Synopsis of a lesson in ecology in the middle group. Abstract of GCD on ecology in the middle group "Forest is our common home

Educational tasks: to consolidate the knowledge of middle-aged children about seasonal changes in nature, the behavior of wild animals and birds in the fall;

Activation of the speech dictionary, the creative potential of children;

Development of mental processes: memory, attention, thinking, imagination.

Middle group of kindergarten

Course of the lesson

1.Organizational moment

Children enter the hall to music, the teacher conducts psycho-gymnastics with them:

We folded palm to palm

And they offered to be friends with each other.

We will study, play,

To become smart, kind.

Educator: Do you guys like to guess riddles? Now I will show you a schematic puzzle. And you have to guess - what is it?

(the teacher shows the mnemonic table, explains his show)

It has a round shape, there are mountains, forests, rivers, people, animals, birds live on it.

Children: Earth.

Educator: That's right, guys - this is our planet Earth. And what's that?

The teacher shows the globe.

Children: Globe

Educator: Guys, what colors are there on the globe? What do you think they mean?

(children's answers)

Educator: Well done!

Green - forests;

Blue - water;

White snow;

Yellow is earth.

Look, guys, there is a red signal in the forest.

Someone asks us for help. Do you agree

go on a trip? Then let's go!

2. Main part

The children get up from their chairs and walk up to the teacher.

Educator: Before going to the forest, let's remember what can not be done in the forest?

(Children take ecological leaflet signs and explain the meaning of each sign) you can go on the road. Let's close our eyes and say these words: "We turned around, circled, and we found ourselves in the forest!"

(Music sounds. The curtain opens and the children find themselves in the autumn forest).

Educator: Guys, where did we end up with you? (Children's answer).

Educator: But for some reason no one meets us. The forest is dark and boring. No, no, look - Lesovichok is sitting! (draws the children's attention to the Lesovichka doll on the screen). Hello Lesovichok! Did you ask for help?

Lesovichok: Hello guys. Trouble is in our forest! The playful breeze flew into our forest, played naughty and flew away. Birds scared everyone, broke the clock of the seasons. The animals are not preparing for winter, they are jumping, playing, they don’t know what to do. Tuchek caught up, the sun is not visible at all, that's why it's so boring, sad and not bright in our autumn forest.

Educator: Don't worry, Lesovichok. Guys, can we help Lesovichk and the forest dwellers?

(children's answers).

Educator: But for this we must try very hard. We have a lot of things to do to restore order in the forest. Let's not waste time. For the forest clock to run, you need it ...

(children's answer)

Educator: By what time of year can you

refer this picture? Indicate with an arrow what time of year it is. (Children arrange pictures according to the seasons and at the end of the assignment they attach an arrow to "Autumn", the music of the working hours sounds).

Educator: Well done, guys, the forest clock runs regularly and the season "Autumn" is accurately shown.

Educator: Now you need to help the squirrel, tell me, guys, how does she prepare for the winter?

Children's answers.

Educator: Let's collect mushrooms for the squirrel for the winter. Will we only pick which mushrooms? (Answers of children)

Music sounds, children collect dummy mushrooms, name the mushroom and put it in the basket)

Squirrel: Thank you guys! I played too much, I completely forgot to make supplies for the winter, because autumn will end soon, winter will come.

Lesovichok: You helped the little squirrel, now the birds need help. They gathered in a flock and do not know who should leave and why.

Educator: Guys, will we help the birds? Where should some birds fly in the fall?

(children's answers)

Educator: Let's play a game.

Migratory birds game

Now, just hear the word "Winter" - migratory birds will fly to the birch tree, and wintering ones - to the Christmas tree.

Little birds (children fly and flap their arms like wings)

Small birds

They fly through the forest

The songs are sung.

A violent wind has come, (hands up, swing from side to side)

I wanted to take the birds away.

The cold is coming (children fly up to their tree)

Winter is coming.

Children in caps of wintering and migratory birds are divided into 2 groups. Educator: Well done, guys! Now migratory birds know that it is time for them to fly to warm lands, and we will help the wintering birds, feed them.

A bunny appears on the screen. Educator: Guys, who is this? Children: Bunny.

Educator: You see, he is not preparing for winter either. What does he need to do for the winter? (children's answers)

Educator: Let's help the bunny and his family, prepare white coats for them. Children come to the tables and paint over the silhouette of a bunny with white paint (against the background of soft-sounding music). At the end of the work, the bunnies are exhibited on the panel "Autumn Forest". After the children have completed the work, the sun appears on the curtain to music from behind a cloud.

Lesovichok: Thank you guys! It is joyful and light again in our forest. For your good deeds I want to give you a gift.

Surprise moment

Lesovichok gives children a basket of sweets

3. The final stage.

Educator: Guys, it's time for us to thank Lesovichka, and in parting we will give him our dance with leaves. Children dance with autumn leaves.

Lesovichok: Thank you, friends, goodbye!

Educator: Guys, it's time for us to return to kindergarten. Let's close our eyes and say all together: "Turn around, turn around, and we found ourselves in the garden!"

Did you guys enjoy the trip? You were great today! Tell me, who did we help and what did we do? (children's answers)

Educator: And now we will go to the group and try a treat from Lesovichko.

Explanatory note... In preschool childhood, the foundations of the personality are laid, including a positive attitude towards nature and the world around us. The kindergarten is the first link in the continuous environmental education system. Therefore, our teachers are faced with the task of forming the foundations of ecological culture in preschoolers. I have developed a summary of the educational activities of the ecological cycle.

Educational area: Cognition.

Integration: Communication, Artistic creation.

Activities: cognitive and research, communicative, motor, productive.

Form - conducting: activity - travel.

Children's age: middle group (4-5 years old)

Targets and goals:

1. To clarify the idea of ​​children that water is very important for all living beings, plants, animals, humans cannot live without it (people need water for eating, drinking, washing their bodies, objects that are in the room);

2. To educate children about the meaning of water in human life: water is the source of life; water is necessary to maintain and ensure human life;

3. To instill a respect for water;

4. To activate and enrich the children's vocabulary with nouns, adjectives and verbs on the topic of the lesson.

5. To cultivate a moral and aesthetic attitude towards the world around us, to cultivate a correct attitude towards our health.

Enrichment of the dictionary: travel, companion, water pipes, boiled water.

Material: doll "Kapitoshka", drops of water (large and small), three containers for the experiment, a funnel, a poster depicting factors confirming the need for water on Earth; ready-made templates for the aquarium, pasta - fish.

Preliminary work: memorizing poetry about water; viewing illustrations; reading fairy tales, informative literature about water; observation in a corner of nature for fish in an aquarium (water change), for flowers (watering); joint production of the collage "The sun, air and water are our best friends!"

Course of the lesson

1. Organizational moment

Hello dear guys! I'm glad to see you. Let's remember our motto: “From the blue brook

The river begins

And the game starts with a smile! "

(children speak with the teacher)

2. Game situation

Guys, someone is in a hurry to visit us! Who is this?

This is a droplet called Kapitoshka.

Our guest introduced herself to us, and now let's, and we'll give our names. (Each child picks up a doll (picture) and says his name)

And she came to visit us to visit her droplet sisters who live in our group.

Guys, let's show Kapitoshka where the droplet sisters live, what they do with us and what benefits they bring. And we will celebrate the little sisters with beautiful paper droplets.

3. Travel-search for droplets by group

(Children walk through the group making stops)

In a corner of nature: near plants.

Flowers must be watered, they are alive, without water they will dry out, wither, they need water. (Glue a big drop)

At the aquarium: the fish live in water, without it they will die, they need a lot of water to swim. (Glue a big drop)

Guys, what kind of water do fish need clean or dirty? You need to look after the fish, clean the aquarium, change the water, make sure that the fish are comfortable in it.

Near the sink (sink): the teacher's assistant needs a lot of water to wash the dishes, dust off, and clean up in the group. (Glue a big drop)

In the play corner: water is needed to wash dirty toys and to wash dolls' clothes. (Glue a big drop)

At the table on which there is a decanter of water: water is needed so that we can drink it. (Glue a big drop)

In the toilet room: water is needed so that children can wash their hands and face, and fulfill the necessary hygiene requirements. (Glue a big drop)

Guys, now let's count the droplets that live in our group room so that Kapitoshka knows how many there are.

(All together they count the droplets)

Here is Kapitoshka, how many droplet sisters live in our group, which bring us great benefit. And we promise to take care of them with the guys, and not to waste water in vain, to use it for its intended purpose.

4. Physical education

"The fish splashed merrily

In warm, sunny water.

They will shrink, unclench

They will bury themselves in the sand! "

(movements are performed with musical accompaniment)

5. Exercise for the eyes

For - For - For - keep your eyes. Follow the movements of your finger

Right left.

Zu - Zu - Zu - I saw a wasp. Draw a large circle in the air with your hand.

Sa - Sa - Sa - a wasp sits on the nose. Put your finger on the tip of your nose

Follow with a glance.

Ay - Ay - Ay - blink your eyes. Blink your eyes quickly.

Bai - Bai - Bai - close your eyes tightly. Close your eyes tightly.

6. Experimental activity "How to make water clean"

Water from a large river flows through special pipes and goes to our kindergarten and to your homes - these pipes are called water pipes. In order for you and me to drink clean water, wash our face and wash our hands, you need to save water - not waste it. If you wash your hands or face, remember to turn off the tap.

Guys, now look: in front of you are two containers of water. Do you think the water is the same in them?

No! In one container, the water is clean, and in the other, it is dirty.

Guys, what kind of water would you like to drink - this or this? And why?

Because the water here is clean, but in this decanter it is dirty. You need to drink clean and boiled water.

Let's all together try to purify dirty water. To do this, take a funnel, put a piece of special paper in it and start passing dirty water through the funnel. See what we get. The water became clear.

What happened to our paper? She got dirty.

7. Facial massage

Water, water, wash my face. Rub your cheeks with your palms.

To make your eyes shine. Swipe your fingers without pressing on the closed

eyes from the inner edge of the eyelid to the outer.

To make your cheeks blush. Use your fingertips to gently tap on


So that the mouth laughs. Massage your chin with your fingers.

To bite a tooth. Massage the weight with your thumbs.

8. Joint activities

Guys, what kind of water do you think fish can live in? In a clean one.

Guys, I have a little magic aquarium with clean water. And the goldfish lives in this aquarium. But she is very sad to be alone and she asks us to help her make new friends. I suggest the guys put new fish in the aquarium. Our fish from pasta, on an adhesive base. Please place them all over the aquarium.

But first, let's do gymnastics for the fingers so that they work well.

9. Finger gymnastics "Rain"

Rain, rain drip, yes drip (With the finger of your right hand, touch the palm of your left hand, imitating droplets)

Don't drip like that anymore! (With your left hand, touch the palm of your right hand, imitating droplets)

Stop watering the earth (Threatening with index finger, negative sign)

It's time for us to go for a walk! (Simulate steps with two fingers of each hand)

10. Practical activity. Children distribute the fish around the aquarium. Individual assistance. The guys work to the music.

Look what a beautiful aquarium we have, how many fish there are in it, now the goldfish will not be bored in such a wonderful aquarium. Guys, you guys did a very good job, answered questions correctly, helped the goldfish make friends.

11. Summary.

Guys, let's tell Kapitoshka again, where do the droplet sisters live with us?

What do we need water for?

How should you conserve water?

I know that some guys have learned poems for our meeting today. And now they will tell them to us and to Kapitoshka.

Have you heard of water?

They say she is everywhere!

In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean

And at the faucet.

We can't wash our face without her

Do not eat, do not get drunk!

I dare to report to you:

We cannot live without water!

You will find her in the pond

And in a damp forest swamp,

Always travels

Our companion is water!

It's boiling on the stove

The kettle's ferry hiss

Dissolves sugar in tea.

We don't notice her

We are used to the fact that water is

Our companion is always!

Guys, Kapitoshka says thank you to everyone for knowing her droplet sisters so well. And it gives us magic drops as a keepsake that will feed us with life-giving power. Just do not forget about the benefits of water and respect for it.

(Each child is given a drop)

Thank you Kapitoshka, and you guys, thank you for your active and interested work in the lesson.

Outcome: preschoolers began to consciously, attentively and more observantly relate to natural wealth - water, which is reflected in their drawings and stories. I believe that in the process of solving the problems of educational activity, I was able to cultivate the ability to love, value and rationally use natural wealth.

Used Books:

1. Gorbatenko O.F. "The system of ecological education in preschool educational institutions" Publishing house "Teacher" p. 199

2. Denisenkova N. "Your child learns the world" - №2, 2000

3. Nikolaeva S. "Formation of the beginnings of the ecological culture of younger preschool age" Preschool education No. 8, 1999




"Physical education"


"Artistic creation"




GCD for ecology in the middle group

Travel to the forest.

Educational areas: "Health", "Artistic creation", "Socialization", "Cognition", "Communication", "Safety", "Physical culture", "Labor", "Music".

Targets and goals:


To activate mental activity, through solving riddles and solving a problem situation;

To expand children's ideas about the forest - to give the initial realistic knowledge that different animals live in the forest (wolf, hare, bear); they can all live in the forest because they find food there; to teach to distinguish between these animals according to the peculiarities of their appearance.


To form the ability to observe certain elements of the norms and rules of behavior in the process of direct - educational activities

Foster friendly relationships with peers in joint activities;

To foster love for the native land, the animals of the forest;


Enrich and activate the vocabulary of children (brown bear, fangs).

"Physical education"

Enrich the motor experience of children

Develop fine motor skills of the hands


To form the ability to transfer the rules of safe behavior into the game with the participation of an adult

"Artistic creation"

Consolidate knowledge about the beauty of the forest;

Help to see the beauty of nature;


Form a healthy lifestyle habit


Form a primary understanding of adult labor;

"Reading fiction"

Introduce cognitive literature through reading encyclopedias, natural history literature;


Introduce to hearing the sounds of the forest.

Equipment: video footage, computer, basin with water, fat, towels.

Preliminary work: reading natural history literature, examining illustrations about animals, conversation.

GCD move:

Educator: Children today you will have a wonderful trip to the forest.

Do you like animals?

Yes, guys, the forest is our wealth and the animal world of the forest is very diverse (there is a knock on the door).

Guys, it seems to us that guests are coming (Little Red Riding Hood comes in with a laptop)

Little Red Riding Hood : Hello guys. I found out. That you know a lot about the forest. And I wanted you to share your knowledge with me, because I live in a fairy forest, and I don't know anything about a real forest.

Do you agree?

Children: Yes

Educate eh: But to go to the forest, you need to say magic words (close their eyes).

Circle magic circle

Find yourself in the forest as soon as possible.

We open our eyes. (Music plays)

Educator: Here are the children, we are with you and in the forest. How beautiful it is here. There are many different trees in the forest. Which ones?

Children list

Educator: And what grows under them? (mushrooms, berries, grass).

The forest is quiet and dark, because the trees are tall, the sun is not visible, you can get lost.

Educator: Every forest has more than just trees and other plants.

Who else do you think lives in the forest?

Children: animals, birds, insects. What animals.

Little Red Riding Hood : And a wolf lives in my fairy forest. They are large, strong animals with large and sharp teeth (fangs). Wolves live in the wilderness and hunt what kind of animals.

How many knows? (hares, ducks)

Guys guess the riddle

"This animal has a white coat in winter and gray in autumn."

Who is this? hare (hare photo)

Now I'm going to tell you guys about the hare. Look here he is, what a hare. What color is his coat (white). He had already prepared for winter and changed it.

What are the ears of a hare? (long)

What tail? (short)

What the hare eats (grass, bark). Who is the bunny afraid of (wolf)

Physical minute.

The game "Hares and the wolf".

Educator : children, guess the riddle.

"Lives in the forest, and sleeps in a den in winter" (bear) photo

Tell me how big is our bear (big)

And what color is his fur coat (brown). Let's take a look at the screen. The brown bear is a huge strong animal; if it rises on its hind legs, it will be much taller than a person.

What does a brown bear eat (fish, grass)

Guys, why do you think the bear does not freeze? (They have warm, furry skins and a thick layer of fat under their skin)

They love to swim in icy water and do not freeze. Let's find it out with you with through experience.

Release your hands into the water. How cold the water is. Take it out immediately and shake it. What a hand (wet). We wipe our hands dry and grease. Release your hands into the water. Take them out and shake them. What dry hands. That is why the bear does not freeze, because it is protected by a thick layer of subcutaneous fat.

Educator : Little Red Riding Hood and guys, you are convinced that the real forest is full of different animals. They know how to get their own food. And small children should not go to the forest alone - it is dangerous. Well, guys, our journey through the forest is over. We spin the magic ring and say magic words

Magic circle spin

Show yourself a kindergarten.


Did you like the forest ?? What animals of the forest did we meet

Little Red Riding Hood:Thank you guys, it's time for me to go to my fairy tale. I want to give you keepsake gifts (balloons). Goodbye.

Abstract of GCD on environmental education in the middle group

« Ordinal count up to 5 "

Female students

31 groups

Specialty Preschool education

Bazaeva Ksenia Dmitrievna

Date: 05/31/2016

Grade: _______


Theme: "Visit Doll Katya»

Integration of educational areas:

"Cognitive development", "Social and communicative development", "Speech development", "Physical development".


    consolidation of knowledge about animals, plants, insects;

    education of correct behavior in the forest;

    development of the foundations of ecological culture.

    generalization of knowledge about nature, the formation of ecological culture, the formation of a consciously correct attitude towards nature in all its diversity, attitude towards oneself as a part of nature.

Methods and techniques :

Verbal: guessing riddles, conversation, logical questions.

Practical: D / I "Name the baby animals", "Guess the riddles", "Name the flower"

Visual: Pictures with a forest, a clearing, and with speech, toys

Materials and equipment:

Picture: Forest, clearing with camomiles, stream. Toys: Doll Katya, Misha, hare, fox

The logic of educational activities

Greetings to each other

There is a knock.

I wonder who it is? I'll take a look, and you just wait here.

Guys, this is a letter!

Let's open it and read what it says.the teacher opens the envelope

Hello children! Please help the girl Katya, who is in trouble, in the magic forest.

It says here that the girl is in trouble, will the guys help the girl?

Then we go with you to the magical forest!

Who knows how to behave in the forest?

Right! Children, the tale begins, close our eyes(music, and we go to the magic forest. (A picture of the forest is displayed on the board). We open our eyes. Here we are in the magic forest.

Where can we find the Girl Katya? Maybe some of the forest dwellers can help us? What animals live in the forest?

(The teacher at this time takes a bear out of the easel)

Here comes the bear!

Misha says: - Hello, children!

Bear, tell us, please, where can we find the girl Katya? We were told that she was in trouble in your magic forest

Mishka: - I'll tell you, but only after you complete my task.

Of course we can. Really, children?

Bear: - Then play a game with me"Name the baby animal."

Educator: Of course, we will play, we really love to play.

(The teacher approaches the table with pictures of animals, shows them one by one to the children)

Bear: - Wolf!

Bear: - Hare!

Bear: - Fox!

Bear: - Bear!

Bear: - Well done, kids. Completed my task(At this time, the teacher, together with Mishka, walks behind the tree where she took Mishka and during this Mishka speaks) I'll tell you where the girl Katya is. Look for her in a clearing with daisies.

Well then, kids. We need to go to a clearing with daisies. We sit on the chairs. We close our eyes.(Music. At this time, the teacher puts a picture with a clearing on the board and takes a bunny doll.) We leave for the clearing.

We open our eyes. Here we are in a clearing with daisies. And here in the clearing lives a bunny.

Bunny: - Hello, children!

Bunny: - I'll help you. But first I ask for your help: while I was sleeping, mischievous squirrels scattered my vegetables and fruits and everything got mixed up. Now I don't know where the vegetables are and where the fruits are. Spread them out for me separately.(The teacher puts a bag of fruits and vegetables and 2 baskets on the table)

Children who will help the bunny to put vegetables and fruits in different baskets. (The teacher calls the one who raised his hand. The child spreads it out.)

Well done. We helped Bunny. Now let's show the bunny how we can do exercises.


The bunny jumps over the bushes,

Through the swamp and over bumps.

The squirrel is jumping on the branches

The mushroom carries baby squirrels.

A clubfoot bear walks

He has crooked paws.

No paths, no paths

A prickly hedgehog is rolling

Children, the bunny told us that the girl Katya is behind the stream. And to get there, we close our eyes again. (Music. At this time, the teacher puts a picture with a clearing and a stream and takes a fox doll.)

Children, look who meets us here?

Fox! We came to look for the girl Katya. Have you seen her?

Yes, I know where she is. Behind that tree. But I won’t let you go there if you don’t guess my riddles.

Let's guess, kids?

Make a guess, Fox! (The teacher takes pictures with insect answers)


He is not a beast or a bird, but a sharp nose, like a knitting needle. It squeaks disgustingly while it flies to you. But one has only to sit down, as will immediately be silent. And if anyone kills him, he will surely shed his blood. (MOSQUITO)

Someone's tiny feet ran along the path. He carries, look, a load, three times heavier. And I do not see at all under this load…. (ANT)

And this insect is certainly familiar to everyone. He is wearing a polka-dot dress, crawling forward, not backing away. This baby walks fearlessly on the palm of your hand. Then it will take off so dexterously ... (LADYBUG)

While I am lying, I don’t buzz, while I’m walking, I don’t buzz. But then I’ll get pressed, while I’m spinning in the air! I am not a bee or a spider, all children know that I am…. (BUG)

Well done, kids. Now count to five and the girl will appear.

Children: - One, two, three, four, five!

Educator: - Well done, kids, we found a girl.

But she cries and tells me that her grandmother's birthday is today. She wanted to give her a bouquet of flowers. But the girl was very frightened by the wolf, and she forgot the names of all the flowers. Katya will not be able to pick them if she does not name all the flowers correctly. Who will help the girl name the flowers?

(The teacher approaches the daisy, picks it up)

Educator: - Children, what is the name of this flower?

Children: - Chamomile!

(The teacher takes a cornflower)

Educator: - What is the name of this flower?

Children: - Cornflower!

(The teacher takes the poppy)

Educator: - What is the name of this flower?

Children: - Mac!

Educator: - Have we got a beautiful bouquet?

Educator: - What are you good fellows, children! We did a good deed: now the girl Katya remembered the names of all wild and forest flowers, and she will go to her grandmother's birthday.

Who helped us to meet Katya today?

Children: - Bear, hare, fox.

Educator: - Did you like our trip?

Educator: - In memory of our journey, children, I want to give you gifts.


The children wondered what the letter was.

They listen to the teacher and agree to help the girl Katya

Do not make noise, do not litter, do not pick or trample flowers, do not frighten animals and birds, do not destroy anthills.

Fox, wolf, hare, bear.

Say hello to the bear


Children: - Wolf cubs!

Children: - Hares!

Children: - Fox cubs!

Children: - Cubs!

Children close their eyes and listen to music.

Hello bunny!

Children help the bunny

They jump on two legs, making "ears" from the palms.

They jump with their arms bent in front of the chest.

They waddle.

They move in a semi-squat, making round backs.


Children guess riddles

Children help the girl to remember the names of flowers

Children answer the teacher's questions

Creating motivation in the lesson

Interest in the surrounding nature

Education of correct behavior in the forest

consolidation of knowledge about animals

Consolidation of knowledge about fruits and vegetables

Physical activity of children

Consolidation of knowledge about insects

Consolidation of knowledge about colors

Direct educational activities for children 4-5 years old
on ecology "Wizard water".

Type of direct educational activity: integrated.

Integrated areas: "Social and communicative", "Cognitive", "Speech".

GCD form: group.

Activities: social and communicative, cognitive and research, play.

Software content:
To enrich the child's ideas about water, its properties:
water is a clear liquid, odorless and tasteless.
Continue to develop interest and ability to listen and understand
ecological fairy tales.
Build skills: careful attitude to water,
understanding the water cycle in nature.
· To activate the children's dictionary: cold, warm, hot, transparent.

Preliminary work:
1. Monitoring the state of water in summer, autumn, winter, spring - comparison.

2. Chatting with children:
a) "What is water for?"
b) "What is water like?"
c) “Water is our wealth! Water must be protected! "

3. Reading works about water:
E. Moshnovskaya - "River".
S. Zhupanin - "Jump, but a jump."
O. Grigoriev - "What rain?"
T. Moshnin - "Drop".

4. Children's drawings: "It is raining", "Merry clouds", "Different rains".

5. Examining illustrations about water

6. Experiments with water:
a) Water is hot, cold, warm. b) Steam is also water.

Materials for the lesson:
1. D / and "What is water for?"
2. D / and "A droplet walks in a circle."
3. Easel.
4. Caps of droplets, mom is a cloud.
5. Sad droplets, flannelograph.
6. For experiments: a table, glasses of water, milk, 2 spoons,
cocktail straws, juice.
7. "Recording rain droplets" - tape recorder.

Relationship with family:
Helping parents to make cards for games.

Communication with specialists:
providing background music in the implementation of the activities of the GCD.
The course of direct educational activities:
1. Guys, what time of year is it?
Spring! (children)
Right! Spring greets us with warm winds and torrential rains. Look who came to visit us!
(draws children's attention to droplets)
Droplets came off the cloud and flew into our kindergarten.
Take it "drop by drop".
- Oh, guys, look, what are they?
- Sad (children)
- Do you know why?
(the teacher makes the children sit down and tells an ecological fairy tale).

2. "Once upon a time there was a mother - a cloud." And she had many daughters - droplets. All of them
lived together and never quarreled. But, one day, a few drops
decided to play pranks, ran away from mom - Clouds and got lost. Sad
they became one without a mother and sisters.
- Let us help them!
(the teacher draws the attention of the children to the flannelgraph, where
mom is a cloud. Children put their droplets on the flannelgraph.
The face of Mama-Clouds is smiling.
-Look, mom - Tuchka was delighted with the return of her children,
smiled! She became big and heavy. Probably will go soon
rain. Raindrops recording.

3. Physical education.
Rain dripped on the palm, children raise their hands up
Children put their hands down on the flowers and on the path
Pours, pours, oh-oh-oh, knocking hands on the knees
Let's run home soon run on the spot
The rain will get tired, stop, clap your hands
From behind the clouds, the sun will look, raise their hands up
It gets dry, and they clap their hands again
We will walk in the kindergarten. walking in place.

4. The teacher draws the children's attention to the table.

Experience No. 1 - "The water is clear!"
Target: To give children an idea of ​​the transparency of water.
(They put two glasses in front of the children: one with water, the other with milk. Teaspoons were put in both glasses.)
- In which of the cups is the spoon visible?
- Why?
- Before us is milk and water. In a glass of water we see a spoon
but not in a glass of milk.
Output: The water is clear, but the milk is not.

Experiment No. 2 - "The water has no smell."
Target: To give an idea of ​​the property of water - odorless.
(children sniff water).
Guys, does water smell?
(children sniff the water and make sure the water is odorless)
Output: The water has no smell.

Experience No. 3 - "Water has no taste."
Target: To give an idea of ​​the property of water - lack of taste.
(Children taste water through a straw. Then tea. Compare,
Output: Water has no taste.

5. Then the teacher smoothly proceeds to the game "A droplet walks in a circle".
Sitting on the carpet, the children draw up a diagram of the water cycle in nature using cards.

Problematic situation:
The teacher removes the card with the image of the sun.
What happens if the sun disappears?
(the droplet will not go up).
Sets the sun, removes the cloud.
And if the clouds disappear?
(the droplet cannot fall down).

Output: The droplet ALWAYS goes up and down in a circle.
In nature, everything is interconnected, one without the other
cannot exist.
6. What a sorceress water is!
- Guys! What do we need water for?
(Conducted d / and "What is water for?"
- Well done boys!
- We cannot live without water! We really need her!
7. The teacher draws the attention of children to droplet crowns.
An outdoor game "We are droplets" is being held.
Children receive paper crowns with droplet designs.
The teacher has a crown - Cloud. She is a mother - a cloud, and children are her drop children. Droplets surround the Cloud, lead a round dance around it. Then the cloud lets the droplets go for a walk on the ground, water the plants and come back. Children scatter to the sides, "water", then get together and run to their mother Tuchka. The children are circling and one by one they return to the Cloud.
These are the funny droplets we visited.
Today we have learned a lot about water and its properties.
And they realized that water must be protected! We really need her!
Therefore, water is called a sorceress!

1. "Sorceress water" - N.А. Ryzhova
2. "Ecological education of preschoolers" - NS Golitsin
3. “We bring up love for nature from childhood” - S.N. Nikolaeva
4. "Environmental games in the upbringing of preschoolers" - N.А. Ryzhova
5. "Education of ecological culture in preschool age"
- S.N. Nikolaeva

Title: Synopsis of GCD in the middle group on ecology "Water magician"

Position: educator of the first category
Place of work: MOU kindergarten No. 295
Location: the city of Volgograd, Krasnoarmeisky district