Day for themselves only in the early 90s.

So, whose holiday is this and why is it called that?

This story begins in 269 in the Roman Empire. Then the state was ruled by the harsh emperor Claudius II. And the main goal of the Empire was the conquest of lands. The sovereign military leader faced the problem of shortage of soldiers in the army for military campaigns. And Claudius II found an explanation for this - marriage. The emperor came to the conclusion that the legionnaires, whose wives and children are waiting at home, are less interested in the victories of the Motherland. Where should they think about conquests, when they need to take care of feeding their families. And Claudius II found a wonderful, as he thought, way out: he issued a decree prohibiting marriage. Thus, he tried to maintain a soldier's morale.

However, the ban on starting a family could in no way prevent men from falling in love. And, fortunately for the legionnaires, there was a man in the empire who supported them. It was a Christian priest from the city of Terni - Valentine. Despite the strict prohibition of the emperor, he secretly performed wedding ceremonies of legionnaires with their beloved in his church. Probably, Valentine was a real romantic, since he not only united people by marriage, but also helped the lovers in every possible way: he helped compose tender messages and gave flowers on behalf of the legionnaires to the objects of their passion.

Of course, everything floated out and became known to the Emperor. And since in the Roman Empire the law was above all, the activities of the priest were sharply suppressed. Valentine was put in jail. And soon the emperor signed a decree on the execution of the priest.

The last days of Valentine, which he spent in prison, are shrouded in an aura of romance. They say that the daughter of the chief of the guard was in love with him. However, Valentine, who gave an answer to her feelings, could not. On the last night before being hanged, February 13, he sent her a letter in which he told about his feelings. The girl read the message only after the execution of her lover.

Saint Valentine

Valentine's Day is named after him. Of course, there is no evidence that everything was exactly as described above. After all, no material evidence of this has survived. But it is clear that the young Christian priest died in the name of love. And for his short life, so much of this feeling was released to him: love for a beautiful woman, for God, for the people he helped. He was a wonderful person with a huge soul, striving to do good. It is not surprising that Valentine's Day is named after him.

Later, the Catholic Church considered Valentine a Christian martyr who died for the faith, and declared him a saint. And in 496, Pope Gelasius I announced that February 14 was Valentine's Day.

However, with the reform of the worship of 1969, St. Valentine was removed from the Catholic liturgical church calendar. The same was done with some other saints, about whose life there was no reliable information. However, even before that time, the church did not approve of the celebration of this day.

Celebrations of love

Valentine's Day is a holiday that has existed for more than 16 centuries. However, since the 18th century and much earlier, the most diverse national celebrations of love have been known.

There is a version that the first was the Roman festival of eroticism Lupercalia. It was held in honor of the goddess Februat, who was considered a symbol of "feverish" love. The purpose of this celebration was to find your other half. Therefore, at the end of it, many new marriages were created.

The day before the feast of Lupercalia, which was held on February 15, was celebrated the triumph of the Roman goddess of motherhood, marriage and women - Juno. On this day, all unmarried girls had to write and put it in a large urn. And men - draw out a letter. It was believed that every man had to take care of that beauty, whose ardent and passionate message he got.

In ancient Greece, the holiday was called Panurgy. It was a festival dedicated to the deity Pan, who was considered the patron saint of flocks, fields and fertility. Pan was portrayed as a little merry fellow playing the pipe and chasing beautiful nymphs with his love.

All of the above is a pagan contribution to Valentine's Day. Whose holiday served as the basis, it is not possible to determine. Most likely, the pagan traditions of different peoples are reflected in the modern celebration.


At the end of the 17th century, an English court chronicler recorded that Valentine's Day is a holiday during which lovers can exchange passionate notes, present each other with all kinds of gifts, such as rings, sweets, gloves, cakes, etc. But there was an important condition: all souvenirs are in the shape of a heart. Whether this was actually so is unknown, but, most likely, it was from there that the tradition began to send special messages on such a day - valentines.

Today this word refers to love letters in the form of hearts. Valentine's cards cannot be signed. The recipient himself must guess who she is from.

On Valentine's Day, people want to show their feelings and tenderness to their soulmate. They give roses, symbolizing love, send cute cards, make an offer. It is a celebration of love all over the world. But every country has its own Valentine's Day traditions.

and Italy

On February 14, both the French and Italians traditionally give flowers and gifts. The difference is, perhaps, in the choice of the latter.

In France, jewelry is considered the best Valentine's Day gifts. In extreme cases, jewelry is also suitable. The French were the first to come up with original and popular today all over the world congratulations on Valentine's Day - rhymed quatrains. France is a land of love. And its inhabitants justify such a name. February 14 is an abundance of flowers, gifts, pink and declarations of love.

An Italian holiday is a sweet day. Traditionally, it is customary to arrange a sweet treat for your loved ones. Therefore, cakes, sweets, chocolate, yoghurts and other goodies are used.

Love and Germany

What is Valentine's Day in Germany? You will be surprised. But February 14 for the Germans is a holiday of the mentally ill.

On this day, services are held throughout the country at which people can pray for the health of mentally ill loved ones, as well as for the peace of Valentine's soul. The orderlies decorate the wards and corridors of psychiatric hospitals with scarlet ribbons. Therefore, if you see a beautifully decorated building on this day, you should know that this is a “psychiatric hospital”.

But lately, German youth have been striving to imitate the rest of the world. And even if unofficially, it still celebrates the holiday of love. In Germany, a pig is also added to the traditional European symbols of the celebration. All kinds of figurines in the shape of this animal, chocolates, soft toys and much more are used.

Celebrations in the USA and Canada

Valentine's Day traditions in America are mostly similar to those in Europe. But still, the main gift for loved ones on this day are red roses. Statistics have shown that in the States on February 14, 20,000 roses are sold per minute. And more than a million of these beautiful flowers are bought a day!

Children are also happy in the holiday - the script of all school plays and plays. The guys dress up as angels and deliver valentines addressed to both classmates and teachers. By the way, a lot of weddings take place in the USA on this day. The famous city of Las Vegas, located in the state of Nevada, is especially popular.

In Canada, on February 14, a girl can propose to her beloved man. And if he decides to refuse, he will face sanctions: from a fine to imprisonment! This does not apply to those representatives of the stronger sex who have already found their soul mate. But if a person is free and decided to refuse a lady in love with him, he will be dragged into a "jail".

A holiday of love in Britain

Real English gentlemen give roses to their ladies. And certainly scarlet. And women who have not yet found their lover prefer to do fortune-telling. It is believed that if you stand near a window on the morning of February 14 and look at an empty street, then the first passer-by who appears on the horizon will look like your future husband. If the girl has time to call him, then he may even become one.

The British are famous for their quirks. They congratulate not only their soulmates, but also pets. Horses and dogs are especially fond of. On February 14, you can buy heart-shaped food in pet stores to please your pets.

Love day in japan

This holiday in Japan is somewhat similar to our day on February 23rd. Japanese men receive many more gifts on this day than women. The girls present their lovers with wallets, razors and the obligatory Honmei chocolate. Such sweet gifts came from the largest confectionery factory of the same name. It is believed that "Honmei" chocolate can only be presented to the most beloved man. So this is a kind of recognition.

In Japan, a competition is held annually on February 14. Young people go up to a special rostrum and shout words of love to their girls, as far as they can. Of course, a valuable prize awaits the winner.

Love traditions of Denmark and Holland

On this day, festive parties dedicated to St. Valentine and all lovers are held throughout Denmark. Numerous concerts, game shows, exhibitions are held. The whole country is celebrating. The Danes have an interesting tradition. On Valentine's Day, men send a dried flower with which their beloved is associated. So girls learn a lot about themselves and about the tastes and fantasies of their chosen ones.

If you really want to get married, you need to go to Holland. There is a tradition there that on February 14, if a girl made an offer, she cannot be refused. Of course, tying a man in marriage against his will is unlikely to work. But even if the offer is refused, then there is an opportunity to ask the chosen one for a silk dress. Moreover, any brand and at any price. No man can refuse this. The only condition is that the dress must be red. It is believed that only such an outfit can comfort an outcast woman. So the Dutch women in any case will not be left out.

Friends day

In Estonia and Finland it is Friendship Day. Of course, lovers celebrate it too. But the peculiarity of the holiday is that real friends also receive cards and gifts. This is done so that almost everyone can join the holiday, not just happy lovers.

One way or another, but on this day, as in the whole world, people send valentines, cute little things, gifts, soft toys, sweets and other gifts made in the shape of hearts. Flowers are less popular here, as practical Finns and Estonians prefer material expressions of their feelings of love and friendship.

Ban on love

Iran and Saudi Arabia are the only countries in the world where Valentine's Day is officially banned. The traditions of the holiday are considered here pernicious and pernicious, confusing young minds. Saudi Arabia even has a Commission for the Prevention of Sin and the Implementation of Virtue. It was she who issued the decree banning the celebration of Valentine's Day. The commission concluded that "this Western holiday exalts man's original sin."

Therefore, all shops and supermarkets of the country on February 14 are not entitled to sell flowers, valentines, plush toys and any other attributes of the holiday. And everyone who decides to celebrate this celebration will face a huge fine.

Valentine's Day in Russia

As mentioned above, in Russia Valentine's Day is celebrated not so long ago. However, many have already liked the holiday. Especially those who are in love. Russia has already developed its own holiday traditions. This day is perceived as a triumph of joy and love. In all corners of the country, lovers send valentines, present gifts and flowers, arrange romantic evenings by candlelight and date under the moon.

By the way, Russia also has its own Valentine's Day. The Orthodox holiday is called Valentine's Day. Russians celebrate it This holiday is a tribute to the legendary love of Fevronia and Paul. And in 2008 he was declared official of fidelity and love.

    Who makes the rules? Only you and no one else!

    It is not interesting to congratulate the way everyone does it the same way. Come up with your own way so that it is different from everyone and is a surprise for your partner. It will be much better than someone else's rules.

    A really interesting question. I receive Valentine's Day greetings in the form of messages from many people. The daughter prepares a bunch of valentines and gives them to everyone she knows. It always seemed to me that this was a holiday for two. The meaning of the holiday is not very clear to me personally, and I think that I am not the only one.

    My opinion on this matter is that only Catholics Catholics should congratulate. This is a Catholic holiday, not an Orthodox one. People here like to celebrate all days, if only there was a reason to drink. Here is Valentine's Day and St. Patrick's Day, and Halloween, and so on ... And the Russian holiday of lovers - July 8 - Day of Peter and Fevronia, as well as the day of family, love and fidelity. But no, we need to celebrate Western holidays ... You can't drink in the Orthodox. Americans don't celebrate our holidays, so why do we celebrate them? Maybe then we will celebrate Christmas twice - December 25 and January 7?

    By the way, Saint Valentine was a homosexual)

    I will also answer. I will give information from Wikipedia:

    As you can see, the main purpose of this holiday is to recognize the special relationship of a couple in love with each other, for which they give gifts and beautiful postcards with such confessions. Those who love and love are the main heroes of the occasion.

    This holiday is loved and desired by those who once again want to show their chosen ones how dear they are, how madly they love them and want to be together always.

    However, on this day, both schoolchildren and students send valentines to each other. These congratulations are not always dedicated to beloved ones (it is still too early to talk about this at school in the middle management). Personally, I am not against such congratulations if they bring joy to those who congratulate and receive such congratulations.

    My answer is: for Valentine's Day couples in love congratulate each other according to the rules(guy and girl, husband and wife, etc.). And those who sympathize with each other.

    It seems logical to me to congratulate only your beloved (beloved) or acquaintances who are in a relationship with someone at the moment. To congratulate single people on Valentine's Day is somehow absurd, in my opinion.

    This holiday is for a happy couple. For a man and his woman. A celebration of the love that exists between them. I would say - this holiday is a small reminder of the fact that love exists and must be cherished.

    I do not understand when neighbors congratulate on Valentine's Day, neighbors of neighbors and so on. But most of all it mows when the men congratulate each other. Really, do not play around.

    February 14 is Valentine's Day, it is also called Valentine's Day. But this holiday has nothing to do with church holidays. Therefore, I think you should not congratulate on this holiday deep believers people, they may not understand you correctly.

    On this holiday, usually, they congratulate their acquaintances, friends and, of course, your loved ones - a boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife. It is also customary to give various notes of love content, postcards in the form of red hearts with wishes.

    This question is interesting to many). I think that the answer suggests itself. Of course with Happy Valentine's Day people who love each other can congratulate themselves.

    Loved the best answer)). In fact, I also don’t understand when colleagues and neighbors congratulate each other on this day. It just looks weird. It's one thing if people joke like that; another, if they perceive this day as an ordinary holiday.

    In my opinion, The 14th of February is more of a romantic and intimate holiday. A day that is only for a loving couple.

    On February 14, every year, a very romantic atmosphere is created - flowers, hearts, an abundance of soft toys, perfumes, romantic dinners). But I will repeat once again - this day is for two loving hearts, not otherwise.

    Love is a great power. Falling in love is even greater. People needed a holiday dedicated to this feeling. Love between a man and a woman. Rather, one’s falling in love with another. And they came up with a holiday, canonizing a suitable saint and hanging him with touching legends. This was done by none other than some powerful lover. Here are them, lovers, and you need to congratulate.

    For information: in the calendar of the saints of the Roman Catholic Church since 1969, there is no day of commemoration of St. Valentine February 14.

    This is a holiday for two!

    For those who are in love or in love.

    It's great that there is such a holiday in our country, albeit borrowed from the West. So what? After all, it is so pleasant to watch when there are couples in love in cafes, gifts, confessions around, these are all positive actions.

    I remember when I was in school, we introduced a tradition - they hung a large mailbox in the form of a Heart downstairs in the lobby and threw anonymous letters there with confessions to whom and what class. We waited so. Then we counted who had more. Sometimes without even guessing from whom! It was interesting!

February 14 is coming soon. Someone does not have a second half, but this is not a reason to lose heart! After all, it is on this day that you can meet your happiness (at least in a drunken state).

Valentine's Day
Congratulations to all your loved ones!
Those who love and love
Whose love we keep in our hearts!
I send valentines around the world
I go to all ends of the planet ...
I wish everyone happiness!
Happy Valentine's Day, friends!

No one to give love on February 14? You apparently forgot about the most important person - about the one who gave birth to you and was there when you were sick.

On February 14, I'll take a bottle of champagne and drink to those who still believe in love ... Happy people ...

I have a dream that the two of us are drinking vodka under the fence .. this is such a damn picture, Happy Valentine's Day.

On Valentine's Day, I’ll bring from the store, not a pie, not sausages, but ... panties with hearts!

February 14 will be the day when the girls will be divided into two types: some will roar and plump, while others will take pictures of their bouquets ...

A real girl should not have a rag next to her, but a real man! Only a mop is worthy of a rag!

The 14th of February. Some lonely girls say that they don't need anyone and the holiday is nonsense. And I so want to be told that day, “You know, I love you so much”.

February 14 ... I hope that there will be more people who will enjoy this day than those who will listen to the player and say "It's just a day."

For most, February 14 is a normal day, but deep down, everyone hopes for something more.

Yes, be loved and love yourself, both in summer and in winter, mope with love so that there, on the transcendental kingdoms of the peaks ... prayed for you and love, Valentine.

On Valentine's Day, don't go without Vaseline. Maybe you or you ... Only this is all loving.

I love the smell of coffee in the morning, beautiful stories, fallen leaves and writing your name with my finger on a foggy window ... And I also love you ... Happy Holidays.

Everyone who is in love today
Celebrate and rejoice
Spread your wings wider
Love, live, kiss!

Valentine's Day is not supposed to be shy. I will now, you brute, will express my feelings to you!

I wish you sex, affection and intimacy - on Valentine's Day.

On this day, I will receive a bunch of unnecessary cards and gifts, but not a single declaration of love.

February 14 is Valentine's Day, happy couples congratulate each other .. and I'll go buy chocolate or Rafaello and give it to myself ...

There are so many plans for February 14, I really don't know where to stop: watching movies, sleeping or surfing the Internet.

Love is the only thing that is so complex and so simple at the same time.

Saint Valentine is honored by the earth, the planet has gone crazy with love. And I will go, wanting only you. My love, save me soon!

On February 14, all with couples, and I with the hope that you love me and we will be together again always always ...

Why does a citizen have a protruding trouser leg on Valentine's Day? No, he is not a maniac at all, he is bringing brandy to the department!

It took me just a moment to realize that I want to spend an eternity with you.

Why are you sad, silly? Why do you dream of him? He's not worth you baby. He's not completely in love with you. You will grow up and be happy. There will be a sun in your heart. Be patient, there will be a boy in life with whom you two will be good.

Let everything in life pass by, except for money and intimacy! Happy Valentine's Day!

The day of lovers is coming - a holiday of passion and fire. Do not forget to congratulate me alone on Valentine's Day!

I love February ... Severe frost, your hands on the waist, your "love" on Valentine's Day ... And spring is coming soon!

I paint valentines and sign with other people's names.

Confessions, wishes, congratulations. Anger, pangs of jealousy, doubt. Sometimes I am angry, but sometimes I do not sleep, all because I love you!

Observe the laws decorously, hurry up to honor traditions: on Valentine's Day you will certainly sin!

Stolen hearts cannot be returned or exchanged!

Confessions, wishes, congratulations. Anger, pangs of jealousy, doubt. Sometimes I am angry, well, and sometimes I do not sleep, all because I love you!

So what, that February 14 is coming soon? A bottle of champagne in splendid isolation and dancing until the morning. For now, apparently enough.

Valentine's card ... Some kind of colored paper, in the shape of a heart ... Because of this piece of paper, I have been happy for almost two years with him ...

I sincerely congratulate you on Valentine's Day, Happy eyes, illuminated with love! Let the sadness melt like a winter snowflake, Valentine will help you with this!

Cold February is not a problem for love! Valentine's Day in the soul of two forever!

I believe in the witchcraft of love, in its mysterious power, and on Valentine's Day I send you my impulses.

I wanted to write a lot, I wanted to, but I won't! I'll just write one thing! I love and will not forget!

I find out in surprise that it's time to give gifts - Winter holiday for all lovers will certainly be hot!

Valentine's Day
On the eve of any holiday, each person begins to think about how exactly to congratulate a dear person, so that the congratulation is original and memorable. Valentine's Day is just around the corner and many are already starting to think about how to congratulate their soul mate.

Valentine's Day greetings - how to do it?

Valentine's Day greetings are important to the person who accepts them. They go from the heart and be sincere.

And how difficult it is at times to do it, the stomach cramped from the worries, the knees were shaking and the palms were sweating nervously. And after all, all experiences are fully justified. After all, everyone who on this day tries to express their feelings is afraid that suddenly there will be no reciprocity in return and so want everything to be good.

Let's try to figure out what kind of congratulations on Valentine's Day should be and how they can be presented to this or that person.

To congratulate a girl in the same way as a guy, in fact, is not possible. Just like you will not congratulate a friend like your grandfather. Indeed, when choosing a congratulation, it is necessary to take into account the individuality of each person whom you plan to congratulate. After all, the person for whom on this day you are preparing a confession is probably very close and dear to you.

Original Greetings on Valentine's Day

Do you want an original congratulation? Then it's worth showing your imagination. Of course, the inscription on the asphalt under the window is trivial, but if you haven't done it before, then your soul mate will be very pleased. And you can think of a huge number of such options for congratulating on Valentine's Day, because this holiday does not tolerate constraint and severity.

If you are a girl then Valentine's Day greetings should be permeated with tenderness and love.

Men are only so strong and harsh in appearance, in fact, deep down in their souls, they are also vulnerable and expect warmth and love from you, because an affectionate word is always pleasant. As a present, you can present something that he loves most. Do you like cool cars? No problem, give him a miniature model of your favorite car and wish that he will soon have the same one. And there are a million such options.

For a man, a gift for a girl is much more difficult, so if you are afraid of offending with your gift, suddenly it does not fit, then it is better to present something neutral.

And of course, on Valentine's Day, the main and traditional present is valentines - cards in the form of hearts, of which there are an incredible number today with a wide variety of wishes and confessions.

February 14 is an ancient holiday, the mention of which is found in the history of Ancient Rome. On this day, the pagans worshiped the patroness of marriage - the goddess Juno. On the holiday, the girls wrote their names on parchment and mixed pieces of paper in a common basket. The guys took turns dragging the notes, thus choosing a companion for the coming year.
In 496, the Pope declared February 14 as Valentine's Day. There are many legends telling about the exploits of the one whose name the holiday is named after. Valentine's Day reached its peak in popularity in the 18th century. Then young people began to give each other beautiful cards in the shape of hearts, made with their own hands, in which they wrote exciting declarations of love and poems.
Now this romantic holiday is celebrated in many countries; it has firmly taken its place in the calendar. In our country, this holiday began to be celebrated everywhere quite recently, but on the other hand, with what pleasure! After all, this is an excellent reason to once again confess your love to your dear person.
The February holiday is the best herald of the upcoming spring, it makes loving people closer and show attention to each other. A good mood on this day is guaranteed to those who do not expect miracles, but try to create them for those around them.
Valentine's Day is a beautiful, romantic and very touching holiday. On this day, I want everyone around to be in love and happy! Hurry up to congratulate your beloved soul mate on Valentine's Day! Choose your favorite greetings with beautiful postcards and warm wishes in verse or prose, which will certainly delight and delight your loved one!

Let the ice floes melt in your heart from the sincere "Valentine"!

Valentine's Day
My wishes:
Happiness, joy, good luck
And, of course, love!

I am sending a "valentine"
I will put a kiss in her
Let it fly to my beloved -
I will say about my love!

Love each other now, there will be no other life like that!

I will write to you about love with a gentle ray of the sun,
Where the dawn breaks, in your quiet house, on the glass.
On Valentine's Day, spring will smile at you from afar
And so gently will warm my love in February ...

Valentine's Day
Also in any other,
I feel happy
If you are next to me!

I wish you happiness on Valentine's day
And the sun's rays to boot!
Let the shadow disappear from the smile on your face
Love on the wings will bring good luck!

The heart does not choose just anyone, it feels native!

Happy Valentine's Day, congratulations
I wish you happiness, joy!
And I also wish everyone
Many bright changes!

Thanks for those lips
Thank you for these hands!
Thank you my beloved
For being in the world!

Let them say that we men
Are insensitive, sadness is alien to us,
But on Valentine's Day
I confess my love to you!

If you cannot love - sit, be friends!

Happy Valentine's Day! I wish you pure, true, faithful, mutual, devoted, sincere and endless love! Endlessly enjoyable evenings and delicious passion every day! Affectionate words, crazy hugs, intoxicating kisses, gorgeous flowers, burning candles and long-awaited events! And let the loving eyes shine with happiness brighter than all the stars in the sky!

Happy Valentine's Day
Intoxicated, illumined
Feelings beautiful
The most powerful.
God forbid you to part,
Enjoy eternal happiness!

I am sending a "valentine"
In the form of my heart.
But take a closer look at the picture:
There you will find yours.
After all, there are miracles:
There was a heart - there are two!

Love those who paint a smile on your face!

Valentine's Day is one of the most voluptuous, warm, sensual, gentle and romantic days of the year. There are so many beautiful legends and stories associated with this holiday, and this is not surprising, because this is a celebration of passion, love and all lovers! And on this special February day, I wish that in your life there will always be that very person who will give you happiness, fill your life with picturesque colors and feelings! He will take care of you, appreciate, adore and pleasantly surprise you every day. May the magic of this day give you true love!

Have a pleasant evening
There is a wonderful reason!
Congratulations my sun
Happy Valentine's Day!

Let, like a piece of ice on the palm,
Winter fatigue will melt!
May Valentine's Day
Will give happiness, laughter and joy!

True love is when you want
take not into your bed, but into your life!

There is a person with whom I meet
I don't remember myself, and a shiver goes through ...
And now a rainy snowy evening
In which you will enter with thoughts of him.
Such bad weather washes away everything:
And a happy life, and my bitter ...
I am left alone with nature
But in my thoughts I am sad about him.
Everything merges with you when we meet,
You are mine, in dreams and in reality.
But every year, on a certain evening,
I look into your eyes, like in a mirror.
It gets dimmer over time
There is a layer of dust on it - thicker and denser,
I would be a little bolder -
It would have been yours long ago.

I'm in this valentine
I want to confess my love.
You are the best!
Glad to try for you!

Valentine's Day
I'm waiting for the second half.
You alone are important to me!
I need more life!

He truly loves you who secretly prays to God for you.

This story has a long way to go.
That was a long time ago. Ancient Rome.
Valentine's hand
Love secretly carried two.
He's a lovers relationship
Ritual in the church consecrated.
Crossing the line of the law
He himself suffered from the denunciation.
Although February at times
The spiritual shepherd was executed
Forever the name is golden
Remained among the holy names.
When the last snowflakes
Circling, drawing mirages.
We send "valentines"
Those whose love we value!

The music of the rain whispers your name.
Your name drops the sky.
How my heart misses without you
Only the sky, only the rain understands!

Not complicated, very simple,
An unforgettable toast:
"May they be with us again and again
Hope, Faith and Love! "

We wish you all happiness and love, spring in your soul, light in your heart!

Fate commanded me to be yours,
And you can't say no to her.
I am yours as long as you love me:
One year or a thousand years!
I am yours while you wait
Until you grieve for me.
I want to give you so much of myself
How much can there be in the world!

Valentine's Day
I am writing to you about love:
You are divinely beautiful!
I breathe you alone!

Valentine's Day
On this bright holiday of ours,
Congratulations and kiss
Many, many, many times!

Life is beautiful when the soul is full of love!

Thank you fate
That many years ago
Like a clear dawn
Yours gave me a look!
Let the cold outside the window
But if you are near
Any house warms up
Flowers are blooming in the snow!

There is no warmer than your hands
There is no lighter than your eyes.
May there be no parting
Tears, sorrows with us!

February 14 is a holiday, after which it is not the head that hurts, but the heart.

I'm going crazy with love.
My whole life is in vain without you.
Without your eyes, without your lips,
I'm so unhappy without your hands!
I don’t understand: but why
Fate gives me meetings with you
So that every time I see you,
To be sad when the evening comes ?!

Happy Valentine's Day
I hasten to congratulate you!
Smile more
I ask you this day!

May Valentine's Day
Will give a joyful meeting
Flowers and cute surprises
Nice, romantic evening!

On this holiday, reckless with love, let him demolish the "tower"!

"I love you," the foliage quietly whispers to me.
“I love you,” the wind says to me.
I love you, and every day - more and more!
I love you, may God forgive me!
I love you - and the sun shines brighter.
I love you - and it's more joyful to live.
I love you, and sincerely, believe me!
I love you and I cannot forget!

You are the brightest ray of light!
Flower - you are heavenly, no more beautiful!
And I love you for that ...
There is no other such in the world!

Your smile is like a sip of water
For a traveler in a hot desert.
I want you to smile more often
And I flew, inspired by love!

Believe me, happiness is only where they love us, where they believe us!

I want to hug you and calm you down
To touch your lips
Not in thoughts - in reality,
And whisper in your ear:
"I am with you ... Love me,
I love you so much!"

Congratulations on February 14!
And may this day, shining in the rays,
Will make your dreams come true
I sincerely wish you:
Flowers, love and beauty!

Let there be snowflakes outside the windows,
For those who love - eternal May!
In my heart "valentine"
Read the three eternal words!

May the sun shine on Valentine's Day
let love invigorate and inspire you!

My dear, congratulations on Valentine's Day! One day when I become a millionaire ... No, a billionaire! And then ... Oh, what awaits you then! For Valentine's Day, I tell jewelers to make a heart-shaped pendant out of a huge ruby ​​and, decorating it with platinum and diamonds, write our names on it in gold ... Here ... It remains only for me to get rich ... But with my beloved woman for a man, no nothing is impossible! In the meantime, let me just congratulate you, hug you tightly, kiss you sweetly and present you with what I chose, focusing on your cherished desires! My beloved! I beg! Smile more often, just as adorable as you do now!

Happy Valentine's Day
Happy eyes, illuminated with love!
Let the sadness melt like a winter snowflake
Will help you with this "valentine"!

You were given to me by fate
Happy Valentine's Day!
Beloved, always be with me
Live in love and prosperity!

February 14 is a reminder that there are 14 days left until spring.

You appeared so unexpectedly
I lit my heart with love.
I am very grateful to God
What did he give you to me!
I don't know what I deserve
As cute as you
For which fate handed me a prize
Such heavenly beauty ?!
And what should I pay off with,
What price to pay
So that you remain only mine
So that I can be happy ?!

How many stars are there in the sky
How many pebbles are in the water
So many sweet kisses
I am sending you!

There is only one day of the year:
Feast of the feeling of light.
Let Valentin do it
All cherished dreams!

On this wonderful romantic holiday, when through the blizzard winter you can already hear the timid breath of spring, when hearts awaken for love, on the eve of the thaw, I want to congratulate you with the warmest and most sincere words on Valentine's Day! Probably, it is on such days that delicate snowdrops are born. And I wish that the first spring flowers bloom in your soul, giving way to new or old, but most importantly - great light and pure feelings! Life is love, therefore life is impossible without love! I wish you not only on holiday, but also to receive signs of attention every day, to love and be loved! Let among the festive "valentines" be the one from the only beloved and important person in life, and let everything work out!

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